Phone connection issues - Touch HD General

I've flashed my phone with the latest firmware from the HTC site. It's connected to 02 but i'm having major problems with data connections and actually just getting the phone to answer calls.
If I ring the phone, the majority of the time it just goes straight to voicemail but sometimes the phone will ring, it seems to be very random. Data connection is iffy as well where sometimes i'm able to browse sites and other times it just errors.
Has anyone experienced this? Is it a phone configuration problem or is my handset faulty? It does get very warm at the bottom of it when the screen is on. Is that normal?

I think I have similar problems.
I've noticed a slight increase in calls redirected to voicemail.
Also, my HD keeps dropping data connections. Sometimes I can just reconnect using the settings tab, but sometimes a soft reset is neccessary.
Very irritating, and I was really hoping for a quick fix.


Phone calls drop... BlackBerry Connect the cause?

I bought a TP2 a couple of weeks back; first thing I installed was Blackberry Connect (following instructions on this forum). BBC works perfectly, often pushing email out to the TP2 faster than I get it on the desktop. It's a real winner, pushes PIM info out to Pocket Informant 9 very nicely etc etc. I'm very pleased with the whole set-up.
However, I noticed that the TP2 was regularly dropping calls, both incoming and outgoing. What happens is this: when I make an outgoing call, I dial the number, the calling screen (the one with the dark grey "keypad" key and the red "end call" key) comes up briefly, there are often three quiet beeps and the phone reverts to the green phone screen (the one with recent numbers, the dial pad and the "talk" key). On an incoming call, the answer/reject screen comes up for a second or two with a ringing tone, but before I can pick up, it drops and usually goes off to voicemail. A soft reset seems to cure the problem for a short while, but I was ending up doing a dozen soft resets a day to pick up voicemails and make calls.
After BBC I had installed Kaspersky Antivirus, wondered if it was that blocking calls, turned everything off. No change.
I then suspended the BlackBerry service yesterday and used the phone with no problems (switched BBC on and off several times to check). It seems fairly clear that the BlackBerry connection is somehow interfering with the voice calls.
Any suggestions? Searching the forum hasn't produced anything. No-one on either of the two "BBC working/not working" threads here seems to have encountered this. Dropped calls seem to be an issue on some other HTC models, but no obvious solutions, apart from switching to GSM/manual frequencies. I don't know whether that's the issue here.
Apart from BBC, Kaspersky and PI9, I'm using the machine pretty much as it came out of the box: ROM is 1.19.401.1 (51489) WWE dated 22/6/09 whatever that means. I downloaded a Hotfix from HTC to correct issues with using + in SMS messages. BBC is v.106. I'm on a UK o2 corporate tariff with data and BlackBerry service.
I'm not sure if this properly belongs as a new thread - it doesn't seem to fall within any existing thread, but Moderators please move it if there's a better home.
Thanks very much.
I have received my Rodhuim last Wednesday.
From Wedneday to yesterday, I had not problem with phone calls.
I have installed BB connect yesterday evening so I'll let you know if I have the same problem or not.
Murcielago said:
...I'll let you know if I have the same problem or not.
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Thank you. Judging by the lack of replies, this doesn't look like a widespread problem.

Dropping calls when switching from EDGE to GPRS

I was wondering if anyone else was running into something like this.
I have a T-Mo band N1 with AT&T service so I max out at EDGE, but something strange happens when I'm calling people from my house. Sometimes the other person will just stop hearing me but I can still hear them, it seems to fix itself after a random amount of time but sometimes it doesn't. But before the two way connection is reestablished one party has usually ended the call.
The strange part is when the call is ended I see that my connection has switched over to GPRS and after a few seconds it will switch back to EDGE. I assume that the switch from EDGE to GPRS during the call and that's when the other person can no longer hear me. When I start the call I have 3 or 4 bars on EDGE so I don't know why my N1 would switch to GPRS during the call.
This doesn't happen when I'm outside, but this happens when I'm not wandering around my house so the signal should be pretty stable. It has happened whether I'm holding my phone in my hand or it's sitting on my table with the speaker activated. There have also been times when I've spent an hour or two on the phone at home without this happening at all.
Anyone else having this problem or have any idea what may be causing this?
actually i notice my data connections disconnect like if i am downloading or uploading or connecting to something and i switch between H-3G-E i lose the connections. i didnt put much thought into it but i guess its -1 for me.

Missing calls

I've read a few similar threads and it seems that many people have noticed the same but haven't seen any real solution.
I noticed that when I try to call my phone, the 1st attempt will be missed (it will either redirect to voicebox due to unavailability or it will ring as disconnected and never get notified). The 2nd attempt will ring ok.
I haven't seen anything helpful except from turning 3g off but I have it on auto and use the mobile widget which I assume does the same.
Anyone noticed the same? it's worth to try it though because you may have the same and be unaware of it. (Try to ring your phone when its in standby and hasn't been used for several minutes)
I bought the DHD yesterday, in the few hours i used it i didn't notice the issue you describe. Just to be sure i called my phone a minute ago and i had no problem.
I have 3G turned off and i'm not using voicebox (using missed call alert instead).
i have a feeling its because if you turn the phone over it rejects the call. i keep doing this because my phone is in a slip case all the time. anyone know how to turn it off?
rossysaurus said:
i have a feeling its because if you turn the phone over it rejects the call. i keep doing this because my phone is in a slip case all the time. anyone know how to turn it off?
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No, it doesn't . It just mutes the sound but if it's already turned over when it receives a call, it will ring. You can change this behaviour in settings-call as well as volume control for flip case.
I tried several more times and it doesn't happen now. It just happened a few times when I tried to test. The only setting I changed now was for GSM-3G not to force 3G connection on for all the time. Maybe that helped but now I'll have to see how my data connection is affected.
andreasy said:
No, it doesn't . It just mutes the sound but if it's already turned over when it receives a call, it will ring. You can change this behaviour in settings-call as well as volume control for flip case.
I tried several more times and it doesn't happen now. It just happened a few times when I tried to test. The only setting I changed now was for GSM-3G not to force 3G connection on for all the time. Maybe that helped but now I'll have to see how my data connection is affected.
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Yesterday whilst in town, a friend said he had tried to get me several times, only to get a network message that the phone was unavailable. seems fine each time i test it though, and there is a strong 3g signal around here. I put it down to everyone in town christmas shopping and net network cell being clogged up with people calling each other to find out where there other half is lol.
What network are you on? I'm on Orange, and get this all the time. It seems to be when I'm in an area where there's only gprs which cannot work with voice calls simultaneously. For some reason the data signal is given priority and the voice call is rejected. Surely it should be the other way round? Not sure if this is a network problem or a software problem... if the latter, is it HTC or Android?
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

Speakerphone turning off at random while on call.

I have not seen a thread on this nor has Google searches helped but I have an issue I wanted to post to see if anyone else was having the issue.
I use my phone for work and often have it on speaker phone, out of no where the call goes quite and the person on the other end of the call can not hear me anymore. Upon looking at the phone the speaker phone seems to get disabled and the call goes back to the handset. This happens often when using the speakerphone but certain calls are worse then others.
In one call I had the speaker phone get disabled about 10 times which was close to every 30 seconds or so. This is very very annoying, I have also rebooted the phone. At this time I am not modded and have less then ten apps installed and I am pretty sure none of the apps I installed are causing the issue.
I will note that I do have the phone connected to bluetooth a lot and when the issue happened I tried to disable the bluetooth while on the call but the issue persisted.
Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
Speaker phone and Bluetooth turning off at random
I am having the exact same problem. But for me this happens with Bluetooth and speakerphone. This is getting really frustrating for me and potentially dangerous when I try to switch back to Bluetooth while driving.
Have you figured out a solution for this yet ?

Intermittent no in-call sound on incoming calls

Hi all,
I have a bone stock Moto G4 running Marshmallow and have been experiencing an intermittent problem when receiving calls, where neither I nor the caller can be heard. It's as if both of us have our mute buttons on, or as if neither of our speakers is working. The phone rings audibly and the call is logged correctly when I answer it, so evidently the call is "going through". All other sounds play normally; only in-call sound is affected.
When this happens, if I immediately call the person who called me, the call goes through and we can each hear each other fine; i.e., the problem only occurs intermittently on inbound calls.
If I reboot the phone, the problem goes away but eventually comes back.
I've seen numerous reports of "no sound during calls" posted here and elsewhere but most of the posts I've seen are pretty old, and don't seem to apply to my phone.
I posted this question over on the Lenovo site but I haven't gotten any responses so I thought I might also check with the experts here.
Thank you for any help.
Inbound Intermittent Call Ring
I have a Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL, with Android Nougat and the latest firmware (14.14.1808.121) running on T-Mobile network...
For the longest time I've had an issue with incoming calls most of the time going directly to voicemail, no matter how many bars I have...
I've been researching this for sometime now and most blogs (after they recommend advice on fixing the issue), want you as a final resort to do a backup and perform a Factory Reset...which people say didn't work, so that's wasted time...
I have an extremely easy fix for this which will take you about 30 seconds...
All you have to do is change your 'Preferred network type' from 4G to can do this by going to: Settings/More/Cellular networks/Preferred network type...tap Preferred network type and choose 2G...that's it!!! Your phone will now ring every time there's an incoming call unless the number is blocked...
By choosing 2G, you may lessen the internet download, upload, movie and video watching speed and image download speed in texts but increase the signal range...I personally am willing to give up image in text speed to receive incoming calls with no issues...
If you want to download or upload or watch movies and videos from the internet or download images in texts instantly, just change the 2G setting back to 4G temporarily...
I hope this post helps and saves others from spending hours looking for a fix for this issue.
