What do I need? New phone!! - HD2 General

Will be taking delivery of my HD2 today.What do I need?
File Explorer? Total Explorer? Which version? According to the website none support the snapdragon processor(unless it has a different name)
What about to change visual aspects?
Is it just a case of finding a particular .cab file, loading it onto the SD card and installing?
And how does it work? If I install (for eg) transparent slider.cab ,then decide I dont want transparent just reduced transparency, do I need to uninstall the first one and install the second?

saldawop said:
Will be taking delivery of my HD2 today.What do I need?
File Explorer? Total Explorer? Which version? According to the website none support the snapdragon processor(unless it has a different name)
What about to change visual aspects?
Is it just a case of finding a particular .cab file, loading it onto the SD card and installing?
And how does it work? If I install (for eg) transparent slider.cab ,then decide I dont want transparent just reduced transparency, do I need to uninstall the first one and install the second?
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Seriously, wait till you've had the phone for about a week before doing anything to it. You sound like a puppy that's about to go for a walk! Chill man. Get to know the phone before you start changing it, or you'll just end up asking for things that it already does!

Yeah thanks.
Any answers to the questions I asked though?

saldawop said:
File Explorer? Total Explorer? Which version? According to the website none support the snapdragon processor(unless it has a different name)
What about to change visual aspects?
Is it just a case of finding a particular .cab file, loading it onto the SD card and installing?
And how does it work? If I install (for eg) transparent slider.cab ,then decide I dont want transparent just reduced transparency, do I need to uninstall the first one and install the second?
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File explorer will not let you copy/move certain files, but Total Commander, or Resco Explorer will. Just get the latest version, and don't worry about the processor. They run on Windows - they don't care about the processor.
If you install theme/visual changes, there's no hard-and-fast rule about what to do to replace the changes. Some of them you can uninstall and it restores the original look. Others don't. You can usually just install a new change over a previous one, but not always. You're gonna have to just find out through trial and error, or by asking, when you have specific questions to ask.
I wasn't being dismissive earlier - there's just no straight forward answer to such ambiguous questions.
Enjoy your new phone mate. I've had mine for 6 weeks now and I still love it like it was new yesterday!

johncmolyneux said:
File explorer will not let you copy/move certain files
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Uhh... yes it does. Menu -> Edit -> Copy/Cut/Paste/Paste Shortcut. I've got Total Commander but I only really ever use it for registry tweaks.

DexyG said:
Uhh... yes it does. Menu -> Edit -> Copy/Cut/Paste/Paste Shortcut. I've got Total Commander but I only really ever use it for registry tweaks.
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Uhh... just because the options are there doesn't mean they work for every file. As you quoted me saying, "File explorer will not let you copy/move certain files" (certain files, not all files).

Uhh... You're both right!
File Explorer will NOT let you copy/move/delete certain files
However it WILL let you copy/move/delete certain files
The key is the words 'certain files'. The 'certain files' John C is referring to are, for example, most of the files stored in the Windows folder and these tend to be exactly the ones we want to delete or rename. You WILL need one of the above-mentioned apps to mess around with them.
File Explorer is fine if you're only manipulating non-System files.

johnkst said:
Uhh... You're both right!
File Explorer will NOT let you copy/move/delete certain files
However it WILL let you copy/move/delete certain files
The key is the words 'certain files'. The 'certain files' John C is referring to are, for example, most of the files stored in the Windows folder and these tend to be exactly the ones we want to delete or rename. You WILL need one of the above-mentioned apps to mess around with them.
File Explorer is fine if you're only manipulating non-System files.
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I was only explaining that I wasn't wrong - he'd misread my statement. Obviously if it doesn't work for certain files then it does work for the rest. The context of the question suggests that the OP needed that explaining to him, or he'd only come back later and say "I can't copy this manila file into the windows folder", and we'd have to explain it to him then!
Bottom line, we're all right, and we're all trying to give the OP a concise answer (which I think he's got now)

Ah ok, my bad. Sorry.

Ahhh... That's nice...
Now we're all friends again, to come back to the OP's original question, I'm with John C on this. Take your time, get to know your phone and decide what you REALLY need first.
IMHO, the only thing you should install from the start is the BSB Tweaks cab (Just search the Leo forum for latest version - I think it's in a sticky somewhere). This will save you having to install a Registry Editor and installing a lot of these tweaks manually. It also makes it a lot easier to switch the tweaks on and off.
There are also some HTC updates now available (for Camera, SMS and SD Card). They have been out for a few days now and I haven't seen too many complaints, so I would say they are all safe to install...
Finally... ROM updates...
There are a couple now available from HTC. But again, unless you're experiencing a problem which you know has been fixed by these new ROMs, I would leave them alone. I've still got the original O2 ROM in my HD2 and it's working perfectly well, so I've not bothered to upgrade just yet.
All of the above is just my personal opinion. Hope you find it useful...
By the way, if you find BSB Tweaks (or any other cab that someone has invested time and effort into creating) useful, you might want to think about making a small donation. A $5 PayPal transaction is easily made, costs about the price of a pint (in the UK) and really makes these guys (and gals) faces light up!

Wont be updating the ROM. TBH I dont even know if I will be keeping the phone. I am an iPhone owner .

saldawop said:
Wont be updating the ROM. TBH I dont even know if I will be keeping the phone. I am an iPhone owner .
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Now you tell us...! ;-)

Just before we all get tarred with the same brush, I'm also an iPhone owner, and will be keeping my ROM-upgraded HD2 and selling my 3GS ;-)

Got my HD2.Although Im liking(not loving) it ,there are a couple ofthings I dont like.
1) I sometimes wake up to 30+ spam emails.Do I really have to open each one and delete them individually?(havent had the phone 24 hours so happy to be proved wrong)
2) I dislike the fact that when I delete an email from the phone, it deletes from the server
3)Dont like having to mess about opening different video players depending on codec (BUT it does play different codecs so cant really complain I guess)
4) This is probably down to not having too much time to play, but how do I get the screen to turn off? Is there a setting somewhere I can turn it off after x amount of time.Or do I HAVE to press the power button?

Got my HD2.Although Im liking(not loving) it ,there are a couple ofthings I dont like.
1) I sometimes wake up to 30+ spam emails.Do I really have to open each one and delete them individually?(havent had the phone 24 hours so happy to be proved wrong)
2) I dislike the fact that when I delete an email from the phone, it deletes from the server
3)Dont like having to mess about opening different video players depending on codec (BUT it does play different codecs so cant really complain I guess)
4) This is probably down to not having too much time to play, but how do I get the screen to turn off? Is there a setting somewhere I can turn it off after x amount of time.Or do I HAVE to press the power button?
5) Oh, and the Alarm!!! Is it possibly the worst alarm on a mobile phone ever?
Im not the heaviest of sleepers but there is a strong possibility that I would miss the 2 second alarm.

saldawop said:
Got my HD2.Although Im liking(not loving) it ,there are a couple ofthings I dont like.
1) I sometimes wake up to 30+ spam emails.Do I really have to open each one and delete them individually?(havent had the phone 24 hours so happy to be proved wrong)
2) I dislike the fact that when I delete an email from the phone, it deletes from the server
3)Dont like having to mess about opening different video players depending on codec (BUT it does play different codecs so cant really complain I guess)
4) This is probably down to not having too much time to play, but how do I get the screen to turn off? Is there a setting somewhere I can turn it off after x amount of time.Or do I HAVE to press the power button?
5) Oh, and the Alarm!!! Is it possibly the worst alarm on a mobile phone ever?
Im not the heaviest of sleepers but there is a strong possibility that I would miss the 2 second alarm.
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1) You can click on "Inbox" then Menu->Select Messages->Several, Choose the messages you want to mark as read then Menu->Mark as read/delete
2) I kindof makes sence to delete the email - keep the two in sync or is that only my perception on things
3) Try use one codec possibly, I'm certain there are different players out there with the ability to play a wider range its just a case of looking (sorry i don't really use my phone for music/multiple video formats)
4) Yes there is a setting settings->sound and display->backlight
5)Agreed it is rubbish I've tried G alarm because everyone seems to rave about it but i wasn't too keen but you could still try it and it does do the alarm sound for longer than 2 rings

Thanks for that Strange though because the screen is set to switch off after 1 minute. It doesn't! Was still on when I woke up this morning


help me identify this

Downloaded a cab file from a chinese website, its a today plugin that when you click takes control of your today screen and gives you many buttons to cycle through move around etc drag and drop. Has its own background and signal bar etc. Seems to be a simple application launcher which slightly resembles the iphone. Found it in an elf thread but not sure if it is from an elf. I searched the forum and cannot find anything really like it(i mean apon looking at the contents of the cab versus the content of other things I have found here) I would like to find it in english if I could figure out what to call it. I am attaching the cab file, havent gotten a screen shot of it yet but its not gonna trash your phone just the characters wont display if you do not have chinese installed.
Any help appreaciated.
Anyone know what this is? Is it malicious? I stupidly installed it, but it shows up nowhere in directory structure, remover programs, settings, or program folder.
It is not malicous I have installed it myself and it shows up in remove programs to uninstall. It not showing up at all is strange, what are you running? Did you reset after you installed it?
I am running LVSW's latest wm6 release. It installs and works fine except for the fact that chinese characters do not show.
I did a check on the CAB, and it seems alright. It is called "dDockView", installed to your "Program Files\dDockView" dir. All files are installed there, 2 at "\Windows" and a shortcut. Nothing in the registry, nothing nastily `malicious`. Two of the files in \Windows are "dDockView.xml", "dDockPlugin.dll". Delete these if you want to remove it.
From what it seems, it only execute if you run the "dDockView.exe" in "Program Files\dDockView"
And runs on WM6 only.
Attached screenshots. It looks.. ifoney. From what it seems, to be a launcher, that, the bottom part gives you the 'Menu' or 'Page' for the programs icons above.
You'll have to modify the XML in \Windows to point to your program and icons, I think.
Hey thanks for posting the screenshots I was just about to upload some myself. I knew it was a launcher but none of the chinese would show up as I did not have the local installed.
Is this comparable to the iphone app posted in these threads? Ive been searching but I havent found anything close to what files it installs I can only assume that its something the chinese have made but do not quote me on that. I wonder how hard it would be to convert it to english.
Psiodon said:
It is not malicous I have installed it myself and it shows up in remove programs to uninstall. It not showing up at all is strange, what are you running? Did you reset after you installed it?
I am running LVSW's latest wm6 release. It installs and works fine except for the fact that chinese characters do not show.
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I have yet to take any rom plunge. I am runing wm5 on my 8525 all I have done is put on the newest version of radio 1.43.
When I installed it I told it to use my storage card and it did not fail but said install was ok.
Your afraid to upgrade os but are ok updating the radio? I seem to remember reading that it is easier to brick your device radio updating than just upgrading the os but do not quote me on that.
@hanmin Since you were able to see the chinese characters, what was displayed on the normal today screen where you launch the program? Mine just showed an icon with many squares of course because I could not see chinese.
It seems like a decent launcher for one handed operation and the drag and drop works nice, still havent figured out how to customize it all yet but time will tell.
Psiodon said:
Your afraid to upgrade os but are ok updating the radio? I seem to remember reading that it is easier to brick your device radio updating than just upgrading the os but do not quote me on that.
@hanmin Since you were able to see the chinese characters, what was displayed on the normal today screen where you launch the program? Mine just showed an icon with many squares of course because I could not see chinese.
It seems like a decent launcher for one handed operation and the drag and drop works nice, still havent figured out how to customize it all yet but time will tell.
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Didn't say afraid, said I hadn't done it yet. Still reading and checking on what one I want to try first.
@Bohemian, I'm sure Psiodon doesn't meant to say 'afraid', probably the word 'worried / doubtful' is the word he is trying to use. Anyway, good that you are doing that. There are various newbies around that jump in and die without knowing why
I didn't install the app myself. I've just examined the CAB contents and did a bit of goggling myself. I don't even know that there is a today plugin (probably I've missed some lines in the CAB). From what it seems, you can happily skip the today plugin and launch it 'normally'.
@Boh, yes I did not mean scared afraid as hanmin said, just that you did radio first as I have not done radio yet but have done os many times hehe.
@Hanmin, I must be retarded how did you get those screenshots without installing it, some emulator or other way of extracting them? The retard thing can be verified with your reply haha.
@Psiodon You can google for screenshots? There are forum discussing it with screenshots. Just grab it from there? And, yes, there are emulator for WM5 devices if you are interested. Get it free from M$.
Are those forums in chinese or english, could you post a link to it?
Thanks in advance
can anyone covert it to english Please
@Psiodon Google for "dDockView"
@aih1977, from what it seems, it uses a XML file for all the setup and stuff, but it also has a few DLL files which maybe difficult to convert to English.
Hi Guys,
This today plug-in come pre-installed in S1 Dopod in china which is the HTC Touch "Elf". But this is only availible in default for china market.
You need to edit the xml to do batches change to del unwanted icon.
Too bad this come in chinese lang only. And I having some program in adding new program using the standard GUI. Think I need to use the xml to add new program.
That makes sense the chinese care nothing about copyrights which sometimes is a good thing.
The software has its own custimizing app built in, you just click the little down arrows and it gives you options to delete and add new as well as lock unlock the drag and drop capability, you can change text font colors etc, it has its own button library graphics you can select from etc.
It does what its supposed to do, launches apps, displays your messages count etc, goes directly to what you want it to go to, email for email, text messages for sms etc, self customizing (to an extent) drag and drop icons for ordering. Clicking the clock brings up time of course, clicking the service bars brings up phone properties. Its pretty quick to do its various tasks and seems to be a complete program, I did notice that it doesnt seem to show the status of bluetooth wifi etc at the top or maybe I havent figure out how to configure that.
If it were in english would be alot better thats for certain.
Translator needed...Chinese
I know that some people here speaks chinese, so could any of you please look into this and translate it
Is there a easy way to break of a DLL change (e.g. translate) it and put it back?
easy way hmmm. I tried translating it myself but with my limited knowledge on such things I couldnt really get anything important changed to english, just a few menu options that you could already figure out yourself. I had to change my local to chinese to get those characters to show up in my editing programs. Then had to make shift sign the exe then copy it over to the phone. Couldnt figure out the signing cab thing and didnt work much on that since I couldnt get much changed into english. I guess the other chinese is hidden in there somewhere but with the programs I used I couldnt figure it out. The other thing that bothers me about the program is that it will let you add control panel items, but not program items, when you select that option it just sits there. I assume some path being different on the chinese version of windows mobile 6? So with all the effort I didnt get far.
There are many people out there who translate programs from different languages, maybe they have more of a clue than I do, and the ability to fix the path problem with adding programs.
Psiodon said:
That makes sense the chinese care nothing about copyrights which sometimes is a good thing.
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Does this have something to do with the subject? So you're White western good thinking people? I wonder what you do around here?

Wing Processor upgrade programs??

Hi all,
I have been surfing around the forum for a couple of days now and am completely overloaded with all the amazing information available here. I have a Wing that I love (with the exception of the slow speed and the low program memory, of course) and I have been reading all about the different downloads that people have created for changing the page pool (a term I just learned) and over-clocking (again a new word) the processor, and to be honest, with my level of experience with this unit, I am scared.
I am hoping that someone could direct me to a program that I could buy (yes I am willing to pay for it) that would quickly, safely and without configuration from me, allow me to change the processor speed and the page pool. Does such a think exist? I really don't know enough to try doing this on my own.
Also, somewhere on one of these forums, I read a post from someone a couple of days ago saying that T-Mobile was going to be issuing a new update for the Wing - does anyone know anything about that. I keep checking on their page http://www.t-mobile.com/wmupgrade/ but it's not shown up yet.
Any help would be appreciated.
A simple search+reading wiki would have done the job for you, but, nevermind..
1) for changing pagepool, follow this post
2)for easy overclocking(which actually everyone here use, that is, batterystatus)
thank you for the links - I am hesitant to try the page pool from these directions because, as I said, my experience is very limited. I'm looking for simple, easy to install programs that might address these issues.
kdskamal said:
A simple search+reading wiki would have done the job for you, but, nevermind..
1) for changing pagepool, follow this post
2)for easy overclocking(which actually everyone here use, that is, batterystatus)
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ok, here is what to do to change the pagepool in 2steps
1)install aserg's policies on your device(copy the cab on the device and execute it from the file explorer)
2)make sure that you are connected to actiesync and run the batch file on the PC then(extract the archive first)
soft reset.
l8deblu said:
thank you for the links - I am hesitant to try the page pool from these directions because, as I said, my experience is very limited. I'm looking for simple, easy to install programs that might address these issues.
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Ummm, plug in ur phone, make sure its connected, and then open the pagepool folder and click the one that has a 6 in the file name.....its really not hard, Im pretty sure my dog could figure it out. Dont be afraid to try things. You'll surprise yourself with how much your capable of.
Where is the pagepool folder? I looked in File Explorer and even searched for it by name.... Could I borrow your dog?
chris30_2001 said:
Ummm, plug in ur phone, make sure its connected, and then open the pagepool folder and click the one that has a 6 in the file name.....its really not hard, Im pretty sure my dog could figure it out. Dont be afraid to try things. You'll surprise yourself with how much your capable of.
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l8deblu said:
Where is the pagepool folder? I looked in File Explorer and even searched for it by name.... Could I borrow your dog?
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Follow the post he gave you. It will have a file you download. It's a compressed folder. Uncompress it. THAT is the pagepool folder.
ivanmmj said:
Follow the post he gave you. It will have a file you download. It's a compressed folder. Uncompress it. THAT is the pagepool folder.
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The page pool hack is alot easier than your making it seem. Even if you screw it up, the pagepool just isnt gonna work and your gonna have to start over.
1.Install the ITSUTILS_Preperation cab. (either put it on your wing thru activesync or memory card, once its in the phone just click the file for install).
2. Soft reset after the install (stylus push on small hole, right side of wing)
3. Connect the wing to the pc thru activesync.
4. From your PC double click the backup file.
5. From your PC double click the 6mb pool file. (a black dos screen will scroll a few lines of text and disapper, if no lines of text scroll you have not followed every step...hard reset and try again)
Thats step for step, easy as seducing a hooker instructions.
Hopefully you can figure out batterysatus, if not msg me and ill help you out. Anytime things seem to complex its best to read the post numerous times. Things will start to make sense, and after that if your still haveing problems there are lots of really helpful people on this site.
Good Luck
I would do a power cycle instead of a soft reset to make sure your savings got saved.
Power cycle = holding the power down until it asks you to shut down, then shutting down.
ivanmmj said:
I would do a power cycle instead of a soft reset to make sure your savings got saved.
Power cycle = holding the power down until it asks you to shut down, then shutting down.
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Ive never noticed this, but does a soft reset have a tendency to not save settings Ivan?
Thank you one and all for your patience with me. I did it! I changed my page pool to 6 using the program you recommended and it worked just great. I have between 8-11 MB's left after start up. The only thing I am running is Contact Photo Pro. I don't know if it's a system resource hog or not, but I wanted a program that would allow me to customize separate tones for sms messages and caller tunes for my contacts, and also to have profiles where I can silence just the sms messages and allow phone calls during the night. There might be a better program out there but since I'm still such a newbie, I downloaded what I Could find first.
Again, thanks again for your help. I don't think I am going to overclock yet, as that seems scarier but for now my Wing is running better, and I can take a picture without getting a low memory error!
Airman Gimpy said:
Ive never noticed this, but does a soft reset have a tendency to not save settings Ivan?
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If done quickly enough, yes. I used to do it all the time...
T-Mobile wing
so far T-Mobile has no plans for any updates to the wing. i'll keep you posted if anything changes.
brooks23 said:
so far T-Mobile has no plans for any updates to the wing. i'll keep you posted if anything changes.
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Do you work for tmobile?
If so, that's sad... because they're starting to drag behind the competition... I do love their cheap data plan, though...
Airman Gimpy said:
The page pool hack is alot easier than your making it seem. Even if you screw it up, the pagepool just isnt gonna work and your gonna have to start over.
1.Install the ITSUTILS_Preperation cab. (either put it on your wing thru activesync or memory card, once its in the phone just click the file for install).
2. Soft reset after the install (stylus push on small hole, right side of wing)
3. Connect the wing to the pc thru activesync.
4. From your PC double click the backup file.
5. From your PC double click the 6mb pool file. (a black dos screen will scroll a few lines of text and disapper, if no lines of text scroll you have not followed every step...hard reset and try again)
Thats step for step, easy as seducing a hooker instructions.
Hopefully you can figure out batterysatus, if not msg me and ill help you out. Anytime things seem to complex its best to read the post numerous times. Things will start to make sense, and after that if your still haveing problems there are lots of really helpful people on this site.
Good Luck
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Double click the Backup file? where is that located?

what are these startups?

Hey all.
New owner of the X1 and so far loving the phone.
I've currently got the following on startup on my X1 and I was wondering if someone could be kind enough to explain what it loads and if it's ok to delete:
I would hazard a guess that poutlook is Pocket Outlook, and PanelDefault / Panelmanager run the Panels interface for Xperia phones.
I don't mean to be nasty or rude, but if you didn't know what Panelmanager is then that suggests that you should perhaps spend some time learning more about your device before you start deleting stuff.
For now I suggest you leave things be and just enjoy playing with it.
Mr Anderson said:
I would hazard a guess that poutlook is Pocket Outlook, and PanelDefault / Panelmanager run the Panels interface for Xperia phones.
I don't mean to be nasty or rude, but if you didn't know what Panelmanager is then that suggests that you should perhaps spend some time learning more about your device before you start deleting stuff.
For now I suggest you leave things be and just enjoy playing with it.
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thanks for the reply. The advice I'm looking for is what would happen if I deleted the above?
whoseline said:
thanks for the reply. The advice I'm looking for is what would happen if I deleted the above?
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You could create a backup of your settings and try it out for yourself, if you do not want to heed other people's warnings.
1) Panel Manager would not load (so no panel when u restart the phone).
For the other files you have the description here:
Also you should (have) post(ed) in a section that's designed just for you guys...
stormlv said:
You could create a backup of your settings and try it out for yourself, if you do not want to heed other people's warnings.
1) Panel Manager would not load (so no panel when u restart the phone).
For the other files you have the description here:
Also you should (have) post(ed) in a section that's designed just for you guys...
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Thanks for the bad attitude reply. If you don't have anything nice to say, ignore post.
I believe I posted in the right section, if i didn't I apologies but let the admins worry about that.
Hey, come on...play fair. There's no bad attitude here, stormlv is trying to be helpful, as am I.
Another option you have is to RENAME the files with a different extension so they are no longer recognised and the OS won't know what to do with them so they won't run.
That way you can discover what the behaviour of the device is, and if it doesn't please you then you just rename them back again.
if you are not using outlook then you could try deleting that and for panel manager i am not sure because sometime before i have had panel manager crash but the panel interface still works so maybe it restarts its self when you press the panel button - as Mr Anderson said renaming the files would be a good way to test which ones you do and dont want
one should avoid deleting anything beyond the Windows folder unless you know what you are doing.
any files to delete would be stored in ur device documents folder, like pics, vids, and other stuff that i call demo files

Can the T-Mobile system files be removed... no harm done?

I'm wondering if various included applications such as the Bing widget, Blockbuster Mobile, B&N eReader, the Gameloft game demos, and so on... could be removed? SAFELY, of course.
They just create what seems to be (and probably is) unnecessary system bulk. Not to mention, those game demos are completely hideous, and they obscure the potentially "uncluttered" Start Menu applications tray that could be had.
Could someone perhaps offer a bit of insight, maybe even enlighten me a little bit on this topic? Thanks.
Reignzone said:
I'm wondering if various included applications such as the Bing widget, Blockbuster Mobile, B&N eReader, the Gameloft game demos, and so on... could be removed? SAFELY, of course.
They just create what seems to be (and probably is) unnecessary system bulk. Not to mention, those game demos are completely hideous, and they obscure the potentially "uncluttered" Start Menu applications tray that could be had.
Could someone perhaps offer a bit of insight, maybe even enlighten me a little bit on this topic? Thanks.
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They can be removed in a cooked ROM, not sure if it is safe for a user to try and remove the files though. Remove one of the wrong files and you have a problem. Most of my ROMS I remove all of this stuff for the same reasons you mentioned.
i just did. everything's fine, except I accidentally deleted opera too, but thats easy to be cabbed back.
Thanks for shedding some light on this topic fellas. Great feedback. But yeah, I kind of figured that the icons could be removed from the Start Menu tray, the program files could be deleted, (with a system warning - of course) and it seems that even after that things SHOULD BE just fine.
From what I understand though... T-Mobile has made sure that some of these third-party apps cannot be deleted. For instance, I'd like to know if TeleNav and MobiTV can be rid of as well. Seriously, once freeing OUR version of the HTC HD2 of all this corporate junk and clutter from T-Mobile partnerships... it'll be very, very quick. (As if it's NOT already...)
Reignzone said:
Thanks for shedding some light on this topic fellas. Great feedback. But yeah, I kind of figured that the icons could be removed from the Start Menu tray, the program files could be deleted, (with a system warning - of course) and it seems that even after that things SHOULD BE just fine.
From what I understand though... T-Mobile has made sure that some of these third-party apps cannot be deleted. For instance, I'd like to know if TeleNav and MobiTV can be rid of as well. Seriously, once freeing OUR version of the HTC HD2 of all this corporate junk and clutter from T-Mobile partnerships... it'll be very, very quick. (As if it's NOT already...)
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there is nothing T-Mobile has put into this rom that can not be removed when cooking. it is just a pain to find where they have implemented all the crap, some times is in more then one place the same change.
Shortcuts will be under \Windows\Start menu\Programs, related program files will be under \Program Files, shouldnt cause any issues deleting them.
jlavoie said:
there is nothing T-Mobile has put into this rom that can not be removed when cooking. it is just a pain to find where they have implemented all the crap, some times is in more then one place the same change.
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Very true. However, would you suggest that the average Windows Mobile user attempt to dump, remove various things, then throw it all together, OR... simply use Resco File Explorer to remove the unwanted programs, system files, etc.?
I used to develop for Android, but this stuff is an entirely different ball game to me. So, I'm trying to learn the YES and NO basics here. Thanks.
Reignzone said:
Very true. However, would you suggest that the average Windows Mobile user attempt to dump, remove various things, then throw it all together, OR... simply use Resco File Explorer to remove the unwanted programs, system files, etc.?
I used to develop for Android, but this stuff is an entirely different ball game to me. So, I'm trying to learn the YES and NO basics here. Thanks.
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cooking is the best way to remove things you do not want. a user can delete all the crap they want but this will not give them more storage (files cook in can not be deleted just hidden) but rater just hide things they do not want to see. just remember that if you delete a program, make sure nothing else uses it.
efjay said:
Shortcuts will be under \Windows\Start menu\Programs, related program files will be under \Program Files, shouldnt cause any issues deleting them.
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jlavoie said:
cooking is the best way to remove things you do not want. a user can delete all the crap they want but this will not give them more storage (files cook in can not be deleted just hidden) but rater just hide things they do not want to see. just remember that if you delete a program, make sure nothing else uses it.
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Alright, thanks guys. Always appreciated for a bit of feedback.
THIS THREAD CAN BE CLOSED NOW... unless other T-Mobile USA HD2 users find this in any way, shape, or form helpful to continue. Thanks again.
Reignzone said:
I'm wondering if various included applications such as the Bing widget, Blockbuster Mobile, B&N eReader, the Gameloft game demos, and so on... could be removed? SAFELY, of course.
They just create what seems to be (and probably is) unnecessary system bulk. Not to mention, those game demos are completely hideous, and they obscure the potentially "uncluttered" Start Menu applications tray that could be had.
Could someone perhaps offer a bit of insight, maybe even enlighten me a little bit on this topic? Thanks.
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They can be reomoved but the registry has to be edited to remove some of the keys.Do one at a time and make sure the phone works ok for a few days before going on to the next.
you can do it but i wouldnt reconmmend it unless u know what ur doin but will say the each program is spidered in to the device the best sure way is to upgrade to a cooked rom but i must say but..............
ive deleted everything but telenav and mobitv, and no issues
Even though these programs don't show up in the Remove applications, they are able to be removed manually to release the storage--if you know where the files are located. (icons and shortcuts are easily removed).
However, whenever you do a hardware reset, they will come back, since they are part of the ROM which they could not be removed there.

HD2 WishList

These are my requests that I have which would actually "complete" my perfect HD2... if any members here would like to contribute some info as to how I may go about and fulfill them, then I would have much gratitude. Thanks
-Aside from the volume control that MysticGenious posted along with his taskbar, is there any other cab or registry change that will allow me to change my volume in increments of 1 as opposed to 3 bars each time? I am familiar with the paid app, but I do not want to go that route.. If mysticGenious created something that works when you use his taskbar, then I'm sure someone else has created something.
-Take the application "FootPrints" for example... Unless I have that activated on my tab screens, I am unable to create a shortcut so that I can save it on as a quicklink. This is the same with the HTC Calender App and any other tab application. If its not active in the Tab menu then the shortcuts doesn't exist. Is there a workaround? I would like to use Foot Prints, but I only want it as a quicklink, NOT as a Tab folder. I have already tried activating the tab and creating the shortcut to the quicklinks, but as soon as i removed it from the Tab Menus, it disappeared. There has got to be a way for this to happen. Cause I mean the program is there, but for some reason it only works if its active in Tabs.
-Transformers... I have tried reinstalling the Transformers cab but that didn't work. I just want to be able to click the Transformers shortcut and be able to select either 1 or 2 and then the movie instantly pops up. I have the movies saved on my sd card now, but because i moved them out of the SD card and onto my computer at one point in time, the link that connected them is no longer there. Basically I have all the components, I just need some guidance on how to make the shortcut link and work again... I'm assuming that i have to direct the file via registry editor "Total Commander" or something, I am just confused when it comes to that stuff on my HD2
and believe it or not, thats actually the only issues I have left with the phone, I'm sure that someone has a suggestion, or knows an answer... thanks a lot guys
i haven't given up hope on the members here....
anyone know any information about any of the 3 that i have listed??
I have solved my transformers issue...
thanks for the help community???................................................................
well either way.. in case someone runs into the same situation heres the original thread...
so any chances someone is gonna be able to point me in right direction for my other requests?? or perhaps even an answer??
cause this is a active hd2 forum, with many users willing to help out each other right???
one can dream.....
wrt links to footprints etc
you should be able to create your own shortcuts to the applications using File Explorer. footprints.exe exists in the Windows directory, you just need to copy it and past as short cut in the windows-start menu-programs directory. These short cuts shouldn't disappear when you disable the tab.
Lynehammike said:
wrt links to footprints etc
you should be able to create your own shortcuts to the applications using File Explorer. footprints.exe exists in the Windows directory, you just need to copy it and past as short cut in the windows-start menu-programs directory. These short cuts shouldn't disappear when you disable the tab.
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yea you would think so right?? but unfortunately this is the case... and i'm wondering how would we be able to remedy this.. cause yea.. footprinks.lnk does not exist... until it is activated in tabs.. and even if i decide to make a shortcut of the footprints.lnk when it shows up.. the shortcuts becomes inactive one you deactivate the tab...
its WEIRD... i think what it is.. is that HTC put a lock on that application, since its one of their own.. so that it can only work if its activated under sense UI... which sucks..
but yea.. so i've already tried all the "doable" attempts... i'm basically asking someone who is more skilled to tell me whats going on... cause the developers can do amazing things.. this would be a walk in the park...

