Threaded email? - HD2 General

Hi all,
I've been looking into various more roms today and have noticed that some more 'flashy' roms include the feature 'threaded email'. This sounds very useful to me as I really dislike WM's Outlook (the blocking of images, blocking of scrolling right, etc!) - this sounds like it could make things more tolerable.
I'd, however, much prefer to flash with a 'stock like' minimalistic rom, like CleanEX UDT 4.28 and add such tweaks myself but I can't for the life of me find a thread which describes how to do this, just that 'it can't be done' threads from 2008!
Could anyone point me in the right direction, provide a reg entry or cab, etc?
Help's much appreciated!



Dear Hermes Chefs, has anyone cooked the cLaunch into a rom yet ?

I have seen all of the threads on the subject, and seen the proggy, and know the sensitivity around all this.
However, it obviously makes sense for someone to cook it so that the iphone looking front end is cooked into a good rom with the stability of a
schraps, or a black satin, etc.
I have tried setting it up separately, but I am a newbie, and have bricked 1 hermes already trying reset it after I screwed it up.
Has this not happened because of the sensitivity on the matter or something else?
Again looking for rom load that uses the apple looking screen already cooked to a rom for a hermes (HTC wm6)
Thanks in advance
obiviously I am referring to the fornt end picture per this url
Claunch is a today plugin that launches applications. Why do you need it cooked in ?! What you're showing in your picture is a regular iPhone. What are you talking about exactly ?
Making the hermes look like an iphone
What I was trying to say is that they have the skins now to make the hermes (or I guess any wm6 phone) look like an iphone.
But I find the apps/skins not the easiest thing to use/get right/tweak.
Launch on start up etc.
So what I was trying to spit out was has anyone cooked the proggy/skin that does this into a rom so it doesn't to be tweaked.
I dont understand why this Iphone home screen suppose to be such good think.
The most important thinks that I need in my first look would be my appointments, outstanding task etc. Iphone screen just provides shortcuts for some applications. Well I may not get really what is it about.
Anyhow you can do such thing without any issues and any special rom. what you need is the Iphone icons (I am sure there are hundreds in the web) then the wisbar advance Desktop.
Iphone looking launch screen
Thanks Bulldog.
Love it or hate it, the simplicity of the iphone, skin, is it is good looking and functional.
It is also the benchmark that all other phones will be measured against for a long time (as the phone has not arrived outside the US yet).
Thanks for your tip but wisbar is not quite slick enough.
There are others but they too are not quite right.
I am sure someone has cooked it all in one.
It wouldn't be worth cooking claunch into rom. It's a tiny app, and the pleasure of it is customising it to launch the apps you want to launch.
I've written several guides for claunch, hunt around. But it's a simple app.
What might be useful is if someone makes an all-in-one iphone-alike pack. And those probably do exist. Burning claunch into ROM wouldn't be very helpful.
all-in-one iphone-alike pack
Any direction you can point thee would be appreciated .. thanks


I guess this is kinda a question and a request, but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who hates the WM interface for SMS/Email - both creating and reading.
TouchFlo did nicely with the reading part, but not so well the writing (as it diverts to the WM interface, instead of a nice GUI)
I'm not much of a developer, but dabbling here and there... I'd love to make my own interface, or install one (saving me a bit (lot) of time), but it all seems in vain...
So, my question - has or is anyone developing a nice little GUI for this, or can someone point me in the right direction to get started...??
I've tried trawling MSDN, but being a bit of a newbie programmer, absolutely nothing makes sense to me...
k1sr said:
I guess this is kinda a question and a request, but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who hates the WM interface for SMS/Email - both creating and reading.
TouchFlo did nicely with the reading part, but not so well the writing (as it diverts to the WM interface, instead of a nice GUI)
I'm not much of a developer, but dabbling here and there... I'd love to make my own interface, or install one (saving me a bit (lot) of time), but it all seems in vain...
So, my question - has or is anyone developing a nice little GUI for this, or can someone point me in the right direction to get started...??
I've tried trawling MSDN, but being a bit of a newbie programmer, absolutely nothing makes sense to me...
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Check this out:
Thanks Dickenz,
This looks good...! I use Resco contacts for my SMS which is half way there (nice read interface, but no write)
It would be great if this integrated Email too...

Tweak for TP2

Hi All,
Can someone help me with an application for the tp2 to tweak such as Diamond Tweak which you can switch the automatic keypad lock and hide some stuff.
Im looking for such application and especially to make the auto lock for the keypad other than s2u.
Welcome to the forums!
If you have a quick look around you'll find references to many tweak applications. I suggest that you look at the "software worth installing" sticky here and the cabs, tips and tweaks thread in the Rhodium / General branch.
I too am looking for something like Diamond Tweaks. Is anything available for Rhodium? I did of course check out the software to install thread, and have searched around, while I did find tons of good info, I have not found an app which performs multiple tweaks like Diamond Tweaks (or prior to that Kaiser Tweaks).
Am I just looking in the wrong place? The closest I have found is for the Topaz, but it seems people are having problems using it on the Rhodium. I am also looking for something like Diamond TF3D config. Anything available?
TP2 Tweak
I have never been a fan of "ME TOO" Forum messages, and in fact, messages that ask the same questions over and over are one of the reasons I don't like forums that much... but it seems I can SUBSCRIBE only to a thread I have contributed to, and the TweakTP2 utility that doesn't yet exist would be a GREAT addition to my life...
My contribution; While hAndyUtils has a Pro2 specific utility with SOME tweaks, it isn't quite as full as the DiamondTweak I used to use.
frogstar42 said:
I have never been a fan of "ME TOO" Forum messages, and in fact, messages that ask the same questions over and over are one of the reasons I don't like forums that much... but it seems I can SUBSCRIBE only to a thread I have contributed to, and the TweakTP2 utility that doesn't yet exist would be a GREAT addition to my life...
My contribution; While hAndyUtils has a Pro2 specific utility with SOME tweaks, it isn't quite as full as the DiamondTweak I used to use.
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Yeah, me too, lol
Forum gets a little circular when the same questions pop up again and again cos peeps can't be bothered doing a simple search.
In fact, if you can't search you probably shouldn't be tweaking. You'll only break your phone and the come back and fail to search for an answer to your self inflicted problem, starting the whole boring loop again.
Wasn't it Black Flag who released the album "Stupid people shouldn't breed" ?
Edit : Sorry, it was Skatenigs
I was actually thinking of petitioning this as well. I am currently using HD Tweaks and TD2 Tools, but as they are made for different phones some things don't work properly. If I use TD2 Tools I get the opton for "TF3D Rotation" which I actually hate. If it is activated then Touch Flow rotation becomes accelerometer activated and it is WAYYY too sensitive rotating when I so much as sneeze. If it I turn it off then when I open the keyboard it rotates but I can't actually SEE TF3D, only the windows bar on top and below where TF3D should be. A tweak app specifically for the TP2/Rhodium would avoid this kind of conflicts. Hopefully I hope it is made eventually. It'd be a great help for those who want to do some tweaking either in an easy manner without having to dig out a registry tweaker and have to look up the correct values and for those who are somewhat newbies and prefer a "safer" method that is easy to undo.
try this one
HD Tweak works quite well for me.
Same goes for Advanced Config.
These are all the tweaking tools I really need for my TP2.

[Q] Choosing a ROM

I am completely new to the whole ROM scene, but with the possibility of landscape menus in manila 2.5.1922, I really need to check it out! However, there are so many ROMs out there, and I have no idea which one I should try.
So I guess what I am asking is: What is the most reliable/stable ROM with Manila 2.5.1922/landscape support?
It's bumptastic!
that's a tough question to answer.if there were one rom better than the others we'd all be using that one!
read some of the rom threads...the important stuff is inn the first post usually.
next, learn what the different versions of the different parts mean. is it windows 6.5 or 6.5.3, what manilla build is it and what's the difference... then you will be able to make your own informed decision.
This type of thread is usually locked by a mod, so I'll get in first ;-)
Only you can decide which rom is right for you, really. Best thing is to look at the existing threads for roms, and try one you like the looks of.
Almost all roms here are constantly being improved, so it's very difficult for someone else to recommend a particular rom over another one for you, as within a week one may have added new features over another.
Depends what are you looking for.
New features?
I personally seek a ROM that is close to original HTC but with improved speed and new features. I don't search for fastest ROM, just a ROM that is little bit optimized with tweaks from this place:
also I like how start button is moved to the bottom so ROMs with that feature are also welcomed. Threaded mail in messaging is also nice feature. When it comes to looks I like the squarish buttons instead of rounded default ones.
At this moment I found that this:
(23518 version) is all that I need at this moment.
Happy hunting
The only thing I'm actually is something that works just like the original ROM, but with landscape support in the menus. Does the miri ROM do that?
Overlord Yuri said:
The only thing I'm actually is something that works just like the original ROM, but with landscape support in the menus. Does the miri ROM do that?
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No it does not.
You can try this:
very close to original
Also if you can wait a bit here will appear new version
based on 28217 build ??
according to

Should I cook or stick with tweaks?

OK - Lets try again!
I have been trying quite a few ROM's on my HD2 and they have all sort of rolled into one mash-up of memories in my head - for the most I can't say I have noticed much difference in speed or responsiveness in the ROM's, and despite a few problems I have only come across one ROM that gave me any real issues.
But none of the ROMs have given me exactly what I am after (and that's an ever moving target anyway!) so I am thinking about having a go at cooking a ROM of my own. But before I go down that path I wanted some paternal guidance on the matter - and a clarification over the benefits of getting a stock ROM, adding all the software and tweaks I use then cooking it, against just installing the stock ROM to my HD2 then installing the apps on top and applying the tweaks afterwards. Are there any benefits such as speed or memory usage? or is it simply that if I need to hard-reset the device at any point I don't have to go through all that reinstalling again?
So your thoughts on the pros and cons of cooking vs installing would be greatly appreciated by a brain-addled HD2 user.
Been cooking for Trinity but not for HD2 ... still ...
Cooking gives you chance to make a ROM that is perfect for You. Some things cannot be removed like MS Live or Office via usual un-install procedure. Also you can cook ROM with favorite theme and applications.
Tweaking is completely different story. There are a lot of tweaks and most of them work but when you start implement a lot of tweaks things will get complicated. Suddenly Bluetooth will stop pairing, compass wont work as it should and so on. Then you will start hunting newer versions of applications that could solve some of the problems but will create some others ... you see the pattern?
At some point you will be satisfied with your ROM and even publish it here ... but then there will be new OS build available ... and there you go again.
Basically, depends on what kind of user you are. If you need HD2 to work and run applications without too much problems then you should stick to original or cooked ROMs. On the other hand, if you have a lot of spare time and will to learn something new, you should go for cooking.
Hope this helps
Humm - pretty much as I thought really, as I need a device that works then looks like I would be better off sticking with some of the ROMs existing chefs have created.
What would help in this matter would be a sticky with a table on it showing various comparisons with ROMs - I know this info can be found on each ROMs page but a single post with it all compiled together and then linking to the various ROM pages would be great. I guess comparisons could list the chef, ROM build no, Core build no, Manila version, WM version, size, Driver version, additional apps, removed apps and so on.... - just needs someone to keep the data up-to-date. Any takers?
it.tinz said:
What would help would be a sticky with a table on it showing various comparisons with ROMs - I guess comparisons could list the chef, ROM build no, Core build no, Manila version, WM version, size, Driver version, additional apps, removed apps and so on.... - just needs someone to keep the data up-to-date. Any takers?
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Well volunteered if you can also get a screenshot alongside them that would be great.. either that or steer me towards a Landscape enabled/576ram/no copilot/vista task bar and slider with no curtains and I'll leave you in peace.
terrytpot said:
Well volunteered if you can also get a screenshot alongside them that would be great.. either that or steer me towards a Landscape enabled/576ram/no copilot/vista task bar and slider with no curtains and I'll leave you in peace.
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If time and experience were on my side I would love to - its great to see these ROMs developing.

