Backlight Issue - XPERIA X1 General

I have recently had to hard reset my phone and for some reason the backlight only stays on for a matter of seconds. Can someone point me in the right direction of increasing this please. I do have Xperia Tweak installed and can't see the setting on that either.

Try settings, system, power, advanced and then change the time out for backlight there...

remove HKCU\ControlPanel\Backlight\ACTimeout & BatteryTimeout
Soft Reset

Shadowdh said:
Try settings, system, power, advanced and then change the time out for backlight there...
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I have tried this, but there is no save or apply button so when I check back it has returned to 10 seconds...

MaksHunter said:
remove HKCU\ControlPanel\Backlight\ACTimeout & BatteryTimeout
Soft Reset
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What does this do make the backlight never turn off?

kirkie said:
What does this do make the backlight never turn off?
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No This remove your 10secs problem... After restart enter in your backlight settings & set correct values.

kirkie said:
I have tried this, but there is no save or apply button so when I check back it has returned to 10 seconds...
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hmm thats odd as when I change the setting and then tap ok in the top right corner it saves it for me and retains the setting no problem...

I think it has managed to save the settings now... Cheers


Backlight problem

Sometimes my backlight does not switch on when I've pushed the on/off button for 1 sec to go out of the stand-by mode. I can see that the telephone is working but only without backlight. I don't know where I can find the settings. I'm using the Vario from T-Mobile.
Can somebady help me with this?
thank you in advance.
Regards Witte
maybe hard reset or rom update? , cant imagin what will do that unless somthing is hogging all cpu power perhaps
A reset will help but I'm not happy to update my ROM. I'm afraid for more problems.
witte_nl said:
Sometimes my backlight does not switch on when I've pushed the on/off button for 1 sec to go out of the stand-by mode. I can see that the telephone is working but only without backlight. I don't know where I can find the settings. I'm using the Vario from T-Mobile.
Can somebady help me with this?
thank you in advance.
Regards Witte
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Did you have the power cable in?
I have the same problem when i'm charging the phone.
When i press the power on button the light stays off.
Maybe you've got Spb GPRS Monitor installed on it?
Izzard-UK said:
Maybe you've got Spb GPRS Monitor installed on it?
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Spb GPRS Monitor does this problem on my 9100 too, any software with SPB in the name seems quite buggy.. ;-)
right now I don't have the problem anymore but I'll will monitor it and maybe then I will uninstall the gprs monitor.
Thanks!! :lol:
witte_nl said:
right now I don't have the problem anymore but I'll will monitor it and maybe then I will uninstall the gprs monitor.
Thanks!! :lol:
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You will.. do a search - I posted this a while back... they know about it.
MDA Backlight issue
I ran across a problem with the MDA, where I adjusted the Backlight settings. From there on the Backlight woulf not turn on unless I went to the setting control to adjust it. The fix: Go to backlight settings, set your brightness desired (maybe in the middle). Go to Battery power from the tabs that are currently listed. Make sure you have (Turn on Backlight when a button is pressed or the screen is tapped) Selected. Then press ok.
That should fix it if the issue you are experiencing is similar to mine.
I have the same problem with my artemis. And i think is from spb plus since the backlight control button from today dont even work on this new version. Or from phone profiles. Everytime i make a soft reset i have to reajust the backlight or when it turns off i have to make another soft for reajusting before it goes out. It's quite boring and i'm trying to find an app to replace spb with the close button and task button ant the today buttons shortcuts if is that the problem. And my artemis rom dont know why dont have the option on the backlight settings to turn on when screen tapped or key pressed.

Backlight Preference

My backlight is always set to min. level after wakeup, i have to start up the camera application to get backlight running everything. Have tried to change the settings from backlight but it reverts back after switching off the screen. anyone have the same problem
Derrick said:
My backlight is always set to min. level after wakeup, i have to start up the camera application to get backlight running everything. Have tried to change the settings from backlight but it reverts back after switching off the screen. anyone have the same problem
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Happens to me after a soft reset, then sleep. The wakeup has the backlight switched off.
My work around is to go into backlight settings immediately after a soft reset, change to a different level, then change back to the required one. After that it will wake up with the correct setting. Bit of a faff I know but thats M$ for you!
Derrick said:
My backlight is always set to min. level after wakeup, i have to start up the camera application to get backlight running everything. Have tried to change the settings from backlight but it reverts back after switching off the screen. anyone have the same problem
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Here is one solution:
Scroll down to the backlight timeout fix.
Or use a registry editor and set the value
beyond the key
back to zero.
Or if you use phoneAlarm you may also use the newest version of my NetManager
the timeout bugfix is included in this release.
siaccarino said:
Or use a registry editor and set the value
beyond the key
back to zero.
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Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!
This bug just started happening to me and I KNEW it was related to the phone lock (because it didn't start until I was playing around with the lock settings) but couldn't figure out how to fix it.
Whew... that was driving me absolutely nuts.
just had my sp5 last month, and this bug really pisses me off! good thing i found this solution!
GldRush98 said:
Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!
This bug just started happening to me and I KNEW it was related to the phone lock (because it didn't start until I was playing around with the lock settings) but couldn't figure out how to fix it.
Whew... that was driving me absolutely nuts.
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Me too. Thanks Guys
HTC Cruise backlight
i had the same problem (i guess) in addition to that the level of backlight used to decrease to the basic level after hanging up a call. However when i re-adjusted it, the level indicator is exactly where i left it! and once i touch it (not move it) it "remembers" the current level! but still darkens after hanging up calls or coming up from a sleep period.
the solution was :
after a soft reset, adjust the level you want then immediately lock your device and let it turn off the screen by itself. when it wakes up everything will be stable.

Backlight timer resets itself

Okay, TyTN has developed this very annoying feature turning off the backlight after 10 seconds. If I change the settings to anything else and put the phone to sleep and wake it up, the setting is back to 10 secs. If I uncheck the [ ] Turn off the backlight thingie, that setting will remain even when cycling the sleep/stand by mode.
I've tried to make the adjustment directly from registry, but it's still the same.
Last time this happened, hard reset helped, but I'm not quite ready to do that yet. Any other ideas about what to try?
This worked for me:
a.) Delete the following key entirely - HKCU/ControlPanel/Backlight/LockLevel
Thank you, that hit the spot =).
wpbear said:
This worked for me:
a.) Delete the following key entirely - HKCU/ControlPanel/Backlight/LockLevel
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i have the same problem. Can u please tell me how to delet the key?
i could not find it..
asz344 said:
i have the same problem. Can u please tell me how to delet the key?
i could not find it..
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That key does not exist in all cases - it does not exist on mine. If you do not have it then your problem is elsewhere.
I assume you make the backlight changes the normal way, but after a soft reset they are gone again. Do not sodt reset immediately after making the changes, but long press the on off key until a pop up appears warning that unsaved data will be lost. Tap on yes. Restart with a long press on the on/off button. This procedure unlike an immediate soft reset ensures data is written back to the registry before closing down.
mikechannon said:
That key does not exist in all cases - it does not exist on mine. If you do not have it then your problem is elsewhere.
I assume you make the backlight changes the normal way, but after a soft reset they are gone again. Do not sodt reset immediately after making the changes, but long press the on off key until a pop up appears warning that unsaved data will be lost. Tap on yes. Restart with a long press on the on/off button. This procedure unlike an immediate soft reset ensures data is written back to the registry before closing down.
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Thank u for ur help but it did not really work with me, i aslo did a hard rest but i still have the sma e probllem

HD 'forgets' screen turn-off setting

I've checked the box in alimentation menu, to turn-off the screen after 1 minute of inactivity and to decrease light of the screen after 10 sec. but if I reset the phone cause some new installation requires, the HD forget to go in standby mode and let with ligh decreased...why?!?!?!
has it happen to anyone other?
what can I do?
jackthekayman said:
I've checked the box in alimentation menu, to turn-off the screen after 1 minute of inactivity and to decrease light of the screen after 10 sec. but if I reset the phone cause some new installation requires, the HD forget to go in standby mode and let with ligh decreased...why?!?!?!
has it happen to anyone other?
what can I do?
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So the only way to go to sleep is to press the power off button? This might drain the battery if you forget to do that. What if the device is waken up when there is a new email? It won't go back to sleep after that?
jackthekayman said:
I've checked the box in alimentation menu, to turn-off the screen after 1 minute of inactivity and to decrease light of the screen after 10 sec. but if I reset the phone cause some new installation requires, the HD forget to go in standby mode and let with ligh decreased...why?!?!?!
has it happen to anyone other?
what can I do?
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You are not the only one who has noticed this.
Obviously there's a registry hack to alter the settings but you would still have the same problem albeit with different settings.
eaglesteve said:
So the only way to go to sleep is to press the power off button? This might drain the battery if you forget to do that. What if the device is waken up when there is a new email? It won't go back to sleep after that?
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that's right
Beards said:
You are not the only one who has noticed this.
Obviously there's a registry hack to alter the settings but you would still have the same problem albeit with different settings.
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this registry hack forces the phone to go in standby mode?
could you link me pls?
I get the same, any fix?
dogbreath said:
I get the same, any fix?
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check if in notfications menu you have checked for 'misses call' or other events to turn-on the screen for some minutes
a hard reset seems to have fixed it
saying that it doesnt work when plugged in, backlight is off but display still there
THanks, i have check notifications and removed all the 'Flash Light for xmins' settings
did you perform an hard reset?

Touch Power Button....

.... is broken, no more ,...
Is there a way to assign some other button to do such a function,.. power on/off and stand=by on/off?
you can lightly press the reset hole to turn it on and if you are gental enough it will turn it off with out turning it on
i guess i am not gentle enough ;(
I reset it every time,...
any other ways guys?
akyboy said:
i guess i am not gentle enough ;(
I reset it every time,...
any other ways guys?
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Try HButton. I have the same issue on one of my Vogues...
egzthunder1 said:
Try HButton. I have the same issue on one of my Vogues...
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Looks like there is no option to select to do sleep on/off.
that's what i actually need.
When phone is off, i can turn it on with reset hole. I don't need to be able to turn off phone. reset is enough.
I only need it to go to and off sleep. Now i am running it always on which is draining battery fast, couple of hours even with brightness lowered to 20%.
I did try what brandonledski mention. but looks like it will only turn of screen but not on.
i could make you a shortcut under start menu for the power options as im not sure about being able to map it to another button
How i will turn on screen then ?
akyboy said:
How i will turn on screen then ?
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oo crap ya i forgot about that ahahah lol ill look into this for you
ok found an answer, i could make a shortcut to the option to reset, shutdown or sleep functions and then what u do is got here
settings/system/key lock
and set it so no keys are locked
brandonledski said:
oo crap ya i forgot about that ahahah lol ill look into this for you
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lol,... tnx!!
with AE Button, i am able to turn it off, but cant put it back On
akyboy said:
lol,... tnx!!
with AE Button, i am able to turn it off, but cant put it back On
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so now we have a half solution
wait,... i got it!!!
i assigned left button hold for screen off on,... looks like its working!!!!
im testing it now,...
Hm,.. i am using Phone Alarm and its adjusted to Shut Down after 15sec. If its shut off automatically with Phone Alarm i cant use AE Button to turn it ON. Hm i guess these are different functions?
akyboy said:
wait,... i got it!!!
i assigned left button hold for screen off on,... looks like its working!!!!
im testing it now,...
Hm,.. i am using Phone Alarm and its adjusted to Shut Down after 15sec. If its shut off automatically with Phone Alarm i cant use AE Button to turn it ON. Hm i guess these are different functions?
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AE Button only works when your phone is on, to cold boot your phone you would have to hit the reset button
brandonledski said:
AE Button only works when your phone is on, to cold boot your phone you would have to hit the reset button
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So i guess ill adjust Phone Alarm setting not to shut off display, leave ON, then do it manually every time i need with AE buttons
Hm,... so i adjusted Phone Alarm not to touch power options,.... AE works for ON/OFF Display, but looks like when its off for some time i cant turn it on any more,.... only if i am switching it off/on one after another
EDIT: Actualy problem was Auto Locking app, as soon as phone is locked i cant ON any more,.... ill try to see if i can add exception in this auto locking app ( its CSDevCtrl APP)
Lock all buttons was an option available for older devices, which should still be available via reg edit (as brandolenski mentioned). I'm gonna try that myself.
AE Button kinda works but battery is draining faaaast.
If i can somehow resume phone from `Shutdown` mode which is set by Phone Alarm ( that would solve problem. This mode i guess put phone in Stand-By (save battery) not only turn off display as in AE Buttons

