HTC Touchflo not installed :S - Touch 3G General

Hey guys. I bought a clone HTC Touch 3G from
Basically, I've watched videos on the net and have seen people use these clones, and they come with HTC TouchFlo/Manilla 2D. Mine however, did NOT come with it installed. It just boots to the regular windows 6.1 pro menu.
Normally, I'd email the company but theyre on chinese newyear holiday. Can anyone please help me on tell me how to get touchflo installed on this device?
(If the device is a clone, its a pretty good clone. HTC Branding everywhere.)
EDIT: By not installed, I mean it is not on the phone. So it looks like I'll need the ROM or theme of it somehow. Help pleaseeeeee?

Lyth said:
.. EDIT: By not installed, I mean it is not on the phone. So it looks like I'll need the ROM or theme of it somehow. Help pleaseeeeee?
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You can easily install TF2D (M2D). If you search XDA, you can get the cab files.

Thank you. Is there a step by step process? (I am unsure what to run/install once I would have the files on my phone.)

Lyth said:
Thank you. Is there a step by step process? (I am unsure what to run/install once I would have the files on my phone.)
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You can download the application from here
How to, basically..
1) download the .cab file to your PC and transfer it to your phone.
2) on your phone, run the .cab file and it will auto install.
3) after that, you can leave the .cab file or delete it.

Where is the .cab file on that link? When I click the blue "DOWNLOAD" letters, it leads me to a forum. I don't know what to get from the form. I'm new to all this.
EDIT: I got the cab from a post on that seperate forum on the DOWNLOAD link.
MY only issue is: After installing, the phone just says "Touch here to launch TouchFLO". I have a "clone" of a HTC Touch 3G, and I am running Win 6.1, and the MD2 is what I believe to be the newest version. I've searched here, and people mention to download some shared dll's or something. I have no idea what to do.
I downloaded the .cab file from the mobility digest forum post called "UPDATE 5-29-09 COMING SOON - FIXING ERRORS on Jade Manila 2D Build 1.20.19131520.0"
at "This is the link to m2d cab here: 2DManila_1_20_19131530_00"
EDIT 2: I downloaded cracing's m2d for non htc cell phones. And it works, but it seems kinda slow, and doesnt autorun. (Every startup, I have to enable it again. Any help on this? (The m2d for non htc cell phone is just an .exe that I run.). Plus I need to download like all of these programs to avoid getting errors. :S
EDIT3:Web Browser does not load through cracings m2d, albumsearcher.exe cannot be found, weather says its 36 degrees even though its WINTER (Obviously in fahrenheit. How do I change it to celsius?), and settings has all these blank buttons (which have little pictures of the phone beside them. How do I fix all this?

I am not sure how else to help you. I've installed on HTC Kaiser without any problem.
Your problems could be due to the clone set.

Ive got it all working now. Except I have an unrelated problem. Text messages work fine, but whenever I try to make a phone call it says "Phone: The operation failed".
Ive read online that this is because the phone is trying to send data while making the phone call. I do NOT have a data plan, and data service under the settings is 'OFF'. (I cant even turn it on. If I try, it just auto turns off after.)
edit: i got it to work. somehow. i had to turn everything off in settings, and then on again. :S Maybe the phone needed data service off eventhough it already was. Hmmph.

i have the same problems as Lyth.
AlbumSearcher can not be found or doesn't have a certificate.
in an older version it worked. but there were a lot of shell errors.
does anybody know how to fix it?


Problem with cab files on touch dual

Ok I know this sounds like a typical newbie question but I haven't come across a problem installing cabs before.
A friend has just got a touch dual on orange and can't install any cab files on the device.
I naturally thought he must be doing something wrong as it's the first windows device he's had.
I showed him how to tap on the cab file. Nothing happens. tried again.double tapped.nothing.
I copied the cab to internal memory and still wouldn't install. this was with a cab for a larger keyboard and a game he downloaded.
I know I thought. I will try some cabs from my memory card that I have installed on other pocket pc phones.
I tried smart explorer. nothing happens. The screen flashed briefly then just shows the normal file manager screen.
Is there something different on the touch dual in the way it handles cab files ?
He does have a zip file manager listed in his program manager that I haven't seen before but trying to use this to do something with the cab doesn't do anything either.
I looked at the wiki and did a search under this forum for cab but couldn't find any info.
google search just offers info on how to install cabs which is, as explained not the problem.
The phone just doesn't seem to recognise the cab file and so won't install any.
Help and advice warmly received.
maybe orange application lock their roms? have a look for application unlocking on the forum search
search for SDA-Application unlocker!
cabs - signed or unsigned.
mccannmarc said:
maybe orange application lock their roms? have a look for application unlocking on the forum search
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see what you saying. orange do lock their roms but this still allows signed cabs to be installed with a message do you want to install this program ?
I have app unlocked 4 types of spv/htc phones.
I have tried a cab files that is signed for orange handsets.
I get no message asking if I want to install or that it's from an unrecognised source (unsigned).
Usually after any warning message,if any youget given an opton to install to phone storage or memory card. this htc touch isn't even bringing up any kind of dialogue as to what to do with the cab AT ALL. Not even telling me I can't install because of security permissions which is what I would expect if the problem is to do with app locking etc.
As to sda-application unlocker. Is there a link to a version that will definately work with the touch ? Found some older versions searching the forum.
mccannmarc said:
maybe orange application lock their roms? have a look for application unlocking on the forum search
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i have a uk orange touch dual and never had any problems with cabs on the stock rom.
have you tried a soft/hard reset
kerrance76 said:
i have a uk orange touch dual and never had any problems with cabs on the stock rom.
have you tried a soft/hard reset
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I have suggested this. Will get him to try this and try again with both signed and unsigned cabs.

Touchflo 3D on Mogul

Any chance that someone will be able to get Touchflo 3D to work on the Mogul. Or better yet does HTC want to upgrade the Mogul with WM6.1 and Touchflo 3D.
We'd have to have hardware acceleration for the Titan display hardware in order for that to even be remotely viable. HTC does not want to extend that functionality to the Mogul.
you can install the leaked version but it does not work at the moment and is VERY S-L-O-W...
there is a thread that is trying to mod the leaked version to get it to work on any VGA/QVGA device but it looks as if momentum has slowed due to lack of success.
question about 3d
so i am still confused about 3d for the mogul.. i am really not that great with computers but i know how to download and transfer to my phone.. i currently have spb mobile shell and wanted 3d... can someone please tell me how to get 3d ..if yall can email me at [email protected]
Closest I've seen. I'm running the latest one on my phone now & it's actually REALLY nice IMHO.
thanks for helping me... i still do not understand how to dload it.. can i just dload one thing that has everything in it?
yes just get the Sprint ROM from here:
or wait until his new one gets uploaded, which I ASSUME will be today. Enjoy.
wow thanks a lot for the help man.. so do i just dload all 8 of those files and click and drag to my mogul?
shawnkur said:
wow thanks a lot for the help man.. so do i just dload all 8 of those files and click and drag to my mogul?
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Nope. Just pick the one RAR that corresponds to your phone company. Download and un-RAR it (unzip it). After syncing the phone via activesync, open the folder and run the Rom Update Utility. The phone should change to a tricolor screen and then a gray screen with a progress bar. Wait till it completes.
do u know which rom i should dload for sprint htc mogul?
Download this:
Install it, all the carrier cabs will be located in a directory on your phone called ROM Pack. Install the sprint carrier rom. Done and done.
Edit: Read this thread too:
and that website doesn't work anymore where u showed me the roms
hey that rom is for 2d i was wanting 3d ..could i get that on my mogul?
Dude Honestly Let it be
2d is as close as you are going to get. 3d is just a little to much it will never be stable on the titan and you will be pissed off you put so much work into it and it just will piss you off, trust me been there. Even 2d isn't going to be perfect. And some people will tell you it runs flawless on their titans but if you look at the help threds more failure than success. Find functionality within the programs and iu's that are proven to work. Or buy the diamond. Not being an ass.
oh ok ic thanks...does this 2d have the youtube program integrated into it..and does it work with mogul
well i dloaded the round4 and i couldn't open it.. i transferrd it to my phone and it wouldn't said it couldn't run it
I'm not sure about this version but before when I installed it you have to do the following:
Start with a clean copy of DCD's 3.2.6 on a reliable radio
!!!Install all the programs you want to have running before any of this!!!
1) Install Youtube player
2) Install HTC Album
3) Install iContact
4) Install HTC music player
Then soft reset:
5) Then install HTC home 2.1 (I think it might also becalled HTC hermes home 2.1)
Then Soft reset:
6) Then install manilla 2d .cab file
Then Soft Reset:
7) Install Manilla Customizer, then any theme you want and your off running.
thanks so much.. when u say Start with a clean copy of DCD's 3.2.6 on a reliable radio..what does that mean..sorry im not very good with computers.. and where can all those programs be found
Trying to update ROM
I have a mogul with 6.1 - Sprint, trying to update and get a error EVERY time. Checked cable -active sync works just fine for anything else I wanna do. I want to use Scotts newest rom. It gets my version of rom and displays it on the screen, says 0% and winds up erroring out. What gives? I am plugged directly into the PC-no hubs-this is for ANY roms I try. ?????????????
Trying to update ROM
nm, I got to unlock the device... scared to though. Anyone have any issues with doing this?

Cant install most of the softwares !!!!!!!!!!

hi all
i cant install alot of my favourite softwares such as SPB , i dont know why? can anyone tell me the reason plz?
shadows of yesterday said:
hi all
i cant install alot of my favourite softwares such as SPB , i dont know why? can anyone tell me the reason plz?
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can't help you or tell you the reason because you are not giving enough details about what you are trying to install, what is going wrong. How are you trying to install. Exe or .cab files. are you just getting error's during the installation
i tried to install .cab & .exe , but it says install unsuccessful, for example SPB & Battery status
On what ?... is the cab on the phone or on the PC ???????
i tried both , but i couldnt
You have the HTC Touch Elf right? No cabs at all are instaling on your phone.
1. The cab files are being currupted either while you are downloading them or while you are sending them to your phone. FYI Cab files are to be installed via your phone not PC. Transfer the complete cab to phone and just click it to install - Do Not Unzip it. (A cab file looks like it is a zip file or a rar file wen it is on your PC but don't be fooled. it is a cab and does not need to be unzipped) you will only see a bunch of messy files and will just get confuzed. just place the cab on your phone and tap it with your stylus to initiate install
Exe's are to be installed via your PC to your phone through activsinc. place the exe on your desktop (Or wherever) and connect your phone to your PC using Activsinc. Then click the exe on your desktop and follow installation instructions - NOte you will have to still do some clicking on your phone to allow the installation.
2. you are not installing them properly and therfore follow instructions above.
3. your phone is currupt somehow (I don't see how) Try a hard reset and see if the programs will install after that. if not, you might want to return your phone for warranty (I am assuming you just got this phone and this is the first time you are trying to install something.
4. Maybe you have run out of room on your device to install any more applications (if you have been installing tons of other stuff successfully)
I have never gotten any errors installing cabs or exe's exept for when I was trying to install something that my phone did not support. (Not a valid WM application) or something like that.
Edit: You still are not give us much information - What type of error are you getting - What does your phone show/tell you?
Does it start to install and fail half way through? does it not start at all? does it install and the programs just do not run?
Tell us what program you are trying to install - what error you are getting and when you are getting it. Tell us the method you have used to install it etc....
If you want help you will have to provide us with as much information and detail as you can. Otherwise - Good Luck.
I will check back here regularly to see your response and try to help, but if you don't give us much more detail - no one will be able to help you.
Did you flashed your ROM recently?
it start to install and fail half way through, but not all of the softwares , for example i cant install tcpmp,wm router , battery status , and alot of softwares , the error is always the same ( it start to install and fail half way through)
shadows of yesterday said:
it start to install and fail half way through, but not all of the softwares , for example i cant install tcpmp,wm router , battery status , and alot of softwares , the error is always the same ( it start to install and fail half way through)
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I don't know about battery status or wm router but TCPMP is an exe type installation. if you try to install this using your phone by putting the TCPMP installation on your phone and clicking to install, it won't work. You have to put the installation file on your computer, connect your device to your computer through activesinc. then click the TCPMP Installation on your desktop and follow instructions. Make sure you accept installation on your device when your device asks. The others may be the same
i did like that , but nothing changed , same message , install unsuccessful
shadows of yesterday said:
i did like that , but nothing changed , same message , install unsuccessful
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Are you trying to install to your storage card or to device? Are you certain that you have enough storage space left?
Do you have any problems with Activsinc?
Have you tried downloading another copy of TCPMP - Maybe the copy you have is no good.
yeh , i tried on both storage and device memory , i have 1.5 gb remaining on storage also
my active sync is working in perfect condition, i dont know wht happend , ok , is there anything that i can upgrade my phone ???
DuelMasterNG said:
Did you flashed your ROM recently?
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You never answered the above question.
shadows of yesterday said:
yeh , i tried on both storage and device memory , i have 1.5 gb remaining on storage also
my active sync is working in perfect condition, i dont know wht happend , ok , is there anything that i can upgrade my phone ???
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I don't know if I can help you with this problem. I have never had any problems installing anything onto my device even when the app wasn't compatible. usually still installed, just wouldn't run. I am still using official stock WM 6.0 rom that came on my device. (have not ever flashed a new ROM or Radio and don't know anything about that. If you did flash a new ROM or radio, that could be what is causing your problems and you may want to examine in the thread where you got your ROM or Radio from for answers or to see if anyone else is having the same difficulties. Perhaps PM the person who cooked the ROM. If you havn't flashed any new ROM or Radio, then maybe you changed something in your registry that you shouldn't have with a registry editor (just a thought - don't know if you have ever done this) or maybe you have an app on your phone that is causing conflict when trying to install other apps. You can always try a hard reset of your device (if you don't mind starting from scratch again customizing your device) and then try installing TCPMP and see if it works right after a hard reset. That would suggest either something was changed in your registry or that another app was causing conflict. Bit of a pain in the a## having to reinstall everything(unless you don't have much installed on your device) and still no guarantee that it will work. Before doing a hard reset, you might want to look into backing up your device. (I don't know anyting about backing up - what program to use or how much it can back up such as setting or such but you might want to check it out. Also make sure you sincronize your device with your computer prior to hard reset so that all your contacts, appointments etc... are up to date that way after a hard reset you can just syncronize your device again and get your contacts and appointments etc... back.
If anyone else has any suggestions here -- Please feel free to jump in. I know that I would be really annoyed not being able to install new apps to my device.
Good luck. I hope this gets figured out for you
i had the same problem, it was unbelievably frustrating, i had to restore my X1i to factory settings, that fixed the problem.
I think you should follow hotrod101's suggestion and do a hard reset. Its quite likely that your phone has malfunctioned or something. It's probably going to save you a lot of work in the long run. Or turn in your device in one of the HTC service centers as already stated. Don't forget to back all your stuff up first.
Good Luck.
thanx alot
you did not say whether your rom is original or coked as i met some problems with cocked roms in installing arabic based applications that was easily installed before flashing me device
Did you get things figured out - If so please share with the rest what you did to solve your problem, in case others are having similar problems. Did one of our suggestions help or did you find another solution?
same problem on my Touch Pro, seams to be common ... some say that it is due to the fixed number (50 installed programs) on the touch flue ... however, I have no more information of how did they got this result, or what is the registry of this issue???
I hope if someone help on this to avoide us the headache cused by hard reset, just thinking about it make me crazy.
even hard reset is not a solution.

Can't display DarkLoad battery meter on HD

I have downloaded the .cab, installed it through the HD and onto the device (rather than card), but it doesn't show up anywhere I can think of; using Total CE or programs or in the settings windows.
Any ideas how I configure it?
If I try to install the cab again, it says the old version needs to be uninstalled, which I tick yes, but still nothing.
Doesn;t work for me, but in my HD I can uninstall it through the delete programs menu in Settings. But i still don't know why it won't work.
Sorry, my bad explanation. I can uninstall it okay, just that when I try to install it to make sure things were okay, it says that the program is currently installed so it must be in there.
I am not going mad then!
I installed the .cab file for Massimo's coloured top bar and then Darklords bat meter & it works fine for me.
Have you changed anything else on the topbar?
GLOC said:
I have downloaded the .cab, installed it through the HD and onto the device (rather than card), but it doesn't show up anywhere I can think of; using Total CE or programs or in the settings windows.
Any ideas how I configure it?
If I try to install the cab again, it says the old version needs to be uninstalled, which I tick yes, but still nothing.
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I had to rename the "shellres.192.dll" part of the taskbar files to "shellres.192.dll.0409.mui" to get this to work on my HD. If this doesn't make sense, read through the thread at Not sure if this is the only solution, but certainly worked for me.
I have cab I made with the renamed file in there, but can't upload it from work. If you can't get it working before then, I will upload when I get home tonight (EST).
Oh, and be sure to have sdkcerts installed. Same thread, at bottom of first post.
Cab upload problem...
I can't get the Cab to upload. Not sure why, as it's only 3MB. Anyway, if you want, I can send it to you if you PM me an email address.

HELP with Diamond TF3D

Okay, I put the cad file on my phone and then installed it. It wouldn't work so I deleted the tweak.xml. Now it works but when I click the tweaks tab nothing shows up. Could somebody help me fix this?
Rom version 1.10.661.41 if that helps... sry just got it today and don't really get all of this yet
cant anyone help me?
You can't expect an answer within the hour, man You are using a Diamond? What kind of cab did you install? If you have a diamond, you have TF3D (also known as Manila) preinstalled and you're not supposed to install anything...
so what where you trying to do? and can you post the link of the page that has the cab file you loaded?
we have to know more in detail you just cant say. i installed something on my car and now it wont start.
you installed a cab ( i installed something on my car )
now it wont start ( you delteded the xml file and now nothing happens )
just give us more in detail what you where trying to do. what program or cab was it and what was it for. what carrier do you have?
