One question and one problem... - XPERIA X1 General

...the question first :i'm using SKtools to change the system font but theres only 4 can i download more fonts and where do i have to put them? for the problem : sometimes on incoming call theres no way that i can answer(even with the green button)the phone does not display notification(who is calling or yes or no button).the only way is to go to "phone" (while still ringing) click on "show keypad" and the click on the green tab(even this way i can't see who is calling but atleast i can answer) can i fix this????
Thanks in advance.


How to disable incoming call notification window

Some registry tweak or something?
weenter said:
Some registry tweak or something?
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You just want the ringer to RING without any other indication of an incoming call?
I gather it is the Former coz In the latter simply turn On <flight mode>
U can also set the device to recieve calls without Ringing by setting it to Pick up after <zero> calls.
Using a handsfree here would be an advantage.
U wont Miss any call.
I just want the ringer to RING without any other indication of an incoming call. Is it possible?
weenter said:
I just want the ringer to RING without any other indication of an incoming call. Is it possible?
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i'm also looking for a way to do this
Did anyone found a solution for this ?
texarcana said:
Did anyone found a solution for this ?
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I doubt it... Seems kinda pointless, having the ability to tell you who is calling, but then deliberately turning it of..
yes, but when someone is calling, there is always a delay.
When you hear the first ring, the caller already heard it twice.
Maybe by disabling this, it would speed up the process a bit
texarcana said:
yes, but when someone is calling, there is always a delay.
When you hear the first ring, the caller already heard it twice.
Maybe by disabling this, it would speed up the process a bit
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That's the network, not the device.
It can't be the network, I never had this problem with my Nokia phones.
I personally think it's a flaw in the dialer application or in WinMobile itself.
texarcana said:
It can't be the network, I never had this problem with my Nokia phones.
I personally think it's a flaw in the dialer application or in WinMobile itself.
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Well... The cause may be that, but I doubt showing a caller ID screen will change the times....
texarcana said:
It can't be the network, I never had this problem with my Nokia phones.
I personally think it's a flaw in the dialer application or in WinMobile itself.
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I agree with texarcana here, the lights begin to flash on my phone when it rings a good few seconds before the screen get around to displaying the incoming call notification.
This is on WM 6.1, on my new HTC Diamond Touch.
I assume that notifications such as an incoming call or text message are either
A) A windows message sent to a background service awaiting it.
B) An application is executed with parameters describing the event
In either case, i believe it must be possible to redirect the notification in the registry. However, if the notification method is at fault (ie causing slow response, most likely to be true if B above is true.)
I'm going to investigate, I'll post an update of my results.
Im really sorry to bump this really old thread but has anyone solved this?? I would like to disable the incomming call notification too.. cuz I just added a full screen caller ID, but the damn notification pops up and covers the photos of my contacts.. so whats the point of the caller ID if i, not gonna be able to see the pictures
well i know its in Hkey_curent_User\controlpanel\notifications\phone
but im not sure how to disable it...
or even more important (for me) only disable it for a certain #...? thanks! anyonbdy
To Diamond I found. cab which options are unblocking "flash light for." in SOUND & NOTIFICATION it didn't give but nothing. I dug around in the HKLM/Drivers/Builtln/Keylight and Keypad register and I turned off LED generally speaking but I blocked buttons
first you'll need a registry editor, then edit the following key:
change the 1 to 0
im not sure if this is exactly the fix you were looking for. its intended for stopping he default caller id bubble from blocking fullscreen caller id apps like s2u2.
hustlehard82 said:
first you'll need a registry editor, then edit the following key:
change the 1 to 0
im not sure if this is exactly the fix you were looking for. its intended for stopping he default caller id bubble from blocking fullscreen caller id apps like s2u2.
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thanks, works for my htc pure with phonex
hustlehard82 said:
first you'll need a registry editor, then edit the following key:
change the 1 to 0
im not sure if this is exactly the fix you were looking for. its intended for stopping he default caller id bubble from blocking fullscreen caller id apps like s2u2.
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this will make the bubble of incalling to disappear??? if not who can i do it
hustlehard82 said:
first you'll need a registry editor, then edit the following key:
change the 1 to 0
im not sure if this is exactly the fix you were looking for. its intended for stopping he default caller id bubble from blocking fullscreen caller id apps like s2u2.
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Didn't work for my samsung i760, what about DispllayOrder? Set it to 0 too? Or what would that do exactly? I'm curious now, it's set to 1 so if all else fails, I could change it back to 1 again... I guess. I'd just like to know first before I go blindly jumping into something.. haha
Sidenote setting it to 0 did work I just had to reset my phone so remember to reset your phone after changing this, I see the curtain try to popup, or at least the frames but nothing after that... Although sometimes it does act buggy and I'll completely miss or be able to answer a call cause my phone will constantly viberate (No pickup on ringtone at all starting) then after the call is missed the viberating will stop but my phone will still be frozen... Thats when the screen is off though..
Okay after a few tests sometimes it does work and sometimes it doesn't work at all and the curtain will still show up... Then again screen off sometimes the phone wont ring at all, I'm setting it back to 1... LoL
I just wish there was a way or a more advanced notification manager, it should be just like being able to disable incoming text messages and disabling sent message notifications..
I'd love a fix for this too, as I already have a picture caller id with PocketX Photo Contacts Pro...
But it's annoying as all get out!! To put it politely, I slide to answer then I've got to press the left softkey too! In order to answer a call, if I could just disable the built in windows mobile caller id curtain then it'd be a heck of a lot easier...
Please let's get a scripter on this to start working their way around and tweaking it to be able to be disabled..
As for ring delay which is also a few other posters concern of the phone taking it's own sweet time to decide when to start ringing... This is what I used for my i760, I'm sure someone here could turn this into use for any phone make and model:
Ring Time Limit Fix:
**772 [service code]
six zeros for the code (000000)
Scroll down with the d-pad till you see end of basic nam
hit right d-pad to change "exit" to "more"
hit middle d-pad to select
hit the down d-pad 76 times till it says slot cycle index
Change this to 1 or lower EDIT: By entering the value with the number pad and then you hit the middle d-pad to exit.
This changes the frequency at which the phone talks to the tower and will
start the unit ringing MUCH faster. the lower you go the faster but the more battery it uses. I find 1 gets the phone ringing within 3 seconds but doesn't hinder battery life.
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I've got mine set to 0 though, but then again, I don't get very many calls, plus I have my phone charging a lot. Also I always carry around a spare extended fully charged battery in my holster... Usually my battery lasts a whole day... But with it set to 0 my phone picks up and rings at the end of the first ring on the callers end.

Sometimes with a new SMS doesn't vibrate and/or sound

Hi all,
Sometimes my Touch Dual when gets a new SMS doesn't sound and/or vibrate. Even if I change the profile or do whatever it still keeps the same. If I reboot or just after a time it starts with sound again.... it just happens with SMS received, if I got a phone call it still vibrates and sounds. Any ideas? Thanks a lot!
No ideas? Can anyone please help?
Same problem here... can anyone please help?
Most of the time the light goes on and no sound or vibrating... other times it plays a standard sound and not my selected one for SMS receiving...
ya. same to me.. after I upgrade my htc touch dual to WM6.1 and change back to "old sms look" from the regisry.. it cant get any sound at all...
and I was try to go setting-> sound & Notifications - >under Notifications page, the Event part [Messaging:New text message] I was set the wav sound, same to all the MMS setting.. I try to set all the msg to alarm3, but also no sound at all
I've solved my problem by changing the register:
In this folder the value for SMSAvailable is 0. Change it back to 1!
In a thread I was told to change it to 1 to get conservation style sms, I believe.. never worked
ShortyVCC said:
I've solved my problem by changing the register:
In this folder the value for SMSAvailable is 0. Change it back to 1!
In a thread I was told to change it to 1 to get conservation style sms, I believe.. never worked
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so mean we need to accept the new sms style only can get the sound.?
jinedward said:
so mean we need to accept the new sms style only can get the sound.?
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What do you mean with "the new style"? After 5 o 6 SMS sound & vibration vanishes
I've got a such problem on my HTC Diamond
Sig. Gargiulo said:
when i receive a new message a very little windows appears on lower left side of the home windows. This new stupid one probably replaces the extended normal one which appears when a new sms arrives and the text inside quotes the sms text.
Simultaneously when i set the ring off or vibration mode however the diamond ring with a new sms but at the max volume. It's crazy !!!
I tried to remove the last apps installed but the problem persists.
What can i do?
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It still happens with my nike!
i think i solved the same problem but i dunno whether it's only me or same with ur problem. try to leave your sms folder open. means just minimize it.. hope it will work.
ShortyVCC said:
I've solved my problem by changing the register:
In this folder the value for SMSAvailable is 0. Change it back to 1!
In a thread I was told to change it to 1 to get conservation style sms, I believe.. never worked
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I've just solved the problem with this trick
Thanx !!!
ShortyVCC said:
I've solved my problem by changing the register:
In this folder the value for SMSAvailable is 0. Change it back to 1!
In a thread I was told to change it to 1 to get conservation style sms, I believe.. never worked
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Thanks. This worked for me. I've outline my steps on my Sprint Htc Touch (htc 6.1 rom):
1. in regedit path KEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSNoSentMsg, change DWORD data existing Decimal value=1 to 0. Perhaps for some people, if existing value=0, then change to
1. Some forums indicated value from SMSAvailable. But I didn't see that entry in my registry. I saw only SMSNoSentMsg under the above path.
2. On tab Settings: Sounds & Notifications\Sounds, check both on Programs and Notifications
3. On tab Notifications: Event\Messaging\New text message, choose an event(s)
After all 3 steps, text message inbound should work. I changed the value in step 1 back to original value of 1. Sound still works. I think step 1 somehow "wakes up" the notification sound config

Screen On when SMS recieved

On friday my trusty MPV M3100 decided to give up the ghost, so as I was in London I decided to look for a new phone and picked up an Touch Diamond 2.
And I have to say; I love it.
Best phone I've had and even the lack of a hardware keyboard hasn't bothered me.
There is only one thing which has caused me some bother; on all my previous phones when an sms/mms has been recieved the screen will turn on for a while to alert me of this, however I can't find a way to do the same thing with the TD2.
The reason I would like this is down to me mostly leaving my phone on silent but in line of sight. The silent factor is because I'm often doing things with headphones on (such as at work) and I'm not going to hear the tone anyways.
So, while the green light is nice and all being able to have the screen turn on as an option would be nice..
As a coder by trade I've been poking around to see what I could do to let me do this myself, however if someone has a better solution or knows of an app which can already do it then I'd appricate it if they could tell me
There is a setting in:
All Settings->Personal->Sounds & Notifications->Notifications
Then select Messaging: New Text Message from the drop down list, and there is an option there "Flash Light For: x Minutes"
This might be what you're looking for?
thanks for the reply, however I'd already found that option and it only effects the green light which flashes when you get a messag; nice and stuble in keeping with the device but not what I'm after
Look for this registry value
It should be 1, set it to 0
ah, excellent, thanks
just curious what program you guys are using to edit registry values...
sorry if this is a stupid question, but i'm new to Windows Mobile.. up until the D2 i've always have symbian phones.
I just did a google for "win mobile reg editor" and installed PHM Regedit to do the job.
Although I'm going to write a quick app to let me toggle this particular setting I think (i'll probably post the resulting cab/exe here encased others want it)
I'm using Total Commander (I just started editing the registry). What do you guys use for making a CAB file?
oruam57 said:
Look for this registry value
It should be 1, set it to 0
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Thank Oruam, great tweak.
I currently have the option selected to display a new sms message on screen as soon as it arrives, is it possible when i hit reply to get the device to go to the touch flow threaded messaging system rather than the WM6.1 default?
Thanks guys!
Is there any way to have it vibrate & play a sound, but not enable the touch screen? The reason I ask is that I dont want the screen to come on while it's in my pocket etc, and things start to get accidentally pressed!
Awesome! Thanks!
ormz said:
There is a setting in:
All Settings->Personal->Sounds & Notifications->Notifications
Then select Messaging: New Text Message from the drop down list, and there is an option there "Flash Light For: x Minutes"
This might be what you're looking for?
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I'm sorry ormz.
I'm interesting for that option to have flash light blinking when sms/mail arrives, unfortunately I haven't got the option you mentioned into my settings referred to "new SMS".
I've got the original rom installed (italian version).
May I arrange same setting/option into register also if I haven't it on display?
Could someone help me?
lock the device:
"real lock" - press the hang button (the one on the right) until it shows unlock at the bottom left side
stand-by - press the power button only for 1 second and the screen will go off. When receiving a message, the screen stays black. To see menu-s again, press again power button for 1 second
someone could tell me how to make it works with email event?
You guys might check S2U2 found here:
ormz said:
There is a setting in:
All Settings->Personal->Sounds & Notifications->Notifications
Then select Messaging: New Text Message from the drop down list, and there is an option there "Flash Light For: x Minutes"
This might be what you're looking for?
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That option is grayed out. Anyone else?
Rarebreed said:
That option is grayed out. Anyone else?
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Same here...
i have total commander and i cant find that path... i get //plugins, application, data, connmgr, doc and sett, my doc, program files, temp, trusted, windows.. looked in all the folders and even typed that address.. nothing..
martyzidek said:
i have total commander and i cant find that path... i get //plugins, application, data, connmgr, doc and sett, my doc, program files, temp, trusted, windows.. looked in all the folders and even typed that address.. nothing..
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What are you looking for? Are you tryting to navigate to the registry through file explorer? If so, you need a reg editor to do that...
You know this is an old thread, right?
yeah i know its a old thread... i had a registor editor.. actually acouple. i found what i was looking for.. just didnt start with hkml.. thanks though for replying..

Sometimes I can't receive SMS!

I don't know if it's ROM related or not but I've got problems with SMS.
1. Sometimes SMS is not received but on the sender phone it says delivered. If it's my carrier's fault surely it won't say delivered?
2. Often, if my phone is on standby SMS will only be received when I wake it up.
I'm using Topix 3.5.5. Any guess of why it's like that? thanks.
dan138zig said:
I don't know if it's ROM related or not but I've got problems with SMS.
1. Sometimes SMS is not received but on the sender phone it says delivered. If it's my carrier's fault surely it won't say delivered?
2. Often, if my phone is on standby SMS will only be received when I wake it up.
I'm using Topix 3.5.5. Any guess of why it's like that? thanks.
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same here!!
i read somewhere that i have to delete all of my messages, but i don't know even how to do this
When your phone is on standby mode, which means u trigger the power button to put it on black screen, any sms your sender deliver to you will not sound off but just the blinking green light at top left corner. This make it very irritating as you will not realised until you use your phone.
BUT!!! Its just a simple and easy way to solve this:
1) Download this Registry Editor:
2) Follow the steps accordingly,
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL : DisableSMSWakeUpEvent <-- set to "1" by default. Change value to "0"
HKLM = HKEY_Local_Machine
And its done!!! Enjoy guys!!!
Motionless said:
When your phone is on standby mode, which means u trigger the power button to put it on black screen, any sms your sender deliver to you will not sound off but just the blinking green light at top left corner. This make it very irritating as you will not realised until you use your phone.
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blinking green light?? i've been using this phone for some time but i don't know about any green light at the top left.
i suggest...
the best would be ..install HD TWEAK...( a tweaking application )
you can find in the....
TOUCH HD THEMES AND APPS (section...of this forum )
third from top of will see a " Sticky..HD TWEAK RELEASE...
just follow the link to "".. and install.
open application select..
item 2.... SMS /MMS MESSAGES ..THEN 2.2..WAKE UP ON NEW SMS .......
(plse note..)
you will see at bottom of screen you can select... "disable or enable" enable and cllick on .."ok" ..( on botton right of screen )..close application and reboot...
good luck
willcor said:
the best would be ..install HD TWEAK...( a tweaking application )
you can find in the....
TOUCH HD THEMES AND APPS (section...of this forum )
third from top of will see a " Sticky..HD TWEAK RELEASE...
just follow the link to "".. and install.
open application select..
item 2.... SMS /MMS MESSAGES ..THEN 2.2..WAKE UP ON NEW SMS .......
(plse note..)
you will see at bottom of screen you can select... "disable or enable" enable and cllick on .."ok" ..( on botton right of screen )..close application and reboot...
good luck
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yup, been using this method for a while. the only problem is that it makes the phone vulnerable to touch. so if you receive sms while the phone is in your pocket, unwanted call could be made.
i suggest further.....
keeping your phone from making unwanted calls (in your case, when phone wakes up,upon receiving sms ) and keeping it locked...
take a look at...
if you want to is the link ....(read it..)
i have been using this application, for months, and it works , according to me very ,very well ! )
just to add, i had same problem as you ..not receving sms's etc...( when phone is asleep ).
tweaked it with " tweak hd " to wake up and notify me ..
now it wakes up..(but above) ..LOCKDEVICE... keeps it locked..
(i set application to autolock, when i switch phone light off )
good luck
I can't receive long SMS's
My friend sent me long sms's .. 600++ characters, but i can't receive it on my BlackStone, ROM I am using is EnergyROM, latest. i.e 9 May 2010.. the more stable one.. not the 23***... anybody pls help. I sent myself a long sms also,it just dissappeared. I received the delivery notification, but i don't get the actual sms. Please help.. thanks

I need some help with my touch hd please

hellow i have windows mobile 6.1 wwe rom
the first issue is about the bluetooth . when i receive a file the device tells me that the file transfer succeed and ask me if i want to keep it..i say yes but where the hell it keeps the files??
i dont have the option to choose where i want the file be kept..and i cant find it anywhere... so where i can find the received files? can i change someway the destanation folder? i looked in all settings of bluetooth and find nothing...
the secnod issue -Talk Summary -how can i Set the device that at the end of the conversation to show me how long I talked?
third- How do I prevent the device light up all the time during the conversation?
fourth- my operator (pelephone) does not shown in the connection setup and the result is very annoying connection error message every 5 seconds..message that says my operator not not exist and i need to turn to my operator provider
it shows me only CELLCOM and Orange but no pelephone...
final-how can i clean the main screen wallpaper from all the Unnecessary Messages like -New Voicemail and the Calendar? i looked all over the phone to fine the option with no luck...
please help me out guys ..
nikoooo said:
hellow i have windows mobile 6.1 wwe rom
the first issue is about the bluetooth . when i receive a file the device tells me that the file transfer succeed and ask me if i want to keep it..i say yes but where the hell it keeps the files??
i dont have the option to choose where i want the file be kept..and i cant find it anywhere... so where i can find the received files? can i change someway the destanation folder? i looked in all settings of bluetooth and find nothing...
the secnod issue -Talk Summary -how can i Set the device that at the end of the conversation to show me how long I talked?
third- How do I prevent the device light up all the time during the conversation?
fourth- my operator (pelephone) does not shown in the connection setup and the result is very annoying connection error message every 5 seconds..message that says my operator not not exist and i need to turn to my operator provider
it shows me only CELLCOM and Orange but no pelephone...
final-how can i clean the main screen wallpaper from all the Unnecessary Messages like -New Voicemail and the Calendar? i looked all over the phone to fine the option with no luck...
please help me out guys ..
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1. it is store at my device/my documents
2.if u r using s2u2, it will show at the end of the conversation. But for only 1-2secs. If you want to check, you can go to Call History to see.
3.Rightfully, the device light sensor(beside the speaker) will automatically put the screen on off when u place ur ear against the phone. If not, u call press briefly once on the power button at the top to off ur screen.
4.Not sure. Mayb u can try manual network selection instead of auto (Phone settings > Network)
5.Not sure what you meant. But you can dismiss those notifications from the home page.
Hopefully it helps.
thanks for the replay buddy
1. i found the folder .. thanks alot :]
2.unerstood using this applicaion but it dosent show me that but never mind ..
3. even if i press the power button after few seconds it still lights up every moment when is speak and my ear touch and press few buttons which is very disturbing
if i will buy Headphones and will talk with them it not will light up ?
4.not works still the same
5.i meant the 3d touch flo home screen ..the messages that shown under the clock ..i want the home screen show only the clock and nothing under it is possible?
how can i do that
thanks alot
3.Call your operator and edit internet settings manually.
4. Install this "Touch InCall Screen Tweak Config"
5.Try this

