Registry editor question - HD2 General

I am starting to grips with the HD2, and windows mobile slowly but surely. I'm now ready to take the plunge with the registry editor and file editor. A lot of people recommend Resco, so I have tried to install it from here
I install the cab on the phone and ge the resco icno in the start menu, but when I click it it says
"The file ':RRegistry cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of it's components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring the files."
I tried installing it again but go the same message. What am I doing wrong?
And now I have another issue. I uninstalled it and non I have duplicate HTC People, HTC Footprints, HTC Calendar, HTC Music, and HTC Twiiter icons in the start menu. HOwever, the pictures of these 'new' icons are all the same, and are just look like blue and white folders. WHere have these come from and how do I get rid of them?

I have installed Resco File Explorer without any problems. All I can suggest is that you remove it then reset before trying to re install.
If you still have problems SKTools also has a registry editor which works well but resco is a really good file manager.
With regard to the icons on the start menu once you have registry editor up and working there is a fix for that in the sticky "hints and tips thread" at the start of the forum.
Good luck

Sorted it, was downloading for smartphone, when needed to download for pocket PC, what a numpty

Be really careful when using any registry editor. The ability to screw things up is huge!
Always start by taking a backup of your registry first (think you can do this with Resco Explorer) BEFORE making any changes. May as well also backup the device in case you really screw up and need to hard reset.
I'm not trying to scare you, rather give you the benefit of some bitter experience!
PS If yo install the tool BSB Tweaks which you can find here on XDA, you can use a setting that allows you to install unsigned apps.
Hope this helps.

wacky.banana said:
Be really careful when using any registry editor. The ability to screw things up is huge!
Always start by taking a backup of your registry first (think you can do this with Resco Explorer) BEFORE making any changes. May as well also backup the device in case you really screw up and need to hard reset.
I'm not trying to scare you, rather give you the benefit of some bitter experience!
PS If yo install the tool BSB Tweaks which you can find here on XDA, you can use a setting that allows you to install unsigned apps.
Hope this helps.
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Thanks for the advice. I have already tweaked a couple of settings, but not backed them up :-/ Only changed this though so nothing too major:-
35. Enable Clickable Links in Zoomed Out Opera
This reg edit allows you to tap on a link without the need for zooming in first.
Change value from 64 to 32 (I've changed it to 10 though as found 32 still didn't work)
HOw do I back up registry using resco? And how do I back up the phone?

When I installed resco I got duplicate folders in my start menu for message, emails and things, but the icons were just blue and white folders, how do I get rid of these icons?

Try going to My Device/Windows/Start Menu/Programs and looking for the duplicate entries using Resco Explorer. Delete those entries and you should be OK.
Resco Explorer has a 'Recycle Bin' facility in case you want to make sure you keep the deleted items until you are sure you don't need them.

NeilM said:
Try going to My Device/Windows/Start Menu/Programs and looking for the duplicate entries using Resco Explorer. Delete those entries and you should be OK.
Resco Explorer has a 'Recycle Bin' facility in case you want to make sure you keep the deleted items until you are sure you don't need them.
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After a soft reset, the duplicate entries come back.


Jamin - Delete recent programs from start menu

Hi Guys,
I just got my Jamin a few days ago and have hard reset it more times than I care to remember. There are a few things that irritate me that hopefully you guys can clear up for me.
Firstly, how do I switch off the recent programs section of the start menu?
Also, how do I clear recent searches and Terminal Service information?
Ok... so this might not be the most complex of questions for you guys to answer... but someone MUST know... And the same for the dictionary... where's that located?
Both entries are in the registry. Both require you to perform a reset afterwards. You can not turn off the recently used programs list (stupid M$, I know!) but you can clear it. Attached is a CAB file that should clear the recently used list (make sure it is read only so it doesn't get deleted after you run it). It is meant for WM2003SE but I think it should work for WM5; you may just have to change the Max OS Version using WinCE CAB Manager. For the Terminal Services Client list, you will have to search the registry fo the IP/server name and then delete it manually.
Thanks Mate,
I appreciate the help
What app do I use to regedit? Obviously Start >Run - regedt32 doesn't work! haha
EDIT: Call me blind... but where's the attachment!? Haha
Yea, good point where is the attachment? This is the 2nd time this is happening to me on this forums in one day! The file upload keeps timing out, so I'm just going to tell you the Registry change you have to make and you will have to use WinCE CAB Manager to make your own cab file:
Use PHM Registry Editor or trial version of Resco Explorer 2005. Both should be on or try google. Depending on your Registry editor you may have to exclude the speech marks.
Hope it helps
VJEschaton has a command line to clear the recent menu. However, the OS still requires you to soft reset. Defeats the point IMHO.

Remove Handago and Getting Started from the programme list

Has anyone removed these from the programme? I would love to keep my X1 as clean as possible, and i am just wondering would anything happen if i remove these programme since i will not be using them at all.
YES, u can no problem.
Yep no problem.
When I did it through remove programs the handango left some file or reg entry behind though, and everytime I started the device it would give a warning.
I used a reg editor to delete a single reference in the registry and a few files in program files I believe and now handango is truly gone
gold333 said:
Yep no problem.
When I did it through remove programs the handango left some file or reg entry behind though, and everytime I started the device it would give a warning.
I used a reg editor to delete a single reference in the registry and a few files in program files I believe and now handango is truly gone
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ive tried removing that stupid handangoinhand twice and both times after soft reset i get a warning too. had to hard reset twice bcos of this.
what reg editor did u use? so now u dont get that warning anymore?
I did so but everytime I turn on the x1 the nagging screen saying something like this "one of the component of the Handango in hand is missing, try install it again..,"
well, just press ok and it will go away
it may be good to leave the program in the x1
you need to manualy remove it from the start up folder to get rid of the notification of missing file
slash_5150 said:
ive tried removing that stupid handangoinhand twice and both times after soft reset i get a warning too. had to hard reset twice bcos of this.
what reg editor did u use? so now u dont get that warning anymore?
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there was no need to hard reset. simply delete handango component from-
You should not have had to do a hard reset … after uninstalling the handango applications using the add/remove programs control panel, using File Explorer go into /windows/startup items and delete the handango shortcut. What is happening is the shortcut which executes on start up doesn't find the app and registers the error.
Haven't worked out how to delete the Getting Started app yet??
tnx guys. will try that. still fairly new to ppc.
though i would hv figured this out myself if i had this problem on my pc. lol.
hmm, i just removed this program and after soft reset i got no warnings.. Did not remove anything from startup folder either.
Swedish phone, might be the difference?
.. im not saying that this is NOT a good thing
Thanks for the tips guys, got the Handago out in seconds. Still, any idea on how to remove "getting started", msn and all that other junk?

Explore issue

Got rather a big problem. I installed Resto Explorer and was using it quite happily until the trial period lapsed. I did purchase the program as I liked it but got the wrong license generated and still waiting to hear from their support on getting it fixed. In the mean time I was unable to edit or do anything of substance.
So in my wisdom I decided to remove it for now. Big mistake! I am now unable to explore my phone as I cannot find the default explorer. I think I may have removed that from the start menu. OCD cleanliness you understand!!
So I cannot explore at all and thus cannot install anything to replace it.
Anyone know how I might recover from this one?
try installing total commander
Ok panic over. I used pcsync to copy a shortcut of fexplore.exe to start menu. Phew!
What someone mind posting the registy location and values of the default file explorer please so I can fully recover as it was and this time keep it there!!
rphillip said:
Ok panic over. I used pcsync to copy a shortcut of fexplore.exe to start menu. Phew!
What someone mind posting the registy location and values of the default file explorer please so I can fully recover as it was and this time keep it there!!
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Not quite sure what you expect to be stored in the registry for the file explorer. I've had a brief look and can't see anything in there. Just using it will set up any data storage that it uses. AFAIK it only needs to remember the last location it was in - nothing more.
Well at the mo all I have in the start menu now is "Shortcut to fexplore.exe". I woudl like to clean that up as far as possible to be what it it supposed to be.
rphillip said:
Well at the mo all I have in the start menu now is "Shortcut to fexplore.exe". I woudl like to clean that up as far as possible to be what it it supposed to be.
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Open file explorer and go to windows\start menu\programs and find the shortcut. Just rename it in there.
Incidentally, if you select an application, anywhere on your phone and do "Copy", you can then go to the above mentioned programs folder and do "Paste Shortuct". Just in case you lose any more shortcuts

FILE EXPLORER is REALLY SLOW all of a sudden!

My standard file explorer takes MINUTES to load from a fresh soft reset. I deleted something on the startup folder with some *.lnk which probably had some stuff to do with it. Any ideas anyone?
Thanks and Merry X'Mas to everyone!
Tell me the name of the ink and tomorrow I will try to find it and post it here
Hey thanks!
It was poutlook (i don't use any email programs except webbased from Opera), and some clear WMPlog file or something (don't remember). Also PG.lnk i've removed. Merry X'mas and thanks for your help in advance!
did you try and install the fileexplorer addon that gives you the extra menus, it makes it slow and crappy in alot of WM6.5 roms, including the ones that come with the leo.
hi thanks for the response again but no i didn't install anything for file explorer (next to total commander as i just couldn't stand it anymore). It seems as if you are RESORTING the order of the file names (eg, date, type, etc). It's just under /windows directory.
Check to see if your files are sorted by name. Sorting by something else might be the culprit.
i had the same issue but it was the storage card, that was defect. I bought a new one and all worked fast again!

Hide Pictures from Album

Hi there. Apologies if this question has been asked and answered, however I have searched the threads and not found anything.
I'm also a bit new to windows mobile devices, etc and don't even know how to 'tweak'!! .... so please humour me
All I'm looking to do is try to hide certain photos / pictures from being shown in the HTC Album.
If anyone could point me in the right direction then that would be greatly apreciated!
First of all, welcome to xda
Anyway, you can't stop specific images showing up in the album, but you can stop specific folders from showing up.
See tip 64 in the hints & tips link in my signature.
You'll need a registry editor, such as Resco or Total Commander (I use the latter because it's totally free, but Resco is a lot more finger friendly).
That's all you need to do it, but I guess you may need some help editing the registry. There's tons of threads in here telling you how to edit the registry, and you really should read as much of it as you can before you start. The registry is pretty darn important to windows and all applications running under it, and you can render your device near useless if you do something badly wrong. (This is unlikely, but definitely possible. I could tell you 1 registry value to change and you wouldn't be able to use your phone again without a factory reset!)
I'd highly recommend taking a backup of any registry values that you're going to modify, even if it's just pen and paper backups so you can set the values back later if you so wish.
Other than that, have fun tweaking. That link has MANY more tweaks in it, so have a read through it. It's a great place to start.
Hope this helps
Thanks for the reply. I'll have a look through the other threads as you've suggested, although I'm not too sure I trust myself that much!
I picked up on another article I found on the web, which seems to suggest that its possible to hide individual pictures? Copied below...
Note: Additionally, if you want to hide a specific picture, just set its attributes to hidden and it will not be shown in the Album application. Do that for all individual pictures you want to keep from the program.
easy. install resco file explorer. choose pic or any file u wanna hide. menu/properties nd check hidden. this way they wont show in album. default explorer cant hide. also u can choose encrypt in resco nd this way they will b hidden from album nd need a password if u try to open them in explorer. good software.

