Battery problems - HD2 General

I have the T8585 HD2, recently ive been having troubles with the battery...
I was getting intermittent battery drain for no apparent reason, the back of the phone would get very hot. Searching I found that this had something to do with the SD card not being formatted properly, did this and havent had this same issue since.
Last night I charged the phone while on my PC, was approximately 80%. I wake up this morning and the phone is dead, wont turn on. So i plug it in to charge again and then it starts to do the soft reset loop thing, I just left it go for about 6 or 7 loops and then it seemed to settle. I look at the battery capacity and its 0%.
This explains why it was dead, but why the hell is the battery draining to nothing over night? I did not notice it getting hot last night and it was dead cold this morning. Battery terminals are not bent as some others have suggested as a cause for this.
I really like the HD2 but this battery thing on top of the poor capacity for the this type of phone is really starting to disappoint.
I have not messed with ROMs yet, so its running the following that i got with the phone...
ROM 1.66.707.1 (76641) WWE
Any ideas on this would be helpful!!

Same phone, same software
I have exactly same phone & software, I upgraded rom to this 1. But have had no problems with phone at all. Few soft resets at 1st, but then started deleteing messages, shutting down programs in background, no problems since. Hope you get figured out,,

I'm having the exact same problem. I've had the phone since November and, although the battery doesn't last like it used to, since about 2 days ago the phone has gone haywire!
I haven't installed any new apps or used the phone any differently than usual but, after getting readings of between 15 - 20mA in standby (with Battery Guard) I'm getting on average 490mA now in standby! Crazy! The back of the phone is getting so hot that I'm actually worried that it might do the phone damage and, like the OP, I'll go to bed with a full charge and wake up with the phone so dead that I have to pull the battery before I can start to recharge.
I've removed some of the PDF files and other things that might be causing slowdown etc due to but there is definitely a problem. Does anyone have any ideas of what kind of things I should look for that could be causing this before I contact the insurance guys for a replacement?
Thanks in advance

Im having a similar problem with my HTC raphael with WiMo 6.5 Roms didnt tried if the problem exists in 6.1.

My phone is fine today, was 100% last night, 95% this morning. Im starting to think this is a software issue not hardware due to the randomness....

richo27 said:
...... Im starting to think this is a software issue not hardware due to the randomness....
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funny you put it this way.... its actually the other way around.... nevertheless i understand what u mean (off-topic, just couldn't resist ;-) )

when the power usage jumps from 20ma to 490ma and gets very hot the battery has started to fail - don't be surprised their qualty is hit or miss. I'm on the T8585 HD2 (1.66 rom) since November and a few weeks ago the battery would get hot in standby and battery life dropped by half. I popped in a spare battery and problem instantly went away. I've since bought a 1,300 mha battery from Mugen, phone runs great again.

Hi. Had a similar thing with the battery drain, but the last few night I have put the phone on charge as normal and in the morning I have Nealy dropped the phone because of how hot the back was. Any ideas?

Happened again today, fully charged last night, 0% this morning. Very unhappy about this, this is a serious reliability issue that a $700 phone shouldn't have.

I would suggest checking your task managers processes, I had a process - Filesys.exe that was using 98% of my processor for long periods of time and absolutely eating battery life.

Yeah i have installed battlog to see if that will shed any light on the problem...

Did u try hard-resetting ur device?

no, im trying to avoid that at this stage, I want to find the source of the problem.

Had the same issue. Phone worked very well for a few months and then this battery drain + overheating issue started all of a sudden. Tried hard reset, disabled 3g and problem continued. Finally, got my phone replaced with great difficulty and problem solved!
Anyway, check the signal strength. One of the issues could be the phone trying to connect repeatedly when the signal is weak. You can also try to disable data connections to see if that causes the problem (Disable all autoupdates like email, twitter, weather and so on).


Random Shutdown

When my phone is sitting idle (screen off) it will randomly decide to power itself off. Has anyone else noticed this? Any ideas on what could be causing it?
The Balvenie said:
When my phone is sitting idle (screen off) it will randomly decide to power itself off. Has anyone else noticed this? Any ideas on what could be causing it?
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you mean randomly power itself ON, right?
if that is the case, it's normal, it just mean it woke up to connect to the internet, to get updates of news, emails, or whatever it was scheduled to pick up
nope. i mean it randomly turns itself off. this topic is being discussed over on the att captivate galaxy forum section.
interesting, so it's going from stanby mode, to complete OFF... nope never seen that happen to my i9000 model
yep totally powered off... completely sucks... looks like there are a bunch of ppl that have this issue with the captivate on att. $10 says its some lame piece of software that att puts on your phone that's causing the problem.
it's possible, i've read here a few users having crazy power issues (battery draining very fast) with their SGS i9000, but after wiping it out clean, to start anew, then the power problem is gone away.
so yes, a software could cause something weird like that.
Factory reset and so far so good
Hey guys,
I use a Galaxy S here in Hong Kong and I had the same random shut down issue constantly happen when my screen went off...
I tried everything, check temperature of cpu, etc. etc. and nothing worked, it just got worse and worse.
I even changed the battery to use the spare one that came with this. Still problematic.
Used SET CPU to limit the cpu to 400mhz, still problems.
Finally I did a factory reset and so far so good.
I only have the original system installed with the Remember the Milk app installed.
24 hours, no problems.
Installed AppBrain app.
Then I installed 3G WatchDog
12 hours, no problem.
Then I installed Paperdroid
12 hours, so far no problems at all.
If I run into an issue I'll post it here. But I think it definitely was a software issue.
Update - it randomly shut down on me
Alright guys, it shut down on my randomly today in the afternoon......
I dont know if it's the re-charging that screwed it up?
Because after my factory reset, last night was the first time i charged it....
This happened to me too - two days in a row until noon it would shut down two or three times - i uninstalled SetCpu and for now (24 hours) it hasn't happened again. I am not sure if it was the one responsible but it started happening after i installed two programs and i uninstalled them after it started happening. I uninstalled Visual Task Switcher first but on the next day it turned off again, then i unsinstalled SetCpu and it hasn't happened again - maybe some wrong profile settings but i didn't feel like experimenting
I had this issue once too in about 40 days.
I was reading an sms and then i turned into standby and put it in my pocket. Later, maybe 40 minutes i came home and my phone was completely off. I do not remember if i had to take out the battery before to get it on again.
I was wondering why it happened. Maybe it was caused by an app i had opened. Battery still was at 40%.
But since it only occured once in 40 days i doesn´t bother me.
Interesting you mention this as it just happened to me today for the first time. I took it out of my pocket and wtf? The phone was off. Very strange... Using the i9000 on the stock Eclair rom.
Should send back for warranty
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
software clash?
Well the phone suddenly switched off for me, but this time I turned off APPBRAIN and so far so good.
In fact, I came across an app called NoLED and since it kind of keeps ht phone on, while I have it on my desk, I'm able to be notified of stuff and so far with that, the phone hasnt' shut off.
I'm still experimenting with what works, but try turning off AppBrain and see if you still have the random shut off issue....
i use app brain all the time to keep my apps in sync
not the cause of the problem, that's for sure
my phone can last a whole day even with app brain running
OP, do you have MSN Talk installed on your phone? I have this same problem, seems to happen more when I am running MSN talk in a low signal area.
«try a new sim card. «Could be faulty. «i am on my 3rd phone and all of them had this same problem. «i bought a new sim card 4 days ago, and hasnt happened since. «but then again, this problem usually happens to me once every 3rd-5th day anyways, so i dont know if i am in the clear yet.
Me too, shutdown everyday
Hi guys
After upgrade OS to I9000ZSJG4, Phone random shutdown everyday.
Yep still shuts down
Tried keeping AppBrain off, still shuts down.
Used NoLED so the screen kind of stays on, still shuts off..
So far shut off on me after 40 hrs... this is really stupid.
I am this close to taking it back, but I genuinely think it's a software issue than a hardware issue...sigh
Anyone have any luck figuring this out?
Same problem no solution yet
I too have the same problem, haven't found any solution yet.
The temperature etc is all good, there is no pattern in shutdown issues.
I have tried factory reset and no new application, it still shut down while using in built browser.
I had the same thing happen to me while skiing in Whistler last weekend. It died twice. I attributed it to the cold. I normally use a 3000mah battery up there, but left it back the house that day. Afterwards while charging in the car and even charging it at home it died prematurely again. It was the eBay aftermarket variety 1500mah knock off. I have since changed back to the Samsung OEM battery. I haven't had an issue with it since. My assumption is that the knock offs in my case cannot handle the heat cycles of charging and then the cold as well as the original. Or they have a limited lifespan, well below OEM specs. I am now only using the 3000mah battery on the weekends to hedge my bet on the quality of manufacture, as it seems to be from the same factory as the 1500.

Rapid battery discharge all of a sudden (Faulty Hardware??)

I've done a search but can't find anything to do with my issue. I am running L26LEOV2.1_GoldEdition_213_WWE_21899_SE and have been for probably a month. Everything has been running excellent. I've got AS pushmail, weather etc all running and had no issues.
All of a sudden the battery life has disappeared. Noticed my battery at ~30% last night which was strange as I usually charge every night or 2nd night but it's never that low. After about 45mins it was at 8% just sitting idle (no data or anything running).
Did a full charge last night before going to bed and unplugged it. So 100% charged. This morning I found the phone is off, turn it on and its on 0% then shuts down again due to no power. Would only be like 6-8mths old.
I haven't made any software/ROM changes in weeks so I'm fairly sure it is hardware related. Before I go back to stock ROM and send it in for warranty work, does anyone have any suggestions for things to try beforehand? I don't want to go back to an old Nokia while I'm waiting
You could try BattLog to see where/when the rapid power drain is occurring. I've had my battery do the same thing once. I usually get through the work day with 50% left, but one day (without any use) my HD2 was dead before lunch. The problem went away as mysteriously as it arrived. So maybe just give it a few more charges and see if it works itself out. I'm curious if you've noticed any unusual ammount of heat from the battery? It could very well be that it is failing.
I'll try that program but oddly enough today its been ok, using only 10% with a bit of google maps and phone usage in about 10hr.

Anyone else with this problem...?

Hello all,
I bought the HD a couple of months after it first was released and have never had this problem until about 3 days ago, where my phone has started to suddenly "die" even with ample battery life in it. When I reboot it, it simply starts to reboot then dies again as if the battery is dead, however, when I plug it into the charger, it shows that it has over half to almost full battery life. So the problem can not be that the battery is simply dying. What could be causing this problem? I have ample free main storage and program memory and it occurs even when there is only one program running or even when I'm just in the middle of a call.
Can anyone help me solve this problem? I have tons of medical programs in my phone which took forever to install and don't want to hard reset the phone, especially if that is not even the solution to the problem. Help?
Same thing happened to me, but my phone gets some water. I had to dry it and wait a month. Then it worked fine. If your phone hasn't took any water the problem must be elsewhere.
One question, it dies even if attached to the power? or only on battery?
If it dies only on battery then could be the battery not working properly.
Batteries do weird stuff when they're dead. If it works OK on power but not on battery, chances are the battery is indeed on its way out. If you don't want to do a hard reset, a replacement battery on ebay is cheap and worth trying.
I have exactly the same behavior. I changed of Rom, different build, each time running Task29, but it is always the same thing :
- when charged, phone never dies
- when on battery, it randomly dies but always when phone is awake
I think too it may come from the battery, so I just ordered a new one, and I'll keep you up to date.
Yea, so far it has occurred about 4 times, always when it's not plugged in however the battery meter shows alof of battery time left. I'm thinking it's the battery too, it just sucks to have to pay so much for an OEM battery. Oh well, thanks for the help everyone.
so I received my new battery this morning.
After some phone calls and some far so good ! I'll tell you if something's change in the next days, but it seems changing the battery is the solution.
Mine started doing similar things. Guess I will order a battery too. Which one did you get?
Well I got the exact same one I had previously : an official htc touch hd battery.
Part number : 35H00120-01M.
I hope this one will last until I really want to change my phone .
Any more issues since replacing the battery?
still no issues so far. I am really happy because as the battery is new, my phone last much longer than before.
Same here. Got the new battery yesterday and it's back to it's old self. Now it should last me until the dual core processor Android devices come out next year.
Well it would be nice if my pnone only turned off when it wasnt on charge but it seems to just reset itself whenever it wants. it will simply turn off and start right back up sometimes not even reaching the rom load before it turns off again. It does this for a while or just simply once. I tried erasing all data off it and hoping it was something i uploaded but it could be that my battery is just no good anymore.
Any suggestions? ive been dealing with this for 6 months
I don't know about you, but I played quite a lot with my phone, trying a lot of ROM, for a while, even beta ones, and I tried to overclock it. Often the phone would heat up a lot. It may have be hard on the battery.
Right now I am using a stable rom of NRG from last month, with the new battery, and everything is fine. The phone never heat, and I happy for now.
Like Marksm, I am waiting for Android dual core phones or at least based on Tegra 2.
ANTO_AN said:
Well it would be nice if my pnone only turned off when it wasnt on charge but it seems to just reset itself whenever it wants. it will simply turn off and start right back up sometimes not even reaching the rom load before it turns off again. It does this for a while or just simply once. I tried erasing all data off it and hoping it was something i uploaded but it could be that my battery is just no good anymore.
Any suggestions? ive been dealing with this for 6 months
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As pointed out in above posts, a change in battery appears to have rectified issue
been there done that. Didnt work, i got a new phone but i would really like to keep this.

[Q] [Help] My battery is draining too fast, some soft problem ?

I bought this Hero off eBay, and it was dodgy since the begining.
The phone had cyanogen, and was restarting itself occasionally.
So i wiped it, installed 2.1 and it got fixed, but now i have a problem with battery drainage.
Its insance, 10minutes-10% im pretty sure its not supposed to be like that. with or without wifi/3d turned on, its just riddiculous.
I borrowed battery from a friend, and that didint make any change, i installed latest update from the autoupdate in the phone and still its bad. I read somewhere here that its faulty email app that keeps on trying to sync and drains battery, how do i fix that ?
I did a full wipe, cleared cache and everything back to factory settings, with no apps installed it goes from 100% to 0% in an hour.
I downloaded 2.1 from some android forum, as i was unable to find one here (there are only links to 1.5 on the WHY?)
If you can point me to a proper 2.1 (or higher?) software to download that doesnt do this crazy **** i'll be happy as infant on crack.
Please help, here is my software information:
Firmware: 2.1-update1
Baseband version:
Kernel version: 2.6.29-063c4d24
Build number: 3.32.405.2 CL191507release-keys
Software number: 3.32.405
Browser version: WebKit 3.1
Try calibrating your battery it gave me a huge boost on my hero... went from getting 16hours day.. to about 30hours on a single charge!!
Every time you flash a new ROM you need to calibrate your battery. The battery meter in the OS (Android in this case) is generated based on the battery stats file.
Battery stats is erased when you flash a new ROM.
Easiest method of battery calibration when you're intending on flashing a ROM:
Ensure battery is fully charged according to the OS. Switch phone off, unplug charger and plug back in. Once light is green, leave charging for another 30 minutes (light goes green at approx 95% charge).
Switch on, flash ROM. Allow first boot to complete.
Shut phone off. Disconnect charger. Remove battery. Replace battery. Place on charge, light green, leave charging another 30 minutes, yadda yadda. Switch phone on, boot immediately to recovery. Wipe battery stats.
Boot phone up. Now would be a good time to install JuicePlotter. Use as normal. Do not charge, let the battery run down completely. When the phone shuts itself off, power it back on. Repeat process until it won't switch on anymore.
Remove the battery. Put the battery back. Turn the phone on. Repeat until it won't turn on anymore.
Now charge the battery on the mains to 100% while the phone is off, keep charging for 30 minutes after light goes green. Power on. Voila, fully calibrated battery.
The last part, run until completely dead and charge only needs to be done once in a while (this is calibrating the battery innards, not the battery stats)
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hah, yea thats what i accidentally figured. phone was switching off, but when i powered it back on it had 30%.. and it was like that 3 or 4 times.
I ran it down completely and now am charging it till max, we'll see what happens. at worst i'lkl start your process from the beginning thx !
I diidnt know you had to do that. i've been playing with my G1 and not even once i had to calibrate that.. maybe i should
How'd it go? Any improvement on battery life?
it diidnt help I did what you quoted step by step and its still running down the battery like crazy :/ what else can i do ? im thinking of switching to 1.5 but thats just not progressive and my friends phone is running fine on 2.1, with the same battery even.
Edit: i've installed task killer and killed all the mail checking apps.. hope that is the problem
Edit2: it didint help at all, in 5 minutes i lost 15% fcuking hell !
I just switched to 1.5 and its still happening ! I using a different battery and its just as bad... why is this happening to me
ill try second to latest radio from xda wiki.. im running out of ideas,what else can i do ?
That really wierd... its not the battery if you have tried using different ones. Its not the ROM if u have changed it.
Have you tried disabling auto-updates? and auto-checks for emails. Which email client do you have? you should find the option to "sync-never" in the app settings.
Buying it from ebay is kinda ominous though.. was it described as faulty? perhaps you could contact the seller and request a refund is all else fails?
you can try using setcpu to underclock the cpu.
i have similar situation as you. before going to bed around 11pm, it showed 50% left, turned on airplane mode, then in the morning around 6am, phone was powered off.
now it has been 2 days, still have 20% left.
Logan3D said:
I bought this Hero off eBay, and it was dodgy since the begining.
The phone had cyanogen, and was restarting itself occasionally.
So i wiped it, installed 2.1 and it got fixed, but now i have a problem with battery drainage.
Its insance, 10minutes-10% im pretty sure its not supposed to be like that. with or without wifi/3d turned on, its just riddiculous.
I borrowed battery from a friend, and that didint make any change, i installed latest update from the autoupdate in the phone and still its bad. I read somewhere here that its faulty email app that keeps on trying to sync and drains battery, how do i fix that ?
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Did you ever take into consideration that some part of the hardware might be damaged?
Devices that got water damaged, sometimes show weird symptoms as well:
- They still boot up and seem to work well from the first sight
- The battery drains very quickly
- Some of the peripherals are not working stable or not starting up anymore (e.g. wifi, bt, gps)
- Other crazy things might happen as well (e.g. random reboots, backlight flicker, etc.)
So you might have a look at the mainboard. Red stickers indicate water damage!
Yea but if it were damaged would it show 50% battery after restarting thinking it had reached 5% ? i dont have the tools or will to unscrew it.
i paid 100 pounds fo it, the normal price of a used hero, but the auction said "phone restarts for no reason" and they do not accept returns, so im propably screwed :I
I had an old blackberry 8300 curve, i had it in the bathroom while i was showering, got too moist, turned the detection pads red but phone seemed to work fine after i dried it out. But the battery went to crap progressively in the manner. I would charge to 100%, take it off the charger and maybe an hour it would say less than 10%, do a battery pull and it would go back up to maybe 80% and last maybr another hour and keep doing that till it would normally drain on top od the numerous reboots i would be doing until eventually it would just drain and die.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Can dead pixels cause this ? i have like three.. but then again why would it show 50% after restarting from 5%..
the thing is its not draining the battery, just registering it wrong
Any updates on this? Any resolution?
shinji21 said:
Any updates on this? Any resolution?
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sorry mate i have tried everything unsuccessfully and returned the phone to the seller.. dont tell me you bought it ? (london)
No, but i have a samsung galaxy tab and experience similar symtoms. It does not bother me too much, the battery life is still great. Just the percentage is off and i need to restart from time to time.
I read similar complaint from droid x forum too.

Battery drains fast and is always warm even after a battery change

Phone battery suddenly drains faster than usual, drains to 0% overnight. Problem still persist even after April update and after battery change. Can't find any solutions. Help me.
Hey, so about a week ago something very strange happened to my Mi A1 and got worse overtime. So what happened was my battery went from 80+% to 0% overnight. I woke up confused and just recharged it and didn't think too much. After a full charge, I noticed the battery drains abit more than usual and had to plug it in constantly. Before going to bed I charged my phone to 100% to see if it would drain to 0% again. It did. As time passes the problem gets worst. The phone started getting warm when charging (around 40+°C up to 50°C) then after a while the phone runs warm even when not charging (never goes below 40°C). My phone always used to run at about 30-35°C even when charging. I changed the battery myself because there was no warranty on it but it didn't fix the problem. However it did help abit. The battery drains ever so slightly slower now but still drains to 0% overnight. It still runs warm but now it does go below 40°C (rarely). Before and after the battery change, the discharging rate is about 700mA and sometimes reaches 1000+mA (used an app called Ampere, not too sure how accurate it is). The phone was also warmer than usual when charging even when the phone was off (before and after the battery change). I tried factory resetting to see if that does anything but had no luck. I also tried using a Wakelock detector app to see if there was an app excessively triggering a wakelock but all seemed normal. I even tried downloading a "battery calibration app" which obviously didn't work. So I feel like it's a hardware problem.
Now here's what I did and did not do to the phone before the problem happened. What I did was I do charge the phone quite alot most of the time. What I mean by that is when it hits about 30% I'll plug it in but I never leave it plugged in after a full charge or charge it overnight and I seldom let the battery drain to below 10%. Even so, the phone never got warm like how it is now. That's about all I did to it. Now what I didn't do was, I never tried to install custom ROMs or root/modify my phone in anyway except for the post about how to enable 4G+ which didn't work for me.. My phone is completely stock. I also didn't install any new apps from the playstore or from any 3rd party sites nor were there any updates for any apps installed in my phone. I've had the same apps installed for a couple of months before this happened. I also haven't dropped my phone for a couple of months. I only dropped it less than 5 times from short heights and I have a very rugged case on. I also didn't use any 3rd party chargers. I'm still using the charging brick and cable that came with the phone. I have tried using other chargers that are 2A but no luck. So basically I didn't do anything out of the ordinary prior to this problem.
Just some extra information
1. The hottest part of the phone is at the top right corner of the back. I assume the CPU is there (?).
2. It happened before the April update. It was the same before and after the April update.
3. Phone is running on Android Pie if that wasn't clear
4. The phone is only 10 months old
5. My phone is the Global ROM version
6. Performance wise, its still responsive and snappy. Doesn't lag or freeze or anything.
6. I always have mobile data on and use it as hotspot for my laptop at uni. I have been using it like that for the past 9 months. However the problem happened when I was at home during sem break so I was mostly connected to Wi-Fi.
Sorry for such a long post. I hope somewhere out there, there is someone who can help me or other people that have a similar problem so we can fix it.
In the upper right corner, should be the modem area.
Try holding the phone on airplane mode during the night and monitor drain.
Also, try changing the SIM slot and do an APN reset. If this fails too, try changing your SIM card or if u can, try another operator SIM.
If you changed any value with QXDM PRO , try and put back the default values.
Good luck

