HD2 WishList - HD2 General

These are my requests that I have which would actually "complete" my perfect HD2... if any members here would like to contribute some info as to how I may go about and fulfill them, then I would have much gratitude. Thanks
-Aside from the volume control that MysticGenious posted along with his taskbar, is there any other cab or registry change that will allow me to change my volume in increments of 1 as opposed to 3 bars each time? I am familiar with the paid app, but I do not want to go that route.. If mysticGenious created something that works when you use his taskbar, then I'm sure someone else has created something.
-Take the application "FootPrints" for example... Unless I have that activated on my tab screens, I am unable to create a shortcut so that I can save it on as a quicklink. This is the same with the HTC Calender App and any other tab application. If its not active in the Tab menu then the shortcuts doesn't exist. Is there a workaround? I would like to use Foot Prints, but I only want it as a quicklink, NOT as a Tab folder. I have already tried activating the tab and creating the shortcut to the quicklinks, but as soon as i removed it from the Tab Menus, it disappeared. There has got to be a way for this to happen. Cause I mean the program is there, but for some reason it only works if its active in Tabs.
-Transformers... I have tried reinstalling the Transformers cab but that didn't work. I just want to be able to click the Transformers shortcut and be able to select either 1 or 2 and then the movie instantly pops up. I have the movies saved on my sd card now, but because i moved them out of the SD card and onto my computer at one point in time, the link that connected them is no longer there. Basically I have all the components, I just need some guidance on how to make the shortcut link and work again... I'm assuming that i have to direct the file via registry editor "Total Commander" or something, I am just confused when it comes to that stuff on my HD2
and believe it or not, thats actually the only issues I have left with the phone, I'm sure that someone has a suggestion, or knows an answer... thanks a lot guys

i haven't given up hope on the members here....
anyone know any information about any of the 3 that i have listed??

I have solved my transformers issue...
thanks for the help community???................................................................
well either way.. in case someone runs into the same situation heres the original thread...
so any chances someone is gonna be able to point me in right direction for my other requests?? or perhaps even an answer??
cause this is a active hd2 forum, with many users willing to help out each other right???
one can dream.....

wrt links to footprints etc
you should be able to create your own shortcuts to the applications using File Explorer. footprints.exe exists in the Windows directory, you just need to copy it and past as short cut in the windows-start menu-programs directory. These short cuts shouldn't disappear when you disable the tab.

Lynehammike said:
wrt links to footprints etc
you should be able to create your own shortcuts to the applications using File Explorer. footprints.exe exists in the Windows directory, you just need to copy it and past as short cut in the windows-start menu-programs directory. These short cuts shouldn't disappear when you disable the tab.
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yea you would think so right?? but unfortunately this is the case... and i'm wondering how would we be able to remedy this.. cause yea.. footprinks.lnk does not exist... until it is activated in tabs.. and even if i decide to make a shortcut of the footprints.lnk when it shows up.. the shortcuts becomes inactive one you deactivate the tab...
its WEIRD... i think what it is.. is that HTC put a lock on that application, since its one of their own.. so that it can only work if its activated under sense UI... which sucks..
but yea.. so i've already tried all the "doable" attempts... i'm basically asking someone who is more skilled to tell me whats going on... cause the developers can do amazing things.. this would be a walk in the park...



I know there are a lot of posts about this, though this one is a bit different. I was wondering, now that I've seen things like touchflo, buttonflo etc., if it would be possible for the final version of some FlowFX. Not necessary TouchFlo, but I mean that flip, fall and slide effect from Aspecto Software for instance.
When you enter File Explorer from say the start menu, you see the Flip effect. If you enter a directory inside the File Explorer you see a Slide effect. And when you exit the File Explorer (to perhaps the Today screen) you see the Fall effect.
Perhaps this has been questioned before (and perhaps it's already possible, if so could you post the link to it?) but I'm new and I've searched the keyword "FlowFX" and found nothing useful.
By the way, if it was possible, would it be in a .CAB file or would you have to flash your device?
Give it one more day before it disappears in the oblivion of posts.
If I'm requesting something that has already been done, could someone please be so kind to tell me which thread it was
Im guessing it would be more of a cab. But from what I've seen, most of this touchflo stuff is mostly for WM6.
everyone has been working on touchflo and buttonflo. I havent read anything abt Flowfx. But if you're good at developing or wanting to develop it, go right ahead.

Disable Recent Appications List and 7 Start Programs Limit in WM6

This is really a general WM6 question, but I have a XV6800 so i thought I would post it here.
How do you disable the recent applications/history in your start menu? All I want in the start menu, EVER, is the programs I have checked off in the Start Menu Settings section, and I never want it to keep a list of recently opened applications.
Also, how do you get rid of the "7" programs limit in the start menu? I need like 9 or 10 there (plus they will fit just fine on the home screen since I am disabling recent aplications)
i would recommend getting a start bar replacement like wisbar, that will let you do a lot more customizing. its what i use and i love it.
nope, i need registry tweak/hacks on how to do it. i am not going to install more ram-sucking software when it can be done natively in shell, i just dont know how.
Recent Programs
I have been looking for a solution for the recent program List
One solution is (i use this now) create another folder in your "windows\Start Menu\XYZ" and copy all (But 1) shortcuts from "windows\Start Menu\PROGRAMS" to "windows\Start Menu\XYZ" And your recent list wont be populated.
As for the limitation of 6 in the start Menu. I did not need to change that so i would not know if you find a solution i would like to know. And besides as other people mention yes WA is a good option.
almerchant said:
I have been looking for a solution for the recent program List
One solution is (i use this now) create another folder in your "windows\Start Menu\XYZ" and copy all (But 1) shortcuts from "windows\Start Menu\PROGRAMS" to "windows\Start Menu\XYZ" And your recent list wont be populated.
As for the limitation of 6 in the start Menu. I did not need to change that so i would not know if you find a solution i would like to know. And besides as other people mention yes WA is a good option.
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You copy/dulpicate all the programs into XYZ except one? which one? Anyone? And do you have to delete the Programs folder after copying?
only ones ive used
these are the only solutions i have found. the app the one guy on this thread made works great, but only on soft-resets

What do I need? New phone!!

Will be taking delivery of my HD2 today.What do I need?
File Explorer? Total Explorer? Which version? According to the website none support the snapdragon processor(unless it has a different name)
What about to change visual aspects?
Is it just a case of finding a particular .cab file, loading it onto the SD card and installing?
And how does it work? If I install (for eg) transparent slider.cab ,then decide I dont want transparent just reduced transparency, do I need to uninstall the first one and install the second?
saldawop said:
Will be taking delivery of my HD2 today.What do I need?
File Explorer? Total Explorer? Which version? According to the website none support the snapdragon processor(unless it has a different name)
What about to change visual aspects?
Is it just a case of finding a particular .cab file, loading it onto the SD card and installing?
And how does it work? If I install (for eg) transparent slider.cab ,then decide I dont want transparent just reduced transparency, do I need to uninstall the first one and install the second?
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Seriously, wait till you've had the phone for about a week before doing anything to it. You sound like a puppy that's about to go for a walk! Chill man. Get to know the phone before you start changing it, or you'll just end up asking for things that it already does!
Yeah thanks.
Any answers to the questions I asked though?
saldawop said:
File Explorer? Total Explorer? Which version? According to the website none support the snapdragon processor(unless it has a different name)
What about to change visual aspects?
Is it just a case of finding a particular .cab file, loading it onto the SD card and installing?
And how does it work? If I install (for eg) transparent slider.cab ,then decide I dont want transparent just reduced transparency, do I need to uninstall the first one and install the second?
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File explorer will not let you copy/move certain files, but Total Commander, or Resco Explorer will. Just get the latest version, and don't worry about the processor. They run on Windows - they don't care about the processor.
If you install theme/visual changes, there's no hard-and-fast rule about what to do to replace the changes. Some of them you can uninstall and it restores the original look. Others don't. You can usually just install a new change over a previous one, but not always. You're gonna have to just find out through trial and error, or by asking, when you have specific questions to ask.
I wasn't being dismissive earlier - there's just no straight forward answer to such ambiguous questions.
Enjoy your new phone mate. I've had mine for 6 weeks now and I still love it like it was new yesterday!
johncmolyneux said:
File explorer will not let you copy/move certain files
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Uhh... yes it does. Menu -> Edit -> Copy/Cut/Paste/Paste Shortcut. I've got Total Commander but I only really ever use it for registry tweaks.
DexyG said:
Uhh... yes it does. Menu -> Edit -> Copy/Cut/Paste/Paste Shortcut. I've got Total Commander but I only really ever use it for registry tweaks.
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Uhh... just because the options are there doesn't mean they work for every file. As you quoted me saying, "File explorer will not let you copy/move certain files" (certain files, not all files).
Uhh... You're both right!
File Explorer will NOT let you copy/move/delete certain files
However it WILL let you copy/move/delete certain files
The key is the words 'certain files'. The 'certain files' John C is referring to are, for example, most of the files stored in the Windows folder and these tend to be exactly the ones we want to delete or rename. You WILL need one of the above-mentioned apps to mess around with them.
File Explorer is fine if you're only manipulating non-System files.
johnkst said:
Uhh... You're both right!
File Explorer will NOT let you copy/move/delete certain files
However it WILL let you copy/move/delete certain files
The key is the words 'certain files'. The 'certain files' John C is referring to are, for example, most of the files stored in the Windows folder and these tend to be exactly the ones we want to delete or rename. You WILL need one of the above-mentioned apps to mess around with them.
File Explorer is fine if you're only manipulating non-System files.
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I was only explaining that I wasn't wrong - he'd misread my statement. Obviously if it doesn't work for certain files then it does work for the rest. The context of the question suggests that the OP needed that explaining to him, or he'd only come back later and say "I can't copy this manila file into the windows folder", and we'd have to explain it to him then!
Bottom line, we're all right, and we're all trying to give the OP a concise answer (which I think he's got now)
Ah ok, my bad. Sorry.
Ahhh... That's nice...
Now we're all friends again, to come back to the OP's original question, I'm with John C on this. Take your time, get to know your phone and decide what you REALLY need first.
IMHO, the only thing you should install from the start is the BSB Tweaks cab (Just search the Leo forum for latest version - I think it's in a sticky somewhere). This will save you having to install a Registry Editor and installing a lot of these tweaks manually. It also makes it a lot easier to switch the tweaks on and off.
There are also some HTC updates now available (for Camera, SMS and SD Card). They have been out for a few days now and I haven't seen too many complaints, so I would say they are all safe to install...
Finally... ROM updates...
There are a couple now available from HTC. But again, unless you're experiencing a problem which you know has been fixed by these new ROMs, I would leave them alone. I've still got the original O2 ROM in my HD2 and it's working perfectly well, so I've not bothered to upgrade just yet.
All of the above is just my personal opinion. Hope you find it useful...
By the way, if you find BSB Tweaks (or any other cab that someone has invested time and effort into creating) useful, you might want to think about making a small donation. A $5 PayPal transaction is easily made, costs about the price of a pint (in the UK) and really makes these guys (and gals) faces light up!
Wont be updating the ROM. TBH I dont even know if I will be keeping the phone. I am an iPhone owner .
saldawop said:
Wont be updating the ROM. TBH I dont even know if I will be keeping the phone. I am an iPhone owner .
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Now you tell us...! ;-)
Just before we all get tarred with the same brush, I'm also an iPhone owner, and will be keeping my ROM-upgraded HD2 and selling my 3GS ;-)
Got my HD2.Although Im liking(not loving) it ,there are a couple ofthings I dont like.
1) I sometimes wake up to 30+ spam emails.Do I really have to open each one and delete them individually?(havent had the phone 24 hours so happy to be proved wrong)
2) I dislike the fact that when I delete an email from the phone, it deletes from the server
3)Dont like having to mess about opening different video players depending on codec (BUT it does play different codecs so cant really complain I guess)
4) This is probably down to not having too much time to play, but how do I get the screen to turn off? Is there a setting somewhere I can turn it off after x amount of time.Or do I HAVE to press the power button?
Got my HD2.Although Im liking(not loving) it ,there are a couple ofthings I dont like.
1) I sometimes wake up to 30+ spam emails.Do I really have to open each one and delete them individually?(havent had the phone 24 hours so happy to be proved wrong)
2) I dislike the fact that when I delete an email from the phone, it deletes from the server
3)Dont like having to mess about opening different video players depending on codec (BUT it does play different codecs so cant really complain I guess)
4) This is probably down to not having too much time to play, but how do I get the screen to turn off? Is there a setting somewhere I can turn it off after x amount of time.Or do I HAVE to press the power button?
5) Oh, and the Alarm!!! Is it possibly the worst alarm on a mobile phone ever?
Im not the heaviest of sleepers but there is a strong possibility that I would miss the 2 second alarm.
saldawop said:
Got my HD2.Although Im liking(not loving) it ,there are a couple ofthings I dont like.
1) I sometimes wake up to 30+ spam emails.Do I really have to open each one and delete them individually?(havent had the phone 24 hours so happy to be proved wrong)
2) I dislike the fact that when I delete an email from the phone, it deletes from the server
3)Dont like having to mess about opening different video players depending on codec (BUT it does play different codecs so cant really complain I guess)
4) This is probably down to not having too much time to play, but how do I get the screen to turn off? Is there a setting somewhere I can turn it off after x amount of time.Or do I HAVE to press the power button?
5) Oh, and the Alarm!!! Is it possibly the worst alarm on a mobile phone ever?
Im not the heaviest of sleepers but there is a strong possibility that I would miss the 2 second alarm.
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1) You can click on "Inbox" then Menu->Select Messages->Several, Choose the messages you want to mark as read then Menu->Mark as read/delete
2) I kindof makes sence to delete the email - keep the two in sync or is that only my perception on things
3) Try use one codec possibly, I'm certain there are different players out there with the ability to play a wider range its just a case of looking (sorry i don't really use my phone for music/multiple video formats)
4) Yes there is a setting settings->sound and display->backlight
5)Agreed it is rubbish I've tried G alarm because everyone seems to rave about it but i wasn't too keen but you could still try it and it does do the alarm sound for longer than 2 rings
Thanks for that Strange though because the screen is set to switch off after 1 minute. It doesn't! Was still on when I woke up this morning

Where is the all programs list located?

I have a few apps I cant find lol. Coming from the tp2 there was an all programs tab that was easily accessible?
tap on the start menu, you'll have all the programs there. the last program would be on the very bottom, it doesn't sort them alphabetically.
Yeah I know about the start menu, im talking about every program on your phone alphabetically. On the tp2 it used to be a white screen with a long list of programs. All you had to do was tap all programs.
Thanks for the response.
I'm not sure if you're refering to the list of programs that the file explorer generates. It only has the folders of the programs installed. You may open the file explorer and go to Programs folder in your device or on your storage card. The folders are arranged alphabetically.
Sorry, if I'm not so clear about your concern as I know nothing about TP2.
dukins said:
Yeah I know about the start menu, im talking about every program on your phone alphabetically. On the tp2 it used to be a white screen with a long list of programs. All you had to do was tap all programs.
Thanks for the response.
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The screenshot below is what he's looking for.
Dukins, I don't have my HD2 yet so I can't look for it on there, but I do know that if it exists on the phone you'll have to be running Sense to get to it....so, if you've turned Sense off (to run SPB Mobile Shell or anything similar, etc), you'll need to run Sense to get that programs list.
Now, if that doesn't help you get to it, I hope somebody can point you/us to it, because I'll want to know how to find it as soon as I get my HD2
sirphunkee said:
The screenshot below is what he's looking for.
Dukins, I don't have my HD2 yet so I can't look for it on there, but I do know that if it exists on the phone you'll have to be running Sense to get to it....so, if you've turned Sense off (to run SPB Mobile Shell or anything similar, etc), you'll need to run Sense to get that programs list.
Now, if that doesn't help you get to it, I hope somebody can point you/us to it, because I'll want to know how to find it as soon as I get my HD2
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I see. I just got my HD2 last week but as far as I know, there is no such thing in it. The only one it has is the Start Menu that has all the programs, albeit not in list form but in hexagon-pattern listing, and not in alphabetic order.
sirphunkee said:
The screenshot below is what he's looking for.
Dukins, I don't have my HD2 yet so I can't look for it on there, but I do know that if it exists on the phone you'll have to be running Sense to get to it....so, if you've turned Sense off (to run SPB Mobile Shell or anything similar, etc), you'll need to run Sense to get that programs list.
Now, if that doesn't help you get to it, I hope somebody can point you/us to it, because I'll want to know how to find it as soon as I get my HD2
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yes sir this is exactly what im talking about. cant find the list a.ywhere and sense is on with no flashes roms except flr cookkes. funny thing sith cookies is when im adding a quick link the program list shows.
dukins said:
yes sir this is exactly what im talking about. cant find the list a.ywhere and sense is on with no flashes roms except flr cookkes. funny thing sith cookies is when im adding a quick link the program list shows.
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Yeah that's the same in sense 2.1 (on my TP2)...that list appears when you're adding a quick link, it's just odd that they seem to have removed direct access to it in sense 2.5. I'm sure that's a comment lament among users of 2.5 on all platforms, at least among those who had used it at some point before.

2 very specific questions (Disable the cannot connect bubble solved)

I would like to both find the following 2 fixes and cook them into my rom, but i cannot yet find the fixes - perhaps someone could be so kind as to help.
1. I do not want to see the 'could not connect' message - yes I have disabled both the connected and disconnected option but cannot find a way to remove that message. Really annoying when using TomTom.
2. When I tap the little keyboard at the bottom, to bring up the on screen keyboard, half the tme I accidentally get the input option menu I never use this and only want the standard keyboard - can I disable the option menu?
I have more questions, but am working through them as I think they are solvable by me with more time research.
Many thanks.
EDIT - See post 22 for likley solution to problem 1
crazyC said:
1. I do not want to see the 'could not connect' message - yes I have disabled both the connected and disconnected option but cannot find a way to remove that message. Really annoying when using TomTom.
2. When I tap the little keyboard at the bottom, to bring up the on screen keyboard, half the tme I accidentally get the input option menu I never use this and only want the standard keyboard - can I disable the option menu?
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1. I don't know.
Softreset...that's it.
Thanks, but I have tried that and it did not work. (I have gone back and checked that the reg edit was still there after the soft reset, and it was.)
TomTom breaking Manila
I still cannot answer my two initial questions, but have come across a strange issue.
I have tried to cook TomTom into my ROM to save time on the install. I have done this is the past with old style kitchens on previous phones no problem.
I have used the cab to ext converter in OsKitchen and made a package. If I inlcude the package in my ROM however, Manila will not start. Itr just syas tap here to start HTC Sense, and then flickers a bit but for love nor money I cannot make it start.
By a process of elimination I am sure it is the TomTom package causing this.
Running the cab via cab does not cause this issue.
Would anyone know what the problem might be?
Don't use the cab converter to make the EXT. My guess is that the cab has a setup.dll, and the converter is missing something important. Here is how you want to make the package:
Install the cab; get all of the files created and put them in your package. Obviously, there will be files in \program files, but there may be some dumped into \windows, \my documents, the device root or \application data or \startup. There may be a new directory in \windows. Find those files and put them in the package as well; organize them however you want. Personally, I'd relocated the .exe and dll's and anything else I could into \windows, but I've never used tom-tom and don't know how it's organized or how it works.
Next, get all of the registry keys (after you register the program). I'm guessing that it's HKCU\software\tomtom or hklm\software\tomtom or something similar. There may also be other keys installed elsewhere (like clsid keys). Find those. If there's a setup.dll, you can open it with a text editor and probably see where they are. Some may appear in the _setup.xml. The best way to do this is to track changes with sk tracker, or do it the hard way and compare the registry before and after install with windiff (comparing full registry exports).
Once you have all the files and the reg keys, build the package. Clearly, the package builder is failing you, so I'd punt on it. Don't cook in the setup.dll, though (or anyting with a similar name, like tom-tomsetup.dll; sometimes there's more than one). Also, sometimes more complicated cabs will have zip files that install further during installation-open these up, look at them to make sure you have all the contents, then remove from the package.
Just a little add to Farmer Ted's excelent instruction.
I use wince cab manager to extract a cab, this will give you the registry plus the file locations.
This will give you something to compaire and helps you easier search what you are looking for.
The file locations you can create yourself in initflashfiles.dat or app.dat
To export a registry on device I use registry workshop.
With registry workshop you can export registry from your device straight to your pc.
If you are planning to realocate all the files to windows you need to edit the shortcuts to so they direct to windows and not program files for example.
The shortcuts you can open with a tekst editor.
Thanks guys - much appreciated.
The problem is that TomTom runs fine, its just that it screws up Manila. I will try and pull the cab to pieces as advised to make sure it is converting properly and also to see if I can spot anything that might impact Manila in the registry etc.
I dont suppose you have any thoughts on teh original two questions?
Not realy, but if the cab runs fine but your package isnt then there must be something wrong in the package isn't?
crazyC said:
I dont suppose you have any thoughts on teh original two questions?
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There is actually not much in the cab.
Using Wince cab Manager I can see no setup.dll
There are also no reg entries - nor can I find anything in the reg on the device that does anything other than list the install directory.
Looking at th files it installs, there are a couple of bluetooth files that can cause an error - odly it seems to not affect me when it is a cab but it must overwrite the windows ones when it is cooked in. The only thing I can think of is that it also has a phone.dll that presumably overwrites the one in the sys.
I will try cooking without this in my next build and see.
Unfortunately I am out of time as have recooked/flashed almost ten times trying to tie down this issue and then getting back to a stable base.
I have also 'broken' Arkswitch which was working on earlier builds. Don't think its related though.
crazyC said:
Thanks guys - much appreciated.
The problem is that TomTom runs fine, its just that it screws up Manila. I will try and pull the cab to pieces as advised to make sure it is converting properly and also to see if I can spot anything that might impact Manila in the registry etc.
I dont suppose you have any thoughts on teh original two questions?
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It's weird that it screws up manila; I don't use manila (or T-T, obviously), so can't help you there. I'm just guessing that you're missing a registry key that you need to get the package to work. Is there a tom-tom demo (not warez)? If you post a link, I'll take a look at the cab to see if I can make an ext from it, or figure out what's going on. Some cabs are just a *****, and you're better of doing a cab install. You should see the Redfly cab, it's sick, lol. It's one that has a zip file that does a secondary install. I hate it. I also hate Redfly, but that's another story.
I read somewhere that with some sip buttons, if you press the left half, it launches the keyboard, and if you press the right half, it launches the menu. I've never experienced it myself, and don't know which builds it affects or why it happens. Is this what's going on? I'm just guessing, since you say it eff's up half the time. I have no idea how to disable the connection message, but I wouldn't mind knowing how, either. It's annoying as crap.
What's your device memory left over?
I'm just thinking, maybe you could exclude TomTom from the taskmanager exclusive list.
Sorry one more idea, you are cooking for Rhodium right?
HD2 and Rhodium have a simulair bluetooth stack.
I remember on first HD2 roms there were some problems with TomTom and bluetooth on HD2.
Just a taught.
crazyC said:
There is actually not much in the cab.
Using Wince cab Manager I can see no setup.dll
There are also no reg entries - nor can I find anything in the reg on the device that does anything other than list the install directory.
Looking at th files it installs, there are a couple of bluetooth files that can cause an error - odly it seems to not affect me when it is a cab but it must overwrite the windows ones when it is cooked in. The only thing I can think of is that it also has a phone.dll that presumably overwrites the one in the sys.
I will try cooking without this in my next build and see.
Unfortunately I am out of time as have recooked/flashed almost ten times trying to tie down this issue and then getting back to a stable base.
I have also 'broken' Arkswitch which was working on earlier builds. Don't think its related though.
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Thanks both for your continued help.
Yes I am cooking for the Rhodium and am using the Rhodium Manila plus Cookie 1.6.1 so as to keep memory use in check. Ok I have added in the 1.8 HTC messaging but it doesn't cause a problem. Memory is about 40% free on first boot - am also using 23568 as the SYS base. I also use Ameba.
I think my Arkswitch issue is due to something else cooked in, but being honest I dont really use Arkswitch much and so am going to drop it next time I cook I think.
Farmer Ted - There is no issue with TomTom as regards Warez as far as I know - the program is fine - it is the maps that must be purchased and talking about getting round that is where the problems arise. The program itself is OK.
I might get one last chance to cook and flash tonight to check out my theory about the Phone.dll. If not I will post back and throw myself on your mercy, although as you say, it might be better to just live with the fact it will be a cab install. due to the way the files interact and the fact that the tomtom package works, I do think something is being overwritten in the cooking process and all I can see is that file.
The reason I have persisted with TomTom is that I have made an old style OEM package in the past from the cab with no problems (long lost kitchen).
With regards to the Bluetooth issues - I have sorted those now AFAIK.
RESULT! re TomTom - will post back after putting my little girl to bed.
OK - to summarise.
I ran TomTom through the cab importer within OsKitchen and it produced a package.
Although the cab had installed and run with no errors, cooking it in created 2 errors.
Firstly, there was a bluetooth message about bttray or something not being a valid application.
This is caused by two BT files in windows being overwritten by the TomTom ones. Simply renaming the two fiels to include the word OLD in the name sorted that. I will just remove them next time as I do not think they are necessary if the windows files are there.
The second issue was that Manila would not start. I believe this is due to a similar issue to the above, in that phone.dll was being overwritten. I renamed the file to PhoneOLD.dll and cooked in the package and now Manila starts.....
Still looking for answers to my first two questions though
(and yes its cos I keep hittingt he side of the button with my fat fingers that the keyboard selector comes up)
I'm not sure what's up with the keyboard, although I use Resco, so maybe you don't get then menu popup when you hit the wrong half. Have you tried killing SIPGT_app.exe? Maybe it won't pop up with that killed. If that's the case, then remove the bootlauncher key in your ezinput package. Killing it may not help, though.
I could not find that exe file to kill. The keyboard behavious is I believe as it is intended to work - just not how I want it. But are you saying Resco Keyboard fixes this?
However my final reflash last night seems to have gone a bit nuts. I am now getting all sorts of problems with apps not being able to run because they are unsigned etc or bits missing.
We are talking about stuff cooked in that has previously worked flawlessly.
Had some issues with my PC last night as well. I think I need to go back a step when I get home tonight and maybe rebuild the kitchen.
Time and kitchens have moved on a little, but as things are going well, I am back to my original 2 questions that continue to perplex me:
1. Is there a way of stopping the 'cannot connect' bubble from coming up, or even to make it automatically close after say a few seconds.
2. Is there a way of stopping the keyboard selector menu from popping up when the side of the keyboard icon is hit. I just want the qwerty option and do not want the menu to come up ever.
I have been able to make no headway at all with (1), - found mention of one cab somewhere but the link had expired - and have tried various things for (2) but with no success yet.
PS- to follow up my previous posts yes the fixes I mentioned for Tom Tom work fine - it was the 3 files causing the issues.
In my old Kaiser roms i used the below reg key to disable connect notification,sorry i really dont remember if it disable also"cannot connect".
Disable Sip Menù is the same reg key that another guy posted here:
I tried it on my HD2 before posting here and setting it to 0 it leave the menù where you can select keypad,compact qwerty,full qwerty and language,it is still present a little menù with the option and my guess is that this isnt removable.
crazyC said:
Time and kitchens have moved on a little, but as things are going well, I am back to my original 2 questions that continue to perplex me:
1. Is there a way of stopping the 'cannot connect' bubble from coming up, or even to make it automatically close after say a few seconds.
2. Is there a way of stopping the keyboard selector menu from popping up when the side of the keyboard icon is hit. I just want the qwerty option and do not want the menu to come up ever.
I have been able to make no headway at all with (1), - found mention of one cab somewhere but the link had expired - and have tried various things for (2) but with no success yet.
PS- to follow up my previous posts yes the fixes I mentioned for Tom Tom work fine - it was the 3 files causing the issues.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Cheers for that - I am concluding that the SIP issue I wil live with, and I already have that reg key set to zero for the connections issue, to no avail. I am experimenting with some other keys, but its really shooting in that dark, and as I cannot readily reporduce the notification, it will be a few days before I can even see any change.
Oh well. I will update if I get anywhere.
Ooooohhh, following some more digging, I MAY have an answer re the cannot connect bubble. I saw someone elses solution and that has actually led me to what could be far simpler.
I will try and cab it up later tonight for other to try. It is just a reg entry
EDIT - maybe I spoke too soon.
I am testing this by alternating between 3G and 2G on the comm manager - normally this will pull up the message. (Could someone confirm this as a valid test method).
I thought I had it solved, then the message appeared, but have done it another ten times with no hint of the message.
Some more testing to do......

