Blackberry Vario II - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Hello Guys,
Maybe someone can help me.
I got a MDA Vario II on T-Mobile that was delivered this morning (had hundreds yesterday she said, incase anyone is looking). On the Applications CD in the box is the Blackberry Connect software. I installed the software onto the Vario. I already have a blackberry account and went into my account (on my computer) and changed the PIN associated with my account. On the handset in the Instant Email option it says connected but it isn't recieveing any emails. I have clicked on the register button in the instant email option screen, I have sent myself a new service book but it still isn't working. I have even done a hard reset and started again but to no avail.
In the messenger section it has a instant email mailbox but there is nothing in it and the 3 logo at the top says Blackberry (GPRS, 3G) but still nothing.
Does anyone know what is wrong?

Well I figured it out.
I basically set up a whole new Blackberry account and that seemed to solve it. But a new problem is that it only lets you have 4 accounts which is less than before and the pages are completly different than before.

Hi hourami
Good to know you got it working. I got real excited about this, but seem to be having problmes to get it to work. Device and PC are connected fine. I have a PIN created and everything.
I called T-Mobile and they wanted £35 a month to activate Blackberry on my account! This seems very strange to me, as I have Web n Walk.
I have 2 questions for you -
1. What price plan are you on, and how did you get Blackberry activated for your SIM?
2. you say that
"I basically set up a whole new Blackberry account and that seemed to solve it."
How did you do that?
Hope you can help

ericdo said:
Hi hourami
I have 2 questions for you -
1. What price plan are you on, and how did you get Blackberry activated for your SIM?
2. you say that
"I basically set up a whole new Blackberry account and that seemed to solve it."
How did you do that?
Hope you can help
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Hi Eric,
1) I pay £10 per month for Blackberry, it is a fixed price and is shown as such on their website and by calling customer services.
2) At you set up an account and put in the pin and imei number and then set up your email accounts, all self explanitory when you go through the screens. You won't get ANY emails though until Blackberry is activated on your account.
Hope this helps.

Thanks for the quick reply. I'll give it a go and let you know how I get on. Cheers


Blackberry &XDA2 not yet available?

I have downloaded and installed the latest ROM with Blackberry, but o2 UK are giving me mixt signals about the ability to use Blackberry service. Some say it won't happen until Jan 05', any ideas about this?
Blackberry & O2
I have been down to the local O2 shop and used their online service Blackberry is up and running.
You must register with O2 and take on the tariff (£15 per month 5mb inclusive) in addition to your normal monthly bill and your away.
Xmail does roughly the same thing and its only £4.95 per month.
Blackberry (Internet Mail) is available from O2, but expect problems getting it set-up.
Seems like there's only a few people in CS that can do it. Mine took 6 days.
It's £15 per month (with 5mb GPRS data included). You can add a voice tariff to that as well if you want (increasing the cost).
I've got BB at last, and it's superb.
Can you answer me a question about the BB client?
I use MMIS to sync my work email, but I'd like to use BB for personal email.
Can you use BB and MMIS (ActiveSync) at the same time, or does the BB client take over the ActiveSync inbox?
mark.peters said:
Blackberry (Internet Mail) is available from O2, but expect problems getting it set-up.
Seems like there's only a few people in CS that can do it. Mine took 6 days.
It's £15 per month (with 5mb GPRS data included). You can add a voice tariff to that as well if you want (increasing the cost).
I've got BB at last, and it's superb.
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Only the Customer retention team could set you up on a BB tariff as of last week.
I'd imagine that this'll change but I've had BB on my XDAII for almost a week now and it's great.
Has anyone else had problems downloading attachments?
I have Blackberry working on my XDA2
BUT not completely
We have a BES server here at work & a load of the guys have BBs. I, however, didn't want yet another device to carry around with me in addition to XDA2.
When the ROM came out last week, installed it and set about setting up BB services on my XDA2.
FIRSTLY (for those of you who are already in a Corporate environment) you must have the Blackberry APN initialised on your SIM. This can take a while as ATM the knowledge of what to do is not yet with the support teams. It actually took me 3 (working) days to get that bit sorted & at the same time had 2 days without any phone as well. Anyway, sorted on Monday & now every time our Exchange server gets an email for me, its straight onto my XDA2 quicker than appearing in Outlook!
Whats NOT working for me is the ability to send emails & request further data or attachments. We've raised an issue with RIM but still waiting for a solution. I managed to unistall/re-install CMIME service & that allowed me to send a couple of emails but its gone back to not sending
I'll update this when it works!!
With the XDA2 BB only works for emails atm & (allegedly) Callendar. There is a new BES server (4.0) out soon which will allow Contacts/Tasks as well - can't wait.
One thing I'd like to change is the noise it makes when it gets an email - just the same as the GPRS coverage one. Guess it'll be a registry hack. Want something a bit better than that & maybe vibrate like the OE BB device.
News ands it Official frm Blackberry
This comes direct from RIM the people who run Blackberry, I asked why there was a problem with O2 and Blackberry service.
I wrote to Blackberry
Blackberry software etc was supplied by O2, but the site and service from O2 has been of little help.
I have been in to the shop Dumfries and in Edinburgh, even their links to Blackberry have been bad the phone numbers they have are for Mars chocolate and Social Services! yes thats no joke the staff at o2 tried calling the registration line for O2 Blackberry and thats who the got.
Anyway I'm sorry but the service from O2 is too expensive at £15 per month then additional cost per mb for download,
What are you offering direct?
ans from RIM
"Dear Trevor,
What it comes down to is that O2 should not have made that software available to anyone prior to the appropriate agreements and support structure being in place between O2 and RIM. RIM has no obligation to support O2 devices at this point but I will be speaking to our UK support group this morning and will raise your case and attempt to get it resolved.
Unfortunately, BlackBerry service is not available directly from RIM and can only be purchased through Carrier partners.
I will get back to you once I have more information."
2nd email from Blackberry
"Dear Trevor,
I spoke to our support organization and they have clearly stated they are presently not taking any support calls for O2. RIM will only take Carrier support calls after there has been an offical launch, all agreements are in place and a support structure has been defined. This position results from O2 making the BlackBerry software available prior to any official launch and it is their responsibility to support their devices until that time. I am sorry that this is not the answer you were hoping for but I am unable to escalate within RIM.
I have been informed that the image that O2 posted for download was meant to be a ROM upgrade only and was not intended to include the Blackberry component. "
And that folks is direct from the horses mouth, yes its out with O2, but there is no support service in place unless you book, buy and pay with Blackberry direct, if its done through O2(which it can be) there is no suport service as the deal hasn't been finalised with RIM.
Hope it helps those who were interested
Blackberry on XDA2
Interesting details about the O2 arrangements with Rim - worrying !
I've installed the latest ROM and after 3 days of dealing with O2 data support, finally got my corporate e-mails delivered to my XDA.
You have to have the BBNet tariff enabled on your account, this being £15 per month in addition to your voice tariff.
I'm also able to pick up e-mails from my POP3 service (BT Internet) but I'm not sure what the refresh rate is.
According to O2, calendar synchronisation is not yet available. - does anybody know anything about this ?
bydandie said:
Only the Customer retention team could set you up on a BB tariff as of last week.
I'd imagine that this'll change but I've had BB on my XDAII for almost a week now and it's great.
Has anyone else had problems downloading attachments?
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At the moment as the amount of customers wanting Blackberry is quite small a lot of the front line customer services staff have not been fully trained on it.
The service provider you are on also could determine if you can have the service currently or not.
To add Blackberry capability to an account you also need to be on a suitable tariff. e.g O2 200 Combi - many of the older tariffs (as well as legacy tariffs) will not allow blackberry functionality.
Further to my last message, O2 have now discovered that they shouldn't have given me corproate access and have now taken it away !
The tarrif I am on is BBNet which only allows POP3 access to e-mail accounts (although you can get mail from 10 POP3 accounts).
You need the corporate tarrif is you want e-mails from an exchange server system. This is £37.50 per month. Also, the XDA2 will not support synchronisation of calendar and contacts via BB.
Apparently the XDA2S which is due out early next year will support more BB services.
I am also having problems with the BB service suspending itself. This appears to happen when I send an SMS - anybody got any ideas ?
Well, I currently can't get emails to my XDA
We have got a BES Server at work & use BB devices as well, so in theory all should work.
Apparently, I have not got a "corporate" device and that if RIM see such things going through their system, they disable access to it :? FFS
I get "Service Blocked" if I try to send an email.
This is highly frustrating as did previously have it all working & great it is too - I want it back!
Black Berry
Hi All
Im living in the Nertherlands and have been using my device and the Blackberry client for about a month.
After adding my mail account to the BES Server, Enabling my SIM for BB and GPRS from the Service Provider(Vodafone), adding the client software on my PC syncing everything up with the pins etc it has been working fine
Vodafone as far as I am aware did not do anything special to my account as they were unaware that an XDAII could use the BB Client

HTC TyTN - Replace your blackberry!

I'll admit, I take a lot of good info from these boards and am usually far too busy to post. But this time I feel I have something great to share.
I bought a TyTN the other here Wednesday. I was sick so I didn't start to play much with it until today.
Now I have found today: The HTC TyTN can VERY EASILY be made into a corporate BES-connected Blackberry if you so desire, and conencted to YOUR CURRENT corporate BES account, without their intervention! I have done this with my Sprint 7250 BB account, and done it back and forth all day from T-mo to Cingular (Cingular wins out because of 3G of course...gotta have good slingbox when I can!)
All you need is a 'blackberry enabled SIM card' (really, just add the unlimited BES ENABLED (NOT THE "PERSONAL") blackberry plan to T-mo or Cingular) and a corporate BES account (that you haven't been able to touch for years, LOCKING you to a USELESS paperweight of a dumb-phone!) I know some others were lucky enough to have a Cingular SIM card in their corporate BB already and this wasn't a big deal. But I was not and I see many other are having trouble starting out with with non-Cingular blackberry devices. So check out how I ended up getting my way, finally after 4 years!
0) Insert (or go buy) a personal, non-blackberry-enabled Cingular (3G) SIM card. You should be able to surf for UMTS/HSDPA data and all that...
1) Install BBConnectr_PocketPC_BB_2.1.2.16 on the HTC TyTN.
2) Install Activesync2.1.1.9 for mobile on the desktop.
3) Connect the HTC to the computer via USB, then open PC's Activesync You will be asked if you want to change your PIN -- say YES! (you can always go back. Remember, it DOES NOT MATTER what service your BB is CURRENTLY through...we are going to make it through Cingular for you here in a second!)
4) Call Cingular and have them add the unlimited $49.95 blackberry plan, assumedly on top of your unlimited data plan. While I was willing to pay $145 a month to have everything in one device, just to spite my corporate IT department, here's the catch: They will come back and say you can't have both! Take the Unlimited blackberry plan (which will allow the PocketPC BB Connect software you installed to get through Cingular's network to "" So Instead of $40 for unlimited data, $10 more is getting my (and i have tested it) 3G data and access!
From there, you should be good like me.
I'm still figuring out the nuances, like how to minimize down-time after web surfing for BB connect to get back 'connected' again. I suspect in an all-3G area (in which i am NOT), this may not be an issue.
I have placed the updated, verified as working (on both T-mo and Cingular) versions of Activesync2.1.1.9 and BBConnect_PocketPC_BB_2.1.2.16 in the "upload" directory of the web site. (as well as the 2.1 manual) That is /Hermes/Tools_and_Programs. Hopefully it gets moved over soon.
Keep on rocking everyone -- we are forging new capabilities together that make our lives easier, more fun, and more convenient!
Love and bruises,
It's your IT group that's at fault btw... I'm the technology guy for our IT group and we're getting rid of the BES and switching to direct push instead. Why? Tell your IT dept this: a BES places a 50% higher IO load on your Exchange server :shock:. This is because it must scan all blackberry enabled mailboxes every second or so looking for changes!
Now that devices like the Q have the MSFP, our execs have a nice alternative to their 8700s.
I've also installed LCS 2K5 with an Access Proxy and we are now all moving to Mobile Communicator for IM. This is a great little program that also gateways to AIM and Yahoo.
I believe IT should empower their users with technology, not be a bunch of Nazis.....
Files (safe) moved here:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Hermes/Tools_and_Programs/BlackBerry_Connect/
Could you please point out what is the difference between your uploads and the file here?
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Hermes/Tools_and_Programs/
Bb Connect
Just a quick one on this has anyone tried this on a XDA Exec on orange??
BAH ! ! !
Tytn has more functions, but isn't nearly as good of a phone - especially for someone who spends a lot of time driving
mightyeric said:
BAH ! ! !
Tytn has more functions, but isn't nearly as good of a phone - especially for someone who spends a lot of time driving
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Mate .. you need a bluetooth headset on your TyTN!!! :idea: And you should not drive anyways while talking on your phone :wink:
mightyeric said:
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Sorry .. couldn't resist myself. :lol:
even though this doesnt belong in this forum i figured you guys would know. do cingular blackberrys (the 8700) work on the new 3g network? and can u install AIM (a version that does not use text messages)?
Just tested TyTN with BIS and BES solutions, all works fine!!!
Messages are coming through UMTS channel where UMTS signal is available!
When you get an email via BES, can you read the attachments though?
does it also wirelessly sync your calendar and contacts with BES?
I seem to have it all working but when I restart the tytn, the blackberry service doesn't connect. The config program says 'no connection' (although it was fine right after I installed) Has anyone else seen this and got round it?
Quick config question on BBConnect...
For all those that have this successfully working on a TyTN - did you have to tweak any connection settings on the PPC ?
I've installed BBConnect ( onto the PPC and BBDesktop ( onto the PC. Used Activesync and got all my calendar entries over. Now when I come to have the BBC connect wirelessly, it fails to connect and eventually goes into 'Suspended by User' state.
I played around and defined a connection called 'Blackberry' with all the settings ', rim, password etc..) and can now actually get it to Connect successfully...
The issue now is that no email flows.... in fact nothing flows at all and I can't send a message as it indicates it's a 'malformed message'.
Any ideas ?
I've had Cingular confirm that my data account is set up for 'BlackBerry Connect Unlimited'...
I never had a blackberry before so I'm into new territory here...
Any advice on how to get this working ?
Does anybody knows which is the correct cingular blackberry plan for USA??????
Since some of you appear to have gotten Blackberry Connect working with Cingular on a mobile device I'm hoping you can give me some useful information. I have the service in place from Cingular, and have the understanding that with Blackberry Connect from Cingular I need no other data plan from them. It will cover all of my other data services. This part seems to be working fine. What's not working is the Blackberry Connect software itself. It always gives me "Blocked - Radio In Use". I am wondering if it is because I have a connection set up for "MY ISP" based on Cingulars default installation. If it's supposed to be using Blackberry Connect for data, should I be deleting the MY ISP configuration? Could that be what's keeping the radio in use? I would assume the only thing using the radio should be the Blackberry Connect service since that's the only plan I have.
I get a message that the program cannot determine the type of network and to ensure the radio is on when I try to run Blackberry Connect for Pocket PC on my unlocked HP hw6945. It installed fine from the hosted exe file.
My theory is that the problem is the program is looking for the phone's frequency/band settings in WM5. The HP hides these as it features an automatic band/frequency transition radio. Does anyone know how to unhide WM5's menu and settings for the phone band/frequency?
BTW I have a new 64k Cingular smartcard sim with Blackberry Connect service (verified working with my Blackberry 7100t unlocked).
Hi all !
Was anybody able to run BlackBerry Connect on Cingular 1.31 ROM ?
It was run without any problems for me on 1.34, but does not work on 1.31.
Anybody else with the same problem ?
I followed HTC TyTN - Replace your blackberry instructions and software installs fine on Cingular 8525. I received system book from BES, but after the 8525 connects, a few minutes latter the Blackberry goes to "Suspended by user" and email is never received. Does anything else need to be setup, ie a different connection in the network connections on the device?
saldous said:
When you get an email via BES, can you read the attachments though?
does it also wirelessly sync your calendar and contacts with BES?
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The Calendar and Contacts works fine!! You need to find the contacts....its the same of BBconnect for Nokia.
But you cant view all the attachments, only excel, word.....
Not read .jpg .mp3 and more.
HP6945 update
I happened to go overseas last week and while there and roaming on O2 I was able to get past the second screen and get the BB Connect to start. However, it would not generate the PIN (status: "pending"). Hoping that once past that obstacle once back on Cingular US I could get further, but no joy.
Right now I'm trying the Xpress Mail product which pushes and syncs calendar and email via a redirector; it seems to be finicky though.

Not able to sign in to pocket MSN

At last i got my T-mobile Vario II connect to the network, so today i was testing my 3g connection, so i tried signing onto pocket msn but it keeps telling me unable to sign in please retry i've tried over wifi/3g but nothing is tmobile blocking msn?
I've unlocked the phone with the tools provided on this forum, so don't know if anythign else changed.
I would appreciate any help, as i was looking foward for this feature , one of the reason to get web n walk.
I currently have this problem too, but i was (and have been using it since i got my vario2) using it fine last night. Probably a temp thing.
it's good to know, just wondering did pocket msn come with your vario 2 from tmobile? Coz i swear when i got it i didn't even see it there but when i unlocked the phoned with the software i noticed it was there. Maybe i'm seeing things.
So your sugestion is to keep trying?
Hey yes I have this problem too. I couldn't sign in to Hotmail as well.
I had this as well. Can't log in with the built in MSN Messenger. Agile Messenger works perfectly, though. That said, I tried it last night while trying to get my Hotmail access set up, and it worked for the only time in 2 weeks.
Nobody here has said which version of WNW they're on, so I'll assume basic. Some people (including sales people at T-Mob) have said that this is blocked on the basic package, despite it not being explicitly blocked in the T&Cs (falling under the "other" unallowed). Depends what exactly you signed up to and when though, I guess.
I'm on the basic one! £7.50 Web "n" Walk! Will not be too happy as i was informed by customer services before buying that it was allowed.
If it is blocked then i got to have a word with them about getting it unblocked.
I didn't say it is blocked, just that I've been told that it is. Then again, I've been told that it's not, and IIRC the change to the W'n'W T&Cs last month removed specific mention of MSN Messenger as disallowed.
Maybe it's nothing.
For some reasone I can connect to Pocket MSN perfectly last night. Don't know, maybe when I tried it the first time it was a one off thing.
Got it working, had extra letter in user name. dough! (simpson mode)
also another thing to note. I experience problems with the Pocket MSN when I turn on the Proxy settings for internet connection for my GPRS/3G. Lucky my provider seems to work without proxy as well.
Msn had been working fine, and then it stopped and could not connect for a few hours yesterday, leading em to belieb there is issue with msn servers.
I'll have a look at the proxy later, still new phone don't want change alot of things just yet eheh
Can't connect here either!
Had the same problem here for several days, can't log into Messenger on my Vario II - anybody got any ideas what's up?

Blackberry Connect on X1?

Anyone that has any success on installing BB on X1? I tried version 103 and 104 but the result is the same i.e it installs doing the rebooting but it can’t register it on my network so no PIN and there for I cant do enterprise activation. Any suggestions, please. BTW Spoke to SE today and there is an upgrade coming before December (what a surplice )
i also tried everthing, still no chance (pin pending).
anyone succeeded?
Me too, I tried the version used for my previous HTC Touch Pro but it was unable to get registered and no pin generated.
I also need this software badly.
couldn't get it working on my phone. it would connect to the blackberry apn for one second but then disconnect.
to all hackers out there. please make blackberry connect working on X1. THANK YOU!!!
Really kind of sad as there are no BB Connect for X1 after so long and I need it to check my emails on the go.
any good news until now?
Hello Guys!
Yesterday I had the bb service (o2 Germany) activate at my contract. In the most post I read, that the main problem of pending PIN is. After I goten the activation sms I install "BB Connect 4.106". And what I see was very.....what can I say......exciting. I get a PIN!! But now, I have the problem that i cant login in on the blackberry site from o2.
I hope that anyone can use this information to bring full bb service to xperia!!!!!!
with best reguards

Hero on Orange

Anyone else on Orange who has only just experienced this painful SafeGuard rubbish coming up for sites. I've not had since I've had the phone, and now It comes up every day, and they are not 18+ sites either!
Also, anyone in London area ever found wireless while out and about?
Other than the BTzone one in coffee shops that costs you 9 £?
Hi i have hero from orange, and what you have to do is:
Call Customer service number > 150 and tell them to switch off that guard.
You can do it from your orange online account too
Thanks guys.... will do.
I wonder why it took over 3 months for it to start happening?
Sallcho said:
You can do it from your orange online account too
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Where do I go to do this online? Which part of the Orange site?
**EDIT** Okay. I found it in settings, adult settings or something like that, but it says it will allow adult content... but I saw this safeguard thing last week when trying to get to Modaco from my phone...
Hi, has it resolved the problem? I have to keep disconnecting when it comes up
RE the orange safeguard problem. Had a similar issue when i got my hero, checking my account online and the safegaurd service was listed as OFF! so i rang customer services, they said it was probs an issue at their end and put me thru to tech supp. Worked out fine tho, they re-enabled the safeguard then disabled it, i got a few texts saying services updated restart phone etc etc but after that it worked fine
Thanks for that.

