Need Help! Newly Purchased HD2 Hangs Laggy and very slow - HD2 General

Hey guys,
I have been looking everywhere for a solution to my issues with my new HD2 but cannot seem to find something similar to my situation.
I bought this HD2 off ebay and it was brand new. It is the European version (Unbranded = not T-mobile) and unlocked to any carrier (although i can only use Edge for AT&T, it seems fine and am satisfied).
after setting up everything (i.e. email, contacts, facebook, youtube etc..) it seems fine until i do a restart or reboot the device.
After the boot up, the phone will now start to slow down and started to get very laggy. Which is very annoying, because it feels like your running a windows vista in a Pentium 2 computer. I have also recognized that the my battery drains much faster (i.e. I left my house today at 100% full charged @ 8:30A.M and now it is 9:40A.M and it is already 81% and it was just sitting in sleep mode).
I am not sure if any of the guys here is experiencing the same issues or had experienced this and found a solution.
I have also, tried performing a soft reset but did not help.
I did a Hard reset twice already yesterday morning and seems to fix the problem and so, i started setting it up again (i.e. Facebook, mail, contacts, wifi etc..) and tried rebooting it a few times without any problems and I thought everything was fine now that I was thinking that it maybe just a bad setup at first, UNTIL last night when i charge the phone overnight and woke up this morning to find out that the big slowdown and lag is back.
I will appreciate any input from you guys.
by the way this is what i see when i boot up the phone.
R 2.05 51 05_2
D 1.48. 71294

I had a similar experience once, go into task manager and view all process's, check the cpu usage of manila, mine was running at 90% and causing the experience you are seeing .. If this is the cause try backing out or the changes you made prior to this happening if you remember what they were .
To be honest this solution did not work for me and i ended up just flashing a new rom again .. All been well since .
EDIT : - Since you did a hard reset you have effectivly flashed a new rom, albeit the same version .. Add one app change at a time and monitor to see what causes the cpu to max out

Have you checked your free memory? Have you moved the cache files for HTC albumn, Opera, and google maps? If not search the forum to find out how.

Thanks for your comments guys.
I have actually went to my task manager and found that manila is running 90-95% the whole time and have no idea what really is going on.
I have also tried setting up my device and reboot each time. (i.e. setup facebook -> reboot ->set up yahoo mail --> reboot --> setup etc.. --> reboot.
and did not have any problems until i went to bed last night and charge the phone as usual but when i woke up this morning, i found out that the lag and slowdown is back.
i have recognize something though, that my yahoo mail (under email) has about 3,xxx emails inside the inbox and i checked the settings but it said download only messages for the past 3 days (which ofcourse i do not have over 3,000 emails in just 3 days).
I am not sure if is my email who's giving the problem, i understand that manila transfers emails to the HTC sense UI. (so maybe this is the problem?)
i just finished deleting my email account under this HD2 and will let you know if it improves.

Deleted my Yahoo account in my HD2 and did a reboot and it is now back to normal.
It is now Fast and very responsive.
I guess syncing all 3,000 plus emails to the HTC sense UI is the root of the problem.
Now, how will i have my yahoo mail here and have all the past 3 days setting available? without downloading my whole email in yahoo server.? i have checked my settings earlier and it said "download only messages for the past 3 days". But it looks like it downloaded everything in my email while im asleep.
This is so weird

din0_22 said:
I guess syncing all 3,000 plus emails to the HTC sense UI is the root of the problem.
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My hotmail account defaults to 50 emails in the inbox on my HD2, if I get a new email it deletes the oldest, two emails = deletes oldest two which is a good system for on the go email.
I guess if you dig deep into the email settings you could possibly configure it, or search around if no other yahoo mail users give you a comment, will give you the answer!


[SOLVED] Gmail not syncing anymore

I just noticed a few days ago that GMail isn't syncing with my phone anymore. I send myself an email just to check and it never showed any notification untill I manually entered the application and updated. Of course, I'd ran this test before and it worked flawlessly. I really need this to work because I use my email a lot for work purposes.
I'm currently on CM-, ERE36B. I don't really know what may have happened. Configuration to receive notifications apparently is ok. As far as I know the only thing that may have changed is the number of apps. Can there be some kind of interference between some app and GMail sync? Come on it's the Google Phone, if GMail can't work we've got a problem...
Any help will be GREATLY appreciated.
Go into: Settings, Applications, Manage Applications, Filter - ALL, find GMAIL and GMAIL Storage, clear data for both.
Solved! Thanks!
Hi !
Used to get these issues too on my HTC Magic (G2). Nothing wrong with my N1, but this morning, no sync (last sync seven hours ago...).
Turned everything down then restarted and it worked again.
Do you often get that? Is it a google-related issue ?

Missing Email account in WinMo, but shows up in Sense

Figured it out, but still would like to know why it happened. From the Sense Mail screen I was able to got to accounts and see the Yahoo to edit it, which after filling in the boxes for the server names, it showed back up in Winmo. Both the incoming and outgoing mail servers were deleted. But the server names that I typed in didn't actually work. I used some info I found on the web for that, maybe they were wrong? So then I deleted and readded it letting it pull the settings for yahoo that it found. Now it's fine.
Also noticed after the original soft reset that it lost my wifi password, just thought of that. My exchange email has never been affected by whatever this is. What would delete the server settings for my yahoo account and delete the stored password for my wifi connection?
This is a weird issue that I haven't seen discussed on here. It's happened to me twice now. The last time it happened I ended up doing a hard reset.
I have two email accounts on my phone. My Outlook Exchange account and my Yahoo Mail account.
My Yahoo Mail disappears in Winmo on the Messaging\ Email accounts screen. Doesn't even show it listed. BUT it shows up in the preview panes in Sense Mail, but only shows old emails. I can't send receive on the account at all from that Sense Mail screen or anything. I can just flip through what was already there before whatever happened, happened.
If I try to add a new account via Email accounts screen, it tells me that account is already on the phone. So it knows the account is on my phone, just won't let me access it.
Wondering if anyone else has had this problem. I don't mind hard resetting again, but I would love to know why it is happening.
Ive had the same issue happen to me twice so far also. Looks liek the new mail app maybe the culprit as I have had this happen on the diamond before with the new build.
This happened to me again today and here is exactly what it happening, yet I don't understand why.
First thing I noticed today was that I had no data connection. So I checked wireless control panel and sure enough it was disabled... So I tried to enable it. No love. gave me an error and took me to the network setup screen.
Then I looked and my Yahoo account was missing again from the windows email screen, yet still showing up in sense.
Back to the data situation: I had to edit the Tmobile connection settings and click ok through all of the screens. Once I did that, my Data connection was back.
Back to yahoo: I had to edit it through sense and it had lost both incoming and outgoing mail servers and my password. Tried to manually enter Yahoo's mail servers and it still doesn't work. Once I delete it and add it back, (letting it find the server info on it's own), it will work fine again... But for how long?
It's driving me a little batty...
Same issue has happened to me. Happens when I run out of battery or let the phone drain. Also when I reset phone while an app is running. Let me know if you guys find a fix for this.
it happens on stock and on custom roms. havent seen a fix yet
Happened to me again today. It's not specific to the shipping ROM because I have the new 2.13 ROM on my phone and this is the first time it has happened since I upgraded to the new ROM...
Gotta be something simple.
Even I've had the same problem twice..and in addition to losing the email accounts, all my apps which required login like facebook, fring, etc stopped remembering usernames and passwords. Even if I selected save password, it kept asking me everytime is started the app.
The first time it happened i did not notice why, but the second time it happed immediately after a soft reset done using BSB Tweaks after making some changes in it.
I have removed BSB Tweaks for the time being, so will wait and see if it happens again.
this happened both the times after upgrading to the 2.13 official ROM.
I don't have BSB Tweaks installed and it has happened to me multiple times. I usually lose most of my saved passwords as well in the other programs...
Lost E-Mail in 2.13 T-Mobile ROM
After upgrading to the new T-Mobile 2.13 ROM, I've had two instances where the email server settings have been lost. Same as described by others. Old emails show in Sense, but when I hit the soft button for my Inbox, I'm taken to the email setup screen.
If I cancel out and go to the setup screen through Sense, I find that everything is present except the inbound and outbound servers. Once I restore these everything is back to normal until the next time it happens.
It also happen to me. I believe this is because of the 2.13 update by T-MO.
Glad this thread exists. I ran in to this issue today too.

HTC Mail Bug (Phone Storage Low - Error message)

Have any of you heard of this?
I had to deal with this yesterday, reset my phone to factory defaults. No matter what I did, the Phone Storage Low error message would not go away. My HTC Mail app was telling me it was using over 100 MB in storage. No SMS or Email could be sent/received, no application run and just Force Close, and nothing could be downloaded. Eventually, the phone just kept rebooting when I tried to run programs. So, I found those threads, reset the phone, and all works again.
I can't post links, so you guys can peruse those two forums for what I'm talking about. You guys are the pros at developing, so I thought I'd ask someone at xda.
Same problem. Ended up doing a factory reset and restored everything BUT, for my Exch acct, I purchased the Moxier Mail app. It's superb. Great integration, calendaring, etc. Easy config. All the goodies.
I still use the HTC Mail app, however, for 1 POP3 and 1 IMAP accounts, but have lowered the per-message download size and have set download to just get the past 3 days (at the bottom you can always grab more if needed.) In my business I'm responding immediately to mail, then filing or deleting it, so 3 days works for me.
Ultimately though it seems that there's a monster memory leak (a la DW Horizon magnitude leak) in HTC Mail. Hopefully we'll see a patch, though I must say that a week into Moxier I don't think I'll be switching away from it for Exch. And oh, multiple Exch accts on the Sense UI would be nice at some point, too. Just sayin'
My expereince:
I was up to 30+ MB and getting concerned so I deleted EVERYTHING in HTC mail (including emptying the trash folder). So there is NO data for this app to do anything with except basic setup info. Still had 26 MB in the app. Deleted the mail account. Still have 26 MB. Can't get rid of it.
Stopped using it and have been using K9 (free) for about 10 days. Took a little getting used to, but I like it.
And just ran across this:
Just got this message this morning. To my surprise found that same article on ZDNet. I have maybe 5 apps installed..But yes, im using HTC mail.
Guess its a memory leak of some sort. I use this phone for work and probably get 50-100 emails a day. I did however get the message to disappear by going to my TRASH folder in my HTC mail and deleting the 500 or so messages in there.
Had phone more than a month now and have not had this issue. I only use HTC mail for exchange and use K-9 for all my other pop, imap accounts except gmail which I use for that.
I was greatly disappointed in Moxier in that it didn't have some of the basic features found in HTC Mail, messed up their widgets by putting their name in the title of each one, etc... For the price, simply didn't think it was worth the money and I got the impression they had no desire to fix or improve it. they don't even have a decent trial version to really get a handle on what it could possibly do or work arounds for the apparent lack of basic features.
touchdown was a no-go the first day as it has serious display issues on the DI.
However, I've not had any problems with HTC mail yet... get 100-160 messages a day.
krelvinaz said:
Had phone more than a month now and have not had this issue. I only use HTC mail for exchange and use K-9 for all my other pop, imap accounts except gmail which I use for that.
However, I've not had any problems with HTC mail yet... get 100-160 messages a day.
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Yea, I have had my phone since 1st day of release. Never had a problem until this morning. So weird. Maybe I will try K-9 as my work email is setup POP.
After seeing a couple threads on this I'm wondering if the simple fix is to use a 3-day download setting (or less) in HTC mail.
rfarrah said:
After seeing a couple threads on this I'm wondering if the simple fix is to use a 3-day download setting (or less) in HTC mail.
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That is what i used from day one with HTC Mail. So, dont think that theory will work. I actually factory reset the phone last night and am going to try HTC Mail again with all the same settings but not use the widget.
Yeah, ever since I had that first message and had to reset to factory defaults I've left my settings default (except for 100KB messages).
Mail size limit: 100kb
Download Feq: 15 minutes
Download Past mail: 3days
My HTC Mail is still only using around 4MB, and it's been two weeks since that episode.
I've had my phone since Apr 28th and never have had the issue. I only had it set to 10kb, as arrives and 3 days, and I only used it for Exchange mail. All my pop accounts are on K9 and gmail is on gmail.
Over the weekend, I found out about the working version of touchdown for the dinc and started playing with it on Friday. Went ahead and bought it Sunday after beating it up a bit. There are enough features in it that makes it worth the coin.
Glad I didn't run into this issue, but might have over time.
rfarrah said:
After seeing a couple threads on this I'm wondering if the simple fix is to use a 3-day download setting (or less) in HTC mail.
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I got the message a month after getting the phone. I had it set to save all emails and it basically bricked it and had to do a hard reset. It was stuck looping between the Verizon boot and the Incredible screen. A week later it did it again and Verizon told me I had too many emails and changed it to only hold 3 days worth. Worked for a couple weeks and the message came back yet again...This time Verizon thought maybe I had a defective phone and sent me a new one. So far a week with ALL emails saved and no issues, but I'm not holding my breath.
3 days worth of emails is kinda pointless for me...
Memory issues
I started seeing memory issues as described here today, first it was affecting DL from Market, late in theday I could not open texts.
I do NOT use HTC mail. But I did notice that my Contacts Storage was over 95 meg big. Probably a lil too big. Probably thumbnail/facebook integration? Anyhow I reformated phone storage, and then cleared data on contacts, now it is down to 2 meg. I re-DL contacts from Verizon sync
Not sure what this means, I love the Incredible, but can't stand bugginess... And Droid 2 comes out today...
Anyone else seen this behavior that was NOT part of the mail program?
So far I haven't seen this. (knock on wood) Then again I don't use HTC Mail either. I like to keep things slimmed down since I had that Moto Q with the shrinking memory. Yeah! The slimmer things got with that the smaller my storage got. Hopefully this will be fixed before I ever see the problem.

Tmail.exe causing massive slowdown

I have my HD2 set to sync with activesync and get my gmail and google calendar items as they arrive, and have no problems with that. I also have it set to download my Yahoo email every 30 minutes. Most of the time it is fine, but the phone randomly downloads ALL (3000+) of my past Yahoo emails which slows the phone to a crawl and kills my battery. I had this same problem on my ATT Tilt with Yahoo emails, but setting it to download only 3 days of history instead of 30 days seemed to fix it. This is not the case on the HD2. And as soon as I get all the emails deleted the phone is back to normal, that is until it decides it wants to download all the emails again (it didn't happen for almost a month after I got the phone, then started happening like every 2-7 days). Anyone else have this problem or know of a solution other than not using the phone to check Yahoo mail? Thanks
Did you ever find a solution? I am now experiencing the same thing.
Same here! It just started a couple of days ago.
First the wifi stopped working during standby, which worked fine before.
Now tmail hogs the cpu. If I go into the email app, it'll show that it's 'connecting' or 'disconnecting' sometimes when it's hogging the cpu. Only way to stop it is to reboot.
edit: If you sync with gmail account, that might be why. Refer to this thread:
You are right. The post is dead correct. my TMail.exe got 70%+ CPU and heats up the phone until it hangs. If reboots, will soon repeat itself (according to the gmail check schedule). Have to delete the gmail account.
It is said (on the thread) that using POP3 instead of IMAP will be good enough, or it may have to do with priority and/or labels. But I would rather delete the gmail for sure.
Me too, Started a couple of days ago
The battery has gone down from 100% to 58% after an hour.
Tmail.exe was using 96% of the CPU and a reboot didnt help, but killing the process did (obviously).
I used FdcSoft Task manager to kill TMail, and after a reboot the taskmanager is using all the CPU. I can't access or shut down the task manager now.
But why has this just started?

exchange [corporate] email sync = useless phone?

hi everyone,
ive been using a slew of custom roms since our lovely heroes got rooted snd on everyone I setup my work email and calendar along w/ my gmail. When using sense roms it didnt seem to be a problem, same battery life/responsiveness with or without it.
I'm now using CM6, flashing the dailies actually. and after one flash my phone was extremely laggy and the power control widget wasnt working so i wiped, and it was running flawless, fantastic battery life to boot, best i ever had.
I then decided to resetup my exchange email, and boom the phone is garbage. laggy beyond normal use and watching the battery percentage drop from 94 to 89 in the matter of minutes, i chalked it up to it resycning the emails, so i waited it out about an hour, battery life was that pinpointed my culprit...
even after setting all my accounts not to sync [i didnt see an option to pinpoint 1], i get the same responsiveness from my phone. It's only after removing it from my accounts and sync section the phone returns to normal.
ps i've only set the calendar (not contacts) to sync, and 3 days of email syncing every hour (longest delay, the sense roms let you pick longer or manual)
anyone have any thoughts? and please dont say use touchdown, i tried it and its not for me. thanks for reading.
Exchange Sync on mine drains the battery to, if its set to PUSH email, if you set it at an interval - even 10 minutes its not so bad. I have mine set to 1 hour and 1 day (About 100 emails a day), so it checks it 6-7 times through the work day, and then I can manually refresh when I am at home. I wish I could set a schedule on it - I don't need the exchange email between 8-5 because the people who email me are 30 feet away and they usually just yell after they send the email. After 5 if it switched to push on its own, it would be awesome.
That being said, the phone is still completely usable with exchange setup, just a battery whore.
I have noticed that even though it is set to an interval, if you are in the email app, or open it it seems to force a sync regardless of settings. I wonder if it does this in the background. I have never paid close enough attention to see.
thanks for the reply, good to know im not the only one whose corporate email sync is a battery hog.
in the mean time i've actually found a bit of a workaround i figure i share for anyone else in my situation. since i barely checked my email but used the calendar alot. I downloaded Google Calendar Sync software on my work pc and set it up to do a 1 way sync and put my Outlook calendar on my google calendar, which syncs with my phone obviously.
So far so good, but i hope the exchange sync issues dont go unnoticed within the CM6 dev team.
