exchange [corporate] email sync = useless phone? - Hero CDMA General

hi everyone,
ive been using a slew of custom roms since our lovely heroes got rooted snd on everyone I setup my work email and calendar along w/ my gmail. When using sense roms it didnt seem to be a problem, same battery life/responsiveness with or without it.
I'm now using CM6, flashing the dailies actually. and after one flash my phone was extremely laggy and the power control widget wasnt working so i wiped, and it was running flawless, fantastic battery life to boot, best i ever had.
I then decided to resetup my exchange email, and boom the phone is garbage. laggy beyond normal use and watching the battery percentage drop from 94 to 89 in the matter of minutes, i chalked it up to it resycning the emails, so i waited it out about an hour, battery life was that pinpointed my culprit...
even after setting all my accounts not to sync [i didnt see an option to pinpoint 1], i get the same responsiveness from my phone. It's only after removing it from my accounts and sync section the phone returns to normal.
ps i've only set the calendar (not contacts) to sync, and 3 days of email syncing every hour (longest delay, the sense roms let you pick longer or manual)
anyone have any thoughts? and please dont say use touchdown, i tried it and its not for me. thanks for reading.

Exchange Sync on mine drains the battery to, if its set to PUSH email, if you set it at an interval - even 10 minutes its not so bad. I have mine set to 1 hour and 1 day (About 100 emails a day), so it checks it 6-7 times through the work day, and then I can manually refresh when I am at home. I wish I could set a schedule on it - I don't need the exchange email between 8-5 because the people who email me are 30 feet away and they usually just yell after they send the email. After 5 if it switched to push on its own, it would be awesome.
That being said, the phone is still completely usable with exchange setup, just a battery whore.
I have noticed that even though it is set to an interval, if you are in the email app, or open it it seems to force a sync regardless of settings. I wonder if it does this in the background. I have never paid close enough attention to see.

thanks for the reply, good to know im not the only one whose corporate email sync is a battery hog.
in the mean time i've actually found a bit of a workaround i figure i share for anyone else in my situation. since i barely checked my email but used the calendar alot. I downloaded Google Calendar Sync software on my work pc and set it up to do a 1 way sync and put my Outlook calendar on my google calendar, which syncs with my phone obviously.
So far so good, but i hope the exchange sync issues dont go unnoticed within the CM6 dev team.


[Q] Email not auto checking?

Have a weird problem. Got the Epic on release day, set up my two emails that I want to be able to check from the phone, a POP3 account and a Gmail (that is not associated to the phone to sync).
Both are set to auto check for new mail every 5 mins. Everything worked great for about a day, but then stopped.
Neither email account is auto checking for mail regardless of the frequency I set it to. 5 mins, 10 mins, hourly, etc.
If I go into the inbox however for one of the email accounts it seems to instantly check for new mail and then all the messages show up.
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance.
Ok, after doing some Googling and coming across a comment on some random site I did a little test.
I have two email accounts configured, and both were set to check every 5 minutes. It seems that the stock email app has some kind of issue initiating more than one email check at a time, so if you have multiple accounts and have them set to the same check frequency, it breaks. I left one account at 5 minutes, set the other to 10 minutes, and they both were able to receive test messages I sent.
How retarded.
Hopefully there will be a fix for this at some point.
Mine is doing this too! however i do have them on different times. i haven't got a notification i got email i have to click email then it loads the messages?
Any way to fix this?
Exactly what mine was doing but putting the frequency check times at different times 5 min & 10 min seemed to have fixed it.
I just sent two more test emails to make sure it wasn't a fluke and will report back if it did indeed fix mine or just happened to work once after I had rebooted the phone.
Hmm,..previous test was a fluke maybe affected by having gotten an SMS around the same time...
Mine is still broken.
I have found that the email app must stay running in the background in order to sync additional mailboxes other than the default gmail account. Make sure any task killers are configured to ignore the email app. Using the Home key to exit mail works for me. YMMV!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I don't have any task killers installed, but I do exit the mail program with the back button.
I'll try starting it up, and then just exiting using the home button to see if that changes the behavior.
I'll report back the results.
ddialogue said:
I have found that the email app must stay running in the background in order to sync additional mailboxes other than the default gmail account. Make sure any task killers are configured to ignore the email app. Using the Home key to exit mail works for me. YMMV!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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i let it run and didn't end it and it still didn't work i just have my email. i just forwarded my aol to gmail and now i dont have have to worry about it.
im having the same issue... This could be a deal breaker for me
Also the damn battery takes 4 hours to fully charge
Ok, leaving the email app running in the background by using the home key to exit it vs the back key made no difference. Still doesn't refresh the inbox until you open the email app up and go into it.
This sucks.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Sorry, posted in wrong thread! had 2 open and picked the wrong one.
badblowntie said:
My Battery life sucks also, am trying a few things now to see if anything makes a difference. I removed Fring, did the on/off airplane mode thing, and am running the Juice Plotter to see if anything changes. only 4 to 5 hours of average use that my Hero could handle kills this battery!
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How is this relevant to the topic?
i have 2 yahoos and a gmail and they are all updating fine. who is the provider of this email service?
One is a Gmail account the other a POP3 that had no issues over the last 5-6 years on WinMo using Sprint, nor on Android on my old Touch Pro, so that isn't the issue.
After roaming around the net a bit, it seems this a fairly widespread issue with no known fixes yet.
I also have this issue, and its quite frustrating. I have email accts for hotmail, gmail, yahoo, and aol. The only one that gets mail properly is the hotmail account, since it's set up using ActiveSync. The others often don't show as getting new email for about a day or so unless I manually go into each account. Only then will it realize there are new messages.
I too am having the same problem. My default e-mail is a comcast account set up to check every 5 mins. My 2nd acct is a gmail acct set to check every 30 mins. Coming to this phone from a blackberry and my curve would get the e-mails faster than my PC's outlook would.
I rooted my wife's EVO the day she got it bc she hated all the pre-loaded sprint bs. I'm in the same boat with my epic, but i'm hesistant to root it and load an Android 2.2 rom because i want to wait for bugs like this to be fixed.
I'm also getting a pop-up error msg on my epic about 4-5 times per day that says something along the lines of "unable to connect to network", even though i have service on the top "taskbar". The pop-up gives me the option to retry or cancel. Either selection doesn't seem to do anything. I have wi-fi, 4g, gps, and bluetooth turned off for battery life. I don't know if this could correlate to the e-mail syncing problem so I figured i'd toss it out there.
You know, the frustrating thing is I sit here and wait for months for this phone to come out and then they have all these problems with it. My wife's HTC EVO hasn't had a single problem since day 1 and she got it on release day too. The only thing good i can say about this epic compared to the evo (with exception of the slide out keyboard) is the battery life is marginally better on standby.
Subscribing to see what the fix is...
A lot of sites are rumoring there being some type of OTA update near the end of September. Some say it will just e fixes and patches for 2.1 for things exactly like this, others are crossing their fingers that it may be Froyo.
Either way, as long as it fixes this issue I'll be we'll just have to cross our fingers, wait and see.
lately my e-mail checking has been getting worse, sometimes not even syncing certain items. i went into settings and compared the send receive port #'s to the ones set up in my outlook, and the settings were all wrong as well as the port #'s. I changed them all to match my outlook and now everything is working fine for the moment. time will tell if this was the problem.
I'd be surprised if that fixes it for you.
I know that isn't the issue with mine. All of my manually configured server settings are correct and it still does it.
Crossing my fingers this will be patched/updated at some point, but until then I have MailDroid installed which is getting new mail notifications perfectly. I don't really like MailDroid as much as the integrated client, so whenever MailDroid lets me know I have an email, I just go into the stock email client and manually refresh to read/reply/etc.

[Q] What's the best option for push Hotmail without killing the battery?

Coming from a BlackBerry I want my Gmail & Hotmail to push to me instantly. Gmail works as expected, but for Hotmail rather than setup a POP3 account to automatically check mail every so many minutes, thus draining the battery, I decided to set up another Gmail account and let it pull my Hotmail for me:
(Can't post links, Google "Android Central Using Gmail Your Own Personal Push Mail Server")
This should do Gmail push for my Hotmail thus saving battery but more often than not I am NOT notified of new Hotmail unless I push the refresh button, putting me right back at square one with no push and battery drain by refreshing all of the time.
So the question - is Gmail checking Hotmail my best bet or should I try ActiveSync? My understanding is Android's implementation of ActiveSync is a major battery hog being that it is always connected to provide said push services, so I've stayed away from it however my current setup doesn't seem to be terribly optimized. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Hotmail does push now through activesync.
Google it. I cannot post urls.
Right, my question is how is the Hotmail/ActiveSync push performance and more importantly how does it affect battery life? My understanding is its pretty bad, was hoping someone here has tried it and can tell there experience with it.
i cannot really confirm it... but since enabling hotmail push for me personally... i cant even make it past 1 day with a full charge.... even a full charge plus a half at work for the remainder of the day barely gets me to 9pm
like i said... i havent confirmed this by turning it off, but quite simply... im blown away by how bad my battery life has become on my galaxy s
SEVEN is a great email app that I'm using that pushes all 4 of my Yahoo, 1 Hotmail, 1 Gmail and 1 AOHell to my phone. It's far better than the stock email app, and I've never tried Moxier Mail that was installed on my Moment before I got the Epic.
ss4rob- the epic does not like people who eat sushi. It will drain your battery when it detects raw fish

My Quest of finding a Solution to Battery Drain and some funny stuffs

I have got my galaxy S2 for a week now. I absolutely love the phone. Just that the battery problem is killing me. I only manage to get half day of usage for the phone. Then I started reading infinite number of threads on xda on battery issue. I basically tried every possible methods:
flashing so many roms (on decided to stay on KF2 right now),
deleting all widgets(could be),
root the phone and install titanium backup to delete a lot of software which ppl
classified as the source of the drain(could be),
disable fast dormancy(dun see the difference),
disable push email and sync(could be),
using advance task killer to kill app every hr (dun work),
juice defender(dun work)...
etc etc...
SOMEHOW, my battery drain issue STOPPED yesterday!!! I still dunno what exactly is causing it to stop draining. But I DID find out a pattern, when we go to the battery plot section, if the phone shows a solid "Awake" bar, then the battery drains very fast.
So I started trying very possible way to stop the phone being "awake", the above methods I marked as cound be are the ones that I think can actually help. Using advance task killer does make a "segmented awake bar" for a few minutes, but it becomes a solid bar soon after, so no use (i found "clean memory" function comes with the phone better than ATK). Deleting widgets wont stop the phone being awake but it certainly makes my phone feeling lighter and faster. Then I rooted the phone, and start using titanium backup to delete ( i cant just freeze with free version) the possible softwares, e.g the hubs, wifi-sharing, softwaire updates. Then all in a sudden, the phone tries to sleep!!!
For me, I think social hub could be making the phone awake (at least it must be one of them), but I NEED if I need to use the email app that come with the phone for receiving emails from hotmail.
funny stuff starts....
So solve it, I imported my hotmail account to gmail using POP so that I can use gmail app to check hotmail. But then my hotmail and gmail start going crazy...!!
Reason: I did similar setting before in my hotmail account to receive gmails in to my hotmail account. What happens next is... Yes.. I basically created a "loop function" which makes the two accounts keep exchanging emails automatically to one another.. I received 1000+ emails in just a few minutes and it keeps going faster and faster.!!! > < Therefore I wont try this again!!!!
Can someone tell me a solution of getting hotmail emails in other ways besides those stupid apps (e.g android mail) in the android market which basically acts as a bookmark to get you to the hotmail page? MANY THANKS!
One of these might help:
POP your hotmail into a new yahoo mail account and install yahoo mail client.
Set up a new gmail account and POP hotmail into it, use gmail client to read main and this new account.
Figure out whats wrong with your phone that makes samsung stock mail waste juice, I use it for exchange mail and it's just a bit more hungry than what I would have wanted, I get through a heavy usage day just fine.
JuiceDefender surely helps. I'm getting 2 days with medium usage, KE7 stock firmware. Yes, as you said if you have background tasks, that will kill the battery, but just close them if you don't need them. Also disable auto-sync, and let only your email sync.
Thank you kreo, i will try yahoo mail account with ur method!

MAJOR battery drain from Mail app

Dear all
I've only had my SGSII a week or so but have been very unimpressed with the battery life I've been achieving - not even a full working day.
I've been trying to work out what's going on, but this morning things really seemed to come to a head. I'd charge overnight but within an hour and a half of disconnecting the phone almost half the charge had gone & the back of it felt very warm to touch.
Looking at the battery stats and using the Watchdog program it looks like the Samsung Email app is to blame. I also saw the phone was marked as 'awake' much of the time, presumably due to a partial wakelock from the Mail app (battery history in Gingerbread doesn't seem to actually have partial wakelock as a category but this certainly looks like it). I've got three accounts setup in it - 2x Microsoft Exchange and 1x IMAP. Refresh times were initially push (MSEx 1)/manual (MSEx 2)/15 min (IMAP). I've tried changing them all to 15 min or to manual but it doesn't seem to improve matters. In case it is of relevance, the MSEx ones are imposing device & storage encryption as part of their policies (I've no choice in this).
Relevant screenshots below - would be grateful for any thoughts as to how and improve matters!
What firmware are you on? I believe the later ones fix the email app slightly, although I haven't seen any drain as bad as yours.
Another option, if you don't mind flashing a custom ROM, would be to install VillainROM 1.4, and use the Villain Tweaks app to get the vanilla Android e-mail app. It's what I've done, and it seems to work well!
Thanks for the reply. I'm just on the stock ROM that came with the phone (XWKE7) - both update on the phone and Kies don't report any further update being available for me (UK SIM-free unbranded).
I tried rooting this morning and used TB to freeze some of the Samsung rubbish (hubs, etc.) - however none of this made any difference to battery usage.
I wasn't sure how the stock email app handled MS Exchange accounts that required encryption? The Samsung Mail app isn't that bad, I particularly liked the split pane view - it seems really badly coded though if it's causing this!
Short of a total ROM replacement any other thoughts from anyone?
delete the data from the app
settings/applikations/all/email/ delete or wipe user data (all data).
make a new Mailaccount.
spline1 said:
delete the data from the app
settings/applikations/all/email/ delete or wipe user data (all data).
make a new Mailaccount.
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Thanks - had been looking for this but couldn't find anything under 'Mail' - found it under 'Email' as you mention As soon as I deleted the data it recognised the device encryption policy had been removed and this triggered a decryption of system and external storage. I'll monitor battery usage for a few hours then reinstate the IMAP account and monitor things again before finally restoring the ActiveSync account.
OK definitely some progress so far - only IMAP account added just after charging stopped and battery usage has dramatically improved...
Now going to try adding an MS Exchange account!
OK, so far so good - MS Exchange account added back in and left on overnight...
I wonder if the mistake was when first setting up the account picking the special Samsung 'premium account' option??
OK - I'm now suspicious that it is manual sync setting that is causing the issue - re-added a second Exchange account and put it all to manual - phone almost totally drained in a couple of hours, with the sharp drop occuring just after I added that:
Have tried removing just that account and hope that will do the trick. If so, will then try adding it again but setting a sync time rather than leaving it on manual.
I've switched to touchdown for my corporate ms exchange account (push) instead of the samsung app.
Battery life gone from 7 hours to about 16 hours. I can't believe the native app is so thirsty. (KE7 stock)
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
What's interesting was that I was getting around 16+ hours too with the stock app having an MS Exchange account (on push peak times and 15 min other times) an IMAP on 15 min and a few Gmail accounts. It seemed to be adding the 2nd Exchange account on manual sync that sucked the battery life again. Am going to try readding it but paradoxically leaving it on a more frequent sync setting to see how that does.
If i remember correctly, it was observed that the mail app (non gmail) and wifi interact to cause a lovely wakelock, and that it happens with stock and samsung.
Maybe try something like k-9 mail?
Intersting - it certainly seems to behave like a wakelock. As I say though with one account on push and one in 15 min it was working fine - it was only when I tried to add a second exchange account on manual that I started to run into problems. Pretty poor coding on Samsung's part though regardless! Does anyone know the best way to raise these sort of issues with them?
Get in touch with Seven as well they produce the email app. I have mine on push with exchange and no bad battery drains, also I run manual when in the office once again no heavy drainage. I am on VR though.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
alanjrobertson said:
Does anyone know the best way to raise these sort of issues with them?
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In USA, they just introduced this
but obviously I doubt we can use this for SGS2 that is not out in the US yet.
You can however say that you are traveling, in the States right now
Thanks for the suggestions, folks - will try them. The @SamsungUK twitter account never seems to reply to any Tweets, but will see if they have a comparable FB page. Have found Seven's website so will get in touch with them too.

Exchange ActiveSync Push not working, HELP!!

I've found several threads, but none of which seem to help. I can't get my exchange account to "push" my email. I've turned on every option known to man to allow this to happen, but it just isn't happening without me having to refresh. Push works with my other two non-exchange accounts and it worked fine with my old HTC One M7. Any ideas?
I am having the same issues (exchange server not pushing email, have to manually refresh) plus phone is very warm and battery drain since the email is not getting pushed and I think the email app is trying to sync with the exchange servers and draining the battery. But email works (exchange push) with my previous phone galaxy s4 update to 4.4.4 with no problems
pss3054b said:
I am having the same issues (exchange server not pushing email, have to manually refresh) plus phone is very warm and battery drain since the email is not getting pushed and I think the email app is trying to sync with the exchange servers and draining the battery. But email works (exchange push) with my previous phone galaxy s4 update to 4.4.4 with no problems
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So, can anyone help us?
I get this problem a lot with gmail, yahoo, and hotmail. Sometime it works, sometimes it doesn't. The only good news is that the new Gmail app (coming soon) will be able to handle multiple accounts from Yahoo, Hotmail, and Exchange. So hopefully that will be a better app than Samsung's mail.
PS> If you set it to retrieve every X minutes it will work, but it will waste more battery than push.
Ok, it's been a couple of weeks, so I thought I would ask again. Does anyone have a suggested solution to this? Am I the only one having problems with email not being "pushed" to my phone via ActiveSync? In doing a google search I see that this has historically been an issue, but there is no solution?
volrus said:
Ok, it's been a couple of weeks, so I thought I would ask again. Does anyone have a suggested solution to this? Am I the only one having problems with email not being "pushed" to my phone via ActiveSync? In doing a google search I see that this has historically been an issue, but there is no solution?
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Been using the new Gmail 5.0 app, it handles multiple accounts nicely. It doesn't use push, but checks every 15 mins. Overall I like it more than the Samsung email app, so I am using Gmail now. I deleted all the accounts from the Samsung app. I've also noticed an improvement in battery life (subjective).
I have the same issue
Hi all, it's been a LONG time since I've been over here. I recently got the Note 4 as a Christmas present from the wifey, she knows what I like. Probably helps that I've had every Note so it's a safe guess on her part. Yesterday I received the push update from AT&T which took it up to 4.4.4. Well, since that my push email works when it wants to. It will eventually push it but it could be anywhere between 15 minutes and 2 hours. This is unacceptable for me as I own a custom networking company that has jobs in all timezones and I need to get my emails immediately.
I have done all of the regular "troubleshooting" steps including wiping my phone and starting from scratch with nothing installed but the stock email. I even changed the SIM. All of the push/sync settings are enabled......ALL of them.
I would LOVE to use my Touchdown app which I basically keep on my phone now for the server search feature but don't use it for notifications because it doesn't show the email content on my Gear S. The only app I know of that shows that email content on the Gear S is the stock email app (PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG).
Has anybody found a resolution to this? I haven't rooted my phone since my Note 2 but before that I'd been hacking them since these threads at XDA were WinMo only. I'll gladly put a new ROM on if I can get my email working and pushed to my Gear S again. Does anybody have any recommendations that may save me some time poking around?
Thanks for listening to my long winded story. I've been told I write too much. Happy holidays!
use maildroid app.
I have no problems with my MS Exchange account pushing the new emails. I remember reading in the MS Exchange set up instructions that if you set it up as a POP rather than an Exchange account the calendar & task functions will be disabled. Knowing that an Exchange account can be set up as one or as a POP email account I would make certain you have it set up as an Exchange account and not a POP account. Not sure if that has anything to do with the push feature but I thought it would be worth mentioning.
My Exchange email through the Samsung email app works fine and push email works. It's worked on every Samsung phone I've had on every rom I've tried so I guess I'm of no help.
volrus said:
I've found several threads, but none of which seem to help. I can't get my exchange account to "push" my email. I've turned on every option known to man to allow this to happen, but it just isn't happening without me having to refresh. Push works with my other two non-exchange accounts and it worked fine with my old HTC One M7. Any ideas?
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Sprint Note 4/Exchange 2010
I have also been seeing inconsistent results with exchange push email as to the timing of received messages. I was also seeing the battery drain issues associated with exchange push. Although I noticed the battery drain was worse while using cellular data as opposed to wifi. I have only been using the samsung email app with stock NK2, with Hybrid X, and BobCat roms. Same results on all roms. I have repeatedly gone thru the steps of deleting phone thru webmail, delete account on phone after force stop of exchange and email apps and resetup, added account thru email app instead of thru accounts. If I saw it in a forum I tried it. I do primarily use wifi whenever possible. I did confirm it was only exchange push causing my issues as I could set to 15 minutes or manaual and not see the battery drains.
i also had a Nexus 6 along with other devices prior to this phone and push worked just fine.
So yesterday I took the plunge and loaded MailWise. My phone is now using push and is working great. As it has on other phones/devices I have had. Not seeing huge battery drain even on cellular data. Yes, it is possible to see data icon stop running constantly on cellular data after all with this phone. 6 hours off charger today and still at 90%. Prior I would have been pushing 60% range. Receiving email notifications on phone either prior to my desktop outlook or at the same time. Which is normal. Specifically tested by sending messages to my exchange account using gmail and yahoo while having desktop outlook open and running.
I did notice thru webmail that my device now shows up as Android instead of SAMSUNGN910P
Hope this can help others

