Sharing a WM ICS connection in a Wifi (adhoc) network - Imagio General

I figured out that using my Imagio as a WiFi Router drains the battery faster than it can charge. This is bad for a sometimes day-long connection using low bandwidth sites (live blogging for hours on
Typically, I use the Imagio when WiFi isn't available, or is flat out ridiculously priced ($thousands in some convention centers).
I have to work with my partner, who also needs a connection, and sharing it would be oh so convenient using WiFi. So I thought, why not share my Imagio's connection by using Internet Connection Sharing on my computer through the WiFi. Not so fast: all ICS uses a fixed IP of Conflict city when you try to use ICS twice in the same daisy chain.
"So", says I, "why not use Network Bridging to accomplish the same thing?". Well, this works in getting the signal to my partner's machine. She can internet beautifully. But, it turns out, my machine can't access the Internet anymore so long as the Imagio's ICS is bridged to the machine's built in WiFi. Take it out of the bridge, it works on my machine but not my partner's. Put it in the bridge, it doesn't on my machine, but it does on my partner's.
Anyone have any insight as to how this can be accomplished. Imagio ICS via USB to computer A, computer A's Wifi set in ad-hoc mode to be used as a router to get Internet to computer B, both machines being able to access the Internet.
Also, USB-Modem works with ICS on the laptop, but it uses dial-up, and the problem with that is that if you stop using it for a certain period of time, it loses the connection, which can screw up things royally. ICS is much more consistent.
There has to be a way that bridging can be used without taking the Imagio's ICS out of that computer's universe.
None of this would be a problem if she got a WM phone instead of the LG Touch (which requires a hefty monthly plan to use it as a modem).
Thanks to any who know more about this than me or have some other ideas.

You can configure ICS on the phone to use a different IP range (probably also possible on the PC but don't know how).
So then you can use Phone->ICS->USB->ComputerA->ICS->Wi-Fi->ComputerB
WMWifiRouter uses 192.168.3.x instead of .0.x by default. I think this can also be configured using ICS Control.

frankenbike said:
I figured out that using my Imagio as a WiFi Router drains the battery faster than it can charge. This is bad for a sometimes day-long connection using low bandwidth sites (live blogging for hours on
Typically, I use the Imagio when WiFi isn't available, or is flat out ridiculously priced ($thousands in some convention centers).
I have to work with my partner, who also needs a connection, and sharing it would be oh so convenient using WiFi. So I thought, why not share my Imagio's connection by using Internet Connection Sharing on my computer through the WiFi. Not so fast: all ICS uses a fixed IP of Conflict city when you try to use ICS twice in the same daisy chain.
"So", says I, "why not use Network Bridging to accomplish the same thing?". Well, this works in getting the signal to my partner's machine. She can internet beautifully. But, it turns out, my machine can't access the Internet anymore so long as the Imagio's ICS is bridged to the machine's built in WiFi. Take it out of the bridge, it works on my machine but not my partner's. Put it in the bridge, it doesn't on my machine, but it does on my partner's.
Anyone have any insight as to how this can be accomplished. Imagio ICS via USB to computer A, computer A's Wifi set in ad-hoc mode to be used as a router to get Internet to computer B, both machines being able to access the Internet.
Also, USB-Modem works with ICS on the laptop, but it uses dial-up, and the problem with that is that if you stop using it for a certain period of time, it loses the connection, which can screw up things royally. ICS is much more consistent.
There has to be a way that bridging can be used without taking the Imagio's ICS out of that computer's universe.
None of this would be a problem if she got a WM phone instead of the LG Touch (which requires a hefty monthly plan to use it as a modem).
Thanks to any who know more about this than me or have some other ideas.
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I use WM WiFirouter, it is a great program with multiple different configurations. I use it at home on an old IPAQ hooked to my PC as a wireless router so my kids can use the internet on their laptops.

WM WiFi Router was my first choice. Note the point I made that the battery drains faster than it can recharge. This becomes something of a problem after an hour or so.
Sadly, I got the connection sharing option to work now on the laptop using ICS control, but it seems to disconnect the WiFi ad-hoc network. And doesn't actually share through the WiFi. I suspect this is a problem with the way the WiFi on the laptop works, since I had the same problem with Network Bridging, and had to run a Dos script to enable the WiFi. It only works when bridging is being used, so I have to find the equivalent for when bridging isn't being used but ICS is.
I don't suppose anyone knows anything about *that*?
EDIT: I just downloaded the latest version of WMWifiRouter, which has USB connection support and seems to be a whole lot more reliable in general. AND IT WORKS with connection sharing, the laptop WiFi works as a router, and it DOES solve my problems. Thanks for the suggestion that made me reconsider it again.
EDIT +1: Still uses up the battery faster than it charges. Not as fast as WiFi though. WMWifiRouter is a pretty amazing connection sharing tool kit with USB, BT and WiFi connectivity and lots of control without the weird IP address pathologies. Amazing that it also gets around my laptop's weird connection sharing WiFi pathology as well. Another nice thing is the "keep connection alive" ping feature, and the real time power status and information. They really try to pack a lot of useful stuff for your $20.


new to wifi - quick question

sorry for the newb questions but couldn't find an answer searching and figured someone who knows would be able to give an answer easily
the question is, when in the office, sitting near my laptop (dell lat 620 w wifi) I connect my phone to the wifi network 'wfield1' and the display on the laptop turns green, and the phone shows the little antenna signifying wifi connectivity. ok- now does this mean
a) that all data sent/rec'd will not appear on cingulars bill?
b) will my works firewall (vpn) infringe upon my browsing (ie if I hit a blocked site will it say blocked on my phone?)
I originally thought it would but I turned wifi on and walked away from my laptop and realized that the wifi connection stayed on throughout the building so therefore it has nothing to do with my laptops connection to our vpn server then right?
if so, c) would I be able to use the phones wifi connection and then usb tether the phone to the laptop to browse on the laptop off the firewall and off cingulars rate charges? I have unlim anyway but keeping usage down seems worth the small step it takes to tether
hopefully I am at least a little accurate in my guesses and not way off wack. if anyone could drop some knowledge on me id appreciate it
Your phone's connection to WIFI has nothing to do with your laptop. It should connect to your WIFI router in your office. Your phone should display a different symbol on the top line of the LCD, rather than your regular "antenna" symbol.
You need to check the above before you can confirm if you are actually connected to your WIFI router.
When you are on WIFI, it is subjected to the same firewall regulations as your laptop
yes it changes from the normal "phone" antenna to the wifi icon, i do know that much.
however i'm still unsure of whether or not it is using routered data vs cingular data. i think it is using the wifi data because as i said it is showing the wifi symbol and not the E or G that shows up when connected to cingulars service
and i think i mispoke, i dont actually use the wifi on the laptop to connect to the internet. i need to dial up with a verizon card, and it connects that way, and also launches a VPN which i think is what regulates the internet usage.
i am less worried about the routers firewall than i am my (proxy?) servers abilty to record sights that i visit, ie the forums/ebay. if i visit those on wifi and my server could see that (not worried about the wifi router seeing it since i am in different offices a lot), i will just stick with using GPRS/EDGE. confusing? sorry
If it was using Cingular data, you would get a message that your phone is 'Connecting to Cingular GPRS' which case you would be billed, you don't get billed for using wifi because you are NOT using cingulars network to connect to the internet, you are using your own.
after checking it again, it seems that i cannot get to the iinternet with the wifi alone. i turned off the phone and had wifi enabled and could not connet to the internet.
so normally, if it wasn't a work firewalled network, wifi will let you get to the internet without being charged via cingular. got it, thanks all
hey i was going to do wifi connection to my work laptop too till i decided its pointless cause im sitting right in front of the thing and if i actually walked away from it its going to be a decent distance and the wifi wouldnt connect anyway.
besides theres not a whole lot you can do with the connection other than read a web page or browse a network folder.

Internet Sharing With Xbox Live ???

Joined this site a while ago, and needless to say, I've been literally blown away by it. The members of this site are just incredibly talented; I've been able to make my 8525 look and function just fantastic, and just about any fix/patch I've been able to locate through this site.
Currently using Custel WM6 rom and it's so stable and faster than the WM5 I had (though it was so hard to choose with so MANY excellent cooked roms to choose from)...
So, since it seems there's no limit to what can be done with these great devices, I was wondering if it is at all possible to use an 8525 to connect an Xbox 360 to Xbox Live?? I am able to connect using Internet Connection Sharing via USB to my laptop running Vista Ult. and get great surfing speed, so is there any way to somehow configure it to get the 360 to connect to Live through it? Could the 8525 be connected directly to the 360 (prob not likely) or can it be set up using the laptop to share the connection??
Any help/answers on this would be greatly appreciated!!!
I may be wrong, but I don't think that this is possible.
As far as I know, the xbox has no bluetooth pan support, and I don't think it is possible to have an USB modem directly setuped.
The remaining possibilities are: through the RJ45 or through the wifi. Sadly the hermes has no RJ45 connector, and it is unable to become an acces-point nor an add-hock host.
I just wanted to say that the idea of using a Hermes to connect an xbox 360 to xbox live would be just about the coolest thing ever done with a cell phone.
Is it possible to connect a 360 to XBL via a PC/laptop?
Well, was worth a try, especially before tangling myself in wires trynna wing it... Guess I will be calling those Optimum guys for my XB Live fix...
Precisely what I was thinking. Was sitting here surfing using the phone as a modem, getting great speed, then thought, 'hey it would be cool as f%#$# to connect to Live with this...' I mean, I know the 8525 could probably handle it... The question is, what CANT this phone do?!
HOLLIDAY1183 said:
Joined this site a while ago, and needless to say, I've been literally blown away by it. The members of this site are just incredibly talented; I've been able to make my 8525 look and function just fantastic, and just about any fix/patch I've been able to locate through this site.
Currently using Custel WM6 rom and it's so stable and faster than the WM5 I had (though it was so hard to choose with so MANY excellent cooked roms to choose from)...
So, since it seems there's no limit to what can be done with these great devices, I was wondering if it is at all possible to use an 8525 to connect an Xbox 360 to Xbox Live?? I am able to connect using Internet Connection Sharing via USB to my laptop running Vista Ult. and get great surfing speed, so is there any way to somehow configure it to get the 360 to connect to Live through it? Could the 8525 be connected directly to the 360 (prob not likely) or can it be set up using the laptop to share the connection??
Any help/answers on this would be greatly appreciated!!!
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Just tried it. Plugged it in and enabled Internet Connection Sharing, and the phone starts charging, but says "Check USB Connection" I'm not much of a hacker, so I can't attempt any driver\software hacks to get it working. You'd probably have to write a driver for the XBox to recognize the phone, and possibly vice versa. Definitly possible. Probably never going to happen though.
I'm doing it now. I connected the 8525 by USB to my computer. Then I open up the Internet Sharing program that uses the phone as a USB modem (I'm using Black Majic ROM btw). Then I select connect on the program on my 8525. Once it connects, I go to my Network Connections on my PC. I have the RJ-45 connected from the XBOX 360 to the ethernet port on my PC. I click once on the connection that says Local Area Connection # (mine is 13, everyones would be different) Windows Mobile Based Internet Sharing Device, then I hold Ctrl on my PC keyboard and click on the other connection (the one for my ethernet port). Once both are highlighted, you can right click on either one and select Bridge (I believe thats the one, anything that says Bridge on it) and let Windows bridge the connections and you should be set. Sorry if my explaining isn't very good.
Via a PC it should indeed be not an issue (as explained above).
To do it directly, it should work with an ethernet-bluetooth bridge. I'm
using 2 ethernet-wifi bridges to connect a TV and a PC to a wifi router,
but I'm pretty sure ethernet-bluetooth bridges also exist.
Wow, according to drodri I was pretty close to having it right before... I will try that setup in a sec... also, is there a way to incorporate my wireless-G linksys router into this, or no? Is that in Vista?
I appreciate your input... I've done exactly the same as your setup, and when I go into Network Connections, it has the 8525 listed as Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device (Internet Connect #5) & the ethernet connection as Local Area Connection (Unidentified Network)... In the Network and Sharing Center, do I make the ethernet connection Private, or leave it Public? Or does it matter at all... because it still for some reason won't connect to Live, it still fails the IP test... there must be a setting or configuration I'm missing here, I just know it
You could also possibly use an ethernet to wifi device (wireless access point) to go from ethernet to wifi on the 360, then use a wireless network to the TyTN (ad-hoc mode rather than ap mode) and use that to run the connection..
a) its an expensive way to do it
b) it needs extra hardware
c) it may not work (can the tytn do ICS over wifi rather than usb? DUN mode may work on the newer roms that will have it - but does DUN work over wifi)
d) the access point would need to initiate the connection to the phone while also doing dhcp for the xbox.. it should work.. and id try it for you.. except that it seems like a horribly complex way to do it.
Hmm... maybe I'll give it a shot.
Where there's a will, there's a way
I think the ideal goal here would be straight from 360 to Hermes. USB or wifi, with a small adaptor if needed. It would be beautiful if someone could write drivers so you could just plug 'er in with USB and use the built in Internet Sharing on the Hermes.
Obviously those are high hopes, and in a perfect world everything would automatically work like that. *drools over universal compatibility*
dtx said:
I think the ideal goal here would be straight from 360 to Hermes. USB or wifi, with a small adaptor if needed. It would be beautiful if someone could write drivers so you could just plug 'er in with USB and use the built in Internet Sharing on the Hermes.
Obviously those are high hopes, and in a perfect world everything would automatically work like that. *drools over universal compatibility*
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For USB The problem is the driver would have to be on the 360.. it's 100% impossible.
Even if you can run unsigned code on your 360, you'd also have to be some kind of coding,hardware modding, hacking junkie to even try to write a 360 driver; on top of which to do it for a crazy reason like interfacing to one mobile phone... that would be die hard madness!
Microsoft on the other hand could probably whip it up in 5 minutes as the xbox already supports everything that's needed except an RNDIS driver to enumerate the phone as a network card. Problem being the target audience is small; possibly even just you guys
Wifi is more likely to happen as you dont really need to modify the 360, if someone wrote a driver to make the phone look like a wireless AP (if thats possible with its wifi chipset) and assuming ICS on WM6 supports wifi connection to the PC/360 (im not sure it does) then it should work fine. (Has anyone checked if the 360 wifi adapter can support a connection to non-ap ad-hoc wifi? if it can then this might work already if you very lucky - i dont have the wifi link for my 360 or id try it)
sambartle said:
.......if someone wrote a driver to make the phone look like a wireless AP (if thats possible with its wifi chipset) and assuming ICS on WM6 supports wifi connection to the PC/360 (im not sure it does) then it should work fine. (Has anyone checked if the 360 wifi adapter can support a connection to non-ap ad-hoc wifi?....
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Does anybody know if there is already software to make the Hermes a WiFi-Router or make ICS make select WiFi?
I'm going to try this tonight with my regular xbox
There are already instructions on this forum for using your device as a wifi access point. It seems pretty straight-forward. So you should be able to connect any wifi client, including a wifi capable Xbox 360.
8525 / Hermes wifi AP
Hey, I actually did something similar since I didn't want to buy a $100 wireless adapter. I have a PC (but can be done with a laptop) with a wi-fi connection near my 360 all I had to do was use a patch cable to connect the PC to the 360. I am running vista, but Patch cables are hardware that tells the network card they are attached to a like device. It automatically shared my connection and we were able to go on-line. There were other ways I found that suggest changing router settings and such, but this was the easiest way. All you need now to use your phone to get your 360 on-lin is a computer

Solution: Connect G1 to Adhoc (Laptop WiFi)

OK HERE's THE SOLUTION. Thanks to everyone who made the great tutorials available to us :
The important part is to tweak the windows part - you need to tell the broadband/adsl internet connection to share itself to the Private wireless network (the network manging your Wireless adapter). If you are having trouble with the windows part (say you connect and have full bars on the phone but no access to web) google ICS (internet connection sharing) in windows and you should get it working.
*Important notice: AdHoc will drain your battery very fast (1hour tops)
Maybe one of the reasons they disabled it... If you cant cope with taht - get a router. I'm cheap and I'm using it like that
axlastro said:
OK HERE's THE SOLUTION. Thanks to everyone who made the great tutorials available to us :
The important part is to tweak the windows part - you need to tell the broadband/adsl internet connection to share itself to the Private wireless network (the network manging your Wireless adapter). If you are having trouble with the windows part (say you connect and have full bars on the phone but no access to web) google ICS (internet connection sharing) in windows and you should get it working.
*Important notice: AdHoc will drain your battery very fast (1hour tops)
Maybe one of the reasons they disabled it... If you cant cope with taht - get a router. I'm cheap and I'm using it like that
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Sounds great, but the link is looks like you copied a shortened version...
Sorry... edited the first post too
I've not had any issues tethering to my Laptop, you can use either aNetShare or Wireless Tether for Root users. Best to connect the G1 via miniUSB too to your laptop to save battery while in use.
I tether at hotels or on my travels to write posts etc although the main sites I visit I can just use the G1 anyway.
Ooooooooh this is for tethering, via I remember using the AdHoc method my ex-iPhone.
I thought it was a way to activate adhoc so the phone could connect to any adhoc connection. Like when I tried to connect my G1 to my friends N95 so I could use 3G connection (yeah got very bored in class one day )

Using the HD2 as a 3G modem for laptop: use bluetooth or the new Wifi router ?

In one hand, using the Wifi router is simple. On the other hand, Wifi draws more battery power than bluetooth...
How long do you intend to use it for as, in my opinion, both are a poor long-term solution due to the power draw.
Also, bluetooth may use less power but it will also create a bottleneck that will mean that you have to use it longer.
Yes both will eat power. Cable is much better, however if you have no choice then I'd use bluetooth it consumes a bit less power than wifi.
That said if you use Linux, as I do on some laptops, (and maybe Mac? I dont use.) you might have some trouble getting internet to flow through bluetooth, in which case wifi is better.
I would use WiFi, much easier to setup and use on the fly just as any wireless router is. In either case, I believe your best bet is to have it plugged in during use as power usage will be high either way!
The Wifi router of the HD2 only supports WEP.
That's a "no go" for me...
Jack Daniel's said:
The Wifi router of the HD2 only supports WEP.
That's a "no go" for me...
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Why not? What secrets do you have on your pc....and do you live in an apartment block surrounded by hackers?
I can plug my hd2 into my laptop and surf the net via mobile web. But how do i set it up so I can use the hd2 as a WiFi modem ?. Even with WiFi on, it still uses mobile web. Updating my laptop via my hd2 takes hours lol.
BTW I have WiFi router in my home.
fallenmonk said:
I can plug my hd2 into my laptop and surf the net via mobile web. But how do i set it up so I can use the hd2 as a WiFi modem ?. Even with WiFi on, it still uses mobile web. Updating my laptop via my hd2 takes hours lol.
BTW I have WiFi router in my home.
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You have to have the WiFi router app. Google XDA WiFi router for Windows Mobile you will find it. Oh and by the way just because it is WiFi does not mean it will increase the speed. The speed is dependant on your cellular data signal you know Edge or 3G.
I have never used the wi-fi app, and have had no need to do so so far. Bluetooth works two different ways--through DUN or PAN.
However, I could see certain situations where that could come in handy. FOr instance, with a device that cannot BT tether, but can access wi-fi--for instance if one has an Ipad

Leo as Wifi Router

Hi - I cannot find this feature working - simply I start it up but cannot see the setup network via my laptops so I have excluded problem with it. Any ideas?
It is very unstable, I often never see the network after having enabled wifi router. The only solution I have found is to try several times and/or softreset the phone and try again.
Mine only works when the HD2 is right next to my laptop. The range is horrific. Still, I don't use the function. I'm quite happy internet sharing over a bluetooth connection.
i found that it wont work if you enable wireless N.but work with G without tweak using BSB
The Wifi router works very well for me and I use it regularly. This was one of the many features that attracted me to the HD2.
When I enable it on the HD2 from the com manager, my laptop connects automatically. Try restarting your laptop, once you had enabled the Wifi router to discover it if you are having problems.
In terms of range my HD2 is normally kept in the same room, and I have no problem with signal strength. Plus I rather keep my HD2 close so that I get my calls and messages. It is a mobile phone after all.
I can then surf for hours. (Low bandwidth web browsing eg reading XDA/email so not to go over internet allowance).
I have not yet enabled wireless N while using this feature.
I found that my PC could only see my HD2 as a Wi-Fi router when I switched my normal home broadband router off. Once I did that, it could suddenly see the HD2 and reported a full strength signal. I connected and everything worked perfectly.
Hope that helps.
Bulbasaur said:
The Wifi router works very well for me and I use it regularly. This was one of the many features that attracted me to the HD2.
When I enable it on the HD2 from the com manager, my laptop connects automatically. Try restarting your laptop, once you had enabled the Wifi router to discover it if you are having problems.
In terms of range my HD2 is normally kept in the same room, and I have no problem with signal strength. Plus I rather keep my HD2 close so that I get my calls and messages. It is a mobile phone after all.
I can then surf for hours. (Low bandwidth web browsing eg reading XDA/email so not to go over internet allowance).
I have not yet enabled wireless N while using this feature.
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What is the advantage over USB/bluetooth tethering?

