Battery Drain Issue - ROM/Radio/Battery Agnostic - Touch HD General

Hey guys,
I'm having a bad battery drain problem with my Touch HD. The phone will drain itself in less than 6hrs, even if it is sitting on a table with all radios turned off, freshly hard-reset, doing absolutely nothing.
Initially I thought it may be an issue with the ROM I was using, but flashing an original HTC ROM didn't help. I thought the radio may be the cause (even though it wasn't in use), but flashing different radios didn't help. I considered the SPL might be the problem, so I reflashed a stock one, didn't help.
I've even tried brand new batteries, but they all drain out like you wouldn't believe. It doesn't matter whether there is a SIM or microSD card in it or not, drain is the same.
What I have noticed is the bottom half of the back gets slightly warm, just sitting on a table doing nothing. This is not something I noticed before this problem began.
Can anyone suggest a solution? Or is it simply defective...

Switch to flight mode and see if drain persists. If it does, then some software must be preventing the device from going to sleep mode.
If you are confident there's no such software installed, might as well be a hardware issue...
If no drain when in flight mode, then you may have wi-fi/BT/wireless connections always on causing this.

I'm almost 100% certain, since it does it on several different ROMs (including stock ones), several different radios, all with the phone in flight mode, all straight after a hard reset. Even so, it shouldn't do it simply connected to the 3G network, an Xperia X1 connected to the same network sitting next to it doesn't experience anywhere near the drain of this thing.

Looks very much like a battery issue..
However have you tried charging it from wall socket rather than USB (USB seems to incompletely charge HD - though it may say 100% battery actually charges up to ~70% only).

spoilt battery?

I had this problem after using videocall only a week after getting the device (this was about 4 weeks ago)
The steps i took (which i got from here) was once the battery went down to 10% I turned off the phone and charged it to full from the power point (not via usb). Then I did the htc troubleshoot test ( and it seemed fine form then on. But in the tips section in here, its good to discharge and recharge your phone the first week or two you get it, I'm still doing it


MDA Pro - Phone/Radio cutout at 70% battery

First off, I have seen many threads on the MDA PRO (and all its variants) cutting out at high battery power levels and from what I can see there doesn't seem to be any concrete resolution. But here is my situation.
I bought a new sealed MDA Pro and immedialy flasshed to the latest T-Mobile rom. Thats where the problems began. I seem to be plagued by the MDA cutoff at 60-70% problem.
The way it manifests is the radion loses signal and cannot locate the carrier at or below 70%. At this stage a reset of the device and it reboots but as soon as you use the phone or wifi it crashes .. black screen.
As with others if I connect the USB cable and charge by PC or mains everything returns to normal. Not a very mobile solution!!
I have tried every variant of ROM out there and the problem remains. I have charged the battery for 16 hours etc etc. I have tried phone in Auto, GSM modes .. same problem :!:
The only thing I haven't done yet is buy a new battery and hence my post.
Will the purchase of a new battery solve the problem? As with other threads it would seem this came along with the latest roms. Does flashing a ROM when the battery is less than fully charged cause problems?
On a final note, if after the radio loses signal it is turned off I have been able to run the device down to 20% running videos and MP3. Is this a probem with radio levels above1.09.00 (Just thinking out loud)
HELP: This device is perfect for my daily use and having purchased a less than mobile device I am now close to getting rid .. but I dont want to
Any advice greatly appreciated... expecially from those who have fixed the problem.
I had this problem and a new battery fixed it.
Thanks. Look slike a new battery
There seems to be different speculations on what causes the battery problem on the Universal: the power charge cable quality theory, one idea about the battery level stored inside the batter which some claimed to registry heck could change and another idea about the battery 500 charges limitations.
But if yours is brand new, then none of the above applies... So the refresh to a new Rom definately must have something to do with it. Wonder anybody who had bought a new replacement battery after the power drop had done another rom refresh and whether the same problem returns?
I have just bought a replacement battery (1800m Ah at standard size by MoMax which gives me another 30% more power everyday which is something good I got from paying for a new battery) yesterday to change the old one out for the same reason. Looks like until someone found the real cause, I am keeping the old one for my next rom refresh...
New Battery ... problem resolved.

Question: Has ANYONE figured out a...

...definitive solution to the overheating (and subsequent crap battery life) issue with the Tytn/Hermes/8525?
This seems to be one of the most prevalent hardware-related problems I've encountered after perusal of numerous boards.
Charging, it heats up. Duh. Fine. Disconnect, put it in my breast pocket after it cools down, twiddle my thumbs. During this whole time, for purposes of this test, EVERYTHING is switched off: phone radio, wifi, bt, push, and as many of the background processes as I can kill without having the phone hang on me.
You'd think the symptoms would be the same every time. But nooooo...this thing has a mind of its own. Sometimes it'll be 5 mins before I start feeling the heat, sometimes 40. It's totally unpredictable. I've tried every way I can find to extend the battery life with no luck; this is getting retarded.
So: Battery life drops drastically once the thing starts heating up. But not before. From 3PM to 4PM today, battery life was at 100% and did not move. Sweeeet! I thought...too soon. Got that warm and fuzzy feeling - then it's in free fall. 10% down in 45mins, another 20% by 5:30, dead as a doornail by 8PM. That's exactly FIVE hours of "standby" with ZERO activity. Screen was turned on maybe 4 times just to check battery status. 200 hours of standby?? Sure, in a deep freezer packed with dry ice...
Installed Batti: if anyone with close to normal (advertised?) battery life has also installed it, could you tell me what your temperatures are like? When I'm charging, I'm at 35.6C. My voltage is at 4.213V - this might be the problem since the battery is listed as a 3.7V 1500mAH. Also, I removed the charger for about 30 seconds after Batti said it was charged, then reinserted it. It took about 30 minutes to tell me again that it was full - all the while listing the "Percent" as 100%. Gah!
Anyway - back to the reason I've posted:
1) Is this a phone issue, tweak/registry/software issue, or a good old fashioned battery issue? I've got another battery coming in shortly but it's nothing special, not sure of the brand, just want to compare it to this one - which is a Seidio.
2) If anyone else has had this problem and solved it, please let me know what you did.
3) This phone is for sale if anyone wants it and knows how to fix it. Other than the 5 hours of battery life, the phone is perfect.
Thanks all!
The only time I've ever had this problem was when I installed the very first Palringo mobile beta, and it continuously polled the Palringo servers whenever it was connected... I had a battery life of about an hour and a half!
I can only suggest you have some poorly-written app on your device which is polling some piece of hardware or using (or trying to use!) the data connection, subsequently failing and looping round to try again and again.
I'm not using Batti (using the BatteryStatus Today Screen plugin), but it shows temps - I'm charging my device at the moment and it shows ~41 degrees celcius. When I unplug the charger, I have about 70mW usage and when I tap to turn the backlight back on it roughly doubles (backlight on its lowest setting). Using roughly 40-45mA just idling, I have push mail turned on and ActiveSync is syncing probably every 5/10 minutes or so (can't remember the interval).
I get about a day's worth of usage including regular phone usage, data usage, then locking the device (including turning the backlight off) when it's just on the desk or in my pocket (less if I have BT turned on all the time, obviously). All I can think of is that you have some app on there which is either interacting with something else or causing the problem itself.
what is the manufacturer name on the battery?
There are threads around about certain manufacturer brands (there are a couple of different brands) and their performance..
i had a dynatec and it was crappy.. took it back and got a sanyo battery and all was good...
Possible solution - Same geographic location
Hi. I seemed to have the same problem recently. I think my radio was the new I have two batteries and each one was killed in 6 to 8 hours.
I first downgraded the radio to and it seemed a little bit better, but upon upgrading to, it seemed to have gone away. My OS is Pandora's 7.1 w/ 3.62.
With, I was able to get over a day's worth of life on one charge in 3G/H mode. It seems this is giving me more life, but I'm still testing.
Maybe give this a try, upgrading to and a 3.62 os. No problems for me so far and it seems like it's a keeper!
Hope this helps!
Soft reset when it starts getting warm, soft reset after charging if it is warm when on the charger.
My 8525 used to have this problem, but it went away on its own. However, soft resets when the device felt warm did solve the problem when it was occurring. Note that my phone is no longer warm while charging, either.
A lot of people try various radio upgrades/downgrades and ROM changes to fix this, but I think that's on the wrong track as I've never seen anyone report that doing these things made any difference. However, if you're not using WM6, I recommend at least making that change.
Other than that, hit the reset button if it starts to feel warm for no reason and after charging, and you should be fine.
My guess on this is that there is some kind of problem where the device thinks it is plugged in when it isn't, and then it over stresses the battery causing the heat and fast battery drain.
My experience
I am on Rogers in Canada, the same company that owns Fido, and I wonder if there is a problem with their network/ActiveSync/3G/units compatibility.
carrier: Rogers wireless (Canada)
device: branded HTC TyTN WM 5
ROM: 1.34.631.14
Recently activated Push Email and connecting to exchange server via Activesync. Push requires an "always-on" data connection. It seemed to have been working fine for about 2 days, then suddenly my unit started to heat up significantly, (luckily no screen warp), and my battery would drain from 100% to 0% in 5 hours (if I was lucky). Unsatisifed with Rogers suggestion that replacing the unit with a refurbished unit was the way to go... I continued my research and experimentation and 48 hours later here is whatI came upwith so far:
1) Hard Reset - did not help the situation
2) Soft Reset when heating up - did not help the situation
3) Most frequently associated activity - ActiveSync on with 3G Data Connecton enabled and server directed to exchange server... no difference depending on how often I had the mobile device ping the exchange server. The heat and battery drain occurred while the TyTN was in hibernation (dead unit in the AM when I awoke).
4) Battery drain modifiers - worsens with worsening heat, worsens and acclerates if you remain in an area of low signal (less than 2 bars showing)
Best solution(s)/explanation(s) to date:
1) 3G is a battery killer - it uses a lower intenisty signal, and it generally draws heavier on the battery and hardware when using the network
2) In Phone settings, switching your Band to GSM (2G) fixes the device into one band (does not allow automatic switching and constant detection of best signal). Unless you are a real Power User and rely heavily on every ounce of speed that can be squeezed out of 3G there is no noticeable difference.
3) I have switched off the "receive allincoming beams" for the Ir interface to conserve every mV of power in my battery.
4) Since the switch (a few hours now) I have had no heat issues and the voltage has remained stable with ActiveSync on and mild websurfing to download a couple of CABs... granted it is minimal usage as it is 2:30AM but I think this may be the trick (on Rogers with a TyTN anyways)
I'll keep an eye on this and do some more analysis on the battery... Any input readily welcomed...
sounds like you simply need to buy a new battery.
It's not a tumoh!
Doesn't seem to be battery...
I recently tweaked reg with some battery hacks, locked it into 2G and all has been well. Holding a charge with the data connection engaged 24/7 - drops to about 65% charge over 24h, having to charge only every 2nd/3rd day...

Very hot phone, battery life under 2hrs

I was recently on one of the old Dutty ROMs (V2.1 XTREME) and decided to upgrade to something newer, so I got the latest "phoenix" EnergyROM (Dec 17th) and flashed that using USPL SD bootloader.
The problem then arose that they phone was always extremely hot, specifically on the back down the bottom just above where the plastic cover for the antenna(s) is.
The battery would not charge to 100% and tBattery showed that it was drawing up to 400mA all the time, this is when plugged in and sitting on 99% charged. On a call (while plugged in) for ~20min the battery will also drop 50%.
I then did the following, which has had no affect;
Hard-reset, flash "leo" EnergyROM, hard-reset, flash Miri 6.5 ROM, hard-Reset, flash to the original Dutty v2.1 (when it was working), hard-reset.
I have tested the phone in-between all these procedures and even tried using a different (aftermarket) battery, all to no avail.
The engineer in me says it's a hardware issue, but I would like to think it's a software issue, something running at 100% consuming too much power.
I'm now looking for any ideas or advice on what could be the cause, since I have a phone that is practically unusable when not plugged in.
Gussy said:
I was recently on one of the old Dutty ROMs (V2.1 XTREME) and decided to upgrade to something newer, so I got the latest "phoenix" EnergyROM (Dec 17th) and flashed that using USPL SD bootloader.
The problem then arose that they phone was always extremely hot, specifically on the back down the bottom just above where the plastic cover for the antenna(s) is.
The battery would not charge to 100% and tBattery showed that it was drawing up to 400mA all the time, this is when plugged in and sitting on 99% charged. On a call (while plugged in) for ~20min the battery will also drop 50%.
I then did the following, which has had no affect;
Hard-reset, flash "leo" EnergyROM, hard-reset, flash Miri 6.5 ROM, hard-Reset, flash to the original Dutty v2.1 (when it was working), hard-reset.
I have tested the phone in-between all these procedures and even tried using a different (aftermarket) battery, all to no avail.
The engineer in me says it's a hardware issue, but I would like to think it's a software issue, something running at 100% consuming too much power.
I'm now looking for any ideas or advice on what could be the cause, since I have a phone that is practically unusable when not plugged in.
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Could also be a faulty battery as I've tried to roms you mentioned and did not have the same issue with battery. If not battery it could be a hardware issue. You can buy a cheap battery easily to test this
I've already tried a second battery as I mentioned, doesn't make any difference at all.
Gussy said:
I've already tried a second battery as I mentioned, doesn't make any difference at all.
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Have you ensured that all data connections are closed, Beam turned off and no automatic updates are ticked (weather, stock, email etc). If so, then it sounds like a faulty device.
Does the exact same thing even with wireless off and in aeroplane mode.
Gussy said:
Does the exact same thing even with wireless off and in aeroplane mode.
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Defo faulty device then
Hi Gussy,
I agree with Fallen Spartan and I think it's a hardware issue (battery issue).
Please try the following:
(1) Charge the battery to 100%.
(2) Disable from running or uninstall any 3rd party applications.
(3) Disable Bluetooth and Wi-Fi,
(4) Enable flight mode
(5) Set backlight to maximum settings.
(6) In the power management settings, uncheck any option that would set the backlight to turn off.
(7) Let phone stay idle for 1 hour and check battery capacity.
(8) If there is a loss of 40% or more, then this means that battery is faulty and needs to be replaced.
Battery won't charge to 100%, only 99%.
I have done pretty much that test already, a few times, with the original and a new battery, and neither lasts the 1hr.
Ah sorry, yep sounds like a faulty device. Is it under warranty? I don't think you could even flash back to stock ROM and Radio if you are planning to return the device (even if still under warranty) because of the power consumption issue
It have about 7 days of a 1 year warranty left, from the eBay seller I got it off. Sent the guy an email, don't expect a reply though.
I can flash back to stock, I just keep it plugged in and it works fine.
Gussy said:
It have about 7 days of a 1 year warranty left, from the eBay seller I got it off. Sent the guy an email, don't expect a reply though.
I can flash back to stock, I just keep it plugged in and it works fine.
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Ok mate. I suppose you have done all that can be done. Hope the warranty situation works in your favour.
Best Regards.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm interesting.
my hd as been displaying the exact same symptoms for near on a month now,
i assumed the battery was cooked but its near identical to your issues,
i aquired a hero around the same time it started playing up so i aint been that bothered but reading this got me thinking its time to think about sending it off for repair.
if as i think you meant nrgz28s rom then i also flashed the 17th dec 6.5 dusk rom build 28014.
i cant be 100% sure thats the exact time the problems started but its very close if not the exact time.
the phone was purchased around mid december last year so about the same age if yours was new.
coincidence or contract concspiracy lol?
Could this be caused by a faulthy radio>!
Hmmm, could be, but most probably still the hardware error.
Altough, combination of very mismatched radio and RIL could cause simillar symptoms...
Best check this thread:
I had a similar problem.
Drain battery to about 5 - 10%
Turn phone off
Charge from a wall charger (not usb or car)
Do this a couple of times.
It fixed mine for about 6 months and then I just did it again and it sorted it out again.
Also check which radio. 1.17 seems to run cooler by most accounts.
I was initially thinking that there is a program or piece of software maxing out the resources and the cpu causing the extreme heat (the HD gets bloody hot when being pushed) and poor battery life.

Battery problems

I have the T8585 HD2, recently ive been having troubles with the battery...
I was getting intermittent battery drain for no apparent reason, the back of the phone would get very hot. Searching I found that this had something to do with the SD card not being formatted properly, did this and havent had this same issue since.
Last night I charged the phone while on my PC, was approximately 80%. I wake up this morning and the phone is dead, wont turn on. So i plug it in to charge again and then it starts to do the soft reset loop thing, I just left it go for about 6 or 7 loops and then it seemed to settle. I look at the battery capacity and its 0%.
This explains why it was dead, but why the hell is the battery draining to nothing over night? I did not notice it getting hot last night and it was dead cold this morning. Battery terminals are not bent as some others have suggested as a cause for this.
I really like the HD2 but this battery thing on top of the poor capacity for the this type of phone is really starting to disappoint.
I have not messed with ROMs yet, so its running the following that i got with the phone...
ROM 1.66.707.1 (76641) WWE
Any ideas on this would be helpful!!
Same phone, same software
I have exactly same phone & software, I upgraded rom to this 1. But have had no problems with phone at all. Few soft resets at 1st, but then started deleteing messages, shutting down programs in background, no problems since. Hope you get figured out,,
I'm having the exact same problem. I've had the phone since November and, although the battery doesn't last like it used to, since about 2 days ago the phone has gone haywire!
I haven't installed any new apps or used the phone any differently than usual but, after getting readings of between 15 - 20mA in standby (with Battery Guard) I'm getting on average 490mA now in standby! Crazy! The back of the phone is getting so hot that I'm actually worried that it might do the phone damage and, like the OP, I'll go to bed with a full charge and wake up with the phone so dead that I have to pull the battery before I can start to recharge.
I've removed some of the PDF files and other things that might be causing slowdown etc due to but there is definitely a problem. Does anyone have any ideas of what kind of things I should look for that could be causing this before I contact the insurance guys for a replacement?
Thanks in advance
Im having a similar problem with my HTC raphael with WiMo 6.5 Roms didnt tried if the problem exists in 6.1.
My phone is fine today, was 100% last night, 95% this morning. Im starting to think this is a software issue not hardware due to the randomness....
richo27 said:
...... Im starting to think this is a software issue not hardware due to the randomness....
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funny you put it this way.... its actually the other way around.... nevertheless i understand what u mean (off-topic, just couldn't resist ;-) )
when the power usage jumps from 20ma to 490ma and gets very hot the battery has started to fail - don't be surprised their qualty is hit or miss. I'm on the T8585 HD2 (1.66 rom) since November and a few weeks ago the battery would get hot in standby and battery life dropped by half. I popped in a spare battery and problem instantly went away. I've since bought a 1,300 mha battery from Mugen, phone runs great again.
Hi. Had a similar thing with the battery drain, but the last few night I have put the phone on charge as normal and in the morning I have Nealy dropped the phone because of how hot the back was. Any ideas?
Happened again today, fully charged last night, 0% this morning. Very unhappy about this, this is a serious reliability issue that a $700 phone shouldn't have.
I would suggest checking your task managers processes, I had a process - Filesys.exe that was using 98% of my processor for long periods of time and absolutely eating battery life.
Yeah i have installed battlog to see if that will shed any light on the problem...
Did u try hard-resetting ur device?
no, im trying to avoid that at this stage, I want to find the source of the problem.
Had the same issue. Phone worked very well for a few months and then this battery drain + overheating issue started all of a sudden. Tried hard reset, disabled 3g and problem continued. Finally, got my phone replaced with great difficulty and problem solved!
Anyway, check the signal strength. One of the issues could be the phone trying to connect repeatedly when the signal is weak. You can also try to disable data connections to see if that causes the problem (Disable all autoupdates like email, twitter, weather and so on).

Battery drains fast and is always warm even after a battery change

Phone battery suddenly drains faster than usual, drains to 0% overnight. Problem still persist even after April update and after battery change. Can't find any solutions. Help me.
Hey, so about a week ago something very strange happened to my Mi A1 and got worse overtime. So what happened was my battery went from 80+% to 0% overnight. I woke up confused and just recharged it and didn't think too much. After a full charge, I noticed the battery drains abit more than usual and had to plug it in constantly. Before going to bed I charged my phone to 100% to see if it would drain to 0% again. It did. As time passes the problem gets worst. The phone started getting warm when charging (around 40+°C up to 50°C) then after a while the phone runs warm even when not charging (never goes below 40°C). My phone always used to run at about 30-35°C even when charging. I changed the battery myself because there was no warranty on it but it didn't fix the problem. However it did help abit. The battery drains ever so slightly slower now but still drains to 0% overnight. It still runs warm but now it does go below 40°C (rarely). Before and after the battery change, the discharging rate is about 700mA and sometimes reaches 1000+mA (used an app called Ampere, not too sure how accurate it is). The phone was also warmer than usual when charging even when the phone was off (before and after the battery change). I tried factory resetting to see if that does anything but had no luck. I also tried using a Wakelock detector app to see if there was an app excessively triggering a wakelock but all seemed normal. I even tried downloading a "battery calibration app" which obviously didn't work. So I feel like it's a hardware problem.
Now here's what I did and did not do to the phone before the problem happened. What I did was I do charge the phone quite alot most of the time. What I mean by that is when it hits about 30% I'll plug it in but I never leave it plugged in after a full charge or charge it overnight and I seldom let the battery drain to below 10%. Even so, the phone never got warm like how it is now. That's about all I did to it. Now what I didn't do was, I never tried to install custom ROMs or root/modify my phone in anyway except for the post about how to enable 4G+ which didn't work for me.. My phone is completely stock. I also didn't install any new apps from the playstore or from any 3rd party sites nor were there any updates for any apps installed in my phone. I've had the same apps installed for a couple of months before this happened. I also haven't dropped my phone for a couple of months. I only dropped it less than 5 times from short heights and I have a very rugged case on. I also didn't use any 3rd party chargers. I'm still using the charging brick and cable that came with the phone. I have tried using other chargers that are 2A but no luck. So basically I didn't do anything out of the ordinary prior to this problem.
Just some extra information
1. The hottest part of the phone is at the top right corner of the back. I assume the CPU is there (?).
2. It happened before the April update. It was the same before and after the April update.
3. Phone is running on Android Pie if that wasn't clear
4. The phone is only 10 months old
5. My phone is the Global ROM version
6. Performance wise, its still responsive and snappy. Doesn't lag or freeze or anything.
6. I always have mobile data on and use it as hotspot for my laptop at uni. I have been using it like that for the past 9 months. However the problem happened when I was at home during sem break so I was mostly connected to Wi-Fi.
Sorry for such a long post. I hope somewhere out there, there is someone who can help me or other people that have a similar problem so we can fix it.
In the upper right corner, should be the modem area.
Try holding the phone on airplane mode during the night and monitor drain.
Also, try changing the SIM slot and do an APN reset. If this fails too, try changing your SIM card or if u can, try another operator SIM.
If you changed any value with QXDM PRO , try and put back the default values.
Good luck

