.CAB editor - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

where can i get .cab editor? so that i can extract some files inside that cab. thx

you really would go along way searching this forum and google since piles of people ask the very same things

rudegar, at least point in the right direction. I think the results of your query wont get anyone near a wince cab editor.
www.ocpsoftware.com does :wink:
I'd love to hear from a freeware cab editor though (my trial is over on 1 pc . . .)

well, technically he asked for a .Cab editor not a CE .Cat Editor edsub !

well, technically he asked for a .Cab editor not a CE .Cat Editor
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Agreed, but from the context of this forum double_ofour isn't really likely to want a windows .CAB editor
Thought we were here to help Rudegar

we are here to help
but sometimes you feel that if you give a man
a fish he can eat for a day but if you teach him how to fish for himself
he can eat every day
and editing cab files have been a few times in the forum that i know
so i can do the forum search for people or i can
tell them the wonders of the search function and if they then
try it out and they get great results they can search for many other things they may like to find
if one just post questions and don?t use the search
and the people who have some info don?t see the post
before it get pushed out of the scope
then help will never arrive
which is a shame really
so my reply was not an grumpy reply even though I can see why some may have seen it as such

What the hell happening here!! well better cancel this topic. Just calm down you all. It's better to seacrh first that to post. SORRY GUYS, ill never post a topic that was already discussed.

I know sometimes it's hard to tell the tone and peoples response when it's in writing on the internet and all but I can assure you I?m perfectly calm
I wrote what I wrote to help
And I didn?t blame people for responding to my mail in the ways they did
Just tried to explain my post in the other post
And I don?t think you should avoid asking posts ever that have been asked before
If nobody did that this forum would probably be static since most questions have been discussed at out point or another
When I wrote it I was just in a bit of a hurry so I didn?t have the time to find the link
And believed that a little help was better then no help at all
Sorry If people felt that I did it in a improper way
no need to close or remove this thread in my opinion

HHHHmmmmmmmm.......... Thank You Mr.Rudegar...

is there a freeware which works like WinCE CAB Manager?


wm6 and cingular video

does anyone know how to get it work? i put the link cingularvideo.cingular.com, and it shows something about need a 3g phone
tbl178 said:
does anyone know how to get it work? i put the link cingularvideo.cingular.com, and it shows something about need a 3g phone
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thanks for nothing, if you dont have info then don't reply. i did but didn't find anything about wm6.
tbl178 said:
thanks for nothing, if you dont have info then don't reply. i did but didn't find anything about wm6.
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You didn't read enough or search enough and with an attitude like that I wouldn't help you anyway. The methods are here if you look around.
tbl178 said:
does anyone know how to get it work? i put the link cingularvideo.cingular.com, and it shows something about need a 3g phone
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found info.
wpbear said:
You didn't read enough or search enough and with an attitude like that I wouldn't help you anyway. The methods are here if you look around.
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you are just a smart A**...if you dont want to help...dont say nothing
Here is the write up i found from another member
wratran said:
you are just a smart A**...if you dont want to help...dont say nothing
No he's not a smart a**. He's actually a quite helpful member of this forum. His suggestion to search is that standard answer by anyone who's been around and/or contributed to this forum for any amount of time.
The point of the Search function is to try and get newbies and the inexperianced to look for the answers themselves and not make other members repeat the same information over and over for every new member that is either too lazy to search and read or just doesn't know that the Search function exists. The information posted here is so far and above what your carrier or software or hardware vendor could provide you for any price and it's available for FREE. So respect the forum and respect the members or go call your service provider for answers. (HA)
You are in no position to tell anyone, especially a Senior member to "shut up" if they don't have an answer.
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@evilhomer - thanks for the support.
@wratran - so the seaching or reading is working for you obviously since you found one of those links I was talking about.
To the topic - I wish we could get the UA bypassed in WM6 PIE since I do not like NetFront. I think pappl is looking into it.
wpbear said:
@evilhomer - thanks for the support.
@wratran - so the seaching or reading is working for you obviously since you found one of those links I was talking about.
To the topic - I wish we could get the UA bypassed in WM6 PIE since I do not like NetFront. I think pappl is looking into it.
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wpbear, have you tried this solution to the UA problem? PAPPL and some Europe users were having the same issues and he made a .zip with some files to replace the default files that are keeping PIE from sending out the changed UA in the registry
chenga said:
wpbear, have you tried this solution to the UA problem? PAPPL and some Europe users were having the same issues and he made a .zip with some files to replace the default files that are keeping PIE from sending out the changed UA in the registry
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I am happy to report this works and I will be posting two cabs shortly to make this install the two files and make the reg fix. One cab will be just the fix and the other will be a realplayer all in one fix.
EDIT: Here are the CABS
EDIT- Cabs removed- the fix by pappl causes some to have email problems. If you still want his fix since it works for most people then go to his thread.
Glad it works for Cingular Video as well. Nice work making the .cab files!
wratran said:
you are just a smart A**...if you dont want to help...dont say nothing
Here is the write up i found from another member
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Exactly what has changed in this forum when people who are upstanding members of this community, like wpbear are put down and attacked by "big shots" who want to show they are better than the others on here? wpbear's comments were valid and to the point. It's really quite annoying on a **developers** web site to have the same questions asked over and over again. wratran--get over yourself. So, you can search. Yay. How about you post the results of your search without the person attacks next time, huh?
This forum is NOT for kiddies who are just learning how to make a phone call. It is, in my opinion, a forum designed for DEVELOPERS who actually understand what they are doing! There are n00bie forums around that will fit you better. HowardForums.com comes to mind...
I rest my case....
you noticed wpbear finally post a link to help a member...instead of making smart AS* remark. Look at his first response after the question was asked...and see how obnixious he was...
The search function on this forum does not work very well. I did not get that link by using the search command.
Since I have still not upgraded to WM6 (holding out for WMXL 3.0), I can confirm it works on WM5 AKU 3.3 with PIE. Awesome work guys, I really didn't like Netfront and now it's bye-bye gone!
Huge problem with this fix with outlook email not opening. Email list opens and then the message will try to open but it freezes. Have to close poutlook to get out of it and still can't view emails until HR. I veriefied it is was by installing each app I Had one a a time. I havenot tried this again with the manuall fix and checking email. I will try later.
Edit-The webview dll is causing the email and sms problem but without it the favorites links in pie do not work.
Ugh... yeah, I can definitely confirm that problem!
Is it possible to fix without a hard reset? (I haven't looked inside your cab yet.) I just got all my apps reinstalled and set up on the latest LVSW!
some reason i did not have the outlook problems.
i am using wm6 black 1.2 version with netfront 3.3 and shogun realplayer. i followed the instruction from lokemup and it works.
to many things to comment on here... so i will just tell everyone to place nice or i will lock this thread, since there was already a massive thread on this....

IPhone skin theme help, please!!!!!!!!

I have a verizon 6700. I have been trying to download everything I need all day. I have tried different peoples programs, and it doesnt seem to be working. Maybe i didnt drop things in the right folder or something. I have no idea right now. If ANYONE can help me, I'll be up all night until I get it right.. Every thing from the home screen to the icontacts, to the sms chat, to the s2p, to the pixsel browser..all of it isnt working right. I guess I need step by step instructions for my phone. Thanks in advance, my friends...
I don't see it. I also don't know where to contact that guy.
Post in that thread...
I understand its your 2nd post here..but like everyone is told, please read the FAQs and everything before posting a new thread. A new thread only makes searching difficult for everyone else and makes the forum packed
Uhh......majority of the apps are simple ".cab" files, just click on them in the file explorer of your PPC. Really, it's that simple. If you need other help, post in the above mentioned thread, and be more specific, can't help fix a problem we don't understand ourselves!

[Q] Everlasting Questions

As many of you will have seen I've been quite active on this forum from the moment I joined. I want to figure everything out for myself as much as possible, but it's just not possible to look up (and find!) everything. Thus, here are the questions that I can't find an answer for myself:
1) How do I change the standard SW keyboard, without it resetting after a soft reset? (E.g. to blackstone keyboard)
2) How do I change a registry value, without it resetting after a soft reset, when it normally does? (For instance the value whether your headset is plugged in, I want it to be default ON.)
3) How can I extract a cab file from a ROM? I would like to get WLive messenger from the stock ROM, but I just can't find a guide anywhere!
4) Is there a way to fix the problem that occurs with the HW keyboard when Blackstone SW keyboard is installed? The problem is the first keytap not being registered correctly, so the first letter ends up being the second or later. Call it input lag.
I intend to add the found answers to this post, as well as add other hard to answer questions others may have. That is, if an answer exists. Thanks in advance for those who try to help.
Moved to another topic
Answers in bold.
Angelusz said:
As many of you will have seen I've been quite active on this forum from the moment I joined. I want to figure everything out for myself as much as possible, but it's just not possible to look up (and find!) everything. Thus, here are the questions that I can't find an answer for myself:
1) How do I change the standard SW keyboard, without it resetting after a soft reset? (E.g. to blackstone keyboard)
Use either Sktools to set it as default (it then uses a small program that starts up in startup folder) or Sipchange http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=271008 (not certain if this one works anymore)
2) How do I change a registry value, without it resetting after a soft reset, when it normally does? (For instance the value whether your headset is plugged in, I want it to be default ON.)
the headset is a tricky one, one way would be to run a script (mortscript maybe) to change the reg entry at startup, but I don't know how often the headset is polled (if at all) to check whether it's in or not).
3) How can I extract a cab file from a ROM? I would like to get WLive messenger from the stock ROM, but I just can't find a guide anywhere!
depends on whether it's a cab or not, unlikely. First you need to extract the rom, there are plenty of threads on this. but's it's obvious if you've tried a rom kitchen, you bung the ruu-signed.nbh in the baserom folder, start the kitchen.cmd and follow the instructions.
Then pour over all the folders and see if there's a cab. If there isn't you need to build one.
search for quickcab as a start (although that one doesn't allow you to import reg files (or *.rgu as they come out in the roms) so you have to do it manually.
4) Is there a way to fix the problem that occurs with the HW keyboard when Blackstone SW keyboard is installed? The problem is the first keytap not being registered correctly, so the first letter ends up being the second or later. Call it input lag.
use a different keyboard, I've not had this issue, but then I prefer the raphael one. There's plenty of other free keyboards about, lifes too short to work out why the software keyboard off one piece of hardware doesn't work with another.. ;P
I intend to add the found answers to this post, as well as add other hard to answer questions others may have. That is, if an answer exists. Thanks in advance for those who try to help.
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yellowjaap none of those are hard to find answers for questions,
just ones lazy people who can't be bothered to read ask.
fards said:
yellowjaap none of those are hard to find answers for questions,
just ones lazy people who can't be bothered to read ask.
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Haha, I'm afraid you're right on that one fards.
Thanks for your replies, can you give me a link to the raphael keyboard? I'd like to check it out.
Also, I've got tools to create a cab, but extracting a ROM the way you proposed will probably prove difficult, I'll look into it.
The headset value is polled by for instance the FM radio and audiobooster from HTC.
fards said:
yellowjaap none of those are hard to find answers for questions, just ones lazy people who can't be bothered to read ask.
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Oh yeah You're soooo bl**dy right
I owe you another beer fards
A "please search and read!!" SUPER POP-UP would solve 99% of the ubiquitous questions posts
Angelusz said:
Haha, I'm afraid you're right on that one fards.
Thanks for your replies, can you give me a link to the raphael keyboard? I'd like to check it out.
Also, I've got tools to create a cab, but extracting a ROM the way you proposed will probably prove difficult, I'll look into it.
The headset value is polled by for instance the FM radio and audiobooster from HTC.
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I can't even remember where I got teh keyboard cab from, I'll post it when I get the phone working again!
extracting the rom really is easy, the kitchens make it simple..
that new rom kitchen I linked to makes it even easier, but I still prefer the out and out gui pleasantness that's Pofs Linux rom kitchen
I don't mind answering your's and gtrabs questions, they seem to be the right questions !
just noticed I'm rapidly approaching a kilo posts, must make sure it's not a grumpy post that one...
I managed to miss some text out, but basically when you find the folder containing your desired files take the files out of the folder you want, including the corresponding 409 (or whatever language) folder and stick 'em in the cab software pretty easy to do .
Sometimes it doesn't work so try changing something or try to see if there's a dependency that's missing.
it's really not as secret or hard to do as it's sometimes is made out to be. The hard work has been done by the genius who write the software to let us do this.
turns out it's Smabergs keyboard I use..
Ah, very nice. Thanks. I've tried smabergs, it has some bugs (landscape mode broken) and it doesn't seem to be supported anymore. Will tinker around with it a bit, as it's good for portrait mode. (Blackstone, but then without the bugs!)
Of course you can find the anwsers to the blackstone cabs, if you would search them all individuality.
I found numerous people asking this question. Call them lazy, but this forum does not make it easier to find information in a convenient way. All i want is to make a nice overview of what all the cabs do and what they look like.
Member Norti has done the same with all the programs/tweaks. If you continue your statement you might also think that topic is unnecessary. I think this forum is very unorganized. Do you think its strange that people keep asking the same questions? I think the problem here is not in the hands of the people asking, but in the forums way of storing data. The search function is not a great tool to search with. Does anyone have some input so we kan make it better?
Maybe this is the wrong topic to post this in, but i thought it was a question many would like to have answered...
yellowjaap said:
Of course you can find the anwsers to the blackstone cabs, if you would search them all individuality.
I found numerous people asking this question. Call them lazy, but this forum does not make it easier to find information in a convenient way. All i want is to make a nice overview of what all the cabs do and what they look like.
Member Norti has done the same with all the programs/tweaks. If you continue your statement you might also think that topic is unnecessary. I think this forum is very unorganized. Do you think its strange that people keep asking the same questions? I think the problem here is not in the hands of the people asking, but in the forums way of storing data. The search function is not a great tool to search with. Does anyone have some input so we kan make it better?
Maybe this is the wrong topic to post this in, but i thought it was a question many would like to have answered...
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Fair enough. Do me a favor and move that post to a seperate topic, it's quite long.

[REQ} Internet Explorer 6 CAB

Can anyone provide me with that?
yes, search on the forum and you'll find one.
I found it this morning on the blackstone forum.
here's a clue type ie6 cab blackstone into the google search at the top of the search screen
if you're quick, you might even find it on the third thread on the results of your search.
of course if there's another 30 threads asking exactly the same thing then you may start to struggle, which is why all new users are asked to SEARCH before posting.
It makes it bloody hard to find anything after a bit, because the forum becomes full of threads asking the same thing!
i did a search and i don't find. easy to say:"take the search function". it's boring to read this answer at each question...
fards already did a search and found it. he was even kind enough to tell you where exactly to get it, short of giving you the url.
juliengourou311 said:
i did a search and i don't find. easy to say:"take the search function". it's boring to read this answer at each question...
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Well if you can't abide by the RULESOf the forum then I suggest you don't post at all.
sorry for boring you so much that you felt the need to take time to post that, but there aren't many rules here but one of them is to learn how to use the search!
use skyfire, quite good for videos
foxcheng said:
use skyfire, quite good for videos
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Yes I do agree that Skyfire is good for videos esp flash porn...lol but doesnt render text that well.
Thanks for help...
I didn't find it. I'm not the only guy having difficulties to get IE6 cab.
I liked IE6 on a win6.5 rom but i prefer win 6.1 . So i think we have to wait specific IE6 for windows mobile 6.1. I'll don't wait help in this topic...
i did what fards said and managed to find the cab.
For people who have better things to do than sift around for a few hours:
Haven't installed yet. Please stop posting threads like this which make searching next to impossible - and others please stop saying "just search" - it isn't that easy with so many useless threads.
EDIT: GODDAMN! Neither of these work! Where is the real CAB????
EDIT No.2: Seems that IE6 is not available as a CAB. According to some, at least: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=473647

Editing System Files in 1.48

Although I never tried, I heard it was possible to edit Windows system files in 1.43.
Does anyone know how I can remove/change/edit them on 1.48? No matter what program I try so far all I get is an Access Denied error.
Any help would be great.
I'm posting this because I understand that NOBODY bothers to help anymore here in this forum. I posted something about Opera 9.7 about a small question if anyone has seen it, and simply NOBODY sheds any light. What a dissappointment this forum has become that nobody cares about anyone else anymore but their own. Anyhow, I'm on 1.48 and tried deleting OperaL.exe and Opera9.exe in the windows directory and I could not either with File Explorer and Total Commander. Wanted to save some space ya know! Take care
c4Lvin said:
I'm posting this because I understand that NOBODY bothers to help anymore here in this forum. I posted something about Opera 9.7 about a small question if anyone has seen it, and simply NOBODY sheds any light. What a dissappointment this forum has become that nobody cares about anyone else anymore but their own. Anyhow, I'm on 1.48 and tried deleting OperaL.exe and Opera9.exe in the windows directory and I could not either with File Explorer and Total Commander. Wanted to save some space ya know! Take care
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I've got a lot of great tweaks and mods from here but very few personal responses.
If anyone has any ideas as to how to do this it would be greatly GREATLY appreciated.
c4Lvin said:
I'm posting this because I understand that NOBODY bothers to help anymore here in this forum.
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I think you'll find that quite a few helpful people on this forum will be a little offended by that comment. Just because no-one can answer a couple of specific questions, you can't assume that no-one ever answers any!
Just read some of the other threads. There's lots of people helping each other out here, when they can. That's what makes this such a great forum.
Incidentally, I can't answer the question raised by the OP. I would have suggested Total Commander, but I do know that there are some files that simply can't be opened/copied/deleted. The OS won't allow it.

