Extremely slow Activesync - HD2 General

Hi, I have a couple of issues with using my HD2 with Activesync:
1. I use VPN to connect to my office network while working, but this seems to interfere with Activesync even though MS suggests use 4.5 it should work but it doesn't, it just can't connect to phone.
2. When I don't have VPN running, connecting to phone works fine but the sync process is extremely slow (about 160 contacts with various fields of info) and the phone slows to a crawl.
3. After disconnecting from PC, the phone continues to operate extremely slowly and does not return to normal until I do a soft reset.
I have tried various different ROMs and am currently using the latest HTC ROM all with the same problems.
The slow phone behaviour is the same whether I'm using my Win XP laptop or my Win 7 desktop, though with Win 7 it seems to connect to phone much quicker...
Any suggestions greatly appreciated. My previous phone is a Samsung Omnia i900 and did not have any of these issues...

I often have problems syncing over USB.
After you disconnect USB, try this (instead of soft reset): disable direct push, disable phone, then re-enable phone. Go to inbox and do a send/receive. Then go back to activesync to try a sync. Most of the time it will work fine, that is, until you connect to USB again.


WM5 - Activesync issues - surely it can't be just me?

I have had 3 XDA Execs and two XDA Mini S devices.
I have connected them to a Toshiba laptop running the latest firmware and Windows XP SP2.
I have connected them to a Dell desktop running the latest firmware and Windows 2000 SP4.
In every case, I experienced the following issue - Activesync is unreliable. It will sometimes connect and do a full sync, but more often will fail part way through connecting.
Usually, it will fail to notice that the device has connected at all.
A reboot will usually make the Activesync start to work, but usually the connection is broken before the sync can complete.
I have tried the following:
Disable Windows firewall (no change)
Ensure no other personal firewalls are present (there weren't).
Use ActiveSync 4.1 and 4.0 (no change).
It is now at the point where my current Mini S can't even stay connected long enough to install Microsoft Reader.
3 colleagues with Dell laptops and Minis / Exec devices have also experienced the exact same issue.
Am I really the only one to have expeienced this chronic unreliability issue?
There are some partially obscure references to the MTU size on the network interface that is created for the Windows Mobile device. Seemingly the default is a whopping 8000 but problems occur with anything over 5000 in practice.
I used DrTCP to identify and set my interfaces to 5000 and this improved stability somewhat but it is still a bit touch and go. Have been too busy to play with winding it down lower but I rather think this would help. I would certainly recommend that you give this a try.
Hope this helps!
Thanks, I'll give that a go. 8000? Usually a TCP/IP MTU is more like 1500... [FX: shakes head]
Usually a TCP/IP MTU is 1492
Hi. I've had problems also with activesync with my XDAII (running WM2005c) and my laptop. I've discovered the problems with synching comes when you're using Outlook 2003 and they usually go away when you use Outlook 2002 or earlier.
Hope that helps.
I am using Dopod838 TC version and Outlook2000 SR-1.
I also experienced some Activesync issue when reconnect to PC after the 1st sync-up(1st sync-up from reset always work). At reconnect and sync, my device go really really really slow, I have to do a reset to fix and sync again.
Upgrade to Activesync 4.1 and take care of the port does not help my case as I can sync once without any issues.
Recently i have installed an application call "Card Expert II" which allows me to switch between USB / Activesync mode. I notes CEII fail to switch to USB mode after disconnect from PC, but after sometimes it do. Then I realize probably something at the background of my PPC is still running which cause this issue.
I try to figure out what in between could help release the sync and at last I figure out if I check the SMS/Email on my today screen and close it again.... Card Expert can switch between USB/Sync mode again. I repeat the same trick and now it can sync without issue ....... Now I am 100% confidence my device will sync again after disconnect from PC.
Now whenever before I connect to PC, I would just click and close the SMS/Email on today screen... It's a bit annoying but this save me from reseting my device each time i try to re-sync up my device. Hope this help.
I have had the same problem with sync., the solution for me is to reboot my PC. So the problem must be there, and I have no clue how to solve it...
My solution is to sync once, then do every other sync via Bluetooth, avoiding the dodgy IP over USB implementation entirely.
Maybe ActiveSync 4.2 will fix it...

End of my tether with Activesync 4.1

Is there a credible alternative to Activesnc 4.1 anywhere ? I am absolutely sick and tired of this cr*p.
I want to be able to sync calendar, tasks, notes and files - reliably. That's all. That's not too much to ask is it?
Any ideas ?
I'd be interested in one, been looking for a day or two but pretty new to the PPC thing and not making much progress.
Atm the only surefire way to ActiveSync seems to be, soft reset before sync, again after. It's quite a 1 shot deal, once it's synced, it won't again without a soft reset of the PDA. Note: Never needed to restart the PC used, I have tried this, no difference.
Have you read this?
Solved that problem for me.
reading the other post now ... my activesync kills itself too i need to reboot my pc to make it work again ... apart from that it wont even synch all my contact ... it misses out random ones all the time
Can't tweak my TCP settings
I'd love to do this, but I can't go messing about with the TCP settings on my company laptop. Not if I want to keep my job.
I need a decent alternative to AS 4.1 even if that means AS 4.2
Yeah, tried that (amongst several hundred other things). I already use DrTCP for optimising my lans due to me using gigE with jumbo packets, so am pretty familiar with it on that ground. I also tried many other reg tweaks (on the PC not PPC) regarding networking etc. to no avail.
From all the tests and tweaks I've done I'm no further into solving this issue, which doesn't half stick in my side. PC m$ os with m$ software talking to a PPC with m$ os with m$ software, who the hell is writing this utter drivvle software?
I have concluded however that the PC / ActiveSync 4.1 side of things does not fail or lockup, regardless of reboots or no reboots or net settings used. It is the PPC's running ActiveSync which borks, stalls then grinds to a halt. I suppose it's possible m$ will fix the PC 4.1 software to not bust the PPC but I've also pretty much resided myself to needing a ROM update to fix the PPC half
This of all things annoys me, I've fixed almost everything else wrong with this phone but turning it off on a regular basis just takes the biscuit, like who does that nowadays? :roll:
Yeah that's right - it's the PPC which goes funky, but in my case it was down to the PC (i think) cramming data at it.
If you switch off (untick) all elements of the today screen it also works better, although that's not really a solution!
Microsoft do need to release ActiveSync 4.2 asap.
Yeah, tried all that, I only have MSN on today page anyways but have tried it with nothing. I only sync contacts anyway and even then only about 100 - still hangs if not the first time...
What about this?
Device Manager
I was successful in resolving a "stubborn" active Sync, by doing the following:
Remove USB Cable to K-jam.
Open device manager.
Go to Network adapters.
Disabling adapter called: "Windows Mobile Based Device".
Re-enabling adapter called: "Windows Mobile Based Device".
Plugging USB cable back in.
Kind regards
I was successful in resolving a "stubborn" active Sync, by doing the following
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Click to collapse
But for how long?
I find that AS is very unstable.
I have installed the latest ROM and still get problems with both my devices.
If I play an MP3 in Windows Media Player, AS drops the connection and I have to unplug my MDA Vario (or my XDA Mini S) and reconnect it again.
If I soft reset for any reason while still connected to AS, it drops the connection and on re-connect it hangs at 'Looking for changes' and I have to re boot the PC to get a connection again.
Other times without warning it will drop the connection and not re-connect without a re-boot of the PC
etc. etc etc.
Fortunately all my contacts, calendar and tasks are held on my PC in Thunderbird (I don't use Outlook) and I have a seperate sync programme for syncing them so I don't need to rely on AS for data sync.
But I do wish there was an alternative for enabling the connection to the PC.

TouchHD will not connect to Activesync under XP

Hi All,
failry new memeber when it comes to posting but have been using you guys as an essential source of bugfixing, problem solving and general HTC MDA advice since my TYTN.
I have spent sometime searching but not been able to find anyone with an issue similar to mine.
So heres the thing, recently exchanged my TYTN for a TouchHD and overall extremely impressed with both the handset and dev work done on here already.
I am running Dutty's 1.7 rom coupled with Radio ROM all has been working and syncing wonderfully, however today when i try to sync up to my laptop to upgrade the radio to i cannot get the darn thing to connect to activesync at all.
I am running XP SP3 and activesync 4.5 (again successfully until today)
I am using a non HTC USB lead which i know is generally a no no, however i sync'd up my kaiser with this lead for over a year and have been successfuly syncing my HD until today. I have tried an alterante USB lead just in case, again one with which i had no issue on the Kaiser.
I have tried to sync with the firewall on and off, also with my AntiVirus on and off
I have tried disabling Start_settings_USB-PC "enable faster data sync" to no avail.
I have tried the cusomary uninstall and reinstall of a fresh MS downloaded Activesync again no joy.
When I connect my HD to the pc and select connection type "Disk Drive" it recognises it instantly and allows me to browse the microSD card
When i connect with connection type "ActiveSync" it opens activesync, and displays connecting for smoe time and then decides it can't connect and offers me a diagnostic scan.
I have run the scan and saved the log file for information.
so basically the laptop can see my HD, activesync recognises a device has been connected via USB but refuses to finalise the connection. Oh obviously i have tried the "connect all using the connection" setting in activesyn on the HD as well. Figure the more i can tell you about what i have and havent done now the more time it saves you guys.
Its almost as if a process or service has been stopped or deleted on the device but i am buggered if i can figure if or what that maybe.
Any help appreciated guys. Obviosuly i will as a matter of course re-attempt all the above with the official HTC USB cable when i get home, but honestly dont see this being the issue considering the history of effectiveness of these cables.
I look forward to a flurry of interesting responses for me to try. Big thanks to all those who have made my WM PDA experience spot on to date.
Update as promised.
Have got home and tried to connect using the HTC cable but still no joy.....
What could possible have gone wrong ?
No one any ideas ??
I got a very similar issue, after some investigation I found out that it was my calendar causing this strange connection behavior.
Please do the following test,
1. delete your phone in active sync
2. reconnect your phone with the PC using the USB cable
3. When it asks for the synchronizing options (by default contacts, calendar,E-mail, favorites & M office one Note are ticked), REMOVE the tick of the calendar.
4. After finishing the setup wizard the synchronizing process will run as expected
So in my case I'm having trouble with the calendar, why ? I don't know but maybe someone else might have an explanation.
Good Luck
I encountered similar problems with ActiveSync previously but it was solved not via a soft/hard reset of my HD, but after I reboot my PC. Hope this can help you.
Note: I rarely shutdown or restart my laptop. I simply leave it to hibernate.
Reset HD Touch to get syn again.
One day could sync next day could not.
In the end did soft reset of phone all OK now.
Think the problem is I took a photo and it took ages to save it?
Thinking of put small hole in case so I can do a soft reset without the pain of unclipping cover. Any thoughts.

ActiveSync not working (all of a sudden)

Hi All
I searched the Forum but couldn't find a solution to this problem.
1. Came back form holiday yesterday - synced up my HD" with Outlook no problem
2. Tried to do it this morning. By the normal 'connect PC' option didn't come up and activsync icon didn'tr light up on PC
3. Rebooted HD2 and PC..no change
4. Tried to repair/reinstall activ sync, but towards the end of the repair it says 'there was a network error reading from file 'setup/msi'. Guessing that the file may be corrupt, I downloaded it again..same problem..so I can't repair or reinstall
5. There is definitely a connection of some sort as the HD2 begins to charge when connected
Bottom line is that the HD2 is not syncing - and I can't figure out why not.
Any advice appreciated...
Do you have a Norton (Symantec) firewall installed? I’ve found that the Norton product can interfere with ActiveSync.
Active Sync not working
Good point..but no. I have AVG installed (and everything was working OK yesterday)
Spooky thing is, I have managed to uninstal, reinstal and reboot..and it still won't show that it's connected with AS even though there is a connection of some kind, cos the device is charging.
ActiveSync is just a bit crap. It'll do this occassionaly, so if you use it a lot then get used to it.
A restart of the phone, whilst the USB cable is not plugged in, usually does the trick. Only plug it in again when it's fully started.
Also, try setting the AS connection to not allow USB connections, unplugging and plugging back in, and then setting it to once again allow USB connections.
Just messing with it like that usually works for me. Like I said, it's just a bit crap.
Activ Sync
Yeah, I seem to recall I had this problem a while back - I'll faff around with the settings and see if it makes a difference
stevep said:
Good point..but no. I have AVG installed (and everything was working OK yesterday)
Spooky thing is, I have managed to uninstal, reinstal and reboot..and it still won't show that it's connected with AS even though there is a connection of some kind, cos the device is charging.
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Well if johncmolyneux's suggestions don't work then try disconnecting your phone from the PC, restarting both, disconnecting the PC from the network, disabling the firewall element of AVG (if it has one) and then connecting the phone to the PC again.
If that doesn't work I can only suggest removing ActiveSync, totally shutting down your PC, starting up, then re-installing ActiveSync.
I had a similar problem but I was able to narrow it down to Norton in the end but it's a real pain when you don't know why it won't work.
Good luck with this.
I also occasionally was not able to connect with Active Sync, but rebooting the HD2 always fixes that issue. You said that this did not helped you, so try messing with the settings on Active Sync, like johncmolyneux said, also try when plug the usb cable into the device by default it asks you what kind of connection you're establishing (Active sync, data transfer and internet sharing) - try using data transfer, if it connects, unplug and connect it again, this time use active sync.
Reinstall activsync and Try to disable faster data Synchonization on HD2
Active Sync not working (solved)
That'll teach me to not check the obvious! - It turned out that the cable had developed a fault. I changed the cable and it's now OK.
Case closed.

ActiveSync silly issue

Hello everyone,
After spending with the dark side of Blackberry phone, I went back to WM because I was amazed by the HD2.
One thing I am not amazed though is my silly Windows Mobile Center.
In fact, I am using Windows 7 Pro. The first I setup partnership it worked fine to sync with my outlook (personal email account). Then I setup on the phone, my work email (i.e. exchange server setup for online activesync), and the sync with the server is working fine. But when I plugged back the USB cable to sync with my personal PC outlook (which is configured with a Gmail account), it doesn't connect at all.
The computer doesn't seem to see the device. And the phone doesn't seem to see the computer.
What I have done so far:
- Check and enabled in Windows firewall all the Windows Mobile Center program
- Uninstall and re-install the driver for PocketPCSync (under Mobile devices in Device Manager)
- Delete my partnership (but I can't recreate it since I can't see the phone
Nothing is changing. I can't sync with the PC at all. On the other hand the sync with the exchange server is working fine.
Is the problem due to the fact that I have a pc-sync with outlook using a gmail account, and an online sync setup with an exchange server?
It is quite an annoying problem.
Thank you for your help
Wouldn't your HD2 be connected in USB disk mode instead of ActiveSync mode? Do you have an extra disk drive appearing in the computer?
I just "fixed" this issue by performing a hard reset (power off then press both volume buttons for a couple of secs until you get the confirmation screen).
Warning: It does erase all your settings, apps and files that aren't on the SD card, but contacts, photos, messages and the like can at least be synced using the Microsoft My Phone app.
After that, Device Centre/ActiveSync connects, and you can re-sync with myphone.
I was wondering if it was a dodgy registry value that caused the crash, but I'm no closer to knowing.
Oh yes: I did try all the options like "faster transfer" and DMA/IP Transport, etc. it was definitely set on ActiveSync mode, and I tried XP Pro/ActiveSync and Win7 Home/Device Centre. And I tried turning the firewall off!
Thanks for your reply guys.
Yes I already tried to uncheck the checkbox below activesync usb mode.
Also, I have double check I am in activesync mode and not usb disk.
I know a hard reset would probably solve the problem but since I have to activesync everyday, it is not a long term solution. I really need to find what is the problem.
I had a similar problem which ended up being a faulty usb connector in the phone which HTC replaced pretty quickly (8 days).
I had hard set without success and reflashed roms too.
Also of note, it was charging fine, just not connecting...
Finally !!!!
Thank you for your reply but I finally figured out my issues (actually there was two issues).
1/ Some services were not running so by using this tutorial (http://www.pocketpcfaq.com/faqs/wmdc/services.htm thanks a lot to the author) I managed to find the services required which were not running.
2/ My second issue is the silly part. Since I have an ultra portable laptop (Sony Vaio P), when I am at home, I access it using "Remote desktop" from my desktop at home so that I can enjoy the big screen and bigger keyboard without having to plug anything to the laptop. And it looks like, if I am connected to the laptop on remote desktop and plug the HD2, nothing happen in windows mobile center, like if it isn't connected. But when I am on the laptop (and after sorting out the services issues I mentioned before), it works perfectly fine. So touch wood it will carrying working but for now it is working fine even after setting up the online sync with the Exchange server.
Not sure if number 2 is a actually a bug or a security restriction but maybe I can send my bill to Microsoft for the hours of testing
jchoco said:
2/ My second issue is the silly part. Since I have an ultra portable laptop (Sony Vaio P), when I am at home, I access it using "Remote desktop" from my desktop at home so that I can enjoy the big screen and bigger keyboard without having to plug anything to the laptop. And it looks like, if I am connected to the laptop on remote desktop and plug the HD2, nothing happen in windows mobile center, like if it isn't connected. But when I am on the laptop (and after sorting out the services issues I mentioned before), it works perfectly fine. So touch wood it will carrying working but for now it is working fine even after setting up the online sync with the Exchange server.
Not sure if number 2 is a actually a bug or a security restriction but maybe I can send my bill to Microsoft for the hours of testing
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It is probably the setting for RDP on your desktop computer.
You can choose to share local devices and resources:
"Other Supported Plug and Play (PnP) devices"

