Auto On Off feature - G1 General

Hi everyone,
I'd like to know if there's a program or some type of feature in the phone that allows an Auto On/Off at a specific time. My Bold 9000 had this option and it helped greatly improve battery life as I would set the phone to turn off while I'm asleep.
Also, the alarm does not come on when the phone is off. Is this normal?
Other than these little things, I am completely happy switching from Blackberry to Android!

well the phone needs to be on standby in order for any apps to be working, so yes it is normal that the alarm isnt going off when the phone is off.


Completely turn off

Hey all,
Great forum! Just a quick question. I have exams at the moment, and the last thing I want is my phone going off in the middle of them (which could cost me my degree). I was wondering if there is a way to turn off the device, like a complete shutdown (but not as far as a hard reset) so that the phone is off, and it won't wake up if I do something stupid like leave an alarm set? I'm sure it must be possible, just doesnt seem too obvious to me.
I could turn off the radio, then hit the power button to put it to standby, but I'm assuming it's still possible to wake from standby with alarms (or maybe other things).
Hope this isn't too much of an annoying stupid question.
i think that if you put both sound levels to OFF, put your phone in flight mode, you'll be safe.
Timmeh said:
Hey all,
Great forum! Just a quick question. I have exams at the moment, and the last thing I want is my phone going off in the middle of them (which could cost me my degree). I was wondering if there is a way to turn off the device, like a complete shutdown (but not as far as a hard reset) so that the phone is off, and it won't wake up if I do something stupid like leave an alarm set? I'm sure it must be possible, just doesnt seem too obvious to me.
I could turn off the radio, then hit the power button to put it to standby, but I'm assuming it's still possible to wake from standby with alarms (or maybe other things).
Hope this isn't too much of an annoying stupid question.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you check the forum for a thread called PzP you can set modes that switch automatically and within those modes you can set what happens with notifications (such as incoming calls\reminders).
i.e. if you set that between 8am - 12pm you have exams and that is set to mode display only then set incoming calls and reminders to only display then that is all that would happen.
Thats nice. I will defenately look at that as well.
I sent 5 euros his way, I look forward to downloading it. :lol:

Stopping Auto Wake Up

I have a M700 Orange Uk version of this one and wondering if anyone knows how to stop this issue.
In my old m600 once you put the phone in standby (screen off) it would stay like that unlike a phone call or manual wake up.
This damm phone keeps waking up each time it picks up new / change in signal be that 3G or Normal Mobile.
Very annoying as it wakes up and I end up having called people I did not know or things set etc.
I know there is a keylock but I cant use it as it then is an issue when in the car and docked.
Any ideas

SMS notifications while in standby (findings)

So I've got the problem where when my phone is off/standby I don't get a notification or alert until I turn the phone on at which point it plays the standard alert and vibrate (this is of course useless).
Playing around and I noticed that this problem goes away when I uncheck the setting 'Turn device off after X mins'.
Now, at first I assume that there were 3 modes on the HD (and presumably on all htc phones) and they are: Power off, standby, on. Those states seem self explanitory. Give that assumption, I always thought that there was just a problem with the sms program doing a notification.
With this new solution, ie, disabling auto turn off, all my text messages come through with a notification within 6 seconds of sending it on the other end. But I played around with it some more. Some of you may know of a program called psshutxp. This program can do three things: display off, turn off, and reset. Now I never used this turn off feature before because I assumed it just turned the phone off. I activated this function with the auto turn off setting disabled (the phone doesn't auto turn off) and end up not receiving messages (exactly like the original problem).
What I've concluded then is that the device actually has 4 states: Power off, standby, display off, on. Now if you read the whole thing you may have noticed that I'm implying the solution is to disable auto off and thus leave the device in what would appear to be 'display off' mode. It works, certainly, but I'm starting to think that battery life is going to suffer immensely. (I'm going to test this tonight)
It seems we're back to square one, but wth a little, and albiet minor conclusion: SMS messages should wake the device but leave the screen off. There have been some intermediate solutions that say to change the 'disable device wake on sms' registry from 1 to 0 or use HD tweak to achieve a similar effect then combine this change with a good screen locker.
My question then is, is it possible to wake the device but leave the screen off via registry or via resident program?
Investigating the resident program option some more, is it possible to run compact framework programs while the device is in standby?
Finally, I know that the Touch Diamond 2 had a recent hotfix for this exact issue. Considering the similarities between the two devices, is it possible to port a solution? I'm going to see if I can try it out myself (but I'm not as experienced at platform modifications as I am in software development). I also noticed that a lot of Diamond 2 users still report the problem wasn't solved with that hotfix.
check out the HD Tweak app, i think it has a "wake on SMS" tweak you can apply to the phone. would also help if you mention if you're using a Stock or custom ROM. in my case, i'm using a custom ROM with SMS Chat and i'm gettting SMS notifications with my device in stand-by mode. fyi, i'm not using the HD Tweak app...
Yeah, the Wake on SMS on HD tweak as mentioned in my post basically modifies the registry for device wake on SMS.
However, this is not, and should not be normal behaviour as waking the device turns the screen on as well. (unless your device is different in that it doesn't turn on the screen at the same time as waking up from a SMS, if this is the case, then... that's a pretty significant finding.)
just tested my device... screen is off (e.g., hit the power button to turn it off) sent myself a txt via my email account, heard the SMS notification and screen is still off. i'm using a custom ROM miri v26.2.
I can achieve the same effect by disabling auto turn off. As in: my device remains off and the SMS notification is properly sounded. (everything works as it should)
However, I worry that the device isn't actually in standby and rather just has the display off (which means that background apps are still running). A possible concequence could be that it would drain my batt pretty fast ( this is my cheif concern).

Screen Not Dimming With Auto Shut Off Disabled?

Please bear with me as this may be a dumb newbie question. I searched every post on the Imagio section here and at PPC and was unable to find an answer.
Got the Imagio for my wife and she's loving it (we had Storms previously- bad, bad mojo). She uses Groovefish to stream music and the stock dimmer setting will shut down the player after the time limit is reached. No problem, right? Changed the setting to stop this (never auto shut down on battery power).
Now, the screen will dim somewhat when left idle, but never shuts down all the way. It's dim but still active. She's been having to change the setting every time in order to not kill the battery.
Should the screen power down all the way while leaving the device active (like hitting the "shut off screen option" after holding the end button)? If not, is there a way to do this?
Thanks for any insight you may be able to provide. I've done nothing but Blackberries for years and this is my first real foray into WinMo.
Try to check the power settings. Go to the Settings Tab and push All settings at the bottom. From there go to System > Power > then click the Advanced tab. That should have settings to turn off the screen after 1 min or 30 seconds.
Thanks for the quick reply. I probably should have been a bit more clear.
It is in that menu that I have been manipulating the settings. There are two options for battery power. There is one to "turn off backlight" after x amount of time, the other is to "turn off device". With backlight set to 30 (or whatever) and device disabled, the screen never completely goes off.
It functions properly with "turn device off" enabled, but interrupts Groovefish when playing. This does not interfere with the native TF3D media player. While its not the end of the world if she ends up having to change that setting to use the program, it would be nice to be able to disable the screen with a partial shutdown (and extra battery drain when using that application).
Thats interesting, seems like its the program thats doing that. I have Opera, FM radio, email client, etc. running all day without it crashing. I have seen this before with Internet Explorer where i would leave it running connected to a website. then when i check back IE is gone and i have to start it again. By any chances is this a website or an installable app that you are using?
Groovefish is a streaming music client that is installed on the device
BTW, it is incredibly cool if you don't have it yet. Stream just about any song you want for free (legally).
I use g-trigger to shake my phone to turn off the display works great! Just disable the shake to turn it back on.
I'll give it a shot and see if the application stays running. Many thanks!
Actually I think backlight off is happening when it "dims". You need the screen to go off, not just the backlight. Try using xdaShutdown to go into Lightsout mode and see if that works for you. The program can be found here:
Skins in the same thread as well.

Locale - Hints and Tips

I am now a proud owner of Locale - great stuff! Expensive but good.
Has anyone else used this? Any hints or tips? It *seems* to sense location somehow even with GPS and wi-fi turned off for example, and how to use 'variables' properly.
Any must have plug-ins? Any way to change scenes with it?
What do you use it for? and how do you configure it?
Look for "Locale location plug-in". Brilliant, it's a localization service based on the mobile network cell you're in. it works without wi-fi or gps of course. "Locale cell plug-in" does the same but it will expire on August, maybe to become a pay app.
I like locale very much but realized that with the many plug-ins I've put I've easily reached 20 bucks..overall quite expensive for an android app!
Anyway, a priceless thing imho is using it to switch the phone to the airplane mode at late night ("Locale airplane mode plug-in", the free one) keep your alarm clock on but save the battery!
More to come..
I use locale to automatically put my phone in silent mode when I go to sleep (time plugin). In the morning it opens up my calendar so it's the first thing I see when turning on my phone (shortcut plugin). When going to college my phone turns to vibrate mode (calendar plugin). And I've got some power saving options when my battery runs low.
Lately I've come across the incoming sms plugin, and I use it in case of emergencies for my family and friends. Because my phone is always in silent mode when I'm sleeping, my parents for example can't contact me if there's something really urgent going on. If my phone receives a sms with the keyword 'SOS' in it, it switches to the loudest volume and changes my ringtone in an emergency tone, so they can call me after sending the text. This way the most important people in my life can always contact me, and my drunk buddies won't bother me at night

