Remove Handago and Getting Started from the programme list - XPERIA X1 General

Has anyone removed these from the programme? I would love to keep my X1 as clean as possible, and i am just wondering would anything happen if i remove these programme since i will not be using them at all.

YES, u can no problem.

Yep no problem.
When I did it through remove programs the handango left some file or reg entry behind though, and everytime I started the device it would give a warning.
I used a reg editor to delete a single reference in the registry and a few files in program files I believe and now handango is truly gone

gold333 said:
Yep no problem.
When I did it through remove programs the handango left some file or reg entry behind though, and everytime I started the device it would give a warning.
I used a reg editor to delete a single reference in the registry and a few files in program files I believe and now handango is truly gone
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ive tried removing that stupid handangoinhand twice and both times after soft reset i get a warning too. had to hard reset twice bcos of this.
what reg editor did u use? so now u dont get that warning anymore?

I did so but everytime I turn on the x1 the nagging screen saying something like this "one of the component of the Handango in hand is missing, try install it again..,"
well, just press ok and it will go away
it may be good to leave the program in the x1

you need to manualy remove it from the start up folder to get rid of the notification of missing file

slash_5150 said:
ive tried removing that stupid handangoinhand twice and both times after soft reset i get a warning too. had to hard reset twice bcos of this.
what reg editor did u use? so now u dont get that warning anymore?
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there was no need to hard reset. simply delete handango component from-

You should not have had to do a hard reset … after uninstalling the handango applications using the add/remove programs control panel, using File Explorer go into /windows/startup items and delete the handango shortcut. What is happening is the shortcut which executes on start up doesn't find the app and registers the error.
Haven't worked out how to delete the Getting Started app yet??

tnx guys. will try that. still fairly new to ppc.
though i would hv figured this out myself if i had this problem on my pc. lol.

hmm, i just removed this program and after soft reset i got no warnings.. Did not remove anything from startup folder either.
Swedish phone, might be the difference?
.. im not saying that this is NOT a good thing

Thanks for the tips guys, got the Handago out in seconds. Still, any idea on how to remove "getting started", msn and all that other junk?


Missing Bluetooth icon after using PIToday

Hi guys,
I've been playing with PIToday for a couple of days now but I noticed one thing: My bluetooth icon on the Today screen disappeard after using PIToday. The only way to get it back for me is unchecking PIToday and soft reset. This is a bummer!
I've been checking some sites for solutions but could only find the solution mentioned above and one solutions for a 3870. This was putting a shortcut to the bluetooth icon in the startup folder. In the case of a MDA II, there is no such shortcut possible. I checked the registry and Windows directory but the is no .exe file which will start the bluetooth icon. Only .dll. But I don't know where to point it to. :?:
Any other suggestions? Because I would like to buy PIToday but I still want to access my bluetooth from the Today screen.
Even though I am a huge fan of Pocket Informant, i experienced a lot of issues with the PI today plug in and stopped using it. It may be incompatability with other software I also have installed but as well as the missing BT icon it also caused instability (lock ups) and the occassional auto soft reset.
In regard to the missing BT icon though PI today is not the only culprit. Users of Pocket Breeze from SBSH Mobile software have reported the same issue. Only way to restore it is unselect the today plug in and soft reset.
Hi Ednap,
Somebody suggested a sort of sulution for me: Using Zenphone. In Zenphone there is an option to turn bluetooth on and off in a profile. And it seems to work!
It is not the solutions but a least it is workable.
some kind of solution
get the tool "No Plugins today" (h**p://
install it (of coz)
insert into your registry a new string like this
HKEY_LOCAL_MASCHINE\init\LaunchXX where XX is the highest number of the Launch under INIT (I use "Launch90")
enter as the stringvalue the path to the tool e.g. "\Storage\NoToday\NoPluginsToday.exe" or whereever you have installed the tool
insert a link under \Windows\startup or \windows\autostart (depends of the language) and point it again to this tool. Rename the Link in such way, that it will run last (eg. "XXXNoToday")
ok, thats all, reset your device, and enjoy your Bluetooth icon
It is not a failure by any of the Today-Plugins, which make the icon vanish, it's just a timeout of the btdll, caused by Plugins, which need too much time to initialize itself, so the icon just nor appear.
What does this thing?
after reset it removes the todayscreens, the bluetooth icon appears, and after that the notoday-tool switches the plugins on again.
you need some more time (3-4 secs) after the reset, but, who cares, you got the icon back
Nice work, IvkovicD!
I'll give it a try and I'll post this solution also at the PIToday forum. I'm sure this solutions is a great help for Deje the maker of the program.
B.t.w I tried SnoopSoft Dash Today Advanced today to see if I like it. It is not bad. A bit slow but guess what happens?
My headset profile is now gone! First I thought it was because I had too many Todayplugins but after removing a few and soft resetting it still wouldn't come back. Any suggestions for this one?
To create a shortcut to Bluetooth copy the following into a shortcut file (text file with lnk extension i.e. Bluetooth.lnk):
34#\windows\ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,23
and copy it across to your PPC
My headset profile is now gone!
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Might it be that your profile is just gone from the Today screen? Check Settings>Personal Tab>Today>Items Tab and see if Profile is checked.
Hi Mark,
No. The headset profile was not there anymore in the list. I contacted Chris Scott, who makes DashToday and the only solution he had for now, was to uninstall the program.
Not realy a good option in my opinion.... Especialy because I just bought the program because there is no trial avaliable.
For your other solution:
I want to make sure that I realy understand. You want me to make a textfile and name it i.e Bluetooth.lnk. In this file there should be the line:
34#\windows\ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,23
Then copy this file to my PPC and presumably to the startup directory?
Just want to make sure.
Then copy this file to my PPC and presumably to the startup directory?
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Copy it to the Start Menu folder. It won't bring back your bluetooth icon back but you will be able to access the settings from the start menu.
I give it a try later.
wouterk said:
First I thought it was because I had too many Todayplugins but after removing a few and soft resetting it still wouldn't come back. Any suggestions for this one?
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I know this effect. I've have this "vanishing", too, if I install too much today- plug ins. Just grab your favourite registryeditor and delete some build-in today-registry entries for today items, e.g. original-task, or some of the other build in ones. If you need it (I don't believe that , make a backup, but really, do you need them?)
reset your device, the missing plugs should appear again...
Sometimes, the OS just do not display some today-plugins, if there are too much entries into registry, even, if you do not activate them...maybe at MS nobody thought that someone needs more then 5 todayplugs at once...
just joking
Hi Dejan,
Sounds like an interesting solution. Want to give it a try but I can't find the path to the right regkeys. :?: Do you know were those keys are to be found?
Hi Dejan,
I found the reg keys. (HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Today) and deleted the Task, Calendar and Owner Info keys. Then I did a soft reset but my Bluetooth icon didn't reappear.
Too bad.
Did it work for you?

Jamin - Delete recent programs from start menu

Hi Guys,
I just got my Jamin a few days ago and have hard reset it more times than I care to remember. There are a few things that irritate me that hopefully you guys can clear up for me.
Firstly, how do I switch off the recent programs section of the start menu?
Also, how do I clear recent searches and Terminal Service information?
Ok... so this might not be the most complex of questions for you guys to answer... but someone MUST know... And the same for the dictionary... where's that located?
Both entries are in the registry. Both require you to perform a reset afterwards. You can not turn off the recently used programs list (stupid M$, I know!) but you can clear it. Attached is a CAB file that should clear the recently used list (make sure it is read only so it doesn't get deleted after you run it). It is meant for WM2003SE but I think it should work for WM5; you may just have to change the Max OS Version using WinCE CAB Manager. For the Terminal Services Client list, you will have to search the registry fo the IP/server name and then delete it manually.
Thanks Mate,
I appreciate the help
What app do I use to regedit? Obviously Start >Run - regedt32 doesn't work! haha
EDIT: Call me blind... but where's the attachment!? Haha
Yea, good point where is the attachment? This is the 2nd time this is happening to me on this forums in one day! The file upload keeps timing out, so I'm just going to tell you the Registry change you have to make and you will have to use WinCE CAB Manager to make your own cab file:
Use PHM Registry Editor or trial version of Resco Explorer 2005. Both should be on or try google. Depending on your Registry editor you may have to exclude the speech marks.
Hope it helps
VJEschaton has a command line to clear the recent menu. However, the OS still requires you to soft reset. Defeats the point IMHO.


Is there a "correct" way to install apps from wm5?
Or can i just delete the program files? Im thinking of removing H button as ive not found it useful,works well with the hermes...
cheers guys
geekyhawkes said:
Is there a "correct" way to install apps from wm5?
Or can i just delete the program files? Im thinking of removing H button as ive not found it useful,works well with the hermes...
cheers guys
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Star>settings>system>remove programs
is the classic way to remove programs. Some applications have an un-installer lots do not. Some may not appear in remove programs and without great guru like skills the only way may be to just delete the obvious files.
What I do from time to time is to use Sktools from time to time to remove bad shortcuts and registry entries - along with other accumulated rubbish.

Help.. need rid of some icons

does anyone have a cab file to hide the small icons on my tmobile wing?
the tzones,my5,musicplayer,ect.. ones at the very bottom. any help would be apericated, i tried searching the form but came up empty handed.
the term to search was "system tray"
welcome to xda-devs
i apericate that link, but that is for windows mobile 2005, and the wing has windows mobile 6 on it. thanks for the keyword aswell, im gonna try to do another search aswell.
funny. i've tried it and it works.
also, try clearing out your startup programs
fzzyrn said:
funny. i've tried it and it works.
also, try clearing out your startup programs
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oh, ok, its just said on that thread that it only works for windows mobile 2005
how would i go about clearing out my startup programs??
connect to activesync
explore device
should be a bunch of files. delete the ones you don't want (or the ones that have systray icons)
fzzyrn said:
connect to activesync
explore device
should be a bunch of files. delete the ones you don't want (or the ones that have systray icons)
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awesome, so intsall the cab 1st then do that?
nah. you can install the cab OR do that
or you can do both. it doesn't really matter. Cleaning out the startup folder increases your ram too, though
fzzyrn said:
nah. you can install the cab OR do that
or you can do both. it doesn't really matter. Cleaning out the startup folder increases your ram too, though
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i tried lookin that up and i didnt see a folder for startup,
so i installed the software and did a soft reset and as soon as i put my device lock on it came back? any sugestions?
the proper name is StartUp. if you cant find it using your pc, try using file explorer on your wing
fzzyrn said:
the proper name is StartUp. if you cant find it using your pc, try using file explorer on your wing
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ok i found the startup window on my actual device, and i have
voice command wifinit
which ones do i get rid of? and if i get rid of them that will remove them from my tray?

Registry editor question

I am starting to grips with the HD2, and windows mobile slowly but surely. I'm now ready to take the plunge with the registry editor and file editor. A lot of people recommend Resco, so I have tried to install it from here
I install the cab on the phone and ge the resco icno in the start menu, but when I click it it says
"The file ':RRegistry cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of it's components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring the files."
I tried installing it again but go the same message. What am I doing wrong?
And now I have another issue. I uninstalled it and non I have duplicate HTC People, HTC Footprints, HTC Calendar, HTC Music, and HTC Twiiter icons in the start menu. HOwever, the pictures of these 'new' icons are all the same, and are just look like blue and white folders. WHere have these come from and how do I get rid of them?
I have installed Resco File Explorer without any problems. All I can suggest is that you remove it then reset before trying to re install.
If you still have problems SKTools also has a registry editor which works well but resco is a really good file manager.
With regard to the icons on the start menu once you have registry editor up and working there is a fix for that in the sticky "hints and tips thread" at the start of the forum.
Good luck
Sorted it, was downloading for smartphone, when needed to download for pocket PC, what a numpty
Be really careful when using any registry editor. The ability to screw things up is huge!
Always start by taking a backup of your registry first (think you can do this with Resco Explorer) BEFORE making any changes. May as well also backup the device in case you really screw up and need to hard reset.
I'm not trying to scare you, rather give you the benefit of some bitter experience!
PS If yo install the tool BSB Tweaks which you can find here on XDA, you can use a setting that allows you to install unsigned apps.
Hope this helps.
wacky.banana said:
Be really careful when using any registry editor. The ability to screw things up is huge!
Always start by taking a backup of your registry first (think you can do this with Resco Explorer) BEFORE making any changes. May as well also backup the device in case you really screw up and need to hard reset.
I'm not trying to scare you, rather give you the benefit of some bitter experience!
PS If yo install the tool BSB Tweaks which you can find here on XDA, you can use a setting that allows you to install unsigned apps.
Hope this helps.
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Thanks for the advice. I have already tweaked a couple of settings, but not backed them up :-/ Only changed this though so nothing too major:-
35. Enable Clickable Links in Zoomed Out Opera
This reg edit allows you to tap on a link without the need for zooming in first.
Change value from 64 to 32 (I've changed it to 10 though as found 32 still didn't work)
HOw do I back up registry using resco? And how do I back up the phone?
When I installed resco I got duplicate folders in my start menu for message, emails and things, but the icons were just blue and white folders, how do I get rid of these icons?
Try going to My Device/Windows/Start Menu/Programs and looking for the duplicate entries using Resco Explorer. Delete those entries and you should be OK.
Resco Explorer has a 'Recycle Bin' facility in case you want to make sure you keep the deleted items until you are sure you don't need them.
NeilM said:
Try going to My Device/Windows/Start Menu/Programs and looking for the duplicate entries using Resco Explorer. Delete those entries and you should be OK.
Resco Explorer has a 'Recycle Bin' facility in case you want to make sure you keep the deleted items until you are sure you don't need them.
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After a soft reset, the duplicate entries come back.

