Hi All,
I like the WorldCard app a lot, but I don't seen to be able to find a way to save the image itself to the contact. For instance, it got 1 number wrong on my card, but if this was a phone number and I needed it, having the image of the card to reference would be mega helpful.
Am I just missing something?
I think the idea is to photograph the card and then check/edit the OCR'd information.
I have a utility that i can use to clone an XDA via an SD card. This works great for quickly producing lots of devices with the same config. However, it also makes the "Device ID" the same on each device.
I know you can rename the Device ID, not a problem. The problem comes that although the device ID name (text) is different, the names within the registry are not.
I am basicly looking for a way to give the device a new SID?
does anybody have a utility for this? Its causing me a real problem with my management software.
Problem was a .ini file in the storage location
Hi Noodleman
I am looking for some software to achieve the same thing.
Can you tell me what you use ? (Plus give me some tips on how to use it)
I would really appreatiate the help on this !
I know this has happened to people before but ive tried searching at work and now tried searching at home... couldnt find anything.
Today... I was using my 8125 ... I changed themes... you know cingular windows default... just the ones that came with my phone.
Somehow there is nothing on my miniSD... if I go to settings then to memory it shows it has 50 megs taken up... which is what I had before.. but still .... no data there
can someone PLEASE point me in the right direction.
I had some important files on there
Thank you to all that can help
Don't panic, if its showing you there's 50 still used up chances are your files are still there.
What file manager software are you using? If you are using the integrated File Explorer make sure you have it set to view hidden files. Same with Resco File Explorer.
If you are trying to find your files from a specific application such as Notes, Pocket Word, etc. make sure its set to view All Folders at the top and not a specific one.
If all else fails buy a card reader and try to get the files off of your home computer. I would advise you not to leave your SD card in your 8125 till then.
Actually this appears to be more common than we would like to admin with the Wizard. You will most likely have to use a file recovery application on your compter using a card reader to make your files visible again. Not sure why but the Wizard just seems to at random hide all your stuff.
files are not hidden.
I guess im going to have to get card reader.
I don't mean hidden in the sense of a simple file attribute. You are going to have to get a disk recovery program to get your stuff back.
I have also had this happen.
It SEEMS to only occur during a soft reset, so if I plan on resetting the phone, I remove the card first, and don't reinsert until it is done rebooting. that seems to have stopped the problem for me at least.
Very unpleasant problem to say the least!
well I used a program called 'Driverescue' on the card?
is it supposed to be fat1 or fat2 (this made no sense to me) I know a lot about different file systems but have no idea which my card is... fat1 found nothing. I have yet to try fat2.
Anyone know of any good programs (hopefully freeware) to find my data
Thanks for everyones input on this matter.
no one knows of any good programs?
I've posted a few software titles that I used to recover my files....
I had all the files disapear, so I took the card out and reinserted it and it was fine.
may be a stupid question but I did not find any satisfying software for my problem even though it is a very simple problem.
I need a program for WM (omnia) with which it is possible to learn with idex cards. I should be easy to create cards on the pc and export them to your mobile device so that I can sit in the train and switch through index/file cards and learn them...does anybody know a software which is for free and provides all this. In other words...as if you have a image viewer only with changeable index lean cards.
I know there's an app for iPhone...so WM must be possible .
ty for any help
There are plenty of freeware ones you can try, some here:
Worth a download?
Yeah I know there are a few but I don't want "question - answer"...just need an app like "mental case" for the iPhone. Easy and good looking. Just a fullscreen filecard and you can switch through them easily...
One of my main reasons for having a WinMo-based phone is for ebook reading.
Many of my books are in .PDB format which is read by EReader or Palm Reader software... not to be confused with the Barnes & Noble EReader software, which reads EPub files.
I installed the EReader software on my HD2 and have two issues with it.
1. It pulls up the lists of books EXTREMELY slowly... I have almost 800 .PDB books and it takes over 5 minutes to display the book list. It has been slow since I switched from Pocket PC handhelds to WinMo phones... slow on my T-Mobile Wing, faster on my TP2, but it is fatally slow on the HD2.
2. I cannot enter the unlock code for secured book. This is my name and CC number... the 'OPEN' button grays-out when I enter the last digit of the CC number, so I can't finish!
Anyone else encountered this? Solutions or suggestions?
I suspect the slow listing of books is related to the Sense scrolling... anyway to disable that? I've searched a bit and haven't found that tweak... but I'd like to try it, I really don't like the HD2 sense scrolling anyway and would like to go back to the version on the TP2 which looks like it uses the stock WinMo scrolling.
I don't have a good direction on the unlock issue... maybe the Sense Touch Input? Anyway to disable that?
Greg in Mississippi
P.S. I should add that I have a recent TMoUSA HD2 with the stock ROM with a few of the HTC customizations shut down (I really don't like them!) and have not applied the 2.13.531.1 update yet.
I think the issue with the eReader opening your library is that it has to open and close each book to get the real title and author info for the display. A few things can help, move them from SD card to memory (there's tons of real memory, unlike prior PDAs), move ones you've read to a different directory or delete them (you can always re-download them from ereader.com), or get a faster SD card (Class 10?).
mknewman said:
I think the issue with the eReader opening your library is that it has to open and close each book to get the real title and author info for the display. <snip>
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Thanks for you reply.
I hear what you're saying, but why do both my Wing & TP2 open the very same list of books on the very same Micro SD card in under a minute while the HD2 takes over 5 minutes?
That's what has me suspecting something with the Sense interface upgrades on the HD2... and what has me suspecting that I won"t get much improvement from a card upgrade.
Any other thoughts?
Again, thanks!
Unlocking Issue
I had a similar problem that the Done button at the bottom was disabled (grayed out). I finally figured out that I had not entered the correct number of digits (16 for most credit cards). Double check the credit card number you are using. I just unlocked a book I had copied to my HD2 last night. I entered the correct number of digits for the card used, but I did not tab out or move from the number field. The Done button was enabled. I tapped it and the book opened. Of course, you can have the correct number of digits and not have the correct card number, but that is another issue. Because I had used different cards over time, I keep a printed list from my eReader.com account to show what cards were used for each book.
As to the slowness issue, I would consider removing most of the books. I am sure you have copies on your PC that you can download as you need them. Keep just the ones you refer to often or want to read in the near future. I have another program that loaded slowly. I removed all but the books I used regualrly and the program opened much faster.
I was throwing this idea around, and was wondering if it would be possible to take the "Square Up" card reader and put it to other uses. Say perhaps reading data from a state license or other bar code wielding card. I would guess that its just a generic card reader, and would just be a matter of writing the software to present it's data in the correct manner. Anyone out there have the knowledge or software skills to make this possible?
im gonna work on this... i need some help with signal processing and decoding though...
im on twitter @cartercole
bother me so i can get working on it
This is something I've been interested in working on as well. I haven't managed to get my hands on a square reader yet, but I'm hoping that the reader doesn't encode the info at all. Then you could simply record the audio from the card and play it back through an electro-magnet/current amp setup like this project instructables.com/id/Magnetic-stripe-card-spoofer/ This way, I could "record" my student ID and not have to worry about losing it and getting locked out of my dorm in 10 degree weather at 5 AM haha.
TLDR: Does anyone know if the reader encodes the card info at all, or if the audio is identical to the bitstream on the card and can simply be played back to send the same exact signal that's on the card.
I'm also interested in giving this a try. PM me if you want to get something going.
Have you guys started anything on this? I'm interested in getting this thing to read any card that I come across.
I'm also interested in this and have a reader that I'm already messing with.
Okay, so I've been obsessing over this a bit lately... I came up with some results, but nothing that actually works yet.
There are two other projects that work with this. The first is mslib (https://github.com/ieatlint/mslib) which is used in the Symbian App MagRead, which already can use the square reader to read driver's licenses, rewards cards, etc. It doesn't support a wide range of card encodings, though.
The other one is a bit older. It's called magstripper (http://sourceforge.net/projects/magstripper/). It contains a java implementation (huge plus for Android development), and can do virtually any known card encoding, but doesn't seem to actually be able to decode recorded swipes made with the square reader (Maybe it's picky about noise? Either way... It's a big down side).
Has anyone come up with anything?
I hacked an app together which reads cards using the square reader. It doesn't do anything particularly fancy, just decodes tracks 1 and 2 according to the most common format.
To read track 1, you have to physically reposition the card in the reader with a shim to move the magnetic strip relative to the read head.
I'm hesitant to release it given the whole verifone brewhaha, and also because it's not particularly polished yet.
I will write up a description on my blog, though. I'll post here when that's done.
Feel free to email me to talk about it if you are working on something similar. [email protected]
As promised, I wrote up stuff about my app on my blog. I have decided not to publicly release the app or source code, but I did a fairly detailed writeup about what went into getting the data off the cards.
I'm not allowed to post links yet. You know how to fix the above.
steve s said:
As promised, I wrote up stuff about my app on my blog. I have decided not to publicly release the app or source code, but I did a fairly detailed writeup about what went into getting the data off the cards.
I'm not allowed to post links yet. You know how to fix the above.
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Nice writeup. I know next to nothing about that stuff but it was a fun read regardless. Seems like a fun hack too.
I feel bad for the fun card though
my idea 4 square up card reader
ok i want a app to unlock my phone with a card you pick card and setup app so that when you go to unlock the phone you will need a reader and a single card of your choice that would be cool
I doubt it works with newer readers.
Ok, I need to use square readers, or some other readers to read college ID cards to allow students to clock in to their job, can anybody help out with source code? Is it hard to "de-compile" apps from the app store perhaps? There seem to be a number of them that will work with the Square Reader?
critofur said:
Ok, I need to use square readers, or some other card reader to read college ID cards to allow students to clock in to their job, can anybody help out with source code? Is it hard to "de-compile" apps from the app store perhaps? There seem to be a number of them that will work with the Square Reader?
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Maybe you can directly use one card reader that can read and writer college student ID, such as SYNCOTEK SC-600P.