OPAL working apps - cabs - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Can somoone post a thread (or use this thread) to list all the working OPAL cabs (volume control, dialer, start menu, task manager etc,.) for download. I know they are spread across differnet posts but would be nice if we have something all in one post and make it sticky for some time.
I am looking for the dialer (with the canvas).
Sundar N.

man! there are threads EXACTLY for this topic!
why not use search? why open a new thread for this?

sundar_amn said:
Can somoone post a thread (or use this thread) to list all the working OPAL cabs (volume control, dialer, start menu, task manager etc,.) for download. I know they are spread across differnet posts but would be nice if we have something all in one post and make it sticky for some time.
I am looking for the dialer (with the canvas).
Sundar N.
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I'm pretty sure that WORKING cab for Opal phonecanvas doesn't exist yet.

-Arturo- said:
I'm pretty sure that WORKING cab for Opal phonecanvas doesn't exist yet.
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nope it doesnt not yet anyways...though i think someones making an attempt..search for "Dialer Cab? " for more details
PS: - Someone should probably close / merge this thread with the relevent one

I didnt realize that there are 'exactly' same thread for OPEL applications. Since OPEL applications are most wanted now a days, just thought this would be helpful. Thanks anyway.
Mods, please close this thread. Sorry for the inconveniance.

nir36 said:
man! there are threads EXACTLY for this topic!
why not use search? why open a new thread for this?
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Hmm funny you say that. I've search for 20 minutes for a certain Opal cab, and I keep coming back to this post :S... can someone post the link here, if I come across it, I will....
Try this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=425694
Alot of good links in there, including the Opal pack



If you have any question concerning a SKIN, THEME, BACKGROUND, ICON, ETC. Please post it here. DO NOT START A NEW THREAD!!! It doesn't matter what the question is. Anything concerning the look of you ppc, any kind, any model, any question!! If you dont know the name, that's fine! If you dont know how to set something up, thats FINE! Anything concerning the look of your ppc , post it here! YOU WILL NOT BE FLAMED FOR ANY QUESTION!!! And I promise you, your question will be anwered extremely fast!!! Follow the steps below, and you'll have alot more success than startig a new thread! THANKS!!!!
Do to how well the "General software Questions" thread has done, I decided to open this one as well. Questions that have been posted in that thread, have been aswered within minutes, literally!! This Will help them get answered even faster by seperating the Questions now!!! Please show your support and help answer these questions!! If you can take time to flame a noob, you can take time to help them as well, especially if they are helping keep threads down. THANKS IN ADVANCE, especially to those who have helped so far!
Diamond theme
first of all: great work!!
i've got an HTC Touch Cruise with the SPB MS2.1 and your diamond theme layout F with the colored menu buttons.
Now screen:
- the cellphone provider's name doen't come centered in the middle of the top line and writes over network cover symbole and battery indicator.patch please.
-with layout F, profile icon moves from top bar to bottom right just above screen icons but internet connetion icon in top bar is not available (very usefull)
-new profile icon is difficult to hit.touch area too small.
-is it possible to have the upcoming appointments from the agenda on the now screen? it would be cool to have all the general information in just one click and one view.
Other screen:
-the forum explaination how to add the 9' menu button is hard to understand for me as i am not an expert at all.please make a patch or plugin to download.
-very important:customizing the menus,it does not allow to add the adjustment blacklight icon to the menu (does not come on the list?)?? In the SPB MS2.1,this came on the second page top left, very practical!
Thank you very much for trying to make live a lot easier!!!
Not sure
Hey man, sorry but I dont know much about spb. But I am downloading what your using as we speak, and going to see wat I can do. I'm pretty sure someone else will beat me to the answer though, but if not, Ill try. And thanks for using this thread. It makes searching alot easier. I wish everyone was as enthusiastic about stopping unnessicary threads. Most complain about it, but wont help when somehting like this is created. But I will keep check on this, and will PM you personally as soon as an asnwer is posted. Thanks.
9th tab
theres a cab file somewheres aswell as the registry key for the 9th tab in that 2.1 theme thread.if you open the thread then search that thread for 9th tab cab it may show up.if you don't find it i'll look when i return from the hulk.
i just install SPB MS2.1 ,and it ask for registration key ? anyone can help ?
shanaou said:
i just install SPB MS2.1 ,and it ask for registration key ? anyone can help ?
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Yeah, sure we can help!
Here is a LINK for you
that link is also, the trial program only , anyone has the crack ? or activation key ?
shanaou said:
that link is also, the trial program only , anyone has the crack ? or activation key ?
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Sorry man, this is the wrong place. Please keep this thread clean!
shanaou said:
that link is also, the trial program only , anyone has the crack ? or activation key ?
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read this somewhere on this forum..."everytime you use warez, god kills a chicken"...
ups, sorry , thanks for reminding me ...
i''ve found it too..
thanks a lot..
Changing wallpaper problem
I've got an Artemis (P3300) and whenever i try and change the wallpaper nothing happens.
I view the picture and click "Set as today wallpaper" and choose 0%, then click ok. After this nothing happens - the wait symbol is supposed to come up while the wallpaper is changing but this doesn't happen. Then, when i check the today screen its the same as before.
I've also tried changing the wallpaper from the today settings menu, and this works but the opacity is 65%. Is there any way to change the opacity setting (to 0%) using this method?
BTW, this problem occurs with all roms i flash.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Hi there!
How can I make\edit WM themes?
What programs are using?
sorry for my bad english...
J0nas said:
Hi there!
How can I make\edit WM themes?
What programs are using?
sorry for my bad english...
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here you go:

So many Manila links but....

Guys - I'm sorry for this and let the flaming begin...
I've searched the forums through and through but I have no idea which Manila page will give me the core install.
May I make a suggestion and beg for someone to do it?
how about a post named "Basic Manila Install" and then others can add a post within the thread that will give instructions to use their theme? Right now there are like 97986987687 million Manila links because everyone starts a new post for their theme. People complain at the size of the spb thread but at least one knows where to find them.
Despiadado1 said:
Guys - I'm sorry for this and let the flaming begin...
I've searched the forums through and through but I have no idea which Manila page will give me the core install.
May I make a suggestion and beg for someone to do it?
how about a post named "Basic Manila Install" and then others can add a post within the thread that will give instructions to use their theme? Right now there are like 97986987687 million Manila links because everyone starts a new post for their theme. People complain at the size of the spb thread but at least one knows where to find them.
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http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=398173 , try update 19
Despiadado1 said:
Guys - I'm sorry for this and let the flaming begin...
I've searched the forums through and through but I have no idea which Manila page will give me the core install.
May I make a suggestion and beg for someone to do it?
how about a post named "Basic Manila Install" and then others can add a post within the thread that will give instructions to use their theme? Right now there are like 97986987687 million Manila links because everyone starts a new post for their theme. People complain at the size of the spb thread but at least one knows where to find them.
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how could you count it until 97986987687 million sir??
lol, just kidding my friend,. try manila extraction from herg sir,.
Thanks guys.

Anyway to remove HTC volume control app?

Hi, just wondering if its possible to remove the volume app that takes over, i much prefer the default windows style of volume control..
for that matter is it possible to remove touchflo too?
found cab to remove it! was looking in the wrong section of the forum it seems
Nice for other user to know how you've solved it.
The file can be found in THIS thread.
mccune said:
Nice for other user to know how you've solved it.
The file can be found in THIS thread.
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Sorry, thought a mod would delete the thread to be honest
stead said:
found cab to remove it! was looking in the wrong section of the forum it seems
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To be honest the cab is in the wrong section of the forum. I started the thread there because from my research I had come to the conclusion that cooking a ROM was the only solution... then a cab solution appeared thanks to a kind member.
Since then I've been linking to it from my skin thread which may help explain how hundreds of people have found it.

Where is TF3D2/Manila2 Cab?

Topic question ^^^. I've tried using the search function and tried going through about almost every page for a thread thats related to the TF3D2. However I'm confused..Is there a cab version for TF3D2 floating around somewhere? Or as of right now there are only the rom versions? Thanks for your help guys!
dnguyen1022 said:
Topic question ^^^. I've tried using the search function and tried going through about almost every page for a thread thats related to the TF3D2. However I'm confused..Is there a cab version for TF3D2 floating around somewhere? Or as of right now there are only the rom versions? Thanks for your help guys!
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Cab takes a while to be compiled. Give it time
here. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=485959
but pretty instable/uninstallable for now, have to wait a bit
oh wow. thanks a lot guap, i actually missed this because i thought it was some landscape fix or something due to the name of the thread. I will wait then if its that unstable. Thanks!

[SOLVED] WM 6.5.x operator text bar

I'm sure the answer to this will be available somewhere but after a lot of searching I'm getting nowhere. So please dont post any "UTFS" replies! if you don't want to help then don't reply.
I am creating a ROM and have got it running as I want using wm6.5.x build 23140 and sense 2018. Now I am beginning work on customising the look of it. I want a very minimal look on the home screen and so far have removed most things, but how do I remove the top grey bar where the operator text would be?
Thanks in advance.
[SORTED] please ignore this post. Its amazing what a few hours away from the keyboard can do.
Farsite said:
I'm sure the answer to this will be available somewhere but after a lot of searching I'm getting nowhere. So please dont post any "UTFS" replies! if you don't want to help then don't reply.
I am creating a ROM and have got it running as I want using wm6.5.x build 23140 and sense 2018. Now I am beginning work on customising the look of it. I want a very minimal look on the home screen and so far have removed most things, but how do I remove the top grey bar where the operator text would be?
Thanks in advance.
[SORTED] please ignore this post. Its amazing what a few hours away from the keyboard can do.
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Hi, when you write in the Thread title that is solved, then it is also nice of you if you write for us how did you solved it.
I used search.
Yes it will be nice and respectfull for all the other people post which solution is find for a problem.......use search should be used before opening a thread.
Anyway if someone is searching for the solution then is in this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=584415
the cab is "Touch X remove top curtian.cab"
+1 , thanks for the solution.
af974 said:
Yes it will be nice and respectfull for all the other people post which solution is find for a problem.......use search should be used before opening a thread.
Anyway if someone is searching for the solution then is in this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=584415
the cab is "Touch X remove top curtian.cab"
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af974 said:
Yes it will be nice and respectfull for all the other people post which solution is find for a problem.......use search should be used before opening a thread.
Anyway if someone is searching for the solution then is in this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=584415
the cab is "Touch X remove top curtian.cab"
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Great Thanks Buddy
PS. Thanks is Clicked

