E-Mail Settings -- How Do I leave messages on server? - HD2 General

My TP2 e-mail settings allow me to leave the message on the server (POP3) when I delete them from the phone. However, my HD2 doesn't have such a setting as far as I can see. Anyone know how to do this? I also posted this question in the T-Mo support forum, but haven't heard anything.... This is very important to me, and if indeed there is no such setting on the HD2, I will return the phone.

This is for pop3 or imap but don't know how it is for exhange server etc.
then select the account you want to "edit"
then select edit account setup>next>next>next>next>next
how ever many "next" it takes to get to Automatic Send/Receive and on bottom of the screen is "Advanced Settings"
that is where the option you are looking for is.
That is how it is on my phone anyway.
Good luck

I posted this yesterday for you on the T-Mo site:
Start key> Email>Menu>Options> select email account >Edit Account Setup>click Next 5 times, then Advanced Settings. The next screen will let you select whether to delete them from the server or move them to server trash. I have all of my email accounts set to delete them from server and when I delete emails, I do a Send/Receiver and have had no problems with my emails deleting. If I have it set to move to server trash, it leaves them on the server.

you can skip about 5 button presses by just selecting send/receive schedule rather than Edit Account Setup. From Send/Receive menu select Advanced Settings and you just arrived at the same point.

True, but I thought perhaps there were other options that the poster might also want to change or review. But your way is the most direct.


VERY annoying email bug(s)

I have set up my own personal email account in the HD2 - not outlook, just a standard personal email.
Configured all well and good; works fine except for the very poor implementation by HTC which gives the user absolutely no audio / visual conformation that your messages have actually been sent successfully....?!
However, I have it set to retrieve new emails from my server every 15 minutes, but it does this so erratically that I can't trust it. Today I was wondering why no email had come through by 1pm, so I manually pressed 'send and receive' and 8 important emails came through from 8.40am!
So I decided to check the mail settings (again) to make sure it wasn't just me being dense. That's when I discovered an even more annoying bug -
Every time I access my POP3 email account's settings the HTC automatically changes my incoming mail account user name from whatever I saved last time, to just the first 3 letters of the user name.
ie I put in a user name of [email protected] and the next time I view the settings there's only HTC in the username box.
It gets worse still, everytime I also check the outgoing server details, at the same time it also defaults the 'outgoing (SMTP) mail server' to 'use the same username and password for sending email' IN-SPITE of the fact that I have now set this up 15 times and saved it with a different user name and password!! AGHHH!
So, it's very unreliable in retrieving emails (over wifi or 3G or GPRS) and the email account settings need re-setting up every time I access the account settings to check why they are not working...again.
I am very quickly losing faith in this bit of tech, this is my second HD2 handset and it's freezing and crashing more in a few days that my old 3G did in a year. So frustrating!
Does anyone have any idea what's up with the email issue?
Yep, I've seen the first problem you have, where part of the username (more specifically, everything from the ampersand onwards) are truncated. This, and presumably the other problems, seem to be down to the HTC email configuration program trying to be too clever. If you go to Pocket Outlook, by tapping on Inbox when you're on the email Sense tab, then go to Menu -> Tools -> Options, and set your accounts up there, they stick. Annoying bug, but circumventable reasonably painlessly.
ianjd said:
If you go to Pocket Outlook, by tapping on Inbox when you're on the email Sense tab, then go to Menu -> Tools -> Options, and set your accounts up there, they stick. Annoying bug, but circumventable reasonably painlessly.
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I have no Tools in Menu of the Inbox
I only got the account setup when in the sense tab and there i only get to the htc account settings. So how to I get to the outlook settings?
I also had this problem with it not automatically syncing my hotmail account as specified.
The newer 148 ROM seems to address this BUT introduces a number of irratating bugs along with it - depends if you can live with them or not....
KaNarlist said:
I have no Tools in Menu of the Inbox
I only got the account setup when in the sense tab and there i only get to the htc account settings. So how to I get to the outlook settings?
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try this
press start > email ..that will take you to winmo default ..add account there
this worked for me
Did you change peak time settings as well?
KaNarlist said:
I have no Tools in Menu of the Inbox
I only got the account setup when in the sense tab and there i only get to the htc account settings. So how to I get to the outlook settings?
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Did you scroll the menu up? Tools is in the list but not visible at first.

Problem!! Email deleted on server side after using HD2 to check POP mail

Can someone tell me how to prevent email from deleting on server side when using HD2 to check POP email account?
i remmember there is a option to not delete email on server side, but i can't find it now in HD2...
Well . . .
Try the following:
Start->E-Mail->Select the account you want->Menu->options->
Click the account->Edit account Setup->5X<Next>->Advanced Settings->
When deletting messages - Select "Keep them on the server"
(I have not tested it, so it would be nice to know if it actually works as expected )
you only can change that using the email icon of Windows Mobile (tap start button left upper corner of the home screen and then tap email). Choose your account, tap menu (right lower corner of the screen), tap extra (scroll through the menu) - tap options - tap your account again - tap send/receive options - tap advanced (lower side of the screen) - and there you will be able to choose to keep messages on the server instead of removing them.
Edit: sorry Som3One, did not see your post! Directions to do it are the same IMHO
Som30ne said:
Try the following:
Start->E-Mail->Select the account you want->Menu->options->
Click the account->Edit account Setup->5X<Next>->Advanced Settings->
When deletting messages - Select "Keep them on the server"
(I have not tested it, so it would be nice to know if it actually works as expected )
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I know this is an old (ish) thread but I have been trying to get to the bottom of this problem since I got my HD2 in February.
The instructions above are perfect EXCEPT that the drop-down option "Keep them on the server" does not exist on my phone.
Anyone got any ideas?
I wonder if there is part of the registry that deals with these settings?
The HD2 does NEVER delete POP e-mails after checking them, only after deleting them manually on the phone, and only if the above option is set for it.
If the e-mails disappear after you checked them once with your HD2, it's the server doing it, and it's the server configuration you need to check. For example Gmail archives mail automatically by default once they're retrieved via POP, so they're not in the inbox anymore and "disappear" on the next check. But that can be turned off.
Thanks for the reply.
The option to "Keep them on the server" does not appear in the drop down on my hd2. I get "delete them off the server" and "move them to server trash". so one answer is not to delete anything and simply alter the number of messages I am viewing.
I would appreciate having the option "leave them on the server" if anyone can work out how to do this, that would be great.
I wonder if the newer hd2s have fewer mail configuration options for e.g. Safeboxextender doesn't work on my phone whereas other users report this working.
Any help appreciated.
Remember that option only affects mail that you manually delete on the HD2, as theoretically the mail you'd delete would be spam or such, so having those deleted on server side is a plus. But simply don't delete any and you're fine.
ok, thanks Kilrah
I agree this is the only option at the moment.
Thanks for your time
on PC??
I found that "do not delete from server" can be ticked on my laptop (the one I synch my HD2 to...) in Outlook setup and that solves the problem posted by OP. So if OP uses Outlook, it should be that simple. Other email clients, I dunno...
piattj said:
I found that "do not delete from server" can be ticked on my laptop (the one I synch my HD2 to...) in Outlook setup and that solves the problem posted by OP. So if OP uses Outlook, it should be that simple. Other email clients, I dunno...
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Are you syncing to Exchange or Outlook? If you Exchange sync, your outlook is making an "Exchange Connection" when you create the account. Otherwise, your outlook is making a POP3 connection. I think your "do not delete from server" implies that you are syncing HD2 to Outlook and Outlook is making a POP3 connection. That's why you need to stop Outlook from deleting the mails on the server.
Maybe I'm way off base, but I thought that this was normal behavior for pop clients... no way to use IMAP instead?
Perfect solution to the problem I was having as well. Thank you!!

How to set up Hotmail within email prog

Well, most people post a query, and get an answer. However, i have spent hours trying to work this one out, so for a change i will give the answer first!!
When you try to add a hotmail account in the email app, you may get as far as entering your email address, and then it says something like "settings found for hotmail", and then it just opens the browser and sends you to the windows live site. Sound familiar? Well it's annoyed me for hours, so here's how i got round it!
Goto add account, then enter your hotmail address when it asks, but misspell the hotmail part, ie: @hotmai.com, or @liv.co.uk or whatever. This fools it, and you can set it up manually, thus:
pop server: pop3.live.com
smtp server: smtp.live.com
When done, you still need to change another setting or two, so from the main mail window in Sense, tap 'inbox' (this brings up the classic WM inbox), then tap menu > tools > options, tap the account you just made, then tap edit account setup. First your misspelt address comes up, so here's where you correct that. Then press next, and adjust your display name if needed, then press next again, the pop address should be ok, so press next once again, then username comes up - make sure it's your FULL address, ie with the @live.com or whatever after it. Press next again, the smtp address will come up, which should be correct. Now, tap on 'advanced server settings', and make sure both of the SSL boxes are ticked. Press done, next, next, finish. That's it! Now you should be able to collect your mail like any other account. Hope this helps!
It is the epitome of STUPID that a Microsoft Windows Mobile based phone needs such gymnastics to use a simple Microsoft Hotmail account, isn't it?
(I'll try this later, thanks.)
It worked for me too! Thanks. I really wanted to consolidate my accounts in this way, and I had not figured out how to make it work.
Well it's crazy, how can two MS products not integrate and work seamlessly together, it's so sad!
works great thanks for the help, just seems silly that for a windows phone its so difficult
hotmail & HD2
Funnily enough, I had no problems at all connecting to a hotmail account. I entered my account details, it downloaded live (maybe that's its) and away i went. It deals with hotmail the same as my exchange email (through activesync) and my gmail account.
just my 2p worth...
this could be nice! is it possible this way to get real push mail? i heard that with live it was pull mail..
You only need this method if you want to use more than 1 hotmail account. You should always use live for your first hotmail account as that is push email (not pull, as suggested above).
Also, this is in the hints and tips thread which is stickied in the forum, and has been there for months. That thread is vital reading for anyone that doesn't want to clog up the fourm with duplicated information (and not for the first time!)

Help: deleting mail while keeping it on the server

Hi! I have the following problem ( not directly HD2 related):
I've configured my hd2 to retrieve my mail from my yahoo account each hour ( don't really need push services) and it works flawlessly. The only problem is that when I delete a mail on the phone, it also syncs with the server and the mail gets deleted there too. I'd like to have the option of deleting it only on the phone, and keeping it on the server, is that possible?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, go to mail, enter the inbox.
menu - scroll to tools - options select account
then send/receivce schedula
advanced settings
"when deleting messages:" and change to the appropriate option
Thanks a lot, can't believe I didn't see the "Tools" menu (t'was because I didn't scroll down ).
Wait, I don't see an advanced settings tab at all...
i also would like to know how to do this.....
i use Hotmail for my email..... I have the account set up and working on my phone, but there is no Advanced settings tab available, to select "deleting messages" options ???
is this just not possible to keep messages on the server, using free online email accounts such as Hotmail, Yahoo, gMail ???
PS: I have no idea what these things mean, but I have heard the terms before regarding email account.... is it something to do with being a POP or IMAP account ???

Problems configuring IMAP/POP on Windows Mobile 6.5

Hi. When trying to configure Gmail on my WM 6.5 device, it automatically chooses the IMAP mode which leaves me only with the options:
=> Once the messages deleted from the phone:
1 - Delete them from the server
2 - Put them in server's bin
(3 - Keep them in the Inbox doesn't exist).
I actually don't want any action to take place (once some messages deleted), cause it doesnt mean if a message is too heavy or unneeded to keep on the phone that i want it to be deleted completely. Thats completely absurd and a major unexpected drawback on WM 6.5. Yet, i can't get the option to configure my Gmail as POP, to avoid this problem. In the same time i can configure mailboxes on other servers as POP and get the right options. Those are servers that WM 6.5 doesnt have pre-loaded settings for (meaning all mainstream servers fall under the IMAP rule). I just dont see why for Gmail the system forces you to select IMAP with those restrictive useless options. I tried deactivating IMAP in my mailbox but it doesn't change anything. Im sick of that.
What the issue is here about? Is there any patch for this problem which i consider to be really serious?
Thank you.
To bypass Windows Mobile's bullheaded insistance on choosing Imap for gmail, yahoo, etc email accounts:
When you do Menu-->Tools-->"New Account" DO NOT enter a gmail or yahoo email address on the first E-mail Setup page. Just use [email protected] for the address, enter your real password, hit next.
Next screen has "Try to get e-mail settings automatically from the internet". This is what you are looking for. Uncheck the box and hit next.
Choose "Custom Domain" for your e-mail provider. Hit next.
Enter foobar (or anything actually) for E-mail Provider Domain. Hit next.
Now you can fix things up and enter relevant data on following screens. It will let you set your incoming and outgoing servers and choose pop or imap. Just make sure to correct any entries where it used the earlier bogus data you fed it to fill things in (like the user name)
Be sure to fill in "Display name" exactly the way you want it to appear in pocket outlook - it CAN NOT be changed after you create the new account. If you mess that up you have to start over from scratch, and any emails already downloaded in that account will be deleted from the device.
Works on HTC Tilt2 (AT&T) w/ stock WM6.5

