Re assign power button - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

Hi I have a problem. My diamonds power button is very hit and miss because of wear and tear. Is there a way for the backlight to come on when it is idle e.g. when you pull out the stylus. Is there a way whereby I could re assign the backlight to come on, onto another hard key e.g. the home or back key?
Thanks in advance.


simple display on/off question

- Does the Universal turn on automatically when the display flip is opened or does the user have to press the Power button first?
- What exactly does the Backlight button do?
I need to know this because I'm investigating a possible wiring damage ...
The Universal knows two different states. When you close the display while the device is on, and then open the diplay again the screen will come on.
If however you first press the power button to send the device into standby, and then close and open the display, the screen will not come on, the device will remain in standby.
The backlight button is useless, use the hack to re-assign it to a function of your choice.
That helped a lot!! 8)

power button hack for Cingular 8525?

Does anyone know if there's any type of hack to enable a different button on the Cingular 8525 to be the power on button? Being right-handed, when I pulll out the phone, it's annoying to have to use 2 hands to turn on the phone. I have the AEBPlus program but it only lets you assign a different button to power "off" the phone. I'm looking for a way to program a button on the left-hand side (possibly button 5 [ptt button] or the Windows button [labeled "ok] to power on the phone). Anyone have any ideas?
I guess no, power buttons on almost devices is connected directly to procesor (like reset button and watchdog circuit), and in fact if device is off, no system loaded, there is no way to adjust registry settings to change this.
might sound stupid, but you can try to hold the phone differently? i operate the phone with both hands (am right handed) and either way, you can power on/off the phone with 1 hand.
if holding it in the left hand, use your left hand's index finger wrapped around the back of the phone.
if holding it in the right hand, use the thumb of your right hand.
i know it isn't the solution you were looking for, but it might help
Yeah, I figured that I could do that. It's just that when I wrap my hand around like that, i have a tendency to push out the keyboard and then I have to go back to 2 hands anyway.
In using AEBPlus (or even the default commands under the "buttons" settings) and it wouldn't be so bad if I could figure out a way to get the screen to come back on. But even when I try and set one of the buttons on the right to "screen on/off" it will turn off the screen but won't turn it back on. I'm not talking about a powering on/off of the phone. I'm just talking about a way to turn on/off the screen.
never mind. I figured it out. I had the "key lock" set to the fact that the only button that would turn on the device (if the screen was off) was the power button. I fixed that. Now I'm good to go.

Power Button broke; help needed

So, the power button on my 8525 popped off; while I can get at it with the stylus, that's a pain in the arse for normal operation.
Any way to map another button (such as, say, "PTT") to assume the functionality of the power button? Or any other similar work-arounds?

Broken Power button

With a broken power button, is there any way I can get my xda2 into bootloader mode so I can change the ROM?
i doubt it unless you take it apart and shortcurcit the to points that the powerbutton is connected to
would prob be easier to put in a new button then i guess
I may be wrong but doesn't the power button actually put the phone into suspend mode?
Would it work to map the "suspend" function to another button (like the calendar button)? Or does a hard reset only work with the usual specific hardware buttons?
no it's not the only function
clicking on a suspece software shortcut
while reseting the device dont result in a hardreset
I have a solution. i have the same problem. Get a paperclip, and insert it into the hole where the power button should be. Slide it in until your device turns on/off. Then hold it there carefully, and press and hold the ACTIOn key and the reset button.
Works for me!

[Q] Problems with power button

I looked for similar topic but couldn't find it,I can't use power button on my hd anymore,it got broken beacuse of pressing it very often during day to turn the screen on and off...I was wondering if there is an application to assign power button function to home key so when pressing it the screen turns off and on?
Hi, having the same problem, POWER BUTTON is defect/broken, it doesn't have a resistance when I push it in. I can still switch the device on and off, but I have to press the power button hard and the power button does not feel spring loaded any more.
Are there more people having this issue and is there anybody haveing it send for warranty repair already?
Mine is a German O2 device.

