Still impossible to send sms - HD2 General

I just bought my htc HD2 and upgrader to official rom 1.62, i think, released from last january, then i had this bug for sending sms. i upgraded the radio, twice, 2 versions, no way,
used the official rom, then three roms of the best cookers her, thanks to them for all the work
But, no way to send the sms, i receive instead something from my operator telling that i'm using a bad adress, something like that.
I read all around the site, and this seems to affect just some users.
but from another side, someone with the same issue desactivated the sms function with shap's utility, and solved it.
i don't know what to do, please help, is this a hardware issue?

have you tried getting the settings resent from your network provider?

It's not the normal sms bug you have. You have a problem with the settings.
Contact your provider and ask for the sms settings.
Or visit the a shop that have this provider and the HD2 and ask for help.

Thanks for the replay.
When i started with the phone, with Orange france, i think i was able to send some messages. but then i updated to several roms to hope resolve the problem. i'm receiving areplay from the provider just after sending every sms saying 'your message can't be treated else you have no credit, or you use a destination non authorized!!!!"

i cheked the parameter for the server provider, it's ok. nothing wrong on this side. Really strange to buy a handset 550$ and to be without sms function, i regret really having sold the Iphone 3Gs, at least i could do the basic things.

As I wrote, it is NOT the sms bug that is making problems on your phone.
Because with the SMS bug, the SMS never left the phone.
If you get a message from the provider, then it is the provider making problems, not the phone.
So either the telephone nr is wrong, or the settings or some strange thing in the ROM when used with your provider.
I suggest you test with another SIM card. Borrow a SIM card from a friend to test. Test both with the same provider and a different provider just to find out. Also, if you post what provider you use, maybe someone here can help U with correct settings.
But I agree there have been to many bugs on this phone. I had much less problems with the Touch HD, but HD2 is so much faster that i prefer the HD2.

U should also contact your provider with this problem since they are making the problem.

You are right!
Here is what i did.
i have another sim card from another provider, i switched the two sim from the two phones, and when i use the new sim hd2 configure automatically the settings. then i send the message from the HD2 to other handset with the faulty sim-provider-config or whatever. the message is delivered in 2seconds! so definetely strange thing here.
I cheked the setting - number for sms server, it's ok. back with my principal sim on hd2, and again no way to send the sms. really strange!!!
thanks anyway for the good help. i appreciate


Need advice: Can't receive calls until I make one myself

I've been following this forum for a while and you guys seem pretty competent. I believe you are my best shot at fixing my rather serious problem...
I have several simcards, and two of them are showing very weird behavior in my Qtek S100. I am running the latest official ROM for my specific Danish Magician, the MA_DANG_WWE_10600_115_10500_SHIP.exe, downloaded from this site.
When using one of these bad simcards, I can't receive calls until I have made one myself. All incoming call are sent directly to voice mail. Restart the phone and I have to make a call again! Seems to me like my Magician doesn't log fully on to the cellular network?
The rest of the simcards are working fine. The big problem is that one of the card making trouble is the one I am paying $50 on each month
I was under the impression that this problem could be related to some of my simcards being 16K only, so I had one of them replaced today, but still no go. Of course I could have received yet another 'old' card, but what are the odds?
I have done a number of soft/hard resets and ROM/radio up/downgrades, but it doesn't change a thing. Any thoughts? Thanks!

Can't receive MMS from T-Mobile phone

My wife has a T-Mobile 6230 and my Jam can't receive the MMS she sends me.
It has a download button but never manages.
MMS sent from myself is fine.
Arcsoft version
Any ideas? Is this a known problem?
i had this problam after i upgraded the rom from I Mate -
all i had to do was install the T-mobile setting from my old rom...
Try it
If you are getting the file and can not read it.. maybe the picture is in a different format,
I think there is another reason for that. Unless you have not send at least one MMS by yourself, you are not registered as "MMS capable" by T-Mobile. So try to send on MMS from your Jam and have a retry if you can receive MMS then.
Is it only MMS to yourself that don't work, or to other people's hansets? Have you tried the SIMs in other handsets to narrow down the possible problems. I work in a T-Mobile store and that's what I'd try to establish first. Do you have a local store, lots of staff have Compacts so should be able to help (I hope!)
Thanks for the replies BUT, the problem is that i can't RECEIVE from a T-Mobile Phone!!
My Jam is an Orange device and I can receive OK if I send it myself. However, a T-Mobile 6230 MMS is received but cannot be downloaded by my Orange JAM
That's why I suggested trying the SIMs in different handsets, to try and establish whether it's an issue just between your two phones or a bigger one between the two numbers.
For example, if you put your Orange SIM in another handset and can receive the MMS then it's an issue with your M500, if not the issue may be at the other end. You'll probably have to try a number of combinations to narrow down where the problem is (4 by my reckoning), but trial and error is often the best (if not quickest) way. It may not seem like sense but in my experience of trying to diagnose problems it's the best start. At least you know which part of the whole system you're looking at. Let us know if you give it a go.
I've got the exact same issue on my Qtek S100 running the 1.12 ROM (MMS ver I'm not receiving MMS's from other people even if they're on Orange (same as me) but if I send an MMS to myself I receive it.
My phone has the keylock turned on, as with an SMS the phone screen comes on when someone sends an MMS but the phone doesn't download it. It doesn't seem to make a difference if I unlock my phone beforehand either :/
Bump, anyone else with this issue/a fix?

Data's working. Calls and texts aren't.

I've just bought myself a second-hand O2 XDA Exec. I've unlocked it (thanks Buzz!), and everything was looking ok. In fact I'm typing this via my 3G connection. WiFi works well and the signal strength is great.
Unfortunately I can't make or receive phone calls. And I can't send or receive text messages either. All data services work perfectly, ActiveSync connects with my exchange server for Push mail etc, and the internet works perfectly with all 'connected' programs and pIE, etc.
When I do try to make a phone call, the dialler app just says "Dialling..." for a few seconds and then "Call Ended" There's never a dial/ring tone and when attempting to send a text message, I just get the notification: "Your message could not be sent". If I try to make a Video Call, I get a message to say that "Call Bars are active" despite the fact that my SIM works for video calls on other phones.
Have I bought a dodgy phone? Is this how a nicked phone behaves, or is there something else wrong with it? What baffles me is that I can use the net and use e-mail as much as I want, but phone calls are impossible. My T-Mobile SIM works in my other 3G phones, so I'm confused....I've tried various ROM's but they all behave the same way. Oh, and every time I turn the phone on, the STK server throws up a "Message Sent" dialogue. (Which I'm sure my old JasJar never did)
Help! Have I failed to sim-unlock this exec properly, is it nicked, or is it just knackered? I'll be off to the shop for a replacement soon, if I can't get this sorted out...
The first thing I'd try would be a hard reset. Don't know if there's another solution. Hopefully someone else will have another solution!
Tried that, and I've re-flashed with the latest Qtek and i-mate ROM's.
I think I'll have another go at "unlocking" the SIM cad, just to be sure, and I'll try another different ROM. But I think this'll end up being taken back for a refund unless anyone can give me some inspirational advice!
The first thing I'd try would be a hard reset.
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Since you say you've tried various ROMS, advising you to hard reset is pretty pointless.
The call and text behaviour you are getting is typical of a phone which is lost/stolen and barred. I always assumed that a barred phone would also not be able to use gprs & 3G. The wifi would still work though.
Are you able to use T-Mobiles data connection? What happens if you call the phone?
I always assumed that a barred phone would also not be able to use gprs & 3G. The wifi would still work though.
Are you able to use T-Mobiles data connection? What happens if you call the phone?
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Nope, 3g networks defo don't check the imei register when you log on. ( Shhhh, the operators don't want you to know)
Dunno about a GPRS connection but it sounds like the handset is barred.
If I call the phone, a lady tells me that "calls are not being connected to this number at present". If I put the SIM into another phone, it instantly starts working again.
Tried a Vodafone SIM, same story. Also tried a Tesco mobile SIM (which piggybacks on the O2 network) and that's even worse, there's no recognition of any network at all when I put that one in.
I think this thing is going back to the shop at lunchtime...
Well, CheckMEND says that my IMEI has NOT been reported as lost or stolen, but I assume that's just for people who register and use rather than the network operator themselves?
I may give O2 a call to see what they say before I go shouting at the store that sold it to me, but I think that the only answer is that it's been blocked somehow. Hmmm. You'd think there would be an obvious way of finding out for sure...
EDIT: OK, O2 wouldn't tell me anything, it's confidential you see...
Took the phone back to the shop and they reckon the previous owner probably didn't pay is phone bill, so O2 barred the phone, therefore it wouldn't have been reported as lost/stolen. Which makes sense.
At least I now have my money back, and now I know that barred phones are only barred for voice calls, not Data connections too...never knew that!
Off to find another Universal to buy now...

delay recieving sms

sometimes i get my sms late, although it says the exact time the sms was sent, i still recieve it 2 hours later,
when i send an outgoing message, all my sms's come flooding in.. is there a fix for this.. is anyone else experiencing the same prob ??
i am on rom 1.66, official htc
what full rom version you using?
what network you on?
has this been happening long time or recently?
it has been happening recently it was more common before the sms fix, its not all sms's just sometimes,and sometimes i dont recieve the sms at all
i am in uk, on o2 network, using the htc 1.66 rom, the one off the htc website,
i am SO close to selling this and getting an iphone
Give O2 a ring, I had this issue with my Nokia E90, and it turned out to be a corrupt message on their servers.
thanks mate,
dont think its the network mate, gave them a call.. cud it be the htc, becos the sms problems over the past are well known !
ikhan24 said:
dont think its the network mate, gave them a call.. cud it be the htc, becos the sms problems over the past are well known !
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its a network problem genrally
delayed sms sound
I have similar problem on htc iolite since the new coocket roo303oom. The message sound is delayed to when i unlock my screen.
Im having exactly the same problem. Im on o2 uk and its really starting to get on my tits.
I sometimes get them an hour or 2 after they are sent, yet they are date stamped with the time they were actually sent. Did you manage to get to the root of the problem? I called o2 weeks ago about it and they just suggested i try a new sim, which they promptly sent me but it has made absolutely no difference. Is this a phone problem or a network problem?
Both of you on O2, I doubt it's got something to do with the phone.
sort of same issue with my HTC HD2 on Voda UK.
MEssages being sent or recived are not arriving on my phone!!
thinking of getting rid of phone now!!
just to annoy you mine works fine on virgin in the uk
Mine works fine on T-Mobile too
SMS delay
could somebody PLEASE find a fix for this !!!,
ikhan24 said:
could somebody PLEASE find a fix for this !!!,
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Have you contacting your provider?
contacted provider
rp-x1 said:
Have you contacting your provider?
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this is a widespread problem with htc's , if u google , late sms, you wil find, people on all networks are having this problem
i have contacted them and they say it could be the phone
Hi everybody,
I'm still experiencing this problem. That happened after the last ROM upgrade (see attached screenshot for current versions).
The message arrived a couple of hours later. Not it's about 24 hours or I don't receive the messages at all.
This might be a coincidence, but I often was browsing with Opera when the messages finally showed up.
I'm using Zenyee disable htc messaging 1.2 as I'm syncing with an Exchange 2010.
It's definitely not the provider, but the phone. I've put my simcard in a standard cell phone where the messages arrived in an instant.
Anybody got an idea?
It not the network, its a file in HTC phones. I havent been able to figure out what was causing it until now. I am 90% sure I know the culprit, but I am not 100% sure. I am on a TP2 and I just ran across this problem today after I installed a cooked rom I made, before everything was fine. I am in the process of testing this theory out. I should have a better idea by either days end, or at latest by tomorrow. I am testing 3 packages out at the moment to see if my theory is correct.
Will keep you posted.
I have the same problem too or sometimes I only get the text if I unlock the phone then I get 3 texts at once also sending text if it has more then 160 but less than 180 (i think ) then ppl don't seem to get my text weird no lol
I've had this problem in my HTC Trinity...
Fortunately I don't have it in the Leo...

Omnia 7 Call Ended Error

I bought a used phone from internet website, its worked great and it was locked on T-mobile UK. I got it unlocked from fastgsm and used my tesco sim with the phone.
The phone worked great for couple of days and on the third day it worked upto 11am (that is when i made the last call on the phone) and after that i am getting 00:00 Ended every time i press call even to voice mail.
it does not call anyone no texts either and when someone calls me it says the phone is switched off.
Steps i have taken to fix the issue:
I have swapped different sim cards.
i reset my phone through settings and diagnosis code.
I have updated the firmware to the 7740
I have installed a new unbranded UK retail firmware. its still running this firmware.
I have checked if the imei is blocked or stolen or something on a few websites nothing came up.
I have searched XDA to see if someone else has this problem and there are quite a few people here with the same problem but no solution.
I need help i have no idea what to do next
everything else on the phone works great no problems wlan connection keeps it connected and all the other features are fine its just the phone calls and text msgs which i cannot send or receive.
i have tested my sim on other phone it seems to be fine.
Please help i am not sure what to do next.
thank you and regards
Call Samsung support.
I've got a very similar problem - I can access the internet with my SIM but I can't make a call or send a text.
Omnia 7 - originally on orange but unlocked.
Any help appreciated.
ok then xda cant help me with this problem lets see if samsung support can do something about it. i have called them and i am taking the phone to their service center.
wish me luck i will report back if there is any news for other people with similar problem.
I have the same problem. Ive done almost all the steps as you have. Im beginning to think that its a hardware related problem. Maybe the sim-reader.. Well, i bought another phone but I hope to fix it anyway. I'll be back to check your progress in the matter.. gl
I can also contribute that I did the unlock via fastgsm.. (without any errors) And that may be the cause. But 1 thing is different though, I could never make any calls at all. You said that u were making calls.. I had a very long email conversation with fastgsm that ended with him not responding to me at all. But that was some time ago and I deleted the emails.. Not that I think it would help. Now I use the phone as a surfing pad (wifi/data ok) its sad really... lol
That's a terrible problem, I feel for you guys.
Definitely get it contact with your provider or SAMSUNG to get a replacement.
I can't think of any settings which you could change other than the obvious ones.
