Uninstalling? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Is there a "correct" way to install apps from wm5?
Or can i just delete the program files? Im thinking of removing H button as ive not found it useful,works well with the hermes...
cheers guys

geekyhawkes said:
Is there a "correct" way to install apps from wm5?
Or can i just delete the program files? Im thinking of removing H button as ive not found it useful,works well with the hermes...
cheers guys
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Star>settings>system>remove programs
is the classic way to remove programs. Some applications have an un-installer lots do not. Some may not appear in remove programs and without great guru like skills the only way may be to just delete the obvious files.
What I do from time to time is to use Sktools from time to time to remove bad shortcuts and registry entries - along with other accumulated rubbish.


Athena/Ameo Tray Applet...

Hi all. Need some help please. I had recently used the 'hide' TrayApplet program but after uninstalling Spb Shell, decided that I could do with it being back, but don't want large icons on my Today screen again.
above I found the links to each of the icons in the tray and can successfully point them to programs of my choice. Great!!
No! The links now work a treat, but the old icons remain the same (therefore hard to distinguish what does what until you tap it).
Does anyone know how to or where the registry entries are for the icons in the TrayApplet? e.g when I tap on the web n walk icon, I now get my configured Internet Explorer, but no associated icon.
Any help appreciated.
No one here hot on Reg-editing? Tried looking at the Universal wiki and their Reg hacks, but it most of it seems to be filed using different naming conventions and some alternative methods.
In any event. The above post shows where the links are (in seperate folders)....which can be permanently deleted and will then remove them from the TrayApplet.
Thanks for the info. I am still trying to decide what to do with the tray on my phone.
Try this cab file.........i'm using it on my Ameo now. It creates a programe in your programe folder with which you can turn on/turn off your tray applet as you wish. Hope it helps
Sorry MACKABY007, never read your firsy post correctly oooops
thank you!
neildunne said:
Try this cab file.........i'm using it on my Ameo now. It creates a programe in your programe folder with which you can turn on/turn off your tray applet as you wish. Hope it helps
Sorry MACKABY007, never read your firsy post correctly oooops
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SWEET!!! Now I can change my mind as often as I wish!!!! YEA BABY!
Thanks for the post bro.
neildunne said:
Try this cab file.........i'm using it on my Ameo now. It creates a programe in your programe folder with which you can turn on/turn off your tray applet as you wish. Hope it helps
Sorry MACKABY007, never read your firsy post correctly oooops
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No probs neildunne..at least you tried to help.
And someone else has benefitted from your answer.
Is there a simple regedit to enable/disable the trayapp?
Yep there is
Yes you can do it manually.
Go to HKLM\init and create a strin Launch92 and give it the value TrayAp.exe. When you want to remove it delete the key.
Can somebody post the HTCHomeplug plugin so I can use this one instead of the taskbar?
WA3 will solve it.
I'm happy. God is listening.
System Tray Features
* Added the ability to place program icons on the system tray.
On the screenshot above, you'll see icons that don't normally appear on the system tray. WisBar Advance 3 now allows you to place icons on the tray as a "quick launch" bar, similar to iLauncher and several other software packages.
Get it here:
hide tray
can I simply remove the tray? can I put the hidetray somewhere when e boots up it removes the tray?
tried on \windows\startup with no sucess..
best regards,
WA3 still rocking...
Deiota said:
can I simply remove the tray? can I put the hidetray somewhere when e boots up it removes the tray?
tried on \windows\startup with no sucess..
best regards,
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Yes you can in Wisbar Advance 3...still in Beta, but well worth a look IMHO.
Please can you help me doing it with WA3????
What do you mean by "but well worth a look IMHO"...
Best regards,
Deiota said:
can I simply remove the tray? can I put the hidetray somewhere when e boots up it removes the tray?
tried on \windows\startup with no sucess..
best regards,
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I too would like to remove this tray bar at the bottom. I dont like it and cannot find how to remove it on my X7500.
I know how to do it on my universal, but the registry is not the same.
Any light on this would be greatly appreciated
Anyone? I am using WAD right now but I do not appreciate how slow it run in comparison to not using it.
neildunne said:
Try this cab file.........i'm using it on my Ameo now. It creates a programe in your programe folder with which you can turn on/turn off your tray applet as you wish. Hope it helps
Sorry MACKABY007, never read your firsy post correctly oooops
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Thanks from me for this too.
Although I am curious to know... from the community at large perhaps... the Today screen is evidently made up of a series of components... TSk files for the theme... applet files for additional display options... the HTC plug-in software to modify the HTC HomePlugin etc.
It seems a bit odd to me... given the apparent effort put into theme creation software by quite a few writers... that those same coders stopped where they did... at themes.
It seems like only half of the job... even the admittedly-clever HTC Home Plug-in Customiser goes that far and no further.
I'd expect at least one developer to come up with a more comprehensive product... the modules do exist as separate entities... theme designers... plug ins and customisers... and especially with the advent of WM6 and VGA screens...
I've had two Blue Angels now for a couple of years. It never occurred to me to play with themes. The only modfication of the desktop was from whatever software went in and did so as part of the package... XCPU Scalar and some SPB items for example. I never even bothered to upgrade the Windoze from 2003SE. Everything seemed to work alright, and most software that I try to use on it still does too.
Now we have two Ameos as well... both running different versions of WM6... different ROMs... one of which (the later) is T-Mobile.
And, probably due to the larger screen, I decided to take a look into the desktop.
The T-Mobile flavour did indeed come with this Tray App, and it is only today and on here (naturally) that I have actually found out the designation of the thing.
XCPUScalar knew all about it long before I did, and stuck it's Speed, Reset, and Off buttons in it.
The other Ameo came with what I think may be a vanilla (HTC) version of WM6 and the HTC Home Plug-in... and I only recently learned about that here too... none of this appears in the little manuals T-Mobile inlcude with the Ameo of course.
I wonder now, as I write, if a fairly basic and simple method of getting rid of the Tray App may simply be either removing it from the Windows folder or perhaps renaming it.
Either way, your method works well for me... as does XDA-developers per se... and without whom all HTC customers, whether members here or not, would be a great deal poorer.
Personally, I do wish that I understood a good deal more of the subject matter, especially in the deeper-delving posts... but at least with xda-developers being here... all of you... the possibility exists.
Thank You once again... all of you.

wakeup.exe is missing?!

hi everybody!
I have a problem...
Everytime, i wakeup my hermes, there is a message (i have to translate it into english
"Canot execute \Program Files\Liakeridge\Wisbar advance desktop\wakeup.exe"
thats funny, becaus i tryed wisbar desktop and deleted it directly... so i havn't installed it so far...
I tryed to rename an other app to "wakeup.exe" and put it there...
It works, but its not the best way when you wakeup your hermes and an useless app starts directly.
can you help me, how to fix this?
Sorry for my bad english
u said u deleted it? it seems to me that you installed wisbar advance and wakeup.exe was one of the parts to it that started up when you woke it up.
did you uninstall/remove wisbar properly? or just delete it? because that seems that there are still links to it in the registry.
UNINSTALL through 'remove programs' (or install it and then uninstall. see if that works.)
Thank you for your fast help, but i deinstalled the programm properly...
I only use the normal wisbar advance, and i tryed the desktopversion for 5 min and removed it than with the activsync tool.
Do someone has an other idea?
It sounds like de-installing the Wisbar Advance Desktop app might've messed something up with Wisbar Advance 2.
There are several things you might do to correct the situation, but without direct knowledge regarding what WAD needs installed vs what WA2 needs, I think it would probably be best to bring this question to the programs' author, Chris McKay.
Try reaching him on one of the forums he keeps at http://www.lakeridgesoftware.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=23
hey thanks for help, but i fixed the mistake by using sktools cleaningsoftware!
so for all otherones how might be getting this problem:
SKTools extended clean might be helpful
breytex said:
hey thanks for help, but i fixed the mistake by using sktools cleaningsoftware!
so for all otherones how might be getting this problem:
SKTools extended clean might be helpful
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Yes, SKTools Cleaning wizard will remove broken shortcuts, and that is the problem that you described. The question comes to mind, though, as to whether WA2 needed the app that the particular shortcut pointed to.
I guess in your case, it did not, and as such, WA2 is still working satisfactorily.
Best regards,

SKtools...To be or not to be...?

I guys,
I have this doubt floating in my mind since some time...
If I run all sktools regarding cleaning and registry optimization, such as:
-Tune Up!
-Invalid Registry Entries
-Invalid Registry Values
-Advanced Clean
-Registry Optimizer
Can it happen that it will wrongly detect some tweaks or corrections made by the cookers as errors in the registry and then eliminate them?
For example, if a cooker changes a value in the registry key to optimize something, Sktools can "think" that it's an error, and then change the key to it's default value, eliminating the optimization done by the cooker...
Is this possible to happen? Or can I use safely the tools from SKtools?
I would recommend against using anything like that as it is possible your remove keys that make your rom unstable. Advice is install and stay as you are!
Nighthawk2050 said:
I would recommend against using anything like that as it is possible your remove keys that make your rom unstable. Advice is install and stay as you are!
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Off course errors/mistakes could happen, but I think that some registry tool is very needed, specially in Windows mobile...
I'm not sure but when this kind of tools search the registry, they only seek for errors in the connections or links.
So I don't think they will delete any tweaks done by the cooker if the tweak is working good.
I use this software to clean up,remove stuff,optimize,tweaks etc... and I have never had any issues whatsoever,if you ask me it works like a charm that´s why I bought it and my xda is really stable all the time.
These are the features I use the most.
-Tune Up!
-Advanced Clean
-Registry Optimizer
Once I flash I use "Tune up" to change the PIE cache location,cookies,history,messaging files etc....after this "optimize" for better perfomance/stability/memory it´s up to you.Once I´ve done installing apps I use "Clean" and that´s it.
It does remove needed registry keys/values, can't give a specific example tho, you better examine the list of items to be deleted one by one before actually deleting them completely.
The only thing I use from SKTools is FreeRAM.
To me looks like it works well.....I´m sure it´s my lack of knowledge,but when I set it up that way with sktools and it seems to work so well,that´s why I mentioned that.
So..... I've just installed a new rom, an before installing anything else, I installed SKtools, and made a search for Invalid Registry Entries, and it found a couple of them (around 6 or 7).
Is it possible that a ROM is cooked with registry errors already inside?...Or could it be that SKtools is not that reliable...?
And, should I delete those registry strings or not?
So, no comments/thoughts about this???....
s1rl4ncel0t said:
So, no comments/thoughts about this???....
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You better not delete any registry entries untill or unless you know what it's for. Say for example, if you see that these are coming from a programme that you have uninstalled from your phone, you can close your eyes and delete those. Even that also sometime is bad because, lot of them may be shared with other system stuffs.
I have found some blank registry entries and deleted them, later when I have rebooted the trinity, I had some strange errors(I forgot). Anyway, it don't bring any gains in cleaning registries for fast booting of system, but temporary locations or IE cache to increase your available memory yes.
The basic purpose of a registry cleaning(applicable for pc also!) is that , if there is any error message after booting up your system, or some special errors coming from a particular programme after it launches(depends on the message it gives!) , in that case, it could have been good to run those kind of registry cleaner stuffs.
So you can leave them.
I agree with Provat,
I would say that you have to be aware about what you want to remove.
I use SKtoll too but now I must be careful on what I do with that because on the past I have removed lot of things and the only solution was hard reset.
Nevertheless it's a good tool and it improves a lot. Personnaly, I only use "optimize for performance" option.
Is there a Cab for this ?
Nighthawk2050 said:
Is there a Cab for this ?
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Google is your friend :
Please, could someone tell me how can I find in SK Tools the FreeUP RAM and Optimize for Performance parts?
I used SKtools to uninstall Google Maps and didn't scroll thru the results as I usually do. It virtually left my memory card void. All I had left was a shell of a rom...none of the shortcuts worked...all my files were gone. I had to use a recovery program to get most of it back...I still ain't right. I wanted to use their cleaning tool...it came back with so many results and I thought about what happened and just canceled it. I'll stick Memmaid unless someone can tell me the proper cleaner settings for SKtools.

Remove Handago and Getting Started from the programme list

Has anyone removed these from the programme? I would love to keep my X1 as clean as possible, and i am just wondering would anything happen if i remove these programme since i will not be using them at all.
YES, u can no problem.
Yep no problem.
When I did it through remove programs the handango left some file or reg entry behind though, and everytime I started the device it would give a warning.
I used a reg editor to delete a single reference in the registry and a few files in program files I believe and now handango is truly gone
gold333 said:
Yep no problem.
When I did it through remove programs the handango left some file or reg entry behind though, and everytime I started the device it would give a warning.
I used a reg editor to delete a single reference in the registry and a few files in program files I believe and now handango is truly gone
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ive tried removing that stupid handangoinhand twice and both times after soft reset i get a warning too. had to hard reset twice bcos of this.
what reg editor did u use? so now u dont get that warning anymore?
I did so but everytime I turn on the x1 the nagging screen saying something like this "one of the component of the Handango in hand is missing, try install it again..,"
well, just press ok and it will go away
it may be good to leave the program in the x1
you need to manualy remove it from the start up folder to get rid of the notification of missing file
slash_5150 said:
ive tried removing that stupid handangoinhand twice and both times after soft reset i get a warning too. had to hard reset twice bcos of this.
what reg editor did u use? so now u dont get that warning anymore?
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there was no need to hard reset. simply delete handango component from-
You should not have had to do a hard reset … after uninstalling the handango applications using the add/remove programs control panel, using File Explorer go into /windows/startup items and delete the handango shortcut. What is happening is the shortcut which executes on start up doesn't find the app and registers the error.
Haven't worked out how to delete the Getting Started app yet??
tnx guys. will try that. still fairly new to ppc.
though i would hv figured this out myself if i had this problem on my pc. lol.
hmm, i just removed this program and after soft reset i got no warnings.. Did not remove anything from startup folder either.
Swedish phone, might be the difference?
.. im not saying that this is NOT a good thing
Thanks for the tips guys, got the Handago out in seconds. Still, any idea on how to remove "getting started", msn and all that other junk?

Cooking for Dummies :)

Hi guys,
I wanted to give cooking a try and was wondering what the easiest approach for me would be.
My goal is to use the official ROM as a basis and
a) remove an app such as CoPilot
b) add an app such as Pigeon
What tools etc. would I need?
Thanks for any hints
remove/add prgs is no ROM-cooking, it´s removing and adding apps .........
So then tell me, how can I remove CoPilot?
Anyway, the two points were starters...
I'm sure I will do more modifications later on.
Search for 'kitchen' and you'll get more info on it
pub00515 said:
So then tell me, how can I remove CoPilot?
Anyway, the two points were starters...
I'm sure I will do more modifications later on.
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Move Copilot-prog to SD-card with Resco-Expl. and then uninstall it, Afterwards make a reg clean-up with reg cleaner (a little bit crude though but worked nicely for me )
troed said:
Move Copilot-prog to SD-card with Resco-Expl. and then uninstall it, Afterwards make a reg clean-up with reg cleaner (a little bit crude though but worked nicely for me )
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If you do that there are still files in the ROM you can't get rid of. Plus a duplicate of what you just deleted, don't forget the files that are in Program files after a hard reset must come from somewhere
Complete removal can only be done by cooking, and it saves quite a bit of space indeed.

