Does Opera 9.7 compress images? - HD2 General

Is it my imagination, or does the default Opera installation compress pictures even when turbo mode is switched off in the opera:config settings? If so, is there any way to stop it doing it?

Shasarak said:
Is it my imagination, or does the default Opera installation compress pictures even when turbo mode is switched off in the opera:config settings? If so, is there any way to stop it doing it?
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It's not your imagination mate. This has bugged me for a long time. I can open a fullscreen image on my PC and it looks great, but on my device (whatever it is - not just HD2), a fullscreen image in Opera looks blocky and low res (well, not low - just too low for my liking).
I don't think an answer has been found for this yet. I'd love to know how to "fix" this.

The O2 proxy compresses images to reduce bandwidth

DMAND said:
The O2 proxy compresses images to reduce bandwidth
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They aren't compressed in IE - just Opera. Besides, it still does it when I use Wifi.

I'm not on O2 and this happens to me. It's not a problem if I access the internet on my laptop using my phone as a modem either.

DMAND said:
The O2 proxy compresses images to reduce bandwidth
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Its not that because images look the same on all networks and even Wifi.

Looking at this thread in Opera 9.7, Opera 10 beta, and IE they actually all look the same! My Bagpuss avatar looks really blocky. Maybe that's something to do with my network settings? I have a t-mobile branded phone, stock ROM.
Next time I'm near a WiFi hotspot I'll see if it makes any difference.
I was wondering, could this be at least partly to do with the scaling algorithm used for zooming?

Shasarak said:
I was wondering, could this be at least partly to do with the scaling algorithm used for zooming?
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I could believe that scaling would make the image look a bit crappy (very technical term there ), but with Opera it does look exactly like an image that's been reduced in size and then had its size increased again. Even a bad shrink of an image would look better than Opera does at 1/2 the image's full size.
I do hope this thread comes to some conclusion about this, unlike previous threads that have just disappeared. Fingers crossed!

Sorry I always thought it was just O2 alone
I agree that its to do with the crappy zooming in opera, as in IE zooming to 100% give a nice picture

In the interests of making sure we're all on the same wavelength, would someone like to post a link to an image which particularly exhibits the problem? If you are saying that (when browsing on an HD2) Pocket Internet Explorer makes the image look okay, but Opera 9.7 doesn't, then, again, could you link to an image which makes that difference especially clear?
For example, looking at this thread on my HD2, my avatar picture looks very blocky, but it looks equally blocky using PIE - it's only using a desktop PC browser that makes it look good. That could just be an oddity of this particular forum, I guess, or it could be that there's a problem with my network settings rather than with Opera.

Am I allowed to use links to images on Given that the sole reason that site exists is to allow people to deep-link to it, hopefully that'll be okay.
My avatar as viewed in desktop Internet Explorer (on PC):
Desktop IE, 16-bit colour:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
As viewed in desktop IE at 200% zoom:
Desktop IE, 16-bit colour, 200% zoom:
As viewed in Opera on my HD2:
As viewed in Internet Explorer on my HD2:
Direct links in case the deep-linking gets me into trouble....
Desktop IE:
Desktop IE, 16-bit colour:
Desktop IE zoomed:
Desktop IE, 200% zoom, 16-bit colour:
Pocket IE:
Opera 9.7 Mobile:
This is actually slightly worse than it appears on screen as I've used BSBTweaks to do the screenshots, and it takes screenshots in JPEG format. If someone can tell me an easy way to take HD2 screenshots in .bmp or .png format, I can redo them.

HD2 is rendering in 16bit, your PC is rendering at 32bit. Simple as that. Open the same webpage on the iPhone and you'll see (it renders in 32bit..).

MasterTP said:
HD2 is rendering in 16bit, your PC is rendering at 32bit. Simple as that. Open the same webpage on the iPhone and you'll see (it renders in 32bit..).
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Definitely not "as simple as that". I've edited my post above to include images captured from desktop IE with my PC running in 16-bit colour. You can see they're almost indistinguishable from the 32-bit versions. Certainly no signs of macro-blocking.

I thought it was a long established fact that operators throttle JPEG images to help save bandwidth.
I am pretty sure T-Mobile do. Try saving an image from either IE or Opera on your mobile device and then view it on your PC.
Now visit the same page (with the same pic) and save it directly from your PC and compare the two.
The one off your mobile device will look gash in comparison to the one form your PC as the Bagpuss pics have already shown.
Those who say they are having the same issue over WiFi, are you sure the images are not just cached?

Here's a test image which I made. To make this, I opened up the PNG version of my avatar picture (as captured from IE) then saved it as a JPEG file using a quality factor of 20%, then zoomed it 200% using the crudest form of scaling available (i.e. scaling without filtering). This looks not unlike what I'm seeing in Opera and PIE; the question is whether it's the browser that's doing it by itself, or the website.
The block-effect is caused by resampling as a JPEG with very low quality factor. You can see this isn't at all the same kind of artefact as you get simply by reducing the colour depth. It looks to me as though something is resampling the JPEG images when viewed on the HD2. This is what Opera Mobile is supposed to do in Turbo mode, but not when turbo is switched off.
Direct link:
EDIT: And yes, as Syphon Filter says, it could be T-Mobile doing this in my case. I don't have access to wifi at the moment so I can't see if that makes any difference.
Could we get some feedback from people using different carriers as to whether you're seeing the same thing?

Oh, that's interesting: browsing this thread on my HD2 again, and the re-sampling only happens on JPEG images, not PNG's.
EDIT: after clearing out my Opera cache and then connecting via ActiveSync rather than the phone's data connection, I'm now not seeing any compression artefacts on my avatar picture. So this is starting to look like it is T-mobile's fault (although I suppose it could still be Opera sensing whether it is downloading data over 3G or over ActiveSync and changing its behaviour accordingly - it's odd that it seems to make no difference whether I have turbo mode switched on or off in the preferences; but then again, as far as I know there isn't any turbo mode in IE, and I see compression there too).

Syphon Filter said:
Those who say they are having the same issue over WiFi, are you sure the images are not just cached?
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Yes mate - I've had this same issue with 3 winmo devices now (Touch Diamond, Touch HD & now the HD2).

Should have tried this before: directly saving the JPEG image from Opera rather than trying to use screenshots.
Here's the version that's displayed when browsing over ActiveSync:
And here's the one fetched over the data connection:
Direct links....
Data connection:
No question that there's some JPEG resampling going on.
Opera's risibly poor upscaling algorithm is making things even worse, though!

I am convinced this is an operator data connection issue, it may or may not be being compouned by the poor JPEG rendering/scalings issue of Opera.

Syphon Filter said:
I am convinced this is an operator data connection issue, it may or may not be being compouned by the poor JPEG rendering/scalings issue of Opera.
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I suspect you're right - the fact that the same thing happens in Opera and in IE is suggestive. I can't think how to test for this, though. The images don't get resampled in Skyfire, but that could easily be because T-Mobile doesn't recognise the traffic between Skyfire and the Skyfire server as a JPEG image.
If it is the carrier's fault, is there any way one could conceal from the carrier that one is fetching a JPEG?


XDA IIi Camera Bug

Along with most people, I was terribly disappointed with the camera quality in the XDA IIi.
In order to get an idea of the capabilities of the CMOS sensor, I tried it at the native resolution, with uncompressed bmp format, and was rather surprised to see the results: Every other line is transposed with its neighbour. There's obviously a fundamental bug in the camera software, at least on my device.
This means that even after resizing, even the best jpeg compressor is going to have a difficult job compressing the image. No wonder the images look so poor.
I wrote a little program to switch the alternate lines back, and you can see the results in the attachments. Note the native files are lossless encoded as png files here.
So, a request - can anybody else with an Andes/XDAIIi please take a photo in BMP format with a size XL (960x1280) and upload it to this thread (note - I had problems with my attachments as the raw files are pretty big, and had to use my own server); just to see if this problem affects all devices, or just mine.
Raw image links follow - warning they're pretty big...
Raw image before rejigging
Raw image after rejigging
Here are the resized jpeg (50% compression) versions
Before Rejigging - note it's a little fuzzy, but the resize & jpeg compress has hidden the obvious problem
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
After rejigging - looks sharper, but not as obvious an improvement as with the raw files
if anybody's interested, the .Net proggy is here
Zip file is corrupt!
So it is... have re-uploaded it (and tested it) now.
maybe its my eyes, i could not see any major differences.
Do you know if the program runs in Magneto ?
maybe its my eyes, i could not see any major differences.
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Have a look at the raw files, and zoom in in a paint program.
Do you know if the program runs in Magneto ?
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The program's not a CF program, it's just a plain .net PC app, but it wouldn't be difficult to build it for the CF. No idea about Magneto.
how about on xdaII?
I see the difference; at least no fuzz blur on image....I wonder does it work on XDAmini and xdaII?
If anybody has a Mini or another 1.3MP device, I'd appreciate it if you could post a raw bmp/max res image to see if it has the same problem. Actually, just a portion of it will be OK, as the problem is pretty obvious.
It seems stupid that the camera interface has such a stupid bug in it.
heres one i took of my keyboard in poor lighting.
a whopping 3.51mb though !!
havnt tried your jiggery thing yet, but ill post an image when i have.
I have the XDA IIi.
Click here to view it
same problem with newer camera software builds for HTC magician, it was posted here:
I tried your rejigger program on my magician, but it does not run! It crashes and details of error massage says:
Type "System.Windows.Forms.Form"
of assemby "system.Windows.Forms,
Version 1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089"
could not be loaded
(error massage in german on my MDAc, translated by myself)
This looks rather cryptic to me.
I would love do be able to run 'rejigg' on my MDAc. Is there any help?
Thanks in advance
I tried your rejigger program on my Magician, but it does not run! It crashes and details of error massage says:
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As mentioned above, this is a desktop program, that's why...
If it's not just my XDAIIi, and looks to be a problem that's not going to go away any time soon, I'll make a .Net CF build for devices.
Thanks for the link to the other topic, should've included Magician when I searched for any other problems.
I think I'll create a program that monitors an images directory on the device for new full size bmp files, re-interlaces them and (optionally) compresses them to jpg.
Sorry for not understanding that it is a program for desktop
It would be wonderful to be able to convert those wrong-interlaced .BMPs to correct ones. I could get rid of my older version of camera software (which does not have wrong interlacing but has worse color mangement).
At this moment I use for further 'picture-editing' the freeware XnView. It has the option to work on all pics in a folder.
This allows to choose a decent .JPG quality without those horrible artifacts HTC's camera software causes (it uses _much_ to strong compression).
And it gives me a decent sharpen filter, much better than HTC's camera sharpen filter.
And it does both in one step.
I usually shot the pic in .BMP mode without any sharpening and I am doing later conversion as well as sharpening in one step using XnView. This is quite a nice workflow for me and might be usable for you too.
But it might be very good to have the option of batch processing rejigging and conversion (and sharpen?) :wink: in one easy to use software.
I any case a batch processing rejigging software would be very very nice (now, is this begging?)
BTW: Sometimes I get the impression that HTC's software quality management is very very stupid. This wrong-interlacing errror is publicly discussed since march 2005 and no fix yet.
And their camera software lacks _so much_ . I am sure a very well written camera soft would be able to produce much better pics.
OK, here is an on-device utility. Just extract the zip, and copy the exe to your device.
Running the exe will allow you to load a file, when you save the file again it will be corrected. Remember BMP format, Max Res.
Let me know if there are any problems...
Unfortunately it does not work on my MDAc (HTC magician).
It only converts the part of the BMP, which is shown on the screen during "preview".
BTW: I do not need "preview", but I would like to get the option to convert all BMPs of a directory.
Another problem: My cam stores its BMPs under Storage Card/My Documents/05062800001/ etc. These directories seems to be unreachable with your file open dialog. I have to copy my files in the root dir (or 1st Level dirs?), which is quite inconvienient.
Sorry for disturbing you with my problems. Surely your software could be a "big leap forward" for HTC cam's quality.
Unfortunately it does not work on my MDAc (HTC magician).
It only converts the part of the BMP, which is shown on the screen during "preview".
BTW: I do not need "preview", but I would like to get the option to convert all BMPs of a directory.
Another problem: My cam stores its BMPs under Storage Card/My Documents/05062800001/ etc. These directories seems to be unreachable with your file open dialog. I have to copy my files in the root dir (or 1st Level dirs?), which is quite inconvienient.
Sorry for disturbing you with my problems. Surely your software could be a "big leap forward" for HTC cam's quality.
Thanks for the feedback.
Strange that it's only converting the top left corner... must be ignoring the off screen part of the DC, but I would expect the rest to be blank in that case.
Q: When you save the bitmap and open it in another app, do you get a converted top/left and the rest of the bitmap is black, or the original image?
As for the file open - yep that's the good old Microsoft file open dialog. I really don't understand some of the design decisions MS made on the PocketPC. I don't have an alternative file open, but if I code up a batch convert, I will try and make the path enterable in a different way.
Now the main problem is I've sent my XDAIIi back - it was just too unreliable and frustrating for me, and I'm using my trusty XDAII until there's a new rom for the XDAIIi.
The rest of the image is black.
Aha, that'll be it then, bit busy at the mo, but will try and fix it.
Thanks in advance!
It looks like swapped lines is a bug specific to BMP format only. I wrote the same program (swapping odd and even BMP lines and saving them to JPEG format) and found no significant difference between this JPEG and the one produced by camera app.
For those interested in repeating this experiment: please use BMPChop.exe console application attached here.
This application is for windows desktop computers only.

Back to real QVGA

My request will surprise many of you, but here is what I want. I am a developer of Flash based programs and I live a nightmare with all those VGA devices out there.
As they have to deal with 4 times the amount of pixels as their QVGA friends, they generally perform much slower in graphics.
While this is ok for office programs and other phone tools, they are totally unusable with Flash Graphics.
With my Toshiba e800, using SE_VGA, I managed to get back to true QVGA mode. This has brought back the graphic performance of the device.
SE_VGA won't work on WM5 (it could not even reverse back to QVGA on the e830 under WM2003SE), but can OZVGA do that ?
If not, does someone know how to hack the system, so it can work that way.
Many thanks for your help.
Sorry, I forgot to explain the "real QVGA mode".
Right now, the VGA devices like the Universal show a QVGA screen. They only use the VGA mode for smaller fonts and a few other things.
This screen mode is neither a real VGA nor a real QVGA. It is actually set as VGA in the OS, but it makes sure all the interface reamains as visible as in a QVGA mode.
Now, most of you want to access the Real VGA mode as it displays more stuff, but I want the RealQVGA mode for the reasons I explained above.
The reason why those devises are so slow, is that the OS must quadruple each pixels as it displays content. This is an enormous task and there no chance that it could achieve acceptable Flash animations this way.
So I am looking for a great hacker that could do this.
minimac: although the devices are slow, I don't think it's just pixel doubling that's the cause. I'm sure it's more memory issues then screen interface - my alpha app VJSihaya uses quite a lot of relatively extreme video processing compared to normal use of GWES, but it works at a perfectly good speed.
However, I agree with you, a non pixel doubled display would be faster for you, cutting out the extra processing. However, isn't that the problem? The Universal's VGA screen is 640x480, so the hardware wants to show 640x480. If you want QVGA, the info must either be quadrupled, or just sit in 1/4 of the screen.
I think options may be either playing with the DPI settings as was hacked with OZVGA etc, to force a qvga resolution, or alternatively write a hacked display driver to provide native QVGA (equivalent to Nydiot's software). But as I said, I think that will just force the display to sit in one corner of the 640x480 screen.
Thanks Vijay for this answer.
This is not reassuring. I am going to try different things. I just wish this was set into the display settings, letting the users decide what they want:
- Real VGA,
- Real QVGA
- or Improved QVGA as it is now.
I mean the universal performs 225 at the benchmarks graphics index where we have seen devices reach 4500 points.
This is just too slow.
Very true. But as I said, VJSihaya windows move around with almost no lag or screendraw issues, (they're slightly slower on the Magician, but the processor is also slower I guess). So I think the graphics processor isn't bad, but certainly not great. I'd kill for an Axim 51v with a phone built in. I was >this< close to going for the Axim and sidestepping the HTCs altogether. No XDA Devs for me then, eh?
I wonder if running flash in a VJSihaya window at QVGA size would improve matters for you... that way, you get the benefits of VGA - ie big screen, plus your flash running at QVGA size. However, I don't know whether the flash issue is crippled by the pixel doubling or the infrastructure of the Universal. But if the flash app is well written to resize appropriately, it'll run lovely jubbly in VJSihaya. What flash app are you running? PM me some links and a demo flash and I'll test it out if you want.
Funy VJ, that you mention the X51v, because I got hold of one once and tried Flash Apps with Videos on them. It turned out that despite its graphic chip, the X51v was very slow. Barelly usable, in fact. This was confirmed by the graphic benchmarks from PPC review sites.
I have a very basic Flash Movie that I run on devices to compare their performances.
Right-click "Save Target as"
Eventhough it is not very sofisticated, it is a real life test.
So, this is a rather large video file of exactly 2 minutes and 3 secondes. I made it, so Flash is obliged to play every single frame of the movie without skipping any and obviously, this takes more time on certain systems than others. So here are a few benches.
- 2 min 12 secs on a 3GHZ intel P4 PC
- 3 min 08 secs On a 520MHZ HP H2490 with WM5
- 3 min 26 secs on a 624MHZ AXIM X30 with WM2003SE
- 4 min 24 secs on a 416MHZ AXIM X51 with WM5
As you can see, the HP is working really well compared to the Axim X30, eventhough the AXIM has a 624MHZ processor and uses WM2003SE which is supposed to be faster than WM5.
I would be very interested to know the benchmark on the Universal without VJSIHAYA and then with it.
Thanks VJ
minimac: send me the flash over, and a link to, or the flashplayer used, and I'll give it a go in VJSihaya. Does screen size make a difference you think?
Yup, 51v is a beauty internally, but obviously there are only about 3 apps that use the hardware acceleration. But those three, wow. Made my mouth water to see them. Reminds me of kkrieger.
Hi VJ,
Either you live in New Zealand, or you are working late like me.
I changed the link, so now it works.
Try it again.
The app contains the Flash Player installer, so just follow the steps.
I'm dying to know how well it performs.
I am going to bed now.
Today was a 16 hours working day.
Time to get some sleep.
I'll see your post tomorrow
Thank you again VJ
I'm a very very late sleeper. Only way I can get any programming done!
Installing now.
Same here vijay. Although I'm falling asleep at my desk right now...
minimac: interesting results. I didn't use all of VJSihaya, just a simple non skinned VJSihaya to capture the benchmarker. I hope I did this right, but using a 320x240 window, I got 2mins 30 seconds on a landscape normal clocked Universal. It runs very smoothly the smaller you resize obviously, and at fullscreen it's horrible! But 320x240, seemed ok...
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
PS time for bed for everyone, surely!
4h45 in the morning and still !
Thank you Vijay for your time. I am really impressed.
Now, 2'30" is an impressive achievment. I need to get hold of this VJSihaya software and get a Universal ASAP.
How do I get your software VJ ?
Question: When you mention "using a 320x240 window", does this means that the actual movie was showing up in 1/4 of the screen (VGA mode), or you managed to make it run on a full screen at 320x240 (QVGA) ?
How did it perform without VJSihaya ?
If there is no way to play it full screen at normal speed, would you be able to alter the driver Vijay ?
I tried before to change the registry values of the screen on a HP Hx4700, but it wouldn't work. I am not a real programmer, so I did not want to investigate further, but this whole performance issue is really getting me frustrated as I cannot take full advantage of these new devices.
Really, we need to make something that works.
Thank you again Vijay for your time to answer my questions.
Minimac, without VJSihaya, the flash player obviously tries to fill the whole screen, and is hideous, you can see every frame render. This took 6mins 30 seconds!
Obviously as you know, the Uni is VGA, so when I'm playing it at VGA, as you can see in the screenshot, it's taking up one quarter of the screen. As I said, you can actively resize the player with VJSihaya, so I can choose any screen size. As I go smaller, it plays smoother.
I have just retested it, because I was worried that perhaps I'd gone digitally dyslexic and miscounted, but 2 mins 32 seconds on second go. It's worth noting this is without being on power, since I believe that the Uni only runs at it's full speed when on power or overclocked.
VJSihaya is unforunately unreleased, and is likely to stay that way for quite a while due to the development still to go into it. Remember, VJSihaya is basically a hack I'm making to re-implement windows into the OS, to drag windows around, resize them etc. This isn't at a driver level!
However, you could make a new screen driver if you wish, but I think, as discussed above, that displaying QVGA on a VGA screen will always either require pixel doubling or running in a quarter (VGA) screen. I believe that VJSihaya and related techniques are only likely to be a convenient hack, rather than a solution, since you will be running your flash in a quarter screen (as in the screenshot!). However, if this is what you need, i can probably knock together a stand alone hack to achieve this (giving you selectable sizes for the flash player).
I would imagine that the flash player already provides some capability to specify playback size? If not, I'm sure you can knock together a few lines of html to play the flash in a webpage, and you can of course specify the player's size there. This may be the most convenient solution, although obviously there you're carrying the overhead of a browser as well.
Unfortunately I'm not a real programmer either, so developing a driver etc is not really my field. But as I said above, I think running QVGA on VGA hardware is always going to either require pixel doubling, or running at a quarter of the screen, as in my screenshot. I'm not in a position to test benchmark on the Uni at QVGA, since I don't like switching between VGA <> QVGA, because it's so hard to get the VGA hack right in the first place!
Can someone else please play the benchmark app at QVGA, on a landscape non charging Uni?
Minimac - why do you want a Uni if you know that the VGA/QVGA implementation is slow?
What exactly did you do to your Toshiba to get back true QVGA? That would be interesting to see, and might be a good solution if we can get it to work on WM5.
I want a universal because it is gorgeous, and because it is very business orientated.
It also has a 3.6" screen, slightly larger than the 3.5" screens you find anywhere else.
When you say "standalone" hack, does this means that by pressing an .exe icon in the program menu under the factory QVGA mode, I could start VJSihaya and run my Flash App resized into 640x480, so it would actually be transparent to the user who would beleive this is a full screen app ? But then, running at 640x480, like you said, I would get back to slow motion mode.
Please let me know because I'm interested in a hack that could play my Flash Apps at normal speed in full screen.
minimac: Hmm, that's the big problem of course.
No, I don't know how you're going to play fullscreen at 640x480 smoothly. It's terrible right now. Has anyone else benchmarked at QVGA yet?
You might want to write to Nydiot and a couple of others. On Wm2003 they had software to change resolution on the fly. I don't know if they're updating to Wm5, but it'd be useful to you.
PM or post about what you did to your Tosh to get QVGA and we'll see why it's not possible for WM5.
Re Uni - have you seen the new Acer? Man, I'd sell my body to get one of those. I'd have to sell it many times I'd imagine.
Well, the story on the e800 is really specific. This was the first ever PPC to sport a VGA screen. At the time (WM2003), the OS did not support such resolutions, so Toshiba developped an application that made the switch. Unfortunetely, you found yourself with more or less 2 Pocket PC in one as the VGA mode did not actually display your today screen and preferences as they were in QVGA. However, when you reversed back to QVGA, you got a normal PPC. Not the fastest, but good enough.
So then came SE_VGA. This was an app that let you switch very easilly (just a soft reset at each switch) between the 3 modes (VGA, QVGA and FalseQVGA).
Finally came WM2003SE that supported the VGA screens. Toshiba released its e830, a PXA270 520MHZ device with the same FalseQVGA/FalseVGA crap mode from Microsoft used in all the other new VGA devices.
To make matters worst, SE_VGA does not allow on these devices the "reverse back to real QVGA" mode it had in the previous OS.
As for the new Acer, I agree, it is gorgeous, but for me, the same problem remains.
So I am stuck.
Who is Nydiot ?
Do you think I should start a new post on "Could someone get me a hack to reverse to real QVGA ?"
Thanks Vijay again
Sorry, I never get their name correct:
You can try posting again, or hopefully anyone reading this thread will follow, yes, you need to get proper QVGA back.
You might find it useful to read this article:
I'll keep experimenting.
minimac: I've had a thought. You might want to investigate the hires_aware hack. Not sure if it will have any effect, but it might.
What is that ?

Help with Forced VGA

Hi all,
I'm having problems getting any program to run in true VGA mode. I have read every article on SE VGA and true VGA and forced VGA but I think I'm still missing something. Either I don't understand what forced VGA really does or I just cannot get it to work. From what I understand is that the HTC Universal runs standard in se VGA mode which does the pixel doubling so you still get the same amount of space but it looks alot sharper. Now you also have true VGA mode which lets you run everything on your Universal in VGA mode without pixel doubling which means you have lots of space but everything looks very small. For this you have to use SE VGA or OzVGA. Now there is also a third mode which is Forced VGA and if I understand correctly it let's you get the best of both worlds cause it allows you to run in normal mode (se VGA with pixel doubling) but you can force some programs to run in true VGA mode.
Well I tried getting some programs to run in the third mode (forced VGA) with Tweaks2k2.Net and the Force High Resolution v1.60 tool from Mad Programmer but neither one works or I'm not doing something right.
If I use forced VGA mode am I not suppose to see the programs run in true 640 by 480 at 96 DPI without pixel doubling while the rest of the system runs on normal se VGA mode with pixel doubling?
I really hope someone can help me out here and explain this to me or just send me in the right direction.
I think your description sounds correct. Have a look here:
This pic best describes the ideal hack - QVGA double pixeled UI, but with VGA apps.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Technically it's perfectly possible with all apps, if they've been written correctly. However, I've only ever seen it done with NetFront. I'm sure more examples exist.
Yes that is exactly what I'm looking for.
So the program has to be written a certain way for us to be able to see it like that?
I thought that this could also be achieved with the Forced VGA hack.
I guess not then?
I wonder why developers don't make their programs this way.
Why couldn't they give you the option of choosing in what resolution a user might want to run the program in.
It's likely to become more common once VGA devices start becoming more established. Basically, PIE is written to ALWAYS pixel double. Most other apps could be forced, but I've not really looked into it. I always and only run in VGA on my universal. But I use a magician as my phone, Uni is just for developing!
Ah I see.
You say you use universal only for developing. Now if you were to use it all the time as your main phone, would you still always run in true VGA?
Btw, VJSihaya looks very nice. I will be keeping my eye on it.
Is VJSihaya kind of like explorer.exe on WinXP which runs in VGA and in it you can run other programs or do you plan to make it a today screen replacement. I would rather not use it as a today screen replacement though. I think it would be much better if it runs separately from today screen because then you would still be able to have QVGA today screen and use your other programs in VGA or QVGA if you wanted to.
if you were to use it all the time as your main phone, would you still always run in true VGA?
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Depends on how it's set up. My Magician is my main phone, and I barely use it as a phone. I use calendar, contacts, ebooks etc.
On the Uni, I can set it up at VGA to be comfortable for most things, but this semi-VGA idea would be best. At VGA, you can set up large scrollbars, chunky fonts etc and have it set well for the hand. But I use my Uni right in front of my face most of the time, again, ebooks, watching "Frasier" in bed etc. So for that kind of stuff, VGA is fine. However, VGA all the time for "normal" use, and I'm sure you'll go blind.
Semi - VGA is clearly possible, the Netfront example shows it, and all it requires is for programmers to take it into consideration when programming. I'm sure it will become standard in time as an option.
VJSihaya will be like a "shell" replacement. Hopefully, it can "be" your Today screen, but it's not intended as a replacement for your Today screen, although if you look at the screenshots, it can contain your Today screen anyway. I've recently implemented Today screen functionality directly, so you don't need Today at all, but I don't advise it. It's not a replacement, just an alternative.
VJSihaya doesn't really have a "function". Most people intend their PDAs to be handheld: can you use it with a finger? VJSihaya is best at VGA resolution, and basically just makes good use of the extra space, but will tie you to the stylus quite a lot (although in time, there's no reason why you couldn't make a chunky finger powered skin. The Vista skin is quite finger friendly already). You can run an app in a QVGA size screen in VJSihaya - you can see an example of a QVGA sized app running unskinned in VJSihaya here.
VJSihaya won't pixel double it to fill a VGA screen. It will merely let you run a QVGA app at QVGA size on a VGA screen. The screenshot at the above link hopefully explains better!
Well thx for taking the time to explain this.
If I'm not mistaken Terminal Services also runs in Semi VGA.
Do you think VJSihaya will support Semi-VGA sometime in the future?
That would be pretty cool.
You could then have everything run in QVGA pixel doubling mode and only VJSihaya run in VGA. And then every program you run inside VJSihaya could either run in a QVGA window (as shown in some of the screenshots) or you could maximize the program and have it run in VGA. All this without having to softreset everytime.
VJSihaya windowed apps dynamically resize to fill their window, generally and depending on the app (eg for now, in the Vista screenshot, gsfinder isn't. But the other apps all are). But they don't do any kind of pixel doubling etc. Which apps were you thinking of as running in QVGA?
Ok, I'll clarify.
VJSihaya in the screenshots is running at 640x480.
If the Benchmark screenshot linked above, Flash is running at 320x240 - QVGA size, and takes 1/4 of the screen. That's VJSihaya's raison d'etre, to run apps windowed in that manner. Those apps can be dynamically resized, so eg the calendar can run in a small window (eg 150x150), or be enlarged to fill a whole 640x480 as required.
Oh. I think I just de-clarified myself! Are you're suggesting that the system is run at normal QVGA dpi, but make VJSihaya VGA native, so apps can run in the QVGA system pixel doubled, or otherwise live inside VJSihaya as resizable, potentially VGA windows? Even I barely understand that, but I think I know what I mean. I think. I'll try it out if I can.
Yes this is all getting a little bit confusing :lol: but I think you got what I meant in you last phrases.
Are you're suggesting that the system is run at normal QVGA dpi, but make VJSihaya VGA native, so apps can run in the QVGA system pixel doubled, or otherwise live inside VJSihaya as resizable, potentially VGA windows? Even I barely understand that, but I think I know what I mean. I think. I'll try it out if I can.
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Yes this is what I'm suggesting.
So to clarify.
You use your uni in normal QVGA pixel doubling mode.
You then use VJSihaya which runs in VGA 640 x 480 non pixel doubling mode (as it would run if you use OzVGA).
Then every program that you run inside VJSihaya would run in a windowed QVGA NON pixel doubling mode (as seen in your screenshots).
And since the programs inside VJSihaya already run without pixel doubling but in a QVGA window you would just maximize them to make them run fullscreen in VGA.
Pffewww..... :shock: :lol:
I don't know if this is feasible but it would be very cool since you don't have to use OzVGA anymore and softreset if you wanted to run an app in true VGA and then have to softreset back to use your uni in normal mode for everything else.
Yes, exactly what I thought I was thinking :shock:
I really don't know, I'll try to check out VJSihaya in a QVGA environment ASAP. It's not currently expressly hi res aware, because I always run in a hi res environment, but I'll incorporate the settings. I'm not optimistic, but it'd be interesting to see what happens...
I hope that you can get this to work. 8)
And if you do I would really like to know about it.
It doesn't have to be in this post but if you could mention it somewhere as a feature, maybe on your own site or a new post here at xda-devs.
Somewhere where I can check back and see if you managed to get it working. I really don't want to be one of those guys that keeps asking "when is it going to be implemented". :roll: I know that can be quite irritating.
And you don't have to feel pressured into doing this either. All of this was just an idea/request. I know you code in your free time.
Keep up the good work...
No problem. I was reading a bit more on hires_aware yesterday, and it would be a wonderful combination - general OS in QVGA, but apps running in VGA if required. But, I don't know if it can work, it would be magic - can the system jump from pixel doubling to hires_aware like this? I don't know, but I'll try it this weekend I hope.
vijay555 - for me that would be great - OS in QVGA and switching into VGA on the fly for IE. I am new to WM5 and can find no way of doing this (I used the .MUI hack in 2003SE on an iPAQ 4700 which was ideal). All I need (or want) is IE in VGA - I assume I'm reading this forum right and currently IE in VGA and everything else in QVGA is not sussed yet ?
Waltzing Mathilda: this is all absolutely hypothetical right now. I'll give it a go shortly though (once I stop posting!). However, it's likely PIE will always have to be in VGA for VGA.
Internet Explorer and HTML Controls
HTML layouts are an exception to the rule that all pixel coordinates should be scaled. On Windows Mobile-based Pocket PCs, Internet Explorer interprets pixel coordinates in HTML specifically as 96-DPI pixels. Although it is always best to use relative coordinates in HTML (defining a table column as 50% of the table width, for example), if you are currently using pixel metrics, they will continue to produce the same layout at higher DPI.
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However, it should be relatively easy to make a new browser based on the IE web browser control, which can be hires aware.
Hmm, bad news
Although you can see that VJSihaya is running in VGA, the native apps are still being run native QVGA.
Now, what this means: well, I think there is another way. It would require quite a significant hack, which I don't think is feasible, but I'm going to have to do part of it for VJSihaya anyway, so at some point I'll try investigate this hack as well. This would require making VJSihaya trick the OS into selectively using pixel doubling, and on other occassions not... not sure if it can happen... but if and when, it'll be quite a while until I can put that particular hack in place.
Guys, this might be obvious, but has anyone tried resource hacking PIE to include the Hi_res_aware resource?
I just tried, but unfortunately my rom ripped files won't allow me to edit the resources (a by-product of rom ripping?) and mamaich's rom tools haven't created contiguous files, just directories of files like S000 etc
Anyway, if we can get the files, we need to have a look at
That really is too bad. Maybe it can be done the way you suggested. Will keep my fingers crossed.
vijay555 said:
I think your description sounds correct. Have a look here:
This pic best describes the ideal hack - QVGA double pixeled UI, but with VGA apps.
Technically it's perfectly possible with all apps, if they've been written correctly. However, I've only ever seen it done with NetFront. I'm sure more examples exist. did u manage to RUN NF 3.1 on yr Uni.....
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hdubli: that's not my pic, if you follow the source of the image back you'll see the guy who posted the info. He explains how he hacked it like that. I think it just works... but I've never touched NF, so you'll have to take his word for it

ActiveX and PIE - Remote Webcam Viewing

I installed a Linksys Webcam at my business. It uses ActiveX controls in IE. All I have to do is type in the IP address, and presto I can see a Linksys screen with camera motion contols. When I try it with my Kaiser, I get the Linksys control screen but cannot see the live feed.
I've heard that some are using TCPMP but I cannot get around the login. Also, even if TCPMP worked, I most likely could not control the camera.
Is there an ActiveX add on that works with PIE? Has anyone had any success with similar venture. It would be way cool to check on business or home via your phone.
rambo6 said:
I installed a Linksys Webcam at my business. It uses ActiveX controls in IE. All I have to do is type in the IP address, and presto I can see a Linksys screen with camera motion contols. When I try it with my Kaiser, I get the Linksys control screen but cannot see the live feed.
I've heard that some are using TCPMP but I cannot get around the login. Also, even if TCPMP worked, I most likely could not control the camera.
Is there an ActiveX add on that works with PIE? Has anyone had any success with similar venture. It would be way cool to check on business or home via your phone.
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I did a little searching. As far as I can find there is no way to effectively handle activeX with PIE.
I did find a application that claims it can run IP cameras over winmo.
View Commander-Mobile lets you view IP network cameras with a Pocket PC or Smartphone. Control Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) camera functions with ViewCommander's built-in control panel.
This unfortunately is not a free app.
However it does have a trial if you wanna check it out.
EDIT: have you tried the newest version of opera? I can view alot of things in opera that PIE wont load. You might also send a pm to the guy that made the newest version of TCPMP and youtubeplayer. He may have some additional ideas. He has some posts in development and hacking forum. His username is milesmowbray
Thanks for the link. I downloaded the trial verision. It appears to work but I'll have to wait until someone turns the lights on in the shop to see anything.
I have tried the Beta Version of Opera 9 on my Blue Angel. It is very interesting. I'll follow your recommendations and PM the TCPMP guy.
Thanks for taking the time to help me out. I spent a few hours searching before posting and did not find the software you linked me to.
rambo6 said:
I installed a Linksys Webcam at my business. It uses ActiveX controls in IE. All I have to do is type in the IP address, and presto I can see a Linksys screen with camera motion contols. When I try it with my Kaiser, I get the Linksys control screen but cannot see the live feed.
I've heard that some are using TCPMP but I cannot get around the login. Also, even if TCPMP worked, I most likely could not control the camera.
Is there an ActiveX add on that works with PIE? Has anyone had any success with similar venture. It would be way cool to check on business or home via your phone.
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This thread probably belongs in the General forum....
Strangely Windows Mobile doesn't support ActiveX, at least not up to this point (WM 6.1). And since ActiveX is a MS thing I doubt you'd find support in Opera, Minimo, or other browsers that render web pages directly on the WM device. You have three possible options (maybe more if your smarter than me!).
If you make any breakthrough's please post your results for the enlightenment of others who may be trying to accomplish the same thing. Good luck!
First option: use a browser like Skyfire that is client / server based, which will handle all the ActiveX on the server side and pipe the results back to you on the client side as a "moving picture". I've tested it on my Toshiba IK-WB11A wireless IP webcam and it works swimmingly. My webcam uses Java rather than ActiveX, so your mileage may vary. It should work though.
Second option: pick apart the HTML / Javascript / ActiveX code in your webcam, find out where and how it's dishing out the video stream, and point PIE directly to the JPG or similar stream. Basically your webcam is running a simple little web server that's streaming a series of refreshed JPG's (or possibly an MPG4 stream if your webcam is very new). So it's possible to view the HTML code being served up to your browser with very little effort. For example I was able to do that by loading up and opening all the HTML pages that my webcam served to my PC browser (Firefox > View > Page Source). I can see that the webcam video stream is really just a JPG that's being frequently refreshed from this address... http://my-wan-ip/__live.jpg. Now if I point PIE at this address from my WM phone I've got the image from my webcam, less all the user interface, controls, and other trappings. The same process might work with your ActiveX webcam. If you're really enterprising you could create your own simple HTML page and run it on your phone. Just add your path the JPG image, and add some code so PIE will auto-refresh. Something like this code should do the trick... <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10;url=http://path/to/my/image/page.html"/>
Third option: use a WM application like the one linked above (IVI ViewCommander Mobile) that will attempt to do the heavy lifting in option #2 for you. There are others out there, like this for example that's free.
Hotmail thanks. I agree, this thread should probably be in the Development and Hacking section. It is a very good topic though.
As a side note, MS is working on a new PIE which has something called Lite or Lightning or something like that thatwill allow the browser to do just about everything IE does.
I'll also try your suggestions.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>ip cam</title>
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="1;url=">
<body style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(198, 221, 244);" alink="#000000" link="#000000"
Rick, there are three parts to the problem:
1. Does PIE support meta-refreshes? Try loading the paypal page I sent you. If that works, good. If not, give up now.
2. Next, understand, there is an image,
This doesn't do anything, it's just an image that needs refreshing. So to do that, we need a webpage, rick.html, that causes itself to reload itself every second.
The only thing on that page is the code to redirect itself every second, and the image
3. What this means is that you load
This will show the picture for 1 second, and then reload
The most important line is:
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="1;url=">
This part, url=
must point to the file rick.html (or whatever you call it), and that must be accessible from the internet.
So write rick.html, upload it to an ftp or make it externally accessible from your pc.
I think that still sounds tough though!
I didn't quite understand everything, but think of it like this:
You have to write the html, and put it on a server somewhere. Even if that server is your own computer, it must be accesible through a url.
So say I have the file at
Now, I edit rick.html to say:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="1;url=">
<body style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(198, 221, 244);" alink="#000000" link="#000000"
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
</html>Save this as rick.html and save on a server or your pc.
The thing you did wrong is you're linking the refresh part to the JPG. The jpg will load after one second, and then do nothing.
You need to link it back to rick.html itself, so that it will reload and refresh itself every second.
The thing is, PIE may not be able to redirects at all.
Try loading this page:
this should redirect to my paypal page. If this works in PIE, then try writing rick.html.
But PIE may not support redirects like this, I've never tried it...
Something like this:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="1;url=">
<body style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(198, 221, 244);" alink="#000000" link="#000000"
</html>In the line:
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="1;url=">
insert the url of the page you want to jump to. The 1, means every second.
In this instance, you might want to host this page on your server, and then change the address in the line <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" to point to itself, so it reloads itself every second.
Hope that's clear!
This is what vjay gave me for an answer
rickos said:
Rick, there are three parts to the problem:
1. Does PIE support meta-refreshes? Try loading the paypal page I sent you. If that works, good. If not, give up now.
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In a word, yes, PIE does support refreshes. And also redirects.
rickos said:
2. Next, understand, there is an image,
This doesn't do anything, it's just an image that needs refreshing. So to do that, we need a webpage, rick.html, that causes itself to reload itself every second.
The only thing on that page is the code to redirect itself every second, and the image
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You may find 1 second is too fast. Seems counter intuitive since you want to see video-like motion on the webcam. PIE is just a little too slow to manage refreshing a page every second. I found 5 to 10 seconds is about as fast as PIE can consistently refresh. Your experience may vary depending on page / image size, your connection speed, etc. Here's an example I made some time ago for checking traffic on my route to and from work. Works just fine in PIE. Looks even better when viewed in the latest version of Opera.
rickos said:
I think that still sounds tough though! ....
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It's not too bad. And if you want the easy route just type the address of the webcam's image into PIE's address bar. Then every few seconds just click refresh... no HTML involved with that, no making your own web page, no FTP, etc....
any outcome on this. as i have a kaiser and i cannot c my ip camera on it. on internet with activex ocx installed i can see it. but phones do not have this so im stuck. what are my options ?? i beleve i can view snap shots but how??thanks again
prits_uk2002 said:
any outcome on this. as i have a kaiser and i cannot c my ip camera on it. on internet with activex ocx installed i can see it. but phones do not have this so im stuck. what are my options ?? i beleve i can view snap shots but how??thanks again
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See post #4 in this thread. Those are your options. As to how (and if you can), it depends on your web cam model.
thanks lets see what i can gather
this is a semi-off topic question, i also have an ip camera but it uses quicktime to view it remotely using a web server. ive tried opera, and pie but it won't open the url. i tried iris browser, which actually opens up the url, but it doesn't seem to have the quicktime plugin so i can only see the camera controls but not the video feed itself.
I have a D-Link webcam and it supports RSTP streaming. With that, you can use CorePlayer to view it. The only problem is you cannot control the camera motion as this is available only in the ActiveX (something you already know).
oldsap said:
this is a semi-off topic question, i also have an ip camera but it uses quicktime to view it remotely using a web server. ive tried opera, and pie but it won't open the url. i tried iris browser, which actually opens up the url, but it doesn't seem to have the quicktime plugin so i can only see the camera controls but not the video feed itself.
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Coreplayer will play quicktime and stream. So if you know the url to the video stream itself you may be able to watch it with Coreplayer.
hotmail said:
Coreplayer will play quicktime and stream. So if you know the url to the video stream itself you may be able to watch it with Coreplayer.
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Thanks, but how can I "avoid" user name and password of webcamera.
Where can I put this pass and username?
gregy74 said:
Thanks, but how can I "avoid" user name and password of webcamera.
Where can I put this pass and username?
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Not sure if you can use a user name / password with Core Player. I don't think you can. But you may not need to depending on the stream type, and how your webcam authenticates you. I guess if it authenticates by IP or something basic like that, you might be able authenticate using PIE, and then connect using Core Player. But in my case, I don't need to authenticate, even though my Webcam will force authentication if I access it by going to it's home page. I can get around it by directly pointing my browser to the stream.
For example, if I go to then my webcam will attempt to authenticate me. But after I authenticate (from a desktop browser) I begin to get the webcam stream from Then if I point my browser, or Core Player, on my phone to that authenticated URL I get the stream.
Your mileage may vary, depending on the type of webcam, type of authentication, and the stream type.
same problem with the username and password thingy. i can't get pass it in pie.
If your webcam is Java based like mine, I may be able to help get around a user ID and password prompt. But if it's ActiveX then I'm not too sure. I know PIE doesn't support ActiveX.
For me it wasn't necessary. But in the past I've used URL Snooper to sniff out multimedia streams hidden within ActiveX and Java. You may find some success by viewing your webcam (from your PC's browser) and running this program. If the stream address is always the same after disconnecting / reconnecting to your webcam then you may be able to use that URL from your phone's browser.
That's exactly how my webcam works. If I change the logon ID and password of my webcam, then stream address changes. But if it's the same, then stream address is always the same... a long series of alpha/numberic characters, presumably based on the ID and password required for accessing the webcam.
I ended up using a software program called View Commander. Here's the link to their website: I bought the mid-range package for about USD45.00.
I'm using it with several Linksys WVC200 cameras which can rotate and zoom via remote control. The ivi View Commander software works really well. It can be set up for multiple cameras and have multiple presets. It's really easy to set up.
I really love using my HTC Kaiser to check up on my employees when I'm not around. It's one of the best tools I've used.
thank you HOTMAIL !
I have solve the problem with your Third option
[IVI ViewCommander Mobile] and [camplayer]
works fine with my web cam VIVOTEK.
Can we use the Ateksoft act as CCTV?
How can I link the Ateksoft(through wifi) to my CCTV server?

[CAB] Opera Mobile 9.5.15202 WWE QVGA/VGA [Tweaked]

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
- Can be uninstalled
- Installs to SD/DEVICE
- Included Ad-blocking filter
- Default homepage set to Google
- Increased disk cache size to 20 MB
- Made the Zoom and Launch buttons 50% transparent
- Replaced the "htc" loading image with build 2392's image
- Fixed the "installation unsucessfull" problem on some devices by removing setup.dll and adding its functions to _setup.xml
- Hardware keyboard is reportedly working on Touch Pro/HD but is buggy on Xperia and a few others.
- If you're upgrading from build 2XXX or 19XX,I suggest using this cab over the upgrade version (which just replaces the two Opera exes) as this build contains new features like Vibration and Strength Clicks, which needs the supporting registry entries to work properly. There are also a few minor changes in Opera.ini and other files. Also, a few SD version cabs posted here of earlier builds are buggy (incorrect paths of a few files/registries) so I recommend installing this version for a complete (cooking bugs free) experience.
- As always, please backup your existing Opera/device before installing.
- Tested on WM5 QVGA PPC. (200MHz, 42 MB)
A few interesting tweaks:
- To prevent Opera from continuing to run in the background even after you close it, change the value of this key:
Name: RealExit
- For vibration support (untested)
Name: VibrationEnabled
\Windows\Opera9\Opera.ini tweaks:
- If you're not satisfied with the default zoom levels, tweak these values:
[Adaptive Zoom]
Maximum Zoom=
Minimum Zoom=
Minimum Overview Zoom=
- To increase the number of tabs, edit the value below:
[User Prefs]
Maximum Allowed Tabs=
1) Flash Support?
Flash isn't working. I've yet to fully try out all tricks though, but don't expect a Flash build anytime soon.​
2) Uninstall old version?
Not necessary. The installer should automatically remove any older builds.​
3) Difference between 15202 and 15086?
Nothing significant (aka bugfixes or N/A)​
4) Improvements in build 15XXX since 2XXX?
Better Performance (Reported, not measured)
Vibration Support (Not tested)
Strength Clicks (Double taps? Pressure taps? Not sure about this one.)
Scroll Wheel Zoom
5) Help! Opera's not installing / starting
Before installing, terminate Opera9.exe using a process manager such as in SKTools
A softreset before and after installing helps
Uninstall all existing versions, delete Opera files from \Application Data\, \Windows\, \Program Files\ and run a registry cleaner
If your device has less memory, softreset, then exit all background apps and thirdparty processes (MobileShell/Winterface/etc), compact memory heaps and try launching
Some devices may report an unsucessfull install, but try launching Opera and check if the new version was installed
Please mention the following details:
Device/OS/software specs.
Clean or upgrade install. If upgraded, which was the earlier build, etc.
Which CAB(s) you tried
Thanks to cityhunter71 for the 15202 dump and liay for the original 15086 cab.
Build 15202:
Storage Card Install: [QVGA] [VGA]
Device Install: [QVGA] [VGA]
Build 15086 for those who're interested:
thanks. im going to wait around for confirmed flash support tho.
you say youre trying to get support for flash.. does that mean it is a matter of updating the cabs again.. so shouldnt we potentially just wait til that happens?
idk why ppl are so concerned abut flash. First of all flash is flash lite and its a beta at that so its not ideal. neither is watching an embedded video in the browser. so i dont see much of a need for the big stink about having it at this point in time.
and i agree htctoucher, theres obviously a reason flash wasnt implemented any official Opera build yet on any device or their beta on their site- probably because Flash isnt ready, so i dont see why a half-baked beta flash lite build is so important to people.
Adobe is brining Flash 10 to mobiles shortly so im sure at some point Opera will officially support it
i think at this point having the best Opera build we can trumps flash by a mile. if people want a good way to do flash, skyfire is the best solution
dexter, thanks a lot for this update. Can you please upload only the Opera9.exe and OperaL.exe files for VGA? (and i'm sure QVGA will be useful for someone)
Thanks a lot.
klmsu19 said:
idk why ppl are so concerned abut flash. First of all flash is flash lite and its a beta at that so its not ideal. neither is watching an embedded video in the browser. so i dont see much of a need for the big stink about having it at this point in time.
and i agree htctoucher, theres obviously a reason flash wasnt implemented any official Opera build yet on any device or their beta on their site- probably because Flash isnt ready, so i dont see why a half-baked beta flash lite build is so important to people.
Adobe is brining Flash 10 to mobiles shortly so im sure at some point Opera will officially support it
i think at this point having the best Opera build we can trumps flash by a mile. if people want a good way to do flash, skyfire is the best solution
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i was about to say..... opera... since it released the beta , not the "leaked htc,sharp, samsung builds, that they will not enable plugins in the beta builds... this is common knowledge....
as for the flash lite..... it was working pretty good in older builds of opera, and was even working even better on Internet Explorer Mobile 6 from the released emulator images some released a .cab for.....
i dont see complete flash 10 support ever coming to window mobile, but i do note the announcement that they are "looking into" bringing flash 10 to mobile devices in November .. but flash i too much of a system resource hog atm..
as far as i know flash lite 3 is all there releasing any time soon
and all flash lite 3 really is , is like the early builds of flash version 9 on desktops... which only supported the FLV standard, and not newer builds that support MP4 and .mov streaming....
all in all, i dont think any decent version of flash will be available for windows mobile any time soon... it is a crippled out of date OS.... but i wont bash on Microsoft too much... one of the reasons the IPhoney doesn't have it on there is because it consumes to many system resources.... and apple doesn't just want flash lite, they want the full version of flash.... that wont happen any time soon eiter
---- end of rant
stathis95194 said:
dexter, thanks a lot for this update. Can you please upload only the Opera9.exe and OperaL.exe files for VGA? (and i'm sure QVGA will be useful for someone)
Thanks a lot.
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Updated exes have been posted by cityhunter71 over here.
vibrate function doesnt seem to be working.. i dont really see much improvement over 2808..
my main gripe with recent versions is that when you are typing in a box (like in xda) when your typing goes out of the screen the screen doesnt move to show you what you are typing.. really makes it inconvenient to type.. previous verdions used to do this
also.. typing is no where near as good as in browsers like netfront.. pcm suggestion barely works in opera while it is near flawless in netfront
i was looking forward to this being implemented again in newer builds.. but even in these havent seen it.. or are other people having different experiences?
would love to know if somehow i could enable this very wishful thinking..
htctoucher said:
my main gripe with recent versions is that when you are typing in a box (like in xda) when your typing goes out of the screen the screen doesnt move to show you what you are typing.. really makes it inconvenient to type..
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I hate this too, I'm online with my Diamond almost all the time and typing typing in forums is a pain because of this issue...
I installed this on my XV6850 (Verizon Touch Pro) w/ stock ROM. I used the full install (not the upgrade) because Opera was included in the original ROM. Couple of notes:
1. I installed the SD version, but it did not install on my memory card. I found the new files in the Windows folder on my device.
2. This seems to have totally hosed my Compact Qwerty touch keyboard. It only types numbers, no letters, not just within Opera, but also if I try to use it to compose messages.
3. This is not uninstallable.
4. I tried to install Build 2392 over this version, but Compact Qwerty still doesn't work.
I installed the VGA standard version over the 15086.
Again, this version on the end of installation gave me an uninstalled, but About reports version 15202
Also, it's not uninstallable.
I modified the number of max tabs in opera.ini but still I can only have 3 tabs. I found a file, opera1.ini, I rename it and now I can add more tabs...
htctoucher said:
my main gripe with recent versions is that when you are typing in a box (like in xda) when your typing goes out of the screen the screen doesnt move to show you what you are typing.. really makes it inconvenient to type.. previous verdions used to do this
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I know exactly what you're talking about, I noticed that problem on a number of previous builds. the funny thing is it only happens at xda!
but the way I setup my opera causes the text/reply field when zoomed to only fit the screen width. therefore I don't suffer from that. sometimes when I zoom in the reply field it's too big so I zoom out and zoom back on again. I have a VGA device:
I set my max zoom = 145, min zoom = 80 and in settings=> display I set font size to large.
this works for me and it has been working for me since 3 or 4 builds ago. I find that if I don't set font size to large it doesn't work. hopes this helps.
also.. typing is no where near as good as in browsers like netfront.. pcm suggestion barely works in opera while it is near flawless in netfront
i was looking forward to this being implemented again in newer builds.. but even in these havent seen it.. or are other people having different experiences?
would love to know if somehow i could enable this very wishful thinking..
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to tell you the truth, I hold opera 10 bars above netfront. to me opera is way more functional, I find it very frustrating to scroll and pan in netfront. I can tweak the hell out of opera, I remember when it just came out and didn't support wordwrap I was able to implement it myself through the CSS files. I don't use flash in my opera because it's a resource hog, videos auto play and causes the page to move really slow, it causes opera to act sporadic and crashes the browser.
if you're talking about the hardware keyboard problem try using a software keyboard, I use TouchPal. I haven't used my HK keys in almost a year now. I find that I type almost 2 times faster than I would on a hardware keyboard.
just my 10cents, looking back for my 8cents change.
onesolo said:
I installed the VGA standard version over the 15086.
Again, this version on the end of installation gave me an uninstalled, but About reports version 15202
Also, it's not uninstallable.
I modified the number of max tabs in opera.ini but still I can only have 3 tabs. I found a file, opera1.ini, I rename it and now I can add more tabs...
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this happens because you had a previous build that cannot be uninstalled, my guess is the 2545 build (yeah it got me too, I had to hard reset to get rid of it). and yes even though it says it was unsuccessful it still installed the major pieces, so technically you're running the new build so you shouldn't worry too much about that.
lennie said:
this happens because you had a previous build that cannot be uninstalled, my guess is the 2545 build (yeah it got me too, I had to hard reset to get rid of it). and yes even though it says it was unsuccessful it still installed the major pieces, so technically you're running the new build so you shouldn't worry too much about that.
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I had stock Opera on my Touch HD and also got the "installation unsuccessful" thingie.
No big deal except the fact that it didn't appear in the Remove programs list and can't be uninstalled.
So I would advise to copy \Windows\Opera9.exe, \Windows\OperaL.exe, \Windows\Opera9 folder and HKLM\Software\Opera somewhere to be able to roll back just in case.
Otherwise, it's an excellent build, blazing fast, properly rotates dialogs unlike 2808 and works just fine for me so far - thanks for posting this!
[deXter] said:
Vibration Support (Not tested)
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On Touch HD, when you tap a link or one of the corner fullscreen mode buttons (i.e. zoom and exit full screen), there's a short vibration to confirm. It still works in this build.
However, the stock HD version of Opera also used to vibrate on double tapping the screen to zoom in and out. In this build it doesn't. Not a big loss, just to point out what's going on.
[deXter] said:
Strength Clicks (Double taps? Pressure taps? Not sure about this
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My guess is that it's a threshold to either avoid accidental taps or to trigger mouseover event needed to open some dropdown menus. Something is definitely needed for the latter on some sites. Now you can imitate mouseover by tapping a link in the overview mode (something considered by many as a bug). Doesn't seem to work here.
Zooming with scroll wheel is not working on my polaris. Same as in all previus releases! Or do i have to change some reg-keys?
alternate download for opera cabs 15086 and 15200
opera is really starting to P me off..
why are newer builds so much more jumpy? why does the screen not move with you when you type?
the first issue makes it a b**** to surf the internet cuz the screen wont move where you want it to move until the page has completely loaded which takes kind of a while after enough of it has loaded for you to want to pan!
come on opera! starting to wonder what they are focusing on...
really hope they bring back features that made this browser so easy to use from earlier builds..
htctoucher said:
opera is really starting to P me off..
why are newer builds so much more jumpy? why does the screen not move with you when you type?
the first issue makes it a b**** to surf the internet cuz the screen wont move where you want it to move until the page has completely loaded which takes kind of a while after enough of it has loaded for you to want to pan!
come on opera! starting to wonder what they are focusing on...
really hope they bring back features that made this browser so easy to use from earlier builds..
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I hear you on that. but usually I I can scroll and pan once the page is over 50% loaded.
keep in mind that this is not an easy job they're doing, and it's still in beta. when they implement new things in the CSS engine of course it's gonna break something, so they have to see what is broken then go over it and try to fix it. the 2808 build was loaded with CSS issues but this build seems to scour most of them away.
the reason why the page is jumping all over the place when you try to move it before the page is loaded is because opera is still interpreting the page.
I have no gripes with that,just let the page load over 50% or so before you try to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page . also try enabling smooth scrolling.
I have tried it. It is much fast than 2392.

