Wizard Screen Problem - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hello guys ... never thought i`d post a problem thread but here i am.
Here is the situation: sometimes the screen graduately fades to black&white vertical lines. It happens 90% of the time i use the volume key in Today screen, sometimes it happens sudently when i`m navigating windows menus (Programs, Settings), and oftenly in iGo (2006). Problem doesn't ocur when the keyboard is out.
I have searched but nobody seems to have this problem.
P.S. Attached a zip with a short movie of what exactly happens, maybe someone has a solution.
I thought a OS upgrade would solve the problem, but it didn`t (i recently upgraded to TNT WM 6.1). Could it be my wizard is a G4 and i used soft spl to upgrade? (didn't install a original rom before upgrade)

I have a different screen problem. My touch screen does not recognize when I do try to use touch selection using my finger or stylus. Anyone with any suggestions?

I`ve found a thread on the HTC Hermes forum:
It seems to be a loose display connector, or not sufficient pressure on it. Hope i`ll get the time to disassemble the wizard to see if i can fix the darn think.
Nobody else with this problem, or other solutions?

Yep, same problem, found the same solution
too scared to fix it

I took the darn thing apart a couple of months ago, and noticed that the problem is with the display cable ... when the slide is closed, the cable is bent (at 180 deg), and probably the cable wires have thinned. (the problem never appeares with the slide open.
Didn`t think of a way to fix that darn bend, so i`m back at square one. Did notice though that the fadeing seems to be in direct connection with the backlight setting.

I have had the same problem as the first post and now I've got the problem of the second, any ideas?

Try flashing the 2.19er Radiorom, that solved this problem for me.


Problems with my Touchscreen!

Can anyone help me please !
I've got some problems with my touchscreen.
So.. it works perfectly but time after time (approx. 2-3 hours) the touchscreen adjust itself! This means, when I touch the mini keyboard for a word (e.g. "e") the "r" is highlighted! For a better view I took ScummVM to watch with the cross and it seems to me, like there is a failure in the touchscreen!
Has anybody the same problem?
How can I fix it ?!?!?
I send it back where I bought it, but the result is the same as before!
Hi mt2002,
Does re-aligning your screen (settings->system->screen) help, or does this only lasts for a few hours too?
Think you've got to send it back again, they didn't solve your problem in the first place and this feels to me like a warranty issue.
I have the same problem, and I cannot fix it, too.
by Avers
Touch screen issues
Yeh had the same issue. Just seems ot be fairly randomm for me.
Hi, same problem here. I tested with a hard reset, another Rom flashing and instaling and desinstalling programs. The best thing I discover is that software like batti (add a line in the top of the screen with battery %) and vbar (task manager) accelerate the alignment problems.
I had ROM 1.11 and now 1.12 (no 1.13 in spanish language) and know I have less problems than before.
Another thing I realized is that the dealignment is not the same in all the screen: sometimes is ok in the upper part and a little bad on the bottom one and sometimes is the other way.
Anyway now I can work with it with no more than 2 realigments a day, depending on the use.
Hasta luego!
I am facing the same problem. Reinstalled the OS with version 1.11, and then 1.12 but both doesn't help.
After hard reset or reinstallation, the screen is ok for a while. But then disalignment happens. Re-aligning works for a while, and then sucks.
I think there is a problem with the hardware, not the softwares.
Do you think?
Try pressing on the back of the unit with your other hand,
(Holding edges with thumb and other fingers and pressing your first finger on the back)
While using the screen.
Also try making a new note and just drawing a grid pattern (Like a huge tic-tac-toe board)

Align Screen problem in qtek9100

I bought this phone just for a month ago.but now it often has touch panel proplem,sometimes i can't point the right place which i want ,it has 1-1.5 cm's error.And if i align screen from setting again,it becomes normal.
This problem has 2-4 times one day.
What can i do?
the same problem:
Touch-screen alignment problem
Has anyone else experienced the following problem:
After using the k-Jam for a while (often after a lot of opening/closing the keyboard), my screen alignment gets out of whack. Basically the touch-screen alignment moves by about an icon's (e.g. the close application icon) width to the right.
If I do a soft reset, most of the time this fixes the alignment (though sometimes I need to run through a screen alignment Wizard again to correct it).
Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone know what might be happening?
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9 posts since Feb '06
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 09:49
Happens to me but I don't do a soft reset. I have seen this many times before in the past with other devices from different companies. What is happening is that the flexi-lead from the display to the keyboard is moving as they normally add lubicant to the flexi-cable port. What I have found that works and is quicker than a soft rest or align the screen is to simply open and close the keyboard fully.
this seems to be happening to me now. I have the WIZA200. it's weird and to me it only affects the right part of the screen (like 25%).
i have the same problem on my cingular 8125. the open/close keyboard trick works, but is kinda annoying to have to do all the time.
seems like i only started to have this problem after i flashed my 8125 with the qtek (stock) 2.17 rom.
i have been looking for the dopod 2.2x wwe rom to re-flash (to see if it fixes the problem), but it is no longer on the ftp
if anyone that has the dopod rom could upload it to the ftp, i would appreciate it 8)
Same problem...
note i reflashed with the new aku2.2 cingular rom and the alignment problem is still there...
Hi guys!
I have the same problem with HTC Wizard Cingular 8125 (putting in all names in case someone else searches for this thread!)
It's a total pain in the butt. I created a shortcut to the screen alignment setting on my today page. Sometimes i have to fix it once a day, sometimes every ten minutes.
I plan to reflash the ROM to the new 2.25 (or whatever is next from Summiter).
I have a feeling it won't fix it.
I will send this back to Cingular.
I'll keep you posted. Share your stories!
I do have the same annoying problem. for now is the second 9100 I have. tomorrow I will speak with some expert in technical stuff to know why is happening. so i'll post something about it. i'm using the rom from cingular posted by summiter (i guess this is the one i'm using...). the problem persists so... will post more. this is funny because I just had this problem again when I changed my rom from o2 to cingular.
this was happening to me awhile back with my tmo mda. its not the rom that's causing it. I finally got a replacment and hbavent had a problem since
Guys, i think the source of the problems is the case that comes with the device.
Do you all use it?
The magnets that has make the screen behave that way.
Post your feedback!
Hi there,
I just wanted to let you know that his has happened across 2.17 and 2.3 ROMS, and I don't use the case.
I am 99.9% sure that indeed it is hardware related, but not the case.
I am still waiting for my seller to help me exchange the unit....
It would be great if there is a fix!
Possible explanation / solution
Hi folks, My wizard started doing this last night and i found the only way to actually use the "X" close icon was to gently squeeze my wizard from the sides.
Anyway, as I was trying to video a lightning storm, and it was 4am, I decided I would leave it for today.
I came to the conclusion that by squeezing the sides of the phone, I was gently, and ever so slightly raising the edges of the frame upward.
By doing this, any trapped dirt / grit, would not be pressing on the screen.
I have just tried this:
Take a small piece of paper, fold it tightly once and run the corner gently around the edge of the screen and under the frame.
Worked for me and could just be a simple if only temporary solution.
Try it,its free.
PS: Think about using the phone against a sweaty ear and all the crap that builds up.
I have this problem on my Prophet based Jamin - same generation, but no keyboard as you guys.
Here's a thought - if this is realted to the screen squeeze mentioned above, do you all keep yours in your front pockets or in a case or what? I wonder if the unit is getting squeezed?
I keep mine in my front pants pocket all day. Not only is it warm all day but getting squeezed when I'm sitting.
Gonna try keeping it in a case for a week to see what happens. Please chime in - this is making me HATE this f'in thing.
Me too
I have this problem, US T-Mobile MDA, no case, but I do use a protector. My theory is soft resets cause it. At least, when I have several, it seems more likely; I have to align the screen about every third day.
For me, everything is shoved over to the right relative to where it appears.
I put a link to "align screen" on the start menu; create a file (e.g. by copying an existing link with ActiveSync explorer to your pc desktop, renaming it and editing it, then dropping it back with the new name) named something like Screen.lnk in Windows/Start Menu/Programs with this content:
22#ctlpnl cplmain.cpl,7?\Windows\deviceinfo.exe,-103
and then select it for the Start menu (Settings/Menus).
Thanks preston - I like your ingenuity although it probably doesn't need to be said... this shouldn't be happening.
The rat bastages at HTC told me it's because I didn't install my extended ROM files. Could someone PLEASE explain how skipping Backgammon, Antivirus and PDF reader will fix this? (rhetorical).
Which Extended Rom File
I only installed a small portion of my extended rom files, but it started when I had the full contingent from the original. But if there is a program that is supposed to be helpful, it would be nice to know it. Perhaps hidden in bubble breaker is the cure!
vatk said:
Guys, i think the source of the problems is the case that comes with the device. Do you all use it? The magnets that has make the screen behave that way. Post your feedback!
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Happens to me, and I've never used the case it came with.
This happens to me also, but i have to say that i thought that it was the magnet in the case it came with that is causing the problem, it's been 6 weeks i stoped using the case and now i barely have this problem, i used to have it 2 or 3 times a day.
Hope someone will have a solution for this, if not can we get another phone instead?
An idea, but would need help
I spent some time reading about this. (Is there some way to search for phrases? What makes search painful is "search for all words" turns up too many unrelated items.) First thing, every HTC device seems to have this problem. Most threads believe it is a hardware problem created by either sliding the keyboard out or inserting the stylus.
One thread noted that
contains data on screen alignment. So I aligned my screen five times and observed the data:
2078,1898 3212,650 3195,3216 839,3234 805,640
1989,1944 3255,666 3233,3235 792,3228 793,621
1987,1944 3218,663 3233,3247 783,3241 777,635
2000,1940 3238,671 3209,3249 797,3237 790,661
1965,1932 3215,640 3198,3248 754,3228 759,637
I tried changing the values to the average of the middle three values (remove the outliers component by component then average) and it worked fine, in the sense that the screen aligned. These values are
1992,1939 3224,660 3213,3243 791,3233 787,637
I of course have not been able to get the screen misalignment to appear, so I don't know for sure that this key is changed when the screen is misaligned; I will of course check if it happens to me.
If so, my idea is to create a program that edits this registry key and inserts the desired values. This program would run automatically with a soft reset, and be available on the start menu as well. That way, we could simulate an alignment without actually going through the process.
I know some people know how to create a program that edits a registry key, but I don't personally know how to do this. What is the easiest way to edit one specific key?
add me to the list, my wizard is doing the same thing now.
just as someone else mentioned, it happens on the right side of the screen for me as well.
not sure why this is happening but I believe it has started ever since I've upgraded from 2.24 rom to 2.26 rom. either its the roms fault or maybe my wizard has wore down and its happening coincidently at the same time.
All ROMs
I've had it with all the ROMs, whatever the first (1.08?) that it came with, although not right away, but with 2.24 and 2.26. It is either less with 2.26 or the same.

Touchscreen problem

Have a "small" problem with my touchscreen, it requires to be aligned every day,and by that i mean that the alignment doesn't hold much long...that means sms typing is extremely hard when you push one letter he shows you another that lays next to it .Is it due to the touchscreen or the system....i didn't do any ROM update i still have the original software on him:
ROM Ver.: 1.12.01 GER
Radio Ver. : 1.12.00
ExtRom ver. : 1.12.151 GER
Many thanks!!
i think it it the problem of touch screen
i think it it the problem of touch screen.after extrem use of touch screen its loes the alinement for this you replace the touch screen from your hardware guy.
Thanks for all
Hi i fixed the problem with a ROM update and i didn't install extra programs that i had before like ( Pocket plus or Calendar ++...... ), anyway now i don't have to align the screen. I don't know is it the ROM update or the additional software but the touchscreen is now working perfectly.
So if someone else have a similar problem don't replace the screen right away.
it's hardware problem.
my xda mini also..
but i know how to fix this problem.
Maybe with you it was, my MDA is now working perfectly and i don't need to align my screen every day as i did before.That doesn't mean that all have such a problem,i am only telling you my experience with it.
Best regards from Vienna
Hello, in my magician is not everyday, hapens all the time that i turn on it.
I had replace it 3 times, but i can find a good dealer of touchs. You knows one that seel a good touch?
I've had that problem for a LONG time and today i finally got tired and decided to fixed it...here's how i've done it: You just need to lift a little bit up, a few small metal pins which are all around the touchscreen (see the picture in attachment). This will force the touchscreen to remain in place and will end all your problems related to touchscreen alignments.
so it does help? what do these pins do?
(* the pins have nothing to do with the touchscreen, they are what holds aluminum shell on the plastic chasis)
i had an o2 mini with 1.11 rom and its touch screen was not quite sensitive.. had to tap or drag stylus very hard..
but after upgrading to 2.03TX.. to my surprise.. my PDA now has very good touch screen response!
hi, i have this problem
I tryed to re-flash rom or adjust metal pins but the problem persists.
Anyone have another solution?
Plese help me, i want to save my pupil
i have the same problem. the o2 is really a great little phone but i think im going to be forced to upgrade
i also got a unit mini xda from a friend, he said it is dropped and can't tap screen. i hold and press the screen, then slide up and down, side by side, and now its ok.
Trullalero said:
Anyone have another solution?
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Probably it's problem with flat wire that connects screen with mainboard.
You need to open yours xda, find that wire, unplug it from mainboard, clean its pins with alcohol and plug into again.
From this time mine xda doesn't decalibrating anymore
khuan said:
i also got a unit mini xda from a friend, he said it is dropped and can't tap screen. i hold and press the screen, then slide up and down, side by side, and now its ok.
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hi khuan thanks for the great tip.. you save my $$$!
I was just thinking to upgrade my mini since it response too slow when i tap the screen
but now it works just as it is new.
guys.. try khuan tip.. it really works!
khuan said:
i also got a unit mini xda from a friend, he said it is dropped and can't tap screen. i hold and press the screen, then slide up and down, side by side, and now its ok.
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what exactly do you mean?
can you be more specific ?
Screen Setting
new_ppc_user said:
what exactly do you mean?
can you be more specific ?
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My cell also had the same problem. There is a bunch of wires coming from the back of touch screen, these wires fix inside a socket. There is a black color cover that fix the wires inside that socket. During mishandling that cover got loose, that's why your cell loose the screen setting. I fixed that cover and now my Jam works perfectly. (Do it if you have the courage to open your cell)
Hello, I just bought a used O2 mini and had this same problems. I finally found a quick way to restore the calibration that goes out every restarts.
Using resco registry editor, I found the data stored here->
So I make 1 clean alignment and quickly went and export the Touch key into my Storage. Now every time the alignment goes haywire, I just import the data back. Hope it helps.

Himalaya screen alignment problems

I've looked left, right and centre for answers on this but I now admit defeat - I can't figure out why my digitizer loses it's alignment after a few minutes.
I've read about this happening with other models but not so much with Himalayas. Mine is an Orange SPV M1000 and originally came with Windows 2003. After a week I upgraded to 2003SE and was initially fine, then all of a sudden the digitizer alignment started to drift. I.e. you'd tap for example the OK button and the clock would come up instead. It seemed to register taps a bit to the left to where I was actually tapping.
Thinking it was a software issue I upgraded to WM5 but the problem continued. Going back to the original 2003 seemed to fix it, then I gave 2003SE another go with a different ROM. It was ok for a month but yesterday it started again.
I opened the PDA up and removed the screen foams as suggested elsewhere but to no avail. The alignment only lasts for a few taps then starts drifting again.
What causes this??? Is it a software bug? Hardware problem? Hard reset makes no difference. Should I just go back to 2003 and hope for the best?
Help someone!
I had the same problem with my previous PDA, Palm Vx. Back then it was surely a hardware problem, but I never heard that a himalaya suffers from that defect as well.
Try using a brush to clean dust and sand at the adges of the screen. Even a single grain of sand can cause this problem.
Good luck!
Screen alignment problem
Hey guys my O2 XDA 2i is not starting . after the welcome screen, it shows the screen alignment screen. and you just keep tapping for ages and it never boots further. what should i do??? any body has a solution?? I have connected it to active sync and i can access the files . but the phone is not ready to go further.
i have this problem now >.<
I fear your touch screen has snuffed it my friend. My XDA2 was doing exactly the same thing. There is a topic in this forum about the touchscreen which i have posted on.
You basically are looking around £30 for a screen with the digitiser attached, look on ebay. You need patience, opening the pda is tricky. You must remove the screen to find out which replacement you need (there are two different types). You can remove the touchpad from the actual screen and replace but this will involve soldering.... trust me when i say a straight swap will save you alot of time and cussing.
Hope this helps!
Sorry..... to avoid confusion i was posting about the PDA being stuck at the screen alignment stage from cold boot as dhawalkedar posted.

What a STRANGE problem with my buttons and LEDs! Ideas?

Hi guys!
Long time no post!
I hope you can help point me in the right direction.
Two things started happening with my 8525 TyTN, rendering it unusable. I do have a backup one, so it's no panic. But I would LOVE to try to repair this.
Here's what happens!
1 - The two LEDs in front don't work! No green; no blue; no amber. (HOWEVER, When I first replaced the battery after a hard reset, I did see is glow red for a second!)
2 - None of the buttons on the front work! None. Start/End, the D-pad, mail, internet explorer. All dead!
Interestingly enough... the LCD screen is perfect, as is the touch screen.
The unit also works perfectly fine.
I did a Hard Reset.
I am using WM6.0.
I am wondering... PERHAPS there is some kind of ZIF cable that goes from the body to the top panel? MAYBE that came loose?
If you have seen inside your TyTN, is there one cable/ribbon for lights/buttons?
If so, that would explain it!
If there are two cables/ribbons.... one for lights, one for buttons, then the odds of them BOTH falling out are near impossible!
I would LOVE to hear any ideas or thoughts!!!
Thanks as always!!!!!
Hello and welcome to a new phone!
I have a similar problem, mine sometimes gets a white screen and the D-pad buttons rarely work for long.
It is quite possibly a loose ribbon cable.
There is actually a thread here about this issue - just do a search for 'white screen' or similar and you'll find it. It was posted to within the week so shouldn't be far from the top if you browse for it, but I can't remember which Herme's category it was in.
There's even a full guide with pics to pulling your 8525 apart!
Cheers! Oggy. ó¿ó
try a new rom,.
I have the same problem. I thought it was bcs my TyTN fell down once. It started with Iexplorer always popping up when I wanted to do something. I thought the IE button at the top was stuck or something and when I pressed hard on the message button everything was okay. All buttons worked. But after a few days they stopped working and pushing the message button wont work also. And both the red and green call button leds are always shining. It sometimes happens that the dpad works for a second and than nothing.
I used the original wm5 and flashed to 6.1 now, no change tho.
it's not the rom, tried several roms now
for me it's just the call answer button, but this is annoying enough
there are some topics in the hermes section which describe the problems you encounter or even worse problems (the lcd flickering or just giving you a bright shining white) and they all say it is a loose cable connector right under your dpad
some of them opened their tytn (guarante already gone) and put some sort of paper or rubber or sth else on the connector.
other say tighten or loosen the screews worked for them, but none of the solutions seem to be final, it always works for some time.
if you have still guarantee i would try sending back or try somewhere else a repair, that is what i will do with tytn
i hope i do not have to pay for the repair
good luck
Loose screw
I was able to fix this problem after ATT told me that I was out of warrenty and it was going to cost 499.00 for a new phone.
I it turn out it is a loose screw on the inside and to get to it you have to undue 11 screw to get to it. I might be able to fix it for you. I dought you would be able to get into this phone and not hurt any of the other functions.
could you advise how you managed to fix it?
button failure and white screen
I have the same problems, if I turn off and on for 3/4 times everything back to normal. But is really annoying because I miss calls.
To me seems a software issue.... I can solve it by turning off the screen does not make sense hardware problems
have a look to this post:
I have still to test the suggestion of schaps advance config version
Sorry it not a software issue and you can flash a 100 roms and it still won't work. You simply have a bad flex cable and possibly a defective dpad circuit board. You have to crack open the phone to replace it and it has to be carefully done. There are tons of DIY's about opening the phone and replacing the cable. There are even YouTube Videos about it.

