How to reset WM on touchscreen-broken PDA - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I've got an Hermes with a broken touchscreen. I hard reset it and now it is stuck on the screen saying "Tap the screen to set up your Windows Mobile based device." I tried pressing all the buttons and doing hard and soft resets, but nothing will get me past that screen.
Anyone have any ideas to get past that first screen? Is there some way that I could access it through my PC and modify some file that would make it think that I had set it up already? (I flashed it with wm6 if that makes any difference.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also I tried to delete welcome.* files, but it is impossible due to ROM protection.
Very simmiliar to my problem is this thread:

axissolutions said:
I've got an Hermes with a broken touchscreen. I hard reset it and now it is stuck on the screen saying "Tap the screen to set up your Windows Mobile based device." I tried pressing all the buttons and doing hard and soft resets, but nothing will get me past that screen.
Anyone have any ideas to get past that first screen? Is there some way that I could access it through my PC and modify some file that would make it think that I had set it up already? (I flashed it with wm6 if that makes any difference.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also I tried to delete welcome.* files, but it is impossible due to ROM protection.
Very simmiliar to my problem is this thread:
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You need a Remote Screen Alignment program. See here:

mikechannon said:
You need a Remote Screen Alignment program. See here:
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Thank you, but when I press Skip button the following message box appears :
"An error occured while trying to perform the operation"((((...
Are there alternatives?

axissolutions said:
Thank you, but when I press Skip button the following message box appears :
"An error occured while trying to perform the operation"((((...
Are there alternatives?
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I wish you hadn't said that!! It's nearly three years since wrote that piece and 've forgotten more than I remember.
I ass ume when you say you tried soft resets, you mean doing a soft reset after a hard reset but before it gets to the screen alignment stage?? If not then try it (but I guess you have)
I notice the the website for remote alignment has been updated. It may be worth gong to the first link and getting the device specific application rather than the older one I gave in a link.
There were several threads on this in the past, it may be worth searching on remote alignment.
It wll probably take me as long to track the problem as you, I'll see if I get time later.

Thank you very much!

Not sure this will be much help, but some more ideas perhaps:
I have done some searching, but only found a couple of cases where folk were getting the same error as you. In those cases it appeared to be that they were using Vista (and therefore not Active Sync) or they were connected but without a complete Active Sync pairing. There is also the suggestion that connecting as "Guest" is not productive.
The summary of the routine things to try appears to be:
Enter data to the WM registry from PC. Find a key by this name or similar.
"CalibrationData"="1922,1957 3330,639 3317,3276 600,3230 609,677
(This data varies according to screen size and therefore devices differ, though it hardly matters if the screen is totally unresponsive.)
Use the codefactory remote alignment program – BUT
Use XP not vista
Pair up with Active Sync but not as “GUEST”
Navigate to the windows directory on the PPC and delete file called welcome.exe If it will not delete, try re-naming it.
Create a blank file on you pc called welcome.not and place it on the root of your storage card.

Create a blank file on you pc called welcome.not and place it on the root of your storage card.
!!!!!!!IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!
Thanx a lot Mike. Thanx a lot
Donate as soon as possible

axissolutions said:
Create a blank file on you pc called welcome.not and place it on the root of your storage card.
!!!!!!!IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!
Thanx a lot Mike. Thanx a lot
Donate as soon as possible
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Sometimes we get that "warm glowing feeling all over"!

Well, I'd like to post some of my oservations concerning this problem...
Remote Screen Alignment really works. But! It works (as I suppose) only in situations, when Windows/Startup Folder is present (or some files in this folder). I'm not sure, but it may be.
If this folder is missing, try to put welcome.not simple text file in the root folder of your mobile storage.
In my case, this folder was absent so I had a frustrating exception handler (as I might guess).
Good luck, guys .


Removing the aline screen process from A.30.09 ROM

I am tired of the screen alingment process every time i do a hard reset.
Can it be removed?
I have the A30.09 ROM wallaby
RSU 33.02
Bootloader Ver. 5.15
I think you've never use a PDA that had a messed up alignment. Believe me, the alignment process is there for a good reason. Wihout it you can't reliably type or select items.
The process is needed because the screen touch sensor response varies from unit to unit, and this is how you can get a consistent response.
llawrence1969 said:
I am tired of the screen alingment process every time i do a hard reset.
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Just for curiosity, why do you need this much of hard reset ?
i've bee upgrading using ROM kitchen and there is always something i don't like or use regarding the additional software hence the hard resets.
Obviously a misunderstanding -- the screen alinement i figured if removed from the startup process doesn't mean it won't be available under start settings and system when you need it and therefore would use less ROM. I believe i read that that is possible somewhere but can't remember.
Not really the screen alinement is part of the ROM removing it would mess things up big time...
Beside again why those many Hard Resets??? if you continue like that you wont need to remove the the screen alinement you will need a new device.
the screen alignment + all the usual startup cut & paste junk has been removed on previous cooked roms, so I know it can be done, and I know wut u are talkin about...after a while, those things can get very annoying
Someone who knows what i'm talking 'bout.
The hard reset are to try different ROM installed apps after flashing a ROM kitchen. It's not that unusual in this the posts. If something happens I have copies of ROM backup on SD card, PC and all the tools necessary to get my XDA up and running.
Hi lawrence,
I'm searching too for a solution on this! If anyone knows how to remove that cut 'n paste and align screen, I would like to know that!
The reason why, is that I'm creating applications for some people that like to forget to charge... :?
After a weekend, they sometimes have a hard-reset. Now I need to create my own ROM that reinstalls those applications without that setup-screens!
I still think that the fact that you want to remove the screen alignment from the cold start process shows that you don't understand why it's there in the first place. It's not just to teach the user how to click on the screen. If the screen alignment isn't done you can end up with clicks being registered in the wrong place.
I can understand deleting the tutorial, but IMO a guy who lets his battery run down to the extent that it needs a cold boot will also not be able to figure out that he needs to go find the screen alignment program when his screen clicks get all weird on him...
the screen alinement i figured if removed from the startup process doesn't mean it won't be available under start settings and system when you need it
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well how can you choose the screen alinement if the screen dont understand where you are pressing because of lack of alinement
Let me say that the alignment is importent, but that cut 'n paste and setting up the time-zone is something I really don't need for a good PDA-Setup...
Any suggestions?
A while ago I did think of a way to not have to align at every coldboot:
- save the alignment parameters somewhere in ROM
- have welcome.exe check for the presence of alignment data in ROM,
and use those, in stead of calling TouchCalibrate.
- if no calibration data is found in ROM, then after calling
TouchCalibrate save the data in ROM.
the calibration data is stored in the registry in this key:
"CalibrationData"="507,517 150,237 153,781 866,782 861,241 "
I also noticed that the xda-2 is much better aligned without calibration than the xda-1.
samvds said:
that cut 'n paste and setting up the time-zone is something I really don't need for a good PDA-Setup...
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I have the same problem. Sometimes when I should change SIM for some reason, I should remove battery for couple of seconds. The following occurs:
1. Device reacts as during hard reset: align, cut-n-paste, installs T-Mobile apps, soft resets, the installs something again.
2. Then I should go to SD card to start sprite backup file restoring. It asks me whether i want to restore or not, then to start or not, then restores 16 M and asks wanna soft reset or not again (stupid process).
3. I don't know why, but default today screen theme which recorded in sprite backup file is usually broken, so I need to tap Settings/Today/Spiral/OK/Default Theme/OK
4. After all I should set correct date and time hence it resets to Sep.2003.
All these steps take about 5 minutes!!!!!! And this is after TWO seconds of work without battery.
The question is: is there any way not to perform all these annoying operations when i leave XDA without main battery for some time. As I know, there is internal battery in XDA, which have enough energy to keep rom alive for this time.
Briefly, I will be happy, if XDA will do soft reset instead of hard when I change my SIM.
Anybody help please!

Missing Bluetooth icon after using PIToday

Hi guys,
I've been playing with PIToday for a couple of days now but I noticed one thing: My bluetooth icon on the Today screen disappeard after using PIToday. The only way to get it back for me is unchecking PIToday and soft reset. This is a bummer!
I've been checking some sites for solutions but could only find the solution mentioned above and one solutions for a 3870. This was putting a shortcut to the bluetooth icon in the startup folder. In the case of a MDA II, there is no such shortcut possible. I checked the registry and Windows directory but the is no .exe file which will start the bluetooth icon. Only .dll. But I don't know where to point it to. :?:
Any other suggestions? Because I would like to buy PIToday but I still want to access my bluetooth from the Today screen.
Even though I am a huge fan of Pocket Informant, i experienced a lot of issues with the PI today plug in and stopped using it. It may be incompatability with other software I also have installed but as well as the missing BT icon it also caused instability (lock ups) and the occassional auto soft reset.
In regard to the missing BT icon though PI today is not the only culprit. Users of Pocket Breeze from SBSH Mobile software have reported the same issue. Only way to restore it is unselect the today plug in and soft reset.
Hi Ednap,
Somebody suggested a sort of sulution for me: Using Zenphone. In Zenphone there is an option to turn bluetooth on and off in a profile. And it seems to work!
It is not the solutions but a least it is workable.
some kind of solution
get the tool "No Plugins today" (h**p://
install it (of coz)
insert into your registry a new string like this
HKEY_LOCAL_MASCHINE\init\LaunchXX where XX is the highest number of the Launch under INIT (I use "Launch90")
enter as the stringvalue the path to the tool e.g. "\Storage\NoToday\NoPluginsToday.exe" or whereever you have installed the tool
insert a link under \Windows\startup or \windows\autostart (depends of the language) and point it again to this tool. Rename the Link in such way, that it will run last (eg. "XXXNoToday")
ok, thats all, reset your device, and enjoy your Bluetooth icon
It is not a failure by any of the Today-Plugins, which make the icon vanish, it's just a timeout of the btdll, caused by Plugins, which need too much time to initialize itself, so the icon just nor appear.
What does this thing?
after reset it removes the todayscreens, the bluetooth icon appears, and after that the notoday-tool switches the plugins on again.
you need some more time (3-4 secs) after the reset, but, who cares, you got the icon back
Nice work, IvkovicD!
I'll give it a try and I'll post this solution also at the PIToday forum. I'm sure this solutions is a great help for Deje the maker of the program.
B.t.w I tried SnoopSoft Dash Today Advanced today to see if I like it. It is not bad. A bit slow but guess what happens?
My headset profile is now gone! First I thought it was because I had too many Todayplugins but after removing a few and soft resetting it still wouldn't come back. Any suggestions for this one?
To create a shortcut to Bluetooth copy the following into a shortcut file (text file with lnk extension i.e. Bluetooth.lnk):
34#\windows\ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,23
and copy it across to your PPC
My headset profile is now gone!
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Might it be that your profile is just gone from the Today screen? Check Settings>Personal Tab>Today>Items Tab and see if Profile is checked.
Hi Mark,
No. The headset profile was not there anymore in the list. I contacted Chris Scott, who makes DashToday and the only solution he had for now, was to uninstall the program.
Not realy a good option in my opinion.... Especialy because I just bought the program because there is no trial avaliable.
For your other solution:
I want to make sure that I realy understand. You want me to make a textfile and name it i.e Bluetooth.lnk. In this file there should be the line:
34#\windows\ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,23
Then copy this file to my PPC and presumably to the startup directory?
Just want to make sure.
Then copy this file to my PPC and presumably to the startup directory?
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Copy it to the Start Menu folder. It won't bring back your bluetooth icon back but you will be able to access the settings from the start menu.
I give it a try later.
wouterk said:
First I thought it was because I had too many Todayplugins but after removing a few and soft resetting it still wouldn't come back. Any suggestions for this one?
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I know this effect. I've have this "vanishing", too, if I install too much today- plug ins. Just grab your favourite registryeditor and delete some build-in today-registry entries for today items, e.g. original-task, or some of the other build in ones. If you need it (I don't believe that , make a backup, but really, do you need them?)
reset your device, the missing plugs should appear again...
Sometimes, the OS just do not display some today-plugins, if there are too much entries into registry, even, if you do not activate them...maybe at MS nobody thought that someone needs more then 5 todayplugs at once...
just joking
Hi Dejan,
Sounds like an interesting solution. Want to give it a try but I can't find the path to the right regkeys. :?: Do you know were those keys are to be found?
Hi Dejan,
I found the reg keys. (HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Today) and deleted the Task, Calendar and Owner Info keys. Then I did a soft reset but my Bluetooth icon didn't reappear.
Too bad.
Did it work for you?

MS Voice Command when unit is closed?

Hi all, I am new to this forum.
I own a Dopod 900, and currently trying to get MS Voice Command to work properly with my unit. I believe one of the problem with this application is that it does not respond to command while the unit is in closed mode (the pda screen in inside). Is solution to this problem already available?
I have searched the forum but have not been able to find any solution. I apologize if I missed it, please kindly point me to that posting if there is any.
Any advise is greatly appreciated.
- Josh :?:
From what I've read so far there isn't a fix I'm afraid. It's not fully compatible with WM2005 and will just have to wait for an update from Microsoft :-(
Thanks for your reply. That's too bad. I really have high hope that there is a solution for just this one problem, as there are already tweaks for the other problems. Being unable to receive command in closed mode really make MS Voice Command very much less usable. Too bad.
- Josh
I agree, but at least it's a step up with the other voice dial (that comes it with?). Couldn't do dialling from BT headset at all on WM2003 :-(
The "closed mode" doesn't bother me as I carry the Exec round in a Krusell case, with screen up. This allows me to instantly answer the phone when it rings (having seen who's calling first on the screen).
But there are a few more annoying problems with MS Voice Command 1.5 (I have UK version) present under Windows Mobile 5.0.
This one is unique to WM5.0:
- The first is when I try to call up a certain contact by "Show John Smith", it would show John Smith's contact under WM2003/03SE, but under WM5.0 it just shows blank screen on the Summary tab. This is still a proper contact, if you go to Notes tab, you see proper notes for this contact. You can press Edit and it will be edited... BUT, meanwhile if you just open Contact app, the ones you open are working great.
The following coupla' niggles are also present under WM2003/03SE.
- The days of week when answering "What date is it today" (somehow UK regional settings don't even have it, so I had to enable it in registry under NLS settings) -- all are announced correctly except Wednesday & Thursday, which are sounding simply as "Wed" and "Thu" instead of proper name.
- The signal strength for 1,2,3 and 4 "units" is announced as 30, 60, 90 and 100% correspondingly, instead of 25,50,75,100 which would seem more logical here. I don't know though if it's just caused by something real or an attempt to easily convert
That said, the application is enormously useful especially with the Krusell case, because the carrying shape for Exec in this case is PDA shape with screen up; but it's protected by screen cover of the case and you can't really write on the screen without opening the case -- so voice activation of programs and then controlling them by 5-way navigation control, is really a great way of using the Exec Examples of these programs are the eWallet (ever forgotten your PIN numbers or clothes size?) and speaking date/time, very convenient when you can't look down there.
Hopefully Microsoft corrects these small errors - the WM5.0 devices are the future.
EastExpert said:
Hopefully Microsoft corrects these small errors - the WM5.0 devices are the future.
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Really, MS should have had this wrapped up ages ago. So disappointed. I want a device like the Exec, but with Voice Command fully working and A2DP sorted, and it's a shame I still can't get all this.
I was so used to the VC software on my JAM, shame the Exec is giving problems.
And I'm tired of tangling my headphones up...
MS, sort all this out already.
EastExpert said:
The first is when I try to call up a certain contact by "Show John Smith", it would show John Smith's contact under WM2003/03SE, but under WM5.0 it just shows blank screen on the Summary tab. This is still a proper contact, if you go to Notes tab, you see proper notes for this contact. You can press Edit and it will be edited... BUT, meanwhile if you just open Contact app, the ones you open are working great.
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Copy the outres.96.dll into the windows folder and the contact will display correctly.
I'm sorry, but no, it doesn't work for me. Same effect as without outres.96.dll. And yes, I made a soft reset after copying it to the windows dir.
So the next question now is: how to remove the file again?
If I try to delete it, Resco Explorer says "Cannot delete file 'outres.96.dll'. The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file."
If the file is useless, then I want to remove it from the device. But it has been blocked by another process.
Thanx in advance
I had the same problem but saw the answer on a forum somewhere. After you have installed the dll and do a soft reset as it reboots for a short period it does a security check on the new dll and asks whether you really want to install it, if you answer yes then you will find the blank contacts screen problem is fixed. If you take your eyes off the screen at the end of the soft reset you will miss this security question a it defaults to No after a few seconds. Hope this helps.
I had the same problem but saw the answer on a forum somewhere. After you have installed the dll and do a soft reset as it reboots for a short period it does a security check on the new dll and asks whether you really want to install it, if you answer yes then you will find the blank contacts screen problem is fixed. If you take your eyes off the screen at the end of the soft reset you will miss this security question a it defaults to No after a few seconds. Hope this helps.
guc925 said:
I had the same problem but saw the answer on a forum somewhere. After you have installed the dll and do a soft reset as it reboots for a short period it does a security check on the new dll and asks whether you really want to install it, if you answer yes then you will find the blank contacts screen problem is fixed. If you take your eyes off the screen at the end of the soft reset you will miss this security question a it defaults to No after a few seconds. Hope this helps.
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I have answered 'yes' to the security check. Nevertheless the dll doesn't work for me. So I want to remove it now, but I can't because it's blocked by some process.
Thanx in advance
I've copied the file gnassel suggested into my Windows directory (using the explorer on my desktop pc).... rebooted the exec.. and voila.. it's working like a charm now.. My voice command shows the contact when I say : "Lookup XXXX" or when i call someone, it confirms the person and shows his information just fine. Norte I am usin the u.s. version of voice command 1.5.
Thanks gnassel !
This is a reply to my own posting above.
I did the soft reset using an application called 'psShutXP' (maybe someone knows it; one use it in order to switch off or soft reset the device). Voice Command's contacts mask doesn't worked.
A few minutes ago I soft resetted the device using the "original" reset hole. And voila: Voice Command works as expected!
So there seems to be a difference between "soft reset" using psShutXP and soft reset using the reset hole.
Sorry for the confusion. THE FILE OUTRES.96.DLL WORKS!
By the way: What exactly does outres.96.dll?
Best regards
Many thanks gnassel, it works great..
The file was from OzVGA
Thanks for drawing attention to it and posting it, or I wouldnt have know..
Take a thanking damnit
Guys, where do I put the outres.96 dll file again? If I am using File Explorer there is a "WINDOWS" Folder from the very root with a lot of files. Is that the folder I am suposed to put the oures.96 dll file or just leave it outside in the main root?
cktlcmd said:
Is that the folder I am suposed to put the oures.96 dll file?
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gnassel said:
cktlcmd said:
Is that the folder I am suposed to put the oures.96 dll file?
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It's "\windows" not "C:\windows".
Best regards
Thanks everyone. I thought for a while I have to plug it in my computer too.

Cracked touch screen - skip align screen

Hi guys,
My touch screen is cracked and unfortunately I did a hard reset. Everything was working perfectly before but I wanted to clean up my phone before I receive new touch screen and fix it.
Now when I turn the phone on, it asks me to do alignment of the screen. Unfortunately I can't do that because my touch screen doesn't work properly. However, there is only 1 or 2 spots which respond to touch.
My question is: can I skip/pass this step (align the screen) and get inside the phone to use it without the touch screen as I could before hard reset?
Thank you very much for any replies and suggestions,
After hard reset, connect the phone to the PC
The PPC will stop at the align touch screen bit obviously - but active sync will still allow you to set up a partnership.
Set up a partnership and navigate to Windows\Startup on the device
Delete Welcome.lnk from that directory.
Soft Reset
The welcome program where you align the screen and are forced to prove to Microsoft that you don't actually fall to the floor in a confused fit because right clicking is tap and hold, should not run.
Let me know if that works, as I've never actually tried it.
BigDamHero said:
After hard reset, connect the phone to the PC
The PPC will stop at the align touch screen bit obviously - but active sync will still allow you to set up a partnership.
Set up a partnership and navigate to Windows\Startup on the device
Delete Welcome.lnk from that directory.
Soft Reset
The welcome program where you align the screen and are forced to prove to Microsoft that you don't actually fall to the floor in a confused fit because right clicking is tap and hold, should not run.
Let me know if that works, as I've never actually tried it.
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thank you for suggestion but i can't delete this file. it says: "Cannot delete file welcome: The file may be in read-only memory, on a write-protected disk, or currently in use by another application." Probably it's the last thing that blocks deleting b/c after restarting a phone the screen pops-up saying "Tap the screen to set up your Windows Mobile-based device"
What else can i do in that case?
Thank you,
Hmm its only a shortcut so it can't "be in use". Its only a symbolic link to another file.
Don't know to be honest - can you not remove the read only attribute (right click properites)? Try that. If i think of anything else Ill let you know.
This page suggests some options
Let us know if any of them work
I can't change any attributes. When i checked properties it says it's a system file and all attributes are grey.
I will try what it's said on the website that yuou pointed.
Thank you,
ok, i tried the solution described in this article . Downloaded a program called Remote Screen Alignment from this website. File is placed in the very bottom section of the site. If you want to use this program, I suggest to download User's Manual placed below as well.
After installing this program on your computer, run it and chose one of the options. Program has few features that you might want to use in the futer. One that I used was SKIP, basicaly to avoid the Align Screen step after hard reset because my touch screen is broken.
Once again thank you BigDamHero for your help.
Please feel free to ask me if you have any questions.
hello there, also got cracked touchscreen on my mda vario (GERMAN!) 've tried to skip align screen with remote screen alignment - but doesnt work, i think becuz of german rom version ( is called in german, i think the app doesnt find the and i get an error). ive also tried installing pocket controller prof. but i cant install it becaus i need to get out of the align screen menu - but i cant do that. any1 got other ideas how to get rid of the ts align screen? thanks
BigDamHero said:
This page suggests some options
Let us know if any of them work
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I tried these programes but what can I do if my phone doesn´t have any working point on touch screen? So, I can´t pass the step "Tap the screen to set up..."
Thanks for your answer.
The problem is new ROMs didn't activate USB serial Sync Mode at beginning. Insteead of this is RNDIS Sync Mode or some other things. So, activesync wasn't activated.

Is there ANY way to bypass the Align Screen??

I have just done a hard reset and my touch screen does not stuck on the Alin screen. Is there ANY way to bypass the align screen without tapping the screen?
I have been advised to delete the 'welcome' file on startup, but I cant seem to acsess the 'windows' file exploring thru activesync.
ANY HELP please!!
if you dont align the screen it will not be preasure sensitiv anymore
making the device somewhat crippled
Rudegar said:
if you dont align the screen it will not be preasure sensitiv anymore
making the device somewhat crippled
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well since his touch screen doesnt work, how much more crippled can it get if he bypasses the align screen?
but i think you can just use your stylus and push the reset hole. I remember i had a big giant crack on my old MDA phone, so my touch screen was pretty messgaed up. And i was still able to flash it and hard reset it.
I think I either just popped the battery out or I did the pin hole reset.
If you cant pass the Align screen than most likely you are missing the drivers for the touchscreen interface,
If u're flashing ur own rom make sure there is a driver for the touchscreen included
quite simple:
create a file named "welcome.not" (just a empty file!) - copy it to the SD-card - reboot ...
does work on almost every device.
if it doesn't work on herald - try:
Thank You Baal, I have tried what u said and its worked wonders.....Thank u again
thanks baal...that welcome.not worked like a charm!
It's been over 2 years since this was posted. I've just come across the same problem with my Kaiser and the welcome.not trick still works! Excellent. I love this place.
Well, alternatively you could connect the wing to your computer, using activesync, then browse it using windows explorer, and delete the welcome file from the start up folder
Clipped Wings
Thanks guys... That welcome.not trick worked great!
Yup! "Welcome.not" worked here as well! Had a friend's Herald (T-Mobile "Wing") with a screwed-up touch screen that just wanted to use it as a phone until he can replace the screen, and I needed to do the T-Mobile ROM update on it to get it to make calls properly again. The ROM update triggered the Welcome thing, which started with none other than "Tap screen to set up your Windows Mobile device"! Well I can't tap the screen with a broken digitizer!
I tried removing "welcome.lnk" from \Windows\Startup, but that left the PPC in a horribly malfunctioning half-state, where the Start menu wouldn't appear, and only the Phone functionality worked. Restoring "welcome.lnk" and adding "welcome.not" to the MicroSD card worked perfectly. It brought up the "Welcome" screen but did not say "Tap screen..." - that text was just omitted from the screen, and about 10 seconds later, it took me to the Today screen! Woohoo!
I also found it hard to believe how incredibly usable a PPC is without using the touchscreen...! I installed a game, set up the phone, and played the game, all with the buttons.
I just replaced a screen in a Trinity (Dopod D810). The touchscreen initially wasn't calibrated correctly so I ran the alignment tool in the settings, and after a few attempts, I calibrated it properly and the touchscreen was working perfectly. Now the touchscreen is not working properly. The top half of the screen responds to touch, but no matter where I press in that region, the screen thinks I'm pressing the top-right corner. When I run the alignment again, it responds to all the touchpoints but it never successfully calibrates and it keeps bringing me back to the alignment screen.
The current settings in the registry entry for touch calibration are as follows:
484,558 244,286 263,815 750,820 707,295
I've found a few other threads here (the most helpful being and I've tried the settings from that thread. The screen seems more responsive, but still not correct because the bottom half hardly responds and the top half seems to respond when it feels like it.
Can someone please post their D810 touchscreen settings so I can try it? I've tried the settings from my Touch Cruise, but the screen is still doing weird things.
This is a customer's phone so I need to have this fixed ASAP.
I'm thinking that it may be a faulty digitizer, but that won't explain why it worked perfectly when I first calibrated it.
*Edit: Finally got it to work! I just made a bunch of files named welcome.not & I guess one of them worked. Thanks for this valuable information!*
how did you create welcome.not
lhei said:
how did you create welcome.not
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
YEAH MATE >>>how did you create welcome.not<<< I know it`s looks realy silly as everyone seem to be know how 2 but hmmm yup I don`t know how to so pleased tell us how to do so ,,,
I put the sd card on my comp, opened it up, right clicked the open box & created a new text document, new word document, etc (there is a list of what new files you wish to create). I created one of everything, put the card back in the phone & rebooted....presto! No alignment screen!
can anyone give the calibration data for their wing plzzz. its in registry. HKLM/hardware/device/touch. plzzz

