HELP with Diamond TF3D - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

Okay, I put the cad file on my phone and then installed it. It wouldn't work so I deleted the tweak.xml. Now it works but when I click the tweaks tab nothing shows up. Could somebody help me fix this?
Rom version 1.10.661.41 if that helps... sry just got it today and don't really get all of this yet

cant anyone help me?

You can't expect an answer within the hour, man You are using a Diamond? What kind of cab did you install? If you have a diamond, you have TF3D (also known as Manila) preinstalled and you're not supposed to install anything...

so what where you trying to do? and can you post the link of the page that has the cab file you loaded?
we have to know more in detail you just cant say. i installed something on my car and now it wont start.
you installed a cab ( i installed something on my car )
now it wont start ( you delteded the xml file and now nothing happens )
just give us more in detail what you where trying to do. what program or cab was it and what was it for. what carrier do you have?


english version of ultimatelauncher

I just downloaded UL and i love it, but all the menu's are in German. anyone know of an English version?
There you go...
do you know where i can get a icon package for this program. extension *.ico
It uses standard windows icons...
You can find *.ico files all over internet for windows, aslong as you use 32x32 and 48x48 for animated icon then its easy.
Tabs must be big enough for icons..
hi, could someone upload a .cab installer for this?
mugglesquop said:
hi, could someone upload a .cab installer for this?
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the .cab installer is available at the moment only in deutch language...
BYE, Bobo
it would be nice to be able to use icon .dll files. currently i have an icons.dll that has a bunch of icons inside that i used for cLaunch. This program will only see the first icon. is there a way to make it use any of the other icons in the file?
Bobo Xni said:
the .cab installer is available at the moment only in deutch language...
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1. go to site
2. download the .zip Archive
3. there you will find the english cab
Guy! Is this v1.2 or?
I've used some of this icons from this website.
Anyone having a problem with it freezing when it starts up? It happens to me when I have a voicemail. The active sync would open and then I can't do anything. I ended up hard reseting my phone to be able to run my phone again. I like this program. I just don't want to keeping hard reseting my phone everytime I get a voicemail and soft reseting before I clear it.
this is one sweet app.
anyone know how to enable the Task and Schedule today plugins to work in the tabs?
Anyone buy the full version yet? I tried this program and loved it, so I bought it from The registration seemed to work, but at some point I got "not activated" all over the screen. I went back into the configure program, and the registration code went back to all 0's. I've since been flashing a few different rom's (trying to find the best 6.1 for my 8525) so I haven't reloaded it yet. Hopefully it was a freak thing, and it'll work once I reload it.
1magine said:
this is one sweet app.
anyone know how to enable the Task and Schedule today plugins to work in the tabs?
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If your talking about the stock plug ins then they aren't really plug ins. I have yet to find a 3rd party software that hey can be used with.
blazingwolf said:
If your talking about the stock plug ins then they aren't really plug ins. I have yet to find a 3rd party software that hey can be used with.
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I guess he wanted to say if it was possible to chose Calendar and Tasks as a tab. I really don't know this isn't possible - it simply doesn't show in the plugins list
Visoredge said:
1. go to site
2. download the .zip Archive
3. there you will find the english cab
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maybe i'm wrong but in the zip file you can find the .exe file... but the .cab where is it???
BYE, Bobo
Open the .zip File
You will find the Folder "Cabs".
I think this is the current version?
See Attachments
MaxMotus said:
There you go...
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thanx a ton max
i'm wondering how the titlebar and softkeybar are made semitransparent ... that looks really sick. anyone an idea?
Visoredge said:
Open the .zip File
You will find the Folder "Cabs".
I think this is the current version?
See Attachments
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I never used the .zip file only .exe or .cab. Thank's so much for your help! It's correct it's the latest version.... Wery well!!!
BYE, Bobo
pacmantom said:
I've used some of this icons from this website.
Anyone having a problem with it freezing when it starts up? It happens to me when I have a voicemail. The active sync would open and then I can't do anything. I ended up hard reseting my phone to be able to run my phone again. I like this program. I just don't want to keeping hard reseting my phone everytime I get a voicemail and soft reseting before I clear it.
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I had the same problem when i first installed it, phone freezes then activesync opens and the phone stops to respond, had to hard reset too .
I made sure that all active today plugins are not dsiplayed ( settings,today, uncheck them ) then installed ultimatelauncher, loaded those plugins into seperate ultimatelauncher tabs. been working fine so far, I had no problems ,been two days now .
For the *.ico files, i converted few *.tga icons to *.ico , ultimatelauncher would see them but won't load them .. so i figured it could be the size of the icon, a bit big for ultimatelauncher ( 40 X 40 ) .. will try with smaller icons later .
Edit : tried with ( 16 X 16 ) icons and still ultimatelauncher won't load them

HTC home not working need help!!!

i tried uploading manila to my phone but it didnt work and now it says HTC home is terminate unexpectedly what can i do to fix this and can anyone send a working manila exe or cab and explain to me in detail how to install it
im a noob i know =/
look here:
contains the Manilla 2D cab and all the instructions.
is there a full final version and not a beta? and i'm really new at this stuff so i need specific baby steps on how to download and install this stuff... like do i send the cab or exe file to my phone and open it up from there and stuff like that =/

*Noob in need of help with Themes..pleasee !

hey XDA
i have a CDMA version of the touch diamond, so can someone help me with downloading themes with the CDMA version? because ive tried other ways but it doesnt seem too work
so if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciateedd !
If it is a .theme file you will need to install a program (name slips me) otherwise .cab files seem ur route.
you need to download tf3d config v.67, its somewhere here in the forum. i actually attched it for you. from there you just have to download the themes and run the program.
when i installed it, and tried to run it, it was unexpected error occured?

[HELP] Windows Live Messenger Mobile

I use WLM 10.6.0053.1000 and somehow my emoticon screen going weird like in the screenshot... I reinstalled, redownloaded from live site but seems like the emoticon won't show up for unknown reason.
I tried to check if there is any missing files but all files are OK.
Registry check also OK.
I'm using WM6.1 official v1.77 i-Mate 9502.
Please help me how to restore those emoticons....
Anyone? No one know the solution?
Arghhhh.... No answer and no one can answer.... >,<
Seems like the files are missing. Where did you install it, on the device, flashdisk or storagecard? I'd browse for the files first and see if I could find them.
Btw, I think this post might get moved since it aint really a post that belongs in this forum
Umm, maybe but I don't know what files are required to display that emoticon.
Yesterday I reinstalled the WLM (downloaded from live site
For installation, it didn't give any option, it's all automated and installed in the device (precisely in the Windows folder).
But FYI, I checked the installation using SKTools and Pocket Mechanic, the installation is OK..
No files missing and registry are intact. Maybe other files (the system files) are missing? or some registry keys are missing?
Thanks for your help... ^^
I'll be waiting for your info for restoring the emoticon... ^^
Yup, sorry for posting in the wrong subforum. Moderators,please help me to move this thread to correct subforum. Thanks.. ^^
Crescendo Xenomorph said:
Umm, maybe but I don't know what files are required to display that emoticon.
Yesterday I reinstalled the WLM (downloaded from live site
For installation, it didn't give any option, it's all automated and installed in the device (precisely in the Windows folder).
But FYI, I checked the installation using SKTools and Pocket Mechanic, the installation is OK..
No files missing and registry are intact. Maybe other files (the system files) are missing? or some registry keys are missing?
Thanks for your help... ^^
I'll be waiting for your info for restoring the emoticon... ^^
Yup, sorry for posting in the wrong subforum. Moderators,please help me to move this thread to correct subforum. Thanks.. ^^
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try this one
dannyedilber said:
try this one
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Tried just now but still same... only version in about page is different... T,T
Thanks for helping...
Seems strange... I checked all the system files in Windows folder, none missing/replaced by files with same name...
Maybe the registry?
And here we go... No one knows about this problem...
No answer as well...
Seems that none of developers here able to solve this... Or they don't know anything about this issue...
Up! Anyone here can resolve this? Or ppl here can't even solve small bug like this?
Useless to ask here... =,="'
bump =,="'
Please upload here your 10.6.0053.1000 cab. I have a look of it.
I just install the available from microsoft's site and still like in the first post. T,T
Do I need to upload the latest WLM from Microsoft's site?
And thanks for your help...
And I think, it might be something from registry's missing (maybe something in HKEY_Classes_Root)....
If I do HardReset, all is solved, but it's pain for me to reinstall all apps and do re-setting all things inside... >,<
Sorry I need the 10.6.0053.1000 cab before I can help you. It`s not on the windows side. Please upload it here. This was the first cab that you install or was in the rom and I must test it. No cab - Sorry no help.
Wait, I must search the cab file first. Because I already overwrite it with new one.
And the old one that came with my ROM is v10.6.0034.0800.
The v10.6.0053.1000 I downloaded it from Microsoft's site also. And I will try to recover that installation file from my harddisk.

HTC Touchflo not installed :S

Hey guys. I bought a clone HTC Touch 3G from
Basically, I've watched videos on the net and have seen people use these clones, and they come with HTC TouchFlo/Manilla 2D. Mine however, did NOT come with it installed. It just boots to the regular windows 6.1 pro menu.
Normally, I'd email the company but theyre on chinese newyear holiday. Can anyone please help me on tell me how to get touchflo installed on this device?
(If the device is a clone, its a pretty good clone. HTC Branding everywhere.)
EDIT: By not installed, I mean it is not on the phone. So it looks like I'll need the ROM or theme of it somehow. Help pleaseeeeee?
Lyth said:
.. EDIT: By not installed, I mean it is not on the phone. So it looks like I'll need the ROM or theme of it somehow. Help pleaseeeeee?
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You can easily install TF2D (M2D). If you search XDA, you can get the cab files.
Thank you. Is there a step by step process? (I am unsure what to run/install once I would have the files on my phone.)
Lyth said:
Thank you. Is there a step by step process? (I am unsure what to run/install once I would have the files on my phone.)
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You can download the application from here
How to, basically..
1) download the .cab file to your PC and transfer it to your phone.
2) on your phone, run the .cab file and it will auto install.
3) after that, you can leave the .cab file or delete it.
Where is the .cab file on that link? When I click the blue "DOWNLOAD" letters, it leads me to a forum. I don't know what to get from the form. I'm new to all this.
EDIT: I got the cab from a post on that seperate forum on the DOWNLOAD link.
MY only issue is: After installing, the phone just says "Touch here to launch TouchFLO". I have a "clone" of a HTC Touch 3G, and I am running Win 6.1, and the MD2 is what I believe to be the newest version. I've searched here, and people mention to download some shared dll's or something. I have no idea what to do.
I downloaded the .cab file from the mobility digest forum post called "UPDATE 5-29-09 COMING SOON - FIXING ERRORS on Jade Manila 2D Build 1.20.19131520.0"
at "This is the link to m2d cab here: 2DManila_1_20_19131530_00"
EDIT 2: I downloaded cracing's m2d for non htc cell phones. And it works, but it seems kinda slow, and doesnt autorun. (Every startup, I have to enable it again. Any help on this? (The m2d for non htc cell phone is just an .exe that I run.). Plus I need to download like all of these programs to avoid getting errors. :S
EDIT3:Web Browser does not load through cracings m2d, albumsearcher.exe cannot be found, weather says its 36 degrees even though its WINTER (Obviously in fahrenheit. How do I change it to celsius?), and settings has all these blank buttons (which have little pictures of the phone beside them. How do I fix all this?
I am not sure how else to help you. I've installed on HTC Kaiser without any problem.
Your problems could be due to the clone set.
Ive got it all working now. Except I have an unrelated problem. Text messages work fine, but whenever I try to make a phone call it says "Phone: The operation failed".
Ive read online that this is because the phone is trying to send data while making the phone call. I do NOT have a data plan, and data service under the settings is 'OFF'. (I cant even turn it on. If I try, it just auto turns off after.)
edit: i got it to work. somehow. i had to turn everything off in settings, and then on again. :S Maybe the phone needed data service off eventhough it already was. Hmmph.
i have the same problems as Lyth.
AlbumSearcher can not be found or doesn't have a certificate.
in an older version it worked. but there were a lot of shell errors.
does anybody know how to fix it?

