My Touch HD is borked - Touch HD General

Hey all,
I updated my Touch HD to the latest update off the website, but now my screen is green and I get absolytely no reception. Does anyone know whats going on?
I dont want anything fancy. Just a working phone...

also, i will hook someone up $50, via paypal if you can help me fix this ****. Just PM me. Thx.

A resource thread on the latest HTC upgrade ROM.
Many people, myself included had the green screen/sluggish performance problem.
It is solved by:
1) Flashing back to the original ROM
2) Flashing back to the original SPL
3) Using USPL to flash the new update ROM
Details are fully explained in the thread I linked to above. I suggest reading it thoroughly before doing anything.
Hopefully this fixes your problem. Please pop back if you have any problems or you've solved it!

ya, i have just about downloaded every file, read every thread, and have tried everything...i just want my stupid phone to work!!!
wtf is flashing?! i just wanna run a file and have it work!! why is this so difficult?!

skotler said:
ya, i have just about downloaded every file, read every thread, and have tried everything...i just want my stupid phone to work!!!
wtf is flashing?! i just wanna run a file and have it work!! why is this so difficult?!
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Well, you have just flashed your HTC Touch HD with the latest HTC ROM from their website from the sounds of it.
I suggest reading that thread. I would consider myself a Novice at this but it is quite easily explained and will probably take you no longer than 1 hour to read, understand and do.

I just dont understand why HTC would publicly release an update that would **** up your phone?
I dont want to learn how to program this ****, I just want to run an update and have it work...soooo frustrating!!!!!!!

like, if someone can hold my hand and help me with this, I will seriously pay you...

skotler said:
I just dont understand why HTC would publicly release an update that would **** up your phone?
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Its not HTC who "****ed up" your phone, but it was you! You have installed HSPL, which isn't compatible with the latest rom. Its not HTC fault at all.
So, try to get back to the stock spl, then flash the rom again. You shouldn't experience this green screen problem any longer then.
All questions regarding this problem were already answered, so just read through the various threads, take some time, and you will get it.

johnpatcher said:
Its not HTC who "****ed up" your phone, but it was you! You have installed HSPL, which isn't compatible with the latest rom. Its not HTC fault at all.
So, try to get back to the stock spl, then flash the rom again. You shouldn't experience this green screen problem any longer then.
All questions regarding this problem were already answered, so just read through the various threads, take some time, and you will get it.
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this is a complete answer. you just won 50$. hope he is going to send you


T-mobile Ameo Black Screen after unlock

Hi Guys
I've been reading this forum for two days now, and still haven't found the answer to my solution.
I used Olipros unlocker on Saturday, but after step 1 the screen went black and it wont reboot.
I can get into bootloader (by pressing the camera button and the reset pin at the same time), but I can't install the OS from Activesync as the PC can't see the ameo.
I can also get to factory reset (by pressing the volume slider down and powering up), but I haven't done anything in there.
The bootloader shows Olipro SPL 1.2
At the same time as getting this sorted I thought I'd upgrade to WM6 from the posts that are here, but I can't find at all, how to get the ROM onto the ameo without Activesync seeing it.
Can someone point me in the right direction please?
Thanks for any help in advance.
i have had the same problem.
i solve doing this :
1rst enter in bootloader mode ( Reset + camera button )
plug your USB cable
and flash WM5 or WM6 rom with flash utility
utilies doesn't trcognize your current rom etc but donc care about
then after flash 100% my athena (HTC advantage boot up normaly again)
i hope my experience help you
Hi, thanks for your advice:
Here's what I'm doing:
Bootloader (Camera and reset hole)
Bootloader shows ATHE100
SPL-v1.20. Olipro
I'm then running mtty tool and can get a connection with:
I type Task 32 and it states Level=0
do I then use the lnbs command?
I'm sorry, I dont see what to do now
You state to upgrade ROM with flash utility, but whats the flash utility?
Is it Mtty?
Or another tool that I haven't got yet?
I have downloaded the ROM update tools, and within the rar files there are apps like, enterbootloader, ruugetinfo, rapitool, etc, but they wont run, they say that they aren't a valid win32 application
Sorry, I know my phones not knackered, just don't know how to get out of it.
run ROMUpdateutility.exe provided with WM5 rom update or WM6 rom update (if you don't have look at XDA ftps ...)
Thank you so much for your help, got WM6 running on it now, everything's v good.
i'm happy you ameo up and alive
seosamh1973 said:
Hi Guys
I've been reading this forum for two days now, and still haven't found the answer to my solution.
I used Olipros unlocker on Saturday, but after step 1 the screen went black and it wont reboot.
I can get into bootloader (by pressing the camera button and the reset pin at the same time), but I can't install the OS from Activesync as the PC can't see the ameo.
I can also get to factory reset (by pressing the volume slider down and powering up), but I haven't done anything in there.
The bootloader shows Olipro SPL 1.2
At the same time as getting this sorted I thought I'd upgrade to WM6 from the posts that are here, but I can't find at all, how to get the ROM onto the ameo without Activesync seeing it.
Can someone point me in the right direction please?
Thanks for any help in advance.
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Just out of curiosity, did you take your storage card out before you began the unlock?
not for me : no SD card , only microdrive
Nope, didn't realise I had to....
Is that the common factor in it failing?
seosamh1973 said:
Nope, didn't realise I had to....
Is that the common factor in it failing?
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I don't think so, I don't have a memory card on my Ameo and had the same problem.. And when I told the Olipro **** that I got the black screen AND his SPL was flashed successfully, he kinda went frenzy about "IT IS NOT MY FAULT, IT IS YOURS! YOU ARE STUPID, I AM GOD!".. Nice support, huh?
Donate the mofo!
yes nice support indeed
TryOG said:
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I suggest people read the forum thread, I've been aware of the problem since day one after xmen's pda reset itself while running an unpatched SPL.
clearly you're a moron, or your english is ****, possibly both.
Olipro said:
I suggest people read the forum thread, I've been aware of the problem since day one after xmen's pda reset itself while running an unpatched SPL.
clearly you're a moron, or your english is ****, possibly both.
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This guy refers to you...
Pantaloonie said:
I'm glad i'm not the only one who feels that way.
The man is obnoxious, arrogant and rude.
But hey - it's a public forum, he can say whatever he wants - as can I.
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Just don't flame "stupid" people. And if someone asks for help: ignore, say that you won't help them or help them properly (without flaming).
And another thing.
You look *smart* and *cool* when you flame other people when they get problems and ask for help!!! (not)
OK... there's nothing I can do about it, if it black screens, please go and flash a ROM with an OS on it.
until I get hold of a new SPL, I do apologise for this unknown bug, but again, as I said, it's an intrinsic problem of 1.10.
Flash a ROM if it happens to you and it'll be fine. your device will NOT be bricked.
Olipro said:
OK... there's nothing I can do about it, if it black screens, please go and flash a ROM with an OS on it.
until I get hold of a new SPL, I do apologise for this unknown bug, but again, as I said, it's an intrinsic problem of 1.10.
Flash a ROM if it happens to you and it'll be fine. your device will NOT be bricked.
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Thank you for this friendly answer... (I mean it)
Olipro said:
OK... there's nothing I can do about it, if it black screens, please go and flash a ROM with an OS on it.
until I get hold of a new SPL, I do apologise for this unknown bug, but again, as I said, it's an intrinsic problem of 1.10.
Flash a ROM if it happens to you and it'll be fine. your device will NOT be bricked.
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Better,,, and sorta friendly.
What do you think about this little gem:
Pissed off == no reply @ the forums.
Cooled down == yeah, ok I can reply.
But then again, what do I know, eh?
Some people PAID you to hack/crack/mangle/otherwise play around with a Athena.
No, I didn't use any of your programs... I have had an unlocked Athena since day one. No, I will wait for the official Dopod release on the 20th (hopefully). If I see any bugs, HELL YES I will query the collective hive mind here.
But please, lay off the "I'm better than you" attitude. It doesn't do any good at all.
Olipro said:
OK... there's nothing I can do about it, if it black screens, please go and flash a ROM with an OS on it.
until I get hold of a new SPL, I do apologise for this unknown bug, but again, as I said, it's an intrinsic problem of 1.10.
Flash a ROM if it happens to you and it'll be fine. your device will NOT be bricked.
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TryOG said:
Thank you for this friendly answer... (I mean it)
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Alright guys! I do believe we can start all over, be nice & make progress! Let's try to enjoy our devices and appreciate each other.
Abram said:
Alright guys! I do believe we can start all over, be nice & make progress! Let's try to enjoy our devices and appreciate each other.
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Yeah, let's bring the '70s back
TryOG said:
Yeah, let's bring the '70s back
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70's ? you're a decade too late there...
fards said:
70's ? you're a decade too late there...
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The 70's songs are less worse...

HTC HD2 - Changing to Android. Pls Help

I have just purchased a new HTC HD2 on T-Mobile (U.K.) and I am loving it !
I am a total novice and wish to change from Windows 6.5 to the better latest Android OS.
Can anyone please tell me how to do this? I have no idea what I am doing and do not want to do something which may jeopardise the phone (I do know that it does affect the warranty) The only thing I know about 'Flash' it flashing my mobile in public.
I would really like if someone can give me Step by Step instructions via a video so I can see what I am doing.
Any feedback would be really appreciated.
Many thanks
DoctorGore said:
Read this;
Don't rush anything. Make sure you have a good idea about what you're doing and what you can do if things go wrong. If you're unsure about anything just use the search feature first and if you're still iffy about something, ask a question.
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Thanks for the reply. I found these two sites:
Can I use these sites as reference? And if, for anyone reason I wanted to turn back to Windows 6.5, how would I do that?
xda_apprentice said:
Thanks for the reply. I found these two sites:
Can I use these sites as reference? And if, for anyone reason I wanted to turn back to Windows 6.5, how would I do that?
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I think you are making this harder than it needs to be. Just follow the instructions given to you in your previously started thread about the same thing. The link to MSkip gives you detailed instructions on how to install Android on your HD2 and how to revert back to WM6.5 if you so desire.
beergenius said:
I think you are making this harder than it needs to be. Just follow the instructions given to you in your previously started thread about the same thing. The link to MSkip gives you detailed instructions on how to install Android on your HD2 and how to revert back to WM6.5 if you so desire.
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Thanks for the reply. What is the latest version of Android for HTC HD2? The link you gave me, is that the latest version?
Google is your friend. Haven't used it in a while. If you are that unsure of flashing Android to your HD2 just buy an Android powered phone. Sorry to be so brash but just follow the instructions.
beergenius said:
Google is your friend. Haven't used it in a while. If you are that unsure of flashing Android to your HD2 just buy an Android powered phone. Sorry to be so brash but just follow the instructions.
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Still lost
DoctorGore said:
I'll try to explain a bit. First off you've got to install the things that let you install Android in the first place (HSPL, MAGLDR, CWM etc) and after that you install a ROM. A ROM is the thing that will decide what version of Android you phone will have. If you don't like the ROM you have, or if you just want the newest version of Android, all you have to do is change it. You don't have to re-install everything again, just your ROM.
You might have to change your CWM partition size when you choose a new ROM, but the chef (person who made the ROM) will let you know what size you need in the thread. This is also easy and doesn't require you to re-install everything. Don't worry if you don't know what a CWM partition is because it'll make sense eventually.
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Thanks for the reply which I found very helpful. Can you tell me where to download the latest ROM to download for T Mobile U.K.?
I found this site:
Can I use any of the ROM's?

Radio's and SLPL

Hi, the title says it all, i just want to know what a radio & a SLPL is? Yes i'm a n00b, and there i have no shame in calling myself that becuase everyone starts from somewhere. Looking forward to learning, so hopefully someone can help me.
I've made this thread because i'm looking to put the 'Ginger Yoshi' rom on the HTC Magic, and it says you will need the new radio,and some SLPL? Also how do you put these on the phone, & where you download it from? Thanks
Droidzz said:
Hi, the title says it all, i just want to know what a radio & a SLPL is? Yes i'm a n00b, and there i have no shame in calling myself that becuase everyone starts from somewhere. Looking forward to learning, so hopefully someone can help me.
I've made this thread because i'm looking to put the 'Ginger Yoshi' rom on the HTC Magic, and it says you will need the new radio,and some SLPL? Also how do you put these on the phone, & where you download it from? Thanks
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Welcome to XDA forums! I'm just a fellow member, but I still want to welcome you here
First, do you know if you have a 32A or 32B device? You have posted that you have a Desire S - do you have both that and Magic? Be sure to read everything you can about rooting and Android in general before trying to install new software on it. You see, I managed to brick my Magic without learning enough before action!
Secondly, CyanogenMod Wiki is a great resource for checking out what all these things mean. See it here:
For example, answers to your question:
Second Program Loader, in conjunction with the IPL comprise a device's bootloader. Aside from bootstrapping Android, the bootloader also fulfills various diagnostic functions. One of these functions is the manipulation of data in the device's internal flash ram. Depending on the SPL installed, the user might be able to flash signed NBH files, flash nand images, and more. Note that the SPL is installed and operates independently of the Android build that runs atop it. Generally speaking, there are two variants of the SPL: Stock, which is 'locked' and is installed on most devices from the factory, and Engineering, which is 'unlocked' and has to be manually flashed - usually after 'rooting'.
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The cellular radio on the device which needs control software called firmware to control it.
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Hi thanks for the reply. I've just recently bought the HTC Magic, but is £37 for it a good price or not? Also, i bought the desire s but sold it off, i need to update my profile xD. Thanks for the welcome
Droidzz said:
Hi thanks for the reply. I've just recently bought the HTC Magic, but is £37 for it a good price or not? Also, i bought the desire s but sold it off, i need to update my profile xD. Thanks for the welcome
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That's an AWESOME price! I bought mine for £150 last summer!
But to the point - have you gotten any useful information out of the CM wiki? XDA Wiki has great articles, too, but it isn't as fulfilling. With ambition and good resources, you'll learn what you need fast and possibly in a week or a few days you can be able to take care of ROM flashing, customizing your phone a lot more deeply than changing a few settings, getting full access (that people should always have) to your phone's all capabilities and even using it as a WiFi box!
Oh, and if you find anything here on the forums useful or good, press the thanks button. You have 5 clicks a day for it. That's a good way to show the poster appreciation so they can see their work worthful
You've got to take into account it's 2 years old now, plus i got it used of ebay ;( - Oh and CyanogenMod have stopped supporting it.
SO do you think it's worth £37, or should i just say no, or sell it off when it comes? I'm confused at the moment, because CyanogenMod have stopped supporting it so i don't know what to do, and also don't know if it's worth the money i paid for it.
Droidzz said:
Hi, the title says it all, i just want to know what a radio & a SLPL is? Yes i'm a n00b, and there i have no shame in calling myself that becuase everyone starts from somewhere. Looking forward to learning, so hopefully someone can help me.
I've made this thread because i'm looking to put the 'Ginger Yoshi' rom on the HTC Magic, and it says you will need the new radio,and some SLPL? Also how do you put these on the phone, & where you download it from? Thanks
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I think all your answers may well be here:
Once you've got past root and recovery, you then can change spl/radio according to your desired rom.
Droidzz said:
SO do you think it's worth £37, or should i just say no, or sell it off when it comes? I'm confused at the moment, because CyanogenMod have stopped supporting it so i don't know what to do, and also don't know if it's worth the money i paid for it.
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IMO it very well is. A good device with decent hardware, especially for the price.
They've stopped supporting it only OFFICIALLY, but there are still many development working on it for Magic, and there are a few good ROMs - like Ginger Yoshi, Carz12's CyanogenMod 7.1 and of course SebastianFM's HTC Sense ROM.
Read, read, read. Mdacompactuser posted a good link
Cheers everyone. Hopefully we can all think that's it a 'mission' & work together on this . Right i've learnt that i can root the phoen via superoneclick, and get the superuser access. Ok next i was going to do everything via rom manager, however now that option is basically gone for me, as CM are not supporting it, but i can flash the recovery from there. I have chosen clockwork recovery, so flashing it via rom manager should be good. I'll have a look at the link you sent me, and hopefully we can regenerate interest in this device again, and make it gain popularity, so we can be on the official forum boards, instead of the low activity devices. That's the plan, everyone up for it? xD>
Droidzz said:
Cheers everyone. Hopefully we can all think that's it a 'mission' & work together on this . Right i've learnt that i can root the phoen via superoneclick, and get the superuser access. Ok next i was going to do everything via rom manager, however now that option is basically gone for me, as CM are not supporting it, but i can flash the recovery from there. I have chosen clockwork recovery, so flashing it via rom manager should be good. I'll have a look at the link you sent me, and hopefully we can regenerate interest in this device again, and make it gain popularity, so we can be on the official forum boards, instead of the low activity devices. That's the plan, everyone up for it? xD>
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If you look in this forum alone, you'll find everything you need to carry out a rom update. As Kanttii pointed out its crucial you know what your phone is before you do anything. I'd stick to guides found on this forum as opposed to ones found elsewhere on the web, simply because the people who wrote the guides on here are more likely to respond to specific queries you may have.
I have to say I found mumilovers posts very complete and useful, so personally I'd start here:
and then go here:
Obviously there are other methods, but like I said before, a guide is much better when the author is around to help when you get something wrong or something doesn't make sense to you.
Thanks the phone will probably come today through the post, so i'll read the threads you sent me links to, and hopefully i'll be able to understand most of it . Thanks again .
Wow i managed to also root my phone without bricking it, and installed clockwork mod recovery. I downloaded set cpu, but i'm on default android 2.2 so i can't overclock it. Now i'm confused about how to put a custom rom on it.
EDIT: Right now i'm a bit scared to install custom rom on it, but i got a question:
In rom manager, when i go to the download section, i see a rom called Roalex, is that a good one?
The top one on that is called: COS-DS-071822011_I1? SO if i click install on that will it be a good one?

[Q] after trying to delete main google account my phone stuck on "droid" screen

[Q] after trying to delete main google account my phone stuck on "droid" screen
I just wanted to change the main google account to enter the market. I just made a little search and I sth. says that "open root explore, go data=> system => find accounts.db and rename it accounts.db.bak" I've that this and nothing changed. Another one was saying "Go Applications=>Manage Applications google apps clear" I've done it too but no difference again. then I see this vid /watch?v=aFinbsXqTE0, system=> framework => rename framework-res.apk to framework-res.apk.bak" but after the "force close" the phone reset itself and stuck on "droid" screen.
somebody tell me what to do, please
I really need help
reis2086 said:
I really need help
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Are u on stock or custom ROM ? But most likely you would have to hard reset phone or reflash(i must reflash,hard reset doesnt work it stucks like yours)
reis2086 said:
I really need help
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Part of the forums rules is not to use foul language by the way, I don't care but some people might so you should refrain from doing so.
As for your problem, you will probably have to follow the above post's advice. I don't understand why you couldn't have just changed the account through the market? Why bother with root explorer and deleting/renaming potentially crucial files? Makes no sense.
Finally, I got some answers! I feel like I'm in Fringe or sth.
Cjovecje! said:
Are u on stock or custom ROM ? But most likely you would have to hard reset phone or reflash(i must reflash,hard reset doesnt work it stucks like yours)
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-story time
My phone came from Germany and I live in Turkey. There are so many taxes and prices are higher and higher.
I remember that it was firstly opening as windows m. (white back, green front) and then turns a screen that loads android and keeps going. I guess that means ROM. how do we do hard reset? or reflash? thanks.
Nigeldg said:
Part of the forums rules is not to use foul language by the way, I don't care but some people might so you should refrain from doing so.
As for your problem, you will probably have to follow the above post's advice. I don't understand why you couldn't have just changed the account through the market? Why bother with root explorer and deleting/renaming potentially crucial files? Makes no sense.
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Then sorry for the word. I hope that It wouldn't be problem for the admin. actually in the subtitles of the movies, they translate it as "hell", "damn" or etc.
-story again
I used it with my simcard at the first week when I get my phone and entered the market with a HTC sense account. But after the first week my damn operator closed the my phone to calling because of I haven't registered it yet with a passport. Then I have to use it without the card until I find a passport and when I took off the simcard the HTC sense passed away and when I tried to open market it asked me the password of the account and I had no idea about it.
If you have EU Leo
Flash this. This is stock windows mobile 6.5 ONLY EU MODEL.
Then later if u want i will give you guide to flash android.
U flash it by connectin usb (u need drivers) into bootloader mode then run this. This is STOCK ROM FOR EU ONLY MODEL!
Cjovecje! said:
If you have EU Leo
Flash this. This is stock windows mobile 6.5 ONLY EU MODEL.
Then later if u want i will give you guide to flash android.
U flash it by connectin usb (u need drivers) into bootloader mode then run this. This is STOCK ROM FOR EU ONLY MODEL!
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OK, I got it It's for EU. I'll try to do this tomorrow morning. Thank you dear Serbian bro. People thinks that Serbian hates Turkish but now I see that it was a lie.
reis2086 said:
OK, I got it It's for EU. I'll try to do this tomorrow morning. Thank you dear Serbian bro. People thinks that Serbian hates Turkish but now I see that it was a lie.
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Its not about the race. Though pretty much turks cheat in games.
Cjovecje! said:
Its not about the race. Though pretty much turks cheat in games.
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I can't say that they don't. and if you ask "Y U cheating " they'll probably say, "but everybody does it"
Then back to the my Leo, I don't really know what drivers are you talking about and I tried to download the file twice and it disconnected %90 at my first try, %30 at the second try /facepalm
reis2086 said:
I can't say that they don't. and if you ask "Y U cheating " they'll probably say, "but everybody does it"
Then back to the my Leo, I don't really know what drivers are you talking about and I tried to download the file twice and it disconnected %90 at my first try, %30 at the second try /facepalm
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Download the HD2 NAND toolkit, boot your phone into bootloader, connect USB to computer and run a Task29. This will clear everything from your phone. From here you can flash radio, magldr, cwm and ROM as normal
Nigeldg said:
Download the HD2 NAND toolkit, boot your phone into bootloader, connect USB to computer and run a Task29. This will clear everything from your phone. From here you can flash radio, magldr, cwm and ROM as normal
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I've hold the vol down button until the colors but the toolkit just can not find it
Edit: My Windows is downloading a driver "Qualcoomm CMDA Technologies MSM". it must be the driver that serbian guy told me
I've just done the work with the toolkit! but it doesn't seems like I've done it with the phone. It's showing me the white screen with green htc sign since a few minutes. I don't know if I have to do sth. else
edit: thank you british guy. now my phone stuck on white screen. thank you /facepalm
reis2086 said:
I've just done the work with the toolkit! but it doesn't seems like I've done it with the phone. It's showing me the white screen with green htc sign since a few minutes. I don't know if I have to do sth. else
edit: thank you british guy. now my phone stuck on white screen. thank you /facepalm
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Yeah, Task29 deletes everything. Now you can reflash Radio, MAGLDR, CWM then your ROM.
Nigeldg said:
Yeah, Task29 deletes everything. Now you can reflash Radio, MAGLDR, CWM then your ROM.
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Do I need a rom if I want to keep going with win mobile?
reis2086 said:
Do I need a rom if I want to keep going with win mobile?
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In that case just flash WinMo
Nigeldg said:
In that case just flash WinMo
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so now, my next mission is learn how to flash WinMo or Android.
reis2086 said:
so now, my next mission is learn how to flash WinMo or Android.
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I would recommend flashing NAND Android. this is a complete guide on how to do so.
Just listen to me. First flash winmo to see if everything is ok and to setup device sync (driver)
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk
Nigeldg said:
I would recommend flashing NAND Android. this is a complete guide on how to do so.
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Honestly, I couldn't really understand this article. *pokerface*
Cjovecje! said:
Just listen to me. First flash winmo to see if everything is ok and to setup device sync (driver)
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk
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OK, I'll listen to you. is forbidden in Turkey so that there are problems with downloading from this webside, so I couldn't download the document you sent me first. Today a friend of me bring me ICS with a flash disc and now I'm trying to find a way to upload it my phone. It seems like theres a lot of thing that I need you to teach to me dear Serbian bro.......
reis2086 said:
Honestly, I couldn't really understand this article. *pokerface*
OK, I'll listen to you. is forbidden in Turkey so that there are problems with downloading from this webside, so I couldn't download the document you sent me first. Today a friend of me bring me ICS with a flash disc and now I'm trying to find a way to upload it my phone. It seems like theres a lot of thing that I need you to teach to me dear Serbian bro.......
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Well in that case in the stickies there are many other guides. And also he's right Flashing WinMo first may be of benefit

Error when updating WP7

Update device 4f45d95e - e9ef62ab - fc1e5980 - 948f2df2 Complete with error code
: 801812C1, error message: A driver for your phone needs to be updated and couldn't be installed in time.
Any thoughts???
Man you got 4 threads on the first page alone ..stick to ONE and will be easier for others to understand what process your going through as this means nothing..
What have you done so far?
Ps If no answer on your thread just Reply yourself and it will go back to the top of main page if you need urgent assistance
L4zyBear said:
Update device 4f45d95e - e9ef62ab - fc1e5980 - 948f2df2 Complete with error code
: 801812C1, error message: A driver for your phone needs to be updated and couldn't be installed in time.
Any thoughts???
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when you ask a question, it helps if you specify the rom you're using, what you're trying to update or do. just posting an error msg is no help.
more details the better...
agreed...stop posting a new thread for every issue...keep some sense of problem history.
hjhjhj said:
when you ask a question, it helps if you specify the rom you're using, what you're trying to update or do. just posting an error msg is no help.
more details the better...
agreed...stop posting a new thread for every issue...keep some sense of problem history.
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yeah, sorry about that. I could never figure out what was actually wrong. so I broke down and switched to hd2o's rom which was fully updated. SO i have it now. thanks for all you help and sorry for the post thing.
L4zyBear said:
yeah, sorry about that. I could never figure out what was actually wrong. so I broke down and switched to hd2o's rom which was fully updated. SO i have it now. thanks for all you help and sorry for the post thing.
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glad you took my original advice from days ago and use a rom that is simpler to install. and actually, you'll have to reflash once hd2o updates his rom with the official tango.
It is what it is. I made a backup so it really should be that big of a problem. the marketplace is the main reason I finally gave up. It should be simple to install a new rom now that I have the hang of it.
L4zyBear said:
It is what it is. I made a backup so it really should be that big of a problem. the marketplace is the main reason I finally gave up. It should be simple to install a new rom now that I have the hang of it.
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there reall no way to backup/restore a wp7 installation. when you flash the next version from the dev you'll have to set up everything again.
marketplace issue? marketplace works fine on yuki..all the roms. anyway, enjoy your wp7.
thanks for all your help. quick question though, is there a way to change my green call button back to the regular call button instead of the camera?
L4zyBear said:
thanks for all your help. quick question though, is there a way to change my green call button back to the regular call button instead of the camera?
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go look at leo advanced in the rom forum. don't know if it'll work on hd2o's rom
I'll get back to you on that one. downloading now. Doesnt work on hd2o's rom. keeps backing out of the application.
L4zyBear said:
I'll get back to you on that one. downloading now. Doesnt work on hd2o's rom. keeps backing out of the application.
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try installing the app immediately after flashing the rom and and the hard reset. hope you hard reset after flashing the should always hard reset after the initial flash.

