Transformers - HD2 General

I am willing to send both these MP4 files to anyone that is willing to help me out...I know that some of you members are looking for the movies and i honestly don't care enough to deny someone... so yea.. just send me a PM....
before i send you the movies.. someone has to tell me how to set up my transformers shortcut again....basically i removed the movies from my sd card.. and onto my computer (trying to save space) and then i realized that i'm not gonna need that much space.. so i put them back on my sd card... problem is.. the transformers shortcut on the homepage doesn't workj anymore... it gets me to the screen where i have to choose either Transformers 1 or Transformers 2.... and if i click either of them.. it says "media file not found" so yea.. i'm assuming that i have to do something in the registry that somehow links that shortcut to the movie files on my sd card.. so yea.. someone willing to help me out?? it seems like it wouldn't be that hard of a fix.. so yea.. please help

Did you place the movies back in the same place as before? The shortcut just points to the files in X location and if they are not in that location it fails. You could probably just edit the exe to point to a different location.

feel like elaborating?? as in the process.. i'm no wizard when it comes to stuff like that...

Paste the shortcut in the windows/start menu/programs folder and you should be able to add it as a quicklink

k.. so i even tried installing the transformers cab... with the hopes that it might make it work after a soft reset.. nothing...i'm running out of juice guys.. any other suggestions someone wants to throw at me?? and i know i'm not the only person with a hd2 that removed the movies from sd card.. then tried to put them back on.. someone knows how to do this...please share

The movies originally went in Storage card > Transformers
The short cut in your start menu should have the following string;
That exe file is the little home grown launcher program within which you select your movies.
I dont know if that launcher hunts for them or needs to know exactly where they are for it to run. I have not edited or looked at the exe itself.

10332007 said:
The movies originally went in Storage card > Transformers
The short cut in your start menu should have the following string;
That exe file is the little home grown launcher program within which you select your movies.
I dont know if that launcher hunts for them or needs to know exactly where they are for it to run. I have not edited or looked at the exe itself.
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this is exactly what i was looking for.... thanks.. i will let you know how it goes.. thank you

Just in case anyone else runs into this stupid issue and would like to resolve it...
But When i put the movies back onto my sd card, i created a new folder called movies... then i tried everything.. tried creating shortcuts, messing with directory etc... but nothing changed... it was getting quite frustrating...
but after reading 10332007's post, the folder that it was originally named on my sd card was not "movies" it was "Transformers" so basically right after i renamed that folder, soft reset.. Then "voila" the shortcut instantly starts working again... the answer was soo easy.. and right in front of my face.. i was just thinking that it was gonna be a little more complicated then renaming a folder... but yea.. so in case someone wanted to know that's too afraid to speak out... here ya go... cause i know i'm not the only hd2 user that needed it..


WING keeps Restarting

Hey Whats up....i wus playing around with dialpad skins for my phone and for tha hell of it i installed a .cab for a "video" button on my dialing screen...i dont have 3g or anything i juss thought it would b a nice look....anyway...i soft re-setted my phone and now it just does tha whole t-mobile start up screen then "windows mobile"......then restarts again....cant seem to get it past any of those screens cause it juss keeps restarting....if any1 could help me out i would appreciate it...i really dont wanna do a hard reset
take ur memory card, you probably have something installed on ur memory card that's causing the loop.
Try using a file explorer (like resco or total commander)
and go into your Windows directory and rename a files called
omap850_sdhc.dll into omap850_sdhc.dll.old then soft reset your phone and it should start working fine.
this happens to me all the time, it only happens to me when i start messing with HTC home plug in. only way i found to stop the loop is do a hard reset. never tried removing the memory card in case any program in the card was causing the loup, ill keep that in mind next time this happens to me.
I can practically guarantee that the solution I posted will fix your problem if it ever comes up again
you are a lifesaver my dude...thanks so much...i was gonna lose all my numbers wit tha hard reset becuase i kept forgeting to sync my contacts on my comp but this worked perfect...made my fukin day lol...thnx again....1
duprade said:
take ur memory card, you probably have something installed on ur memory card that's causing the loop.
Try using a file explorer (like resco or total commander)
and go into your Windows directory and rename a files called
omap850_sdhc.dll into omap850_sdhc.dll.old then soft reset your phone and it should start working fine.
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thank you.
You're welcome
duprade said:
take ur memory card, you probably have something installed on ur memory card that's causing the loop.
Try using a file explorer (like resco or total commander)
and go into your Windows directory and rename a files called
omap850_sdhc.dll into omap850_sdhc.dll.old then soft reset your phone and it should start working fine.
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I have a startup issue. Have to remove the card while soft-reset. Works fine once in WM6 and I can put card back in.
I don't have that omap850 file in my windows directory... any idea?
you need to use a different file explorer (resco, total commander) instead of the file explorer that comes with WM because it won't show .DLL or any other type of system files.
Awesome, got Total Commander. Works like a charm, no more pulling the card out!
Since you seem on the up and up with the Wing...
Any hidden files/temp crap that is filling up my device? I only have 5mb on my device and really not very many programs installed on it at all, my program files folder is only 6mb.
Thanks again for your assistance, much appreciated.
vr24 said:
Awesome, got Total Commander. Works like a charm, no more pulling the card out!
Since you seem on the up and up with the Wing...
Any hidden files/temp crap that is filling up my device? I only have 5mb on my device and really not very many programs installed on it at all, my program files folder is only 6mb.
Thanks again for your assistance, much appreciated.
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There's alot of **** filling up your wing that you dont need. haha. Are you still running the stock rom ? If so I'd suggest upgrading to a new one... personally, I'd reccommend ITJE's work.
ITJE's - Touch-IT 4.4
I was considering Touch-IT - but for some ungodly reason they removed Internet Sharing!!! What the hell would anyone do that for? It's free laptop internet.
I also need exchange to work, live messenger and whatever else. I just can't help but think it will be daunting as I got my cube configured and everything. I'm curious though... does the wing run faster with Touch-IT?
Also says (I'm looking at 4.4 here) - that the Today items are disabled (can you re-enable??) and Adobe Reader? Why remove that? I use it all the time...
Ugh, lol... this is why I am swaying away from Touch-IT... but really, does it do that much performance wise or just free up some space? Because besides the phone being a bit slow, I got it rock solid config'd and it's heavily modified.
My only suggestion would be try out all the Roms and see what you think.
Personally, I'm a big advocate of ITJE's work.. You can install a cab for adobe ... I'm sure there's something for the internet sharing cab somewhere.
other idea
tried the above solution to no avail, so I did some more testing. found that what triggered it on my device was adding additional apps to the tray launch.
just thought i'd share hope it helps
Awesome. That's good to know.
But do you really think using these ROM's will speed up the device at all? Or just simply create more storage space...
The Roms definitely make the device faster.
The new TouchIT 4.4 is the fastest rom I've ever had on my device... and I've had the priviledge to have seen some of the things that ITJE is working on, and let's just say you should be extremely anxious to see what's next to say the least.
I'd love to use Touch IT, but I'm still very weary of the internet sharing. I can't seem to find the cab for it and again, what in the world would compel someone to remove unlimited internet capabilities from the ROM????
I'm reading through all the posts, and everyone ignores the posters who ask about internet sharing, kind of strange.... Is there some conspiracy I'm unaware of or something???
I compiled an InternetSharing cab for those of you looking for it.
duprade said:
Try using a file explorer (like resco or total commander)
and go into your Windows directory and rename a files called
omap850_sdhc.dll into omap850_sdhc.dll.old then soft reset your phone and it should start working fine.
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tf3d album art app.

I have a ? is there an app. that would allow you to add album art to individual songs on tf3d..
I know u can use windows media player but lets say im away from home and i come across an artist picture that i like.. rather than waiting to get home this program would allow me to add it rite there on the spot.
Ive done alot of searching and have not come across anything.. (or i might just be using the wrong keywords) iether way im a total newbie at this so any help would be welcomed and appriciated
Thank you all in advance.
I don't know of any app that can do this, but you can always do it manually at any time:
Take a picture, or download the one you want from the internet. Rename it to 'Folder'. Place it in the folder that contains the track you want to associate the image with... navigate to Internal Storage\Music\Band Name\Album Name - Place the image named 'Folder' here.
Hope this at least gives you one solution
k i went to storage/music.. but all i see is all my music but no band name or album folder...
Do you have all your music in the same folder? Then this might come handy.
you can try my method in my blog, the link is in my Signatures...
hopes this helps...
Thankx guys for all the great help.
I appriciate all the good help
grahamkdt said:
I don't know of any app that can do this, but you can always do it manually at any time:
Take a picture, or download the one you want from the internet. Rename it to 'Folder'. Place it in the folder that contains the track you want to associate the image with... navigate to Internal Storage\Music\Band Name\Album Name - Place the image named 'Folder' here.
Hope this at least gives you one solution
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Thanks for your tip. It works a treat on my Diamond. I had been searching for something to do this. There are other solutions, but I couldn't get them to work properly and this is a very simple method.

HD2 WishList

These are my requests that I have which would actually "complete" my perfect HD2... if any members here would like to contribute some info as to how I may go about and fulfill them, then I would have much gratitude. Thanks
-Aside from the volume control that MysticGenious posted along with his taskbar, is there any other cab or registry change that will allow me to change my volume in increments of 1 as opposed to 3 bars each time? I am familiar with the paid app, but I do not want to go that route.. If mysticGenious created something that works when you use his taskbar, then I'm sure someone else has created something.
-Take the application "FootPrints" for example... Unless I have that activated on my tab screens, I am unable to create a shortcut so that I can save it on as a quicklink. This is the same with the HTC Calender App and any other tab application. If its not active in the Tab menu then the shortcuts doesn't exist. Is there a workaround? I would like to use Foot Prints, but I only want it as a quicklink, NOT as a Tab folder. I have already tried activating the tab and creating the shortcut to the quicklinks, but as soon as i removed it from the Tab Menus, it disappeared. There has got to be a way for this to happen. Cause I mean the program is there, but for some reason it only works if its active in Tabs.
-Transformers... I have tried reinstalling the Transformers cab but that didn't work. I just want to be able to click the Transformers shortcut and be able to select either 1 or 2 and then the movie instantly pops up. I have the movies saved on my sd card now, but because i moved them out of the SD card and onto my computer at one point in time, the link that connected them is no longer there. Basically I have all the components, I just need some guidance on how to make the shortcut link and work again... I'm assuming that i have to direct the file via registry editor "Total Commander" or something, I am just confused when it comes to that stuff on my HD2
and believe it or not, thats actually the only issues I have left with the phone, I'm sure that someone has a suggestion, or knows an answer... thanks a lot guys
i haven't given up hope on the members here....
anyone know any information about any of the 3 that i have listed??
I have solved my transformers issue...
thanks for the help community???................................................................
well either way.. in case someone runs into the same situation heres the original thread...
so any chances someone is gonna be able to point me in right direction for my other requests?? or perhaps even an answer??
cause this is a active hd2 forum, with many users willing to help out each other right???
one can dream.....
wrt links to footprints etc
you should be able to create your own shortcuts to the applications using File Explorer. footprints.exe exists in the Windows directory, you just need to copy it and past as short cut in the windows-start menu-programs directory. These short cuts shouldn't disappear when you disable the tab.
Lynehammike said:
wrt links to footprints etc
you should be able to create your own shortcuts to the applications using File Explorer. footprints.exe exists in the Windows directory, you just need to copy it and past as short cut in the windows-start menu-programs directory. These short cuts shouldn't disappear when you disable the tab.
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yea you would think so right?? but unfortunately this is the case... and i'm wondering how would we be able to remedy this.. cause yea.. footprinks.lnk does not exist... until it is activated in tabs.. and even if i decide to make a shortcut of the footprints.lnk when it shows up.. the shortcuts becomes inactive one you deactivate the tab...
its WEIRD... i think what it is.. is that HTC put a lock on that application, since its one of their own.. so that it can only work if its activated under sense UI... which sucks..
but yea.. so i've already tried all the "doable" attempts... i'm basically asking someone who is more skilled to tell me whats going on... cause the developers can do amazing things.. this would be a walk in the park...

Deleting Program Sounds/Songs

Does anyone know where I can delete the sounds to game programs so they don't show up on my music tab? It is really annoying... I looked through the file explorer, but ran out of ideas where to look. If not, can I at least hide them from my music tab? Some examples are: "Bed", "DoubleDipFirst", "DoubleDipSecond"... I have a tmobile version...
D_monie3 said:
Does anyone know where I can delete the sounds to game programs so they don't show up on my music tab? It is really annoying... I looked through the file explorer, but ran out of ideas where to look. If not, can I at least hide them from my music tab? Some examples are: "Bed", "DoubleDipFirst", "DoubleDipSecond"... I have a tmobile version...
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i'm usually the last person to tell someone to "search" because i'm not as "anal" about little things like that...
but yea.. next time just search.. especially for something like that.... i only say it this time because i created a topic about this issue not too long ago.. i'm talking minutes... lol
either way...
all those stupid sounds are coming from you "who wants to be a millionaire" game that comes on your phone.. what i did, was delete that useless game, and that instantly solves your problem.. plus you save some space on your phone/sd card.. .. BUT if for some reason you think you will find yourself playing that game in the near future and would just like to rid yourself of the sounds...
i simply used a registry editor.. I prefer "total commander" then you have to go to where those files are located in the editor.. (if you want the exact location... just go to the music player.. and click on one of those music files... then click properties.. and it will tell you on the bottom...)
then you can either do it to the folder containing all the music files.. or to each individual one.. or you can just select them all.. i don't care...
go to properties.. then proceed to make that a hidden file... click change now... then do a soft reset.. "voila" those files should now be hidden and will no longer show up on the music tab...
i did this to "waze" not that game.. so i'm not sure if this is going to work for you... but i imagine that it will.. the concept is the same...
your welcome
like projectfuze said in both cases have a quick search but yes just make the game sounds hidden with TC and they wont appear in sense music
ProjektFuze said:
i'm usually the last person to tell someone to "search" because i'm not as "anal" about little things like that...
but yea.. next time just search.. especially for something like that.... i only say it this time because i created a topic about this issue not too long ago.. i'm talking minutes... lol
either way...
all those stupid sounds are coming from you "who wants to be a millionaire" game that comes on your phone.. what i did, was delete that useless game, and that instantly solves your problem.. plus you save some space on your phone/sd card.. .. BUT if for some reason you think you will find yourself playing that game in the near future and would just like to rid yourself of the sounds...
i simply used a registry editor.. I prefer "total commander" then you have to go to where those files are located in the editor.. (if you want the exact location... just go to the music player.. and click on one of those music files... then click properties.. and it will tell you on the bottom...)
then you can either do it to the folder containing all the music files.. or to each individual one.. or you can just select them all.. i don't care...
go to properties.. then proceed to make that a hidden file... click change now... then do a soft reset.. "voila" those files should now be hidden and will no longer show up on the music tab...
i did this to "waze" not that game.. so i'm not sure if this is going to work for you... but i imagine that it will.. the concept is the same...
your welcome
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Thanks... Sorry, will search more next time... How can you actually delete the whole game? That would be much more helpful... Through the registry editor?
-I take that back, I found it on my SD card... But is it possible to delete the icons from the programs list. I used the registry editor but couldn't find it.
yes go to file manager>windows>start menu> programs and then where ever it is delete them
Demon_man said:
yes go to file manager>windows>start menu> programs and then where ever it is delete them
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Cant thank you enough!

Help Movie Folder App!

well i want to find out how to make a similar movie app like the transformers app in my htc hd2 in other words is there a way i can make my own app w/icon and open it just like the transformers app but with different kinds of videos like movies and music videos
Please need help, i looked for days & found nothing on how to do that
well i want to find out how to make a similar movie app like the transformers app in my htc hd2 in other words is there a way i can make my own app w/icon and open it just like the transformers app but with different kinds of videos like movies and music videos
Please need help, i looked for days & found nothing on how to do that
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Your best bet would be to make a shortcut to the folders they are in and then copy the shortcut to the start menu and then assign an icon to them.
How would i make an icon to that folder though thats the main answer i want
P.S. thats exactly what i did and thats what i really want to do make an icon for that folder shortcut to work on the start menu
How would i make an icon to that folder though thats the main answer i want
P.S. thats exactly what i did and thats what i really want to do make an icon for that folder shortcut to work on the start menu
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Ok find an icon you want either on the internet or the forums and then you need to make the reg setting for it. Something like this,
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\"you link name here".lnk]
then drop your icon in the windows folder and then reboot and the icon should take
K tnx but ill try later my freaking Laptop is running out of battery
K tnx but ill try later my freaking Laptop is running out of battery
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Or you could use something like JWMD Icon Changer, no reg editing and lets you save and load themes of Icons .....
Well i used JWMD Icon Changer to change the shortcut in my start menu and well it worked but it says "the file _____ cannot be opened. either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. if the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file." in other words it cant opened even if the icon is there...i probably need a .exe to open the folder i made to an icon like the transformers app...sigh it would be easier if u guys made one for me, an app icon that i can put my videos & movies in that app anytime i want, just like the transformers movie app
It would be much appreciated if someone did this for tnx
Well i used JWMD Icon Changer to change the shortcut in my start menu and well it worked but it says "the file _____ cannot be opened. either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. if the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file." in other words it cant opened even if the icon is there...i probably need a .exe to open the folder i made to an icon like the transformers app...sigh it would be easier if u guys made one for me, an app icon that i can put my videos & movies in that app anytime i want, just like the transformers movie app
It would be much appreciated if someone did this for tnx
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Try creating your shortcut to the folder like this
Assume you know some of this but gonna cover the whole thing ..
create a text document on your pc, change movies to wherever you want, ...
35#"fexplore.exe" \Storage Card\Movies
the number before the # is the number of characters after the #
create the file in notepad, move it to the device /windows/start menu/programs and rename it .lnk
This will launch file explorer to the folder of your choice ...
Then change the icon to whatever you want ...
And of course since it is a .lnk in your start menu , it will show up so you can add quicklinks ...
Tnx 4 your time and help guys but, to tell you the truth i have no idea what the last reply was about and how to do that, well you could just say im a total noob on these kinds of things thats why i needed someone to do this for me and plus im not familiar with programs like if anybody replys please only reply if u have a folder movie app that i want; just read any of the comments i posted
P.S. Sorry if I wasted anybodys time in helping me
Tnx 4 your time and help guys but, to tell you the truth i have no idea what the last reply was about and how to do that, well you could just say im a total noob on these kinds of things thats why i needed someone to do this for me and plus im not familiar with programs like if anybody replys please only reply if u have a folder movie app that i want; just read any of the comments i posted
P.S. Sorry if I wasted anybodys time in helping me
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I attached the link ... just unzip it, and put it in /windows/Start menu/programs
in device memory
be sure to create a folder on your Storage card called movies ..
When connecting to activesync and browsing to the \Windows directory in main phone memory, sometimes it can take a while for the folder to show the files, so when it opens just goto \windows\start menu\programs and copy the lnk in the zip to there ...
Hope it works ....
Oh My GOD!
Holy crap it worked thank you so much watcher64 & tnx 4 sticking with the questions i was saying and all that other crap but man I cant tnx u enough so thank you again.
Hope this helps other people
watcher64 said:
I attached the link ... just unzip it, and put it in /windows/Start menu/programs
in device memory
be sure to create a folder on your Storage card called movies ..
When connecting to activesync and browsing to the \Windows directory in main phone memory, sometimes it can take a while for the folder to show the files, so when it opens just goto \windows\start menu\programs and copy the lnk in the zip to there ...
Hope it works ....
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He's going to come back to you for the icon now
@OP JWD Icon Changer. Toy with it, you'll figure it out.
leepriestenator said:
He's going to come back to you for the icon now
@OP JWD Icon Changer. Toy with it, you'll figure it out.
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He already has the Icon Changer ....
But, the icon is no big deal now that it works for him ....

