htc touch elf aling screen loop (checked the Roll Up) - Touch GSM General

I follow each and everystep to the t. Somehow tho i cant set my aligment. I tried flashing other roms with same result. Was wondering if anyone know how to fix it? Also worst case scenario i have to reflash my backup. Is everything going to work fine?
i checked the Roll Up no info on my particular problem, and if there is please point it out.
ipl. 2.27.0002
spl hardspl 3.10
rom onyx 6 release 10
cant aling my screen, if anyone know how to fix this please sent me a pm with instructions link or anything, yesterday i flashed original wich also gave me the same issue, i have no idea what im doing wrong, im new to this phone.

have you tried msp remote alignement?

no luck with msp, i read thats possible to edit the registry key remotely, i was wondering if someone could supply me with theirs, and i could jus pop in remotely and change it!

I posted mine in another thread, I'll see if I can find them, or you can in the mean time as time as I won't be able too until the morning.
Sent from my HTC Hero

Found my old post
Mine is a p3450... but I hope this can be useful.
I have...
1947,1874 3188,3261 3187, 541 642, 515 641, 3259.
Sent from my HTC Hero

try the rom by Jerpelea... it skips the scree alignment... then you can figure out if its a screen issue or not

I think it's a low-memory issue Hard-reset your device and install ROM again, I hope it will fix it.
tell me when you've done that and tell me if it worked or didn't worked

Thanks a million on my way home to try it out right now. Will update if problem fix

thanks you guys rule, its working!

samcripp said:
thanks you guys rule, its working!
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Out of curiosity, what part was it that got it working for you?

well without the numbers it would have been impossible, im working now on a good guide!

HTC Touch Align Screen Looping
Recently my phone hanged and did not come back, so I did hard reset, as part of the process it opened up "Align Screen", even after aligning 4 corners I keep getting the same "Align Screen" and never allows me to proceed to next step. Is my digitizer/touch gone ?
Has any one faced similar problem?
~Karthikeyan Sw.


T-mobile Ameo Black Screen after unlock

Hi Guys
I've been reading this forum for two days now, and still haven't found the answer to my solution.
I used Olipros unlocker on Saturday, but after step 1 the screen went black and it wont reboot.
I can get into bootloader (by pressing the camera button and the reset pin at the same time), but I can't install the OS from Activesync as the PC can't see the ameo.
I can also get to factory reset (by pressing the volume slider down and powering up), but I haven't done anything in there.
The bootloader shows Olipro SPL 1.2
At the same time as getting this sorted I thought I'd upgrade to WM6 from the posts that are here, but I can't find at all, how to get the ROM onto the ameo without Activesync seeing it.
Can someone point me in the right direction please?
Thanks for any help in advance.
i have had the same problem.
i solve doing this :
1rst enter in bootloader mode ( Reset + camera button )
plug your USB cable
and flash WM5 or WM6 rom with flash utility
utilies doesn't trcognize your current rom etc but donc care about
then after flash 100% my athena (HTC advantage boot up normaly again)
i hope my experience help you
Hi, thanks for your advice:
Here's what I'm doing:
Bootloader (Camera and reset hole)
Bootloader shows ATHE100
SPL-v1.20. Olipro
I'm then running mtty tool and can get a connection with:
I type Task 32 and it states Level=0
do I then use the lnbs command?
I'm sorry, I dont see what to do now
You state to upgrade ROM with flash utility, but whats the flash utility?
Is it Mtty?
Or another tool that I haven't got yet?
I have downloaded the ROM update tools, and within the rar files there are apps like, enterbootloader, ruugetinfo, rapitool, etc, but they wont run, they say that they aren't a valid win32 application
Sorry, I know my phones not knackered, just don't know how to get out of it.
run ROMUpdateutility.exe provided with WM5 rom update or WM6 rom update (if you don't have look at XDA ftps ...)
Thank you so much for your help, got WM6 running on it now, everything's v good.
i'm happy you ameo up and alive
seosamh1973 said:
Hi Guys
I've been reading this forum for two days now, and still haven't found the answer to my solution.
I used Olipros unlocker on Saturday, but after step 1 the screen went black and it wont reboot.
I can get into bootloader (by pressing the camera button and the reset pin at the same time), but I can't install the OS from Activesync as the PC can't see the ameo.
I can also get to factory reset (by pressing the volume slider down and powering up), but I haven't done anything in there.
The bootloader shows Olipro SPL 1.2
At the same time as getting this sorted I thought I'd upgrade to WM6 from the posts that are here, but I can't find at all, how to get the ROM onto the ameo without Activesync seeing it.
Can someone point me in the right direction please?
Thanks for any help in advance.
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Just out of curiosity, did you take your storage card out before you began the unlock?
not for me : no SD card , only microdrive
Nope, didn't realise I had to....
Is that the common factor in it failing?
seosamh1973 said:
Nope, didn't realise I had to....
Is that the common factor in it failing?
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I don't think so, I don't have a memory card on my Ameo and had the same problem.. And when I told the Olipro **** that I got the black screen AND his SPL was flashed successfully, he kinda went frenzy about "IT IS NOT MY FAULT, IT IS YOURS! YOU ARE STUPID, I AM GOD!".. Nice support, huh?
Donate the mofo!
yes nice support indeed
TryOG said:
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I suggest people read the forum thread, I've been aware of the problem since day one after xmen's pda reset itself while running an unpatched SPL.
clearly you're a moron, or your english is ****, possibly both.
Olipro said:
I suggest people read the forum thread, I've been aware of the problem since day one after xmen's pda reset itself while running an unpatched SPL.
clearly you're a moron, or your english is ****, possibly both.
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This guy refers to you...
Pantaloonie said:
I'm glad i'm not the only one who feels that way.
The man is obnoxious, arrogant and rude.
But hey - it's a public forum, he can say whatever he wants - as can I.
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Just don't flame "stupid" people. And if someone asks for help: ignore, say that you won't help them or help them properly (without flaming).
And another thing.
You look *smart* and *cool* when you flame other people when they get problems and ask for help!!! (not)
OK... there's nothing I can do about it, if it black screens, please go and flash a ROM with an OS on it.
until I get hold of a new SPL, I do apologise for this unknown bug, but again, as I said, it's an intrinsic problem of 1.10.
Flash a ROM if it happens to you and it'll be fine. your device will NOT be bricked.
Olipro said:
OK... there's nothing I can do about it, if it black screens, please go and flash a ROM with an OS on it.
until I get hold of a new SPL, I do apologise for this unknown bug, but again, as I said, it's an intrinsic problem of 1.10.
Flash a ROM if it happens to you and it'll be fine. your device will NOT be bricked.
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Thank you for this friendly answer... (I mean it)
Olipro said:
OK... there's nothing I can do about it, if it black screens, please go and flash a ROM with an OS on it.
until I get hold of a new SPL, I do apologise for this unknown bug, but again, as I said, it's an intrinsic problem of 1.10.
Flash a ROM if it happens to you and it'll be fine. your device will NOT be bricked.
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Better,,, and sorta friendly.
What do you think about this little gem:
Pissed off == no reply @ the forums.
Cooled down == yeah, ok I can reply.
But then again, what do I know, eh?
Some people PAID you to hack/crack/mangle/otherwise play around with a Athena.
No, I didn't use any of your programs... I have had an unlocked Athena since day one. No, I will wait for the official Dopod release on the 20th (hopefully). If I see any bugs, HELL YES I will query the collective hive mind here.
But please, lay off the "I'm better than you" attitude. It doesn't do any good at all.
Olipro said:
OK... there's nothing I can do about it, if it black screens, please go and flash a ROM with an OS on it.
until I get hold of a new SPL, I do apologise for this unknown bug, but again, as I said, it's an intrinsic problem of 1.10.
Flash a ROM if it happens to you and it'll be fine. your device will NOT be bricked.
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TryOG said:
Thank you for this friendly answer... (I mean it)
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Alright guys! I do believe we can start all over, be nice & make progress! Let's try to enjoy our devices and appreciate each other.
Abram said:
Alright guys! I do believe we can start all over, be nice & make progress! Let's try to enjoy our devices and appreciate each other.
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Yeah, let's bring the '70s back
TryOG said:
Yeah, let's bring the '70s back
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70's ? you're a decade too late there...
fards said:
70's ? you're a decade too late there...
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The 70's songs are less worse...

My Touch HD is borked

Hey all,
I updated my Touch HD to the latest update off the website, but now my screen is green and I get absolytely no reception. Does anyone know whats going on?
I dont want anything fancy. Just a working phone...
also, i will hook someone up $50, via paypal if you can help me fix this ****. Just PM me. Thx.
A resource thread on the latest HTC upgrade ROM.
Many people, myself included had the green screen/sluggish performance problem.
It is solved by:
1) Flashing back to the original ROM
2) Flashing back to the original SPL
3) Using USPL to flash the new update ROM
Details are fully explained in the thread I linked to above. I suggest reading it thoroughly before doing anything.
Hopefully this fixes your problem. Please pop back if you have any problems or you've solved it!
ya, i have just about downloaded every file, read every thread, and have tried everything...i just want my stupid phone to work!!!
wtf is flashing?! i just wanna run a file and have it work!! why is this so difficult?!
skotler said:
ya, i have just about downloaded every file, read every thread, and have tried everything...i just want my stupid phone to work!!!
wtf is flashing?! i just wanna run a file and have it work!! why is this so difficult?!
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Well, you have just flashed your HTC Touch HD with the latest HTC ROM from their website from the sounds of it.
I suggest reading that thread. I would consider myself a Novice at this but it is quite easily explained and will probably take you no longer than 1 hour to read, understand and do.
I just dont understand why HTC would publicly release an update that would **** up your phone?
I dont want to learn how to program this ****, I just want to run an update and have it work...soooo frustrating!!!!!!!
like, if someone can hold my hand and help me with this, I will seriously pay you...
skotler said:
I just dont understand why HTC would publicly release an update that would **** up your phone?
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Its not HTC who "****ed up" your phone, but it was you! You have installed HSPL, which isn't compatible with the latest rom. Its not HTC fault at all.
So, try to get back to the stock spl, then flash the rom again. You shouldn't experience this green screen problem any longer then.
All questions regarding this problem were already answered, so just read through the various threads, take some time, and you will get it.
johnpatcher said:
Its not HTC who "****ed up" your phone, but it was you! You have installed HSPL, which isn't compatible with the latest rom. Its not HTC fault at all.
So, try to get back to the stock spl, then flash the rom again. You shouldn't experience this green screen problem any longer then.
All questions regarding this problem were already answered, so just read through the various threads, take some time, and you will get it.
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this is a complete answer. you just won 50$. hope he is going to send you

Please help!!!!

I've installed the new ROM for the first time on my brand new LEO, everything seemed to go well..then after finishing it it rebooted..and the phone dean't start at all..all I see is a white screen with HTC on it..and that's it..nothing happens then..
I tryed to HARD reset..and it won't work neither..please someone help me..
imauser said:
I've installed the new ROM for the first time on my brand new LEO, everything seemed to go well..then after finishing it it rebooted..and the phone dean't start at all..all I see is a white screen with HTC on it..and that's it..nothing happens then..
I tryed to HARD reset..and it won't work neither..please someone help me..
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You need to flash a radio like the 2.07 or the is in the wiki,and manual in the sticky
thnaks for a fast responce..i seem to find a solution..I've pressed the volume donw while now i am reinstaling another ROM..hope its gonna work..
..cross my fingers..
THNX GOD and tinuz97 for a fast reaction it worked!!
if anyone have the same problem..I'll gladly help
imauser said:
THNX GOD and tinuz97 for a fast reaction it worked!!
if anyone have the same problem..I'll gladly help
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no ta mate, id rather read the instructions first.

Freezed... Formatted, task29, and tried everything but still cannot touch...

hi, my screen is freezed everytime.. i Formatted many times, i've done task 29 and changed a few radio but still its cannot unlock the screen..
A few times it opened but it cannot when i want..
and i couldnt find good radio Flasher..
Can someone tell me about flashers.. I think i need one "***.cfg" file and "customruu.exe" isnt it ??
when i try to flash its says for version is "" something like that. is that right ? or false?
Please HELP !....
There isnt any similar thread on forum... I changed Radio, too ..
Still not work..
is your screens unresponsive?
yes, it never response but it works without problem maybe once a day... or in a few days..
SlyRder83 said:
is your screens unresponsive?
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Your answers are there.
im following that thread..
I hope it works..
But i have to find better solution then change buttons or touch digitizer..
AngelDeath said:
Your answers are there.
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Try to return Official Rom. It may be work.
i had the same problem with my old HD2 it completly became completely unresponsive so i got a new one. try not to ever press the red button!! lol

[Q] my htc hd2 needs to be fixed

my htc hd2 needs to be fixed because i got it flashed from windows to android and now the keys or buttons on the bottom keep flashing! i would like to know how to stop that problem, if anyone could help me with that? thnxs ahead of time to who ever does....
Simply flash back to Windows Mobile. Afterwards, do some reading before putting Android on there.
joelarellano said:
my htc hd2 needs to be fixed because i got it flashed from windows to android and now the keys or buttons on the bottom keep flashing! i would like to know how to stop that problem, if anyone could help me with that? thnxs ahead of time to who ever does....
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try a new android ROM, which one are you using?

