Sometimes I can't receive SMS! - Touch HD General

I don't know if it's ROM related or not but I've got problems with SMS.
1. Sometimes SMS is not received but on the sender phone it says delivered. If it's my carrier's fault surely it won't say delivered?
2. Often, if my phone is on standby SMS will only be received when I wake it up.
I'm using Topix 3.5.5. Any guess of why it's like that? thanks.

dan138zig said:
I don't know if it's ROM related or not but I've got problems with SMS.
1. Sometimes SMS is not received but on the sender phone it says delivered. If it's my carrier's fault surely it won't say delivered?
2. Often, if my phone is on standby SMS will only be received when I wake it up.
I'm using Topix 3.5.5. Any guess of why it's like that? thanks.
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same here!!
i read somewhere that i have to delete all of my messages, but i don't know even how to do this

When your phone is on standby mode, which means u trigger the power button to put it on black screen, any sms your sender deliver to you will not sound off but just the blinking green light at top left corner. This make it very irritating as you will not realised until you use your phone.
BUT!!! Its just a simple and easy way to solve this:
1) Download this Registry Editor:
2) Follow the steps accordingly,
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL : DisableSMSWakeUpEvent <-- set to "1" by default. Change value to "0"
HKLM = HKEY_Local_Machine
And its done!!! Enjoy guys!!!

Motionless said:
When your phone is on standby mode, which means u trigger the power button to put it on black screen, any sms your sender deliver to you will not sound off but just the blinking green light at top left corner. This make it very irritating as you will not realised until you use your phone.
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blinking green light?? i've been using this phone for some time but i don't know about any green light at the top left.

i suggest...
the best would be ..install HD TWEAK...( a tweaking application )
you can find in the....
TOUCH HD THEMES AND APPS (section...of this forum )
third from top of will see a " Sticky..HD TWEAK RELEASE...
just follow the link to "".. and install.
open application select..
item 2.... SMS /MMS MESSAGES ..THEN 2.2..WAKE UP ON NEW SMS .......
(plse note..)
you will see at bottom of screen you can select... "disable or enable" enable and cllick on .."ok" ..( on botton right of screen )..close application and reboot...
good luck

willcor said:
the best would be ..install HD TWEAK...( a tweaking application )
you can find in the....
TOUCH HD THEMES AND APPS (section...of this forum )
third from top of will see a " Sticky..HD TWEAK RELEASE...
just follow the link to "".. and install.
open application select..
item 2.... SMS /MMS MESSAGES ..THEN 2.2..WAKE UP ON NEW SMS .......
(plse note..)
you will see at bottom of screen you can select... "disable or enable" enable and cllick on .."ok" ..( on botton right of screen )..close application and reboot...
good luck
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yup, been using this method for a while. the only problem is that it makes the phone vulnerable to touch. so if you receive sms while the phone is in your pocket, unwanted call could be made.

i suggest further.....
keeping your phone from making unwanted calls (in your case, when phone wakes up,upon receiving sms ) and keeping it locked...
take a look at...
if you want to is the link ....(read it..)
i have been using this application, for months, and it works , according to me very ,very well ! )
just to add, i had same problem as you ..not receving sms's etc...( when phone is asleep ).
tweaked it with " tweak hd " to wake up and notify me ..
now it wakes up..(but above) ..LOCKDEVICE... keeps it locked..
(i set application to autolock, when i switch phone light off )
good luck

I can't receive long SMS's
My friend sent me long sms's .. 600++ characters, but i can't receive it on my BlackStone, ROM I am using is EnergyROM, latest. i.e 9 May 2010.. the more stable one.. not the 23***... anybody pls help. I sent myself a long sms also,it just dissappeared. I received the delivery notification, but i don't get the actual sms. Please help.. thanks


Sometimes with a new SMS doesn't vibrate and/or sound

Hi all,
Sometimes my Touch Dual when gets a new SMS doesn't sound and/or vibrate. Even if I change the profile or do whatever it still keeps the same. If I reboot or just after a time it starts with sound again.... it just happens with SMS received, if I got a phone call it still vibrates and sounds. Any ideas? Thanks a lot!
No ideas? Can anyone please help?
Same problem here... can anyone please help?
Most of the time the light goes on and no sound or vibrating... other times it plays a standard sound and not my selected one for SMS receiving...
ya. same to me.. after I upgrade my htc touch dual to WM6.1 and change back to "old sms look" from the regisry.. it cant get any sound at all...
and I was try to go setting-> sound & Notifications - >under Notifications page, the Event part [Messaging:New text message] I was set the wav sound, same to all the MMS setting.. I try to set all the msg to alarm3, but also no sound at all
I've solved my problem by changing the register:
In this folder the value for SMSAvailable is 0. Change it back to 1!
In a thread I was told to change it to 1 to get conservation style sms, I believe.. never worked
ShortyVCC said:
I've solved my problem by changing the register:
In this folder the value for SMSAvailable is 0. Change it back to 1!
In a thread I was told to change it to 1 to get conservation style sms, I believe.. never worked
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so mean we need to accept the new sms style only can get the sound.?
jinedward said:
so mean we need to accept the new sms style only can get the sound.?
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What do you mean with "the new style"? After 5 o 6 SMS sound & vibration vanishes
I've got a such problem on my HTC Diamond
Sig. Gargiulo said:
when i receive a new message a very little windows appears on lower left side of the home windows. This new stupid one probably replaces the extended normal one which appears when a new sms arrives and the text inside quotes the sms text.
Simultaneously when i set the ring off or vibration mode however the diamond ring with a new sms but at the max volume. It's crazy !!!
I tried to remove the last apps installed but the problem persists.
What can i do?
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It still happens with my nike!
i think i solved the same problem but i dunno whether it's only me or same with ur problem. try to leave your sms folder open. means just minimize it.. hope it will work.
ShortyVCC said:
I've solved my problem by changing the register:
In this folder the value for SMSAvailable is 0. Change it back to 1!
In a thread I was told to change it to 1 to get conservation style sms, I believe.. never worked
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I've just solved the problem with this trick
Thanx !!!
ShortyVCC said:
I've solved my problem by changing the register:
In this folder the value for SMSAvailable is 0. Change it back to 1!
In a thread I was told to change it to 1 to get conservation style sms, I believe.. never worked
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Thanks. This worked for me. I've outline my steps on my Sprint Htc Touch (htc 6.1 rom):
1. in regedit path KEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSNoSentMsg, change DWORD data existing Decimal value=1 to 0. Perhaps for some people, if existing value=0, then change to
1. Some forums indicated value from SMSAvailable. But I didn't see that entry in my registry. I saw only SMSNoSentMsg under the above path.
2. On tab Settings: Sounds & Notifications\Sounds, check both on Programs and Notifications
3. On tab Notifications: Event\Messaging\New text message, choose an event(s)
After all 3 steps, text message inbound should work. I changed the value in step 1 back to original value of 1. Sound still works. I think step 1 somehow "wakes up" the notification sound config

message/mail notification not working

does vibration or popup notification of new messages/new mail work (both active and sleep state) on touch hd?
i do not get anything even i set it accordingly in the notification settings. all i see is a number pop up in touch flo tabs. deactivating touch flo does not help either.
any ideas?
Same problem here.
It worked sometimes, not it doesnt anymore and I dont know why (perhaps a confict with a program??).
sms notificatian not working anymore.
Same her not working anymore
its a bug that has been there since the HTC Diamond
anyway to fix it?
Please Help.
I cant live without sms notification!
There is a Registry tweak for the Diamond that fixes this - it should work on the HD too :
set to "1" by default. meaning NO wake up to SMS message
set to "0" to enable wake up
EDIT : This was referenced from a Thread on the Diamond Forum
EDIT : Actually, having re-read your problem, this may not fix it - sorry.
brodos123 said:
I cant live without sms notification!
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Hd Tweak allows you to turn sms notification on.
Also make sure you have done
then click on voice mail and text messages and then get settings.
Missing New Mail Missed Call Notification
I have the same problem phone does not display an new message or missed call icon in the upper tray. Seems to have happened after using HD Tweak and trying to hide the battery Icon, which is now in place of where the New Mail or Missed Call Notification Icon is normally displayed.
Anyone else expereincing this problem and any ideas for a solution?
Notification Problem Solved
Disconvered that I had an extra battery icon in upper tray from SPB plus. Removed thatand everything is now working fine.
My partner received his shiny new HTC Touch HD last week and after a few hours realised it was giving no notifications of text messages. Absolutely nothing as people have described here! It was new out the box and was making no noise, no notification on the Touch Flo, not even the standard Windows Mobile icon at the top. We tried every setting we could think of, and passed it to a friend whose had his HD for a couple of months now, who also couldn't find any good reason for its silence.
We gave in and hard reset the device (since it was only a couple of days old and he had yet to fill it with stuff!)
I'm glad to say, the hard reset solved all! No idea what the problem was, but it now gives all the correct notifications and obeys settings.
Just thought I'd share this in case others happen upon this problem since the thread gave us hope (in that others had the same problem) but no solution. I realise a hard reset isn't an elegant solution, but it did fix the problem
Fixed mine
Pauls suggestion for the diamond worked for me. My Touch HD running Energy ROM (WM6.5). I hadn't even noticed since my last ROM upgrade (i pressume) but my phone only alerted me to a new SMS when I had it switched on (not in stand-by). When I did notice I checked all the settings I could find for alerts and notifications, sms etc. The following registry tweeks fixed mine:
Paul.Ferrari said:
There is a Registry tweak for the Diamond that fixes this - it should work on the HD too :
set to "1" by default. meaning NO wake up to SMS message
set to "0" to enable wake up
EDIT : This was referenced from a Thread on the Diamond Forum
EDIT : Actually, having re-read your problem, this may not fix it - sorry.
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Vibrate when answering

hey everyone..
i've used my friend's HTC Diamond for like a week, and this thing that when u make a call and the phone vibrate when the other side answers is pretty unique, is there anyway i can do this with the Xperia ? like is there an option or some kind of application for it ?
Go to "Phone" settings and open the "Advanced" tab. Check the "Vibrate device when connection is established".
umm,, there is no such option,, there are only send a msg when reject a call or save contact .. .. nothing else .. :S
Install the Blackstone Dialer, then you´ll have this feature
i did that.. the options are :
*slide keyboard to answer call
*REject call with a txt msg
*enable missed call reminder
*add new number to contacts
*Press Send key to open call history
:S .. i looked everywhere .. + this dialer really ruined the keyboard,, it became smaller when i try to write a new number..
lol,, omg,, now after uninstalling it the software, the options are still there.. even after hard reset , and the numpad is still small :S .. >< how can i get it like it used to be ? big and easy to touch .. lol >.> seriously >.>"
umm also, i just noticed that when someone calls me now my phone doesn't show me who's calling,, it just keep rining till i press the answer button.. :S
YYYYY said:
Install the Blackstone Dialer, then you´ll have this feature
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Do what he said!!
I did .. and read above what happened to my phone ..
Which version have you installed?
the one from the topic above ? ( this )

Screen On when SMS recieved

On friday my trusty MPV M3100 decided to give up the ghost, so as I was in London I decided to look for a new phone and picked up an Touch Diamond 2.
And I have to say; I love it.
Best phone I've had and even the lack of a hardware keyboard hasn't bothered me.
There is only one thing which has caused me some bother; on all my previous phones when an sms/mms has been recieved the screen will turn on for a while to alert me of this, however I can't find a way to do the same thing with the TD2.
The reason I would like this is down to me mostly leaving my phone on silent but in line of sight. The silent factor is because I'm often doing things with headphones on (such as at work) and I'm not going to hear the tone anyways.
So, while the green light is nice and all being able to have the screen turn on as an option would be nice..
As a coder by trade I've been poking around to see what I could do to let me do this myself, however if someone has a better solution or knows of an app which can already do it then I'd appricate it if they could tell me
There is a setting in:
All Settings->Personal->Sounds & Notifications->Notifications
Then select Messaging: New Text Message from the drop down list, and there is an option there "Flash Light For: x Minutes"
This might be what you're looking for?
thanks for the reply, however I'd already found that option and it only effects the green light which flashes when you get a messag; nice and stuble in keeping with the device but not what I'm after
Look for this registry value
It should be 1, set it to 0
ah, excellent, thanks
just curious what program you guys are using to edit registry values...
sorry if this is a stupid question, but i'm new to Windows Mobile.. up until the D2 i've always have symbian phones.
I just did a google for "win mobile reg editor" and installed PHM Regedit to do the job.
Although I'm going to write a quick app to let me toggle this particular setting I think (i'll probably post the resulting cab/exe here encased others want it)
I'm using Total Commander (I just started editing the registry). What do you guys use for making a CAB file?
oruam57 said:
Look for this registry value
It should be 1, set it to 0
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Thank Oruam, great tweak.
I currently have the option selected to display a new sms message on screen as soon as it arrives, is it possible when i hit reply to get the device to go to the touch flow threaded messaging system rather than the WM6.1 default?
Thanks guys!
Is there any way to have it vibrate & play a sound, but not enable the touch screen? The reason I ask is that I dont want the screen to come on while it's in my pocket etc, and things start to get accidentally pressed!
Awesome! Thanks!
ormz said:
There is a setting in:
All Settings->Personal->Sounds & Notifications->Notifications
Then select Messaging: New Text Message from the drop down list, and there is an option there "Flash Light For: x Minutes"
This might be what you're looking for?
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I'm sorry ormz.
I'm interesting for that option to have flash light blinking when sms/mail arrives, unfortunately I haven't got the option you mentioned into my settings referred to "new SMS".
I've got the original rom installed (italian version).
May I arrange same setting/option into register also if I haven't it on display?
Could someone help me?
lock the device:
"real lock" - press the hang button (the one on the right) until it shows unlock at the bottom left side
stand-by - press the power button only for 1 second and the screen will go off. When receiving a message, the screen stays black. To see menu-s again, press again power button for 1 second
someone could tell me how to make it works with email event?
You guys might check S2U2 found here:
ormz said:
There is a setting in:
All Settings->Personal->Sounds & Notifications->Notifications
Then select Messaging: New Text Message from the drop down list, and there is an option there "Flash Light For: x Minutes"
This might be what you're looking for?
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That option is grayed out. Anyone else?
Rarebreed said:
That option is grayed out. Anyone else?
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Same here...
i have total commander and i cant find that path... i get //plugins, application, data, connmgr, doc and sett, my doc, program files, temp, trusted, windows.. looked in all the folders and even typed that address.. nothing..
martyzidek said:
i have total commander and i cant find that path... i get //plugins, application, data, connmgr, doc and sett, my doc, program files, temp, trusted, windows.. looked in all the folders and even typed that address.. nothing..
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What are you looking for? Are you tryting to navigate to the registry through file explorer? If so, you need a reg editor to do that...
You know this is an old thread, right?
yeah i know its a old thread... i had a registor editor.. actually acouple. i found what i was looking for.. just didnt start with hkml.. thanks though for replying..

Viewing messages from Notifications bar...

On my old Touch Pro when you recieved a message whatever program you were using at the time if you clicked at the black bar at the top for notifications then on the view message icon it would display in a little bubble at the bottom of the screen overlayed ontop of the program you were using so you could quickly view the message and then minimize it an contiue what you were doing or click reply and it would enter you into text messaging. Is there anyway to enable this feature for HD2. Because I miss it!
fillip said:
On my old Touch Pro when you recieved a message whatever program you were using at the time if you clicked at the black bar at the top for notifications then on the view message icon it would display in a little bubble at the bottom of the screen overlayed ontop of the program you were using so you could quickly view the message and then minimize it an contiue what you were doing or click reply and it would enter you into text messaging. Is there anyway to enable this feature for HD2. Because I miss it!
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have you recently flashed a rom? if so what back up program did you use to backup/restore PIM data? When i flashed my first rom i was using SPB Backup and when restoring PIM data, it would loose the bubble you talk about, I have since used PIM Backup and not had an issue.
Its always been like it, with first ROM, i upgraded to 1.66 and now im on 1.72, by the way big mistake! My phone is now slow as hell and doesnt send texts or recieve whether updates!
I assumed that it was the new stly of notifications menu and hoped there was a way to enable the other style?
fillip said:
Its always been like it, with first ROM, i upgraded to 1.66 and now im on 1.72, by the way big mistake! My phone is now slow as hell and doesnt send texts or recieve whether updates!
I assumed that it was the new stly of notifications menu and hoped there was a way to enable the other style?
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Vodafone UK 1.72?
Also the delivery report always shows up in the bubble but messages it takes you bac to manila and then to the messages tab. Anybody else have messages opening in the bubble like djchubbs. And @ Popeyes_Rat yes Vodafone UK
fillip said:
Also the delivery report always shows up in the bubble but messages it takes you bac to manila and then to the messages tab. Anybody else have messages opening in the bubble like djchubbs. And @ Popeyes_Rat yes Vodafone UK
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About to flash myself. I'll come back here if I get any problems.
Ok let me know ive found its not so bad now 1.72 I am currently on a personal record(this is not a joke this is the longest ive ever been able to run the phone without reseting) of 17hours 23minutes without needing to soft reset however i have had to do funny things to make that possible see here:
Can anybody tell me if in any ROM version when u get a text in and click in the notifications menu it opens the message in a bubble at the bottom rather than taking u too messages tab??
Anyone know how to display message in the pop up bubble from the notifications bar rather than sending you straight to the messages tab (useful for reading the message while in another program)???
Many thanks
Still after a way to get this working really want to be able to quickly read a message while in another prograam like i used to on my toch pro. Help would be appreciated thanks
fillip said:
Still after a way to get this working really want to be able to quickly read a message while in another prograam like i used to on my toch pro. Help would be appreciated thanks
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Very easy: Start, Settings, Menu, More, Sounds and Notifications, Choose New Message from DropdownMenu, Check "Show Message", Done
If i am in the right place it is greyed out and doesnt let me check the box although for me to get there it is:
start/settings/menu/all settings/sounds & notifications/ then click notifications tab then select New Message from DropdownMenu but the "Display message on screen" is greyed out?
Thanks for the reply
Hmm strange maybe it is ROM-dependant...? Or there are other settings need to be made in order to use this option...? Which ROM are u using? Have you got BSBTweaks installed?
No i dont have bsb tweaks installed i dont like the way you cant reset to defaults, i do have hd2 tweaks installed though.Will bsb tweaks make it work? im running latest voda Rom 1.72.
fillip said:
No i dont have bsb tweaks installed i dont like the way you cant reset to defaults, i do have hd2 tweaks installed though.Will bsb tweaks make it work? im running latest voda Rom 1.72.
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Actually i dont think that this has to do with BSB. I relly dont have an idea as the checkbox "Show Message" is a standard function of every windows mobile version Anybody else got an idea why the box is greyed out...?
I went searching through the registry and found keys which were in the NOTIFICATIONMGR bit which had a path linking to Messaging_Client which i guess is what directs it to the manilla messaging bit when you get a message. I tried deleting the path and deleting the values in the CMD bit but it still does the same. I restored the key after just incase it affected something else but presumably there is a key somewhere which controls whether or not you can click that check box but i have no idea where i would find it? Anyone know.

