How to disable hd2 bootup sound - HD2 General

Hi .. bro
How to disable hd2 bootup sound in new rom 1.66
thank you...

Please change the terrible title of this thread to something appropriate. When you edit, you need to "go advanced".

Attached is a cab that removes the hideous HTC bootup sound
Thanks to Shawn_230 for the original version that I simply modified with a streamlined wave file.

thanks a lot for this helpful file

can we make it with CeRegEditor ?

Yes, but it leaves the wav file on the device, which takes up space. Just use the cab, or delete the file.

oki john !

johncmolyneux said:
Yes, but it leaves the wav file on the device, which takes up space. Just use the cab, or delete the file.
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hmm where abouts is the wav file located? might try changing it instead of removing.

in windows HTC-QuietlyBrilliantBoot

cant seem to delete it as its in rom memory there goes my dream of having the transformers sound play on start up lol

paulking said:
cant seem to delete it as its in rom memory there goes my dream of having the transformers sound play on start up lol
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You could always set the registry value to that of a file that you do want to play at startup. That should do the trick.
Let us know how you get on

johncmolyneux said:
You could always set the registry value to that of a file that you do want to play at startup. That should do the trick.
Let us know how you get on
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will have a go now

paulking said:
will have a go now
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Just a word of advice... You'll need quotes around the filename, if it has any spaces in it, or it won't work.
\Storage card\StartupSound.wav will read as \Storage and stop at the space.
You'd need "\Storage card\StartupSound.wav"

johncmolyneux said:
Just a word of advice... You'll need quotes around the filename, if it has any spaces in it, or it won't work.
\Storage card\StartupSound.wav will read as \Storage and stop at the space.
You'd need "\Storage card\StartupSound.wav"
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no luck so far but i missed out the first \ so maybe thats the reason lol
edit nah still not working...maybe it has to be under a certain timelimit (the transform sound is 6 seconds...)

paulking said:
no luck so far but i missed out the first \ so maybe thats the reason lol
edit nah still not working...maybe it has to be under a certain timelimit (the transform sound is 6 seconds...)
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It probably does. And I'd imagine it probably has to be the correct format of wav file (sample rate, bit depth, channels).
Can you post the original one here for me? I've deleted it with my cab, so I can't have a look at it. Actually, can you do that and the transformers sound you want to use?

ok i've managed to change the .gif on startup
cant seem to get the original sound off my device
thats the transformers sound clip (its 7th from the bottom.)

paulking said:
ok i've managed to change the .gif on startup
cant seem to get the original sound off my device
thats the transformers sound clip (its 7th from the bottom.)
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Ah don't worry about it. It was just a thought. It would be nice to be able to implement some kind of software changer for this new "feature" they've added. I don't think it's that wise though since the thing stutters anyway!

Sorry mate. I've had a play about and can get wav files to play at startup, but they all sound really bad. The stutter in playback makes all of them useless, and you need to leave a gap at the beginning or it misses the first part of the sound, and it just stops abruptly so you've only got a set amount of time for anything to play.
The whole bootup sound thing just isn't working right. It's not worth persuing until HTC sort it (if they bother).
I've attached the transformers sound you linked, so you can try it yourself, but I doubt you'll like the result.

Thank you..

Transformer sound bite, they missed the best one:
"Hey! That Hurt!"
"It's supposed to hurt! It's an ass kicking!"


the "click" sound......

does anyone know how to change the sound of the click when you press something???
my earphones cannot reproduce the high pitch sound of the original and is producing a very harsh static.....
any reply is greatly appreciated.
I dunno about how to change which wav file is being played (although it must be in the sound events settings page), but why don't you just replace the corresponding wav file itself?
well it is not included in the list. maybe because it is not an event to begin with. the sound i am reffering to is when for example, clicking the start button
I may have got the wrong end of the stick here, but have you looked in Settings, Phone and turned Keypad to off ?
trf415 said:
well it is not included in the list. maybe because it is not an event to begin with. the sound i am reffering to is when for example, clicking the start button
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You can change it by replacing it to any file on ur liking or even record an empty wav and replace it with.
Oh something else you have to paste the new files from the computer
Here's the wm2005 wav sounds files "copy it then paste" it to \Windows
Good luck
so i need to replace the default sound file with a sound file of my liking renamed to default.wav?
the filename that you're after is MenuPop.wav. Replace that in the/Windows directory and that's it ;-)
@kta: That's what I said in the first place... dunno why he didn't get it :roll:
Yeah you're right MenuPop.wav changes the sound for the opening of the start menu and opening other menu's too, but what is the filename for the sound when you select a program from, let say, the start menu. The click sound.
Thanx a bunch
sorry bout that didint quite understand your post hehe
tnx to all of you
trf415, all you need to do is to go the /Windows folder on your PPC and play all the WAV files until you find the insulting one. There's not so many WAV files there, so shouldn't take you more than 5 mins!
I think Default.wav is what you're after ...
trf415 said:
does anyone know how to change the sound of the click when you press something???
my earphones cannot reproduce the high pitch sound of the original and is producing a very harsh static.....
any reply is greatly appreciated.
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You can unmark the checkbox called "Events" in [email protected]
It takes away all the clicks, except for example when you are in Power settings and click the shortcut links (backlight, beam) on the bottom.
Do they have max file size? as I'm trying to change MenuPop.wav & hwandsw.wav but only some of them can be played in my XDA 2 mini.
ramram said:
You can change it by replacing it to any file on ur liking or even record an empty wav and replace it with.
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Message sounds?

My first post in this incredible forum, I have all ready found so much help here and are most thankful, please keep it up.
Is it possible to make your own message sounds and use them when recieving text messages etc.
If possible at all what format should the file be in (mp3 wav)?
Tried with an mp3 placed in the windows folder it seems it cant find it.
Any help would be appreciated.
I'm not an expert so hopefully one will reply, but I think they have to be .wav and I think they have to go in the \windows\rings folder.
skidoo said:
I'm not an expert so hopefully one will reply, but I think they have to be .wav and I think they have to go in the \windows\rings folder.
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Actually, you are 1/2 right, they need to be wavs, but they go directly into windows, not in the rings folder.
Yep steve is correct the sound file will need to be a .wav and place into the windows folder, ring tones can be mid,wav and so on and they are placed into the rings folder within windows.
Sound file converter???
Morning all,
My first posting also and yes this has to be the mecca for knwledge of all Wizard related things. My question:
Does anyone know of any software downloads which can convert .wma, mp3 or similar files into .wav??? I'm a complete novice at this sort of stuff but the array of ringtones and message alert tones is rubbish on my K-jam. Thanks for any replies.
Re: Sound file converter???
manindesert said:
Morning all,
My first posting also and yes this has to be the mecca for knwledge of all Wizard related things. My question:
Does anyone know of any software downloads which can convert .wma, mp3 or similar files into .wav??? I'm a complete novice at this sort of stuff but the array of ringtones and message alert tones is rubbish on my K-jam. Thanks for any replies.
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You might try Audacity
It's a free download. I use Sound Editor in Roxio's Media Creator 8 -- one of the MANY useful tools in that program.
Re: Sound file converter???
You might try Audacity
It's a free download. I use Sound Editor in Roxio's Media Creator 8 -- one of the MANY useful tools in that program.[/quote]
Thanks very much mate, will give it a go and see the results.
Re: Sound file converter???
manindesert said:
You might try Audacity
Just downloaded the a treat. This site is the best, thanks guys and keep up the solid work.
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Re: Sound file converter???
manindesert said:
You might try Audacity
Just downloaded the a treat. This site is the best, thanks guys and keep up the solid work.
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YW -- (but I'm a GAL -- not a guy)!! LOL!! But, that's ok -- none of my friends can believe how "techy" I am, either. But, I'm the first one they come running to with a problem. Go Figger!!
Cheers all,
You keep refering to ring sounds, I am looking for Sounds for alarms and recieved messages, and alerts in general.
But I will try it now with wav files in stead of mp3.
I'm using Sound Forge 7, but then again I really need it for all my music stuff, so give Audacity a shot.
Update Works fine with alarm and message sounds, thank you all.
Is there any way, hack or otherwise, that will allow you to point your rings/sounds to your SD card? Thought it would be nice to free some space and stop having to move files on and off the card. I change my ring tone with my mood
I've been loking for a hack/program/setting that will do that, but no luck so far.
Unfortunately, all SMS & ring tones must be located in main memory!
But there's a possibility to create a program that will browse a folder of ring tones on SD card & once u select a tone, it will be copied to main memory (and of course erase the old default tone from main memory) & will set this new file as the default ring tone for the phone.
Javahater and Ezzkht,
Maybe you should look here scroll down to this "ANY FOLDER RING TONES"
You will need a Registry Editor like Total Commander 2 or PHM Regedit
Hope this helps
Have been trying above solution for about an hour, seems that this solution doesn't work under WM5, or at least it doesn't make any difference if you change the folder or not (it only points to windows not windows\rings)
Will have to keep looking.
Mikebj said:
Javahater and Ezzkht,
Maybe you should look here scroll down to this "ANY FOLDER RING TONES"
You will need a Registry Editor like Total Commander 2 or PHM Regedit
Hope this helps
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Thanks a lot Mikebj, it worked like a charm & without soft reset
I just copied all my favourite ring tones to the Storage ROM & it works 100%
Thank youuuuuuuu 8)
Mikebj said:
Have been trying above solution for about an hour, seems that this solution doesn't work under WM5, or at least it doesn't make any difference if you change the folder or not (it only points to windows not windows\rings)
Will have to keep looking.
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AGREED !! I've got WM2003SE tried the steps mentioned no still picks up the default folder from \windows\rings, where as I am pointing it towards \Storage Card\Sound\ not working
ok just double sounds and notifications options it goes to \windows\rings folder.....but I have o2 plus installed as well...and in o2 plus sounds and notifications options it points me to \Storage Card\Sound any ideas ?
Happy t worked for you, can't say the same for me.
Well it is getting more and more weird, when I look in my registry it only points to \windows\ not even \windows\rings\, despite this it still manages to pick up ringtones/sounds in the rings directory, and all sound files placed in the root of the SD Card(go figure).
I'm out of ideas right now, but am still looking for a solution and will be back if I find one.
I just used Resco Explorer with the registry editor add-in.
It worked with me without a soft-reset!
What device do you have, Mike?
Maybe some nice sounds
Hello everyone!
It's a little bit off topic, a little bit not
My advice: SD card is not really a good place for sounds, at least in my case. Why? Sometimes it happened that when I got a phone call, instead of my nice ringtone I've heard the standard one. I think it has sth to do with powering up SD card while changing from standby mode. It's just my impression.
Secondly: I'm looking for some nice SMS ringtones, not the funky ones... I'm getting a lot of messages and it's really boring if you hear "Heeeeellooooo! Your message is coooooomingggg!" every now and then. I will appreciate if you could share your ringtone with me

Disable startup sound in new roms?

To save me searching through the device does anyone know which sound to replace with silence to get rid of the new startup sound in new roms?
or even a reg tweak to disable it?
thanks in advance!
someone has got a cab here for it - best search as you'll only be told to do it anyway...
EddyOS said:
someone has got a cab here for it - best search as you'll only be told to do it anyway...
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i always search before posting...
couldnt find anything mentioned... any idea which thread it may have been posted in? one of the tips ones or maybe one about the new 1.66 rom?
found the reg key:
doh... dont know why i didnt look there in the first place!
well hopefully this thread will help others searching for this
Here you go matey...
johncmolyneux said:
Here you go matey...
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Cheers John.
I prefer not to use cabs though as i like to know exactly what i am doing when tweaking and would prefer not to decompile the cab to see exactly wtf is going on!
I take it that cab replaces the wav file all together?
If you didnt want to do this you can simply go to:
and edit the name of the wav file in that key ( i added a character to its file name so it would be easy to change back if needed.)
was just looking for your post! does it work properly? the stuttering tone at the mo is a tad annoying!!
EddyOS said:
was just looking for your post! does it work properly? the stuttering tone at the mo is a tad annoying!!
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Yeah, tell me about it! What's the point of putting a startup sound if it stutters? It makes the whole device look cheap right from its first powerup.
All my cab does is replace the wav file with a tiny silent one, therefore saving precious ROM space. It works fine for me, and I've not had any complaints so far.
Where is startup tone located?
Could someone tell me which folder the startup tone is located? I wanted to replace it with my own wav.
Audio Oblivion said:
Cheers John.
I prefer not to use cabs though as i like to know exactly what i am doing when tweaking and would prefer not to decompile the cab to see exactly wtf is going on!
I take it that cab replaces the wav file all together?
If you didnt want to do this you can simply go to:
and edit the name of the wav file in that key ( i added a character to its file name so it would be easy to change back if needed.)
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The edit of the name is how I did it and it works fine.

Size of file "HTC-QuietlyBrilliantBoot.wav"

Can one of you kind people tell me the size of the file "\Windows\HTC-QuietlyBrilliantBoot.wav"?
I've done a cab that replaces it with a "silent but tiny" one (to kill the bootsound), but if the original's not that big then I'll do a cab that gets rid of it from the registry instead (so we've still got the original file on our devices).
Thanks in advance
So far, over 20 people have read this and not 1 can just check a file size for me???
It's 861.53KB (882210 bytes).
861~4 KB
johncmolyneux said:
So far, over 20 people have read this and not 1 can just check a file size for me???
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Cheers guys. Guess I'll leave the cab the way it is then.
I already have a cab that disables this?
Any chance you could place a link to your cab in this thread John?
Sorry......waste of bad
jakem said:
Any chance you could place a link to your cab in this thread John?
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ET beat me to it
ET said:
Here it is
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Cheers mate.
I was considering redoing it so it just edits the registry to stop the bootup sound, but since the wav file is nearly a meg in size, I've decided that the one that's already out there is better as it frees up some ROM. Not much, admitedly, but "every little helps"
Here's a link for the cab file...
Cheers guys.
cab runs fine, normal HD2 boot up now!!
Hello,you can also use advanced config tools to disable boot sound . I try to find how to listen the entire wav sound when the phone starts .When i listen HTC-QuietlyBrilliantBoot.wav with media player , it's longer than the boot wav ...
This crappy sound vanished on my phone without any tweak... The only thing, that could be responsible for that is a reg-tweak that disables the sounds while changing the volume... well, I'm not missing that crappy sound - it sounded like an old GameBoy
can you guys share the file, i dont have it on the Topix 3.5
**Note to self to download cab**
I didn't have the boot up sound on 1.44 but when i went to 1.66 it was there!
It also cuts out slightly as it writes 'brilliant'
Does anyone elses do that (or did that)
jonbaker76 said:
**Note to self to download cab**
I didn't have the boot up sound on 1.44 but when i went to 1.66 it was there!
It also cuts out slightly as it writes 'brilliant'
Does anyone elses do that (or did that)
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Yes mine does exactly the same thing.
jonbaker76 said:
**Note to self to download cab**
I didn't have the boot up sound on 1.44 but when i went to 1.66 it was there!
It also cuts out slightly as it writes 'brilliant'
Does anyone elses do that (or did that)
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Not everytime but mostly yes
Hi John,
works like a charm on my HD2. Thanks!!!
Good job, THX.

Deleting Program Sounds/Songs

Does anyone know where I can delete the sounds to game programs so they don't show up on my music tab? It is really annoying... I looked through the file explorer, but ran out of ideas where to look. If not, can I at least hide them from my music tab? Some examples are: "Bed", "DoubleDipFirst", "DoubleDipSecond"... I have a tmobile version...
D_monie3 said:
Does anyone know where I can delete the sounds to game programs so they don't show up on my music tab? It is really annoying... I looked through the file explorer, but ran out of ideas where to look. If not, can I at least hide them from my music tab? Some examples are: "Bed", "DoubleDipFirst", "DoubleDipSecond"... I have a tmobile version...
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i'm usually the last person to tell someone to "search" because i'm not as "anal" about little things like that...
but yea.. next time just search.. especially for something like that.... i only say it this time because i created a topic about this issue not too long ago.. i'm talking minutes... lol
either way...
all those stupid sounds are coming from you "who wants to be a millionaire" game that comes on your phone.. what i did, was delete that useless game, and that instantly solves your problem.. plus you save some space on your phone/sd card.. .. BUT if for some reason you think you will find yourself playing that game in the near future and would just like to rid yourself of the sounds...
i simply used a registry editor.. I prefer "total commander" then you have to go to where those files are located in the editor.. (if you want the exact location... just go to the music player.. and click on one of those music files... then click properties.. and it will tell you on the bottom...)
then you can either do it to the folder containing all the music files.. or to each individual one.. or you can just select them all.. i don't care...
go to properties.. then proceed to make that a hidden file... click change now... then do a soft reset.. "voila" those files should now be hidden and will no longer show up on the music tab...
i did this to "waze" not that game.. so i'm not sure if this is going to work for you... but i imagine that it will.. the concept is the same...
your welcome
like projectfuze said in both cases have a quick search but yes just make the game sounds hidden with TC and they wont appear in sense music
ProjektFuze said:
i'm usually the last person to tell someone to "search" because i'm not as "anal" about little things like that...
but yea.. next time just search.. especially for something like that.... i only say it this time because i created a topic about this issue not too long ago.. i'm talking minutes... lol
either way...
all those stupid sounds are coming from you "who wants to be a millionaire" game that comes on your phone.. what i did, was delete that useless game, and that instantly solves your problem.. plus you save some space on your phone/sd card.. .. BUT if for some reason you think you will find yourself playing that game in the near future and would just like to rid yourself of the sounds...
i simply used a registry editor.. I prefer "total commander" then you have to go to where those files are located in the editor.. (if you want the exact location... just go to the music player.. and click on one of those music files... then click properties.. and it will tell you on the bottom...)
then you can either do it to the folder containing all the music files.. or to each individual one.. or you can just select them all.. i don't care...
go to properties.. then proceed to make that a hidden file... click change now... then do a soft reset.. "voila" those files should now be hidden and will no longer show up on the music tab...
i did this to "waze" not that game.. so i'm not sure if this is going to work for you... but i imagine that it will.. the concept is the same...
your welcome
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Thanks... Sorry, will search more next time... How can you actually delete the whole game? That would be much more helpful... Through the registry editor?
-I take that back, I found it on my SD card... But is it possible to delete the icons from the programs list. I used the registry editor but couldn't find it.
yes go to file manager>windows>start menu> programs and then where ever it is delete them
Demon_man said:
yes go to file manager>windows>start menu> programs and then where ever it is delete them
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Cant thank you enough!

