Backlight problem - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Sometimes my backlight does not switch on when I've pushed the on/off button for 1 sec to go out of the stand-by mode. I can see that the telephone is working but only without backlight. I don't know where I can find the settings. I'm using the Vario from T-Mobile.
Can somebady help me with this?
thank you in advance.
Regards Witte

maybe hard reset or rom update? , cant imagin what will do that unless somthing is hogging all cpu power perhaps

A reset will help but I'm not happy to update my ROM. I'm afraid for more problems.

witte_nl said:
Sometimes my backlight does not switch on when I've pushed the on/off button for 1 sec to go out of the stand-by mode. I can see that the telephone is working but only without backlight. I don't know where I can find the settings. I'm using the Vario from T-Mobile.
Can somebady help me with this?
thank you in advance.
Regards Witte
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Did you have the power cable in?
I have the same problem when i'm charging the phone.
When i press the power on button the light stays off.

Maybe you've got Spb GPRS Monitor installed on it?

Izzard-UK said:
Maybe you've got Spb GPRS Monitor installed on it?
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Spb GPRS Monitor does this problem on my 9100 too, any software with SPB in the name seems quite buggy.. ;-)

right now I don't have the problem anymore but I'll will monitor it and maybe then I will uninstall the gprs monitor.
Thanks!! :lol:

witte_nl said:
right now I don't have the problem anymore but I'll will monitor it and maybe then I will uninstall the gprs monitor.
Thanks!! :lol:
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You will.. do a search - I posted this a while back... they know about it.

MDA Backlight issue
I ran across a problem with the MDA, where I adjusted the Backlight settings. From there on the Backlight woulf not turn on unless I went to the setting control to adjust it. The fix: Go to backlight settings, set your brightness desired (maybe in the middle). Go to Battery power from the tabs that are currently listed. Make sure you have (Turn on Backlight when a button is pressed or the screen is tapped) Selected. Then press ok.
That should fix it if the issue you are experiencing is similar to mine.

I have the same problem with my artemis. And i think is from spb plus since the backlight control button from today dont even work on this new version. Or from phone profiles. Everytime i make a soft reset i have to reajust the backlight or when it turns off i have to make another soft for reajusting before it goes out. It's quite boring and i'm trying to find an app to replace spb with the close button and task button ant the today buttons shortcuts if is that the problem. And my artemis rom dont know why dont have the option on the backlight settings to turn on when screen tapped or key pressed.



Hi everybody!,
I'm really pleased with my new magician, but I have a little problem.
When I push the on/off button to switch the screen off (the phone is still on), and I want to switch it on again, the screen has the bright level at its minimum, so I can't see anything, and I have to go settings to raise the bright again.
Any known solution?
Hi Pau,
When you press the power short your magician will go in standby. Press power long to dimm the screen, press it long again to switch to normal brightness. You can switch off the phone function by putting it into flight-mode. That's why the phone profile apps are popular.
A PocketPC can't be switched of complete. You would turn of all PDA functions as well, so no reminders etc. Not exactly what you expect from a PDA.
Hope this helps you. When your problem with the brightness persists, then try a hard-reset (press power & soft-reset at same time), don't forget to backup first with Sprite (trial available) or simular, xbackup can give you problems restoring contacts&appointments.
Still problems? Go back to where you bought it & get another one.
Thank you very much, it works the way you explain !!!!
You're welcome, these simple things are questioning all new users, including myself .
this helped me realise that there is no real SHUTDOWN option on the phone Till now i thought my phone was messed up
Damn for 3 days i was reading the whole Manual, and thought i cnat switch it off, there is phone porblem why the hell they indicate in Manual press more then 2 sec and it trurns it off. Now I know why lol :lol:
Btw which application can turn it off with one click on today screen without going in to flight mode etc ?
You can use VJEschaton for it, SPB Pocket Plus etc etc. They all can suspend or switch off the screen with a single click on the today screen.
oltp said:
You can use VJEschaton for it, SPB Pocket Plus etc etc. They all can suspend or switch off the screen with a single click on the today screen.
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Or also you can use psShutXp it's free and it's a great program
oltp said:
You can use VJEschaton for it, SPB Pocket Plus etc etc. They all can suspend or switch off the screen with a single click on the today screen.
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Thaks for the reply I dont see Turn off in Pocket plus, I oly have Suspend and Sof Reset, where is that item ?
Skyward what do psShutXp do ? as i dont want to install thoussand of applications as I already have pocket plus installed
There's no 'off' regarding your device. Suspend is the same as pressing the power button. I always use the 'screen toggle' option from spb (located in system like the suspend & soft reset option)
Cheers, M

HELP!! Backlight goes to power saving mode by itself

Anyone know how to get the backlight back to the original setting? I tried to go into Settings to Battery Icon and clicked on Backlight and adjusted it there but everytime the phone goes into sleep mode, the backlight always reverts to power saver mode and I cant see a damn thing on my screen. It is very frustrating...anyone know how to correct this problem? Am I doing something wrong???? TIA....M3
I have the same problem, but in my Wisard the problem happens when a soft reset is executed ... I was searching about it on the internet and I found that maybe the problem is an incopatibility between the fone and the SPB Pocket Plus backlight functionality ... I will try to uninstall the SPB to see what happens ...
Here's my backlight bug theory...
On the Wizard there are problems with any programs that try to change the backlight settings and often the result is they end up turning it off.
PocketZenPhone, PhoneAlarm and SPB Pocket Plus all have features to control the backlight (do you have the backlight plugin installed on your today screen?) that load at boot, or on the Today screen, and these seem to cause problems.
I use PhoneAlarm and have problems on occasion. Believe it or not I found the solution was to tell PA to set the backlight at 40% which it can't be set to on the Wizard (25% increments only) and it stops shutting it off. If I have it set for 50% (which *is* valid on the Wizard) it shuts it off.
Anyway this is my theory on the mysterious backlight bug, if anybody else has any other ideas, I'd love to hear them.
If you go to the backlight applet and check the Turn on backlight when a button is pressed or the screen is tapped on both the Battery Power and External Power tabs you should be all set. Had the same issue after the last iMate ROM update and this is what fixed it.
Hope it works for you. Good luck.

At times Backlight doesnt light up again - why?

Perhaps someone has an explanation why my backlight doesnt light up again when a button is pressed?
From time to time, the backlight goes dark and even though I am pressing buttons, screen, power button, etc, the backlight doesnt come back on. I have to search for the backlight adjuster (in the dark) in order to switch the light back on.
I have wisbar advanced and SpbPocketPlus installed - might that effect this somehow??
Thanks for any advice!
i have exactly the same problem and donĀ“t know a solution. ;-(
Wisbar Advance is installed, SpbPocketPlus not.
I think it comes more often if i use the camera, but it is not reproduceable...
I've never had this problem before, I dont have wisbar installed.
You may be doing a press and hold function on your device. Quick press of the power turns it off, a long press turns off the backlight. the only way to turn it back on is to long press the power button.
also you have settings that turns the back light screen off, which may be affecting this.
This problem used to occur on the O2 XDA2i ALL THE TIME!
Just my 2 cents. Sorry, not very helpful, but defo a problem we've seen before. You hvae to go into settings to start the backlight back up.
Squuiid said:
This problem used to occur on the O2 XDA2i ALL THE TIME!
Just my 2 cents. Sorry, not very helpful, but defo a problem we've seen before. You hvae to go into settings to start the backlight back up.
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It hasnt happened lately (actually ever I posted this thread strangely enough) but its quite embarrassing when you have to find your way through a dark screen.
I put a large symbol of the brightness adjuster in one corner (using SpbPocketPlus), so I only have to find that symbol rather then start --> settings --> etc..... its not a cure but it makes it easier switching it back on.
If anyone has a remedy for this problem, please share...
Not sure why this happens, but I fixed it using...
This app - run on your prophet, and all is back to normal. Keep a copy on your SD card...
didn't help
I tried and still use the neo backlight fix. But this fix is only for forcing via startup a longer measured time for the light to stay on.
I too have suffered with the problem of the backlight not coming on every now and again after starting up the prophet. I've had this problem on numerous roms too which is interesting. What more interesting is that even in the days of my owning a Blue Angel (Orange M2000, MDA) I STILL remember having this intermittent problem with the light not always coming on. Only way I fixed it was to simply soft reset the device. Whenever I did that and when I do it now, it stops it happening for week or so at least.
I still use the neo back light fix too as my phone has the quick light turn off problem without it. Neo certainly created a good fix no mistaking.
All the best
i had the same problem...just put the same value to the standby and backlight ...( both 3 mins on mine)...and never happened again....i think it helps...
I have a strange backlight & power-off problem on my Qtek S200:
When the backlight is switched on and I press the Power button shortly to switch it to sleep mode, the screen gets blank but the backlight does not go off.
So now I wait first when the backlight timer goes off before switching the device to sleep mode manually.
Another problem:
When the power settings is set to switch the device off automatically, it reboots when the timer goes off. So my solution is to disable the auto power-off feature.
How to fix this to the original behaviour ?
I tried the neo_backlight_fix and set the backlight timeout to the same value as the standby timeout, but with no avail.
My Qtek S200 has still the original old ROM (G4 model) and Windows Mobile 5.0:
ROM version info:
IPL: 2.10.001
SPL: 2.10.001
GSM: 02.07.20
Please help me to solve the problem.
Maybe I messed up a lot and the only solution is to install a newer ROM which is available since some time at
Thanks in advance.

X7500 Backlight Slider not functional

Hello xda world. Like the forums... I'm new to PPC, but I've previously developed Palm apps.
I've had an x7500 for a week or so. Lots of messing around trying to get a configuration I like, and somehow I've managed to break it (maybe).
The backlight works fine - when there is no external power.
However, when external power is applied, the backlight goes to its lowest mode and will not honour the slider settings in the Backlight app.
This is really, really annoying. Any suggestions?
Is it a PPC or an HTC thing?
Thanks & regards
Devany said:
Hello xda world. Like the forums... I'm new to PPC, but I've previously developed Palm apps.
I've had an x7500 for a week or so. Lots of messing around trying to get a configuration I like, and somehow I've managed to break it (maybe).
The backlight works fine - when there is no external power.
However, when external power is applied, the backlight goes to its lowest mode and will not honour the slider settings in the Backlight app.
This is really, really annoying. Any suggestions?
Is it a PPC or an HTC thing?
Thanks & regards
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i remember i had similar problem before, do you have Phone Alarm install?
Thanks for your help, but... nope no phone alarm.
(In the phone app right? I don't see any options for a phone alarm.)
hi Devany
not sure if you managed to find a resolution but i too had a similar problem.
i think mine was caused by phonemanager (which i have since uninstalled)
i found that when on battery power the slider in backlight settings did absolutely nothing. the only time the backlight would become brighter was when the alarm was going off.
searching throught the registry i found the solution.
navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\controlpanel\backlight
change the onoffbat key to 1 (mine was set to 0)
once done press the power key down for ages to reboot.
my slider now works fine.
hope this helps
Daryl Mushtaq

Keylock and illuminations

Hello everyone,
HD through tweaks I set the lock automatically switches off the display, but I have a problem. That happens to me that when you turn off the backlight (but not display) HD freezes, and unlock the backlight does not wake up, every time I am forced to shut down the display and again by the button above. Some of you have solved?
What tweaks are you using?
My VJDeviceLock seems to work quite well on my Blackstone.
vijay555 said:
What tweaks are you using?
My VJDeviceLock seems to work quite well on my Blackstone.
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I have Italian Rom no-brand 1.14.408.0. I have installed this application :
I set through advanced config always dim in screen but after soft reset heading back to the default
Please one help
If you are referring to HDtweak 4.1 Autolock. It is a known problem that when switching back on after the autolock will not put the backlight back on. You have to press power button twice to activate backlight.
I use Gyrator2 to lock and switch off backlight when the phone is flipped face down. I turn back on with power button.
Ok thanks too much

