So how would I go about modding the parts of the RA recovery?
I miss my carebears Naa in all serious though it'd be a neat side project to mess with if I could.
Just Curious. I think I am using "evorecovery". The one that is used to root my phone if that makes sense.
I'm using AA Recovery (Alcoholics Anonymous)
Just kidding
Using the same one as you.
I'm using Amon Ra.
amon-ra here too..
Clockwork because of Rom-Manager
Amron-ra here too,anyone who used the evo recovery img is running Amron unless they changed it to ClockWork after their initial nand unlock.
10 chars
Forget about what ppl are using. Which one is the best? How easy is it to switch?
Amon RA seems to be suggested as the one to use when others fail. so, i just use it.
it is very easy to install and use.
(by the way... press vol + & - to 'go back one screen'...that seems to really muss folks up)
If you want to do a lot of swapping between different roms, I think Clockwork is the way to go. That being said however, there have benefited some compatability issues with Clockwork and some of the roms. You can find more information in the development forum.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I use Amon-ra
But i often switch to Clockwork
The only problem with clockwork is that is has problems doing a complete wipe
DGreen1 said:
Just Curious. I think I am using "evorecovery". The one that is used to root my phone if that makes sense.
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The "Evorecovery" is actually the Amon_RA recovery. Toast took Amon_RA's source and modified it a little and made it the default recovery when you do the Part 2 of the root hack.
I use the same recovery, I prefer Amon_RA's recoveries over all others; but that's just me.
ClockworkMod just because it is default in ROM Manager.
I have Amon RA's Recovery because it was suggested for Fresh & DamageControl to get the 'Themes' to install correctly.
I have Amon Ra's recovery as well.
After putting a new kernel on my device running cm 6 RC1 and supposedly clockworkmod recovery latest, I now do not have a working phone as it stops at the mytouch screen and does not go further, only thing available to use is fastboot which to my dismay, I am having the perfect spl error (remote: not allow), any insight in this problem would be much appreciated.
Trunekind said:
After putting a new kernel on my device running cm 6 RC1 and supposedly clockworkmod recovery latest, I now do not have a working phone as it stops at the mytouch screen and does not go further, only thing available to use is fastboot which to my dismay, I am having the perfect spl error (remote: not allow), any insight in this problem would be much appreciated.
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Just reboot into Clockworkmod Recovery and flash a new rom and the old kernel
Clockwork recovery sometimes doesn't flash correctly through rom manager. Try downloading among RA's recovery and doing "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img". You will need an engineering spl though.
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App
Something went wrong. I don't know why all you new android nubs have to use "clockwork or "sp" recovery. A good ol Recovery image like Amon Ra's latest 1.7.0G works great. Anyway, you didn't brick the device. Just try re-flashing or flashing another rom. (one you know for a fact works) Oh, if you did a nandroid backup, I suggest you restore it. And if you can't get into "clockwork" recovery upon boot. Then I suggest you do what @caedus90 advised and flash Amon RA's recovery through ADB.
Hope this helps. And stop using those idiot friendly recovery alternatives. =P
xIoNiCx said:
Something went wrong. I don't know why all you new android nubs have to use "clockwork or "sp" recovery. A good ol Recovery image like Amon Ra's latest 1.7.0G works great. Anyway, you didn't brick the device. Just try re-flashing or flashing another rom. (one you know for a fact works) Oh, if you did a nandroid backup, I suggest you restore it. And if you can't get into "clockwork" recovery upon boot. Then I suggest you do what @caedus90 advised and flash Amon RA's recovery through ADB.
Hope this helps. And stop using those idiot friendly recovery alternatives. =P
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OMG...I feel so dumb right now...I don't know why I didn't just stick with Amon's recovery...I got curious too and try to use Rom Manager to play around and now I am stuck as well...but my case is a little different in that I cannot get into recovery BUT my phone still boots right into Android like normal...
I flashed Amon's recovery via Rom Manager but still cannot get back into recovery...flashed ClockworkMod recovery but still no recovery...
So advice, please...I think I've learned my lesson and stay with the manual work from now was totally fine with Amon's recovery too...guess my curiosity will kill the cat eventually if I don't wise up...
What's the best way to get recovery back? I have Cyanogen's CM6 on my mt3g 32b...Much thanks for any advice...
UPDATE: Just thought I let you guys know that I was able to get Amon's recovery to work again by keep trying the reflash while in Rom Manager thanks to a tip from another member...Last time I'm touching Rom Manager...It's not a bad program, just us users who are causing problem...
I was wondering if there we will ever have Amon of recovery instead of CWM...I have always used Amon with the other two Android Devices and never had problems with flashing Rom/kernels, backup's etc, but there seems to be issues with CWM with certain things. I know CWM doesn't play nice with the Eris and I was just wondering if all the issues people are having could possibly be contributed to the recovery
You should ask him. I think he's on xda.
Is there any other custom recovery for the Evo Shift other than ClockWorkMod? I have signed the petition for Amon Ra to port his over to the Shift And am aware of the new Recovery that TeamWin ahas in the works, But other thatn that is there any other e recovery we can flash on our phones?
None that I'm aware of . That's why I'm pushing so hard for Amon Ra Recovery .
Yea I hoep we get something. I loved Amon on my Hero. Really wished I could use it on the Shift. Would it be hard to port the Amon version for the O.G. Evo over to the shift?
I hope something comes of that Amon Ra thread. As of right now Clockwork Mod is the only recovery available for the shift. According to AmonRa, and the Amon Ra recovery thread, TeamWin has something in the works, which should function similar to the recovery that will soon be on the Sensation/Evo3D.
I posted a thread, about the site, and how something will be there "later today".
I'm really not holding out for something like an AmonRa. I would really only want a genuine AmonRa Recovery for the Shift. There's nothing like it
Shifted on my MikShifted G v1.1 powered HTC from neverland using XDA Premium App
I'm wondering why we have only ClockWorkMod recovery.
Does anybody heard about TWRP?
Great, fast, stable and very functional recovery.
Look really nice, but there's a chicken or the egg problem here.
As long as a new recovery can't process a CWM backup, no dev's going to compile it in their kernel.
opt1user said:
I'm wondering why we have only ClockWorkMod recovery.
Does anybody heard about TWRP?
Great, fast, stable and very functional recovery.
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SGS is not in the list of supported devices on the page through the link you have provided!
Yes, but I created this thread to enlighten some people and maybe some of them can join to TWRP team or unofficialy port TWRP to SGS.
CWM is very chaotic and have basic features comparing to TWRP.
I contacted with TWRP team and the problem of SGS TWRP is that SGS doesn't have normal recovery partition (it's related in some way with boot partition, don't remeber exactly).