Where is TF3D2/Manila2 Cab? - XPERIA X1 General

Topic question ^^^. I've tried using the search function and tried going through about almost every page for a thread thats related to the TF3D2. However I'm confused..Is there a cab version for TF3D2 floating around somewhere? Or as of right now there are only the rom versions? Thanks for your help guys!

dnguyen1022 said:
Topic question ^^^. I've tried using the search function and tried going through about almost every page for a thread thats related to the TF3D2. However I'm confused..Is there a cab version for TF3D2 floating around somewhere? Or as of right now there are only the rom versions? Thanks for your help guys!
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Cab takes a while to be compiled. Give it time

here. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=485959
but pretty instable/uninstallable for now, have to wait a bit

oh wow. thanks a lot guap, i actually missed this because i thought it was some landscape fix or something due to the name of the thread. I will wait then if its that unstable. Thanks!


wm6 and cingular video

does anyone know how to get it work? i put the link cingularvideo.cingular.com, and it shows something about need a 3g phone
tbl178 said:
does anyone know how to get it work? i put the link cingularvideo.cingular.com, and it shows something about need a 3g phone
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thanks for nothing, if you dont have info then don't reply. i did but didn't find anything about wm6.
tbl178 said:
thanks for nothing, if you dont have info then don't reply. i did but didn't find anything about wm6.
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You didn't read enough or search enough and with an attitude like that I wouldn't help you anyway. The methods are here if you look around.
tbl178 said:
does anyone know how to get it work? i put the link cingularvideo.cingular.com, and it shows something about need a 3g phone
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found info.
wpbear said:
You didn't read enough or search enough and with an attitude like that I wouldn't help you anyway. The methods are here if you look around.
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you are just a smart A**...if you dont want to help...dont say nothing
Here is the write up i found from another member
wratran said:
you are just a smart A**...if you dont want to help...dont say nothing
No he's not a smart a**. He's actually a quite helpful member of this forum. His suggestion to search is that standard answer by anyone who's been around and/or contributed to this forum for any amount of time.
The point of the Search function is to try and get newbies and the inexperianced to look for the answers themselves and not make other members repeat the same information over and over for every new member that is either too lazy to search and read or just doesn't know that the Search function exists. The information posted here is so far and above what your carrier or software or hardware vendor could provide you for any price and it's available for FREE. So respect the forum and respect the members or go call your service provider for answers. (HA)
You are in no position to tell anyone, especially a Senior member to "shut up" if they don't have an answer.
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@evilhomer - thanks for the support.
@wratran - so the seaching or reading is working for you obviously since you found one of those links I was talking about.
To the topic - I wish we could get the UA bypassed in WM6 PIE since I do not like NetFront. I think pappl is looking into it.
wpbear said:
@evilhomer - thanks for the support.
@wratran - so the seaching or reading is working for you obviously since you found one of those links I was talking about.
To the topic - I wish we could get the UA bypassed in WM6 PIE since I do not like NetFront. I think pappl is looking into it.
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wpbear, have you tried this solution to the UA problem? PAPPL and some Europe users were having the same issues and he made a .zip with some files to replace the default files that are keeping PIE from sending out the changed UA in the registry
chenga said:
wpbear, have you tried this solution to the UA problem? PAPPL and some Europe users were having the same issues and he made a .zip with some files to replace the default files that are keeping PIE from sending out the changed UA in the registry
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I am happy to report this works and I will be posting two cabs shortly to make this install the two files and make the reg fix. One cab will be just the fix and the other will be a realplayer all in one fix.
EDIT: Here are the CABS
EDIT- Cabs removed- the fix by pappl causes some to have email problems. If you still want his fix since it works for most people then go to his thread.
Glad it works for Cingular Video as well. Nice work making the .cab files!
wratran said:
you are just a smart A**...if you dont want to help...dont say nothing
Here is the write up i found from another member
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Exactly what has changed in this forum when people who are upstanding members of this community, like wpbear are put down and attacked by "big shots" who want to show they are better than the others on here? wpbear's comments were valid and to the point. It's really quite annoying on a **developers** web site to have the same questions asked over and over again. wratran--get over yourself. So, you can search. Yay. How about you post the results of your search without the person attacks next time, huh?
This forum is NOT for kiddies who are just learning how to make a phone call. It is, in my opinion, a forum designed for DEVELOPERS who actually understand what they are doing! There are n00bie forums around that will fit you better. HowardForums.com comes to mind...
I rest my case....
you noticed wpbear finally post a link to help a member...instead of making smart AS* remark. Look at his first response after the question was asked...and see how obnixious he was...
The search function on this forum does not work very well. I did not get that link by using the search command.
Since I have still not upgraded to WM6 (holding out for WMXL 3.0), I can confirm it works on WM5 AKU 3.3 with PIE. Awesome work guys, I really didn't like Netfront and now it's bye-bye gone!
Huge problem with this fix with outlook email not opening. Email list opens and then the message will try to open but it freezes. Have to close poutlook to get out of it and still can't view emails until HR. I veriefied it is was by installing each app I Had one a a time. I havenot tried this again with the manuall fix and checking email. I will try later.
Edit-The webview dll is causing the email and sms problem but without it the favorites links in pie do not work.
Ugh... yeah, I can definitely confirm that problem!
Is it possible to fix without a hard reset? (I haven't looked inside your cab yet.) I just got all my apps reinstalled and set up on the latest LVSW!
some reason i did not have the outlook problems.
i am using wm6 black 1.2 version with netfront 3.3 and shogun realplayer. i followed the instruction from lokemup and it works.
to many things to comment on here... so i will just tell everyone to place nice or i will lock this thread, since there was already a massive thread on this....

OPAL working apps - cabs

Can somoone post a thread (or use this thread) to list all the working OPAL cabs (volume control, dialer, start menu, task manager etc,.) for download. I know they are spread across differnet posts but would be nice if we have something all in one post and make it sticky for some time.
I am looking for the dialer (with the canvas).
Sundar N.
man! there are threads EXACTLY for this topic!
why not use search? why open a new thread for this?
sundar_amn said:
Can somoone post a thread (or use this thread) to list all the working OPAL cabs (volume control, dialer, start menu, task manager etc,.) for download. I know they are spread across differnet posts but would be nice if we have something all in one post and make it sticky for some time.
I am looking for the dialer (with the canvas).
Sundar N.
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I'm pretty sure that WORKING cab for Opal phonecanvas doesn't exist yet.
-Arturo- said:
I'm pretty sure that WORKING cab for Opal phonecanvas doesn't exist yet.
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nope it doesnt not yet anyways...though i think someones making an attempt..search for "Dialer Cab? " for more details
PS: - Someone should probably close / merge this thread with the relevent one
I didnt realize that there are 'exactly' same thread for OPEL applications. Since OPEL applications are most wanted now a days, just thought this would be helpful. Thanks anyway.
Mods, please close this thread. Sorry for the inconveniance.
nir36 said:
man! there are threads EXACTLY for this topic!
why not use search? why open a new thread for this?
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Hmm funny you say that. I've search for 20 minutes for a certain Opal cab, and I keep coming back to this post :S... can someone post the link here, if I come across it, I will....
Try this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=425694
Alot of good links in there, including the Opal pack

Anyway to remove HTC volume control app?

Hi, just wondering if its possible to remove the volume app that takes over, i much prefer the default windows style of volume control..
for that matter is it possible to remove touchflo too?
found cab to remove it! was looking in the wrong section of the forum it seems
Nice for other user to know how you've solved it.
The file can be found in THIS thread.
mccune said:
Nice for other user to know how you've solved it.
The file can be found in THIS thread.
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Sorry, thought a mod would delete the thread to be honest
stead said:
found cab to remove it! was looking in the wrong section of the forum it seems
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To be honest the cab is in the wrong section of the forum. I started the thread there because from my research I had come to the conclusion that cooking a ROM was the only solution... then a cab solution appeared thanks to a kind member.
Since then I've been linking to it from my skin thread which may help explain how hundreds of people have found it.

Boring T-mobile taskbar.

Hey All,
I currently using the File Type: cab "Co0kie.HomeTab_v1.7.1.cab" which I think is amazing. Only thing that's missing is the upgraded toolbars. As of now I'm on T-Mobile HD2 but those stock bars don't give the phone justice.
Please let me know by attaching links that can help me deal with this. I've tried a few and they didn't work. Please help a newbie out.
kable said:
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You may want to add to your response that he has to know exactly which build to download the task bar for. If he installs a task bar for... say 21889, but he is running 23563, more than likely he will have to hard reset the device since the mui is different.
Edit: Thread closed. No double posting.

[SOLVED] WM 6.5.x operator text bar

I'm sure the answer to this will be available somewhere but after a lot of searching I'm getting nowhere. So please dont post any "UTFS" replies! if you don't want to help then don't reply.
I am creating a ROM and have got it running as I want using wm6.5.x build 23140 and sense 2018. Now I am beginning work on customising the look of it. I want a very minimal look on the home screen and so far have removed most things, but how do I remove the top grey bar where the operator text would be?
Thanks in advance.
[SORTED] please ignore this post. Its amazing what a few hours away from the keyboard can do.
Farsite said:
I'm sure the answer to this will be available somewhere but after a lot of searching I'm getting nowhere. So please dont post any "UTFS" replies! if you don't want to help then don't reply.
I am creating a ROM and have got it running as I want using wm6.5.x build 23140 and sense 2018. Now I am beginning work on customising the look of it. I want a very minimal look on the home screen and so far have removed most things, but how do I remove the top grey bar where the operator text would be?
Thanks in advance.
[SORTED] please ignore this post. Its amazing what a few hours away from the keyboard can do.
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Hi, when you write in the Thread title that is solved, then it is also nice of you if you write for us how did you solved it.
I used search.
Yes it will be nice and respectfull for all the other people post which solution is find for a problem.......use search should be used before opening a thread.
Anyway if someone is searching for the solution then is in this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=584415
the cab is "Touch X remove top curtian.cab"
+1 , thanks for the solution.
af974 said:
Yes it will be nice and respectfull for all the other people post which solution is find for a problem.......use search should be used before opening a thread.
Anyway if someone is searching for the solution then is in this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=584415
the cab is "Touch X remove top curtian.cab"
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af974 said:
Yes it will be nice and respectfull for all the other people post which solution is find for a problem.......use search should be used before opening a thread.
Anyway if someone is searching for the solution then is in this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=584415
the cab is "Touch X remove top curtian.cab"
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Great Thanks Buddy
PS. Thanks is Clicked

