XDA IIi Camera Bug - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Along with most people, I was terribly disappointed with the camera quality in the XDA IIi.
In order to get an idea of the capabilities of the CMOS sensor, I tried it at the native resolution, with uncompressed bmp format, and was rather surprised to see the results: Every other line is transposed with its neighbour. There's obviously a fundamental bug in the camera software, at least on my device.
This means that even after resizing, even the best jpeg compressor is going to have a difficult job compressing the image. No wonder the images look so poor.
I wrote a little program to switch the alternate lines back, and you can see the results in the attachments. Note the native files are lossless encoded as png files here.
So, a request - can anybody else with an Andes/XDAIIi please take a photo in BMP format with a size XL (960x1280) and upload it to this thread (note - I had problems with my attachments as the raw files are pretty big, and had to use my own server); just to see if this problem affects all devices, or just mine.
Raw image links follow - warning they're pretty big...
Raw image before rejigging
Raw image after rejigging
Here are the resized jpeg (50% compression) versions
Before Rejigging - note it's a little fuzzy, but the resize & jpeg compress has hidden the obvious problem
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
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After rejigging - looks sharper, but not as obvious an improvement as with the raw files
if anybody's interested, the .Net proggy is here

Zip file is corrupt!

So it is... have re-uploaded it (and tested it) now.

maybe its my eyes, i could not see any major differences.
Do you know if the program runs in Magneto ?

maybe its my eyes, i could not see any major differences.
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Have a look at the raw files, and zoom in in a paint program.
Do you know if the program runs in Magneto ?
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The program's not a CF program, it's just a plain .net PC app, but it wouldn't be difficult to build it for the CF. No idea about Magneto.

how about on xdaII?
I see the difference; at least no fuzz blur on image....I wonder does it work on XDAmini and xdaII?

If anybody has a Mini or another 1.3MP device, I'd appreciate it if you could post a raw bmp/max res image to see if it has the same problem. Actually, just a portion of it will be OK, as the problem is pretty obvious.
It seems stupid that the camera interface has such a stupid bug in it.

heres one i took of my keyboard in poor lighting.
a whopping 3.51mb though !!
havnt tried your jiggery thing yet, but ill post an image when i have.
I have the XDA IIi.
Click here to view it

same problem with newer camera software builds for HTC magician, it was posted here:
I tried your rejigger program on my magician, but it does not run! It crashes and details of error massage says:
Type "System.Windows.Forms.Form"
of assemby "system.Windows.Forms,
Version 1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089"
could not be loaded
(error massage in german on my MDAc, translated by myself)
This looks rather cryptic to me.
I would love do be able to run 'rejigg' on my MDAc. Is there any help?
Thanks in advance

I tried your rejigger program on my Magician, but it does not run! It crashes and details of error massage says:
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As mentioned above, this is a desktop program, that's why...
If it's not just my XDAIIi, and looks to be a problem that's not going to go away any time soon, I'll make a .Net CF build for devices.

Thanks for the link to the other topic, should've included Magician when I searched for any other problems.
I think I'll create a program that monitors an images directory on the device for new full size bmp files, re-interlaces them and (optionally) compresses them to jpg.

Sorry for not understanding that it is a program for desktop
It would be wonderful to be able to convert those wrong-interlaced .BMPs to correct ones. I could get rid of my older version of camera software (which does not have wrong interlacing but has worse color mangement).
At this moment I use for further 'picture-editing' the freeware XnView. It has the option to work on all pics in a folder.
This allows to choose a decent .JPG quality without those horrible artifacts HTC's camera software causes (it uses _much_ to strong compression).
And it gives me a decent sharpen filter, much better than HTC's camera sharpen filter.
And it does both in one step.
I usually shot the pic in .BMP mode without any sharpening and I am doing later conversion as well as sharpening in one step using XnView. This is quite a nice workflow for me and might be usable for you too.
But it might be very good to have the option of batch processing rejigging and conversion (and sharpen?) :wink: in one easy to use software.
I any case a batch processing rejigging software would be very very nice (now, is this begging?)
BTW: Sometimes I get the impression that HTC's software quality management is very very stupid. This wrong-interlacing errror is publicly discussed since march 2005 and no fix yet.
And their camera software lacks _so much_ . I am sure a very well written camera soft would be able to produce much better pics.

OK, here is an on-device utility. Just extract the zip, and copy the exe to your device.
Running the exe will allow you to load a file, when you save the file again it will be corrected. Remember BMP format, Max Res.
Let me know if there are any problems...

Unfortunately it does not work on my MDAc (HTC magician).
It only converts the part of the BMP, which is shown on the screen during "preview".
BTW: I do not need "preview", but I would like to get the option to convert all BMPs of a directory.
Another problem: My cam stores its BMPs under Storage Card/My Documents/05062800001/ etc. These directories seems to be unreachable with your file open dialog. I have to copy my files in the root dir (or 1st Level dirs?), which is quite inconvienient.
Sorry for disturbing you with my problems. Surely your software could be a "big leap forward" for HTC cam's quality.

Unfortunately it does not work on my MDAc (HTC magician).
It only converts the part of the BMP, which is shown on the screen during "preview".
BTW: I do not need "preview", but I would like to get the option to convert all BMPs of a directory.
Another problem: My cam stores its BMPs under Storage Card/My Documents/05062800001/ etc. These directories seems to be unreachable with your file open dialog. I have to copy my files in the root dir (or 1st Level dirs?), which is quite inconvienient.
Sorry for disturbing you with my problems. Surely your software could be a "big leap forward" for HTC cam's quality.

Thanks for the feedback.
Strange that it's only converting the top left corner... must be ignoring the off screen part of the DC, but I would expect the rest to be blank in that case.
Q: When you save the bitmap and open it in another app, do you get a converted top/left and the rest of the bitmap is black, or the original image?
As for the file open - yep that's the good old Microsoft file open dialog. I really don't understand some of the design decisions MS made on the PocketPC. I don't have an alternative file open, but if I code up a batch convert, I will try and make the path enterable in a different way.
Now the main problem is I've sent my XDAIIi back - it was just too unreliable and frustrating for me, and I'm using my trusty XDAII until there's a new rom for the XDAIIi.

The rest of the image is black.

Aha, that'll be it then, bit busy at the mo, but will try and fix it.

Thanks in advance!

It looks like swapped lines is a bug specific to BMP format only. I wrote the same program (swapping odd and even BMP lines and saving them to JPEG format) and found no significant difference between this JPEG and the one produced by camera app.
For those interested in repeating this experiment: please use BMPChop.exe console application attached here.
This application is for windows desktop computers only.


Encrypting Porn

I obviously am sensative as to who while looking my XDA over could accidentally find my porn stash.
What software package is best for encrypting movie files and pics?
resco explorer come with a built in encrypt file software.
Or Airscanner Encrypter to encrypt whole folders easily.
perhaps make the folder "hidden" then take the view hidden files function away so that the general browser doesnt find it.
i also apply a name that will not attract attention such as work or parents .... or system or temp cache or similar, anything but say porn xxx look here
then again, dont be ashamed of your actions, or dont do the actions....
nothing wrong with a bit or even a lot of porn
if it offends people, they shouldnt be looking, and even if they found it, they should choose not to look
This image always comes to mind:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
I find that merely zipping the folder and putting it somewhere obfuscated prevents accidental clicks. But airscanner looks cool. Will have to try it out.
Nice one V! :lol:
So now we know what you do so long in the nights on your pc... :roll:
...looking for funny pics .
Am I the only one that would have really appreciated it if you wouldn't have told us what you're using the encryption for ?
TheBlasphemer: if he'd said:
"I need an encryption app to encrypt information I'd rather other people didn't see", he's most probably either a hacker, a spy, or a male Glad he >eugh< "came" straight out with it... :shock:
Rottie: you back from holiday? Your request, what seems to be the Holy Grail of hacks, the closed clam keyboard hack - I've had some ideas and some contributions that have given me some ideas. I'll try to progress them shortly.
And what I do on the long nights - I wish! I'm programming every spare minute now, even during lunch times, running home to code a few lines
This made me snort tea all over my desk:
I love Penny Arcade.
Anyone tried AirScanner yet? (blatant attempt to bring back on topic!)
vijay555 said:
TheBlasphemer: if he'd said:
"I need an encryption app to encrypt information I'd rather other people didn't see", he's most probably either a hacker, a spy, or a male Glad he >eugh< "came" straight out with it... :shock:
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If he hadn't told us, I could still just refuse to believe the pr0n thing and believe he was a govt spy or anything
If you were to put the porn on your ipod, you could call it porn-on-the-pod.
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Do you want butter with that? A little "Last Tango in Paris" perhaps?!
Last Tango reminds of the ads ... Can you tell the difference between butter and margerine ?
chetccox said:
If you were to put the porn on your ipod, you could call it porn-on-the-pod.
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I actually use Airscanner for er..... encrypting stuff that.....er I'd rather wasn't....... er easy to find. <coughs>
I can vouch it works well under WM5, and it appears to work by using multi-pass bitwiping to ensure there is no trace of the original files prior to encyption.
Odd thing is though, I'm sure it used to be free, but now they seem to charge for it. My advice is look at free download sites for a copy.
Not sure where the software came from, but my press and hold menus provide encryption, I think its resco explorer.
I can use normal file explorer to "hide" files from general view, but I noticed in Resco explorer, the hidden files are still clearly visible, so not sure if there is a bug in the resco app for hidden files, but they are definitely hidden from the normal ppc file explorer. add that to resco encryption, I think should be sufficient.
Good (and bad) news - looks like we won't be needing this software anyway:
On a side note: On my communicator I had a password safe with categories like credit card, shopping accounts etc... Is there something similar for WM5 available?
TauTau said:
On a side note: On my communicator I had a password safe with categories like credit card, shopping accounts etc... Is there something similar for WM5 available?
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There is a program called KeePass which works on most devices, relevant here is the Desktop and PocketPC. The datafiles are transferable between both devices. I have used it on my Universal without problems. I have actually been using this program for a long time, I keep the DB on a USB key and a copy of the program. This means that when I plug in my key the password safe opens and asks for the password, or I can run it from the key if on another machine.
As for encrypting the pr0n, what about a good old .RAR archive? The version that I use (Pocket RAR 3.50) will encrypt and decrypt folders and files, quite fast too.
If you're talking about a large stash this won't work, but if you're only carrying round < 10MB you could always use the ExtendedROM partition and leave it hidden.
This means that you could have all your files in readable format, but without knowing the name that you used for the partition they couldn't access it without searching the registry for the name.
Not many people are going to search the registry for a name they don't even know exists.
This might sound like a difficult thing to do, but Buzz made an unlocker and the registry change for the name is in the thread.
Once you have done your hard reset and loaded the ExtendedROM you don't need the stuff in there anymore, and can use the space for storage.
I agree, I know "people" that use a zip file for text, and otherwise just buried folders.
How's abouts we make a small app to render files unusable? You could take the filename, pre-pend it to the file in binary to render it unusable, using a simple XOR encryption for those few bytes. Then give it a generic filename and extension, eg Sheet1.prn.
When launched, .prn files will launch our decrypter, asking for the password. I suppose you could possibly memory map the decrypted file to even ensure an unencrypted version doesn't exist on the device for any considerable period (ie until you close the decrypter).
just an idea.
Sounds good V,
When can we expect VJPhorEnsic to first arrive on the board ;-)

Native IDE/compiler solution for Universal/PocketPC?

Ie. a compiler that lets me make PPC-runnable applications from the PPC.
I do not really need the IDE, although it would be very nice of course.
The language/libraries basically just need to support text input and output, or some kind of access to the GDI/graphics interface, so I can develop and experiment while I'm out travelling.
I'd really want this, if it can be found anywhere, I'd even pay for it..
preferably C++ or as low-level as possible, I'm also quite decent in
I have tried the perl thing, and although cool, it was a very reduced version of perl, and also naturally quite slow because of the processor.
Any tips in this direction would be very welcome
Nevermind.. I found PocketGCC, so for others that are interested in this info:
It should do the trick. Only console for now, but that's OK for me.
If there's a better alternative, I'd love to see it though. Not sure how well this console interfaces (interrupts, keystrokes etc).
Check out Mamaich's website for some other stuff related to PocketGCC.
It does work, but it's hard-ish work. But with a keyboard, it'll be easier. Grab yourself the SDK demos from the yahoo groups website.
ahh ok thanks man, I found the Mamaich pack here:
I have a keyboard on the PPC of course.. Universal I can type almost as
fast on it as on a normal keyboard, which was really surprising to me.
I think it can work, and I'm really ready to start coding on this.
Let us know how it goes. It would be interesting to see how feasible is host development on windows mobile (I do hope that it's not an eye opener though lol)
PocketGCC is great! I made use of it on my honeymoon.
However, you appreciate something like VS2005 with syntax completion etc, but at a push, it's very competent.
Oh, no resource editor. I think there's another one that can be used from Pocket C or something like that.
vijay555 said:
PocketGCC is great! I made use of it on my honeymoon.
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haha! Well if it's honeymoon material, maybe even my girlfriend will like this (she's a programmer too). ^^
However, you appreciate something like VS2005 with syntax completion etc, but at a push, it's very competent.
Oh, no resource editor. I think there's another one that can be used from Pocket C or something like that.
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OK, nice! ^^ but you say resource editor, makes me think you can make GUI apps.. I thought PocketGCC only gave you access to console IO? Or is GUI libs what the Mamaich package contains?
As I said, if you hunt around in the yahoo groups, you'll find someone has prepared a full set of the PPC Sdk demo apps for PGCC. And they're almost all GUI apps. So yes, Pure Win32 C++ GUI apps are possible.
And you can compile your .rc as well, so if you're competent with notepad, you can make your .rc yourself, although you'll still need a bitmap editor (I like PocketArtist).
But as I said, I think Pocket C has a resource editor you can felch (don't look this word up!).
vijay555 said:
But as I said, I think Pocket C has a resource editor you can felch (don't look this word up!)
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Hmm... all I know is "to belch" or "to filch"... I hope you don't mean either of those :lol: :wink:
Nope, felch is what I mean
Filch works well enough in the context, that can be the "censored" version
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
rofl.. omg...
sick, sick, sick.
I can only find this:
Which is a patch for the includes.. and then I download the SDK seperately? Or is there (as I interpreted you first) a rar/zip of the SDK samples that are prepared to be compiled by the standard PocketGCC package?
Sorry for the questions! But the Yahoo group was kinda messy, and been looking there for a while now =P
Theoretically, you could code your application whichever way you like, even using Flash (Lite).
You must then worry about making it compatible with WM5.0 and then packaging it. Still, fairly simple process.
You have to register and then check files:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pocketgcc/files/Source Code/
Excellent! Thanks Vijay.. (I thought it'd be a link from the discussion).
OK.. let's hope this will be a useful thread for other people that want to
do the same. And I'll just, ehm.. felch.. =X that file then and shut up.
Thanks again!
For some other pointers on books and sdks etc, you can have a read of this tale of woe I wrote once upon a time:
Well, I've been programming for 18 years, and started in the absolute opposite corner of what you did (C64 assembler), so for me C++ was more like "wtf.. you can't just grab a memory address and use it?" ^^
anyway this link is definitely good for the thread.
Some bad news though.. even though PocketGCC will work, the supplied console does not seem to run (outdated). The Rainer Keuchel one also seems to be out of date for WM5. ;( I'll update this thread if I find a solution.
PocketC seems to work nicely and includes an editor:
Not sure what the scope of it is though..
Apologies for the other post, with 18 years you must see in pointers:
Hopefully it'll provide some "pointers" for other people looking for somewhere to start. I'm still very much of an amateur at c++, so of course, any advice is always appreciated!
I forgot about the console problem on WM5. I haven't investigated recompiling it for WM5 yet, although the various source codes for the console options are available. If you do recompile, let me know!
Pocket Console on WM5
I was having trouble getting Pocket Console (http://www.symbolictools.de/public/pocketconsole/index.htm) to run on WM5 - and eventually found the following info:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\Console registry key is required to configure the command processor, the value OutputTo should be set to 0 to ensure console is displayed (Mine was -1).
This may be what is needed for people trying to use other console apps.
This can be seen on:
This lead me to another issue: The console display is not being automatically refreshed, so you cannot see output/input until you force a refresh (e.g. by selecting all). Any thoughts on sorting this out would be appreciated.
two relitavely new languages i've found, that run directly on a PPC.
Pocket Programming Language
Hi there,
i know this posting is quite old, but i'd like to refer to the console issue anyway.
martinkendall said:
I was having trouble getting Pocket Console (http://www.symbolictools.de/public/pocketconsole/index.htm) to run on WM5 - and eventually found the following info:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\Console registry key is required to configure the command processor, the value OutputTo should be set to 0 to ensure console is displayed (Mine was -1).
This may be what is needed for people trying to use other console apps.
This can be seen on:
This lead me to another issue: The console display is not being automatically refreshed, so you cannot see output/input until you force a refresh (e.g. by selecting all). Any thoughts on sorting this out would be appreciated.
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I also recognized the non-refreshing console.
The attached package is working perfectly on the universal. It's taken from the WindowsMobilePowerToys package from microsoft.
Follow the readme and enjoy!

[APP] QetriX: Universal data manager BETA incl. Best Freeware "AppStore-like" project

[APP] QetriX: Universal data manager BETA incl. Best Freeware "AppStore-like" project
Allow me to introduce my first-born child, QetriX.
QetriX (Q3X) is universal server-client data manager for .NET (Compact) Framework 2.0+ and WM2003+ (all resolutions). Client program works in both Win and WM (as well as under Mono - Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris...). It can handle almost every data which could be distributed as XML, as well as some existing XML files (e.g. RSS). As you can see on screenshots, pictures and light formating and styles are supported.
Communication with server is standard HTTP POST and GET.
You can take a look to Google-Translated app homepage. Project is language independent, but I'm from Czech republic so I use mostly Czech language.
Well, I tried to define a new web-browsing data-orientated paradigm. There are a lot of useless information and wasted megabytes on the internet and I'm sick of it ;-) The client program behaves like specific-data browser.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
The idea was to define controls in one (form) XML and data in another XML, one form could be used for multiple data. Main focus was to simplicity, efficiencty and low data transfer (ZIP packing supported, JSON support in progress , work with QetriX is very similar to regular web applications.
Each of downloaded file is stored as cache for further usage. You can define "expiration" for images, data or forms for re-download after this date. I'm planning to release complete XML and app specification, but it takes much more time than programming itself
Configuration is both server and local (for corporate and safety reasons server definitions are preferred). In config file you can set even Main Menu items. You can notice, on screenshots the menu isn't the same all the time. Menu commands as well as form controls uses built-in commands (like "file open xy.q3x") and built-in timer for repeated actions or timing. I tried to make support for "internal" calculations for e.g. currency convertor without sending data to server to do the math.
It's possible to open file from both server and device's memory. It has a "suggest" feature to avoid long searching for desired file. Suggested files are in app directory, in working directory, in MRUDs and even provided by defined online service (especially URL addresses). "Suggest" could be used for any TextBox on form as well. (open-file suggest currently works only with online service so it's turned off right now, sorry for any inconvenience
You can submit one page to server or whole data file. You can even save the data file to device's memory (offline) and send it to the server later. Even it's desired to be server-client, you can use the program without any server.
I tried to implement finger-friendly GUI, you can use finger-scroll (only on Form itself and pictures, where applicable methods are supported by .NET CF) and easy-to-aim "fingerMenu" with configurable buttons.
Server side could be one PHP script, demonstration script with list/insert/update ability has 83 lines and less than 3 kB. I wrote a simple client for web browser that can work with forms and data, it's still very dirty but basically it works ;-)
Because I wanted to keep WM2003 supported and I didn't want to take care of two different versions of the same program, I wrote additional program called "Q3X Aid". It adds support for GPS, GSM Cell ID and Camera. Coordinates are transferred via XML file and if the GPS is enabled and required, client program loads coordinates from this file and uses in request.
Now I use it as:
Shopping list
Twitter client
E-mail client
To-Do list
Blog management
Tic-tac-toe game
Now about the "Best Freeware AppStore-like" project:
I know there are many servers for PPC freeware, but It's hard to choose the "best" piece of software. I know everyone wants different features, but sometimes you find bad, buggy or obsolete programs. So I decided to write a simple implementation for QetriX with 1-click install ability (download and run CAB) and current WM version detection (for offering apps and games right for your device).
Now it's ready on my localhost, so I'm building a database of best freeware apps and games. You can contribute, the page is in both czech and english language.
I noticed you help to improve programs so I'm offering work-in-progress beta version. Any bugreport, suggestion or idea warmly welcomed.
I have difficulties to make CAB so please prefer ZIP instead After launching program I predefined two URLs, I recommend "...kraje-cr/" (list of counties in CZ), because it's very simple. The other (...psc/) is a list of all ZIP codes in CZ in very large data file.
After download the form and data file, a link to local file will apper in the MRUD list too, for further usage. You can access the "Open" interface by click to "Panel > Open".
I hope the program is simple and intuitive so you probably don't need a manual. If so, just let me know and I'll try to write one, in english.
Tested on: HP iPAQ 1940 (WM2003), HTC Touch Pro (WM6.1), WinXP SP3
It has much more features (however smugly it looks , I just wanted to wrote the "core".
Please comment and write feedbacks. Thank you!
Super cool!
Super cool project! I have a similar one going called GSlide (www.GSlide.mobi).
My framework is based around the concept that components (be it remote servers, exe files or system services) communicate using a call/callback pattern. It uses JSON for object state and xml-rpc for method calls.
Maybe we can come up with something cool together? As i have the finger friendly GUI
I must say that its been very hard to find people who are interested in these kind of projects on this forum...
Hi! GSlide is really an Eye-Candy, what's my biggest concerns about QetriX, which looks so old-school! However my approach is much more for data management where nice GUI is not required, but people likes it so it's half of success...
Do you have more screenshots of it's implementations? I'm gathering inspiration Piano looks great!
And I didn't know the editor, thanks I'll add it to my list of "Best Freeware".
Hi again,
My original concept was actually that any form of structured data can be iterated through lists. I think we have the same basic idea here. A generic finger friendly GUI for any kind of data format.
I will try your app today

Does Opera 9.7 compress images?

Is it my imagination, or does the default Opera installation compress pictures even when turbo mode is switched off in the opera:config settings? If so, is there any way to stop it doing it?
Shasarak said:
Is it my imagination, or does the default Opera installation compress pictures even when turbo mode is switched off in the opera:config settings? If so, is there any way to stop it doing it?
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It's not your imagination mate. This has bugged me for a long time. I can open a fullscreen image on my PC and it looks great, but on my device (whatever it is - not just HD2), a fullscreen image in Opera looks blocky and low res (well, not low - just too low for my liking).
I don't think an answer has been found for this yet. I'd love to know how to "fix" this.
The O2 proxy compresses images to reduce bandwidth
DMAND said:
The O2 proxy compresses images to reduce bandwidth
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They aren't compressed in IE - just Opera. Besides, it still does it when I use Wifi.
I'm not on O2 and this happens to me. It's not a problem if I access the internet on my laptop using my phone as a modem either.
DMAND said:
The O2 proxy compresses images to reduce bandwidth
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Its not that because images look the same on all networks and even Wifi.
Looking at this thread in Opera 9.7, Opera 10 beta, and IE they actually all look the same! My Bagpuss avatar looks really blocky. Maybe that's something to do with my network settings? I have a t-mobile branded phone, stock ROM.
Next time I'm near a WiFi hotspot I'll see if it makes any difference.
I was wondering, could this be at least partly to do with the scaling algorithm used for zooming?
Shasarak said:
I was wondering, could this be at least partly to do with the scaling algorithm used for zooming?
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I could believe that scaling would make the image look a bit crappy (very technical term there ), but with Opera it does look exactly like an image that's been reduced in size and then had its size increased again. Even a bad shrink of an image would look better than Opera does at 1/2 the image's full size.
I do hope this thread comes to some conclusion about this, unlike previous threads that have just disappeared. Fingers crossed!
Sorry I always thought it was just O2 alone
I agree that its to do with the crappy zooming in opera, as in IE zooming to 100% give a nice picture
In the interests of making sure we're all on the same wavelength, would someone like to post a link to an image which particularly exhibits the problem? If you are saying that (when browsing on an HD2) Pocket Internet Explorer makes the image look okay, but Opera 9.7 doesn't, then, again, could you link to an image which makes that difference especially clear?
For example, looking at this thread on my HD2, my avatar picture looks very blocky, but it looks equally blocky using PIE - it's only using a desktop PC browser that makes it look good. That could just be an oddity of this particular forum, I guess, or it could be that there's a problem with my network settings rather than with Opera.
Am I allowed to use links to images on photobucket.com? Given that the sole reason that site exists is to allow people to deep-link to it, hopefully that'll be okay.
My avatar as viewed in desktop Internet Explorer (on PC):
Desktop IE, 16-bit colour:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
As viewed in desktop IE at 200% zoom:
Desktop IE, 16-bit colour, 200% zoom:
As viewed in Opera on my HD2:
As viewed in Internet Explorer on my HD2:
Direct links in case the deep-linking gets me into trouble....
Desktop IE: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b30/nicolasb/avatar_samples/desktop_IE.png
Desktop IE, 16-bit colour: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b30/nicolasb/avatar_samples/16-bit-desktop-ie.png
Desktop IE zoomed: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b30/nicolasb/avatar_samples/desktop_ie_200_percent_zoom.png
Desktop IE, 200% zoom, 16-bit colour: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b30/nicolasb/avatar_samples/desktop_ie_16_bit_zoom.png
Pocket IE: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b30/nicolasb/avatar_samples/Pocket_IE.png
Opera 9.7 Mobile: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b30/nicolasb/avatar_samples/Opera.png
This is actually slightly worse than it appears on screen as I've used BSBTweaks to do the screenshots, and it takes screenshots in JPEG format. If someone can tell me an easy way to take HD2 screenshots in .bmp or .png format, I can redo them.
HD2 is rendering in 16bit, your PC is rendering at 32bit. Simple as that. Open the same webpage on the iPhone and you'll see (it renders in 32bit..).
MasterTP said:
HD2 is rendering in 16bit, your PC is rendering at 32bit. Simple as that. Open the same webpage on the iPhone and you'll see (it renders in 32bit..).
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Definitely not "as simple as that". I've edited my post above to include images captured from desktop IE with my PC running in 16-bit colour. You can see they're almost indistinguishable from the 32-bit versions. Certainly no signs of macro-blocking.
I thought it was a long established fact that operators throttle JPEG images to help save bandwidth.
I am pretty sure T-Mobile do. Try saving an image from either IE or Opera on your mobile device and then view it on your PC.
Now visit the same page (with the same pic) and save it directly from your PC and compare the two.
The one off your mobile device will look gash in comparison to the one form your PC as the Bagpuss pics have already shown.
Those who say they are having the same issue over WiFi, are you sure the images are not just cached?
Here's a test image which I made. To make this, I opened up the PNG version of my avatar picture (as captured from IE) then saved it as a JPEG file using a quality factor of 20%, then zoomed it 200% using the crudest form of scaling available (i.e. scaling without filtering). This looks not unlike what I'm seeing in Opera and PIE; the question is whether it's the browser that's doing it by itself, or the website.
The block-effect is caused by resampling as a JPEG with very low quality factor. You can see this isn't at all the same kind of artefact as you get simply by reducing the colour depth. It looks to me as though something is resampling the JPEG images when viewed on the HD2. This is what Opera Mobile is supposed to do in Turbo mode, but not when turbo is switched off.
Direct link: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b30/nicolasb/avatar_samples/desktop_IE_compressed_and_zoomed.jpg
EDIT: And yes, as Syphon Filter says, it could be T-Mobile doing this in my case. I don't have access to wifi at the moment so I can't see if that makes any difference.
Could we get some feedback from people using different carriers as to whether you're seeing the same thing?
Oh, that's interesting: browsing this thread on my HD2 again, and the re-sampling only happens on JPEG images, not PNG's.
EDIT: after clearing out my Opera cache and then connecting via ActiveSync rather than the phone's data connection, I'm now not seeing any compression artefacts on my avatar picture. So this is starting to look like it is T-mobile's fault (although I suppose it could still be Opera sensing whether it is downloading data over 3G or over ActiveSync and changing its behaviour accordingly - it's odd that it seems to make no difference whether I have turbo mode switched on or off in the preferences; but then again, as far as I know there isn't any turbo mode in IE, and I see compression there too).
Syphon Filter said:
Those who say they are having the same issue over WiFi, are you sure the images are not just cached?
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Yes mate - I've had this same issue with 3 winmo devices now (Touch Diamond, Touch HD & now the HD2).
Should have tried this before: directly saving the JPEG image from Opera rather than trying to use screenshots.
Here's the version that's displayed when browsing over ActiveSync:
And here's the one fetched over the data connection:
Direct links....
ActiveSync: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b30/nicolasb/bagpuss80.jpg
Data connection: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b30/nicolasb/bagpuss80_2.jpg
No question that there's some JPEG resampling going on.
Opera's risibly poor upscaling algorithm is making things even worse, though!
I am convinced this is an operator data connection issue, it may or may not be being compouned by the poor JPEG rendering/scalings issue of Opera.
Syphon Filter said:
I am convinced this is an operator data connection issue, it may or may not be being compouned by the poor JPEG rendering/scalings issue of Opera.
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I suspect you're right - the fact that the same thing happens in Opera and in IE is suggestive. I can't think how to test for this, though. The images don't get resampled in Skyfire, but that could easily be because T-Mobile doesn't recognise the traffic between Skyfire and the Skyfire server as a JPEG image.
If it is the carrier's fault, is there any way one could conceal from the carrier that one is fetching a JPEG?

Samsung Motion Photo Extractor

This is a program to extract the video and photo from a "Motion Photo" from the Samsung Galaxy s7 & s7 edge and save them as separate individual files on a PC.
Click the "Show Content" button to view the Original Photo, Extracted Photo and Extracted video.
Files are right side up on PC, the forum is displaying them rotated.
Original JPG 8.54 MB (8,961,799 bytes)
Extracted JPG 3.07 MB (3,227,486 bytes)
Extracted MPG 5.46 MB (5,734,313 bytes)
I will have a script out in the next week or so and will have a program out in a couple weeks or so.
Please hit the "Thanks!" button in the mean time if you are interested.
Original JPG 8.54 MB (8,961,799 bytes)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Extracted JPG 3.07 MB (3,227,486 bytes)
Extracted MPG 5.46 MB (5,734,313 bytes) Right click link and click "save as" to download
I might also working on a "Samsung Motion Photo Creator"
XDA:DevDB Information
Samsung Motion Photo Extractor, Tool/Utility for all devices (see above for details)
goofwear, goofwear
Here is the first public beta release, Beta 01 of the Samsung Motion Photo Extractor!
I have spent the entire week working on this and scraping some of it, to finally get a suitable release. Just run the Convert.bat file and follow the prompts. I will upload a video later. I have spent a lot of time working on this, this past week.
Yes you can manually do this is 10 seconds with a hex editor by opening your original Photo and searching for MotionPhoto_Data then select everything above MotionPhoto_Data and copy and paste it as a new file and save as a JPG. Do the same for the MPG BUT this time select every thing BELOW MotionPhoto_Data make sure for either one you are doing not to copy the MotionPhoto_Data text. Also the hex for the MotionPhoto_Data is 4D 6F 74 69 6F 6E 50 68 6F 74 6F 5F 44 61 74 61.
Technically the JPG ends at ÿÙ or FF D9 so the ÿÙ SHOULD be included too.
Technically You really want to delete all this "........Image_UTC_Data1458170015363SEFHe...........#...#.......SEFT..0.....MotionPhoto_Data"
But if you leave all this "........Image_UTC_Data1458170015363SEFHe...........#...#.......SEFT..0.....MotionPhoto_Data" in the end of the JPG you can easily merge them back together and have the display and play on your phone
PLEASE link back to either the XDA forum thread or you my use my direct link below
Fixed link https://goofwear.com/android/downloads/programs/Samsung_Motion_Photo_Extractor_Beta01.zip
Original Link http://goofwear.com/android/index.php?dir=programs/&file=Samsung_Motion_Photo_Extractor_Beta01.zip
this will allow me to keep track of how may times this has been Downloaded
How to use videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvJURb1BvDU
Thank you .
Please enjoy and let me know what you think
p.s. there is a read file in the zip
CRC32 038df607
MD5 1c82d73e0a474eafc49c1cb88e4f7e43
SHA-1 d026454ce0956c30d267f7961a47c29428e5779b
Correction They are MP4 Videos ...ftypmp42... MP4v2 http://www.mp4ra.org/specs.html#MP4V2
Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: 0.1
Created 2016-03-19
Last Updated 2016-03-18
Brilliant, thank you! Would be happy to pay for a good working version of this, and also happy to beta test if you need it.
Really looking forward to this.
I have some nice little action shots.
I could upload a video on how to manually do this in under 10 seconds using only 1 program but would rather wait until I have a suitable "easy to use for every one" program to release. I.E. (fully automated) One click only
I already have a working version but its uses a couple programs and needs user intervention and is only partially automated.
goofwear said:
I could upload a video on how to manually do this in under 10 seconds using only 1 program but would rather wait until I have a suitable "easy to use for every one" program to release. I.E. (fully automated) One click only
I already have a working version but its uses a couple programs and needs user intervention and is only partially automated.
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I would love one!
In the mean time if any one wants me to extract "some" photos and videos you can pm me your files. Sorry the program is taking a little longer then I had expected.
I’m also really curious how these mpg files stored within the jpg container. Any hints?
h.nocturna said:
I’m also really curious how these mpg files stored within the jpg container. Any hints?
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Kind of, I will tell how as soon as I have a proper release.
okay here is one really small hint /b
and I am not talking about the "Rules Of The Internet
In case anyone can't wait, the mpg file is simply appended at the end of the jpg file. To split them, open the file in any hex editor, search for "motion" and find the line "MotionPhoto_Data". Save everything after this as a new file to get the mpg, and everything before to get the jpg.
kitashimakaze said:
In case anyone can't wait, the mpg file is simply appended at the end of the jpg file. To split them, open the file in any hex editor, search for "motion" and find the line "MotionPhoto_Data". Save everything after this as a new file to get the mpg, and everything before to get the jpg.
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I guessed that would be the case seeing as every other app can open the jpg just fine. But I never followed through with a hex editor. One day when I’m better at programming, I’m thinking about making an app that will extract the mpg and convert it to a gif file so it can be easily shared.
Looking forward to your progress!
I knocked together a ruby script to extract mine, iv just posted it to github for anyone who wants it.
automattech said:
I knocked together a ruby script to extract mine, iv just posted it to github for anyone who wants it.
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Awesome! Thanks! I’ll check it out!
automattech said:
I knocked together a ruby script to extract mine, iv just posted it to github for anyone who wants it.
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@kitashimakaze yes you are right But you want to search for "MotionPhoto_Data" and the above hex will be the photo and everything below MotionPhoto_Data will be the mpeg. technically the jpg ends at the last 2 characters being ÿÙ and the mpeg starts with "....ftypmp42" As I said earlier I was going to Properly Explain all of this and in detail as soon as I had some thingy easy for the everyday user.
@automattech Thank you I will take a look at this
goofwear said:
@automattech Thank you I will take a look at this
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No worries, are you thinking about making an android app? Id love to be able to share them as gifs from my phone.
I would love to I have programmed in C# aka C Sharp , but I have not programmed for android. Ideally I would love to make and android app.
I have just release the public beta version 01. Please see the 1st post on page one for the update and link.
Please click the thanks button on the first post and leave a comment.
@xda -developers @xdadevelopers @AdamOutler can you tell me what you guys think too. Thank you very much
Sorry I must be stupid but I cannot get it to work. I'll have to await your simpler version.
fabianfred said:
Sorry I must be stupid but I cannot get it to work. I'll have to await your simpler version.
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I have just uploaded a how to video on the first post, it is at the bottom , Please watch it in HD 720 and try again. It is actually REALLY EASY to use.
1). Double click convert.bat drop and drag photo into the hex converter and let got, then press ok.
2). wait untill notepadd plus plus open and Select all the text (best way is hold ctrl and press a) this makes sure you get it all. then close the notepad.
3). In HXD click new and then ok then Hold ctrl v to paste all then click file save and as it as a .jpg Repeat steps to save your video & ave as mpg.
Please let me know if this works for you. I have also spent a lot of time to try and make this as simple as possible for every one and automate as much as I could.
This is basically just copy and pasting from one window to another and clicking save (using keyboard short cuts)
h.nocturna said:
I’m also really curious how these mpg files stored within the jpg container. Any hints?
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The phone saves the Video to the end of the file and it adds a little bit of meta data at the end of the Jpg file and before the mpg file
is essence it is almost exactly the same as this.
"Appending Binary Files Using the COPY Command"
copy /b <source1> + <source2> [....] <targetfile>
normally when extracting the image and video you would delete this meta data but in the program I released I have chosen to leave it at the end of the JPG so you can easy merge them back into 1 file and have it work again as a motion photo on your cell phone. I have mentioned how this is done in the first post in a little more detail.
Sorry for not telling you guys earlier. I wanted to have something to release to show it could be done and before some one else took my idea and beat me to the punch.
Most people do not publicly mention projects they are working on until they have something. I was a little excited and wanted to let people know ahead of the time that I was working on a project.

