Very hot phone, battery life under 2hrs - Touch HD General

I was recently on one of the old Dutty ROMs (V2.1 XTREME) and decided to upgrade to something newer, so I got the latest "phoenix" EnergyROM (Dec 17th) and flashed that using USPL SD bootloader.
The problem then arose that they phone was always extremely hot, specifically on the back down the bottom just above where the plastic cover for the antenna(s) is.
The battery would not charge to 100% and tBattery showed that it was drawing up to 400mA all the time, this is when plugged in and sitting on 99% charged. On a call (while plugged in) for ~20min the battery will also drop 50%.
I then did the following, which has had no affect;
Hard-reset, flash "leo" EnergyROM, hard-reset, flash Miri 6.5 ROM, hard-Reset, flash to the original Dutty v2.1 (when it was working), hard-reset.
I have tested the phone in-between all these procedures and even tried using a different (aftermarket) battery, all to no avail.
The engineer in me says it's a hardware issue, but I would like to think it's a software issue, something running at 100% consuming too much power.
I'm now looking for any ideas or advice on what could be the cause, since I have a phone that is practically unusable when not plugged in.

Gussy said:
I was recently on one of the old Dutty ROMs (V2.1 XTREME) and decided to upgrade to something newer, so I got the latest "phoenix" EnergyROM (Dec 17th) and flashed that using USPL SD bootloader.
The problem then arose that they phone was always extremely hot, specifically on the back down the bottom just above where the plastic cover for the antenna(s) is.
The battery would not charge to 100% and tBattery showed that it was drawing up to 400mA all the time, this is when plugged in and sitting on 99% charged. On a call (while plugged in) for ~20min the battery will also drop 50%.
I then did the following, which has had no affect;
Hard-reset, flash "leo" EnergyROM, hard-reset, flash Miri 6.5 ROM, hard-Reset, flash to the original Dutty v2.1 (when it was working), hard-reset.
I have tested the phone in-between all these procedures and even tried using a different (aftermarket) battery, all to no avail.
The engineer in me says it's a hardware issue, but I would like to think it's a software issue, something running at 100% consuming too much power.
I'm now looking for any ideas or advice on what could be the cause, since I have a phone that is practically unusable when not plugged in.
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Could also be a faulty battery as I've tried to roms you mentioned and did not have the same issue with battery. If not battery it could be a hardware issue. You can buy a cheap battery easily to test this

I've already tried a second battery as I mentioned, doesn't make any difference at all.

Gussy said:
I've already tried a second battery as I mentioned, doesn't make any difference at all.
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Have you ensured that all data connections are closed, Beam turned off and no automatic updates are ticked (weather, stock, email etc). If so, then it sounds like a faulty device.

Does the exact same thing even with wireless off and in aeroplane mode.

Gussy said:
Does the exact same thing even with wireless off and in aeroplane mode.
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Defo faulty device then

Hi Gussy,
I agree with Fallen Spartan and I think it's a hardware issue (battery issue).
Please try the following:
(1) Charge the battery to 100%.
(2) Disable from running or uninstall any 3rd party applications.
(3) Disable Bluetooth and Wi-Fi,
(4) Enable flight mode
(5) Set backlight to maximum settings.
(6) In the power management settings, uncheck any option that would set the backlight to turn off.
(7) Let phone stay idle for 1 hour and check battery capacity.
(8) If there is a loss of 40% or more, then this means that battery is faulty and needs to be replaced.

Battery won't charge to 100%, only 99%.
I have done pretty much that test already, a few times, with the original and a new battery, and neither lasts the 1hr.

Ah sorry, yep sounds like a faulty device. Is it under warranty? I don't think you could even flash back to stock ROM and Radio if you are planning to return the device (even if still under warranty) because of the power consumption issue

It have about 7 days of a 1 year warranty left, from the eBay seller I got it off. Sent the guy an email, don't expect a reply though.
I can flash back to stock, I just keep it plugged in and it works fine.

Gussy said:
It have about 7 days of a 1 year warranty left, from the eBay seller I got it off. Sent the guy an email, don't expect a reply though.
I can flash back to stock, I just keep it plugged in and it works fine.
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Ok mate. I suppose you have done all that can be done. Hope the warranty situation works in your favour.
Best Regards.

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm interesting.
my hd as been displaying the exact same symptoms for near on a month now,
i assumed the battery was cooked but its near identical to your issues,
i aquired a hero around the same time it started playing up so i aint been that bothered but reading this got me thinking its time to think about sending it off for repair.
if as i think you meant nrgz28s rom then i also flashed the 17th dec 6.5 dusk rom build 28014.
i cant be 100% sure thats the exact time the problems started but its very close if not the exact time.
the phone was purchased around mid december last year so about the same age if yours was new.
coincidence or contract concspiracy lol?

Could this be caused by a faulthy radio>!

Hmmm, could be, but most probably still the hardware error.
Altough, combination of very mismatched radio and RIL could cause simillar symptoms...
Best check this thread:

I had a similar problem.
Drain battery to about 5 - 10%
Turn phone off
Charge from a wall charger (not usb or car)
Do this a couple of times.
It fixed mine for about 6 months and then I just did it again and it sorted it out again.
Also check which radio. 1.17 seems to run cooler by most accounts.

I was initially thinking that there is a program or piece of software maxing out the resources and the cpu causing the extreme heat (the HD gets bloody hot when being pushed) and poor battery life.


XDA crashes at less than 25% power after ROM upgrade

I have an XDA Exec and I have just upgraded my ROM to the newest QTEK version. Since then, I have noticed that it crashes and reboots when the power level showing on the power meter reaches about 25%. I don't believe this problem was occurring before the ROM upgrade.
Although it stops working when 25% power is showing, I do not think that the battery life is actually reduced at all. It seems to me that it is more like the guage is inaccurate now and the power is really near zero when it crashes.
I wondered if the power guage needs recalibrating in some manner after the ROM upgrade because the settings have been lost. I know that some laptop computers need their batteries to be calibrated on first use. Does anyone have any ideas or information on this?
did you ever solve this issue? I have the same problem. Thanks for anyone's help.
Have only just noticed but im having the same problem to so annoying
Bad news, I am afraid. It is a harware fault and needs a repair.
In the end I returned my Exec to O2 under warranty. I got it back last week but they had forgotten to return the battery. After a phone call they sent me a free brand new battery by next day delivery.
Unfortunatelyt this means that I can't say for sure whether it was a battery problem or the phone itself. The covering letter with the phone said they had found a fault and repaired the phone, but since it seemed to be a stock letter, I can't be sure.
Anyway, my Exec certainly works fine now. I can get down to less than 10% with no crashes. I definitely did not have anything to do with the ROM upgrade.
Bad news, I am afraid. It is a harware fault and needs a repair.
In the end I returned my Exec to O2 under warranty. I got it back last week but they had forgotten to return the battery. After a phone call they sent me a free brand new battery by next day delivery.
Unfortunatelyt this means that I can't say for sure whether it was a battery problem or the phone itself. The covering letter with the phone said they had found a fault and repaired the phone, but since it seemed to be a stock letter, I can't be sure.
Anyway, my Exec certainly works fine now. I can get down to less than 10% with no crashes. I definitely did not have anything to do with the ROM upgrade.
Thanks for the reply. That was not what I wanted to hear! I am going to continue playing around with it; I can't believe we're the only ones to have this problem. Let me know if you get any more news. I'm getting tired of sending the HTC in for repairs.
i-mate crashes with battery in less then 43%
My i-mate continues to crashes with the battery is less then 43%, apparently the problem occurred when I make the upgrade to ROM Qtek WWE_13077_130176_10900, was looked like that this version has something that change the battery configuration, since Qtek 9000 comes with 1750 battery mAh? I reinstalled the i-mate ROM 1.30.82 and the problem persists?
I made a test leaving the i-mate on, without using the radio until the battery settings showed 23%, then I made a phone call, the i-mate crashes in seconds. Somebody could inform what is the true voltage of the battery in the i-mate when it is 100% and when it is 10%, at the Main Battery settings?
Battery problem...u ccan verify this by using a differrent one may b from yr friend...
I have the same problem, its only started happening after the ROM upgrade from o2, before it would run down to 0% no problem but now it gets to 25% crashes and i have to reboot it and turn the backlight of otherwise it crashes again. Are you sure its a battery problem because ive had the same battery for 6 months and the problem only started after the upgrade.
Thanks to all of you guys for adding comments. Good to see others with the same problem. Misery loves company.
Anyhow, I can't exactly say my problems started with a ROM upgrade. I have two used universals. Here's my story:
PDA#1. Upgraded with previous Orange ROM as soon as I bought it and started having the 25% crashing problem
PDA#2. Never had crashing problem, upgraded latest Orange ROM, down to nearly dead battery today and no crash.
Hmm, to test the bad battery theory, I will swap the battery in PDA#1 with the battery in PDA #2, and if I get a crash, I can blame it on the battery. Otherwise, it's the OS. Both PDAs have EXACTLY the same programs installed from fresh ROM upgrades.
Battery test
Hi PDAholic.
Which was the result of the test with the battery.
See my previous post in this topic. I can confirm that my problem seemed to start when I upgraded to the newest QTek ROM (from original O2 ROM). However after it has been returned to O2 for a repair, I have once again upgraded to the same ROM and now it works fine.
So, it must ether be a hardware fault on the Exec or a battery fault. My evidence is not consistent with it being something to do with the ROM version.
Anyone have definitive information on this problem?
Mark: I thank you for your post--but you have to admit, there is nothing wrong with a little experimentation!
Josedias: My experiment is still underway. I will say that taking out the nearly dead battery from non-crashing pda and putting it into the crashing pda did not result in the latter pda crashing. However, I am now waiting for the battery from crashing pda (which is now in non-crashing pda) to die. If it does, the problem is the battery. I actually have another theory if none of this pans out, which I will present with my next post.
Will be good to hear what your fndings are.
I spoke to o2 today and told them about the problem with the battery they tried telling me that it was software related then i told him that i was using the latest software from there website and he was like hmmm ok let me put you through to returns. Got put through and the kind person that i spoke to there said just to pop it in the post with the returns number and will send you out a new one the same day.
So i should hopefully have a new 1 by the end of the week will let you know if i have any problems
Okay, interesting results here...
I was actually unable to reproduce the shutdown on either PDA, with either battery!
I have a theory why, and perhaps those of you with the problem could try and see if it fixes your devices.
When I started the experiment, I wanted both PDAs to be as equal (controlled variables!) as possible. So, I charged both overnight until the green light came on, then did a soft reset to both PDAs. I have a feeling this might have somehow reset the battery meters in both devices.
Pretty much all PDA manufacturers recommend when you first get a device to charge it to 100% then begin using it. I do know that when I did the ROM upgrade on the device that kept crashing, my battery was very low. So, I presume that when I started using the device, the battery calibration was way off. Say that the device thought the battery was at 100%, but it was actually only at 75%. When the battery discharged to 0%, the device thought it was at 25%, and thus did not issue any warning messages. Then, without warning, the device died and would not come on without charging (which is what mine did).
I don't know for sure if this is what has been happening, but it makes sense to me.
My next experiment would be to stick a near dead battery in a device with a fully charged battery and see what happens. Although, at this point I probably "ought to leave well enough alone."
Again, I suggest to all of you to charge the device overnight to 100% WITH THE GREEN LIGHT ON, then do a soft reset and see if your problem is solved.
I will keep you guys posted on any further problems. Good luck.
Hi everyone!
A bit out of topic but I could not find any other discusion that could relate to my problem which is also related to battery.
I've got this guy who bought a brand spankin new XDA EXEC straight from Taiwan and the lame ass used it for about 4 hours without preformating the battery until it seized on him. It happend at the time of Active Sync instalation.
It did not die out sooner because he had it connected all the time to PC via USB cable thinking that this will charge the battery.
Now all he can see is the O2 welcoming screen and the ROM initialization figures.
Any ideas guys? I feel sorry for him and am trying to help him somehow.
I presume he has tried to do a hard reset (both softkeys, reset button and power). If that doesn't work, he could put it in bootloader mode, disable USB, and try reloading the ROM. Make sure he realizes that it takes a LONG time to soft reset the Universals. A common nube mistake is to keep hitting the reset button thinking it has locked up on the splash screen. Not that I would ever have done that...
I received a T-Mobile MDA Pro on tuesday and it has the same problem - but, my battery seems to die at 50% and will only power back on when the charger is plugged (mains or usb) in?
Hi guys ive just been on the phone with o2 and i have been told that it is indeed a hardware fault and that i will be getting a new one back from them in the next few days.
Qtek 13077 ROM ????
Could somebody inform what is the true voltage of the battery in the i-mate at 100% and when it is 10%, in the miter?
I have charged the unit till 100% led = Green, then soft reset, the problem persist?
Now I am 100% certainty that the problem occurred when I made upgrade to Qteck, we needs to investigate what the the Qtek ROM this doing with the JasJar?

Battery dies in less than 24 hours.

Hi guys.
My wizard battery lasts less than a day. I hardly use it. Wifi and other radio are off most of the time.
I tried changing ROMs, radio roms etc. I even got a new battery but to no effect.
Any help ?
I had that problem until I found out that activesync was staying active even after I unplugged the cable. I never found a way to keep it from doing that though so now I just make sure activesync is shut off wheneve I disconnect it. Kind of a pain, but it beats the battery dying on me.
Well ill make sure Activesync is off.
But do you think the problem would persist even after I changed roms!
It did on mine. It's something to do with activesync itself apparently. It doesn't stay on as often as it did when I was using T-mobiles ROM, but it still does it occasionally.
make sure your extrom is ok, because a corrupt extrom is also a cause of battery drainage, better yet there was a rom floating that only erases your extrom (blankextrom), i forgot who made it but its from the wizard forums
found it, go to post number 7, look at the sig below there is a link for the blank ext rom, enjoy
guys, please take a look at here, i think we have the same issues, but i have the t-mobile wing (htc herald):
Maybe your battery is bad. Buy a new one on Ebay for small cost. I bought mine for like 7 euro`s including shipping (battery itself was € 3,5). Also disable mail fetching every few minutes.
GaMeR64 said:
Maybe your battery is bad. Buy a new one on Ebay for small cost. I bought mine for like 7 euro`s including shipping (battery itself was € 3,5). Also disable mail fetching every few minutes.
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i tried two different NEW batteries straight from tmobile and the problem persists. and mail checking is on manual, which means only when I click send/receive
I'm pretty sure mine was caused by activesync running even though it wasn't connected because ever since I started making sure it wasn't running after disconnecting it from the cable my phone hasn't had that problem at all.
xeno1 said:
I'm pretty sure mine was caused by activesync running even though it wasn't connected because ever since I started making sure it wasn't running after disconnecting it from the cable my phone hasn't had that problem at all.
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i end-tasked (closed) activesync from running in my phone when i went to sleep, and when i woke up i lost 50% battery again, (with all radios off)
Some programs can drain the battery. As an example, I really like PhoneAlarm, but it drains the battery tremendously, I think it's because it polls different system parameters. This polling causes the battery drainage.
Also, the way to stop activesync from turning on by itself it to create an exchange server account. I use mail2web, it’s free. After you set up the account on the phone, when you go to the activesync menu, hit schedule, then set it up for manual.
After I set this up, I never have a problem with activesync. You can do a Google search to get the step-by-step directions on how to set it up.
Also, charge the battery with the wall power cord, try not to use the USB power. Each one uses different circuits in the wizard. I also let the battery drop below 10% before I charge it. My battery lasts about 4 days.
nvgear said:
i end-tasked (closed) activesync from running in my phone when i went to sleep, and when i woke up i lost 50% battery again, (with all radios off)
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Like calouro said, there are other programs that can drain a battery pretty quick, mine happened to be activesync. Since you shut it off and you still get battery drain then yours must be a different one, possibly a today plugin if you didn't have any other apps running in the background.
Just had a thought, you don't have any today plugins such as weather panel that are set up to update over gprs on a regular basis do you? If you're turning your radio off and it can't update it may be trying over and over to update and draining your battery.
no i don't have any today-addon or plugins, i have batterystatus installed but this problem persists even without batterystatus and it does this even after a fresh HARD reset, which tells me this is a manufacturer's program or hardware causing this flaw, i'm not the only one with this problem, there are others, look at our discussions here:
Yah, I read that post. Did you try not turning off the radio over night and see if that sloved the issue?
I've changed batteries. Using a brand new one now.
No active today plugins or anything else. Dont even have activesync running. Made sure I exited that. Still no help!
how did you flash?
i think it may be extrom prob, as someone said earlier. if you are flashing with shelltool, extrom(corrupted or not) is not replaced, when its broken, shelltool rom change will not help.
second thing is "fake connection" for activesync to stop it from turning on and on in searching of sync.
third thing is using soft, that is waking up/keeps machine awaken somehow...
xeno1 said it all before...
i think it may be something installed from good extrom too(extrom holds programs which are installed after first boot)....
one more thing:
after >60 flashes i noticed, that level of battery while flashing may be reason of fast nrg loss.
If it was 50%, machine(even charged to the max after flash) drops fast to 50% then drop slows down - wise thing is to let it discharge to ~5-9%, then charge to the max. After 1-2 such operations battery is ok.
It is useful, even if battery was full(machine "learns" about battery as it is new - sth like that).
there are no miracles.
sorry for funny english..
HEre's something funny that happened.
Before flashin a blank extended rom I had 73% battery. Once the flash was over I had 100% battery.
Now I'm tryin to drain the battery with backlight and phone and wifi continously on. Once that is done, I hope things will get better. I'll keep posted with what happens.
Even after a full recharge, the battery now doesnt last even 12 hours. And this is me not using the phone at all. It's just been switched on and kept that way.
And no thebacklight doesnt stay on, or the phone doesnt stay on (it goes into the standby mode as it should)
xeno1 said:
Yah, I read that post. Did you try not turning off the radio over night and see if that sloved the issue?
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yea if i don't turn off the cellular radio then the battery only loses about 1-2% overnight (9 hour sleep).

Battery Drain Issue - ROM/Radio/Battery Agnostic

Hey guys,
I'm having a bad battery drain problem with my Touch HD. The phone will drain itself in less than 6hrs, even if it is sitting on a table with all radios turned off, freshly hard-reset, doing absolutely nothing.
Initially I thought it may be an issue with the ROM I was using, but flashing an original HTC ROM didn't help. I thought the radio may be the cause (even though it wasn't in use), but flashing different radios didn't help. I considered the SPL might be the problem, so I reflashed a stock one, didn't help.
I've even tried brand new batteries, but they all drain out like you wouldn't believe. It doesn't matter whether there is a SIM or microSD card in it or not, drain is the same.
What I have noticed is the bottom half of the back gets slightly warm, just sitting on a table doing nothing. This is not something I noticed before this problem began.
Can anyone suggest a solution? Or is it simply defective...
Switch to flight mode and see if drain persists. If it does, then some software must be preventing the device from going to sleep mode.
If you are confident there's no such software installed, might as well be a hardware issue...
If no drain when in flight mode, then you may have wi-fi/BT/wireless connections always on causing this.
I'm almost 100% certain, since it does it on several different ROMs (including stock ones), several different radios, all with the phone in flight mode, all straight after a hard reset. Even so, it shouldn't do it simply connected to the 3G network, an Xperia X1 connected to the same network sitting next to it doesn't experience anywhere near the drain of this thing.
Looks very much like a battery issue..
However have you tried charging it from wall socket rather than USB (USB seems to incompletely charge HD - though it may say 100% battery actually charges up to ~70% only).
spoilt battery?
I had this problem after using videocall only a week after getting the device (this was about 4 weeks ago)
The steps i took (which i got from here) was once the battery went down to 10% I turned off the phone and charged it to full from the power point (not via usb). Then I did the htc troubleshoot test ( and it seemed fine form then on. But in the tips section in here, its good to discharge and recharge your phone the first week or two you get it, I'm still doing it

Battery problems

I have the T8585 HD2, recently ive been having troubles with the battery...
I was getting intermittent battery drain for no apparent reason, the back of the phone would get very hot. Searching I found that this had something to do with the SD card not being formatted properly, did this and havent had this same issue since.
Last night I charged the phone while on my PC, was approximately 80%. I wake up this morning and the phone is dead, wont turn on. So i plug it in to charge again and then it starts to do the soft reset loop thing, I just left it go for about 6 or 7 loops and then it seemed to settle. I look at the battery capacity and its 0%.
This explains why it was dead, but why the hell is the battery draining to nothing over night? I did not notice it getting hot last night and it was dead cold this morning. Battery terminals are not bent as some others have suggested as a cause for this.
I really like the HD2 but this battery thing on top of the poor capacity for the this type of phone is really starting to disappoint.
I have not messed with ROMs yet, so its running the following that i got with the phone...
ROM 1.66.707.1 (76641) WWE
Any ideas on this would be helpful!!
Same phone, same software
I have exactly same phone & software, I upgraded rom to this 1. But have had no problems with phone at all. Few soft resets at 1st, but then started deleteing messages, shutting down programs in background, no problems since. Hope you get figured out,,
I'm having the exact same problem. I've had the phone since November and, although the battery doesn't last like it used to, since about 2 days ago the phone has gone haywire!
I haven't installed any new apps or used the phone any differently than usual but, after getting readings of between 15 - 20mA in standby (with Battery Guard) I'm getting on average 490mA now in standby! Crazy! The back of the phone is getting so hot that I'm actually worried that it might do the phone damage and, like the OP, I'll go to bed with a full charge and wake up with the phone so dead that I have to pull the battery before I can start to recharge.
I've removed some of the PDF files and other things that might be causing slowdown etc due to but there is definitely a problem. Does anyone have any ideas of what kind of things I should look for that could be causing this before I contact the insurance guys for a replacement?
Thanks in advance
Im having a similar problem with my HTC raphael with WiMo 6.5 Roms didnt tried if the problem exists in 6.1.
My phone is fine today, was 100% last night, 95% this morning. Im starting to think this is a software issue not hardware due to the randomness....
richo27 said:
...... Im starting to think this is a software issue not hardware due to the randomness....
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funny you put it this way.... its actually the other way around.... nevertheless i understand what u mean (off-topic, just couldn't resist ;-) )
when the power usage jumps from 20ma to 490ma and gets very hot the battery has started to fail - don't be surprised their qualty is hit or miss. I'm on the T8585 HD2 (1.66 rom) since November and a few weeks ago the battery would get hot in standby and battery life dropped by half. I popped in a spare battery and problem instantly went away. I've since bought a 1,300 mha battery from Mugen, phone runs great again.
Hi. Had a similar thing with the battery drain, but the last few night I have put the phone on charge as normal and in the morning I have Nealy dropped the phone because of how hot the back was. Any ideas?
Happened again today, fully charged last night, 0% this morning. Very unhappy about this, this is a serious reliability issue that a $700 phone shouldn't have.
I would suggest checking your task managers processes, I had a process - Filesys.exe that was using 98% of my processor for long periods of time and absolutely eating battery life.
Yeah i have installed battlog to see if that will shed any light on the problem...
Did u try hard-resetting ur device?
no, im trying to avoid that at this stage, I want to find the source of the problem.
Had the same issue. Phone worked very well for a few months and then this battery drain + overheating issue started all of a sudden. Tried hard reset, disabled 3g and problem continued. Finally, got my phone replaced with great difficulty and problem solved!
Anyway, check the signal strength. One of the issues could be the phone trying to connect repeatedly when the signal is weak. You can also try to disable data connections to see if that causes the problem (Disable all autoupdates like email, twitter, weather and so on).

[Q] [Help] My battery is draining too fast, some soft problem ?

I bought this Hero off eBay, and it was dodgy since the begining.
The phone had cyanogen, and was restarting itself occasionally.
So i wiped it, installed 2.1 and it got fixed, but now i have a problem with battery drainage.
Its insance, 10minutes-10% im pretty sure its not supposed to be like that. with or without wifi/3d turned on, its just riddiculous.
I borrowed battery from a friend, and that didint make any change, i installed latest update from the autoupdate in the phone and still its bad. I read somewhere here that its faulty email app that keeps on trying to sync and drains battery, how do i fix that ?
I did a full wipe, cleared cache and everything back to factory settings, with no apps installed it goes from 100% to 0% in an hour.
I downloaded 2.1 from some android forum, as i was unable to find one here (there are only links to 1.5 on the WHY?)
If you can point me to a proper 2.1 (or higher?) software to download that doesnt do this crazy **** i'll be happy as infant on crack.
Please help, here is my software information:
Firmware: 2.1-update1
Baseband version:
Kernel version: 2.6.29-063c4d24
Build number: 3.32.405.2 CL191507release-keys
Software number: 3.32.405
Browser version: WebKit 3.1
Try calibrating your battery it gave me a huge boost on my hero... went from getting 16hours day.. to about 30hours on a single charge!!
Every time you flash a new ROM you need to calibrate your battery. The battery meter in the OS (Android in this case) is generated based on the battery stats file.
Battery stats is erased when you flash a new ROM.
Easiest method of battery calibration when you're intending on flashing a ROM:
Ensure battery is fully charged according to the OS. Switch phone off, unplug charger and plug back in. Once light is green, leave charging for another 30 minutes (light goes green at approx 95% charge).
Switch on, flash ROM. Allow first boot to complete.
Shut phone off. Disconnect charger. Remove battery. Replace battery. Place on charge, light green, leave charging another 30 minutes, yadda yadda. Switch phone on, boot immediately to recovery. Wipe battery stats.
Boot phone up. Now would be a good time to install JuicePlotter. Use as normal. Do not charge, let the battery run down completely. When the phone shuts itself off, power it back on. Repeat process until it won't switch on anymore.
Remove the battery. Put the battery back. Turn the phone on. Repeat until it won't turn on anymore.
Now charge the battery on the mains to 100% while the phone is off, keep charging for 30 minutes after light goes green. Power on. Voila, fully calibrated battery.
The last part, run until completely dead and charge only needs to be done once in a while (this is calibrating the battery innards, not the battery stats)
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hah, yea thats what i accidentally figured. phone was switching off, but when i powered it back on it had 30%.. and it was like that 3 or 4 times.
I ran it down completely and now am charging it till max, we'll see what happens. at worst i'lkl start your process from the beginning thx !
I diidnt know you had to do that. i've been playing with my G1 and not even once i had to calibrate that.. maybe i should
How'd it go? Any improvement on battery life?
it diidnt help I did what you quoted step by step and its still running down the battery like crazy :/ what else can i do ? im thinking of switching to 1.5 but thats just not progressive and my friends phone is running fine on 2.1, with the same battery even.
Edit: i've installed task killer and killed all the mail checking apps.. hope that is the problem
Edit2: it didint help at all, in 5 minutes i lost 15% fcuking hell !
I just switched to 1.5 and its still happening ! I using a different battery and its just as bad... why is this happening to me
ill try second to latest radio from xda wiki.. im running out of ideas,what else can i do ?
That really wierd... its not the battery if you have tried using different ones. Its not the ROM if u have changed it.
Have you tried disabling auto-updates? and auto-checks for emails. Which email client do you have? you should find the option to "sync-never" in the app settings.
Buying it from ebay is kinda ominous though.. was it described as faulty? perhaps you could contact the seller and request a refund is all else fails?
you can try using setcpu to underclock the cpu.
i have similar situation as you. before going to bed around 11pm, it showed 50% left, turned on airplane mode, then in the morning around 6am, phone was powered off.
now it has been 2 days, still have 20% left.
Logan3D said:
I bought this Hero off eBay, and it was dodgy since the begining.
The phone had cyanogen, and was restarting itself occasionally.
So i wiped it, installed 2.1 and it got fixed, but now i have a problem with battery drainage.
Its insance, 10minutes-10% im pretty sure its not supposed to be like that. with or without wifi/3d turned on, its just riddiculous.
I borrowed battery from a friend, and that didint make any change, i installed latest update from the autoupdate in the phone and still its bad. I read somewhere here that its faulty email app that keeps on trying to sync and drains battery, how do i fix that ?
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Did you ever take into consideration that some part of the hardware might be damaged?
Devices that got water damaged, sometimes show weird symptoms as well:
- They still boot up and seem to work well from the first sight
- The battery drains very quickly
- Some of the peripherals are not working stable or not starting up anymore (e.g. wifi, bt, gps)
- Other crazy things might happen as well (e.g. random reboots, backlight flicker, etc.)
So you might have a look at the mainboard. Red stickers indicate water damage!
Yea but if it were damaged would it show 50% battery after restarting thinking it had reached 5% ? i dont have the tools or will to unscrew it.
i paid 100 pounds fo it, the normal price of a used hero, but the auction said "phone restarts for no reason" and they do not accept returns, so im propably screwed :I
I had an old blackberry 8300 curve, i had it in the bathroom while i was showering, got too moist, turned the detection pads red but phone seemed to work fine after i dried it out. But the battery went to crap progressively in the manner. I would charge to 100%, take it off the charger and maybe an hour it would say less than 10%, do a battery pull and it would go back up to maybe 80% and last maybr another hour and keep doing that till it would normally drain on top od the numerous reboots i would be doing until eventually it would just drain and die.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Can dead pixels cause this ? i have like three.. but then again why would it show 50% after restarting from 5%..
the thing is its not draining the battery, just registering it wrong
Any updates on this? Any resolution?
shinji21 said:
Any updates on this? Any resolution?
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sorry mate i have tried everything unsuccessfully and returned the phone to the seller.. dont tell me you bought it ? (london)
No, but i have a samsung galaxy tab and experience similar symtoms. It does not bother me too much, the battery life is still great. Just the percentage is off and i need to restart from time to time.
I read similar complaint from droid x forum too.
