Help with Forced VGA - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi all,
I'm having problems getting any program to run in true VGA mode. I have read every article on SE VGA and true VGA and forced VGA but I think I'm still missing something. Either I don't understand what forced VGA really does or I just cannot get it to work. From what I understand is that the HTC Universal runs standard in se VGA mode which does the pixel doubling so you still get the same amount of space but it looks alot sharper. Now you also have true VGA mode which lets you run everything on your Universal in VGA mode without pixel doubling which means you have lots of space but everything looks very small. For this you have to use SE VGA or OzVGA. Now there is also a third mode which is Forced VGA and if I understand correctly it let's you get the best of both worlds cause it allows you to run in normal mode (se VGA with pixel doubling) but you can force some programs to run in true VGA mode.
Well I tried getting some programs to run in the third mode (forced VGA) with Tweaks2k2.Net and the Force High Resolution v1.60 tool from Mad Programmer but neither one works or I'm not doing something right.
If I use forced VGA mode am I not suppose to see the programs run in true 640 by 480 at 96 DPI without pixel doubling while the rest of the system runs on normal se VGA mode with pixel doubling?
I really hope someone can help me out here and explain this to me or just send me in the right direction.

I think your description sounds correct. Have a look here:
This pic best describes the ideal hack - QVGA double pixeled UI, but with VGA apps.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Technically it's perfectly possible with all apps, if they've been written correctly. However, I've only ever seen it done with NetFront. I'm sure more examples exist.

Yes that is exactly what I'm looking for.
So the program has to be written a certain way for us to be able to see it like that?
I thought that this could also be achieved with the Forced VGA hack.
I guess not then?
I wonder why developers don't make their programs this way.
Why couldn't they give you the option of choosing in what resolution a user might want to run the program in.

It's likely to become more common once VGA devices start becoming more established. Basically, PIE is written to ALWAYS pixel double. Most other apps could be forced, but I've not really looked into it. I always and only run in VGA on my universal. But I use a magician as my phone, Uni is just for developing!

Ah I see.
You say you use universal only for developing. Now if you were to use it all the time as your main phone, would you still always run in true VGA?
Btw, VJSihaya looks very nice. I will be keeping my eye on it.
Is VJSihaya kind of like explorer.exe on WinXP which runs in VGA and in it you can run other programs or do you plan to make it a today screen replacement. I would rather not use it as a today screen replacement though. I think it would be much better if it runs separately from today screen because then you would still be able to have QVGA today screen and use your other programs in VGA or QVGA if you wanted to.

if you were to use it all the time as your main phone, would you still always run in true VGA?
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Depends on how it's set up. My Magician is my main phone, and I barely use it as a phone. I use calendar, contacts, ebooks etc.
On the Uni, I can set it up at VGA to be comfortable for most things, but this semi-VGA idea would be best. At VGA, you can set up large scrollbars, chunky fonts etc and have it set well for the hand. But I use my Uni right in front of my face most of the time, again, ebooks, watching "Frasier" in bed etc. So for that kind of stuff, VGA is fine. However, VGA all the time for "normal" use, and I'm sure you'll go blind.
Semi - VGA is clearly possible, the Netfront example shows it, and all it requires is for programmers to take it into consideration when programming. I'm sure it will become standard in time as an option.
VJSihaya will be like a "shell" replacement. Hopefully, it can "be" your Today screen, but it's not intended as a replacement for your Today screen, although if you look at the screenshots, it can contain your Today screen anyway. I've recently implemented Today screen functionality directly, so you don't need Today at all, but I don't advise it. It's not a replacement, just an alternative.
VJSihaya doesn't really have a "function". Most people intend their PDAs to be handheld: can you use it with a finger? VJSihaya is best at VGA resolution, and basically just makes good use of the extra space, but will tie you to the stylus quite a lot (although in time, there's no reason why you couldn't make a chunky finger powered skin. The Vista skin is quite finger friendly already). You can run an app in a QVGA size screen in VJSihaya - you can see an example of a QVGA sized app running unskinned in VJSihaya here.
VJSihaya won't pixel double it to fill a VGA screen. It will merely let you run a QVGA app at QVGA size on a VGA screen. The screenshot at the above link hopefully explains better!

Well thx for taking the time to explain this.
If I'm not mistaken Terminal Services also runs in Semi VGA.
Do you think VJSihaya will support Semi-VGA sometime in the future?
That would be pretty cool.
You could then have everything run in QVGA pixel doubling mode and only VJSihaya run in VGA. And then every program you run inside VJSihaya could either run in a QVGA window (as shown in some of the screenshots) or you could maximize the program and have it run in VGA. All this without having to softreset everytime.

VJSihaya windowed apps dynamically resize to fill their window, generally and depending on the app (eg for now, in the Vista screenshot, gsfinder isn't. But the other apps all are). But they don't do any kind of pixel doubling etc. Which apps were you thinking of as running in QVGA?
Ok, I'll clarify.
VJSihaya in the screenshots is running at 640x480.
If the Benchmark screenshot linked above, Flash is running at 320x240 - QVGA size, and takes 1/4 of the screen. That's VJSihaya's raison d'etre, to run apps windowed in that manner. Those apps can be dynamically resized, so eg the calendar can run in a small window (eg 150x150), or be enlarged to fill a whole 640x480 as required.
Oh. I think I just de-clarified myself! Are you're suggesting that the system is run at normal QVGA dpi, but make VJSihaya VGA native, so apps can run in the QVGA system pixel doubled, or otherwise live inside VJSihaya as resizable, potentially VGA windows? Even I barely understand that, but I think I know what I mean. I think. I'll try it out if I can.

Yes this is all getting a little bit confusing :lol: but I think you got what I meant in you last phrases.
Are you're suggesting that the system is run at normal QVGA dpi, but make VJSihaya VGA native, so apps can run in the QVGA system pixel doubled, or otherwise live inside VJSihaya as resizable, potentially VGA windows? Even I barely understand that, but I think I know what I mean. I think. I'll try it out if I can.
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Yes this is what I'm suggesting.
So to clarify.
You use your uni in normal QVGA pixel doubling mode.
You then use VJSihaya which runs in VGA 640 x 480 non pixel doubling mode (as it would run if you use OzVGA).
Then every program that you run inside VJSihaya would run in a windowed QVGA NON pixel doubling mode (as seen in your screenshots).
And since the programs inside VJSihaya already run without pixel doubling but in a QVGA window you would just maximize them to make them run fullscreen in VGA.
Pffewww..... :shock: :lol:
I don't know if this is feasible but it would be very cool since you don't have to use OzVGA anymore and softreset if you wanted to run an app in true VGA and then have to softreset back to use your uni in normal mode for everything else.

Yes, exactly what I thought I was thinking :shock:
I really don't know, I'll try to check out VJSihaya in a QVGA environment ASAP. It's not currently expressly hi res aware, because I always run in a hi res environment, but I'll incorporate the settings. I'm not optimistic, but it'd be interesting to see what happens...

I hope that you can get this to work. 8)
And if you do I would really like to know about it.
It doesn't have to be in this post but if you could mention it somewhere as a feature, maybe on your own site or a new post here at xda-devs.
Somewhere where I can check back and see if you managed to get it working. I really don't want to be one of those guys that keeps asking "when is it going to be implemented". :roll: I know that can be quite irritating.
And you don't have to feel pressured into doing this either. All of this was just an idea/request. I know you code in your free time.
Keep up the good work...

No problem. I was reading a bit more on hires_aware yesterday, and it would be a wonderful combination - general OS in QVGA, but apps running in VGA if required. But, I don't know if it can work, it would be magic - can the system jump from pixel doubling to hires_aware like this? I don't know, but I'll try it this weekend I hope.

vijay555 - for me that would be great - OS in QVGA and switching into VGA on the fly for IE. I am new to WM5 and can find no way of doing this (I used the .MUI hack in 2003SE on an iPAQ 4700 which was ideal). All I need (or want) is IE in VGA - I assume I'm reading this forum right and currently IE in VGA and everything else in QVGA is not sussed yet ?

Waltzing Mathilda: this is all absolutely hypothetical right now. I'll give it a go shortly though (once I stop posting!). However, it's likely PIE will always have to be in VGA for VGA.
Internet Explorer and HTML Controls
HTML layouts are an exception to the rule that all pixel coordinates should be scaled. On Windows Mobile-based Pocket PCs, Internet Explorer interprets pixel coordinates in HTML specifically as 96-DPI pixels. Although it is always best to use relative coordinates in HTML (defining a table column as 50% of the table width, for example), if you are currently using pixel metrics, they will continue to produce the same layout at higher DPI.
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However, it should be relatively easy to make a new browser based on the IE web browser control, which can be hires aware.

Hmm, bad news
Although you can see that VJSihaya is running in VGA, the native apps are still being run native QVGA.
Now, what this means: well, I think there is another way. It would require quite a significant hack, which I don't think is feasible, but I'm going to have to do part of it for VJSihaya anyway, so at some point I'll try investigate this hack as well. This would require making VJSihaya trick the OS into selectively using pixel doubling, and on other occassions not... not sure if it can happen... but if and when, it'll be quite a while until I can put that particular hack in place.

Guys, this might be obvious, but has anyone tried resource hacking PIE to include the Hi_res_aware resource?
I just tried, but unfortunately my rom ripped files won't allow me to edit the resources (a by-product of rom ripping?) and mamaich's rom tools haven't created contiguous files, just directories of files like S000 etc
Anyway, if we can get the files, we need to have a look at

That really is too bad. Maybe it can be done the way you suggested. Will keep my fingers crossed.

vijay555 said:
I think your description sounds correct. Have a look here:
This pic best describes the ideal hack - QVGA double pixeled UI, but with VGA apps.
Technically it's perfectly possible with all apps, if they've been written correctly. However, I've only ever seen it done with NetFront. I'm sure more examples exist. did u manage to RUN NF 3.1 on yr Uni.....
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hdubli: that's not my pic, if you follow the source of the image back you'll see the guy who posted the info. He explains how he hacked it like that. I think it just works... but I've never touched NF, so you'll have to take his word for it


SE_VGA/OzVGA on WM5/Universal?

Real VGA mode is something I really miss from my HX4700 and WM2003SE.
Does anyone know if the guys that made these apps are working on versions for WM5?
Any way to hack the OS directly in the mean time?
The universal is already VGA - why would you run real_vga on it?
I know the Universal as VGA. So is the HX4700.
I take it you've never seen SE_VGA real VGA mode on a VGA pocket PC device before then?
It stops the pixel doubling of images in IE and makes the scroll bars/task bar much smaller.
Some people hate it as they think it makes text etc. too small. Personally, I have 20:20 vision and love the extra destop real estate it gives.
se_vga rocks on the HX, most definately a must have on a VGA... I wouldn't bother with a VGA device without it, the extra money on the outlay is only really worth it if you get the extra space. Sure the standard VGA looks a little slicker, but se_vga makes use of the vga fully... I was hoping WM5 would support real VGA, I guess that answer is no then?
WM5's VGA support is pretty much the same as WM2003SE's. Everything looks nice but is all the same size as it would be on a QVGA screen.
sadly I have never owned a VGA PPC device
I tried a program to make my QVGA device VGA but it did something funky to my device so I removed it. This was back in WM2003 days with an iPaq 3870.
Can anyone recommend a VGA enabler for the BA ?
AdmiralAK said:
Can anyone recommend a VGA enabler for the BA ?
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Heh, yeah.
It's called an HTC Universal upgrade. Just a simple upgrade to do.
rilot said:
AdmiralAK said:
Can anyone recommend a VGA enabler for the BA ?
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Heh, yeah.
It's called an HTC Universal upgrade. Just a simple upgrade to do.
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Sadly I need GSM850
Here's a thread on everything VGA.
Good link. Thanks.
I now understand why my icons aren't displaying. Looks like I need some files from a QVGA version of WM5.
rilot said:
I know the Universal as VGA. So is the HX4700.
I take it you've never seen SE_VGA real VGA mode on a VGA pocket PC device before then?
It stops the pixel doubling of images in IE and makes the scroll bars/task bar much smaller.
Some people hate it as they think it makes text etc. too small. Personally, I have 20:20 vision and love the extra destop real estate it gives.
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I've installed this and took it away after a while. I would like to share my thoughts on product such as OzVGA.
Yes, the text is way way too small for me . I personally could not read them. The main application that I could use smaller icons and letters are internet pages. but I find that the default is already capable of displaying at a size that my eye would find too tiny. Therefore the need to make it even smaller is not there, for me.
Not only that, after installing it I had other problems including:
- My soft keyboard disappeared all together. Some other buttons within applications also have vanished. This is a serious problem. (don't know why and not techincal enough to solve the problem)
- Many icons disappeared.
- Some icons are bigger than the others
- Many applications now occupies only 1/4 of the screen, leaving 3/4 of blank space that could not be used for any other purpose whatsoever. For example, my co-pilot live vehicle navigation system now just sits in top left corner, making the screen look real ugly. Many other applications out there might be able to occupy the entire space but many won't. My music player is also another example that shrunk to 1/4 its nice original size leaving 3/4 unuseable blank space.
Although it is possible to revert to and from the original resolution, it requires soft resets. I like to have many applications open simultaneously. Internet, music, word, mail, msn chat, etc. I want some of them to use the real estate in a better way, but many I don't. It's unfortunate that I can't mix them (or perhaps there is a way that I don't know).
Would be nice if the above problems could be thoroughly thought through and resolved,
eaglesteve said:
I've installed this and took it away after a while. I would like to share my thoughts on product such as OzVGA.
Yes, the text is way way too small for me . I personally could not read them. The main application that I could use smaller icons and letters are internet pages. but I find that the default is already capable of displaying at a size that my eye would find too tiny. Therefore the need to make it even smaller is not there, for me.
Not only that, after installing it I had other problems including:
- My soft keyboard disappeared all together. Some other buttons within applications also have vanished. This is a serious problem. (don't know why and not techincal enough to solve the problem)
- Many icons disappeared.
- Some icons are bigger than the others
- Many applications now occupies only 1/4 of the screen, leaving 3/4 of blank space that could not be used for any other purpose whatsoever. For example, my co-pilot live vehicle navigation system now just sits in top left corner, making the screen look real ugly. Many other applications out there might be able to occupy the entire space but many won't. My music player is also another example that shrunk to 1/4 its nice original size leaving 3/4 unuseable blank space.
Although it is possible to revert to and from the original resolution, it requires soft resets. I like to have many applications open simultaneously. Internet, music, word, mail, msn chat, etc. I want some of them to use the real estate in a better way, but many I don't. It's unfortunate that I can't mix them (or perhaps there is a way that I don't know).
Would be nice if the above problems could be thoroughly thought through and resolved,
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I would like to give an update to this.
Instead of using ozVGA, which carries the above problem that I was not able to solve, I tried out another product called MvRTVGA. There seems to be quite a lot of improvement with the later product. No missing icons. Only a few minor annoyance due to bigger icons remaining. Almost all application (the only exception being my copilot pocket PC version 5) covers the entire screen rather than just 1/4 of it.
Overall, the balance of equation changes for me. The true VGA, without the problems that I initially experienced, does make the unit display a lot more attractive, and now I'm a convert.
What is Mvrtvga? Did a search on google and couldnt find anything
Thanks Matt

Back to real QVGA

My request will surprise many of you, but here is what I want. I am a developer of Flash based programs and I live a nightmare with all those VGA devices out there.
As they have to deal with 4 times the amount of pixels as their QVGA friends, they generally perform much slower in graphics.
While this is ok for office programs and other phone tools, they are totally unusable with Flash Graphics.
With my Toshiba e800, using SE_VGA, I managed to get back to true QVGA mode. This has brought back the graphic performance of the device.
SE_VGA won't work on WM5 (it could not even reverse back to QVGA on the e830 under WM2003SE), but can OZVGA do that ?
If not, does someone know how to hack the system, so it can work that way.
Many thanks for your help.
Sorry, I forgot to explain the "real QVGA mode".
Right now, the VGA devices like the Universal show a QVGA screen. They only use the VGA mode for smaller fonts and a few other things.
This screen mode is neither a real VGA nor a real QVGA. It is actually set as VGA in the OS, but it makes sure all the interface reamains as visible as in a QVGA mode.
Now, most of you want to access the Real VGA mode as it displays more stuff, but I want the RealQVGA mode for the reasons I explained above.
The reason why those devises are so slow, is that the OS must quadruple each pixels as it displays content. This is an enormous task and there no chance that it could achieve acceptable Flash animations this way.
So I am looking for a great hacker that could do this.
minimac: although the devices are slow, I don't think it's just pixel doubling that's the cause. I'm sure it's more memory issues then screen interface - my alpha app VJSihaya uses quite a lot of relatively extreme video processing compared to normal use of GWES, but it works at a perfectly good speed.
However, I agree with you, a non pixel doubled display would be faster for you, cutting out the extra processing. However, isn't that the problem? The Universal's VGA screen is 640x480, so the hardware wants to show 640x480. If you want QVGA, the info must either be quadrupled, or just sit in 1/4 of the screen.
I think options may be either playing with the DPI settings as was hacked with OZVGA etc, to force a qvga resolution, or alternatively write a hacked display driver to provide native QVGA (equivalent to Nydiot's software). But as I said, I think that will just force the display to sit in one corner of the 640x480 screen.
Thanks Vijay for this answer.
This is not reassuring. I am going to try different things. I just wish this was set into the display settings, letting the users decide what they want:
- Real VGA,
- Real QVGA
- or Improved QVGA as it is now.
I mean the universal performs 225 at the benchmarks graphics index where we have seen devices reach 4500 points.
This is just too slow.
Very true. But as I said, VJSihaya windows move around with almost no lag or screendraw issues, (they're slightly slower on the Magician, but the processor is also slower I guess). So I think the graphics processor isn't bad, but certainly not great. I'd kill for an Axim 51v with a phone built in. I was >this< close to going for the Axim and sidestepping the HTCs altogether. No XDA Devs for me then, eh?
I wonder if running flash in a VJSihaya window at QVGA size would improve matters for you... that way, you get the benefits of VGA - ie big screen, plus your flash running at QVGA size. However, I don't know whether the flash issue is crippled by the pixel doubling or the infrastructure of the Universal. But if the flash app is well written to resize appropriately, it'll run lovely jubbly in VJSihaya. What flash app are you running? PM me some links and a demo flash and I'll test it out if you want.
Funy VJ, that you mention the X51v, because I got hold of one once and tried Flash Apps with Videos on them. It turned out that despite its graphic chip, the X51v was very slow. Barelly usable, in fact. This was confirmed by the graphic benchmarks from PPC review sites.
I have a very basic Flash Movie that I run on devices to compare their performances.
Right-click "Save Target as"
Eventhough it is not very sofisticated, it is a real life test.
So, this is a rather large video file of exactly 2 minutes and 3 secondes. I made it, so Flash is obliged to play every single frame of the movie without skipping any and obviously, this takes more time on certain systems than others. So here are a few benches.
- 2 min 12 secs on a 3GHZ intel P4 PC
- 3 min 08 secs On a 520MHZ HP H2490 with WM5
- 3 min 26 secs on a 624MHZ AXIM X30 with WM2003SE
- 4 min 24 secs on a 416MHZ AXIM X51 with WM5
As you can see, the HP is working really well compared to the Axim X30, eventhough the AXIM has a 624MHZ processor and uses WM2003SE which is supposed to be faster than WM5.
I would be very interested to know the benchmark on the Universal without VJSIHAYA and then with it.
Thanks VJ
minimac: send me the flash over, and a link to, or the flashplayer used, and I'll give it a go in VJSihaya. Does screen size make a difference you think?
Yup, 51v is a beauty internally, but obviously there are only about 3 apps that use the hardware acceleration. But those three, wow. Made my mouth water to see them. Reminds me of kkrieger.
Hi VJ,
Either you live in New Zealand, or you are working late like me.
I changed the link, so now it works.
Try it again.
The app contains the Flash Player installer, so just follow the steps.
I'm dying to know how well it performs.
I am going to bed now.
Today was a 16 hours working day.
Time to get some sleep.
I'll see your post tomorrow
Thank you again VJ
I'm a very very late sleeper. Only way I can get any programming done!
Installing now.
Same here vijay. Although I'm falling asleep at my desk right now...
minimac: interesting results. I didn't use all of VJSihaya, just a simple non skinned VJSihaya to capture the benchmarker. I hope I did this right, but using a 320x240 window, I got 2mins 30 seconds on a landscape normal clocked Universal. It runs very smoothly the smaller you resize obviously, and at fullscreen it's horrible! But 320x240, seemed ok...
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
PS time for bed for everyone, surely!
4h45 in the morning and still !
Thank you Vijay for your time. I am really impressed.
Now, 2'30" is an impressive achievment. I need to get hold of this VJSihaya software and get a Universal ASAP.
How do I get your software VJ ?
Question: When you mention "using a 320x240 window", does this means that the actual movie was showing up in 1/4 of the screen (VGA mode), or you managed to make it run on a full screen at 320x240 (QVGA) ?
How did it perform without VJSihaya ?
If there is no way to play it full screen at normal speed, would you be able to alter the driver Vijay ?
I tried before to change the registry values of the screen on a HP Hx4700, but it wouldn't work. I am not a real programmer, so I did not want to investigate further, but this whole performance issue is really getting me frustrated as I cannot take full advantage of these new devices.
Really, we need to make something that works.
Thank you again Vijay for your time to answer my questions.
Minimac, without VJSihaya, the flash player obviously tries to fill the whole screen, and is hideous, you can see every frame render. This took 6mins 30 seconds!
Obviously as you know, the Uni is VGA, so when I'm playing it at VGA, as you can see in the screenshot, it's taking up one quarter of the screen. As I said, you can actively resize the player with VJSihaya, so I can choose any screen size. As I go smaller, it plays smoother.
I have just retested it, because I was worried that perhaps I'd gone digitally dyslexic and miscounted, but 2 mins 32 seconds on second go. It's worth noting this is without being on power, since I believe that the Uni only runs at it's full speed when on power or overclocked.
VJSihaya is unforunately unreleased, and is likely to stay that way for quite a while due to the development still to go into it. Remember, VJSihaya is basically a hack I'm making to re-implement windows into the OS, to drag windows around, resize them etc. This isn't at a driver level!
However, you could make a new screen driver if you wish, but I think, as discussed above, that displaying QVGA on a VGA screen will always either require pixel doubling or running in a quarter (VGA) screen. I believe that VJSihaya and related techniques are only likely to be a convenient hack, rather than a solution, since you will be running your flash in a quarter screen (as in the screenshot!). However, if this is what you need, i can probably knock together a stand alone hack to achieve this (giving you selectable sizes for the flash player).
I would imagine that the flash player already provides some capability to specify playback size? If not, I'm sure you can knock together a few lines of html to play the flash in a webpage, and you can of course specify the player's size there. This may be the most convenient solution, although obviously there you're carrying the overhead of a browser as well.
Unfortunately I'm not a real programmer either, so developing a driver etc is not really my field. But as I said above, I think running QVGA on VGA hardware is always going to either require pixel doubling, or running at a quarter of the screen, as in my screenshot. I'm not in a position to test benchmark on the Uni at QVGA, since I don't like switching between VGA <> QVGA, because it's so hard to get the VGA hack right in the first place!
Can someone else please play the benchmark app at QVGA, on a landscape non charging Uni?
Minimac - why do you want a Uni if you know that the VGA/QVGA implementation is slow?
What exactly did you do to your Toshiba to get back true QVGA? That would be interesting to see, and might be a good solution if we can get it to work on WM5.
I want a universal because it is gorgeous, and because it is very business orientated.
It also has a 3.6" screen, slightly larger than the 3.5" screens you find anywhere else.
When you say "standalone" hack, does this means that by pressing an .exe icon in the program menu under the factory QVGA mode, I could start VJSihaya and run my Flash App resized into 640x480, so it would actually be transparent to the user who would beleive this is a full screen app ? But then, running at 640x480, like you said, I would get back to slow motion mode.
Please let me know because I'm interested in a hack that could play my Flash Apps at normal speed in full screen.
minimac: Hmm, that's the big problem of course.
No, I don't know how you're going to play fullscreen at 640x480 smoothly. It's terrible right now. Has anyone else benchmarked at QVGA yet?
You might want to write to Nydiot and a couple of others. On Wm2003 they had software to change resolution on the fly. I don't know if they're updating to Wm5, but it'd be useful to you.
PM or post about what you did to your Tosh to get QVGA and we'll see why it's not possible for WM5.
Re Uni - have you seen the new Acer? Man, I'd sell my body to get one of those. I'd have to sell it many times I'd imagine.
Well, the story on the e800 is really specific. This was the first ever PPC to sport a VGA screen. At the time (WM2003), the OS did not support such resolutions, so Toshiba developped an application that made the switch. Unfortunetely, you found yourself with more or less 2 Pocket PC in one as the VGA mode did not actually display your today screen and preferences as they were in QVGA. However, when you reversed back to QVGA, you got a normal PPC. Not the fastest, but good enough.
So then came SE_VGA. This was an app that let you switch very easilly (just a soft reset at each switch) between the 3 modes (VGA, QVGA and FalseQVGA).
Finally came WM2003SE that supported the VGA screens. Toshiba released its e830, a PXA270 520MHZ device with the same FalseQVGA/FalseVGA crap mode from Microsoft used in all the other new VGA devices.
To make matters worst, SE_VGA does not allow on these devices the "reverse back to real QVGA" mode it had in the previous OS.
As for the new Acer, I agree, it is gorgeous, but for me, the same problem remains.
So I am stuck.
Who is Nydiot ?
Do you think I should start a new post on "Could someone get me a hack to reverse to real QVGA ?"
Thanks Vijay again
Sorry, I never get their name correct:
You can try posting again, or hopefully anyone reading this thread will follow, yes, you need to get proper QVGA back.
You might find it useful to read this article:
I'll keep experimenting.
minimac: I've had a thought. You might want to investigate the hires_aware hack. Not sure if it will have any effect, but it might.
What is that ?

Easiest Way to VGA

Can someone please explain the easiest way to get VGA resolution on my XDA Exec? Am I right in assuming that although the screen has a 640x480 resolution, they use pixel doubling to negate it and it actually runs at the same resolution as my Dell Axim X5 (320x240)?
Is there a simple registry hack that disables this, or do I have to botch around installing a hack and then trying to botch all my apps to run in the new resoluition? Does anyone know if TomTom5 works in VGA mode?
I'm sure this has been covered already, but some of the topics are 13+ pages and date back quite a bit, and the site is a tad slow to trawl through lots of postings and searching for VGA brings up hundreds of topics.
Thanks in advance for your helps folks.
This is the best thread - there is a ZIP file on page one that I dobwloaded and it contains all the instructions to get things working
this is the post I didn't particularly want to have to trawl through, as it's 13 pages long and really slow to switch pages.
TheFair - as noted above, there is a zip containing instructions. You don't have to read all 13 pages, although it's useful background reading - we didn't write all 13 pages just for fun .
I had to do VGA again yesterday, for the first time in a long time, and it's very simple. Basically:
Unzip, copy files to windows, click ozvga, reset.
OK, thanks Vijay. Will I need to install your Bigphone application and replace other system apps once done? Also, any idea if TTN5 works in VGA mode? As my XDA is used primarily as a SatNav, I'll stick with QXGA if it's not going to work properly.
thefair1973: VJBigPhone can be used to make the phone app usable again, (I don't use my Uni as a phone, so I don't use it ) Replacing system apps etc is optional, but obviously helpful if you use the apps effected.
No idea about TTN5, but it's basically one click to revert to QVGA, so I'd do a backup and just give it a go if I were you!
great, thanks very much for your help Vijay.
I use TTN5 and VGA. TTN appears to drive the screen directly, so you don't get any extra resolution, but it works fine
I use TTN5 and VGA. TTN appears to drive the screen directly, so you don't get any extra resolution, but it works fine
Is VGA in Universal already perfected? Which applications are still not showing right upon application of this hack?
Just finished reading the VGA thread. I have a headache now. One important question though, I am using the latest JASJAR ROM, would OZVGA work on this new ROM?
Yes, I did it yesterday with no probs.
vijay555 said:
Yes, I did it yesterday with no probs.
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Thanks Vijay! I just performed a hard reset, so I am ready to try something new. I downloaded the file compliled by Khashim I believe, I'll check if I got his name right. Which one did you use? Is it the file from Carnivor or Khashim? (Yes it is Khashim.)
I think originally I used Carnivor's, but frankly, I had an old set of files that had been sitting on my SD card for some time (I've posted the zip in that thread as well, towards the end).
However, I don't think there's a big difference. Use the one that sounds positive. It's easy to copy over new files if required. But you should only need to fiddle with it if you see problems in some of your apps. I don't use many apps, but I don't see any problems.
I tried. It does look wonderful for browsing using PIE. But I do agree that the font are too small. I also tried VJBigPhone and it did made the buttons larger, but the bottom part has a different color. Did I miss something about the skin?
Comm Manager has the same problem about the skin on the bottom part.
I love how ozVGA changes PIE, but weighing the benefits on other applications I use, I decided it is not for me at the moment. I hope someday someone can implement an application to run a specific application on VGA mode selectively and not implement it on the whole device. Thanks for the responses.
cktlcmd said:
I love how ozVGA changes PIE, but weighing the benefits on other applications I use, I decided it is not for me at the moment. I hope someday someone can implement an application to run a specific application on VGA mode selectively and not implement it on the whole device. Thanks for the responses.
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try tweaks 2k2 vga brute force
cktlcmd: there is a background fix for the phone on my webpage and in the VJBigPhone thread. I haven't looked at the comm manager fix yet.
Waiting for a more selective pixel doubling patch may take a while or be futile. I think it's possible but I've not had time to implement my own hack yet.
I've done the VGA hack & overall its a major improvement.
The size of toolbars & the fact that some fonts are too small is a nause, same as the programs that don't display properly. But its SOOO good to see so much text on the screen.
To be honest, if it doesn't really run at 640x480, is it not a case of false advertisment? Just a thought.
xyon: it is running at VGA (640x480), but just making everything sharper and emulating 320x240. I asked an Orange spokesman once and he said they were going for "quality over quantity". I suspect they just didn't know how bloody persistent haxxors could be
I prefer 640x480, but it does make day to day usage inconvenient. Perhaps all apps will eventually have native 640x480 support. But given how many years it took to go back to square screen support, I'm not very hopeful!

Yrgo - the new mobile shell, move things about - add gadgets etc.

yrgo - the most customizable user interface
my name is Lukas Haraga and I've developed new user interface for Windows Mobile devices. I believe this product can be interesting for lot of people.
Check and see the presentation video there. Believe me - you will like it .
it looks very solid, its a shame that you have to pay for it though.
Keep working on the graphical flashiness of it, and do you have any numbers on memory usage (storage and program)
Memory consumption
In storage, it takes about 2.3MB, but there are two dlls - one for 320x240 (about 750kB) and one for 640x480 displays (about 1.1 MB). You can of course delete one of them after the installation.
The memory consumption: Task manager shows 180kB after the start (without any gadget on desktop) and it grows depending on number of gadgets, contacts, SMS messages, etc.
this is so awesome!! and really desktop grade software for windows mobile
congrats on a really great tool.
its great to see that it supports adding other today plugins as gadgets to yrgo!
folks, do have a look, its wicked awesome! (and yes, don't miss the design mode in video!)
Thanks. I'm glad you like it.
Guys, can you help me with my problem? I believe the software could be useful for lot of people. But almost nobody knows it.
So, how to make yrgo the most famous UI software in the world?
Thanks for advices.
2daysoft said:
Guys, can you help me with my problem? I believe the software could be useful for lot of people. But almost nobody knows it.
So, how to make yrgo the most famous UI software in the world?
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Really cool software. Have you considered linking with websites like Handango where people can buy yrgo??
That's a good way to promote your product, IMO...
The Reaper said:
Really cool software. Have you considered linking with websites like Handango where people can buy yrgo??
That's a good way to promote your product, IMO...
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Handango wants 70% of the product price and this is too much for me. Imagine, the software price is $10 and you will get just $3.
But I'm going to release a free version with limited functionality and this version I'd like to have on handango and such servers.
Thanks for advice.
i think you have to change the name of your
yrgo- yoghurt
something more exotic
Only my opinion.
I just installed it though, and thus far it's quite good, going to play around and see if it works out. Design mode is definitely something I am for, as I hate editing XML files to change the smallest thing.
Custom clocks
Custom fonts/images
I played with it a bit and it works fine on a 96dpi i780 in 320x320.
but i removed it quickly, because it doesnt support the hardware keyboard. when i start typing, i would like to go to the yrgo contacts list that starts filtering, like the built in dialer does from the today screen.
other than that it looks promising. very.
feature requests:
start searching contacts when you start typing on the hardware keyboard
support keyboard shortcuts. user customizable, so that when i add gadget to launch something, or to open my sms inbox, make it so that we can assign hardware keyboard shortcuts like "win+s" for the sms inbox, etc.
this is definitely a very promising UI program - runs quite smooth on my HTC Trinity, where other programs like throttle launcher are sluggish.
I'll post it in the Development and Hacking forum, because it certainly needs more work and improvements, especially graphics, and the gurus are always there
Is is customizable? Can u skin it easily??
Here is the thread I started on the Development and Hacking forum:
Best luck with it
[New UI software] 2daysoft yrgo - very promising.
Hi everyone.
The trend of finger-friendly UI programs is known to all of us now, every week we hear about a new program like Lifetoday and others.
I stumbled upon a new and rather promising program called yrgo from 2daysoft
I advise you to check the video in the homepage.
The programs has incredible potential IMHO - I would describe it as similar to UltimateLauncher , but less memory consuming, more finger friendly, and most of all - the extreme ease of configuring it through the design mode.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Obviously, there's lots of room for improvement, so I'm posting this thread for feedback and possible customization by the forum gurus in here
1) low memory consumption - this is the main +, on my HTC Trinity it takes less than 1 MB, compared to the several MBs other UI take.
2) works very smooth even on my HTC trinity.
3) The ability to add ANY today plugin to the UI - which is an awesome feature.
4) customization is very easy
Cons and suggestions:
1) Full screen mode, since it basically replaces the taskbar.
2) Customization I don't know if it is easy to customize and whether there is a possibility for themes etc. This program definitely needs work on its design to compete with SPB mobile shell and ThrottleLaunhcer
3) Better design of the contacts page.
For now, It doesn't really replace the stability and extreme customizaation of ultimate Launcher, but it's very promising.
i just tested it. some comments:
-no fullscreen,
-my screen flickers when a new page or something is drawn.
- not skinnable in any way, you can´t event change the wallpaper !
- doesnt work with Thumbcal.
- contacts scrollist flickers and is slow. they should take a look at pocketcm.
The look and feel overall isn´t my world, but thanks for posting. i
KamaL said:
this is definitely a very promising UI program - runs quite smooth on my HTC Trinity, where other programs like throttle launcher are sluggish.
I'll post it in the Development and Hacking forum, because it certainly needs more work and improvements, especially graphics, and the gurus are always there
Is is customizable? Can u skin it easily??
Here is the thread I started on the Development and Hacking forum:
Best luck with it
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Thank you, KamaL,
it is nice to see that people like the software. I'm surprised how amazed are all of you .
At this moment, you just can change the color of the desktop. There is lot of work on the software and I'd like to spend as much time as I can on developing, but I also have to promote it and do some marketing.
I will implement background desktop images soon. I also would like to implement complete skinning ability, but it takes time.
The more people like it and want it the more motivation I have .
Not bad, I think it will be good for those who would like to skin there own app. Just drag and place where you want. The bad is it is not that skinable meaning changing icons etc.
Seems like low memory usage, I notice some flicker in some screens as well. The good is you can access all phone functions with finger. No need for stylus. The scroll while not as good as others is better than using a stylus. No way to configure Menus.
For people looking for a software which is normally not supported by non standard screen resolutions this can be a option. I modified and set it up on my i780 320x320 screen in about 10 min or less.
Will keep my eye on it, but not sure if I would want to buy it just yet. Will wait to see what changes they will offer in the future development.
I tested it also :
- no fullscreen
- no calendar...for a today use...not so good
- no possibility to use third applications as link from today yrgo plugin
- no SMS threading like in pocketCM
- no help to understand way of working (multi desktop ?)
- not so fast
- very good design mode to change
bluemetalaxe said:
i just tested it. some comments:
-my screen flickers when a new page or something is drawn.
- doesnt work with Thumbcal.
- contacts scrollist flickers and is slow. they should take a look at pocketcm.
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Strange, I notice only a minor flicker while getting to te different menus, and nothing more.
also the contacts page is very smooth for me. my only complaint is the font size used - not the best one imo.
aragorn21 said:
I tested it also :
- no help to understand way of working (multi desktop ?)
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Hehe, I also had problems with this - simply use the DPAD left/right buttons to bowse through the 4 desktops.
I agree with all other suggestions - customization and use of 3rd party programs like thumbal is a MUST.
2daysoft said:
Thank you, KamaL,
it is nice to see that people like the software. I'm surprised how amazed are all of you .
At this moment, you just can change the color of the desktop. There is lot of work on the software and I'd like to spend as much time as I can on developing, but I also have to promote it and do some marketing.
I will implement background desktop images soon. I also would like to implement complete skinning ability, but it takes time.
The more people like it and want it the more motivation I have .
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You're welcome.
As I said, check the thread I started in the Development and Hacking forum. Some experienced members already tested it and aready posted their quick reviews as I did. I suggest you keep an eye on that thread
Consider checking all major finger-friendly appz out there, especially PocketCm for optimizing your contacts and SMS gadgets, and UltimateLauncher and SPB mobile Shell for overall usage. If you can find a combination of all those programs' features while keeping the memory usage so low, I guess you'll get many good reviews. For now - there's lots of work to be done, and the members of this board are always ready to give feedback.
Good luck;
I think your no1 priority is to make it fully skinnable. If it's skinnable, people will make skins for it and release it here, and there's no doubt that many people will consider buying your software!
I saw the video, it looks nice, but for me personally there's no chance to even try it unless I can skin it
I have a nice name for it
It sounds kinda nice and mysterious in my opinion
Just a suggestion


Thread being locked
Progress on this project has almost completely stalled and further progress has been near impossible over the chatter from non developers. I do not wish to go much further into this, but if there is any further development it will be through other communications systems other than and releases will not be available to non developers untill code is complete.
Leaving this thread open is waste of all of the developers involveds time. if you have the cab and need any answers they ARE within this thread.
MOD EDIT: For historical Purposes I have edit this thread to preserve it's historical context.
POWER DOWN DOES NOT WORK while TF3d IS LOADED. There is no fix for this, just a work around. read the rest of this first post for answers
SOFTWARE DRIVERS CAUSE WHITE SQUARES - this is due to the lack of ATI texture support - there is no fix, its by design
KS20, POLARIS, NIKE, KAISER, Imate ultimate 8502.
Things you need to know before you continue:
You need WORKING OpenGL ES drivers. these can be software or hardware based, hardware being a lot faster. Omnia3D drivers WILL NOT HELP since they are Direct3D not OpenGL.
Software Drivers (best for old devices but cause white squares): (not the best - looking for better - These drivers will give you functionality but not perfect rendering)
Kaiser/Polaris/Nike Drivers:
IT IS NOT FINISHED - it is not ready for a day to day phone. dont expect to be able to use your phone properly while it is enabled. Soft resets will be needed often while it is enabled. Use the Today/Items control panel to disable it when you are not testing.
Its CPU & resource intensive. Its got high system specs, higher than most pre-kaiser era phone can handle easily, takes an age to install or uninstall and will slow most phones down to a crawl. It also is a huge battery drain and due to the power bugs its almost impossible to even charge the phone while its enabled.
If you find your phone a bit sluggish without TF3D, its probably not worth installing.
Update 12: Direct from Chainfire:
Third release
Here's the third public release. This is pretty much a maintenance release, wrapping some stuff up, nothing really new. See the changelog.
- Graphics Fixed dotted line image (white dot top-left of the text on the home tab) (EDIT: Read fixed == removed!)
- Graphics Fixed incorrectly scaled globe on the internet tab (looks much better now )
- ToggleManila Fixed the shortcut for non-English devices
- CAB Broke the CAB into two: base files in English-US and additional language pack. This because the non-english language files take about 3 MB of storage space, but more importantly, are spread out over 484 files (which is almost half of all manila files). This split will make (un)installation much faster as well as have less impact on your phone's performance when not running TF3D (and it's not cooked in). If you are not running an English / US / WWE ROM and still want your language, get the language pack as well. The base CAB, installed, is now 8 MB, from 17 MB originally.
*download removed*
issues and work arounds
White squares: Images appearing as white squares is due to non support of ATC textures - this can be caused by a non ATI graphics driver - either an nvidia one (intel used ati i beleive) or software based ones. This is an IP issue more than anything else, and not something that we as developers can easily fix. since the majority of HTC devices either have no 3d or ATI based 3d and this app requires 3d, we will spend our time on ATI based 3d. so the fix for white squares? unfortuantly, the most likely is new device! if you are lucky and youre device isnt very old, u MAY get new drivers - but this is NOT the thread for discussing it
+ Thread being locked
- POWER DOWN ISSUES: the current HTC-CA drivers for pretty much all devices have an issue with powering down. TF3D is one app that is effected by this issue, but because of its always on-ness - is more visibile than other apps - which tend to be 3d games - which the device doesnt sleep on. the only fix for this is to have TF3D unloaded when u want to sleep. this is not elegant but until this issue is resolved (and its proving to be a tricky one) it is the only solution. To make life easier, there is an app included in the TF3D cab called 'togglemanila' - this can be bound to a hardware button in control panel. this means u have to press two buttons to power down instead of the usual one (and its also worth disabling power saving) - but thats the cost of using beta applications and beta drivers.
+ Progress on this project has almost completely stalled and further progress has been near impossible over the chatter from non developers. I do not wish to go much further into this, but if there is any further development it will be through other communications systems other than and releases will not be available to non developers untill code is complete.
- Broken images tab or broken music tab: ensure you have diamond album and diamond audio manager installed.
+ Leaving this thread open is waste of all of the developers involveds time. if you have the cab and need any answers they ARE within this thread.
I'm willing to help with the xml coding.
It would be nice to have 3D working like 2D.
before pursuing further with the project, a good question may be, how does this differ from Manilla2D? are the differences big enough?
nuke1 said:
before pursuing further with the project, a good question may be, how does this differ from Manilla2D? are the differences big enough?
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Let's see.
Off the top of my head, vertical scrolling, full weather animations, animated digital clock, ability to create more tabs (they have for the VGA version anyway), animated people tab, etc.
It's worth it.
blazingwolf said:
Let's see.
Off the top of my head, vertical scrolling, full weather animations, animated digital clock, ability to create more tabs (they have for the VGA version anyway), animated people tab, etc.
It's worth it.
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It seems 3d has that arrow on the home screen that makes the clock smaller and shows at least two up coming appointments, which is better then one.
It may also open the ability to change this entirely which doesn't yet seem possible on 2d.
I just can't use something that doesn't show vmail count, or more then one appointment. Along with the whole restarting...
blazingwolf said:
Let's see.
Off the top of my head, vertical scrolling, full weather animations, animated digital clock, ability to create more tabs (they have for the VGA version anyway), animated people tab, etc.
It's worth it.
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Animated envelope too? Also this launch program would be good. I would like to help too
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
CraZyLiLbOy said:
Animated envelope too? Also this launch program would be good. I would like to help too
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Not sure that has anything to do with TF3D. I believe it is a separate program.
blazingwolf said:
Not sure that has anything to do with TF3D. I believe it is a separate program.
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Of course it does. That launch program popups when you touch the "All Program" in the programs tab
CraZyLiLbOy said:
Of course it does. That launch program popups when you touch the "All Program" in the programs tab
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Ahh, missed that.
brilliant - glad to see weve got some people as keen as myself.
the first thing we need to do is chose a base to work on. now the beta versions run already. very nicely too... but they arent finished version - so thats probably a no go. the diamond version installs but refuses to run - and we havent sussed out why yet. that really should be our first port of call. it would be good if someone out there has an older phone, pre-diamond - that has proper 3d support and wm6.1 - that could try the diamond cabs - and report on how far manila gets. Im not sure off the top of my head what a good device would be. the main issue at the moment is that the HTCCA drivers are not full implimentations - so the reason it doesnt start could be related to that amongst many other things - to scrub that one off the list would be a good start.
Unfortunately, that would not be my phone.
blazingwolf said:
Unfortunately, that would not be my phone.
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actually...thinking about it - thats almost any phone - for a 3d implimentation to be full doesnt need to be hardware - the openglcs_es.dll or whatever it was from the early manila 3d working betas is a fairly complete 3d implimentation - we should start by using that.
Just a suggestion,
I think that Manila3D has device limitation you should remove this first, to make it work on other VGA devices like Athena and Universal, after that you may start editing resources and scripts to make it qvga compatible
xplode said:
Just a suggestion,
I think that Manila3D has device limitation you should remove this first, to make it work on other VGA devices like Athena and Universal, after that you may start editing resources and scripts to make it qvga compatible
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Agree..better try to make VGA version first and if it is possible to run on other devices already..QVGA version can be start after that..will be more easier
I show my full support for this project as I will use this in my ROM all the time if it gets completely....2D is nothing like 3D which I really want
xplode said:
Just a suggestion,
I think that Manila3D has device limitation you should remove this first, to make it work on other VGA devices like Athena and Universal, after that you may start editing resources and scripts to make it qvga compatible
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is this not exactly what i wrote in the first post?
we need to get it to run first - that could be a device limitation or it could simply be a dependancy issue. to really find out, some form of debugging tool would be helpful - i know what kinda tool id like - something like snoopdos from my amiga days - something that shows every dll an app tries to load - and which are succesful - this would prove or disprove the dependancy issue.
there are rumours of manila.exe looking at the nk.rom files - this maybe to check device or it maybe to load an embedded dll or similar.
something that might help with this.......
only rumour so far i believe, but the Verizon version of the diamond has the exact same specs as the htc touch (vogue, 400mhz, etc). sooooo i believe this will be possible for slower devices. of course IF that is true and it comes out, then it should be fairly easy to port to older VGA devices (as already stated), then work on QVGA.
the only thing this will do is make it easier to port, if it is in fact true.
jakub_w said:
something that might help with this.......
only rumour so far i believe, but the Verizon version of the diamond has the exact same specs as the htc touch (vogue, 400mhz, etc). sooooo i believe this will be possible for slower devices. of course IF that is true and it comes out, then it should be fairly easy to port to older VGA devices (as already stated), then work on QVGA.
the only thing this will do is make it easier to port, if it is in fact true.
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That would be rumor and innuendo. There is also talk that the Diamond for Verizon will be exactly like the Sprint version.
i love you djboo
now that herg has abandoned us, we must take matters into our own hands.
I'll be glad to help any way i can
let's get this thing working
blazingwolf said:
That would be rumor and innuendo. There is also talk that the Diamond for Verizon will be exactly like the Sprint version.
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Whenever Verizon Diamond does come out, which is either 09 or 10....then it will easily be ported, port it from Sprint Diamond, it will need the drivers and a reduced size of the manilla in order to work, that means porting everything

