new to wifi - quick question - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

sorry for the newb questions but couldn't find an answer searching and figured someone who knows would be able to give an answer easily
the question is, when in the office, sitting near my laptop (dell lat 620 w wifi) I connect my phone to the wifi network 'wfield1' and the display on the laptop turns green, and the phone shows the little antenna signifying wifi connectivity. ok- now does this mean
a) that all data sent/rec'd will not appear on cingulars bill?
b) will my works firewall (vpn) infringe upon my browsing (ie if I hit a blocked site will it say blocked on my phone?)
I originally thought it would but I turned wifi on and walked away from my laptop and realized that the wifi connection stayed on throughout the building so therefore it has nothing to do with my laptops connection to our vpn server then right?
if so, c) would I be able to use the phones wifi connection and then usb tether the phone to the laptop to browse on the laptop off the firewall and off cingulars rate charges? I have unlim anyway but keeping usage down seems worth the small step it takes to tether
hopefully I am at least a little accurate in my guesses and not way off wack. if anyone could drop some knowledge on me id appreciate it

Your phone's connection to WIFI has nothing to do with your laptop. It should connect to your WIFI router in your office. Your phone should display a different symbol on the top line of the LCD, rather than your regular "antenna" symbol.
You need to check the above before you can confirm if you are actually connected to your WIFI router.

When you are on WIFI, it is subjected to the same firewall regulations as your laptop

yes it changes from the normal "phone" antenna to the wifi icon, i do know that much.
however i'm still unsure of whether or not it is using routered data vs cingular data. i think it is using the wifi data because as i said it is showing the wifi symbol and not the E or G that shows up when connected to cingulars service
and i think i mispoke, i dont actually use the wifi on the laptop to connect to the internet. i need to dial up with a verizon card, and it connects that way, and also launches a VPN which i think is what regulates the internet usage.
i am less worried about the routers firewall than i am my (proxy?) servers abilty to record sights that i visit, ie the forums/ebay. if i visit those on wifi and my server could see that (not worried about the wifi router seeing it since i am in different offices a lot), i will just stick with using GPRS/EDGE. confusing? sorry

If it was using Cingular data, you would get a message that your phone is 'Connecting to Cingular GPRS' which case you would be billed, you don't get billed for using wifi because you are NOT using cingulars network to connect to the internet, you are using your own.

after checking it again, it seems that i cannot get to the iinternet with the wifi alone. i turned off the phone and had wifi enabled and could not connet to the internet.
so normally, if it wasn't a work firewalled network, wifi will let you get to the internet without being charged via cingular. got it, thanks all

hey i was going to do wifi connection to my work laptop too till i decided its pointless cause im sitting right in front of the thing and if i actually walked away from it its going to be a decent distance and the wifi wouldnt connect anyway.
besides theres not a whole lot you can do with the connection other than read a web page or browse a network folder.


How to make my windows mobile serve as a repeater?

After finding the amazing WMWifiRouter I keep on searching for a program to help me extand the wifi range in my house, since some rooms i have no wifi in range.
I thought to put the mobile i got (Touch Diamond) in the middle where it can reach my home network, and connect to my home network through it.
In one sentence: make it a wifi repeater..
Any good suggestions?
Is it possible at all?
UMMM no probably not. What you are talking about is mimo and there is no need for it in general. you could use wmwifirouter as you gateway to the internet and use your home router to connect other computers. YOu would have a heating problem and power problem on your phone tho trying to boost the signal to connect. Tho you could move the router closer to the senter useing your phone to provide the internet connection and then you could put it where ever you can get the best coverage in the house. There are instructions on there website on how to do this even using DHCP from the phone thru the router. So maybe this way.
Pocket PC Wifi Repeater
I would also be very interested in this capability, I was in a hotel ounce where I had good wifi in bathroom but not at the desk. So when great wifi is just barely out of range this would be a great utility.
i would be glad to have something like that too.
I would request this by email to WMWifiRouter or if they have a forum not sure if they read posts here

Sharing a WM ICS connection in a Wifi (adhoc) network

I figured out that using my Imagio as a WiFi Router drains the battery faster than it can charge. This is bad for a sometimes day-long connection using low bandwidth sites (live blogging for hours on
Typically, I use the Imagio when WiFi isn't available, or is flat out ridiculously priced ($thousands in some convention centers).
I have to work with my partner, who also needs a connection, and sharing it would be oh so convenient using WiFi. So I thought, why not share my Imagio's connection by using Internet Connection Sharing on my computer through the WiFi. Not so fast: all ICS uses a fixed IP of Conflict city when you try to use ICS twice in the same daisy chain.
"So", says I, "why not use Network Bridging to accomplish the same thing?". Well, this works in getting the signal to my partner's machine. She can internet beautifully. But, it turns out, my machine can't access the Internet anymore so long as the Imagio's ICS is bridged to the machine's built in WiFi. Take it out of the bridge, it works on my machine but not my partner's. Put it in the bridge, it doesn't on my machine, but it does on my partner's.
Anyone have any insight as to how this can be accomplished. Imagio ICS via USB to computer A, computer A's Wifi set in ad-hoc mode to be used as a router to get Internet to computer B, both machines being able to access the Internet.
Also, USB-Modem works with ICS on the laptop, but it uses dial-up, and the problem with that is that if you stop using it for a certain period of time, it loses the connection, which can screw up things royally. ICS is much more consistent.
There has to be a way that bridging can be used without taking the Imagio's ICS out of that computer's universe.
None of this would be a problem if she got a WM phone instead of the LG Touch (which requires a hefty monthly plan to use it as a modem).
Thanks to any who know more about this than me or have some other ideas.
You can configure ICS on the phone to use a different IP range (probably also possible on the PC but don't know how).
So then you can use Phone->ICS->USB->ComputerA->ICS->Wi-Fi->ComputerB
WMWifiRouter uses 192.168.3.x instead of .0.x by default. I think this can also be configured using ICS Control.
frankenbike said:
I figured out that using my Imagio as a WiFi Router drains the battery faster than it can charge. This is bad for a sometimes day-long connection using low bandwidth sites (live blogging for hours on
Typically, I use the Imagio when WiFi isn't available, or is flat out ridiculously priced ($thousands in some convention centers).
I have to work with my partner, who also needs a connection, and sharing it would be oh so convenient using WiFi. So I thought, why not share my Imagio's connection by using Internet Connection Sharing on my computer through the WiFi. Not so fast: all ICS uses a fixed IP of Conflict city when you try to use ICS twice in the same daisy chain.
"So", says I, "why not use Network Bridging to accomplish the same thing?". Well, this works in getting the signal to my partner's machine. She can internet beautifully. But, it turns out, my machine can't access the Internet anymore so long as the Imagio's ICS is bridged to the machine's built in WiFi. Take it out of the bridge, it works on my machine but not my partner's. Put it in the bridge, it doesn't on my machine, but it does on my partner's.
Anyone have any insight as to how this can be accomplished. Imagio ICS via USB to computer A, computer A's Wifi set in ad-hoc mode to be used as a router to get Internet to computer B, both machines being able to access the Internet.
Also, USB-Modem works with ICS on the laptop, but it uses dial-up, and the problem with that is that if you stop using it for a certain period of time, it loses the connection, which can screw up things royally. ICS is much more consistent.
There has to be a way that bridging can be used without taking the Imagio's ICS out of that computer's universe.
None of this would be a problem if she got a WM phone instead of the LG Touch (which requires a hefty monthly plan to use it as a modem).
Thanks to any who know more about this than me or have some other ideas.
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I use WM WiFirouter, it is a great program with multiple different configurations. I use it at home on an old IPAQ hooked to my PC as a wireless router so my kids can use the internet on their laptops.
WM WiFi Router was my first choice. Note the point I made that the battery drains faster than it can recharge. This becomes something of a problem after an hour or so.
Sadly, I got the connection sharing option to work now on the laptop using ICS control, but it seems to disconnect the WiFi ad-hoc network. And doesn't actually share through the WiFi. I suspect this is a problem with the way the WiFi on the laptop works, since I had the same problem with Network Bridging, and had to run a Dos script to enable the WiFi. It only works when bridging is being used, so I have to find the equivalent for when bridging isn't being used but ICS is.
I don't suppose anyone knows anything about *that*?
EDIT: I just downloaded the latest version of WMWifiRouter, which has USB connection support and seems to be a whole lot more reliable in general. AND IT WORKS with connection sharing, the laptop WiFi works as a router, and it DOES solve my problems. Thanks for the suggestion that made me reconsider it again.
EDIT +1: Still uses up the battery faster than it charges. Not as fast as WiFi though. WMWifiRouter is a pretty amazing connection sharing tool kit with USB, BT and WiFi connectivity and lots of control without the weird IP address pathologies. Amazing that it also gets around my laptop's weird connection sharing WiFi pathology as well. Another nice thing is the "keep connection alive" ping feature, and the real time power status and information. They really try to pack a lot of useful stuff for your $20.

SGS - internet connecting pc problems

I live in Australia. I bought a SGS from UK. It has nothing changed in firmware its the same as it comes from the box. (just a few games and apps installed from the android market).
My problem is when I connect the SGS to my laptop through the USB cable and I chose "PC INTERNET" I get a connection but i get a lot of drop outs, I would say being honestly every 5 minutes my connection drops. I live right in the city and my phone has good reception so its not the reception.
I haven't tried teethering (i dont wanna teether coz mobile plans says, NO teethering).
What can I do to fix the drop out connection problem.
if you are using your internet via the LAPTOP over the USB cable, then you need to figure out WHY your LAPTOP is not connecting properly to the Internet.
it takes about 1 min to connect and when it connects i choose HOME connetion. than it works good for 5 mins and it drops out and reconnects itself.
Correct me if I've read your post incorrectly but isn't what you're doing tethering?
From Wikipedia: "Tethering is the use of a mobile device such as a mobile phone to supply Internet access for another device which is otherwise unconnected, using the mobile device as a modem. This can be done through Bluetooth wireless technology, Portable Wi-Fi hotspots, or cables (such as USB)."
well yes and no...
it is teethering but carriers cant prove that.
if i do select teether on my phone it says something like this option will use black hole date or something (from my understanding is that it will use different data to my free date) so i choose to try the cable connect than select interent connection.
anyways the problem is still there... has anyone got any solutions or give me some ideas?
are you trying to use your phone as a modem or not?
if you are, then we can help you there are many ways to do it.
but if you are doing the opposite, using your laptop internet, for your phone to access internet (which doesn't make any sense at all) then we can't help you as it's a laptop problem.
im trying to use my phone as a modem but in a way without carriers finding out im actually using my phone to teether.
my problem is that my connection keeps droping every 5 minutes for 10-30sec.
I use my Galaxy as a modem and I had nothing but hassle when connecting using the cable. I found out its far better to go into settings then wireless settings then switch mobile AP on. Your phone sends the connection over wifi to the pc and gives me no hassle at all.
I reckon the only way your service provider would know is by looking at how much data you use so just be careful and you should be fine. Or find out what your monthly limit is and put a data counter on the phone, I use Netcounter, its free and simple but gives the info you need like daily, weekly and monthly usage
yup, the wireless method is by far the easiest one, and best of all it is build in!
as for your cell phone provider finding out, regardless of what you do, they don't care, they only check how much data you used up, and charge you that amount
well im on 1gb per month. Plenty of data there.
I tried another method today: turn bluetooth on and connect through bluetooth and that seem to works perfectly. I was online for 3 hours without dropping once.
Now I`m wondering why was it dropping with the cable connected? And not even once through bluetooth!
I understand your Problem, but at time i reading your last Post i have an question.
I understand your Posts that you dont use Wireless thether becouse your Carrier dont Allow Laptops to Acces Wireless conections right?
But it makes no difference if you use the cable or a wireless conection to thether your Internet. If you surf under the radar you dont getting into troubles. And there is no blackhole Data when you tether wireless. Its a gprs, edeg, 3g or umts Connection and your Phone manage this automaticly. So now comes my question. Why you dont use the build in wireless tether function which is the fastest and easiest way to connect. You dont need the phone directly near the laptop, you can give it to the point of best data connection, okay and a powerstrip for the akku. But its much faster then the Bluetooth connection, becouse of wlan.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
"And there is no blackhole Data when you teether wireless"
From now on I will use the AP to connect. I thought the carriers (OPTUS) might find out. But since they can't find out than this is the best option. Thanks for confirming they cant find out weather I connected my laptop or just used the date from my phone.
This remind my at the old days where you share your internet connection thru a soho rooter or just another pc with 2 network cards built in. In these early days the Provider says its forbidden to use the connection for more pcs than one. But in fact they never could meassure this and no one ever gets an letter from them or an contract decline/service interuption. The truth is, that there was a kind of law process against them and now the isp's is forbidden to limit the usage of your internet connection to only one device. So that means not that you get unlimited numbers of ip adresses, but you can NAT as much devices you want. Now you get from every ISP a Preconfigured router if you like.
And the same will hapen over a pariod of time to the wireless providers as well. Its your connection so you can use them the way u like it. Its already happend here, you can buy umts router for your home.
Where i live there is no question like this. Just do it. But maybe its becouse of our mentalogiy. If somone says no the typical austrian will do it anyway and gives no dime to what others say. If no one forbid you something then its allready allowed to do. ;-)
Greetings to Australia (the country with the kangaroos) like we here in Austria say. lol
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Thanks for that info. That takes my concerns/stress away. Just didn't wanna receive a thousand dollar bill that's all I cared

Wi-fi not working

After connecting to 3 different wireless connections and none of then working, I'm concluded that my wifi isn't working.
I go to settings and check wifi on, it finds the network, connects, but I lose my entire data connection for the duration wifi is turned on!
Is anyone else having this problem?
Sent from my Samsung Vibrant
I'm having the same issues with the wifi. I downloaded wifi analyzer to make sure I was on a good channel. Set it to the best channel and my signal strength is 100%. I will be able to connect for a little bit but for some reason it goes in and out, connection unsuccessful, yada yada yada. I messed with all the troubleshooting solutions for my router (dgl-4300) but nothing works. If anyone can reply with a fix or point me in the right direction, that would be greatly appreciated.
Same Issues
Any help is greatly appreciated. Data working fine when on 3G but Wifi = no data. Connection is fine, IP is fine.
UPDATE: It's working again on my home WIFI. Will have to see if it's just an "at work" issue. Hopefully IT can assist.
Same problem with Verizon MiFi
I have had ZERO problems connecting to the Linksys access points we have setup at my home and my office, but recently my work provided me with a Verizon MiFi (as well as an iPad - don't hate ) and I've had MANY issues trying to get my Vibrant to consistently connect to the MiFi.
My iPad, Motorola Droid, and Laptop have no issues connecting to the MiFi.
On my Vibrant I'm running the 2.1 stock ROM with root & the latest ClockWork recovery.
It will "connect" to the MiFi (I use quotes because I can't really tell - it AT LEAST receives an IP). But I'm unable to send and receive data. I can't even browse to the MiFi's internal configuration page .
To FINALLY get it to connect consistently I have to do some kind of random combo toggling the wifi off and back on and then turning the MiFi off and back on and it will EVENTUALLY connect and stay connected with data flowing freely.
I've customized my configuration a little bit on the MiFi so I'm going to reset it back to factory and not change the config to see if it makes a difference - because at lunch I was able to connect to my boss' MiFi with no problem. I'm thinking it may either be the phone or the mifi...
I've connected to about 10 different wireless networks with NO issues, at all. The connectivity is actually much better than my G1/Nexus.
HOWEVER, last night at a bar I was connected to their wifi, strong signal, but I was not able to use Data. I was in a very poor reception area for T-Mobile... don't think that could be an issue, bit the other places I use wi-fi that is not the case.
I just chalked it up as a fluke and moved on. Not sure what was wrong.
I had this happen to me today. I just rebooted and it went away. Toggling wifi didn't help, but I only tried it once. The phone reboots so quick I figured I'd give it a try.
I have set the phone up manually with static ip. Seems like its a problem with the dhcp.
robnil said:
I have set the phone up manually with static ip. Seems like its a problem with the dhcp.
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I'm gonna try this.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Looking for a way to block specific WiFi signals.

I live very close to a hotel which has multiple SSID's that keep interfering with my ability to stay connected to my router.
I've tried hard coding a static ip on the phone, adding the mac address to router, even went as far as creating a separate unhidden network just for the phone. So far, nothing has worked.
So i was thinking that maybe there's a way to have the phone ignore certain signals, lock on to a preferred one or use WiFi but turn off the scanning feature. The only problem is that I haven't been able to find any settings or Apps that will allow me to do it.
So, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions as how, or if, I can make this work, I would greatly appreciate it.
I'm using a Droid 2 Rooted with 2.3.3 and have a Netgear N750 router.
BTW - none of the computers in the house are having this issue.
Sent from my DROID2 using XDA App
So, are you saying the phone constantly tries to leave your home wifi in favor of attempting to connect to the hotel's?
Yes, unless I'm within about 5 feet of my router, the hotel's signal makes the phone keep dropping and reconnecting over and over again.
Sent from my DROID2 using XDA App
Are the hotel's hotspots not WEP secured? That is so odd. If they're unsecured hotspots go over to the hotel and tell them to get their sh*t in order. Otherwise I'm out of ideas, sorry.
No, they are secure. WPA2 as is mine. I don't connect to them. My phone just detects them, drops my connection and tries to connect to them. So that leaves me with no connection and having to use 3G.
But there may be an easier solution to this. After spending a few hours on the Netgear site, it turns out that there is a bug in their firmware that causes signal strength fluctuations. They said a new release should be available in a few weeks.
In the meantime I've changed the channel on the router to auto select which seems to be helping.
I do appreciate you taking the time to assist.
Sent from my DROID2 using XDA App
Glad there's at least some kind of work around, wish I was of more assistance.
Having a similar problem with a samsung galaxy sii - current internet configuration is through AT&T U-Verse with built in Wireless G router in there Gateway. tried adding a Netgear dual band N router to my network and with the netgear's 2 wifi signals on then my phone just constantly goes into scanning mode and keeps trying to connect between the 3 - things work fine with the wifi turned off in the new netgear kind of defeating the purpose of me installing it - was hoping to have the phone use one of the N signals..
Block bt openzone connection pleaseee!
Desperately need an app for this? Is it not going to be possible for a way to block certain wifi signals because I'm actually going to rip next doors BT openzone router out of the wall and get a hammer to it! My HTC desire hd is insistent on connecting to its poor signal over our excellent one and the worst part is that you can't actually access the network unless you pay BT for a user account! Grrrr.... Please help
Try to connect the network you dont want, then go to wifi management in settings. Long press on the network you dont want and hit forget network. Then your phone shouldnt automatically connect to it unless you tell it to.

