Help! Issues with my Qtek 9100/i-mate k-jam - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi everybody,
I recently received a Qtek 9100 from a friend, but I'm having some issues with it.
Firstly, it has Windows Mobile 6.5 installed and I'd like to revert to the OEM version, 5.0, hoping for it to be less buggy, but I could not find a decent method. Could anyone advise, please?
Secondly, I'm having some issues with the display. At first I suspected a hardware issue, now I'm not that sure about it.
So,... after freezing (as WM6.5 seems to have this function really well implemented), I reset the device and instead of the boot screen I got a flickering light screen with all sorts of horizontal and vertical lines. I checked with eBay, found a new screen at a decent price and just as I was about to order the new screen, the display started working again, until last night when a soft reset sent it back where we started from, meaning all sorts of lines.
Now I'm thinking it's either a hardware issue such as a bad contact, or the lines are caused by the damn WM6.5. I'm leaning towards the hardware problem, since the boot loader doesn't show properly either.
Any advices would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

It can be Omap overclocking. Try to look at the wiki for a original rom for your phone

it's hard to say what rom it had since i got it with wm6.5.
i found a link on this forum to a file called RUU_Wizard_225111_22511102_022511_CWS_WWE_Ship_cingular.rar
it seems to be one of the many originals, so i'll try to flash this one as soon as i can figure out the connection issue with ActiveSync. I tried both 4.0 and 4.5 but they both fail to connect i need to fix the pda's display (or wait until it solves itself, like the previous time) in order to troubleshoot the connection error

Can you get into bootloader?

no, i keep getting those flickering horizontal and vertical lines. the odd piece is that anything else besides the connection seems to work. my guess is that the active sync connection can be solved via connection manager, but since i cannot see a damn thing... it's gonna be complicated.
my best guess is to buy a new display from ebay since i found some real cheap ones ($9) and replace it, hoping this would solve the hardware issue.
is there anybody else who got those mad lines? perhaps there's a less complicated solution to this problem that you would like to share

apparently, this is not a common issue, good to know
nobody had horizontal and vertical flickering lines?


Hermes stops responding to screen taps/registering false ones - HW issue?

One weird problems I've been experiencing with my new Hermes:
After some use, typically half an hour or a little less, it the screen stops responding to my stylus. Resets do not help, but keeping it completely turned off for a while seems to help - it's almost as if its overheating (silly, I know, but that what's the only thing I can come up with). The buttons, all of them, work well though.
Another weird problem I also experience, that I presume is linked to this, is that it seems to start registering stylus taps - typically in the upper right corner, constantly. This leads to all programs I have running getting closed, and I have to to the same thing again - leave it of for a few minutes before it starts acting normal again.
I use The Black 2.0 WM6 ROM, but no one else using this ROM has reported this issue as far as I know. I've tried keeping it "clean", i.e. not installing any software on it, but that does not seem to make a difference. I was originally using a screen protector, but removed it to see if that made any difference, but it didn't.
The Hermes is brand new - got it a few days ago, does anyone have any idea if it's a hardware problem, or is this a known problem? I've searched these forums, but not found anyone else sharing my problem.
olesk said:
The Hermes is brand new - got it a few days ago, does anyone have any idea if it's a hardware problem, or is this a known problem? I've searched these forums, but not found anyone else sharing my problem.
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This is a rare, but known hardware problem. I have heard from six or seven people so far who experienced it, me included.
None of the tricks to solve the far more widespread "screen alignment problem" work. Only solution is to exchange the device.
Thanks for your feedback Daniel - I've just contacted the seller to see if I can arrange a replacement. Though it's never the most welcome news that one has to replace one's device, I'm glad at least I know what caused the problem.
Again - thanks for your feedback!
Same Problem
I have the same problem. Since I got this brand new on eBay, I can't simply take it in for an exchange? Is there a fix for this? This is flat our annoying, and I'm about to swear off buying a PocketPC/Phone for good.
Can someone please help?
Hi Olesk,
I have the same problem and I'm on Dutty v2 ROM.
I never experience this problem before. This prob started after I start upgrading my ROM from WM5 to LVSW then to DUTTY.
My machine is Dopod838Pro.

Wizard Screen Problem

Hello guys ... never thought i`d post a problem thread but here i am.
Here is the situation: sometimes the screen graduately fades to black&white vertical lines. It happens 90% of the time i use the volume key in Today screen, sometimes it happens sudently when i`m navigating windows menus (Programs, Settings), and oftenly in iGo (2006). Problem doesn't ocur when the keyboard is out.
I have searched but nobody seems to have this problem.
P.S. Attached a zip with a short movie of what exactly happens, maybe someone has a solution.
I thought a OS upgrade would solve the problem, but it didn`t (i recently upgraded to TNT WM 6.1). Could it be my wizard is a G4 and i used soft spl to upgrade? (didn't install a original rom before upgrade)
I have a different screen problem. My touch screen does not recognize when I do try to use touch selection using my finger or stylus. Anyone with any suggestions?
I`ve found a thread on the HTC Hermes forum:
It seems to be a loose display connector, or not sufficient pressure on it. Hope i`ll get the time to disassemble the wizard to see if i can fix the darn think.
Nobody else with this problem, or other solutions?
Yep, same problem, found the same solution
too scared to fix it
I took the darn thing apart a couple of months ago, and noticed that the problem is with the display cable ... when the slide is closed, the cable is bent (at 180 deg), and probably the cable wires have thinned. (the problem never appeares with the slide open.
Didn`t think of a way to fix that darn bend, so i`m back at square one. Did notice though that the fadeing seems to be in direct connection with the backlight setting.
I have had the same problem as the first post and now I've got the problem of the second, any ideas?
Try flashing the 2.19er Radiorom, that solved this problem for me.

Himalaya screen alignment problems

I've looked left, right and centre for answers on this but I now admit defeat - I can't figure out why my digitizer loses it's alignment after a few minutes.
I've read about this happening with other models but not so much with Himalayas. Mine is an Orange SPV M1000 and originally came with Windows 2003. After a week I upgraded to 2003SE and was initially fine, then all of a sudden the digitizer alignment started to drift. I.e. you'd tap for example the OK button and the clock would come up instead. It seemed to register taps a bit to the left to where I was actually tapping.
Thinking it was a software issue I upgraded to WM5 but the problem continued. Going back to the original 2003 seemed to fix it, then I gave 2003SE another go with a different ROM. It was ok for a month but yesterday it started again.
I opened the PDA up and removed the screen foams as suggested elsewhere but to no avail. The alignment only lasts for a few taps then starts drifting again.
What causes this??? Is it a software bug? Hardware problem? Hard reset makes no difference. Should I just go back to 2003 and hope for the best?
Help someone!
I had the same problem with my previous PDA, Palm Vx. Back then it was surely a hardware problem, but I never heard that a himalaya suffers from that defect as well.
Try using a brush to clean dust and sand at the adges of the screen. Even a single grain of sand can cause this problem.
Good luck!
Screen alignment problem
Hey guys my O2 XDA 2i is not starting . after the welcome screen, it shows the screen alignment screen. and you just keep tapping for ages and it never boots further. what should i do??? any body has a solution?? I have connected it to active sync and i can access the files . but the phone is not ready to go further.
i have this problem now >.<
I fear your touch screen has snuffed it my friend. My XDA2 was doing exactly the same thing. There is a topic in this forum about the touchscreen which i have posted on.
You basically are looking around £30 for a screen with the digitiser attached, look on ebay. You need patience, opening the pda is tricky. You must remove the screen to find out which replacement you need (there are two different types). You can remove the touchpad from the actual screen and replace but this will involve soldering.... trust me when i say a straight swap will save you alot of time and cussing.
Hope this helps!
Sorry..... to avoid confusion i was posting about the PDA being stuck at the screen alignment stage from cold boot as dhawalkedar posted.

White Screen??

My Cingular 8525 is having screens issues that I thought I'd post to the community if anyone has seen this.
The normal screen will go to all white under thermal conditions it appears. Thermal being inside a hot car, in my holster against my hip, gripping in my hand, heavy use with BT or wifi... thus I suspect thermal. I've changed battery's, no change. If it has changed to all white screen, a soft reset will not revert the screen back. The pda appears to have to "cool" off before screen will recover.
Could this be a LCD driver chip dieing? The screen itself? Worth repairing? Got my eye on the AT&T Fuze but wanted to keep the 8525 going for a few more months.
Thanks, Craig
holy crap I'm having the same problem. I havent determined heat to be the problem, but the only possible clue is that once, right after i hung up ona phone conversation, the screen turned semi white. If you looked real hard you could tell that the menus and programs were still operating normally, but the screen was screwy. using johkoss's V8 w. Manilla2D
Major problem, theres a MASSIVE thread going for this, sometimes it pays to use the search function.....
this is "the most common issue" on a hermes device.
I, personally, experienced it 3 times with 3 different hermes. Each time I had to send the device back to the shop. Because my device was under warranty, I always got a new one, free of charge.
You guys might want to check the Wiki, cause I believe there's a section there just dedicated for this issue.
I can't remember what the details are, but if my memory serves me right, it has something to do with the hardware (connection of cables to the screen).
I don't use hermes anymore, but I still come to the hermes forum every now and then...
Therer are actually a myriad of reasons you can get whitescreen, both hardware and software. From the descriptions though, it sounds like hardware.
This can be one of the most difficult things to fix as there may be multiple reasons and fixing one thing won't fix the issue.
I am agree with you. White screen may be appears occasionally and may be not. When white screen appears in my experience, it's enough to soft-reset.
May be different solutions with another?
HTC TyTN White Screen Issue with S/N Starting with HT6's
is your TyTN S/N start's with a HT6 you have a defective model for sure they are one of the first breads and are being known too have issues, so anyone make sure it starts with a HT733G4323 Etc, if your buying one of these used.
Or Even new Watch Out.
mobile 5
With 6.1 Plug-in's
Can't say that MY HT6 is a problem.. I actually found it faster than a HT7 (I have both). I did have to replace the LCD, BUT, it was because the touchscreen died, NOT whitescreen.
I bought the HT7 as a broken Hermes off ebay and found that it was actually less responsive than my older model. Used it to fix my older HT6 than use the HT7 motherboard in my, now, Frankenphone....
The "broken" Jasjam had a broken camera. It was actually just unplugged from the board. Liked my older model better...
White Screen
Hi to all,
I'm using PDAcorner v.20 w/ 5mb page pool,i to has encounter a white screen issue,it is true that its my be a hardware and software issue but if you only encounter white screen that all the time it is a software issue,you can check (schaps advance config) im using version builtin in pdacorner v20 check the performance setting disable file system cache and file system filter cache in the glyph cache use only 8kb observe if the white screen will appear again.
hope that this will help all with white screen issue.

Problamatic LCD screen on my Wing looking for help.

OK I have had my T-mobile Wing aka HTC Herald since last April.
Just a few days ago I encountered a problem with my lcd. And I would like your guys feedback if possible before I purchase an lcd replacement.
My problem is when I slide open the wing my screen starts to fade, (almost making it look like a negative from a picture) after that it starts to fade to different colors.
Now the problem persists when the phone is closed, however if I tap the top of my wing and hold it the screen becomes normal, but once I let go it starts to fade again.
I would like to know if any of you experienced this with ur phone and if a replacement lcd screen will fix the problem or am I sol?
If it helps im running my wing on Open Touch v6.0 WM 6.1 Build 20273.1.3.3
Thanks in advance.
LCD problems
I too have some weird LCD problems and instead of creating a new thread I thought of posting in this one.
For the past few months, whenever I get a call or resume my phone from standby mode using the power button the entire screen goes white or sometimes it has green or blue colored lines all over them. I have to keep on pressing the power button few times to get proper display. Also whenever I open the qwerty keyboard the display goes blank. Since I am out of warranty Tmobile is not ready to replace the phone and I contacted the HTC customer service and they told that the display unit and some hardware stuff is gone and it needs to be replaced and will cost a minimum of 170$ and will increase if they had to replace some other hardware.
Please note that, my screen is NOT broken and the touch screen too works fine. Recently the display has gone completely blank or too faded even to see whats there in the screen I could barely see the today screen.
I searched and I did not find any similar issues that other folks have faced. Since the LCD and the touch screen is not broken replacing them is not going to fix the issue, correct? I was using open touch and recently I updated the latest official Tmobile release of ROM I also tried the hard resets too.
Any other ideas/suggestions will be of great help for me. Thanks in advance.
I am having some similar problems as well, but my problem is much more severe. My screen is completely black and it just happened this past weekend. When i slide the phone the screen used to flicker but now it black as well. Phone works fine but is useless due to the fact the the screen is out. I remember seeing a program where you can interact with your phone via your pc when something was wrong w/ your screen (cracked, broken, etc.) I have searched the forum but to no avail. The program was very simple and effective. I plan on replacing my phone but would like to retrieve some info off the one I have. I just need that program! Anyone please HELP US!
handsome22 said:
I am having some similar problems as well, but my problem is much more severe. My screen is completely black and it just happened this past weekend. When i slide the phone the screen used to flicker but now it black as well. Phone works fine but is useless due to the fact the the screen is out. I remember seeing a program where you can interact with your phone via your pc when something was wrong w/ your screen (cracked, broken, etc.) I have searched the forum but to no avail. The program was very simple and effective. I plan on replacing my phone but would like to retrieve some info off the one I have. I just need that program! Anyone please HELP US!
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link to the thread containing some info about the software... its called my mobiler
thanks for the info
