Vibrate when answering - XPERIA X1 General

hey everyone..
i've used my friend's HTC Diamond for like a week, and this thing that when u make a call and the phone vibrate when the other side answers is pretty unique, is there anyway i can do this with the Xperia ? like is there an option or some kind of application for it ?

Go to "Phone" settings and open the "Advanced" tab. Check the "Vibrate device when connection is established".

umm,, there is no such option,, there are only send a msg when reject a call or save contact .. .. nothing else .. :S

Install the Blackstone Dialer, then you´ll have this feature

i did that.. the options are :
*slide keyboard to answer call
*REject call with a txt msg
*enable missed call reminder
*add new number to contacts
*Press Send key to open call history
:S .. i looked everywhere .. + this dialer really ruined the keyboard,, it became smaller when i try to write a new number..

lol,, omg,, now after uninstalling it the software, the options are still there.. even after hard reset , and the numpad is still small :S .. >< how can i get it like it used to be ? big and easy to touch .. lol >.> seriously >.>"

umm also, i just noticed that when someone calls me now my phone doesn't show me who's calling,, it just keep rining till i press the answer button.. :S

YYYYY said:
Install the Blackstone Dialer, then you´ll have this feature
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Do what he said!!

I did .. and read above what happened to my phone ..

Which version have you installed?

the one from the topic above ? ( this )


HELP phone answers the incoming call by himself at the first ring !!!

Hi there,
i didn't have this issue before but i have new sim card since a week and on vodaphone FR ( sfr) ...the thing is that when somebody calls me , at the first ring , the phone autoanswer to the call and i have no choice to speak !!!! if the phone is in my pocket, the time i take it , the phone has answered since a long time ...i don't know why it is like that .....
i have checked in the phone settings if i had had set the auto answer but no.
in HD tweak or Schaps3 , i did nothing like this .....
please help, it is more than annoying ......
another question: how to disabled the answering machine logo and notification displayed on screen when you have a new voice message ( i also have everytime "voicemail" displaying on the screen asking me to set the number)
thanks for help
i found the answer by enbaled the sleep function in hd tweak .....
so all is fine now ....but i still have the voicemail thing when a new voice message is waiting ...... if somebody knows .....
My phone always answers when I try to retrieve it from my pocket.
Very frustrating, any tips?
Maybe remap the keys? i didnt have a problem with this so far!
or use s2u2 to lock all buttons and use slide to answer feature.
this will sort out your problem besides its always a good thing to place your phone so the buttons face the bottom so when you pick it up you wont accidently press them.. make sence right?
Which version of s2u2 do you use I notice there are two on their web page - VGA or QVGA?
vga. it has inbuilt wvga support.
probably you have installed gyrator, which by default when you move your phone, it uses the g sensor to detect movement and answers your phone, go to the events of gyrator and disable the event
I had this too - thanks for pointing out that it was a behaviour of Gyrator.
How annoying! Turned it off now.

One question and one problem...

...the question first :i'm using SKtools to change the system font but theres only 4 can i download more fonts and where do i have to put them? for the problem : sometimes on incoming call theres no way that i can answer(even with the green button)the phone does not display notification(who is calling or yes or no button).the only way is to go to "phone" (while still ringing) click on "show keypad" and the click on the green tab(even this way i can't see who is calling but atleast i can answer) can i fix this????
Thanks in advance.

the keypad do not work during a call

Hi, here its another doubt...
When i call to the cell phone company to know my credit, the IVR machine answer the call. So, it says: If you need xxx press 1, if you need xxxx press 2, etc etc
The problem its that i cant do nothing during the call!! I press "keypad", "end call", "contacts" etc etc and nothing happends.
The only way to end the call its pressing the no-touchable buttom wich have a "little house"
I really want to know my credit, use the keypad to view contacts or to press 1, 2, 3 etc if i need it!!!!
Someone help me please!!!
Thank a lot!!
Maybe you could map the keypad to a button. On a side note: what ROM are you running?
Hi cmstackar!! thanks for your answer!! im running the original ROM (WM 6.1 in english)
ROM: 1.39.405.2 (47382) WWE
Radio Version:
Any idea?
Thanks again!
yemo28 said:
Hi cmstackar!! thanks for your answer!! im running the original ROM (WM 6.1 in english)
ROM: 1.39.405.2 (47382) WWE
Radio Version:
Any idea?
Thanks again!
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Keypad option has always been available in call for me in both 6.1 and 6.5 WWE ROMs
I dont know what more can i do... Is it posible that the ROM came corrupted or somthing similar?
I m wondering what happends if i upgrade to WM 6.5...
But the cell its new, so, i dont wanna make any changes
Just a thought, does your dialer have a "curtain" that you swipe down to access the keypad button?
Hi Bruce Inman! you help me with another problem!! i hope you can help me in this too!!
Yes, there is a "curtain" but in the screen appears "slide down for more options" (like hold, add call, note, etc) and down this frase appears "keypad" (in the left) and "end call" (in the right)
Recently i turn off the phone for a wile and i CAN use the keypad (i entered to the menu of an IVR machine without any promblem) and slide down the "curtain". I end the call touching the scree in the "end the call". All was OK!!
When i end the call, the phone do not work good for 5 seconds (that happends allwas, i dont know way... after end a call, the phone do not work properly) When the phone came back to normality i try to make another phone call to use the keypad and i returned to the begining!!! I can do nothing touching the screen... no kaypad, no curtain, no end call, NOTHING!!
I hope someone knows the problem to give me a solution!!
Sorry about my english!!! i m loughting wile im writing because everyword i think: "this is no the correct word tu put right here" jajajaj. Please, try to understand me, im doing my best!!
thank you all!!
yemo28 said:
Hi Bruce Inman! you help me with another problem!! i hope you can help me in this too!!
Yes, there is a "curtain" but in the screen appears "slide down for more options" (like hold, add call, note, etc) and down this frase appears "keypad" (in the left) and "end call" (in the right)
Recently i turn off the phone for a wile and i CAN use the keypad (i entered to the menu of an IVR machine without any promblem) and slide down the "curtain". I end the call touching the scree in the "end the call". All was OK!!
When i end the call, the phone do not work good for 5 seconds (that happends allwas, i dont know way... after end a call, the phone do not work properly) When the phone came back to normality i try to make another phone call to use the keypad and i returned to the begining!!! I can do nothing touching the screen... no kaypad, no curtain, no end call, NOTHING!!
I hope someone knows the problem to give me a solution!!
Sorry about my english!!! i m loughting wile im writing because everyword i think: "this is no the correct word tu put right here" jajajaj. Please, try to understand me, im doing my best!!
thank you all!!
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Love Google translator!
Sounds like an issue with your dialer.
A hard reset or flashing another ROM (assuming you understand how) will fix your problem.
Bruce Inman, i did 2 resets but i dont know if were a hard or soft reset. One was pressing the red buttom and the other was in "start>settings>all settings>System>clear the storage
I know that pressing the red buttom its a "soft reset" but i dont know if the other was a hard reset.
However, today im going to call the seller. If I cant change the phone for a new one, I will try to change ROM
So, the hard reset was OK? First i wanna try that!!
I hope it is resolved soon! thank you all
Hey, one question... i think that the problme is the application "phonecanvas". Can i reinstall? where can i find this program form the Diamond 2?
Thank you
yemo28 said:
Hey, one question... i think that the problme is the application "phonecanvas". Can i reinstall? where can i find this program form the Diamond 2?
Thank you
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fighter7139 said:
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Thanx fighter! i will try it!!
yemo28 said:
Thanx fighter! i will try it!!
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Didn t work!
yemo28 said:
Bruce Inman, i did 2 resets but i dont know if were a hard or soft reset. One was pressing the red buttom and the other was in "start>settings>all settings>System>clear the storage
I know that pressing the red buttom its a "soft reset" but i dont know if the other was a hard reset.
However, today im going to call the seller. If I cant change the phone for a new one, I will try to change ROM
So, the hard reset was OK? First i wanna try that!!
I hope it is resolved soon! thank you all
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Yes, the red button is a soft reset, clear storage is one way to hard reset, you can also power the device off, turn back on with power button and immediately hold both volume keys until you get the white screen, then follow the instructions.
I just finished updating the ROM (to original one), specifically this:
Before, I had this:
But the problem when picking up a call with the slider bar, continuous ...
I think the issue of keypad when communicating, for ex with an IVR, improved but not much!
Someone knows what else can I do?
yemo28 said:
I just finished updating the ROM (to original one), specifically this:
Before, I had this:
But the problem when picking up a call with the slider bar, continuous ...
I think the issue of keypad when communicating, for ex with an IVR, improved but not much!
Someone knows what else can I do?
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Go to Settings\Personal\Phone and make sure Keypad is set to long tones, see if that helps. Also try short tones if not.
Recently i tired but didnt work!! im going creazy!!!
Which application or software manage the interfaz during the communications? I think that the process or application that manage the communications its the problem!!
Anybody knows another choice?
Thank you all angain and again!!
yemo28 said:
Recently i tired but didnt work!! im going creazy!!!
Which application or software manage the interfaz during the communications? I think that the process or application that manage the communications its the problem!!
Anybody knows another choice?
Thank you all angain and again!!
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Interface is phone canvas.
Sorry I do not know what your issue is.
Its ok Bruce, i know you try to help me. This is all that matters!
I give up with this issue!! I ll try to change the phone...
Thank you all for your help!!

Sometimes I can't receive SMS!

I don't know if it's ROM related or not but I've got problems with SMS.
1. Sometimes SMS is not received but on the sender phone it says delivered. If it's my carrier's fault surely it won't say delivered?
2. Often, if my phone is on standby SMS will only be received when I wake it up.
I'm using Topix 3.5.5. Any guess of why it's like that? thanks.
dan138zig said:
I don't know if it's ROM related or not but I've got problems with SMS.
1. Sometimes SMS is not received but on the sender phone it says delivered. If it's my carrier's fault surely it won't say delivered?
2. Often, if my phone is on standby SMS will only be received when I wake it up.
I'm using Topix 3.5.5. Any guess of why it's like that? thanks.
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same here!!
i read somewhere that i have to delete all of my messages, but i don't know even how to do this
When your phone is on standby mode, which means u trigger the power button to put it on black screen, any sms your sender deliver to you will not sound off but just the blinking green light at top left corner. This make it very irritating as you will not realised until you use your phone.
BUT!!! Its just a simple and easy way to solve this:
1) Download this Registry Editor:
2) Follow the steps accordingly,
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL : DisableSMSWakeUpEvent <-- set to "1" by default. Change value to "0"
HKLM = HKEY_Local_Machine
And its done!!! Enjoy guys!!!
Motionless said:
When your phone is on standby mode, which means u trigger the power button to put it on black screen, any sms your sender deliver to you will not sound off but just the blinking green light at top left corner. This make it very irritating as you will not realised until you use your phone.
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blinking green light?? i've been using this phone for some time but i don't know about any green light at the top left.
i suggest...
the best would be ..install HD TWEAK...( a tweaking application )
you can find in the....
TOUCH HD THEMES AND APPS (section...of this forum )
third from top of will see a " Sticky..HD TWEAK RELEASE...
just follow the link to "".. and install.
open application select..
item 2.... SMS /MMS MESSAGES ..THEN 2.2..WAKE UP ON NEW SMS .......
(plse note..)
you will see at bottom of screen you can select... "disable or enable" enable and cllick on .."ok" ..( on botton right of screen )..close application and reboot...
good luck
willcor said:
the best would be ..install HD TWEAK...( a tweaking application )
you can find in the....
TOUCH HD THEMES AND APPS (section...of this forum )
third from top of will see a " Sticky..HD TWEAK RELEASE...
just follow the link to "".. and install.
open application select..
item 2.... SMS /MMS MESSAGES ..THEN 2.2..WAKE UP ON NEW SMS .......
(plse note..)
you will see at bottom of screen you can select... "disable or enable" enable and cllick on .."ok" ..( on botton right of screen )..close application and reboot...
good luck
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yup, been using this method for a while. the only problem is that it makes the phone vulnerable to touch. so if you receive sms while the phone is in your pocket, unwanted call could be made.
i suggest further.....
keeping your phone from making unwanted calls (in your case, when phone wakes up,upon receiving sms ) and keeping it locked...
take a look at...
if you want to is the link ....(read it..)
i have been using this application, for months, and it works , according to me very ,very well ! )
just to add, i had same problem as you ..not receving sms's etc...( when phone is asleep ).
tweaked it with " tweak hd " to wake up and notify me ..
now it wakes up..(but above) ..LOCKDEVICE... keeps it locked..
(i set application to autolock, when i switch phone light off )
good luck
I can't receive long SMS's
My friend sent me long sms's .. 600++ characters, but i can't receive it on my BlackStone, ROM I am using is EnergyROM, latest. i.e 9 May 2010.. the more stable one.. not the 23***... anybody pls help. I sent myself a long sms also,it just dissappeared. I received the delivery notification, but i don't get the actual sms. Please help.. thanks

I need some help with my touch hd please

hellow i have windows mobile 6.1 wwe rom
the first issue is about the bluetooth . when i receive a file the device tells me that the file transfer succeed and ask me if i want to keep it..i say yes but where the hell it keeps the files??
i dont have the option to choose where i want the file be kept..and i cant find it anywhere... so where i can find the received files? can i change someway the destanation folder? i looked in all settings of bluetooth and find nothing...
the secnod issue -Talk Summary -how can i Set the device that at the end of the conversation to show me how long I talked?
third- How do I prevent the device light up all the time during the conversation?
fourth- my operator (pelephone) does not shown in the connection setup and the result is very annoying connection error message every 5 seconds..message that says my operator not not exist and i need to turn to my operator provider
it shows me only CELLCOM and Orange but no pelephone...
final-how can i clean the main screen wallpaper from all the Unnecessary Messages like -New Voicemail and the Calendar? i looked all over the phone to fine the option with no luck...
please help me out guys ..
nikoooo said:
hellow i have windows mobile 6.1 wwe rom
the first issue is about the bluetooth . when i receive a file the device tells me that the file transfer succeed and ask me if i want to keep it..i say yes but where the hell it keeps the files??
i dont have the option to choose where i want the file be kept..and i cant find it anywhere... so where i can find the received files? can i change someway the destanation folder? i looked in all settings of bluetooth and find nothing...
the secnod issue -Talk Summary -how can i Set the device that at the end of the conversation to show me how long I talked?
third- How do I prevent the device light up all the time during the conversation?
fourth- my operator (pelephone) does not shown in the connection setup and the result is very annoying connection error message every 5 seconds..message that says my operator not not exist and i need to turn to my operator provider
it shows me only CELLCOM and Orange but no pelephone...
final-how can i clean the main screen wallpaper from all the Unnecessary Messages like -New Voicemail and the Calendar? i looked all over the phone to fine the option with no luck...
please help me out guys ..
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1. it is store at my device/my documents
2.if u r using s2u2, it will show at the end of the conversation. But for only 1-2secs. If you want to check, you can go to Call History to see.
3.Rightfully, the device light sensor(beside the speaker) will automatically put the screen on off when u place ur ear against the phone. If not, u call press briefly once on the power button at the top to off ur screen.
4.Not sure. Mayb u can try manual network selection instead of auto (Phone settings > Network)
5.Not sure what you meant. But you can dismiss those notifications from the home page.
Hopefully it helps.
thanks for the replay buddy
1. i found the folder .. thanks alot :]
2.unerstood using this applicaion but it dosent show me that but never mind ..
3. even if i press the power button after few seconds it still lights up every moment when is speak and my ear touch and press few buttons which is very disturbing
if i will buy Headphones and will talk with them it not will light up ?
4.not works still the same
5.i meant the 3d touch flo home screen ..the messages that shown under the clock ..i want the home screen show only the clock and nothing under it is possible?
how can i do that
thanks alot
3.Call your operator and edit internet settings manually.
4. Install this "Touch InCall Screen Tweak Config"
5.Try this

