FILE EXPLORER is REALLY SLOW all of a sudden! - HD2 General

My standard file explorer takes MINUTES to load from a fresh soft reset. I deleted something on the startup folder with some *.lnk which probably had some stuff to do with it. Any ideas anyone?
Thanks and Merry X'Mas to everyone!

Tell me the name of the ink and tomorrow I will try to find it and post it here

Hey thanks!
It was poutlook (i don't use any email programs except webbased from Opera), and some clear WMPlog file or something (don't remember). Also PG.lnk i've removed. Merry X'mas and thanks for your help in advance!

did you try and install the fileexplorer addon that gives you the extra menus, it makes it slow and crappy in alot of WM6.5 roms, including the ones that come with the leo.

hi thanks for the response again but no i didn't install anything for file explorer (next to total commander as i just couldn't stand it anymore). It seems as if you are RESORTING the order of the file names (eg, date, type, etc). It's just under /windows directory.

Check to see if your files are sorted by name. Sorting by something else might be the culprit.

i had the same issue but it was the storage card, that was defect. I bought a new one and all worked fast again!


Rename file extensions

I hope someone can help, as I haven't been able to find the answer yet (I can imagine it may be somewhere here on, just CAN'T seem to find it ;-)
How do you rename a file AND its extension.
I have quite a bit of software installed, but still nothing seems to solve this little problem. There are some cases where I think it may help (certain word files, media files are not recognized in WM2003?!) and it would be nice if you could manually set a file's extension.
Anyone posting a link or an answer would be greatly appreciated.
Maybe some software that does this?
Resco Explorer can
i could not navigate my pda without getting grey hair did i not use
total commander it renames just a charm and pretty much act like it's windows sister version which again act pretty much like good old
norton commander from the dos days
Thanks guys. I'll give them both a try, yet I recall that I found something about resco products (durring install?) that I didn't particularly like. Maybe just my imagination :?
But, I'll try them both out... as I found I really need to rename files 'on-the-fly' from time to time.
Regards :wink:
well i use total commander all the time renaming my sheep p0rn collection mpg's to .tsk all the time so people who mess around with my pda think they are damaged today screen themes to hide my terrorble secret
2 ways to do it single tap a file and it goes into rename mode where the extention is changed by changing the last 3 letters after the .
or hold down the pen givng a menu which include rename

uninstalling apps....

i cant seem to get rid of the shortcut in programs....i unintstalled it the right way but the shortcut is still there. ive synced it and its still there also but now instead of the normal icon its like a .exe file icon. anyone know how to get rid of it?
theb said:
i cant seem to get rid of the shortcut in programs....i unintstalled it the right way but the shortcut is still there. ive synced it and its still there also but now instead of the normal icon its like a .exe file icon. anyone know how to get rid of it?
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Open File Explorer and find the icon in My Device/Windows/Start Menu/Programs. Then delete it.
thank u so was getting really annoying.
Similar problem, I installed Tube application, then updated and had to re-install after a hard reset. i now have 6 icons in total for application under programs, despite deleting everwhere I could find it. Have tried above fix, but it does not display under file explorer either.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Richard Racer
maybe the shortcut is hidden from explore or something
try the program totalcommander it let you see hidden files
programs really just show all the shortcuts placed in those dir's
and settings just show all cpl files located in windows
I strongly recommend you for permanent use Resco File Explorer, which can show you ALL files (including HIDDEN). This problem can been solved by means of it.

WING keeps Restarting

Hey Whats up....i wus playing around with dialpad skins for my phone and for tha hell of it i installed a .cab for a "video" button on my dialing screen...i dont have 3g or anything i juss thought it would b a nice look....anyway...i soft re-setted my phone and now it just does tha whole t-mobile start up screen then "windows mobile"......then restarts again....cant seem to get it past any of those screens cause it juss keeps restarting....if any1 could help me out i would appreciate it...i really dont wanna do a hard reset
take ur memory card, you probably have something installed on ur memory card that's causing the loop.
Try using a file explorer (like resco or total commander)
and go into your Windows directory and rename a files called
omap850_sdhc.dll into omap850_sdhc.dll.old then soft reset your phone and it should start working fine.
this happens to me all the time, it only happens to me when i start messing with HTC home plug in. only way i found to stop the loop is do a hard reset. never tried removing the memory card in case any program in the card was causing the loup, ill keep that in mind next time this happens to me.
I can practically guarantee that the solution I posted will fix your problem if it ever comes up again
you are a lifesaver my dude...thanks so much...i was gonna lose all my numbers wit tha hard reset becuase i kept forgeting to sync my contacts on my comp but this worked perfect...made my fukin day lol...thnx again....1
duprade said:
take ur memory card, you probably have something installed on ur memory card that's causing the loop.
Try using a file explorer (like resco or total commander)
and go into your Windows directory and rename a files called
omap850_sdhc.dll into omap850_sdhc.dll.old then soft reset your phone and it should start working fine.
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thank you.
You're welcome
duprade said:
take ur memory card, you probably have something installed on ur memory card that's causing the loop.
Try using a file explorer (like resco or total commander)
and go into your Windows directory and rename a files called
omap850_sdhc.dll into omap850_sdhc.dll.old then soft reset your phone and it should start working fine.
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I have a startup issue. Have to remove the card while soft-reset. Works fine once in WM6 and I can put card back in.
I don't have that omap850 file in my windows directory... any idea?
you need to use a different file explorer (resco, total commander) instead of the file explorer that comes with WM because it won't show .DLL or any other type of system files.
Awesome, got Total Commander. Works like a charm, no more pulling the card out!
Since you seem on the up and up with the Wing...
Any hidden files/temp crap that is filling up my device? I only have 5mb on my device and really not very many programs installed on it at all, my program files folder is only 6mb.
Thanks again for your assistance, much appreciated.
vr24 said:
Awesome, got Total Commander. Works like a charm, no more pulling the card out!
Since you seem on the up and up with the Wing...
Any hidden files/temp crap that is filling up my device? I only have 5mb on my device and really not very many programs installed on it at all, my program files folder is only 6mb.
Thanks again for your assistance, much appreciated.
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There's alot of **** filling up your wing that you dont need. haha. Are you still running the stock rom ? If so I'd suggest upgrading to a new one... personally, I'd reccommend ITJE's work.
ITJE's - Touch-IT 4.4
I was considering Touch-IT - but for some ungodly reason they removed Internet Sharing!!! What the hell would anyone do that for? It's free laptop internet.
I also need exchange to work, live messenger and whatever else. I just can't help but think it will be daunting as I got my cube configured and everything. I'm curious though... does the wing run faster with Touch-IT?
Also says (I'm looking at 4.4 here) - that the Today items are disabled (can you re-enable??) and Adobe Reader? Why remove that? I use it all the time...
Ugh, lol... this is why I am swaying away from Touch-IT... but really, does it do that much performance wise or just free up some space? Because besides the phone being a bit slow, I got it rock solid config'd and it's heavily modified.
My only suggestion would be try out all the Roms and see what you think.
Personally, I'm a big advocate of ITJE's work.. You can install a cab for adobe ... I'm sure there's something for the internet sharing cab somewhere.
other idea
tried the above solution to no avail, so I did some more testing. found that what triggered it on my device was adding additional apps to the tray launch.
just thought i'd share hope it helps
Awesome. That's good to know.
But do you really think using these ROM's will speed up the device at all? Or just simply create more storage space...
The Roms definitely make the device faster.
The new TouchIT 4.4 is the fastest rom I've ever had on my device... and I've had the priviledge to have seen some of the things that ITJE is working on, and let's just say you should be extremely anxious to see what's next to say the least.
I'd love to use Touch IT, but I'm still very weary of the internet sharing. I can't seem to find the cab for it and again, what in the world would compel someone to remove unlimited internet capabilities from the ROM????
I'm reading through all the posts, and everyone ignores the posters who ask about internet sharing, kind of strange.... Is there some conspiracy I'm unaware of or something???
I compiled an InternetSharing cab for those of you looking for it.
duprade said:
Try using a file explorer (like resco or total commander)
and go into your Windows directory and rename a files called
omap850_sdhc.dll into omap850_sdhc.dll.old then soft reset your phone and it should start working fine.
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Explore issue

Got rather a big problem. I installed Resto Explorer and was using it quite happily until the trial period lapsed. I did purchase the program as I liked it but got the wrong license generated and still waiting to hear from their support on getting it fixed. In the mean time I was unable to edit or do anything of substance.
So in my wisdom I decided to remove it for now. Big mistake! I am now unable to explore my phone as I cannot find the default explorer. I think I may have removed that from the start menu. OCD cleanliness you understand!!
So I cannot explore at all and thus cannot install anything to replace it.
Anyone know how I might recover from this one?
try installing total commander
Ok panic over. I used pcsync to copy a shortcut of fexplore.exe to start menu. Phew!
What someone mind posting the registy location and values of the default file explorer please so I can fully recover as it was and this time keep it there!!
rphillip said:
Ok panic over. I used pcsync to copy a shortcut of fexplore.exe to start menu. Phew!
What someone mind posting the registy location and values of the default file explorer please so I can fully recover as it was and this time keep it there!!
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Not quite sure what you expect to be stored in the registry for the file explorer. I've had a brief look and can't see anything in there. Just using it will set up any data storage that it uses. AFAIK it only needs to remember the last location it was in - nothing more.
Well at the mo all I have in the start menu now is "Shortcut to fexplore.exe". I woudl like to clean that up as far as possible to be what it it supposed to be.
rphillip said:
Well at the mo all I have in the start menu now is "Shortcut to fexplore.exe". I woudl like to clean that up as far as possible to be what it it supposed to be.
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Open file explorer and go to windows\start menu\programs and find the shortcut. Just rename it in there.
Incidentally, if you select an application, anywhere on your phone and do "Copy", you can then go to the above mentioned programs folder and do "Paste Shortuct". Just in case you lose any more shortcuts

Registry editor question

I am starting to grips with the HD2, and windows mobile slowly but surely. I'm now ready to take the plunge with the registry editor and file editor. A lot of people recommend Resco, so I have tried to install it from here
I install the cab on the phone and ge the resco icno in the start menu, but when I click it it says
"The file ':RRegistry cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of it's components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring the files."
I tried installing it again but go the same message. What am I doing wrong?
And now I have another issue. I uninstalled it and non I have duplicate HTC People, HTC Footprints, HTC Calendar, HTC Music, and HTC Twiiter icons in the start menu. HOwever, the pictures of these 'new' icons are all the same, and are just look like blue and white folders. WHere have these come from and how do I get rid of them?
I have installed Resco File Explorer without any problems. All I can suggest is that you remove it then reset before trying to re install.
If you still have problems SKTools also has a registry editor which works well but resco is a really good file manager.
With regard to the icons on the start menu once you have registry editor up and working there is a fix for that in the sticky "hints and tips thread" at the start of the forum.
Good luck
Sorted it, was downloading for smartphone, when needed to download for pocket PC, what a numpty
Be really careful when using any registry editor. The ability to screw things up is huge!
Always start by taking a backup of your registry first (think you can do this with Resco Explorer) BEFORE making any changes. May as well also backup the device in case you really screw up and need to hard reset.
I'm not trying to scare you, rather give you the benefit of some bitter experience!
PS If yo install the tool BSB Tweaks which you can find here on XDA, you can use a setting that allows you to install unsigned apps.
Hope this helps.
wacky.banana said:
Be really careful when using any registry editor. The ability to screw things up is huge!
Always start by taking a backup of your registry first (think you can do this with Resco Explorer) BEFORE making any changes. May as well also backup the device in case you really screw up and need to hard reset.
I'm not trying to scare you, rather give you the benefit of some bitter experience!
PS If yo install the tool BSB Tweaks which you can find here on XDA, you can use a setting that allows you to install unsigned apps.
Hope this helps.
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Thanks for the advice. I have already tweaked a couple of settings, but not backed them up :-/ Only changed this though so nothing too major:-
35. Enable Clickable Links in Zoomed Out Opera
This reg edit allows you to tap on a link without the need for zooming in first.
Change value from 64 to 32 (I've changed it to 10 though as found 32 still didn't work)
HOw do I back up registry using resco? And how do I back up the phone?
When I installed resco I got duplicate folders in my start menu for message, emails and things, but the icons were just blue and white folders, how do I get rid of these icons?
Try going to My Device/Windows/Start Menu/Programs and looking for the duplicate entries using Resco Explorer. Delete those entries and you should be OK.
Resco Explorer has a 'Recycle Bin' facility in case you want to make sure you keep the deleted items until you are sure you don't need them.
NeilM said:
Try going to My Device/Windows/Start Menu/Programs and looking for the duplicate entries using Resco Explorer. Delete those entries and you should be OK.
Resco Explorer has a 'Recycle Bin' facility in case you want to make sure you keep the deleted items until you are sure you don't need them.
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After a soft reset, the duplicate entries come back.

