4 Row Manilla 2.5 cab? - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

Does anyone know where to get this? I can't find it here and I usually get it from the shadowrom thread but the link is broken...
I think it would be good to add to the main sticky of this section if someone knows where it can be found.

shure2 said:
Does anyone know where to get this? I can't find it here and I usually get it from the shadowrom thread but the link is broken...
I think it would be good to add to the main sticky of this section if someone knows where it can be found.
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Do you mean the 4-row honeycomb startmenu. I believe this one works:
View attachment 250752


OPAL working apps - cabs

Can somoone post a thread (or use this thread) to list all the working OPAL cabs (volume control, dialer, start menu, task manager etc,.) for download. I know they are spread across differnet posts but would be nice if we have something all in one post and make it sticky for some time.
I am looking for the dialer (with the canvas).
Sundar N.
man! there are threads EXACTLY for this topic!
why not use search? why open a new thread for this?
sundar_amn said:
Can somoone post a thread (or use this thread) to list all the working OPAL cabs (volume control, dialer, start menu, task manager etc,.) for download. I know they are spread across differnet posts but would be nice if we have something all in one post and make it sticky for some time.
I am looking for the dialer (with the canvas).
Sundar N.
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I'm pretty sure that WORKING cab for Opal phonecanvas doesn't exist yet.
-Arturo- said:
I'm pretty sure that WORKING cab for Opal phonecanvas doesn't exist yet.
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nope it doesnt not yet anyways...though i think someones making an attempt..search for "Dialer Cab? " for more details
PS: - Someone should probably close / merge this thread with the relevent one
I didnt realize that there are 'exactly' same thread for OPEL applications. Since OPEL applications are most wanted now a days, just thought this would be helpful. Thanks anyway.
Mods, please close this thread. Sorry for the inconveniance.
nir36 said:
man! there are threads EXACTLY for this topic!
why not use search? why open a new thread for this?
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Hmm funny you say that. I've search for 20 minutes for a certain Opal cab, and I keep coming back to this post :S... can someone post the link here, if I come across it, I will....
Try this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=425694
Alot of good links in there, including the Opal pack

Anyway to remove HTC volume control app?

Hi, just wondering if its possible to remove the volume app that takes over, i much prefer the default windows style of volume control..
for that matter is it possible to remove touchflo too?
found cab to remove it! was looking in the wrong section of the forum it seems
Nice for other user to know how you've solved it.
The file can be found in THIS thread.
mccune said:
Nice for other user to know how you've solved it.
The file can be found in THIS thread.
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Sorry, thought a mod would delete the thread to be honest
stead said:
found cab to remove it! was looking in the wrong section of the forum it seems
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To be honest the cab is in the wrong section of the forum. I started the thread there because from my research I had come to the conclusion that cooking a ROM was the only solution... then a cab solution appeared thanks to a kind member.
Since then I've been linking to it from my skin thread which may help explain how hundreds of people have found it.

[REQ] Larger icons for iDiamond

I'm looking for some nice VGA icons to further customize the iDiamond program. The largest I can find are 96x96 and I'm looking for some around 102 or 106. The bigger icons look better on the diamonds smaller screen imo.
Anyone know where I can find these?
some icons are here http://www.iconarchive.com/category
Hey thanks! Thats what I was looking for.
or here:
rockymax said:
some icons are here http://www.iconarchive.com/category
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great...thank you very much!
is the project still alive?!
i was just wondering if the iDiamond project is still alive?!
was reading through D-MANN's thread, and it was closed.. also did not notice a download link on the first post..
any ideas?
jeiyuu said:
i was just wondering if the iDiamond project is still alive?!
was reading through D-MANN's thread, and it was closed.. also did not notice a download link on the first post..
any ideas?
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There was an unlocked thread, but I think it got deleted or something? if you truley can't find it I'll send you my cab file.

M2D help

Hi there,
Please don't shoot me down if the info I'm asking for her is already on the forums but I've been trying to find it for ages.
I saw a picture of Asus lamborghini ZX1 a while ago and wondered whether I cold get the same theme on my XDA Orbit. The closest I've found is someone else on here who's started to make one that can be loaded using the M2D software.
What I'd like to do is try to create my own. I've looked all over the place but can't find any help on how to do it. Can anyone direct me towards a website explaining how to create themes that I can install using the M2D software?
This might be a simple question but I just cant find it anywhere.
yellowplanet said:
Hi there,
Please don't shoot me down if the info I'm asking for her is already on the forums but I've been trying to find it for ages.
I saw a picture of Asus lamborghini ZX1 a while ago and wondered whether I cold get the same theme on my XDA Orbit. The closest I've found is someone else on here who's started to make one that can be loaded using the M2D software.
What I'd like to do is try to create my own. I've looked all over the place but can't find any help on how to do it. Can anyone direct me towards a website explaining how to create themes that I can install using the M2D software?
This might be a simple question but I just cant find it anywhere.
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Unfortunately it is not as simple as throwing some .png and .jpg files into a ThemeGen and out pops a theme. It is, sometimes tedious, editing of xml files. For a better understanding look here.
This isn't the place to post questions.
Please refer to the Q&A next.
Thank you


temple run the game is not working on my htc hd2 android operating after instilation ????
Put a title to your thread and then I'll help you.
How to do that?
On the bottom right corner of your post click on "Edit", then "Advanced" .. once you go there, you'll find your empty title, retitle it and then I'll help you.
Also, give us more information. What ROM exactly have you installed? What does it say when you try to open it?
Marvlesz said:
Put a title to your thread and then I'll help you.
How to do that?
On the bottom right corner of your post click on "Edit", then "Advanced" .. once you go there, you'll find your empty title, retitle it and then I'll help you.
Also, give us more information. What ROM exactly have you installed? What does it say when you try to open it?
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I didn't know this until recently but apparently if you double click on the thread title then you can edit it. Haven't tried it out yet though.
Yeah OP, retitle this thread and give us something to work with here, it's pretty much impossible for you to tell someone 'my phone's broken - fix it' and expect any valid suggestions.
Nigeldg said:
I didn't know this until recently but apparently if you double click on the thread title then you can edit it. Haven't tried it out yet though.
Yeah OP, retitle this thread and give us something to work with here, it's pretty much impossible for you to tell someone 'my phone's broken - fix it' and expect any valid suggestions.
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no title no detail how do you expect people to help you

