registry edit - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

can someone please direct me to the cab for reg. edit. i have been looking for the past 30 minutes. i thought there used to be a thread with a collection of cabs. im just not having any luck. please and thank you

Look for PHM Reg Editor or DotFred's TaskManager TotalCommander....

yeah i know what i am looking for. i just cannot find it. soo many threads and millions of search options. its just frustrating. they should put the cab threads at the top and lock them in or something. and the search feature is too broad. i am having no luck.

cediesaid said:
yeah i know what i am looking for. i just cannot find it. soo many threads and millions of search options. its just frustrating. they should put the cab threads at the top and lock them in or something. and the search feature is too broad. i am having no luck.
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.CAB editor

where can i get .cab editor? so that i can extract some files inside that cab. thx
you really would go along way searching this forum and google since piles of people ask the very same thingsøgning
rudegar, at least point in the right direction. I think the results of your query wont get anyone near a wince cab editor. does :wink:
I'd love to hear from a freeware cab editor though (my trial is over on 1 pc . . .)
well, technically he asked for a .Cab editor not a CE .Cat Editor edsub !
well, technically he asked for a .Cab editor not a CE .Cat Editor
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Agreed, but from the context of this forum double_ofour isn't really likely to want a windows .CAB editor
Thought we were here to help Rudegar
we are here to help
but sometimes you feel that if you give a man
a fish he can eat for a day but if you teach him how to fish for himself
he can eat every day
and editing cab files have been a few times in the forum that i know
so i can do the forum search for people or i can
tell them the wonders of the search function and if they then
try it out and they get great results they can search for many other things they may like to find
if one just post questions and don?t use the search
and the people who have some info don?t see the post
before it get pushed out of the scope
then help will never arrive
which is a shame really
so my reply was not an grumpy reply even though I can see why some may have seen it as such
What the hell happening here!! well better cancel this topic. Just calm down you all. It's better to seacrh first that to post. SORRY GUYS, ill never post a topic that was already discussed.
I know sometimes it's hard to tell the tone and peoples response when it's in writing on the internet and all but I can assure you I?m perfectly calm
I wrote what I wrote to help
And I didn?t blame people for responding to my mail in the ways they did
Just tried to explain my post in the other post
And I don?t think you should avoid asking posts ever that have been asked before
If nobody did that this forum would probably be static since most questions have been discussed at out point or another
When I wrote it I was just in a bit of a hurry so I didn?t have the time to find the link
And believed that a little help was better then no help at all
Sorry If people felt that I did it in a improper way
no need to close or remove this thread in my opinion
HHHHmmmmmmmm.......... Thank You Mr.Rudegar...
is there a freeware which works like WinCE CAB Manager?

OPAL working apps - cabs

Can somoone post a thread (or use this thread) to list all the working OPAL cabs (volume control, dialer, start menu, task manager etc,.) for download. I know they are spread across differnet posts but would be nice if we have something all in one post and make it sticky for some time.
I am looking for the dialer (with the canvas).
Sundar N.
man! there are threads EXACTLY for this topic!
why not use search? why open a new thread for this?
sundar_amn said:
Can somoone post a thread (or use this thread) to list all the working OPAL cabs (volume control, dialer, start menu, task manager etc,.) for download. I know they are spread across differnet posts but would be nice if we have something all in one post and make it sticky for some time.
I am looking for the dialer (with the canvas).
Sundar N.
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I'm pretty sure that WORKING cab for Opal phonecanvas doesn't exist yet.
-Arturo- said:
I'm pretty sure that WORKING cab for Opal phonecanvas doesn't exist yet.
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nope it doesnt not yet anyways...though i think someones making an for "Dialer Cab? " for more details
PS: - Someone should probably close / merge this thread with the relevent one
I didnt realize that there are 'exactly' same thread for OPEL applications. Since OPEL applications are most wanted now a days, just thought this would be helpful. Thanks anyway.
Mods, please close this thread. Sorry for the inconveniance.
nir36 said:
man! there are threads EXACTLY for this topic!
why not use search? why open a new thread for this?
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Hmm funny you say that. I've search for 20 minutes for a certain Opal cab, and I keep coming back to this post :S... can someone post the link here, if I come across it, I will....
Try this
Alot of good links in there, including the Opal pack

Anyway to remove HTC volume control app?

Hi, just wondering if its possible to remove the volume app that takes over, i much prefer the default windows style of volume control..
for that matter is it possible to remove touchflo too?
found cab to remove it! was looking in the wrong section of the forum it seems
Nice for other user to know how you've solved it.
The file can be found in THIS thread.
mccune said:
Nice for other user to know how you've solved it.
The file can be found in THIS thread.
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Sorry, thought a mod would delete the thread to be honest
stead said:
found cab to remove it! was looking in the wrong section of the forum it seems
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To be honest the cab is in the wrong section of the forum. I started the thread there because from my research I had come to the conclusion that cooking a ROM was the only solution... then a cab solution appeared thanks to a kind member.
Since then I've been linking to it from my skin thread which may help explain how hundreds of people have found it.

[REQ} Internet Explorer 6 CAB

Can anyone provide me with that?
yes, search on the forum and you'll find one.
I found it this morning on the blackstone forum.
here's a clue type ie6 cab blackstone into the google search at the top of the search screen
if you're quick, you might even find it on the third thread on the results of your search.
of course if there's another 30 threads asking exactly the same thing then you may start to struggle, which is why all new users are asked to SEARCH before posting.
It makes it bloody hard to find anything after a bit, because the forum becomes full of threads asking the same thing!
i did a search and i don't find. easy to say:"take the search function". it's boring to read this answer at each question...
fards already did a search and found it. he was even kind enough to tell you where exactly to get it, short of giving you the url.
juliengourou311 said:
i did a search and i don't find. easy to say:"take the search function". it's boring to read this answer at each question...
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Well if you can't abide by the RULESOf the forum then I suggest you don't post at all.
sorry for boring you so much that you felt the need to take time to post that, but there aren't many rules here but one of them is to learn how to use the search!
use skyfire, quite good for videos
foxcheng said:
use skyfire, quite good for videos
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Yes I do agree that Skyfire is good for videos esp flash but doesnt render text that well.
Thanks for help...
I didn't find it. I'm not the only guy having difficulties to get IE6 cab.
I liked IE6 on a win6.5 rom but i prefer win 6.1 . So i think we have to wait specific IE6 for windows mobile 6.1. I'll don't wait help in this topic...
i did what fards said and managed to find the cab.
For people who have better things to do than sift around for a few hours:
Haven't installed yet. Please stop posting threads like this which make searching next to impossible - and others please stop saying "just search" - it isn't that easy with so many useless threads.
EDIT: GODDAMN! Neither of these work! Where is the real CAB????
EDIT No.2: Seems that IE6 is not available as a CAB. According to some, at least:

[RQST] G-sensor shortcut app

it would be great of someone could write an app which uses the gsensor to launch several user defined shortcuts.
for example: if i would want to to launch my navigation, i would simply shake the device, and for my calender i would rollover the device.
I would really appreciate any effort in a program like this.
I'm pretty sure something like this just came out. I know I saw it yesterday.
I looked through the sites I'm commonly on, and didnt find it. I'm sure I saw a video and cab for one!
Sorry to be of no help.
Keep looking!
Found it! I searched, and found a link to a thread here on XDA.
valkryomnia said:
Found it! I searched, and found a link to a thread here on XDA.
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Great!!! just what I was looking for.
Thanks man!!!!
Let search G-Trigger in here you'll find it.

