Deleting Program Sounds/Songs - HD2 General

Does anyone know where I can delete the sounds to game programs so they don't show up on my music tab? It is really annoying... I looked through the file explorer, but ran out of ideas where to look. If not, can I at least hide them from my music tab? Some examples are: "Bed", "DoubleDipFirst", "DoubleDipSecond"... I have a tmobile version...

D_monie3 said:
Does anyone know where I can delete the sounds to game programs so they don't show up on my music tab? It is really annoying... I looked through the file explorer, but ran out of ideas where to look. If not, can I at least hide them from my music tab? Some examples are: "Bed", "DoubleDipFirst", "DoubleDipSecond"... I have a tmobile version...
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i'm usually the last person to tell someone to "search" because i'm not as "anal" about little things like that...
but yea.. next time just search.. especially for something like that.... i only say it this time because i created a topic about this issue not too long ago.. i'm talking minutes... lol
either way...
all those stupid sounds are coming from you "who wants to be a millionaire" game that comes on your phone.. what i did, was delete that useless game, and that instantly solves your problem.. plus you save some space on your phone/sd card.. .. BUT if for some reason you think you will find yourself playing that game in the near future and would just like to rid yourself of the sounds...
i simply used a registry editor.. I prefer "total commander" then you have to go to where those files are located in the editor.. (if you want the exact location... just go to the music player.. and click on one of those music files... then click properties.. and it will tell you on the bottom...)
then you can either do it to the folder containing all the music files.. or to each individual one.. or you can just select them all.. i don't care...
go to properties.. then proceed to make that a hidden file... click change now... then do a soft reset.. "voila" those files should now be hidden and will no longer show up on the music tab...
i did this to "waze" not that game.. so i'm not sure if this is going to work for you... but i imagine that it will.. the concept is the same...
your welcome

like projectfuze said in both cases have a quick search but yes just make the game sounds hidden with TC and they wont appear in sense music

ProjektFuze said:
i'm usually the last person to tell someone to "search" because i'm not as "anal" about little things like that...
but yea.. next time just search.. especially for something like that.... i only say it this time because i created a topic about this issue not too long ago.. i'm talking minutes... lol
either way...
all those stupid sounds are coming from you "who wants to be a millionaire" game that comes on your phone.. what i did, was delete that useless game, and that instantly solves your problem.. plus you save some space on your phone/sd card.. .. BUT if for some reason you think you will find yourself playing that game in the near future and would just like to rid yourself of the sounds...
i simply used a registry editor.. I prefer "total commander" then you have to go to where those files are located in the editor.. (if you want the exact location... just go to the music player.. and click on one of those music files... then click properties.. and it will tell you on the bottom...)
then you can either do it to the folder containing all the music files.. or to each individual one.. or you can just select them all.. i don't care...
go to properties.. then proceed to make that a hidden file... click change now... then do a soft reset.. "voila" those files should now be hidden and will no longer show up on the music tab...
i did this to "waze" not that game.. so i'm not sure if this is going to work for you... but i imagine that it will.. the concept is the same...
your welcome
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Thanks... Sorry, will search more next time... How can you actually delete the whole game? That would be much more helpful... Through the registry editor?
-I take that back, I found it on my SD card... But is it possible to delete the icons from the programs list. I used the registry editor but couldn't find it.

yes go to file manager>windows>start menu> programs and then where ever it is delete them

Demon_man said:
yes go to file manager>windows>start menu> programs and then where ever it is delete them
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Cant thank you enough!


Porrrrn Freeeee

No its not a song
Is there a flash video bundle that dosent have porno on it, for crying out loud?
Im 42 happily married, get plenty, and dont have the need to go perv out in a bathroom stall and bang my pud against a wall to some skanky ho on my phone !
How about you just don't watch it. Problem solved. Oh and "getting some" doesn't mean one wouldn't watch porn ... I get "plenty" and literally watch porn all day.
Though back to OQ, I actually have not seen a TCPMP/FlashVideobundle that didn't have the links to the sites it allows if thats what you mean. Though couldn't you just delete it ?
Tru, I got a gf and i get plenty, i'm only 17 and I still watch porn, she doesin't care..
I came in here thinking I'd get a new link to some good wap /flash porn. If you don't like the porn links, just edit the html and delete them.
I though you were excited and had a dyslexic moment. Just dont use it
It makes for a fun time to whip the 6800 out at the bar and show a little porn action on my phone...
Not only do I get all they "Holy s--t! Your phone can do that!" but I then it's the "Hey, wait a minute... let me see that..."
back on there a bundle with out it or not?
and if not does anyone know how to edit the existing ones to omit the trash.
Ok. No more fun. Back to topic...
In file explorer, go to My Device. Then delete the sites folder and keep the sites.clean folder.
If this does not work, then edit the html or simply disregard the unwanted links... it is a conscious choice.
xweaponx said:
Ok. No more fun. Back to topic...
In file explorer, go to My Device. Then delete the sites folder and keep the sites.clean folder.
If this does not work, then edit the html or simply disregard the unwanted links... it is a conscious choice.
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^^do this then you have to rename the site.clean to just sites and itll work
maybe we can balance this thread by adding new sites that work with the bundl
ok but i have no clue on how to do this kind of stuff as im still learning this kind of thing. almost went crazy updating to the new rom so any help would be greatly appreciated.
First get yourself Total Commander. It's a free registry tool. However you can browse exactly as I posted earlier with file explorer which is in the
Today Screen-->Start-->Programs-->File Explorer.
Once in File Explorer, click on the top left icon under "File Explorer" and highlight to "My Device"
Under "My Device" you will see a few folders and one is named "Programs Files". Click on it.
Scroll down to a folder called "TCPMP". Click on it. Inside the folder are (2) folders in the top: "sites" & "sites.clean". Delete the "sites" folder and rename "sites.clean" to "sites".
You should now get no more nasties on your video bookmark...
Dude......those were the best instructions ever put forward. MAJOR props to you, most assume everyone knows how to do everything. even if I dont get it done right these were excelent instructs
I install everything to my storage card and there is a tcpmp folder in the programs files folder in there so i assume the same to be true.
Yes sir excelent. great job (you porn freak) LOLOL seriously, thanks alot
edit: nevermind
Tregrad said:
No its not a song
Is there a flash video bundle that dosent have porno on it, for crying out loud?
Im 42 happily married, get plenty, and dont have the need to go perv out in a bathroom stall and bang my pud against a wall to some skanky ho on my phone !
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...and how would i go about getting one of these "video bundles"?
Tregrad said:
Dude......those were the best instructions ever put forward. MAJOR props to you, most assume everyone knows how to do everything. even if I dont get it done right these were excelent instructs
I install everything to my storage card and there is a tcpmp folder in the programs files folder in there so i assume the same to be true.
Yes sir excelent. great job (you porn freak) LOLOL seriously, thanks alot
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Not a problem Tregrad... Glad you got it edited!
Not that I am condoning the viewing of porn but the Videobundle/TCPMP that you seek is within the forum here. Search by "videobundle" & "tcpmp"...
Just do delete the sites and keep sites.clean and rename it to sites
chococrazy said:
Just do delete the sites and keep sites.clean and rename it to sites
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you've got to be kidding right? lol no offense man but those were perhaps the most un-informative instructions ever. I see your new here and have a desire to help, people like me that aren't to smart in this whole editing thing really need instructions like XweaponX put out there step-by-step. so if'n ya want to help we appreciate it, but please do it so we dumb dumbs can understand it
The flash video bundle comes with two HTML files full of links
One is "Video Sites", the other is "Video Sites Clean".
You should opt for the clean one. Alternatively, you could edit out the sites from the other one.
elgreek84 said:
maybe we can balance this thread by adding new sites that work with the bundl
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like a ying and yang thing...
or a wing and wang in this case...

What do I need? New phone!!

Will be taking delivery of my HD2 today.What do I need?
File Explorer? Total Explorer? Which version? According to the website none support the snapdragon processor(unless it has a different name)
What about to change visual aspects?
Is it just a case of finding a particular .cab file, loading it onto the SD card and installing?
And how does it work? If I install (for eg) transparent ,then decide I dont want transparent just reduced transparency, do I need to uninstall the first one and install the second?
saldawop said:
Will be taking delivery of my HD2 today.What do I need?
File Explorer? Total Explorer? Which version? According to the website none support the snapdragon processor(unless it has a different name)
What about to change visual aspects?
Is it just a case of finding a particular .cab file, loading it onto the SD card and installing?
And how does it work? If I install (for eg) transparent ,then decide I dont want transparent just reduced transparency, do I need to uninstall the first one and install the second?
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Seriously, wait till you've had the phone for about a week before doing anything to it. You sound like a puppy that's about to go for a walk! Chill man. Get to know the phone before you start changing it, or you'll just end up asking for things that it already does!
Yeah thanks.
Any answers to the questions I asked though?
saldawop said:
File Explorer? Total Explorer? Which version? According to the website none support the snapdragon processor(unless it has a different name)
What about to change visual aspects?
Is it just a case of finding a particular .cab file, loading it onto the SD card and installing?
And how does it work? If I install (for eg) transparent ,then decide I dont want transparent just reduced transparency, do I need to uninstall the first one and install the second?
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File explorer will not let you copy/move certain files, but Total Commander, or Resco Explorer will. Just get the latest version, and don't worry about the processor. They run on Windows - they don't care about the processor.
If you install theme/visual changes, there's no hard-and-fast rule about what to do to replace the changes. Some of them you can uninstall and it restores the original look. Others don't. You can usually just install a new change over a previous one, but not always. You're gonna have to just find out through trial and error, or by asking, when you have specific questions to ask.
I wasn't being dismissive earlier - there's just no straight forward answer to such ambiguous questions.
Enjoy your new phone mate. I've had mine for 6 weeks now and I still love it like it was new yesterday!
johncmolyneux said:
File explorer will not let you copy/move certain files
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Uhh... yes it does. Menu -> Edit -> Copy/Cut/Paste/Paste Shortcut. I've got Total Commander but I only really ever use it for registry tweaks.
DexyG said:
Uhh... yes it does. Menu -> Edit -> Copy/Cut/Paste/Paste Shortcut. I've got Total Commander but I only really ever use it for registry tweaks.
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Uhh... just because the options are there doesn't mean they work for every file. As you quoted me saying, "File explorer will not let you copy/move certain files" (certain files, not all files).
Uhh... You're both right!
File Explorer will NOT let you copy/move/delete certain files
However it WILL let you copy/move/delete certain files
The key is the words 'certain files'. The 'certain files' John C is referring to are, for example, most of the files stored in the Windows folder and these tend to be exactly the ones we want to delete or rename. You WILL need one of the above-mentioned apps to mess around with them.
File Explorer is fine if you're only manipulating non-System files.
johnkst said:
Uhh... You're both right!
File Explorer will NOT let you copy/move/delete certain files
However it WILL let you copy/move/delete certain files
The key is the words 'certain files'. The 'certain files' John C is referring to are, for example, most of the files stored in the Windows folder and these tend to be exactly the ones we want to delete or rename. You WILL need one of the above-mentioned apps to mess around with them.
File Explorer is fine if you're only manipulating non-System files.
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I was only explaining that I wasn't wrong - he'd misread my statement. Obviously if it doesn't work for certain files then it does work for the rest. The context of the question suggests that the OP needed that explaining to him, or he'd only come back later and say "I can't copy this manila file into the windows folder", and we'd have to explain it to him then!
Bottom line, we're all right, and we're all trying to give the OP a concise answer (which I think he's got now)
Ah ok, my bad. Sorry.
Ahhh... That's nice...
Now we're all friends again, to come back to the OP's original question, I'm with John C on this. Take your time, get to know your phone and decide what you REALLY need first.
IMHO, the only thing you should install from the start is the BSB Tweaks cab (Just search the Leo forum for latest version - I think it's in a sticky somewhere). This will save you having to install a Registry Editor and installing a lot of these tweaks manually. It also makes it a lot easier to switch the tweaks on and off.
There are also some HTC updates now available (for Camera, SMS and SD Card). They have been out for a few days now and I haven't seen too many complaints, so I would say they are all safe to install...
Finally... ROM updates...
There are a couple now available from HTC. But again, unless you're experiencing a problem which you know has been fixed by these new ROMs, I would leave them alone. I've still got the original O2 ROM in my HD2 and it's working perfectly well, so I've not bothered to upgrade just yet.
All of the above is just my personal opinion. Hope you find it useful...
By the way, if you find BSB Tweaks (or any other cab that someone has invested time and effort into creating) useful, you might want to think about making a small donation. A $5 PayPal transaction is easily made, costs about the price of a pint (in the UK) and really makes these guys (and gals) faces light up!
Wont be updating the ROM. TBH I dont even know if I will be keeping the phone. I am an iPhone owner .
saldawop said:
Wont be updating the ROM. TBH I dont even know if I will be keeping the phone. I am an iPhone owner .
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Now you tell us...! ;-)
Just before we all get tarred with the same brush, I'm also an iPhone owner, and will be keeping my ROM-upgraded HD2 and selling my 3GS ;-)
Got my HD2.Although Im liking(not loving) it ,there are a couple ofthings I dont like.
1) I sometimes wake up to 30+ spam emails.Do I really have to open each one and delete them individually?(havent had the phone 24 hours so happy to be proved wrong)
2) I dislike the fact that when I delete an email from the phone, it deletes from the server
3)Dont like having to mess about opening different video players depending on codec (BUT it does play different codecs so cant really complain I guess)
4) This is probably down to not having too much time to play, but how do I get the screen to turn off? Is there a setting somewhere I can turn it off after x amount of time.Or do I HAVE to press the power button?
Got my HD2.Although Im liking(not loving) it ,there are a couple ofthings I dont like.
1) I sometimes wake up to 30+ spam emails.Do I really have to open each one and delete them individually?(havent had the phone 24 hours so happy to be proved wrong)
2) I dislike the fact that when I delete an email from the phone, it deletes from the server
3)Dont like having to mess about opening different video players depending on codec (BUT it does play different codecs so cant really complain I guess)
4) This is probably down to not having too much time to play, but how do I get the screen to turn off? Is there a setting somewhere I can turn it off after x amount of time.Or do I HAVE to press the power button?
5) Oh, and the Alarm!!! Is it possibly the worst alarm on a mobile phone ever?
Im not the heaviest of sleepers but there is a strong possibility that I would miss the 2 second alarm.
saldawop said:
Got my HD2.Although Im liking(not loving) it ,there are a couple ofthings I dont like.
1) I sometimes wake up to 30+ spam emails.Do I really have to open each one and delete them individually?(havent had the phone 24 hours so happy to be proved wrong)
2) I dislike the fact that when I delete an email from the phone, it deletes from the server
3)Dont like having to mess about opening different video players depending on codec (BUT it does play different codecs so cant really complain I guess)
4) This is probably down to not having too much time to play, but how do I get the screen to turn off? Is there a setting somewhere I can turn it off after x amount of time.Or do I HAVE to press the power button?
5) Oh, and the Alarm!!! Is it possibly the worst alarm on a mobile phone ever?
Im not the heaviest of sleepers but there is a strong possibility that I would miss the 2 second alarm.
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1) You can click on "Inbox" then Menu->Select Messages->Several, Choose the messages you want to mark as read then Menu->Mark as read/delete
2) I kindof makes sence to delete the email - keep the two in sync or is that only my perception on things
3) Try use one codec possibly, I'm certain there are different players out there with the ability to play a wider range its just a case of looking (sorry i don't really use my phone for music/multiple video formats)
4) Yes there is a setting settings->sound and display->backlight
5)Agreed it is rubbish I've tried G alarm because everyone seems to rave about it but i wasn't too keen but you could still try it and it does do the alarm sound for longer than 2 rings
Thanks for that Strange though because the screen is set to switch off after 1 minute. It doesn't! Was still on when I woke up this morning

How to disable hd2 bootup sound

Hi .. bro
How to disable hd2 bootup sound in new rom 1.66
thank you...
Please change the terrible title of this thread to something appropriate. When you edit, you need to "go advanced".
Attached is a cab that removes the hideous HTC bootup sound
Thanks to Shawn_230 for the original version that I simply modified with a streamlined wave file.
thanks a lot for this helpful file
can we make it with CeRegEditor ?
Yes, but it leaves the wav file on the device, which takes up space. Just use the cab, or delete the file.
oki john !
johncmolyneux said:
Yes, but it leaves the wav file on the device, which takes up space. Just use the cab, or delete the file.
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hmm where abouts is the wav file located? might try changing it instead of removing.
in windows HTC-QuietlyBrilliantBoot
cant seem to delete it as its in rom memory there goes my dream of having the transformers sound play on start up lol
paulking said:
cant seem to delete it as its in rom memory there goes my dream of having the transformers sound play on start up lol
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You could always set the registry value to that of a file that you do want to play at startup. That should do the trick.
Let us know how you get on
johncmolyneux said:
You could always set the registry value to that of a file that you do want to play at startup. That should do the trick.
Let us know how you get on
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will have a go now
paulking said:
will have a go now
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Just a word of advice... You'll need quotes around the filename, if it has any spaces in it, or it won't work.
\Storage card\StartupSound.wav will read as \Storage and stop at the space.
You'd need "\Storage card\StartupSound.wav"
johncmolyneux said:
Just a word of advice... You'll need quotes around the filename, if it has any spaces in it, or it won't work.
\Storage card\StartupSound.wav will read as \Storage and stop at the space.
You'd need "\Storage card\StartupSound.wav"
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no luck so far but i missed out the first \ so maybe thats the reason lol
edit nah still not working...maybe it has to be under a certain timelimit (the transform sound is 6 seconds...)
paulking said:
no luck so far but i missed out the first \ so maybe thats the reason lol
edit nah still not working...maybe it has to be under a certain timelimit (the transform sound is 6 seconds...)
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It probably does. And I'd imagine it probably has to be the correct format of wav file (sample rate, bit depth, channels).
Can you post the original one here for me? I've deleted it with my cab, so I can't have a look at it. Actually, can you do that and the transformers sound you want to use?
ok i've managed to change the .gif on startup
cant seem to get the original sound off my device
thats the transformers sound clip (its 7th from the bottom.)
paulking said:
ok i've managed to change the .gif on startup
cant seem to get the original sound off my device
thats the transformers sound clip (its 7th from the bottom.)
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Ah don't worry about it. It was just a thought. It would be nice to be able to implement some kind of software changer for this new "feature" they've added. I don't think it's that wise though since the thing stutters anyway!
Sorry mate. I've had a play about and can get wav files to play at startup, but they all sound really bad. The stutter in playback makes all of them useless, and you need to leave a gap at the beginning or it misses the first part of the sound, and it just stops abruptly so you've only got a set amount of time for anything to play.
The whole bootup sound thing just isn't working right. It's not worth persuing until HTC sort it (if they bother).
I've attached the transformers sound you linked, so you can try it yourself, but I doubt you'll like the result.
Thank you..
Transformer sound bite, they missed the best one:
"Hey! That Hurt!"
"It's supposed to hurt! It's an ass kicking!"

Customizable Soundboard App

I've searched and searched and searched. But yet to find anything working well.
I'm trying to find a customizable soundboard app. There's so many sounds ide use (Dave Chappelles Rick James, Mr T, Anchorman... I could seriously go on forever)
If there's nothing out there you guys and gals could suggest for me, is there any devs out there that could point me in the right direction on how to write this app.
Cheers peeps
use this program as a base. in the explorer, you can switch the sounds and graphics to what you like. p.s. this program friggin rocks!
Dude, your gonna get busted posting warez here.
Dude, your cant post warez here. read the rules
how is it a ware? it says its beta and its listed as freeware on that site.
Sorry dude. Didn't actually read it. saw the site 'ppcwarez' and though it was
my bad
Nice lil app. but how would one change the sound s and such?
its all good. i installed to my sd. i go to my device/sd card/program files/godaft. in the two folders are the images and sounds. you can make your own images or go to and grab some free icons and replace them with the originals. then you can grab the sound files you want to use and replace them with the ones in there. i dont know what format it is either .wav or .mp3, but you can grab an mp3 converter freeware app from somewhere to change it. the only thing you gotta do is make sure you rename the file you put in with the one you take out.
Ive managed to change the header and sounds to dave chappelle's rick james.
There's only one problem. The buttons still read 'harder, better, faster, stronger'
I cant find anything related to these in the skin folder.
Any ideas?
ok i just checked and there is no button associated with the words. my advice is to just reverse-engineer the app until you find the text written into it. try using a .cab decompiler/extractor or visual studio. if you dont know how to do this then maybe look around on here for people who deconstruct files. i would look and try to write you a new board but i dont have the time and resources right now. you might also wat to try to find another sound board like the fart app. not all of them have all images cooked into it.
Dude,... this is THE BEST app ever invented. Work has never been that easy,... I put "shut up", "go away", "bring me coffee" and "cu tomorrow" in the app and I never ever have to open my mouth again
Post your sound board once you finish
bennyj71 said:
Post your sound board once you finish
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I didn't actually edit the program itself. I just created the 4 sound files (*.wav) I wanted and named them L1.wav, L2.wav, L3.wav and L4.wav
Then I replaced the original sound files in the Godaft/Sounds folder with my own ones and now the first 4 buttons play my sounds. The buttons are still called "work it", "make it", etc., but they play my sounds. So if I would add more sounds, it might become hard to remember, which sound is on which button,... but the 4 I have are all I need and easy to remember
emcn84 said:
ok i just checked and there is no button associated with the words. my advice is to just reverse-engineer the app until you find the text written into it. try using a .cab decompiler/extractor or visual studio. if you dont know how to do this then maybe look around on here for people who deconstruct files. i would look and try to write you a new board but i dont have the time and resources right now. you might also wat to try to find another sound board like the fart app. not all of them have all images cooked into it.
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Thanks buddy.
I used 7-zip to extract the cab file and got loads of files. Extensions are .001 all the way to .052 (I'm guessing these are the resouces) and an XML file (used to install)
I've looked through the XML in notepad and cant find anything there.
So its in the resource files somewhere. How do i open these files?
Ive checked out Visual Studio, but not sure which version I'm after as don't know which language this apps written in.
I'll grab the all-in-one package though
bennyj71 said:
Post your sound board once you finish
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If you mean the Rick James soundboard I'll post it when its done. But I'm quite new to all this. Never written an app before. So might be a while lol
Fin9ers said:
Thanks buddy.
I used 7-zip to extract the cab file and got loads of files. Extensions are .001 all the way to .052 (I'm guessing these are the resouces) and an XML file (used to install)
I've looked through the XML in notepad and cant find anything there.
So its in the resource files somewhere. How do i open these files?
Ive checked out Visual Studio, but not sure which version I'm after as don't know which language this apps written in.
I'll grab the all-in-one package though
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it sometimes sucks that you have to use multiple extractors to dig out one simple image. i still got an eye out for another soundboard for you that is much simpler to edit to your liking. there was also a guitar app i seen that was crazy simple to switch... there is only 6 sound options and you have to skin the buttons the same as guitar strings.
a few soundboards i copy and pasted from my phone on the way home from work
emcn84 said:
a few soundboards i copy and pasted from my phone on the way home from work
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The first one, with the drums has very good reaction. Like it! Didnt have the time to customize it yet...

Help Movie Folder App!

well i want to find out how to make a similar movie app like the transformers app in my htc hd2 in other words is there a way i can make my own app w/icon and open it just like the transformers app but with different kinds of videos like movies and music videos
Please need help, i looked for days & found nothing on how to do that
well i want to find out how to make a similar movie app like the transformers app in my htc hd2 in other words is there a way i can make my own app w/icon and open it just like the transformers app but with different kinds of videos like movies and music videos
Please need help, i looked for days & found nothing on how to do that
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Your best bet would be to make a shortcut to the folders they are in and then copy the shortcut to the start menu and then assign an icon to them.
How would i make an icon to that folder though thats the main answer i want
P.S. thats exactly what i did and thats what i really want to do make an icon for that folder shortcut to work on the start menu
How would i make an icon to that folder though thats the main answer i want
P.S. thats exactly what i did and thats what i really want to do make an icon for that folder shortcut to work on the start menu
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Ok find an icon you want either on the internet or the forums and then you need to make the reg setting for it. Something like this,
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\"you link name here".lnk]
then drop your icon in the windows folder and then reboot and the icon should take
K tnx but ill try later my freaking Laptop is running out of battery
K tnx but ill try later my freaking Laptop is running out of battery
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Or you could use something like JWMD Icon Changer, no reg editing and lets you save and load themes of Icons .....
Well i used JWMD Icon Changer to change the shortcut in my start menu and well it worked but it says "the file _____ cannot be opened. either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. if the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file." in other words it cant opened even if the icon is there...i probably need a .exe to open the folder i made to an icon like the transformers app...sigh it would be easier if u guys made one for me, an app icon that i can put my videos & movies in that app anytime i want, just like the transformers movie app
It would be much appreciated if someone did this for tnx
Well i used JWMD Icon Changer to change the shortcut in my start menu and well it worked but it says "the file _____ cannot be opened. either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. if the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file." in other words it cant opened even if the icon is there...i probably need a .exe to open the folder i made to an icon like the transformers app...sigh it would be easier if u guys made one for me, an app icon that i can put my videos & movies in that app anytime i want, just like the transformers movie app
It would be much appreciated if someone did this for tnx
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Try creating your shortcut to the folder like this
Assume you know some of this but gonna cover the whole thing ..
create a text document on your pc, change movies to wherever you want, ...
35#"fexplore.exe" \Storage Card\Movies
the number before the # is the number of characters after the #
create the file in notepad, move it to the device /windows/start menu/programs and rename it .lnk
This will launch file explorer to the folder of your choice ...
Then change the icon to whatever you want ...
And of course since it is a .lnk in your start menu , it will show up so you can add quicklinks ...
Tnx 4 your time and help guys but, to tell you the truth i have no idea what the last reply was about and how to do that, well you could just say im a total noob on these kinds of things thats why i needed someone to do this for me and plus im not familiar with programs like if anybody replys please only reply if u have a folder movie app that i want; just read any of the comments i posted
P.S. Sorry if I wasted anybodys time in helping me
Tnx 4 your time and help guys but, to tell you the truth i have no idea what the last reply was about and how to do that, well you could just say im a total noob on these kinds of things thats why i needed someone to do this for me and plus im not familiar with programs like if anybody replys please only reply if u have a folder movie app that i want; just read any of the comments i posted
P.S. Sorry if I wasted anybodys time in helping me
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I attached the link ... just unzip it, and put it in /windows/Start menu/programs
in device memory
be sure to create a folder on your Storage card called movies ..
When connecting to activesync and browsing to the \Windows directory in main phone memory, sometimes it can take a while for the folder to show the files, so when it opens just goto \windows\start menu\programs and copy the lnk in the zip to there ...
Hope it works ....
Oh My GOD!
Holy crap it worked thank you so much watcher64 & tnx 4 sticking with the questions i was saying and all that other crap but man I cant tnx u enough so thank you again.
Hope this helps other people
watcher64 said:
I attached the link ... just unzip it, and put it in /windows/Start menu/programs
in device memory
be sure to create a folder on your Storage card called movies ..
When connecting to activesync and browsing to the \Windows directory in main phone memory, sometimes it can take a while for the folder to show the files, so when it opens just goto \windows\start menu\programs and copy the lnk in the zip to there ...
Hope it works ....
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He's going to come back to you for the icon now
@OP JWD Icon Changer. Toy with it, you'll figure it out.
leepriestenator said:
He's going to come back to you for the icon now
@OP JWD Icon Changer. Toy with it, you'll figure it out.
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He already has the Icon Changer ....
But, the icon is no big deal now that it works for him ....

