OEM/XIP and other Numbering - Touch Cruise ROM Development

Due to a lot good man here making a lot of good ROM's we are flooded with huge versions and updates, however I personaly confused for one small issue and I assume that some (non developers) as same.
there are several Numbers provided with the ROM - not all of them are the same all the time so it is very hard to compare.
there is the OEM issue 3.16, 3.18 and 3.19 ....
there is the XIP issue 21140, 19997 etc'
the OS name 6.1, 6.5 etc'
and there is the OS 5.2.x.x etc
1. question is how can I see all this information in the ROM that we get since the Devlopers are giving partial information from time to time and in the device ID there is also partial information (that mostly include Developer signiture....)
2. can we ask from now, all the Dev' will provide all the information in there post?


ROM List sticky?

Hi there, thanks for all the great info here first of all!
Would it be possible for there to be a sticky made that has a list of the major ROMs that are available that'd link to their respective threads?
I know there are the stickies for a few roms, but for someone new to all this like me it's difficult to determine what ROM is what. Something like this would be nice and easy for everyone that aren't totally in the know:
ROM Designer - Status - Revision Number/Name/Description
Xplode - Stable - 6.1.blahblah.CrikeyWhatAreAllThoseNumbersFor??.0226
Bill_Gates - Testing - WM6.1 Stripped Clean
Sun_dream - Stable - WM6.1 Feature Packed
That's just a simple example. I think having some sort of name for the ROM whether it is the designer, short description or both, and a status whether it's a stable or a beta-test version are the two very key items that would help everyone the most.
I know in a FAQ somewhere I read about what all those numbers mean, but I shouldn't have to go searching for that information each time to understand what in the world they mean.
This way each ROM designer could have one post that they update with new revisions, and the main List Sticky just points to that designers thread.
In the designer's thread it would probably be wise to have a sort of standardized format as well such as:
-Designer Name/ROM Name
-"Stable Version below:"
-Stable version number
-Stable version revision explanation
-Stable version download
-blank line
-"Beta Version below:"
-Beta version number
-Beta version revision explanation
-Beta version download
-blank line
-Any other discussion, instructions, spam, pictures of cute kitties, etc.
Just my two cents ($32.51 with inflation)!

Beginners help with cooking please

Hi all,
so I am new to the world of Windows Mobile - use to be a Symbian fan and then got the HTC Touch Diamond recently due to my Nokia dieing of old age.
I want to learn how to cook ROMs so I can customize what I want as I want. I tried sending Da_G a PM as he seems to be quite knowledable about cooking - although he seems to be MIA (his last post was a long time ago) and I have not gotten a reply yet.
So now onto some questions which are probably stupid, but I do not know the answers to.
So I have an HTC Touch Diamond which originally comes with Windows Mobile 6.1, I am using osKitchen as it seems really popular and it looks easy enough to use. I followed the guide which is here but it does not give me the complete info I want.
So in order to cook a ROM you first need to have an original ROM (so in my case an original ROM for the HTC Touch Diamond off the HTC site?)... I got that(RUU_Diamond_HTC_WWE-AFK_2.03.421.2_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.51.25.26_1.09.25.23_Ship.exe)
Then you open it up with osKitchen, it extracts it blah blah blah.
I then get a popup about a new ROM has been imported and it asks me if I want to automatically configure the project to use the ROM. I click yes.
Then it says the device profile currently selected uses a pre 6.5 kernel, module allocation space will be extremely limited. Do I want to auto enable module to file conversion for a list of files? Now I read somewhere that if you are using pre 6.5 kernel you want files, if you are using the 6.5 kernel you want modules? I am not sure what to click here as I want to upgrade to windows mobile 6.5 ...
So do I enable the conversion or not?
Then it pops up with the project settings, under SYS Packages I can see all of the phones services. OEM packages, I am not too sure what that is... One thing which is worrying is that there is a red circle with an X in it infront of OEM Drivers... If I hover over it, it says there are issues detected in the OEMdriers. They all seem to be errors detected in the registry and the registery key path entry is invalid due to 2 adjacent backslahes? So is this normal? What do I do?
Also there is a block "RecMod" under OEM Packages. What does that do and what is it used for?
EXT Packages, over here we have all of the applications which will be preinstalled when you flash the ROM? I know how to add .cab packages to it and it seems simple enough. Once again there is a RecMod with a tick box?
ROM Tweaking I have not really bothered with yet, would first like to learn the basics. Anything I should know about in ROM Tweaking?
Now back to SYS Packages. This is where you update/port/upgrade ? to newer windows mobile versions? Now I think if you are changing between window mobile major build versions or what ever you want to call it (like from 6.1 to 6.5) kernel changes perhaps? You call it porting? Anyways, so now I want to change to the latest build in WM6.5 .
I took a look at this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=650783
Now it seems like the first 3 digits indicate something, what exactly I am not too sure. Perhaps someone could explain?
There is HTC HTC which is made by HTC I think and possibly meant for HTC?
Then there is COM 2 and LG. Now since I have an HTC do I have to use the HTC one or not? Also it seems some have newer / higher WM builds? So why are there these many different builds and what difference does it make as to what they are? Also what are the COM 2, 3 and 5 ?
Anyways, I downloaded the HTC one. Now I want to port / upgrade to it. It is WM6.5 now as well. So I click Import, then goto Import a new WM build. Select the appropriate build dump, then click on start importing. It will import it and then what? Is there anything else I need to do?
I am assuming go back to Project Settings and under SYS build change it to the newer one which I have just imported? Although is this really all I need to do? Will I now have a proper functioning cooked ROM running WM6.5 with the new build?
If you're cooking a 6.5 rom, and you have a 6.5 native kernel (there should be one out there, unless you're using a cdma diamond), then DO NOT RECMOD (convert to files). If you have to use a 6.1 kernel, then you have to recmod a lot of modules. Look around, there are threads with native kernels for many older devices. I'm not going to dig up a link, I'll let you find it. Just get the Diamond native kernel and use it.
If you have a cdma diamond, then I believe that people use the cdma raphael native kernel, but supposedly it's buggy.
OEM Drivers has an .rgu that usually has a few mistakes in it; that's probably the error you're getting. I wouldn't worry about it, but the kitchen may tell you which line the error appears in, and you can fix it.
As far as rom tweaking goes, all you need to know is that manila sucks, and Sense is blight on humanity. Good luck and have fun.
Real Beginners Stuff Please.
PsyCLown89 said:
Hi all,
so I am new to the world of Windows Mobile......
I want to learn how to cook ROMs so I can customize what I want as I want.....
So now onto some questions which are probably stupid, but I do not know the answers to......
...... I followed the guide which is here but it does not give me the complete info I want.....
..... What do I do?
..... What does that do and what is it used for?
..... would first like to learn the basics......
..... so now I want to change to the latest build in WM6.5 .
..... do I have to use the HTC one or not? Also it seems some have newer / higher WM builds? So why are there these many different builds and what difference does it make as to what they are? Also what are the COM 2, 3 and 5 ?
.....and then what? Is there anything else I need to do?
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So many questions
I too am new to the world of Windows Mobile, and have learnt how to flash different ROMs sussessfully.
I have spent my time reading hundreds of threads about flashing, and having a go - the tutorials and threads have been great source of knowledge.
Now I want to start cooking a ROM and things are different..... I have read thousands of posts and tutorials and watched videos, but I haven't found a real Noobs method of: starting, choosing a kitchen, finding a ROM, importing the new bits, and making the changes. It all goes wrong right from the very start.
Choose a kitchen, and then what ? (exact steps, not just "find a ROM you like, then..", etc. etc.)
None of the threads I have read seem to be able to give the nitty gritty to start, they all skip over it.
I have a Kaiser, and am in a similar position to you, there isn't a native 6.5 kernel for the Kaiser, so how do I make a 6.5 build in a kitchen, when I don't have a 6.5 build to start off ?
Please can someone give a REAL NOOBS guide to starting off.
Thanks & Regards,
It all comes down to the basics. If you do not know what a kitchen actually does, then there probably is no point in cooking to start of with.
Kitchens available today make a lot of things heaps easier than they were several years ago.
Try starting with this thread.... it is not for your device, but you get to learn the basics and actually understand what happens in the background.
Cooking is not just clicking around with your mouse.
pkoper said:
.... If you do not know what a kitchen actually does, then there probably is no point in cooking to start of with.
..... Cooking is not just clicking around with your mouse.
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This may be new to me, but it also was to EVERY cook there is, or has been at sometime. We all learn something new at some time, and all I was asking for is a little starter to get me going. I realaise it isn't a point and click exercise, otherwise I would have made a ROM by now, and not asked for help. I didn't write the software for the kitchen, so I don't know how it works.
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Thanks for that, I hadn't seen that one, but unfortunately, it also doesn't give the procedure for starting with a WM6.1 ROM and adding/changing files to end up with a WM6.5 Native Kernel.
Please, give me a break.
Fish-Man said:
I have a Kaiser, and am in a similar position to you, there isn't a native 6.5 kernel for the Kaiser, so how do I make a 6.5 build in a kitchen, when I don't have a 6.5 build to start off ?
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Using search you would have found the native kernel:
Fish-Man said:
Thanks for that, I hadn't seen that one, but unfortunately, it also doesn't give the procedure for starting with a WM6.1 ROM and adding/changing files to end up with a WM6.5 Native Kernel.
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Thats exactly what I meant. Do you know what the kernel actualy is?
pkoper said:
Using search you would have found the native kernel:
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Thanks, but I already have them. They are "files" not a "stock build" that the cooks tell you to start with. Again, do I need to start with a "stock build" of WM6.1, or can I use those WM6.5 "files" instead, if so, what am I missing from the "stock build" that I need to continue ?
Thats exactly what I meant. Do you know what the kernel actualy is?
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Yes, It's a piece of code, usually written in assembly language (for speed of execution), that sits between the hardware devices and the system drivers and programs, to translate what the programs want, to what the hardware can understand, and deliver the results from the hardware, back to the programs.
It is the core of the Operating System, and is the first thing that is loaded into memory when the system boots, and stays there until you turn off the device (unlike other programs that are loaded, and unloaded as needed). It is loaded into a seperate and protected area of memory, where it executes processes, handles interrupts, memory management, process management, file management and I/O management.
The User, cannot interract directly with the kernel (or hardware), but has to go via a seperate program (usually containing a GUI), that can send it's requests to the kernel for processing. After the kernel has processed the programs requests, the kernel gives the information to the program, which then outputs it to the User.
Is that enough of an explanation ? Sorry I had to simplify it, but there are a lot of other noobs here that may have gained some knowledge from that, so rather than blow thier minds with acronyms and babble, I thought it best to explain it simply.
Now, are there any more questions you want me to answer, before telling me what I need to know, to understand the first few steps in cooking a ROM ?
Fish-Man said:
So many questions
I too am new to the world of Windows Mobile, and have learnt how to flash different ROMs sussessfully.
I have spent my time reading hundreds of threads about flashing, and having a go - the tutorials and threads have been great source of knowledge.
Now I want to start cooking a ROM and things are different..... I have read thousands of posts and tutorials and watched videos, but I haven't found a real Noobs method of: starting, choosing a kitchen, finding a ROM, importing the new bits, and making the changes. It all goes wrong right from the very start.
Choose a kitchen, and then what ? (exact steps, not just "find a ROM you like, then..", etc. etc.)
None of the threads I have read seem to be able to give the nitty gritty to start, they all skip over it.
I have a Kaiser, and am in a similar position to you, there isn't a native 6.5 kernel for the Kaiser, so how do I make a 6.5 build in a kitchen, when I don't have a 6.5 build to start off ?
Please can someone give a REAL NOOBS guide to starting off.
Thanks & Regards,
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I don't think what you're looking for exist, persay. There are several kitchens out there to choose from. The only thing that helped me when starting out was frequenting the thread of the kitchen that I was using. It's in the kitchen's thread that you'll find all the nitty gritty answers you're looking for and other people that are in the same boat as you, and more experienced users of the same kitchen who would probably be more apt at answering questions about specific kitchen.
Fish-Man said:
Thanks, but I already have them. They are "files" not a "stock build" that the cooks tell you to start with. Again, do I need to start with a "stock build" of WM6.1, or can I use those WM6.5 "files" instead, if so, what am I missing from the "stock build" that I need to continue ?
Yes, It's a piece of code, usually written in assembly language (for speed of execution), that sits between the hardware devices and the system drivers and programs, to translate what the programs want, to what the hardware can understand, and deliver the results from the hardware, back to the programs.
It is the core of the Operating System, and is the first thing that is loaded into memory when the system boots, and stays there until you turn off the device (unlike other programs that are loaded, and unloaded as needed). It is loaded into a seperate and protected area of memory, where it executes processes, handles interrupts, memory management, process management, file management and I/O management.
The User, cannot interract directly with the kernel (or hardware), but has to go via a seperate program (usually containing a GUI), that can send it's requests to the kernel for processing. After the kernel has processed the programs requests, the kernel gives the information to the program, which then outputs it to the User.
Is that enough of an explanation ? Sorry I had to simplify it, but there are a lot of other noobs here that may have gained some knowledge from that, so rather than blow thier minds with acronyms and babble, I thought it best to explain it simply.
Now, are there any more questions you want me to answer, before telling me what I need to know, to understand the first few steps in cooking a ROM ?
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Nice quick knowledge drop on kernel. It sounds to me like you already have a better grasp on things then some!
Fish-Man said:
Thanks, but I already have them. They are "files" not a "stock build" that the cooks tell you to start with. Again, do I need to start with a "stock build" of WM6.1, or can I use those WM6.5 "files" instead, if so, what am I missing from the "stock build" that I need to continue ?
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Thats because there is no stock 6.5 for the Kaiser. Not sure what "those WM6.5 files" are, but you do need the drivers for your device. Any leaked build will not contain those.
Dumping a stock rom will give you insight as to what is actually in the rom. When you then download one of the leaked builds you can you will recognize the files and hence see what needs replacing in order to upgrade.
Now, are there any more questions you want me to answer, before telling me what I need to know, to understand the first few steps in cooking a ROM ?
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What kitchen are you using? As there are obviously slight differences as to what is where.
I would just get a ready kitchen and study it.
for your reference maybe you should read this....
i had made the tutorial how to cook ROM, step by step. it has different device and different OS but worth to read.....
i don't have enough capability to Cook but i try to....
also in this http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=385
some of members also made tutorial as well.......
i hope it can help.

Open source rom ...

Hello to everybody, Acer S200 users, how could you understand our device is now obsolete (we are now in Legay devices,too) and our cookers seems to have stopped cooking, in practice is all stopped.
Now: there are 2 thinghs: sell our devices to buy a new one or know that your phone will no longer receive updates in future.
So, I propose to unite our forces ( and minds) and build an open source rom, where everybody can do all that he want with his own rom, but to achieve this we need a lot of collaboration...
To be honest. i dont feel the need to get further updates... brainmasters clean rom with srs wow hd registry tweaks, tweaked version of mobile shell, igo primo etc etc.
Our roms are stable and we have the options to have several ui s even sense... so im fine I own my Neotouch since one year now and im still contended, i'll keep it as long as it runs
Windows mobile in general is dead, which is a pity, as it is still a mighty os and im actually wondering what you try to improve due to further roms, with brainmasters roms or arto's roms we can call our neotouch maxed out
P.S. and ill stick with WM as long as other OS wont offer any comparable gps programs like IGO for windows mobile...
The Rom are already there, but in my opinion should be developed Android
Maybe you haven't understand the levels that I want to reach... I can only tell you that with some benchmark I found original rom about 30 % faster than cooked one and this is anomalus because cooked rom normally are even better than official ones...
euplio said:
Hello to everybody, Acer S200 users, how could you understand our device is now obsolete (we are now in Legay devices,too) and our cookers seems to have stopped cooking, in practice is all stopped.
Now: there are 2 thinghs: sell our devices to buy a new one or know that your phone will no longer receive updates in future.
So, I propose to unite our forces ( and minds) and build an open source rom, where everybody can do all that he want with his own rom, but to achieve this we need a lot of collaboration...
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Hi Euplio, Stefano has already released the Kitchen for Acer S200. I have downloaded it and customized it for all of my ROM's. Why don't you do it also?
Everything you need is on this forum - Stefano's Kitchen, newest SYS Builds, OEM Packages, Manila Packages. You just need to invest time, find and put everything together.
You had a plenty of time to do that since you also cook your own ROM's.
So, why don't you start, and the people will support you.
If you only ASK and don't DO anything, then you will ACHIEVE NOTHING.
If you need some help, I can always look into Forum to help you.
maybe we can collect all sorts of packages (exts) and make a repository of packages for cooking. as far as i am concerned, the chefs here have done the best possible. i have cooked roms from arto, kubino and brains roms on all 3 of my s200.
So c'mon I'gonna start making ultra-light rom good base for spb mobile + "DROID PRO+ 2.2 by DOC3000 & MSKIP" http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=833941 because I find it the best alternative to the htc sense, what do you think?
Hi guys my ultra-light rom is now finished, I need beta testers...
Where is the thread with this rom???? is it in Italian ????
Post more information...
iacopocantoni said:
Where is the thread with this rom???? is it in Italian ????
Post more information...
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It is the lighter rom I ever seen on our device since now, but for now is beta, so I need private beta-testers, if do you want to try it I can send you via p.m. (private message) the link. Yes, it is italian
yes, i'm interested to test your ROM but I don't know what I have to do exactly...
I'm interested to test your ROM.I was a beta testers of the 3.5 rom Stefano.

[Q] Multilanguage rom making and some starter questions.

I'm making a rom for my HTC Touch2/mega. My currently installed rom is stock rom. Which is comes with my phone and it has no official version of it here. It's in Turkish language and 6,5 but I want to make it 6.5.5 So I'm trying to use this:
(And I don't wan't to lose the original room. Without HardSPL Can't I backup it right?)
And my rom is customized for an operator. So I want to build it in Turkish language. I have the mui's but I'm not sure they will work on 6.5.5 and I wan't to make it multilanguge. Because as default it's asking to me which language I wan't to use. I wan't to add this option too.
But if I try to build a new rom based on my current rom the operator customizations is continues? Like I can't use hdspa/3g with another operator (phone keeps crashing).
216xx = HTC htc
217xx = COM1, continuing dev of -
218xx = COM2, continuing dev of
219xx = MD, feature test branch, pretty much dead now. (unstable features are added here, this tree is based on COM1, so older base OS code, but the UI/UX code is newer)
22xxx = SEMC sony ericsson
*230xx = COM3, continuing development
*234xx = COM4, appears to be abandoned.
*235xx = COM5, more GUI changes here. New Outlook Interface.
*236xx = LG Electronics Branch
*24xxx = Possible HTC branch
*25xxx = SEMC - Sony Ericsson
*280xx, 282xx = WMD. This is a continuation of com3 from 23090. Most of the changes appear to be with IE
29xxx - Unknown
235xx has threaded email
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Is there something matter If I choose not the Htc one's like 29xxx?
And Since Microsoft close the my phone Is there any point of keeping it in rom?
And Can I add video calling feature to my Mega with that:
WinCENLS_WWE and what is exactly doing? Is that neccessary for me? WWE means World Wide Edition?
No answers? Guys please, I'm waiting for your anwers to cook my rom.
You touched several different problems.
Unfortunately each 6.5.x build will demand reviewing of most of the mui files. I know by myself. I used to build PLK versions of Jackos' ROMs and he has 2 series of ROMs (with 6.5 and 6.5.3 builds).
So you have to choose a build basing on information about it's stability/reliability, not ability to work with Turkish .muis. Either way you will need to mod some of them.
Second problem is to dump an existing ROM which I honestly know nothing about. But if it's a stock ROM, you should be able to find it somewhere anyway. By the information that you have to choose a language at first startup I think that it was not an official Turkish ROM, but the base for the device was WWE (World Wide English) and then there was a mod added by sunnysoft (http://firma.sunnysoft.cz/htc/). That's the same way it is done with Rhodium. We have no official Polish ROM, but only a sunnysoft plugin that enables the language choosing after a HR.
You can find there the newest WWE ROM and the language localization pack that you need.
Sooo I think what you should look for is an official WWE ROM (the version number you should have in Start -> Settings -> System -> Device information -> Software information) and a Sunnysoft mod with a set of different language.
Another problem is that you want to be able to choose a language after a HR. I don't recommend this method because:
- the way it is done by Sunnysoft is that they add a cab file with necessary modifications to a rom and run it after a HR by means of a .lua file or config.txt. The cab file script first asks the user for the language and then installs another cab according to the choosen language.
That means the resource files (and any other that must be added to the ROM) are just injected into the system as files. They do not delete the original english files from the ROM, but just add their own. Besides many of the .mui files (at least the ones from Base_Lang_0xxx package) should be placed as modules not files because otherwise they compromise the memory management.
So what I learned is that you should make as much changes to the ROM via the kitchen and not by a .cab file.
Furthermore the cab file is not able to make all the system changes. I know because I used to produce special PLK .cab files for Polish users of Rhodium. Mainly because we do not have a good Polish ROM and the Sunnysoft version had many bugs.
And there are a lot more changes that it's better to do during cooking than on the "real ROM".
As for myphone of course you can throw it out. It's not necessary anymore.
When I copy changelanguage.exe from my device to computer I was saw Sunnysoft. So like you said there is no official rom in Turkish. And yes it really has so much bug/mistranslates.
Actually I don't want big changes in my rom. I just want update it to 6.5.x
And yes really thanks.
My rom is 1.30.xxx.x but There was several updates on HTC support page so I installed them. Maybe they are updated the version. Should I install them to rom when I building it? Or they will just gone when I install 6.5.x 29xxx
And It seems It will be really hard to translate it to Turkish. Could you teach me? Or maybe not. f it comes too hard to me Maybe we won't be able to 6.5.x Turkish language. Whatever. I wan't to update my phone to 6.5.x without change much.
And there is an wwe edition it says but when i download it there is nothing called with wwe. so I download the sunnysofts version.
Well, I'm afraid you asking too advanced questions for me.
I never changed the build of the ROM. I only developed and adjusted language files to the ROM cooked by someone else (in my case Jackos and Seem_ZA).
That's why I know that even the .mui files are different among different builds.
The "Latest Official ROM" in the thread you provided is 1.28.401.4, and you write that your ROM is 1.30, so I guess you should take the one from Sunnysoft, dump it and then before you try to translate it, try to change the build. You will se if it is stable, if everything works, and then you will decide if you should include all the fixes HTC provided or not.
Remember - the 6.5.x builds are not "official" (except for some phones offered on Chinese market). Furthermore they are not made by HTC as well, so it's rather not likely that they have their fixes. On the other hand you should look into the fixes and try to judge by what they contain. I'm definitely not advanced ehough to help on it.
But I feel that for you the most important matter is read about cooking so that you know what to do and you know what you should change.
Dump the official ROM (from sunnysoft page) using any kitchen system, look into it, try to understand what parts it is made of. There are some tutorials floating over xda like "basics of ROM cooking" or "Kitchen and utensils for cooks" etc. Changing build is a bit complicated task. You will probably not cook a good&stable ROM without knowing the basics.
On the other hand perhaps you will find a good 6.5.x cooked ROM for Mega for which the chef published his kitchen. Then most of the hard work is done, because you don't need to mess up with build changing, testing performance, optimising XIP and many other tasks.
Then you can start thinking of changing the kitchen to compile a Turkish ROM.
Yes. I get it. So I'm starting build a new rom then if it's works good and stable I will try the translate it. And I will come to you for ask your help. And I know they are not official. If they were I don't even think about the upgrade it Thank you very much
If about language modification I can say that I'm quite "trained", but if about ROM cooking... I have very basic problems (look at my 2 questions on the top of Chef central). So I'm sure you need someone much more experienced to start your cooking adventure. Unfortunately WinMo is slowly dying, so almost nobody looks over here anymore...

[Q] ROM (builds and kitchen)

Hi all.
I'm creating a Windows Mobile Rom.
1)---I want to create a rom modifying my smartphone's rom and NOT creating a rom from a clean one (it will be almost impossibile).
2)---Which kitchen can i use?
3)---Where can I download the latest Windows Mobile 6.1 and 6.5 Builds? (Da-G's download don't work anymore on Mediafire)
Try OS Builder as this is the most advanced and all in one solution. But be aware that if you start from an already cooked ROM you may face many kinds of problems because many cooks have applied methods to prevent dumping their ROMs.
Good luck!
tobbbie said:
Try OS Builder as this is the most advanced and all in one solution. But be aware that if you start from an already cooked ROM you may face many kinds of problems because many cooks have applied methods to prevent dumping their ROMs.
Good luck!
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Thanks for you reply!
But, to pass from Winmo 6.0 to Winmo 6.1 or 6.5, do I need 6.1 or 6.5 builds (xip,sys)?
Where can I download these build?
Mich-C said:
Thanks for you reply!
But, to pass from Winmo 6.0 to Winmo 6.1 or 6.5, do I need 6.1 or 6.5 builds (xip,sys)?
Where can I download these build?
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Oh well - you are much on your own with this old stuff now. Usually you cannot do much to the XIP (Kernel) parts as they are largely HW dependent. SYS is part of the ROM anyway and so part of regular cooking. Lookup the forums for your device and download what you can get. If it is an exotic device your chances are ~zero to get anything useful. If you have no experience in cooking it is a very long way to succeed (talking in weeks and months of learning!) - and there no others fighting the same problems any more. Look up the introduction link from my signature to get an idea of how things are connected.
What is your starting point (HW, ROM) and where do want to go?
TOBBIE, in practice I want to use Os Kitchen (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=628948) because it's very simple to use.(I can alredy use it).
I downloaded but when I open it, I have the first screen (that showed in the thread). Is written: "....please, select an official rom update file..." It refers to an update Windows Mobile Build for cook the Rom.
So I searched Windows Mobile 6.1 and 6.5 Builds. I found 2 very good Builds from Da_G :
-6.1 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=547314
-6.5 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=544445
But ALL Links don't work and I ABSOLUTELY need this Build, without it, I can't cook...
Sorry, I have no experience with OS Kitchen. I have only used OS Builder finally and a very old device specific batch-kitchen before this.
Thanks, Can i give you "THANKS"?
But with wich build did you used to cook?
Mich-C said:
Thanks, Can i give you "THANKS"?
But with wich build did you used to cook?
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Well first you need to split smartphone (no touchscreen) from touchscreen devices.
I have cooked only for smartphone -> see my signature kitchen and stuff is all there.
Then find a stock ROM for the right type (smartphone or touchscreen) with largely similar properties (screen resolution, maybe also CPU/Chipset).
Can't you tell which device you want to cook for?
I want to cook for my Toshiba Portege G910 with WinMob 6 Professional.
It's touchscreen, it has Qwerty Keyboard, it has Wvga Resolution 800x480. There is not even a rom for this device.
But I want to cook in Italian language, (I'm italian )
This will be tough I guess. Mind that a new ROM will not change the kernel, so any of the new memory schemes introduced with W6.1 and WM6.5 will not apply even if you put a new OS on top of it. So basically you will not gain speed with a new ROM. Adding a language is a tricky thing but is possible, see my signature, even without cooking an all new ROM. So is there no Italian on the device at all?
Oh, I'm sad for this: no extra speed
When I bought, my phone had italian language.
The Toshiba Portege G900 is very very similar to my G910. Also the G900 has WinMob 6.0 Pro.
An Italian guy made a Winmo 6.1 rom for the G900 (in italian language), and now the G900 is very very fast. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4h23pR6JbI
I want to this with my G910, IT'S possible. Salvyc83 do this
(But now he can't help me)
Search for speed tweaks on WM6 if you are happy with the device otherwise. The effort to cook a well running 6.1 is enormous and it is not guaranteed if you get it faster on the UI then.
There are various registry settings to play with which can make the UI faster responding (cache for icons or fonts).
Good luck!
I need too to learn cooking roms. I will follow this thread.

