Roaming At All Times - G1 General

I recently unlocked my G1 to work with the ICE Network here in Costa Rica.
I was actually stuck for like 3 hours thinking about flashing and trying differen methods for the activation because for some reason it wouldn't catch the 2G Data Services (After I Followed alot of APN Settings etc)
When I was about to give up , I saw what seemed like a new icon (which ended up being that it was receiving data)
But I also noticed the R in the signal strenght icon, which I managed to figure out was Roaming.
This has not gone off since I got the phone, I got Donut 1.6 , I got the phone yesterday, It works perfectly, It receives calls, Dials, Msgs fine, everything like my old S.E phone, the internet is even a tad faster, but I'm kinda worried about the Roaming sign being there.
I'm not really worried for any International SMS like it was reported, because the crappy service here doesn't even have that, so It won't happen, and I don't even think Roaming exists here.
Any help to that?

red.Wood said:
I recently unlocked my G1 to work with the ICE Network here in Costa Rica.
I was actually stuck for like 3 hours thinking about flashing and trying differen methods for the activation because for some reason it wouldn't catch the 2G Data Services (After I Followed alot of APN Settings etc)
When I was about to give up , I saw what seemed like a new icon (which ended up being that it was receiving data)
But I also noticed the R in the signal strenght icon, which I managed to figure out was Roaming.
This has not gone off since I got the phone, I got Donut 1.6 , I got the phone yesterday, It works perfectly, It receives calls, Dials, Msgs fine, everything like my old S.E phone, the internet is even a tad faster, but I'm kinda worried about the Roaming sign being there.
I'm not really worried for any International SMS like it was reported, because the crappy service here doesn't even have that, so It won't happen, and I don't even think Roaming exists here.
Any help to that?
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You might want to post your APN settings so others can see if you need to change something.

name:ICE Celular
apn: icecelular
Out of noobing around, I tried to play with the APN settings, but I went back to the old ones, now my Internet doesn't work..
Thats the only thing I saw. Saw a couple other places that had the same info. If that don't work then maybe someone else can help you thru.

This isn't an APN problem, it is a SIM problem.
Your provider has one set of numbers on your card, and another set of numbers that actually identify the network, and they don't match. Technically, from the phone's point of view, you *are* roaming, even if it is the same provider. From the provider's point of view, you *aren't* roaming.
Up until cupcake, we had that same problem here in Canada when using the "Fido" network (which is owned and operated by "Rogers"). The network identified itself as "Rogers", the SIM cards identify themselves as "Fido", the phone think's its roaming.
So; you don't need to worry about roaming charges when you are actually connected to the correct network.
BUT; You don't have an easy to read display to tell you when you are *really* roaming, nor can you make configurations that are based on whether you are or are not roaming.
Edit: You might be inclined to report it as a bug against AOSP. Even though it technically isn't a bug, the workaround for it needs to be input and that needs to originate as a bug report.

lbcoder said:
This isn't an APN problem, it is a SIM problem.
Your provider has one set of numbers on your card, and another set of numbers that actually identify the network, and they don't match. Technically, from the phone's point of view, you *are* roaming, even if it is the same provider. From the provider's point of view, you *aren't* roaming.
Up until cupcake, we had that same problem here in Canada when using the "Fido" network (which is owned and operated by "Rogers"). The network identified itself as "Rogers", the SIM cards identify themselves as "Fido", the phone think's its roaming.
So; you don't need to worry about roaming charges when you are actually connected to the correct network.
BUT; You don't have an easy to read display to tell you when you are *really* roaming, nor can you make configurations that are based on whether you are or are not roaming.
Edit: You might be inclined to report it as a bug against AOSP. Even though it technically isn't a bug, the workaround for it needs to be input and that needs to originate as a bug report.
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Thank You very much.
I actually wasn't really worrying a whole lot, because Roaming doesn't exist here in Costa Rica. ( We are expected to barely get 3G this year, and there is a wait list for that for about 200,000 people ).. If your signal goes out, thats it, you got no signal .
thanks for the quick reply, another thing I wanted to ask. I've had the phone since like Sunday, and When I got it it was Version 1.01, So I got 1.5 Cup Cake, and eventually 1.6 Donut without even trying the phone at any point, I'm getting alot of force close msgs, for something regarding android action or something like that, I don't recall the exact msg, but I keep getting it , when going to the home from a application (any) or doing something rly fast, it blacks out, resets the desktop and shows up again, I read somewhere you had to do a factory reset (which bugs me because for some reason mY internet wasn't working until like 5 hours after I unlocked the phone).. Thanks

red.Wood said:
Thank You very much.
I actually wasn't really worrying a whole lot, because Roaming doesn't exist here in Costa Rica. ( We are expected to barely get 3G this year, and there is a wait list for that for about 200,000 people ).. If your signal goes out, thats it, you got no signal .
thanks for the quick reply, another thing I wanted to ask. I've had the phone since like Sunday, and When I got it it was Version 1.01, So I got 1.5 Cup Cake, and eventually 1.6 Donut without even trying the phone at any point, I'm getting alot of force close msgs, for something regarding android action or something like that, I don't recall the exact msg, but I keep getting it , when going to the home from a application (any) or doing something rly fast, it blacks out, resets the desktop and shows up again, I read somewhere you had to do a factory reset (which bugs me because for some reason mY internet wasn't working until like 5 hours after I unlocked the phone).. Thanks
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edit: android.process.acore

Yeah, a factory reset might help. Especially when you've done that many updates over a short period of time.
Write down your APN settings on a piece of paper and do the factory reset. It will STILL have 1.6, it will just clear the user data, which after just one day, won't be much anyways. Better to get it cleaned up now rather than wait until you have a big pile of configurations you don't want to lose.

Thanks, Did that, now my G1 Is much faster and won't crash.. Awesome


Rogers 3G network

Hey guys, I just wanted to see if anyone else is having a longer waiting period with the Rogers 3G network lately or if it is just me. I've been noticing that my phone has slowed down quite a bit when browsing the internet or using an application that requires data on the 3G network. My wi-fi is fine, just the 3G. It takes between 45 secs to 1 minute to retreive the information. I had called Rogers and asked them to reset or refresh or whatever they do down there, but didn't seem to help.
Now if it is just my phone, maybe it is some application that is using up the processor or data, but I don't have that many applications running in the background other than weatherbug that constantly uses data.
Any suggestions would be helpful.
What happens if you run a speedtest? the app by Xtremelabs is good.
no issue here. i use mine on a daily basis between pickering and mississauga, and as long as i have at least 2 bars of signal strength my magic is very fast over 3g
Thanks guys for the quick response. I think I found the problem. I had called Rogers support again and they said that it is due to my sim card being a 2G one. I need to replace it with a 3G. Hopefully that will fix the problem.
I too have been having internet/email issues since last Thursday using my Treo 750. The symbol toggles between 3G and H and usually does nothing but comes back with an error message saying something like 'cannot find this page...'. I travel between Oakville and Concord every day with the same issues. The phone worked perfectly in Brantford last I don't think it's a hardware issue. The tech support guy grabbed a treo and tried and was able to connect on EDGE....not 3G.
I tried my sim card in my sons Motorola Risr and it works perfectly....on EDGE. They tech support guy said they were having issues with 3G last Thurs/Friday, so I'm wondering if whatever they did last week is affecting some older phone models (I've had mine for 1 1/2 years now). Not sure if I can (or if I want to) configure my treo to connect via EDGE instead of 3G...
Anyone having the same problem?
Very odd indeed. I got my new sim card but still doesn't fix my problem. At least I'm not the only one experiencing the same problem. As far as I know, the 3G and H symbol are he same thing according to rogers tech guy, correct me if I am wrong. I'm going to call again today to see if I come up with anything.
Just got off the phone with Tech Support again. They are sending me a new Sim Card, but from the sounds of it, that's probably not going to fix the problem. He WAS going to do a free hardware swap until he discovered the phone is out of warranty. Then it was basically "oh gee, three year contract, one year warranty...tough luck".
Yep, the G and H are the same thing. Since mine is switching back and forth, he said the phone is hunting for a signal.
When I asked why the phone worked perfectly in another city he couldn't give me a good answer. I have to go back to Brantford tonight, so I'll get a chance to repeat the experiment.
Listen folks. It has nothing to do with your SIM card, nor your phone. The reps at rogers, I for one, ASSUME it could be the sim card, but really, most of the reps cannot differentiate an incompatible SIM with a compatible one, so they send you out a new one anyways, just to get you off the phone because they really don't know what the cause is and they have no hands on the status of the networks and network problems other than what is posted in library by the actual IT department, which do not directly communicate with the centers.
To sum it up. Rogers 3G network is garbage! and that DNS issue is not isolated to the metro area, it's here too in Newfoundland. DNS resolution is extremely slow, even with OpenDNS, which means it's their switches that are garbage and most likely being bogged down. Rogers thinks they had solved the problem by throttling the 3G bandwidth to ~3Mbit and the upstream to less than 150K, (My assumption), however, that isn't working.
From my guess is that the request is sent to Rogers networks, which cache that request then caches the pages and sends it to your device, making it appear you have a fast connection.
Anyways, sometimes I find the EDGE network a lot faster..especially in the DNS resolution area.
"It has nothing to do with your SIM card, nor your phone"
My feeling exactly. It just seems a little too coincidental that everything was just fine until they had a network "issue" late last week.
So, being a mechanical guy with very little knowledge of how a these things actually work, is there a way for me force the treo750 to use the EDGE network?
Never mind, I got a hold of a guy at Rogers who seemed to know his stuff. He told me to get the latest OS from Palm and then how to go in and set it up for EDGE. We'll see how that works.
lotacus said:
Listen folks. It has nothing to do with your SIM card, nor your phone. The reps at rogers, I for one, ASSUME it could be the sim card, but really, most of the reps cannot differentiate an incompatible SIM with a compatible one, so they send you out a new one anyways, just to get you off the phone because they really don't know what the cause is and they have no hands on the status of the networks and network problems other than what is posted in library by the actual IT department, which do not directly communicate with the centers.
To sum it up. Rogers 3G network is garbage! and that DNS issue is not isolated to the metro area, it's here too in Newfoundland. DNS resolution is extremely slow, even with OpenDNS, which means it's their switches that are garbage and most likely being bogged down. Rogers thinks they had solved the problem by throttling the 3G bandwidth to ~3Mbit and the upstream to less than 150K, (My assumption), however, that isn't working.
From my guess is that the request is sent to Rogers networks, which cache that request then caches the pages and sends it to your device, making it appear you have a fast connection.
Anyways, sometimes I find the EDGE network a lot faster..especially in the DNS resolution area.
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I love ripping on Rogers for being crap, they are, but the network is downtown Toronto is far from crap. And it is not throttled. I have had repeated speedtests reach 3900kb/s with the average around 3100kb/s. Thats not too bad considering the crap they put up with in the states on AT&T.
bcrook said:
I love ripping on Rogers for being crap, they are, but the network is downtown Toronto is far from crap. And it is not throttled. I have had repeated speedtests reach 3900kb/s with the average around 3100kb/s. Thats not too bad considering the crap they put up with in the states on AT&T.
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True, compared to the 3G in the U.S I would agree that Rogers has an edge, 3G here in Newfoundland is still in it's infancy, well still is everywhere. We just got 3G last winter I believe.
what newfoundland has 3G?
now hell really has frozen over (ha)
Im from dildo bay

HTC Hero on Three...

Hello all,
Is anyone using the HTC Hero on Three in the UK?
I am seeing issues with my Google synchronising - it just won't. However, if I put in a T-Mobile SIM, all is well...
Any ideas anyone?
Yeah I am on three UK network. Haven't experienced any problems syncing/internet/msn.
Are you getting the "H" symbol at the top? Any particular error message coming up? I don't think the address book syncs straight away - might have to give it a few moments, but you can make it sync now by going to
Setting > Data Sync > Google, then press the menu button and choose sync now.
no probs here either
only sync mail with google though
do my contacts with microsoft exchange
Thanks for the quick responses - good to hear that it _should_ be working...
Basically, if I work with my T-Mobile SIM I am able to run the Google account setup and everything is OK; when I tried it last night with my Three SIM, I got errors like 'unable to connect' and 'the data connection is not very reliable'. I was able to connect to Facebook though (I didn't try anything else, just those two).
Today, having successfully setup Google with my T-Mobile (I was able to see my mail, for example), when I switch back to Three I get a notification that says "Sign-in / sync error" and when I tap it I'm asked to re-enter my password... even though it just authenticated with the T-Mobile SIM!
Any ideas... would really appreciate it,
when you change SIMs, it will indeed ask you to re-enter your password, that is normal. generally cos it tries to connect before it updates the APN and so it fails to connect.
As for the unreliable connection error, that is also normal if you set up google after skipping it in the initial set up of the device. there's threads about that already.
can confirm here that had no problems on three, everything worked correctly over the APN and also over the 3internet APN.
Coolio - seems to be OK now I've re-entered the password... guess that's a security thing.
Sorry to trouble you all, but I really appreciate your assistance!
Back to playing with the new toy...
enjoy the new toy, i certainly am!!
rhedgehog said:
enjoy the new toy, i certainly am!!
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the phones dam good too good job ive got two hands
Has anyone...
Got around the fact that the Hero totally FREAKS OUT when the Three network drops to roaming? I certainly am - even with roaming data enabled it still plasters a big warning all over the screen. Annoying..
gears said:
Got around the fact that the Hero totally FREAKS OUT when the Three network drops to roaming? I certainly am - even with roaming data enabled it still plasters a big warning all over the screen. Annoying..
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Funny that I have the same problem too !
Have also noticed that the phone doesn't Rome to Orange ? My diamond always romed to Orange but for some reason my hero won't even though its a white unlocked one , funny because I thought 3 had a deal with Orange for roaming so I think this is y my signal is now crap at home ?
gears said:
Got around the fact that the Hero totally FREAKS OUT when the Three network drops to roaming? I certainly am - even with roaming data enabled it still plasters a big warning all over the screen. Annoying..
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Yep. I get that too. Was thinking maybe there was something wrong with mine but feel a bit better now...
Awsome phone though reception could be better. Hope a radio update comes and fixes this.
Also, could someone publish the APN settings they are using. I thought I had googled them correctly, but connection seems a little hit and miss at times. Also MMS is still failing.
I noticed rhedgehog mentioned 2 lots of settings ? APN and also over the 3internet APN
hairy bum said:
Funny that I have the same problem too !
Have also noticed that the phone doesn't Rome to Orange ? My diamond always romed to Orange but for some reason my hero won't even though its a white unlocked one , funny because I thought 3 had a deal with Orange for roaming so I think this is y my signal is now crap at home ?
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The partnership between 3 and orange has ended. Hence, I don't know if you've you've noticed 3's reception has suffered. But they say the're putting up more mask.
Stea1thmode said:
The partnership between 3 and orange has ended. Hence, I don't know if you've you've noticed 3's reception has suffered. But they say the're putting up more mask.
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Thatr would explain poor reception of late...
Might have to switch to TMobile.
hairy bum said:
Funny that I have the same problem too !
Have also noticed that the phone doesn't Rome to Orange ? My diamond always romed to Orange but for some reason my hero won't even though its a white unlocked one , funny because I thought 3 had a deal with Orange for roaming so I think this is y my signal is now crap at home ?
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roaming in rome?
Just noticed something interesting.
Now have 2 Hero phones (wife liked it so had to get her one...). One was locked to T-Mobile the other to Orange.
Both are now unlocked and have three sims in them.
But I've noticed that I don't get the Roaming etc. problems with the Orange branded one like I do with the TMobile one.
Tried swapping my sims over, but same result.
I reckon the 'Roaming' thing is related to TMobile branded units.
Anyone else finding the same ?
That would suggest picking a good ROM and updating should resolve it...
Good news (just in case anyone is intersted...)
Just updated to latest radio and ROM from MoDaCo.
Major result.
You need to wipe clean the device as part of the process.
Roaming seems to have disappeared. Now get a nice H and lots of signal bars.
Also, did not need to configure my 3 settings for intenet and MMS. Picked them up automatically.
Not played with the ROM itself or anything. But feedback from others seems to be good.
Regommended for 3 users. Will probably do the same to my wife's orange phone. Though the Orange Radio does not keep daying Roaming like my TMobile one did.
Hope that is of help to someone.
Zuber said:
Thatr would explain poor reception of late...
Might have to switch to TMobile.
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A little while ago, 3 signed a far reaching 3G network sharing agreement with T-Mobile - in essence, the 3G assets for both networks got spun off into a separate company with 3 and T-Mobile owning 50% each. However, as far as I'm aware they are still roaming on Orange 2G when 3G is not available.
I think the 3 having a poor signal thing was a red herring (for my issues anyway). It looks like it had something to do with the TMobile Radio software.
Since doing a ROM/Radio update (see my last post), the signal is much better, shows a H for data and is not 'Roaming'.
I'm happy with Three...
By the way, if any of you guys tend to want the Hero more for the internet and texting rather than calls (as in light use rather than no use). I seriously recommend the Three Flat 12 PAYG plan as it stands at the moment.
Three are no longer offering it, but you can still get a pack online from stores (I got it from expansys £20 inc £30 credit).
As far as I can tell, Each top up gets you 150MB data to be used within 90 days.
So 2 x £5 topup gets you 300MB (2 x 150) allowance and 50 texts (2 x 25)
1 x £10 topup gets you 150MB allowance and 600 texts.
Choose your poison...
I tend to use the work phone for making the occasional call
Zuber said:
Good news (just in case anyone is intersted...)
Just updated to latest radio and ROM from MoDaCo.
Major result.
You need to wipe clean the device as part of the process.
Roaming seems to have disappeared. Now get a nice H and lots of signal bars.
Also, did not need to configure my 3 settings for intenet and MMS. Picked them up automatically.
Not played with the ROM itself or anything. But feedback from others seems to be good.
Regommended for 3 users. Will probably do the same to my wife's orange phone. Though the Orange Radio does not keep daying Roaming like my TMobile one did.
Hope that is of help to someone.
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Who is ma do co ?
Where do I find them ? Is there software ligit ?
Just wonder over to the Hero Development forum. You will need to do some reading to determine the answers to your questions. Only you can decide for yourself...

TMob US - 3g service, but no internet

Ok, this is goofy.
Wifi works great
EVDO connects to internet and works great
3g shows 3 bars, but will not connect to internet
This is true even after a hard reset. Must be a settings issue? I did a hard reset, let it set up, and still same problem.
I got the same problem. Purchased the phone yesterday morning. I never had the data plan before. I called T-Mobile twice and they told me that it can take up to 48 hours for the data to kick in. If it doesn't work by tomorrow morning, I'll give them a call again.
i got the same thing too guys. it is fine now and i got a text message from tmo so it it cuts out again i will chime back in.
buy yeah, yesterday i lost connection twice for long periods of time, like a couple of hours.
Thanks for the info! Seems pretty weird that it works when I'm in an E area, but not on 3g. Maybe different towers or something. Friggin awesome phone though!
i just tried to go on yahoo on my hd2 just now after posting and guess what.... it's out again!
OK so I pulled the battery and popped it back in and my internet is back.
i hope this isn't a hardware issue!
Yeah, this is interesting. Popped my TMo sim into my Xperia, could only get E level of service for some reason but could connect to the internet. Put the sim back in my HD2, took it to the far corner of the basement where it drops to E service and it connects to the internet. Back in 3g zone and it won't connect at all. At least it seems to have a stronger antenna than the Xperia. I'll have to give them a call and see whats going on.
there was an issue with the settings...
you can try a couple of things first...
if you are familiar with windows (which sounds like you are), you need to go change the access point name (apn) to one of 2 options...
I called into customer service about same issue. I was told to power down, remove battery and start it again and check. It worked afterward.
Maybe it was due to them activating my new data plan, from Android data to Smart phone data. I don't know, just guessing.
I thought maybe I was having this same problem yesterday..
thought eh its all in my head.
Maybe it was due to them activating my new data plan, from Android data to Smart phone data. I don't know, just guessing/QUOTE]
What phone did you have?
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This is tmoUS, guys. They're notorious for having ****ty 3G service. No point in having HSPA+ when the majority of the people are still reliant on EDGE. Hopefully by summer you guys will get decent coverage.
hazard99 said:
I thought maybe I was having this same problem yesterday..
thought eh its all in my head.
Maybe it was due to them activating my new data plan, from Android data to Smart phone data. I don't know, just guessing/QUOTE]
What phone did you have?
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HTC Dream.
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lude219 said:
This is tmoUS, guys. They're notorious for having ****ty 3G service. No point in having HSPA+ when the majority of the people are still reliant on EDGE. Hopefully by summer you guys will get decent coverage.
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I'm in NYC. The 3G is good here. Rarely had problems. Probably only a day or something that I can remember.
spotty here in denver. got mine last night. can't get any gps satellites for google maps either.
""there was an issue with the settings...
you can try a couple of things first...
if you are familiar with windows (which sounds like you are), you need to go change the access point name (apn) to one of 2 options...""
It was set to
I tried to change it to, but that setting errored out.
Then couldn't get the setting to work which is strange. Soo, did a hard reset and let it set up again. Same thing. I can connect to internet with Edge, but 3g even though it shows the signal bars and everything seems great will not connect to internet, download email, update weather, etc.
I too am have this problem... Sometimes web works great, other times no web but strong 3G.... I thought I was going crazy...
My internet was working really slow yesterday when I first got the phone (5-60 kbit/s). Called up tmo to ask if maybe they had set me up with just tzones or something. The guy said "no everything looks fine here...oh wait I see there's something that needs to be reset; I'm surprised you were getting internet at all." When I asked him what it was he said he "couldn't really explain what it was", to which I replied "..."
Anyway, it seems to be working fine now. Don't know if this could be related to the problems you're having, but giving tmobile a call couldn't hurt, maybe they can flip the magic unexplainable switch for you.
Ok so I couldn't get internet for two days now, I called T-mobile twice and told me to wait 48 hours. After thinking something was fishy, I looked at my receipt from Wal-Mart where I purchased the phone and I noticed something peculiar: "REQ Android Web: 30:00". Knowing damn sure I did not purchase an android phone, I called T-Mobile for the third time, complaining, so the first guy transferred me to another operator. He checked out my account and it turned out that I didn't have any data plan at all. So he added the plan and within 20 minutes I was surfing. Everything works great. I'm getting about 850 kbps in northwest Indiana.
It's very interesting that the first two operators I called never even bothered to look at my account to see if I have a data plan.
Just discovered new regarding the no data issue.
I had the no data problem again today, even though it was working in the morning. I decided to reboot and check, but then I noticed the 'Terminate Data Connection' option when I hold down the power button. So I tried it. It killed the data connection and when I went into Google Maps, the data connection reactivated and everything was fine again.
So, it may be a bug!

my location doesnt update, weather, google maps, bing, etc

searched the forums with little info about my situation, other than that it seems to be happening to a handful of others.
havnt changed any settings or added apps or anything to my phone for several weeks if not months. i am using the cell evo v1 rom. radio. i dont have a proxy server running.
for the last 2-3 days my location has only updated itself once. google maps cant find me, as well as bing. manual update does nothing. soft reset does nothing. wifi connect does nothing. i can get on the internet, sms, mms, etc etc.
i read on that tmobile was turning on HSPA+ in my region in the last couple days, along with 18 or so cities around the US, can this have something to do with my problem?
not sure what else to do...cant find any info.
I'm having this problem now as well. Been working on it for a couple days. T-Mo has had HSPDA+ here in St. Louis since before I got my HD2, so I don't think it's due to them adding it to your region.
Strange things I've noticed so far:
It works if Wifi is on, but not connected to a network.
It works if you are connected through EDGE, but not 3G or H.
The AGPS server IP address in the registry is a private network address: 10.something. If someone with a stock TMOUS rom can look in /HKLM/HTC/SUPD AGPS/ for the Server IP key and post the contents, I'd like to know if it's the same.
These issues are the same as everyone with different devices has been having for a while now, but the older phones with the issue seem to work in some areas without the wifi and edge workarounds, and not others. Mine so far works nowhere without the workarounds.
Try going into the manila slider and on the weather tab press menu > Enable my location
^ that isn't even an option for me on the manila slider anymore for some reason. I disabled the gsm and ran on edge and it was able to locate. as soon as turned gsm back on it wouldn't do it again.
bump, anyone?
Smartass answer in 3...2...1...
Maybe you should move to Denver. Colorado is beautiful this time of year.
Kidding aside, how about trying a hard reset?
from what i've seen on threads somewhat related to this, hard reset is a 50/50 shot. if i'm going do a hard reset where i would have to redo all of my settings and such, i'm just going to wait until the new version of the cell evo rom comes out. which is supposed to be soon.
i really dont understand what would cause this to suddenly happen. especially since it still works on edge. i tried wifi once and it didnt work, but i think i had my network connection still on. but regardless, this is pretty rediculous.
If you've traveled anywhere, your radio may be 'stuck' on a distant tower. This has happened on a couple of our phones and the tmo folks had to do a push/release/unstick type of signal to the phone. May be worth a try.
^ok, i called tmo tech support. mentioned about the possibility of sending me a reset signal, she said that was a possible scenario, but she was pretty confident that it was because my sim card is an older model sim card. claims that the sim card in my phone wasnt designed for 3g services, and any sort of change in the network (like them adding HSPA+ like i mentioned above) could interfere with the connections. she said the fact that i could do this on edge and not 3g is a dead giveaway that the sim card is the problem.
she said they are in the process of trying to get people to go to the corporate stores and switch to the latest sims. apparently this is happening to a lot of people, but the sim should be the fix.
i guess i'll shoot up there later on after work, or tomorrow, and i will give you guys a follow up on this.
mvaughan06 said:
^ok, i called tmo tech support. mentioned about the possibility of sending me a reset signal, she said that was a possible scenario, but she was pretty confident that it was because my sim card is an older model sim card. claims that the sim card in my phone wasnt designed for 3g services, and any sort of change in the network (like them adding HSPA+ like i mentioned above) could interfere with the connections. she said the fact that i could do this on edge and not 3g is a dead giveaway that the sim card is the problem.
she said they are in the process of trying to get people to go to the corporate stores and switch to the latest sims. apparently this is happening to a lot of people, but the sim should be the fix.
i guess i'll shoot up there later on after work, or tomorrow, and i will give you guys a follow up on this.
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Actually that does make perfect sense, and I suspect you'll find it clears up your problem. In fact, for anybody else that finds this thread, I suggest you try that step before other alternatives like hard-reset or ROM flashing.
yep, new sim card did it guys. i would recommend anybody having any connection issues to see if your sim cards are up to date.
edit: it was working before. now its only updating on edge again. not sure what to think or do. going to wait and see what happens when the new rom I use comes out.
any other ideas on this guys? new sim card only worked for a few hours. back to only updating 'my location' on EDGE and WIFI. pretty damn annoying. thinking about calling tmo support again to see if they'd send me a 'reset signal', but with having the new sim card you'd think that it wouldnt be a factor anymore, because i'd imagine it's already been reset.
the only other thing i could think of, and thats what tmo would probably tell me to do, is a hard reset. i'm sure they wouldnt be too happy with having a flashed rom on there either (not that i would tell them anyways).
if nobody has any other ideas but a hard reset, i'm going to wait for a couple days until the new release of the cell evo rom.
Yea. That weird problem hit my second HD2. I bought one 2 weeks ago and after your post paid more attention and of course noticed my location being Denver....
I deleted all preset locations and added custom one. It updated only once, right after location was activated....
However, wife's phone HD2 which was purchased on 3-24-2010 or original release date does not have that issue, ROM was updated to 2.13 a month ago or so...
Here you go...
Two of the same phones (supposedly), with the same stock ROM, with the SIM cards acquired about 5 years ago. One shows weather update without problem, second (newer one) has that dreaded nag....
I had a similar issue where the weather would only update once then freeze and never update again. All other 15 location updated but not my location. This was normal for stock and 2 roms, then I used energy rom and it now works. huh? Go figure.
Strange...I'm in St. Louis, as well...MO, that is...and it is working fine for me.
Try downloading the HTC connection wizard. This has fixed connection issues I've had before. I know Tmo has 3 networks to choose from MMS, Data, and Internet. I beleive you want data and may be your phone is selecting Internet.
maxpower097 said:
Try downloading the HTC connection wizard. This has fixed connection issues I've had before. I know Tmo has 3 networks to choose from MMS, Data, and Internet. I beleive you want data and may be your phone is selecting Internet.
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ya that didnt work. either. still does it on edge though. the cell evo rom update will hopefully be here soon, if that doesnt fix it, the i'm not sure what to do.
I also have the problem of weather for my current location not updating (and the location not updating either). I have had the phone for almost a month and it updated regularly, although I noticed an occasional lapse for an hour or two. Following the suggestion by misticninja, I switched the band to Edge and I was able to update the location and weather. When I switched back to auto (3G), the update failed. It occurred to me that when I am in my basement office at home, I get Edge, not 3G. That may be why I got updates there. But I am sure it has updated in the past at my work location where I have very good 3G. Is this an HTC problem or a T-Mobile problem?
mvaughan06 said:
^ok, i called tmo tech support. mentioned about the possibility of sending me a reset signal, she said that was a possible scenario, but she was pretty confident that it was because my sim card is an older model sim card. claims that the sim card in my phone wasnt designed for 3g services, and any sort of change in the network (like them adding HSPA+ like i mentioned above) could interfere with the connections. she said the fact that i could do this on edge and not 3g is a dead giveaway that the sim card is the problem.
she said they are in the process of trying to get people to go to the corporate stores and switch to the latest sims. apparently this is happening to a lot of people, but the sim should be the fix.
i guess i'll shoot up there later on after work, or tomorrow, and i will give you guys a follow up on this.
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I'm having this problem ever since Tmo announced HSPA+ (4G speeds), but my sim is only 2mo. old! Is that an old sim?
You need to have your location enabled. Go to settings tab the location and then click on enable my location.

Replacement for Slide

I've had it with this piece of ****. I'm on my 3rd Slide and STILL have "Generic Network Failure"s when trying to send or receive MMS, get "Unable to send message, retrying" with 3 god damn bars of service when trying to send an SMS sometimes, lose my E and 3G data connection all the time even though T-Mo says I should get a good 3G connection. So, what is something comparable to this? Has to be Android. T-Mo wants to send me a Blackberry something or other, and I have no interest at all in that.
There gonna try to send you something comparable. What they think is comparable is whether or not you have a keyboard or not, not what OS your current phone has. If you complain enough you may be able to get a Vibrant but odds are against you. Threaten to leave and that may help.
Firsr and most importantly have you tried setting the phone to 3G only? Also Making sure you have the correct data plan (its slide specific not android..stupid tmo) and making sure no app or anything is messing with apns?
turboyo said:
Firsr and most importantly have you tried setting the phone to 3G only? Also Making sure you have the correct data plan (its slide specific not android..stupid tmo) and making sure no app or anything is messing with apns?
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Que? There are different data plans? Yea, I've tried setting it to 3g only. The problem with that is I barely get a signal in my house. All the APNs are what they should be, none of those settings has changed. The odd part is on each of the phones, I have had my apps installed on day one, and the thing works fine for a couple of weeks, then I start having these problems out of the blue.
i started having issues a few weeks ago in my area, i had awesome data speeds when i connected, but 9/10 times i would get half of the page loaded and then it would hang which meant resetting my data connection or rebooting the phone or any number of other fixes. i have the advantage of working at a t-mo store and was able to pull up the map of my area and see that they were working on my tower at home and as of a few days ago my connection is 6-7mbps down and solid as hell, i used to go to bread co to use wifi but tethering is faster now(and more convenient, and i don't have to worry about a firewall)
did you try a new simcard?
BigFellor said:
Que? There are different data plans? Yea, I've tried setting it to 3g only. The problem with that is I barely get a signal in my house. All the APNs are what they should be, none of those settings has changed. The odd part is on each of the phones, I have had my apps installed on day one, and the thing works fine for a couple of weeks, then I start having these problems out of the blue.
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yes theres a slide specific data package. Im sure you have it if it works for the most part but yea the android data package will not work supposedly. and of course theres the sidekick package blackberry etc
The slide package is 5 dollars more. I was originally signed up for it but I called in and got it switched. The dataplan works fine, I wish I could say as much for the phone. My third replacement will be here this week...
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
My 4th replacement is in the mail right now. Tmobile offered me a blackberry 9700 to replace it, obviously I jumped all over that(insert sarcastic undertones).
I'm gonna wait for the HSPA+ phones to come out and maybe I can talk them into giving me one at full upgrade price, I would take the Vibrant, but I can't stand that phone. It only takes a few warranty exchanges and finding the right rep, and you can get whatever you want from tmobile.

