Hero on Orange - Hero, G2 Touch General

Anyone else on Orange who has only just experienced this painful SafeGuard rubbish coming up for sites. I've not had since I've had the phone, and now It comes up every day, and they are not 18+ sites either!
Also, anyone in London area ever found wireless while out and about?
Other than the BTzone one in coffee shops that costs you 9 £?

Hi i have hero from orange, and what you have to do is:
Call Customer service number > 150 and tell them to switch off that guard.

You can do it from your orange online account too

Thanks guys.... will do.
I wonder why it took over 3 months for it to start happening?

Sallcho said:
You can do it from your orange online account too
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Where do I go to do this online? Which part of the Orange site?
**EDIT** Okay. I found it in settings, adult settings or something like that, but it says it will allow adult content... but I saw this safeguard thing last week when trying to get to Modaco from my phone...

Hi, has it resolved the problem? I have to keep disconnecting when it comes up

RE the orange safeguard problem. Had a similar issue when i got my hero, checking my account online and the safegaurd service was listed as OFF! so i rang customer services, they said it was probs an issue at their end and put me thru to tech supp. Worked out fine tho, they re-enabled the safeguard then disabled it, i got a few texts saying services updated restart phone etc etc but after that it worked fine

Thanks for that.


Blackberry Vario II

Hello Guys,
Maybe someone can help me.
I got a MDA Vario II on T-Mobile that was delivered this morning (had hundreds yesterday she said, incase anyone is looking). On the Applications CD in the box is the Blackberry Connect software. I installed the software onto the Vario. I already have a blackberry account and went into my account (on my computer) and changed the PIN associated with my account. On the handset in the Instant Email option it says connected but it isn't recieveing any emails. I have clicked on the register button in the instant email option screen, I have sent myself a new service book but it still isn't working. I have even done a hard reset and started again but to no avail.
In the messenger section it has a instant email mailbox but there is nothing in it and the 3 logo at the top says Blackberry (GPRS, 3G) but still nothing.
Does anyone know what is wrong?
Well I figured it out.
I basically set up a whole new Blackberry account and that seemed to solve it. But a new problem is that it only lets you have 4 accounts which is less than before and the pages are completly different than before.
Hi hourami
Good to know you got it working. I got real excited about this, but seem to be having problmes to get it to work. Device and PC are connected fine. I have a PIN created and everything.
I called T-Mobile and they wanted £35 a month to activate Blackberry on my account! This seems very strange to me, as I have Web n Walk.
I have 2 questions for you -
1. What price plan are you on, and how did you get Blackberry activated for your SIM?
2. you say that
"I basically set up a whole new Blackberry account and that seemed to solve it."
How did you do that?
Hope you can help
ericdo said:
Hi hourami
I have 2 questions for you -
1. What price plan are you on, and how did you get Blackberry activated for your SIM?
2. you say that
"I basically set up a whole new Blackberry account and that seemed to solve it."
How did you do that?
Hope you can help
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Hi Eric,
1) I pay £10 per month for Blackberry, it is a fixed price and is shown as such on their website and by calling customer services.
2) At http://www.instantemail.t-mobile.co.uk/ you set up an account and put in the pin and imei number and then set up your email accounts, all self explanitory when you go through the screens. You won't get ANY emails though until Blackberry is activated on your account.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the quick reply. I'll give it a go and let you know how I get on. Cheers

Not able to sign in to pocket MSN

At last i got my T-mobile Vario II connect to the network, so today i was testing my 3g connection, so i tried signing onto pocket msn but it keeps telling me unable to sign in please retry i've tried over wifi/3g but nothing is tmobile blocking msn?
I've unlocked the phone with the tools provided on this forum, so don't know if anythign else changed.
I would appreciate any help, as i was looking foward for this feature , one of the reason to get web n walk.
I currently have this problem too, but i was (and have been using it since i got my vario2) using it fine last night. Probably a temp thing.
it's good to know, just wondering did pocket msn come with your vario 2 from tmobile? Coz i swear when i got it i didn't even see it there but when i unlocked the phoned with the software i noticed it was there. Maybe i'm seeing things.
So your sugestion is to keep trying?
Hey yes I have this problem too. I couldn't sign in to Hotmail as well.
I had this as well. Can't log in with the built in MSN Messenger. Agile Messenger works perfectly, though. That said, I tried it last night while trying to get my Hotmail access set up, and it worked for the only time in 2 weeks.
Nobody here has said which version of WNW they're on, so I'll assume basic. Some people (including sales people at T-Mob) have said that this is blocked on the basic package, despite it not being explicitly blocked in the T&Cs (falling under the "other" unallowed). Depends what exactly you signed up to and when though, I guess.
I'm on the basic one! £7.50 Web "n" Walk! Will not be too happy as i was informed by customer services before buying that it was allowed.
If it is blocked then i got to have a word with them about getting it unblocked.
I didn't say it is blocked, just that I've been told that it is. Then again, I've been told that it's not, and IIRC the change to the W'n'W T&Cs last month removed specific mention of MSN Messenger as disallowed.
Maybe it's nothing.
For some reasone I can connect to Pocket MSN perfectly last night. Don't know, maybe when I tried it the first time it was a one off thing.
Got it working, had extra letter in user name. dough! (simpson mode)
also another thing to note. I experience problems with the Pocket MSN when I turn on the Proxy settings for internet connection for my GPRS/3G. Lucky my provider seems to work without proxy as well.
Msn had been working fine, and then it stopped and could not connect for a few hours yesterday, leading em to belieb there is issue with msn servers.
I'll have a look at the proxy later, still new phone don't want change alot of things just yet eheh
Can't connect here either!
Had the same problem here for several days, can't log into Messenger on my Vario II - anybody got any ideas what's up?

Unlocked G1 on O2 - No More Calls?

I've got an unlocked G1 bought off eBay in early December. Up until today it's been working without any problems. However at 11am today it dropped off the O2 network and I can't get voice / text. I still have data access though.
Here's what I've tried:
1. My SIM in another phone - fine
2. Other SIMs in my G1 - no network registration except for a TMobile SIM.
3. Soft reset of G1
4. Hard reset of G1.
5. Wipe and reflash using update.zip method off microSD card to UK RC8 - no difference.
I'm desperate here - got multiple important calls pending over the next few days..
If I use "Search Networks" and manually select O2, I get the message "Your sim card does not allow a connection to this network".
"Registering automatically" also fails (but silently).
How can I get my G1 up and running ??
Try getting a new sim card from O2?
Currently using my SIM in another phone without issue (on the same cell tower too).
CodeMonkey said:
Currently using my SIM in another phone without issue (on the same cell tower too).
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Some random setting might be off? Here is another thread with O2 discussion and APN info...
demontefixo said:
Some random setting might be off? Here is another thread with O2 discussion and APN info...
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Nope - it literally dropped off the network after being in use with no problems after a month.
Can connect to o2 data channels, just no voice / text. Connects to voice with T-Mobile SIM only.
I've redone the settings 1/2 a dozen times as part of the whole wipe / re-flash circle of life thing...
Given up now - will test with PAYG TMobile and sell on eBay for parts / working. Can't be dealing with it for now but will return to Android when it's a little maturer and my contract's due.
I'm having the exact same problem. Anyone ever find a solution? I phoned T-Mobile and they told me to type in something involving the PUK code, but I didn't think it'd do anything.
I typed it in, and it's just stuck now. Saying unblocked, now unlocking.
Anyone help?
petertheface said:
I'm having the exact same problem. Anyone ever find a solution? I phoned T-Mobile and they told me to type in something involving the PUK code, but I didn't think it'd do anything.
I typed it in, and it's just stuck now. Saying unblocked, now unlocking.
Anyone help?
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I've got a pay as you go T Mobile SIM in mine now. Registers with nework ok but won't make / receive phone calls / messages..
Going through the mill with T Mobile support in the hope they've seen this before..
I'm from Germany and wanted to complete an O2 contract and use it with my G1.
But before I make the contract I used an O2-prepaid card (O2 loop). Im connected to the next O2 cell and calling works great. (running ADP1 JF 1.31 fw)
The cell-tower are not the same as t-mobile and vodafone and the active O2-cell is changing very often.
I hope O2 contract will work, because it's the cheapest kind of data plan.
CodeMonkey said:
I've got a pay as you go T Mobile SIM in mine now. Registers with nework ok but won't make / receive phone calls / messages..
Going through the mill with T Mobile support in the hope they've seen this before..
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Looks like it's borked.. I give up..
Anyone want to have a go?
* shameless plug * (mods please edit this out if inappropriate)
will you ship to US?
neoobs said:
will you ship to US?
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Sadly no :-(
i had the same problem with my touch hd,also brought from ebay as it was unlocked.used it and worked well for 3 weeks then wouldnt make calls but would connect to the internet.after weeks of trying i found out from my network provider that the phone is blocked ie reported stolen.so the person who sold it me had done an insurance scam.he diidnt get away with it though as i reported him to ebay and the police.and i got a new 1 from my insurance.so im happy now.you should ask your network to check the imei against thier database to see if your phone has been reported as stolen
mrcraig said:
i had the same problem with my touch hd,also brought from ebay as it was unlocked.used it and worked well for 3 weeks then wouldnt make calls but would connect to the internet.after weeks of trying i found out from my network provider that the phone is blocked ie reported stolen.so the person who sold it me had done an insurance scam.he diidnt get away with it though as i reported him to ebay and the police.and i got a new 1 from my insurance.so im happy now.you should ask your network to check the imei against thier database to see if your phone has been reported as stolen
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Looks like you were spot on mate.
Just done a CheckMend report indicating that the IMEI has been blocked on "one or more UK networks".
I've pulled my auction (of course) as I'm an honest seller.
Will have to do some digging as to why - tense email to original seller tonight I think, then maybe the police etc in the morning.
CodeMonkey said:
Looks like you were spot on mate.
Just done a CheckMend report indicating that the IMEI has been blocked on "one or more UK networks".
I've pulled my auction (of course) as I'm an honest seller.
Will have to do some digging as to why - tense email to original seller tonight I think, then maybe the police etc in the morning.
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Blocked by T-Mobile at someone else's request.
Paypal - no resolution as > 45 days (nicely timed by seller it seems)
Time for the police *sigh*
Wow! Turns out my phone was blacklisted too! Thanks SOO much! I never would have thought to check to see if it had been reported stolen.
Need to chase up eBay seller now though. Fun.
Well - after hammering away at this for nearly 3 days...
I have a crime reference number!
Which means that PayPal / eBay / T Mobile will need to investigate.
Friendly advice to any others in this situation - I was told initially by the desk officer at my local police station that this was "a civil matter". Thankfully I ignored that and spoke to the local headquarters - they've confirmed that it's a criminal matter and they will be investigating further. So stick to your guns ;-)
Fingers crossed, and good luck to anyone else out there in the same situation.
Apologies for the bump
I apologize for bumping the thread after all this time, but i've had this happen to my G1 just today. After months of flawless use my unlocked G1 suddenly decided to not like any SIMs but a T-Mobile one. Annoyingly IMEI checks show that it's not blacklisted, using both CheckMEND and calling O2 direct and asking them if they have a blacklist flag on it, which they didn't.
I'm wondering if CodeMonkey, or anyone else, managed to get anywhere with a claim or a reason or solution to any of it?
Also, i'm curious as to whether or not we have the same Ebay seller, just to ease paranoia of a scam of some kind going on.
-- dil
dilandou said:
I'm wondering if CodeMonkey, or anyone else, managed to get anywhere with a claim or a reason or solution to any of it?
Also, i'm curious as to whether or not we have the same Ebay seller, just to ease paranoia of a scam of some kind going on.
-- dil
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This is still with the police *sigh*. Currently chasing down the T-mobile account holder who blocked it originally and the seller. Given up much hope of getting my money back but hoping to take the £350 I'm down by out of the guilty party's hide through the criminal justice system. As far as I can determine, this is either insurance fraud (account holder sells phone for cash, reports as lost and claims off TMobile insurance) or theft & selling stolen goods.. I personally think it's an attempt at insurance fraud by some dimwit as the phone came in it's original packaging with accessories still sealed.
I won't post the seller's name on a public forum in case they're an innocent party, however PM me the details of yours and I'll respond. If it is the same seller I'll update the police appropriately so they can widen the investigation and get in touch with you (if you want to go down that path)..
Update - compared sellers and they're not the same: watch out if buying on eBay peeps.
I am glad that I found this threat, to learn I am not crazy. Bought a German G1 via ebay, and the first day (wih original FW) everything was fine. At least i think so as I didn't use it much. Then I upgraded manually to latest German RC9 version. While the phone showed to be connected to o2 and internet was working fine, I noticed only one day later that I was not able to make outbound calls or send SMS. Also other o2 customer got error tone (no real message why not reachable) when calling me, SMS didn't arrive. However the most weird thing was that it was possible to call my mobile phone from my fix/land line! Again, for other mobile phones I was not reachable, but land line worked?!
While beeing frustraded I did HW reset and the FW update again, but still same problem. Still in the evening of the same day I left my house, sitting on the airport - and suddenly it worked smoothly. Since that, for a week now, everything works fine.
No, I don't undertand this at all. And I think this was in my case also no issue of being blacklisted as it works now, without doing anything. Letäs hope it does not have a fall back.
G1 Swindle
Hey guys
It looks like I have also been swindled by some chump on ebay and my G1 has been blocked. Has anyone any idea if the phone can be wiped and rebooted in a fashion that clears it from any blocking register?
Otherwise I'm stuck with a very expensive paper weight!!

[Network] loss of connection on Orange Network, need help

Hi there,
I am confronted with a big issue which affects my ability to place or even receive calls: I cannot connect my HTC HD on the Orange Network anymore.
Two weeks ago I was on the road using TomTom and suddenly Windows Mobile told me that the distant server was disconnected and that I was not connect to the network anymore. Each time I am trying to get a connection, I can see that the mobile detects a network, tries to register (I even can see the Edge icon and some network bars) but always fall back to the 'not connected' icon.
The weird thing is that the mobile detects all the networks it is intended to: Orange, Bouygues and SFR (the three main operators).
Since that day, I have tried everything to re connect the mobile on Orange network but nothing was successfull:
- many and many reboots of the mobile,
- I have suppressed the Orange network connection in the connection wizard and then re created it.
- I have switched the network connection to manual and tried to connect manually: as for auto mode, it displays the following message:
"cannot connect to the selected network. Choose another network or stop you data connection and try again"
- I have switched the band mode from auto to "GSM (900+1800)"
- I have done hard resets
- I have changed the ROM two times: the first one for an up to date Mia and the second time for a Rhodyum 1.1 (the one I am using now).
- I have called the hotline to check if the problem is coming from their devices ; apparently not the case
- I have put my SIM card on another mobile and its working. A different SIM on my HD is not working. I even have changed my SIM card !
I am really desperate now because I do not know where the problem could come from. Should I do something else ? How can I be sure that it comes from my mobile ?
Thank you for your help
Yesterday evening, I have tried to restore stock SPL1.14; It did not work either
Nobody can help me or just give me clues to solve the issue ?
What is your SN? Is a 84x? See here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=476139 could be an RMA candidate, read the thred
OK, here's the short answer:
your phone's a nicked device and it's on the IMEI blacklist.
the other possibility is that the contract didn't get paid off so the provider blocked it because of that.
I'm generally always right on this - go get a CheckMEND report from here: http://www.checkmend.com/uk/public/check_start
Your IMEI goes in the Identifier box.
I appear to be having the same problem, I checked via that site and it didnt flag anything up, it was all clean. The problem started yesterday afternoon.
I've tried an O2 sim card in there which works, and someones elses Orange sim card in there, which doesnt
Orange have confirmed the phone is blacklisted, even though the site said it wasn't.
Taking my frustrations out on the 'legitimate' Ebay seller as we speak and searching for a replacement.
the same story
Hi i got the same story but i was using the phone for 7 months and after one day no service... how is that possible? and how i can sort it out? i bought it on ebay its possible that as you sayed contract is not payed... but what i can do? if the imei its black listed if i change imei will unblock the phone? phone had simlock on orange now iam using o2 i think after or now when i upload new rom imei changed for extra 2 digitals 01... i tryed
WST v4.2.2 setup problem with comunication :/
HTC imei Update Wizard the same problem cominication... any advice? servis will help?
i upload rom oficial one mayby i will nee to upload diferent one?
JM7 said:
Orange have confirmed the phone is blacklisted, even though the site said it wasn't.
Taking my frustrations out on the 'legitimate' Ebay seller as we speak and searching for a replacement.
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the problem is if this "legitimate" ebay seller, sold it to you before the contract was paid to orange, legally the phone belongs to orange, therefore you've bought stolen goods. Hope you used Paypal, they might offer some protection.
alexpetrucci said:
the problem is if this "legitimate" ebay seller, sold it to you before the contract was paid to orange, legally the phone belongs to orange, therefore you've bought stolen goods. Hope you used Paypal, they might offer some protection.
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what about if i was using phone for half year and everything was ok and not its happen?

[Q] Wildfire: No Service

I was wondering if anyone can help me.
I recently flashed my phone which I have done many times. I then installed beautiful widgets from a apk off the net. Once I had decided I likes the software I deinstalled it and ever since I have been unable to get network service on my wildfire.
Whenever I try and connect to a network I get:
'Unable to connect to this network at this time please try later'
I am currently on baseband version but I have also flashed later radios and still have the problem.
I have also checked the phone information settings and radio is turned on so unsure where to go from here.
The phone is also unlocked to any network but I have tried a Orange, Virgin and Vodaphone chip and none work.
Cheers for any help ;-)
i was in touch with beautiful widgets developer a few weeks ago, and he mentioned there were 13 different pirated versions that they were aware of, and they were having troubles with them. the first thing he wanted was my google checkout receipt number, i wonder if you have picked up a virus somehow, with a malicious copy.
have you tried restoring a nandroid backup?
Yes I ran a nandroid restore and I still have the problem. I have also been into the phone's testing menu, phone information and it wont let me select radio band just comes back Set{Automatic] Unsuccessful ;-(
Tried numerous Roms and still the issue.
Will I have to totally flatten phone to get this working?
Have you checked your apn settings?
I have checked the APN section and I have one for orange internet and one for Orange MMS. I have looked through these settings and everything is blank except when I get to the MCC section.
One thing I have noticed is when In restore or use a new ROM I still have my details for Wireless setup etc so is it really doing a full wipe of settings?
Cheers guys
I have just spoken to Orange and they have informed me that the phone has been blacklisted hence no service. I have had this phone for over 6 months and now they decide to blacklist it even though I paid good money for it and it wasnt stolen...Nice!!!!!
Thanks for your help anyway guys much appreciated
why has it been blacklisted, and how?
The phone has been blacklisted by Virgin as stolen just recently even though I bought the phone over 5 months ago with original Virgin Chip, booklets etc. I have spoke to Orange (my own network) as the original owner is obviously trying to maker a claim which is indeed false.
I am in process of writing a letter to virgin explaining my predicament but I dont expect anything positive of the outcome. Last time I buy anything of a Forum all my own mistake to be fair!!!
Bought a Samsung I5800 just get me back up and running as the wildfire is now just sat at home awaiting to hear what Virgin say as I may sell it as parts.
cheers guys ;-)

