Recording video in background - HD2 General

Hi there.
Anyone knows the way to continue recording video with HD2 in background?
I'd like to both make video recording and use the GPS navigation program.
Since the functionality of standard video camera application on HD2 is rather good (sound recording, different types of recording, nice quality) I failed to find any good alternative for it. I know only two programs which are positioned as video register programs for PDAs and both them are not suitable due to a number of reasons. (both apps I'm referring to are oriented to Russian market, AvtoDVR and MyDVR).
May be anyone knows the register key which allows to continue video recording after sending the camera application to the background?
Thanks for help!

I second the request.
I subscribed to a thread which has since long been dead, where we were asking for this exactly (and a little more, as well) and AutoDVR came up too.
There's a problem tho: it's pay2use, and a program with banal background video recording shouldn't be (but AutoDVR still offers other interesting features, like video looping through MJPEG format, and gps speed watermarking), and it is severely messed up on the HD2 (as in, not useable, as soon as you switch it to background/lock the phone, the video gets garbled and the program interface does, as well)


video output??

Im curious, is there a video output for the mogul, or a way to get a video signal out?? would like to plug into my indash screen if possible
Yes its kinda expensive.
Has anybody actually used or seen this before?
Yeah, I've seen this before.
You can get them for less than that.
But it doesn't do what you're thinking... its not a "video out" in the way that you're picturing it. The mogul's graphics hardware does not support the 1024X768 resolution this claims to give you, nor does it support external video out at all.
Unfortunately, the Windows Mobile OS does not support alternate video hardware, so you're stuck with whatever graphics hardware is embedded in your device, and no SDIO add on is going to change that.
What this does, however, is project slides for presentations. Using special software on your PPC, you can import a powerpoint or similar presentation, and send the slides to this card which can then display them on a larger screen.
Basically, your PPC can replace a laptop for presentations, and you can control the slides from the touch screen.
What this will not do, however, is display whatever is on your screen currently. It only receives still images (or stills with slight animated components perhaps) from the software installed.
Hope that clears things up...
Meanwhile, if you want your mogul's output to appear on an external computer monitor, you can always use Ateksofts' webcam plus. One of the options is to capture screen output, which will effectively put the contents of your screen onto a nearby windows desktop. But this is not the same thing, really.
You guys inspired me to try this.
video captured of my PC Monitor playing video out from my mogul in real time. Its on the slow side, but it works, especially for doing a presentation that doesn't require a lot of motion.
Write up of the software here:

Good Video Recorder.

Hi everybody,
I would like to know if any of you knows about a good video recorder, some times i need to record short videos for my job and with the original software from the phone is to small, i would like to be able to use all the screen size to record videos.

Smartphones noob planning to buy HD concerned about video playback

i'm really noob to smartphones... my last phone being a very old Nokia (5 or 6 years old) which can just call and send sms^^
I am now considering buying a HTC touch HD and what i am looking for is mostly:
a) big screen for reading comics
b) big screen and video quality for watching movies
c) gps
d) decent phone (call and sms)
My biggest concern, reading many topics on the subject, is the quality of video playback and the need to convert video files.
Is there some smartphones (with of course the appropriate viewer programs) which can manage any video (divx, xvid...) with good results? (without the need of converting video files)
Or it's the same situation for any phones on the market?
The HD can manage xvid files with core player? I think i read somewhere they need to be converted too but i'd like to make sure.
Thanks a lot for any calrifications on the issue
I watched a divx movie using the core player sometime back. but now I tend to watch the bbc catchup programmes which are in wmv.
I dont know about reading comics on the screen but of the few time times that I have read my ebooks on it, I found that I had to constantly zoom in and out.
for the gps is quick ok. I use Quick GPS to get a lock on my position and then use one of Google Maps, Garmin XT, Live Maps and they do just fine.
I don't have much to say about the call and sms except maybe that it does the job well.
It's quite easy: video playback requires processing power and a driver system which allows to make proper use of it. In addition, it also depends on the formats, which require more or less processing power. I believe you will encounter the same difficulties on all the other smartphones at this moment. The TG01 looks promising, but it then still depends on the format of the video file.
Maybe it's just too early for the kind of video playback you are used to due to the Web 2.0 and the x86 processing power. Next year, the situation might look better on the mobile market.
i have had no probs in video playback in fullscreen, i think it works well.

record slow motion

Is there any way, app or setting to allow the hd2 to record in slow motion. Because it's an awesome and nifty feature on the omnia 2 but I can't find in the hd2.
no one replying....does that mean there is no slow motion video recording for the hd2.
the problem is wider than that.
I could find NO recording application altogether for the HD2 that was even able to record in background (none at all other than the stock one actually, even without background recording capability, none that worked at least), so let alone the possibility to find one that does exactly what you look for.
I'd say your problem is easily solved tho, you can move the video on your pc and easily edit it with a tons of free tools available both for the windows and the lonux platform.

video recorded plays sideways on PC

I'm either missing something glaringly obvious or there is no solution to this, but every time I record a video on my phone in landscape mode, when watching this later on a PC the video is 90 degrees rotated.
Where would I find the setting to avoid this, or auto-rotate on my phone please? As far as I know, only the header tag would need changing which has nothing to do with how the video has been recorded.
The only solution I found thus far was to use the Photos built-in app and rotate the video, however it takes a good while to create the new file this way and I'm not even sure how this affects the quality of the video.
Thank you.

